• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
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Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.

More Blog Posts500

  • Today
    Do you have a character you headcanon as trans?

    And that no amount of canon evidence will convince you otherwise?

    Source: https://twitter.com/ekdsc/status/1797680437609062511

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  • Sunday
    Happy Pride Month!

    Aight, first pride out of the trans closet. I should probably add some serious words. Maybe share my own experience coming out twice in my 30's, and overall try and reach people either on a similar situation, or open the space for each one to talk about their experience too.

    But honestly, it's been a low energy day, so enjoy this meme and if you feel like sharing, I'm all ears:

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  • 4 weeks
    Looking back...

    Maybe there were signs about being trans I should have paid attention to.

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  • 7 weeks
    Sylveon being a trans icon since the beginning

    Today I learned that Sylveon's type was a debate before it was revealed they were the new fairy type. And in a way, that feels like the most trans way to reveal the little gender 'mon.

    Sylveon literally went through an speculation phase before coming out.

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  • 7 weeks
    Maybe I really should buy Helldivers 2

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The Great and Powerful Trixie Post! · 9:30am Jul 17th, 2014

I've reading my blog recently and I realized that it's been a while since I posted something that isn't about my stories, my writing process or my relation with this page. So, to stop talking about myself I will post this:

Why Trixie?

Yeah, I've been wondering this for a while. I love the character, fifty eight of my favorites stories feature her as a/the main character and my two favorites AU's are the Lunaverse and the Manehattanverse for reasons that may include the best pony ever. But why Trixie? Let's take a look at some possible reasons:

First impression.
Before Trixie there were other side character with their respective fandoms as also the always loved background poines. But in Trixie's case she literally owns the fandom to the point that many people (including myself) wants her to become a regular/main character. This could be attributed to her chewing the scenery, making everything around her about her, antagonizing the main characters and having a grey scale for morals. This makes her presentation to the world a mixture between Bender Bending Rodriguez, the Green Ranger and Boss, not a role model but actually shining because of it.

Behold, Trixie's meta textual fathers. All of them certified BADASS!

Visual effect.
I think that this one stands for itself, but a little of elaboration would come at handy. To start, Trixie isn't a recoloring of another character as most of the background ponies and her color palette seems to be more well thought than just mixing two random colors and hoping for it to stick. But the main reason of why Trixie stands so easily on the visual department is her magician's attire. In a world where everyone is completely naked (Applejack's hat doesn't count) she's one of the very few characters that wears something unique. Trixie is has a very memorable design mostly because she's completely different from the rest of characters on her world, even her silhouette.

Only a veteran brony could tell who are the characters in the first two images but even a hater could recognize the one from the last.

Okay, this one is a major point for me. As the series has progressed we have witnessed how dimensional can be a group of pastel colored horses but, that dimension is only palpable when it's a plotpoint. We have seen Applejack suffering for her pride, Pinkie Pie facing how her behavior affects others and Rarity debating herself between friends or career, but that only happens in punctual episodes. Also, in the last season we saw how virtuous can be the main characters and much of those virtues are what defines them as characters, it was the actual point of the whole season!
But in Trixie's case, she's more than meets the eye (and she's maybe a robot in disguise too). The stage 'personality' is not the whole extension of her character but she's most of the time acting. This became clear when she confessed herself in Boast Busters and when apologizing in Magic Duel:

Oh, I can't, I never have. No one can vanquish an ursa major. I just made the whole story up to make me look better.

It's the least I could do. I treated you and your friends so horribly when I was wearing that Alicorn Amulet. I just couldn't control myself. You can forgive me, can't you?

See? There's no scenery chewing, no third pony talking and no over the top bragging. In other words, this is the real Trixie talking instead of keeping an act. This two lines of dialogue says that there's more than "anything you can do, I can do it better" inside that pony's personality. Maybe she's actually a nice pony out of the stage, maybe she is and actual jerkass, maybe she's a totally different pony when not acting. The endless possibilities gives her almost as mush deepness as the main characters.

If the ones from above are Trixie's meta fathers, then she's definitely her mother.

The Fan interpretation.
A high point in MLP:FiM success is how the fandom makes it looks like. Lyra have something with humans, Derpy loves muffins and has a daughter named Dinky, Octavia an Vinyl are vitriolic best buds/lovers, Berry Punch is or was alcoholic, etc. Nothing of this is shown or even hinted in the show but when walking into this fandom those are primal axioms. Transformers is the only other animated show that has that level of dedication from its fans.
When it comes to Trixie, I'm sure we all have that special fanfic that made us like her, so here's a personal top eleven. Why top eleven? Because I'm a huge fan of the Nostalgia Critic.

11.- Trixie in a journey of friendship.
10.- My Little Western
9.- Trixcord
8.- In a Tavern, Down by the River
7.- The Unchosen One
6.- Longest Night, Longest Day tied with Brag you Down
5.- A Family Reunited
4.- Role Reversal
3.- Trixie's Gettin' Back On Her Hooves
2.- To Forgive is Equine

Especial mentions: Anything written by Yukito or Mooncalf, The Triumphant Return, For Her Mistakes, Trixie's Redemption, Nineteen Neighty-Four, of Ponies and Humans and this list.

1.- The Mysterious Ms. L tied with Mare-Do-Well: Regeneration

Agree with this list of reasons or I'm just rambling again? Let me know by the ancient and holy act of commenting.

Report Magenta Cat · 812 views ·
Comments ( 23 )

Well it's sure would be interesting and funny to see Trixie as more than a background character
she'd be just what Bender is to Futurama , our lovable jerk (ok may be not that jerk but still a bit )
the one who makes us laugh and that we want to see more.
Plus as you said she's one of the few who wear something who makes her unique , most of those who see her will forever remember her hat and may be not her cutie mark , because her hat s a bit like her symbol , she's made for the acting-scene and the magica tricks , fact who's shown more by her hat , than her cutie mark .

For my part if i had a pony that i'd like to see more (but that would be impossible unless he end up dating one of the mane 6) would be Soarin fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/079/9/c/matt_hill_request___soarin_by_pixelkitties-d5yortg.png
Unfortunately , since he lives in Cloudsdale and is a wonderbolt , he'll never appear that much.
what's cool with Trixie is that since she have no real house , she can live anywhere.

Now why is he my favorite , there's a lot of reason about that , the first and obvious one would be because he's a Pegasus and he's a bit like what i'd like to be later , a great pilot , may be wihtout the fame and the performing part , but.....even if i could why not ?
may be that's becausehe look a lot like one of my favorite hero and fictional character ever : Zack Fair th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/139/8/8/zack_fair_by_lacrimadoll-d3gozev.png
here's a Humanized version of him so you can compare : fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/134/b/0/rainbow_soarin_by_ninja_8004-d65b0b7.png
you can't tell me they don't look a lot like each other.

Lastly that would be because of how the fandom portrayed him ( as you said up there) : a bit goofy , careless , and wants to get fun , this is again how is Zack Fair and how i am most of the time. i do admit , and how i portrayed my principal Oc.

he got a cool cutie mark too :rainbowlaugh:
Apart from that that's what makes him my favorite pony

I strongly support the motion of Trixie being MLP's Bender.

Bite Trixie's well contorted and starry flank.

But to be honest, I would like to think she's more like Boss from Mazinger Z; a jerk with a heart of gold that actually wants to be the hero and help but keeps saying that his/her main goal is to prove himself/herself better than the protagonist.

And Soarin is a great character too, maybe he could actually date Rainbow (I like that fan canon that say Rainbow is the only non lesbian from the Mane Six, just for the laugh).

Dude, we follow a series about little pastel colored horses, the weirdness has become our daily basis.
and I agree about calling her "The Adorable and Sexy Trixie"

And Soarin is a great character too, maybe he could actually date Rainbow (I like that fan canon that say Rainbow is the only non lesbian from the Mane Six

to me they can be what they want , but i'd see him more with Applejack or Fluttershy
but you got a good point :rainbowlaugh:

Come on, let's be honest. The rainbow colored tomboy being the only non gay would be the mother of all ironies. As a matter of fact, in A Family Reunited, this actually happens but played for drama more than for comedy.

But being more serious about it, the only hint about 'preferences' given in the show is Rarity dreaming about Blueblood and Twilight sharing a few seconds encounter with Flash Sentry, so the options are widely open from where I'm looking.

About the shipping, I'm not a shipper by myself, but for some reason that escapes my attempts to explain I can actually see Soarin going on a date or two with Applejack (pies may or may not be involved into that reasoning).

2296203 you forgot how big mac was looking at Fluttershy's booty during the song , "you got the music in you" :moustache:
may be Hasbro don't want to anger the fans and stay with something simple , only giving some hints

As I said, I don't give too much thought to the shipping.

BTW, I just re-watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame for the very first time since I was a kid. Damn, that movie is one God-blessed masterpiece of a movie.

2296288 you said it , the songs in this one are fucking good , even in french and trust me french songs sucks , most of the time

Well, being about Notre Dame the language to fit into those songs should be actually french.
I'm hearing right now "The Bells of...", "Las Campanas de..." and Les Cloches de..." and the three are Crowning Music of AWESOME!

2296295 i'll try to listen to the spanish and English ones , but to me if you look at other films and compare , french songs suck , English ones are the best , Notre-dame is one of the few exceptions

I believe the The Hunchback's soundtrack is so EPIC! that it forces the studies of every country to give it all at the moment of translating and doubling, and the result are songs that keeps their force and sheer EPIC!ness in every single language they're sang.

And please look at this:

2296306 my.........i could totally see Trixie on a scene , singing that song in front of a crowd

Right, isn't it? She would be a perfect Clopin or, stretching it more, a rather good Esmeralda.

2296313 you're going to kill me......, you know , it would make one heck of a good story
Trixie being a esmeralda , a sort of Notre-Dame but not just a rewrite of the original
or may be Trixie just trying to play it on her stage with other ponies.

If I couldn't control myself I would be tempted to write it. But in my story is still Jekyll who has the last word about releasing Hyde, and I know that my talents aren't at the needed level of doing that, yet.

But as even Jekyll can't stop Hyde from talking, there's my list of characters:
Clopin: Pinkie Pie (a trickster)
Judge Frollo: Nightmare Moon
Archdeacon: Princess Luna (fulfilling the good side/bad side that judge and archdeacon made)
Quasimodo: Spike (the only non pony)
Esmeralda: Trixie
Phoebus: Shining Armor (both captains of the guard)
The gargoyles Victor, Hugo and Laverne: Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack respectively (super ego, id and ego)

2296327 nice list , but i'd put Derpy instead of Applejack as ones of the gargoyles

Maybe *sniff* maybe. I yet to meet one who can outsmart bull-- wait, wrong quote.

But I now I thing about it, in a meta sense, Derpy is Quasimodo for the MLP canon. Think about this scene.
Hasbro looked at the filly.
"A baby? *looks into the sheets* A monster!"
He looked around, searching for a way to dispatch the innocent creature. He found a pile of discarded ideas and headed to trow the poor character into oblivion. About to scratch her from even being in the series.

"NO!" Screamed Faust.

"It's a terrible design and I'm sending it to the trash, were it belongs."

"You can lie to yourself and the fandom,
you can claim you haven't a qualm,
but you never can run from nor hide what you've done from the eyes.
The very eyes of Notre Art!"

And for one time in his life
Of power and control
Hasbro felt a twinge of fear
For his immortal soul

And Hasbro gave the child a cruel name
A name that means wall-eyed, Derpy!
Now here is a riddle to guess if you can
Sing the bells of Notre Dame
Who is the monster and who is the man?

2296357 this needs to happen :flutterrage: !
beautiful ...so beautiful

2296357 that remind me

that song gave me an idea for a fic before with Shining armor and Twilight singing

(not promoting)
Trixie as a Yellow Lantern in the Blackest night is supposed to be a picture of dichotomy. :trixieshiftleft:On the one hoof she HATES Twilight Sparkle and wants nothing from her: but to save her own skin from a vengeful Rainbow Dash, she has to join Twilight's corps.. :trixieshiftright:On the other hoof, she loves the power she now has, the terror she brings, but realizes that the power and the feelings are additive, and a user can lose themselves to it and that it is bad…and warns Twilight about it because it is plain to her that her Corps commander has no clue. Could it be manipulation? Is it spite? A plan to take over? A life line for herself later when she falls? A warning with a clear mind because she knows she’s slipping? A veiled plea for twilight to find a solution for a character flaw she has herself? All of these are possible from Trixie: indeed she is possibly one of the only characters that it COULD be possible.

And yet there's people saying that religion is boring.

That's the charm about Trixie, she's a living wildcard. If you see the two tied in my first place of Trixie fics, they're completely different; one is a short slice of life tale and the other is an explosive dark action filled adventure in three big arcs. Two sides of the spectrum and both portray a believable Trixie.

About BN Trixie, I loved her part in the best Blue Lanter introduction ever and how, even when being sincere, she such an inscrutable character at the same level with others like Captain Nemo.

2297144 religion isn't that boring , it's just like history , every religions got their own and it's always interesting
take raptor jesus for example : pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/2373668254/image.jpg
he is an interesting character for sure:rainbowlaugh:

Nice little bit on Trixie, here. I never thought about her distinctive profile, there. And yeah, her coloring is really well thought-out, too.

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