The Collab Cage 651 members · 141 stories
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Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

This page is where we welcome you all to say hi, talk about yourself a little, feel free to promote your own work and achievements here.

My moniker here is Peregrine Caged! I’m still relatively unknown on FiMFiction, but I organized a little project you may know of called The Album. It started off as a laid-back, simple little exercise but rapidly expanded into the wonderful one-of-a-kind achievement to creativity it is today.

I played a very small part in it, but while it was going on I was inspired--inspired to make this group you see before you. So please, make use of it! We’re only as good as the members make us.

Hello, I am Hope. I am fairly new at FiMFiction but I have been writing for several years. my main fiction is Becoming Fluttershy and I wrote the Dr. Whooves entry for The Album. :yay:

Hello! My name is Venatus75. I am somewhat versatile in my literature. I am primarily a proof-reader/editor, but I am also a writer. I've edited for quite a few people, though my main quote en quote client as of right now is Path_of_Cloud. However, I've recently started editing for Smoking Gun and KillJoy. I also used to edit for DawnFade. So yeah, I've got a bit of a resume, haha. I've also written Give it a Go?, a Sparity fanfiction, as well as more recently having written Pissed, for The Album collaboration. If you ever need an editor, don't be afraid to hit me up! I look forward to future collaborations here!

Hi! I'm bookplayer. I wrote the Apple Bloom story in The Album.

I write a lot of things, usually (but not always) involving shipping. I have a particular fondness for Dash, Applejack (and her family,) Twilight, and Scootaloo, and I usually ship AppleDash, with sides of TwiJack and aged up ScootaDash.

I also co-admin the AppleDash group here on FiMfiction. We have active message boards with a lot of great authors posting.

One more thing, I'm female. I only mention it because I know it's not obvious on the internet. :ajsmug:

Howdy howdy, Hope! Nice to meet-cha! Hehe, its funny; I just put your story in my 'to read' list yesterday. Looking forward to having a good read one of these days :raritywink:

As for intros, hi (again)! I'm Manlyderp (or Derply for short) and despite having been writing for this site for almost half a year now, I'm still fairly new and still not that active... lets see if something like this changes that!

I'm still trying to find my niche, but I've been told that I do characterizations well, and I know for a fact that I'm a bit of a... well... 'fluffer' when it comes to typing (if my monstrosity of a main fic is any indication), so if anypony is looking for someone to type like there's no tomorrow, I might be you're writer! Hope to see you guys around :raritystarry:

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin

I'm Merc.

I'm kind of a jerk and I talk about ponies sometimes. Though right now the gem of my eye is a humanized fic I'm writing called The Laughing Shadow. My hobbies include playing TF2, yelling loudly at television screens when shows are stupid, and cooking meat.

Thanks, and have fun.

Howdy, I'm Your Antagonist, and, yes I am in fact the evil one.

Let's see here, where to begin? I've been on the site for well over a year now, and I think I'm a fairly established student as far as creative writing goes, but I have so much more to learn. I hope to expand my horizons and understanding with the time I spend in this group.

As far as achievements in the fanfiction community go, I've been featured on EQD twice, and... well after that I'm kind of a lame duck.

I LOVE collabs. As for collaborative experience, I just wish there were more folks to write with. I've written four collaborative fanfictions with another writer on the site named Starwind Dood, and we posted the stories under a joint moniker called Midnight Legend Press. However, only one story remains on that page. If you want to see what a collaborative fanfiction looks like then check out Enabling.

Aside from that, I'll be lurking around here looking for interesting projects to help with. Don't hesitate drop a PM my way if you're looking for bodies to throw at a project! I'm always (sometimes) excited to help out with a collab.

Your Antagonist

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin


Godot was a fantastic antagonist. Just sayin'.

474913 I can already tell we're going to get along, Gaston. Ha, I made a rhyme.

I'm an editor/proofreader that hopes to dabble in the more creative realm of authoring a story. I mainly proofread for a lad by the name of Church, but I'd be glad to edit for anyone, weather it be part of a collab or otherwise. I've just started writing for fun, I have a story in the works and am contemplating joining one of the collaborations here.


Hey, I'm the FlimFlamBros. but you can just call me Flim. which is funny cause i wrote the Flim chapter of The Album.

I also am the author of For the Ones we Love a darker love story of the Sparity type. my most popular story to date.

i am also working on Beauty and her Spike another sparity inspired by beauty and the beast, and a bit more fluffy and vanilla if your not into darker stuff.

enough shameless advertsing. I love darker things, crazy things, funny things, and i am always willing to give your story a read if you ask, and i'll give you feedback. hope to see some good stuff come this way. fingers cross y'all.

Group Admin

Greetings all, the name's DarkPhoenix. I haven't been with the site for very long and haven't written anything, yet. Well, I did write the Twist story for the album, but nothing on my personal profile. I do have some ideas of stories to write, but I've got three other stories I'm working on right now. Soon as I finish one of those I'll get around to writing some MLP fics.

I mostly made a profile on this site to be able to follow my favorite stories, receive updates, and communicate with fellow authors. I also offer my services as an editor or pre-reader. I do have several clients on this site right now, but I can take on several more. If you're interested, send me a PM and I will list my qualifications for you.

I think that's all I have to say. Hopefully I will get the chance to work with you all on some great collabs.

Hi there Flam.

I am looking for a proofreader for my main story, if you read it (link up in my intro) and are interested, PM me! Keep in mind I wrote all that in the space of 4 days.

Hullo! I'm Dashie4Pres and I wrote the Pinkie Pie Album entry (this is starting to sound like an AA meeting). I have wrote almost nothing! But I'll get around to it eventually, I've got ideas just haven't gotten around to implementing them yet.

Also, I'm female. I only mention it because I know it's not obvious on the internet.

And I call shenanigans bookplayer, there aren't any girls on the internet. :trollface:

Group Admin

I will take a look at your story tomorrow.

Okay, you caught me. I'm actually a team of middle aged marketing execs doing market research on how we can make money off this "fanfic" thing. So, you kids like words, I hear?

Hey. It's just me, Kartal. Your friendly I don't do much here, and the stuff I do do is of low mediocre medium importance. I'm basically just here to try SUCCEED IN EVERYTHING. That's all I can do. I'm also here to help, should the need arise. I do pretty much anything. Just ask. I'm pretty approachable. I don't judge. Ummm...since everyone's doing it...I wrote Dramatic Irony and Help! My Best Friend's A Mare! . I wrote a bunch of other things too, plus the things I haven't even finished, but these two I actually feel were a success. Oh...I did Rainbow Dash in the Album.

Hello, I'm Sasha Nein. I suppose first off: I wrote Twinkleshine on The Album.
I've not got much on my achievement plate yet. But I do have another story up on fimfiction that I'm actively working on... as well as a couple of other unpublished projects.
My main goal here is to write and have fun. I've learned so much since I started my other stories and I can't wait to get into some more collabs.
I do a little drawing here and there. Been learning to draw ponies recently tho :pinkiecrazy:
Not much else to say... I play lots of video games, make trashy music videos and own a boat with which I go wakeboarding. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and I'm a psychonaut,
Sasha Nein

Halloo! I'm pawndidater2, but you can call me Pawn. I'm relatively new to writing in general, but any of my old English teachers would tell you I have potential. I have a total of one story up, and it was fairly rushed, but I think it came out okay. It definitely could have been better, however, and I plan on eventually coming back to it. I've been with this group about since fairly early, and wrote Sweetie Belle (Enlightenment) for The Album. I'm very excited to see this group finally come up, and wish for myself and everyone to have a good time!

As far as hobbies go, pretty straight forward. I draw ponies (can't do anything else, especially humans), play games, fiddle with electronic music and pictures (I made my profile picture over thar). I could kill you with the sheer awesomeness of my cello playing.

Find me on Steam if you want, I'm [CP] Derpy Hooves

Hey everyone.:pinkiehappy:
Well, I'm unknown too in the fimfiction fandom, except maybe for two fics: Muffin Delivery and 60's Spiderman Goes to Equestria.
The first one is also a collab so I might talk with the two other guys from Collab Time to join this together too. :twilightsmile:

As for me? Call me Andy. A 15 years old SLW (a.k.a. second language writer). It will be nice to see what will happen.

Hi, I'm Skandranon, will answer to Skan,

I'm an unkown for the most part, have written 3 stories so far and am going to put up my fourth soon.

My first fic was Memories Long Forgotten

Am currently working on a collab project with two others and am open to tips from those who have already done one.

Also just wanted to say I'm loving For the Ones We Love and am looking forward to the conclussion.

It's always interesting trying to write an introduction, because I'm rubbish at writing introductions. Hi, I'm DreamWings, and I'm an al--No, it's not an AA meeting (and I don't drink alcohol anyway :trollestia:). Anyway, bad jokes aside, I wrote the Pip entry for the Album... I know, not good right?

What else? What else? Hmm..I pretend to be a poet in my free time and everyone on Skype knows me as the girl who's too scared to speak and sings to herself instead :trixieshiftright:. Okay, that's do...for now.

P.S. I would tell you stories I've wrote but I won't bore you with that *cough*. I could tell you stories I've edited but that list is too small to be good enough...And I might tell you the list of stories I've reviewed but that list is too long. If anyone wants me to look at a story and review it I'm always here... And if anyone is willing to be a proofreader for me I'm always there waiting.

EDIT: That turned out longer than I thought..Neat.


Hello there, I'm GenericUsername(I got really creative there, didn't I?) and I wrote Spitfire's entry to The Album.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I tired my hand at writing. I only finished one story before I gave it up. However, after joining the MLP fandom and seeing all this incredible talent, I was compelled to once again try the art of writing. Surprisingly, I've actually gotten some positive response, so this time I'm here to stay.

I also edit for Calamity and LoreOfAMadMusician. If you're in need of an editor, send me a PM and we'll discuss it!

Finally, the idea of a collab group is great. My greatest trouble when it comes to writing is finding inspiration. When I have a couple of set guidelines to go by, I find the words to flow a lot more naturally.

Group Admin

Hey there, I'm JJ GingerHooves and yes, I'm actually ginger. Call me JJ, it's a lot easier.

Writing pony fanfiction is my first real stab at writing, so I'm continually improving. You may have seen this in the feature box: Role Reversal. But if you haven't, 'tis no crime at all my friend.

Uh. What else.



I'm a friendly chap...?

Yes. That's me.

Hi, I'm midnighttowboy. You can also call me theflaminghobo, Tor Coolguy, or Logan, as you prefer. I wrote the Soarin' entry in The Album. I also wrote a story about Time Turner (Dr. Whooves to all you Plebians.)
I think it's okay.

I like writing, you see, and this gives me a chance to practice with an actual audience, one I hope to entertain. I like writing other, not pony related stuff, but that's not really the point.

So, Yeah.

I'm Garbo. I'm pretty unknown (and, ahem, under-appreciated) on the site. I'm currently working on the Davenport one-shot for The Album, because Davenport is my favorite BG Pony. I just wanted to say that this group is a great idea, and collabs are one of my favorite things to do on the site.
Right now I'm running the Great Shipping Collab

Hi. I'm TheGLQwardvark (long story). I've been a member of Fimfic for a while now but haven't really done much in terms of writing other than my fic Barking Mad and a couple others. Other than that...not much to say. See y'all around.

Heya everyone! I'm .Pinkamena, though if you make up a nickname that's fine. I go by quite a few, though Pinkie is the most common here. I have a small number of stories up, but they aren't the greatest. I wrote the (Mr.) Carrot Cake entry of The Album.

Umm....yeah...I think that's about it. Oh, wait, I'm a girl. (I thought the name would show that, but I still get called 'sir' a lot...)

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

Kartal, do I have to make you do your introduction again? Cheer up, mate! Sheesh.

Feel free to post your collab, and any that you know of, in the Non-Affiliated folder. I also hope that this group can act as a sort of collection for all the collabs out there.

Lies and slander--this here is good people. Also, read his story!

Mmm, delicious words.

Wait, holy hell, you're 60's Spiderman Goes to Equestria?!

Since she is silly, I will direct you to both The Legend of Alicorn and The Diary of Diddy Discord. I suggest reading them, they're very good!

Welcome, oh ye who resides in Opposite Land.

475340 I'm glad you liked it :pinkiehappy:
It's my 30 mins derp :pinkiegasp:

Hello everyone! I'm MasterZero! You can just call me Zero.

I enjoy positive human stories and shipping stories. I've been a writer for a few years, and I like to think I'm relatively decent. I also wrote the Donut Joe chapter for the Album. Some of the stories I'm most proud of writing are Beauty In Error, Reconstruction, and Twilight Sparkle's Final Days.

My first collab was years ago, but after helping with the Album, I've wanted to try and do some more, if possible. I also have experience proofreading, so if anyone needs help with that, I'm more than willing to help.

* charges in without an ounce of coordination *

Bwaaah! This is what I get for giving into obsessions. * glares at obsession-causing objects * I've recently become completely infatuated with anime. Again. For the third time. So I missed the grand opening and frankly, am rather annoyed now.

Anyway, * bows gracefully * I am Calligraphy! Or Calli. Or several other things. I'm... huh. I suppose I can't say I'm new to FiMFiction anymore. Well, I'm still relatively new. I'm happy to be a member of such an amazing community & know so many nice people. I haven't written anything--that's been posted--yet, but I will have something up soon(ish). I also wrote the entry for Bon Bon in the Album, and I look forward to working with you all in the future.

Howdy, my name is Violet Lenoir on fimfiction if ya couldn't tell. I'm a big reader as I spend most of my time doing that, but my writing is more or less small time. I enjoyed working for The Album, but my own works aren't something that I really spend much time on anymore.

The Album has taken to calling me VioLen, so feel free to call me that or something else. If we do these collabs on Googledocs, you can recognize me as tynonalexander--and yes, i'm a male, don't let the girly name fool you.

I wrote Shining Armor in The Album, and that is the only piece of work I did that I feel comfortable talking about.

I cook the show and watch the baking. Eat the favorite pony and muffins the Derpy Hooves. Mixed up as a dragon that lost all his tags of library. Here for the fandom? Yes, but also the show. Writing, of mine. Is it writing? You can trash that and call it the garbage. Always ends up as some not not not not not not not unforgotten desktop on my draft. That is fine! Eat all the Applebloom! Do not Zecora for I have worry.

Hello! And I eat to welcome! I am non-non-non-non unhappy to be not here.

~The Seriously Screwed Up Author, Muffins

*waves* Hey all, I'm Tiroth, and I wrote the piece for Carrot Top in The Album. I also wrote an entry for the Project Horizons short fic competition a while back (which I have now added to this group), but nothing yet on my own profile. However, I have been planning a Persona 3 crossover for some time now, and I'm hoping to take a stab at writing it over NaNoWriMo, so that might start showing up by the end of the year. And, um, I kinda have a whole bunch of loosely defined ideas for pony-related fanfics, which is part of why I'm still planning the Persona 3 one. ^_^;

Also, for those who are unfamiliar with the origin of my username, I'm a dragon. Just...not a mean or careless dragon. I don't want Fluttershy getting mad at me. :twilightoops:

Hello, my name is Full Tome, clearly. I'm a bit of a reader, and I'm a completely new writer. I've not put out any serious content yet, but I've put in an attempt for Photo Finish in The Album.

Feel free to talk to me about anything, I've got a wide variety of interests, so I'll probably be easy to find some common ground with. And feel free to ask about writing in collaboration with me, I'll listen to any idea, but I have the right to turn down anything for any reason.

Who knows, I might come back to you on an idea after turning it down.

Wait, I'm in opposite land? when did that happen?

Hallo, all. In this place, I go by the monicker Dual Thrones. I'm a major scifi/fantasy fan which has led naturally to being brony.

Twilight Sparkle is best pony. Just saying.

I do a lot of work in my head and thus have a headcanon about ten times the size of any particular work, which leads to parts of the headcanon escaping and infiltrating what I do; readers can see this most vividly in my fic "Game of Worlds". I have one defunct/on hiatus story ("Five Weeks Till Midnight") but beyond that, I lack the time and concentration to be more prolithic. I am. however, enthusiastically willing to collaborate on works if ever asked.

Yo, my name is Little Storm Cloud! My only fic at the moment is Be Careful What you wish for, but I'm planning on writing some more, primarily a Minecraft Crossover fic.

But yah, I joined!

Hey, I'm Dawn. I wrote the Fleur De Lis entry for The Album collab.

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

I don't know whether I hate you or love you for a P3 crossover. Also, I am going to attempt NaNoWriMo myself! Good luck to us both and all involved.

Fantasy for the win.

Hello, I'm a crazy person.

Fear my!


Love the name. What's awesome? Freakin giant super robots!

You too, huh?

Hello, I'm bobdat who is responsible for the Cup Cake portion of The Album. Otherwise I occasionally write and more often proof read and copy edit.

Man, looks like I'm late to the party again.

Well, hello there, you can call me Therizzen. There's really not much to tell, quite honestly, other than I've edited and proof read for a handful of people, and that I like to view myself as someone who is just now getting over a MLP fanfic addiction :twilightsmile:

I've only completed one story so far, and that's my Raindrops entry that turned out to be a little too much for the collab. I will say, though, that I am currently trying to get the LunaDash ship out there, but don't hold me to anything, my mind tends to be quite fickle.

And now it seems I'll have to look through this group regularly. Maybe it'll spawn a few one shots that I can get out. And fun! there's that too :twilightsheepish:

Hey guys. Just thought I'd drop in and see what's going on in here after I made my contribution to the album.
My main ongoing fic is A Delicate Balance, everything else is sort of a side project.

Hopefully I'll be able to make time to contribute something to this group.

Hey, everypony! I'm Mendoza. I'm the guy who wrote the Nurse Redheart portion of The Album. Other than that, I have one chapter in a cross-over fic I put on hiatus for school and such: My Little Malkavian. It was an idea I toyed with when I first joined back in June and has since become a slightly annoying itch in the back of my head until I finish more of it. I also had a hoof in writing with a friend over the summer, "The Unfathomably Awkward tales of Steel and Midnight ep.1", in which our OCs go to a party. It was something we both thought would be good for a laugh.

About me personally..? Well, I'm quite passionate about words and singing. I'm also one of those people who reads clop fics for the sheer hilarity that many possess. :rainbowlaugh:

I am also willing to offer to proof-read as I once ate a thesaurus.

475497 I'd quite like to see a P3 cross-over, good luck with that :twilightsmile:

Hey there! I'm Minotaur. I haven't ever done a collab, so this piqued my interests. I've written several short stories over time, but never really published any online. My main story as of now is As It Were. English is my second language, but it comes veeery naturally to me, and I'm willing to proofread or anything you guys might need. I hope we can work together in the future!

Hi, I'm Ruins. Or 20firebird. Or River-White-Wolf. I have way too many usernames. Back on topic! I have never done a collab before, and I'm not the greatest writer. Or artist, for that matter. At the moment, I'm kinda-sorta working on two stories: one is based on two fan songs, 'The Moon Rises' and 'Lullaby for a Princess', by ponyphonic. It's basically the singers of the songs, well, singing it! My second is called 'Frostbite'. The plot is a bit blurry at the moment, so I think I'll just keep it to myself. I also have a fic, the name of which is currently undecided, that basically just follows the day to day life of my OC Ruins. Except plentiful craziness, and a good lot of OCs (pony or not).I have about a million and one characters, including cats (of various sorts), dragons, wolves, and plenty of ponies.
Aaaand I just ran out of things to ramble about. Bye!

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