• Member Since 27th Apr, 2014
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In additon FiM I enjoy RPGs, Manga, Graphic Novels, Anime, Scifi, and Fantasy

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A break down of Online RPGs and how they work · 1:38am Dec 17th, 2016

Well to be more accurate, this is someone breaking down the game of a series and explaining why the game of the show is so bad while giving comparisons, many of which are real world (sort of), and giving a pretty detailed explanation of it all.

I would recommend this video for anyone plays MMOs, has played MMOs, is considering playing an MMO, is planning/working on a MMO.

And now comes to the part where I harp a bit about MMOs in shows, books, comics, graphic novels, etc. Having a single server for one nation is just plain stupid, lazy, infeasible, and a quick way to find yourself looking at so much lag the game might as well be unplayable. Having a central hub server to manage the other servers probably wouldn't be as buggy but in reality it would most likely be a central hub of multiple servers to help serve as regulators for all the actual servers for each nation, and the server number would have to be quite high even then to account for the total game content and number of players with active and inactive accounts, some of which will have players using a character to move about one of the servers. Something that I take less of an issue with is players using a single character, your first character in any game can be one you have an emotional investment in.

So, you've watched the video, and if you haven't go and watch it before giving a comment all of this, thoughts on all of this? Do you think any of this is helpful? Do you think any of the points brought up have merit? If you disagree go and say why with as much detail as you can, both here and at the video's page on youtube.

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