• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Different Futures

Equestria. The Sea Temple, Samiya. Afternoon.

Looking into Donoma's Crystal Ball, different futures shall be shown to whoever gazes into it. Ash, Twilight, Applejack, Paradise and Sombra each gazed into the Crystal Ball to see what future could become a reality. And it was all centred around Galaxy Master's return.

All four of them showed up together, having ethereal forms due to the vision they were seeing. "Aren't we supposed to be viewing different futures? Why are we in the same spot?" Fluttershy wondered, expecting everyone to be elsewhere.

"The future might be in the same location," Twilight answered. "

Ash's vision showed him the man he wanted to see most. Galaxy Master. There stood the fictional character, standing in what seemed to be an unidentifiable city. This city looked rather obscure compared to what was known. For starters, most of them appeared as domes than the usual square or rectangular buildings that exist. The tallest buildings that matched skyscrapers even had domes at the top. A large motorway that was shielded by glasses was also seen, acting as a bridge that was above the ground. Everything about it looked rather futuristic.

"Woah...Sweet city. It kinda looks familiar." Ash scratched his hair, feeling like he's seen this city somewhere before. At least the style. But the main attraction was none other than Galaxy Master as his eyes focused on him.

Galaxy Master struck a strong pose, seemingly facing someone as the wind was blowing elegantly with his cape. And the one that was facing him off was none other than Ash himself. Ash saw his future self which was just his current self as to be expected. Both were staring each other down, having their respective Pikachu's also facing each other.

"This looks so cool!" Ash grinned as his future was rather positive in his eyes. It meant that he could meet Galaxy Master as he truly was but there was still a showdown involved.

And as for Twilight's vision, it was roughly the same but with a different scenario. Galaxy Master was sitting on the ground, having an assortment of books around him. Books that Twilight immediately recognized since they came from her own library.

And Twilight could also see herself sitting with Galaxy Master, reading these books with him. The two of them were having some knowledgeable enjoyment, even though Galaxy Master looked like he was struggling to keep up with it. "Is that what might happen? He doesn't quite look like he's that good at reading though..."

Applejack's vision was very different from the other two. She saw Galaxy Master having a taste of apple pies. However, there was a massive tease in this vision. For the first time, she witnessed Galaxy Master without his helmet on, spotting his hair as it did resemble that of Ash's.

However, Galaxy Master was facing away from Applejack, meaning that she couldn't see his face at all when stuffing it with apple pies, that were given to him by a future Applejack. At least she got to see his face. It was another positive future. "Dang'nabbit! I wanna see his face!"

Fluttershy also had a positive future shown to her. With Galaxy Master's amazing ability to summon Pokemon, it was no surprise that her future showed a plethora of Pokemon that Galaxy Master would call for. Fluttershys was simple. Very simple. Surrounded by many Pokemon that Galaxy Master managed to summon just to have a fun time with the pegasus and her own Pokemon. Fluttershy would even watch Galaxy Master summon a new Pokemon.

"I wish I could have that kind of power..." She even wished for something like that. Her love for Pokemon stretched that far.

Paradise had an odd vision. She had only seen Galaxy Master once when he showed up at Saddle Lake and faced off against Luna. She was still a Paradise Flower back then and did not emerge as a Flora Pony. All she saw was Galaxy Master in Saddle Lake and nothing more.

"Hm. I'm not getting anything that interesting..."

But the one who had the most striking future was none other than Sombra. Instead, what he saw was himself possessing Galaxy Master. But it was a double dose of possession. He was possessing both Ash and Galaxy Master at the same time. The dark magic from Sombra was pouring out of their bodies as he managed to affect two of them, gaining double sentience.

And with these two bodies, he stood atop one of the buildings, cackling at those beneath him. And the ones beneath him were various ponies with the likes of Twilight Sparkle being involved. The skies crackled with green lightning from Sombra's magic, hitting the ground and buildings.

"Hm. Not a bad future..." Sombra nodded his head, liking the way this future turned out. Possessing two bodies was rather promising, even though he has never possessed Ash's body before. He hasn't even tried to do so in the first place which made him realize how odd that was.

"So...What have you all seen?" Donoma asked them as everyone collectively pulled their heads away from the crystal ball.

"Seemed pretty cool. But how come we all had different visions?" Ash questioned.

"This Crystal Ball shows you the future that your heart prefers," Donoma explained. "And the best part is that whatever future you see can be turned into a reality, no matter how obscure it can be. It all depends on what your heart wants and the best possible outcome you desire."

"So it's a lot like the Crystal Heart," Sombra spoke as this greatly reminded him of the Crystal Heart. "Nothing special."

"But it's still wonderful, isn't it?" Fluttershy said with a soft grin while Sombra just shrugged in response.

"You all saw the same location but with different outcomes. The futures you all saw can go either way. Some of them might happen in unison. It all depends on what you do. The vision I had within my Crystal Ball was of this Galaxy Master character facing off against your friends, your majesty." Donoma continued.

"Yeah. That was my vision too but it was just me and Pikachu that I saw." Ash replied. "But judging from this, we've gotta meet up with him. I gotta see Galaxy Master again. There's so much I wanna do and it's the closest I'll ever get to seeing my dad again."

"Same here. We want to meet him without being controlled by the Rift," said Twilight. "From what we heard about him before the events on the Galaxy Tower went off, he wasn't bad at all."

"Then, we shall do just that, your majesty," Alo spoke. "With your call, we can take you to Galaxy Master. The crystal that responds to him is the key to that."

"It is? Can we find him that way?" Applejack asked.

"Of course. The crystal is connected to him and with it, we can locate his whereabouts. All we need to do is have the crystal lead the way and the temple will follow."

"In the meanwhile, you can gaze into the crystal ball as many times as you want," Donomoa suggested. "Different futures can come from it depending on what is on your mind."

"We'll get something else instead of Galaxy Master?" Twilight's attention turned back to the crystal ball. "That's one helpful crystal ball."

"It is, isn't it?" Donoma giggled before twirling the Crystal Ball. "I'll admit, I've used it in my spare time. My job as a seer is important but what's stopping me from just continuously looking into it. I'll admit I've used it for my own interests."

"She certainly has." Alo nodded. "I remember when you were younger, you would constantly use it to um...Rig games."

"Did she now?" Twilight and the others glanced over at the Seer.

"Well...Hm-hm-hm..." Donoma blushed, scratching her head while looking away. She wasn't exactly disputing it, making everyone believe that she exactly used the crystal ball to gain unfair advantages.

"Well done." Sombra applauded that immediately. Though it may be unfair, it was right up his alley and he saw no issue with it. "An excellent use of your resources.

"Really? Let me look into that thing some more." Applejack was fully interested in the Crystal Ball considering it could be used to view any future.

"You're welcome to do so." Donoma welcomed Applejack to take another look.

"We should be heading to the Treasure Room now, your majesty." Alo would focus on heading to the Treasure Room once more. After all, that's where the crystals could be found and a way to find Galaxy Master. As far as things are now, everyone within the Sea Temple that weren't originally inhabitants were in for a ride this afternoon. A ride across the planet.

Meanwhile, Rarity was rather occupied in this wonderful activity that she discovered in Samiya when passing by. Water Weaving. After seeing the People of the Water wear clothes made out of water, her interest was piqued. Naturally, she would want to try this out for herself.

"Drat! How do you do this?!" Of course, this was rather tricky for Rarity considering that this was a new level of dressmaking that she's never explored before. Water was not like fabric and interlacing sets of it was seemingly impossible, at least to her. Her hooves would pass through the water when trying to hold it. The People of the Water could perfectly grab the water but not Rarity. She stood in front of a cauldron of water that she would use to try and weave something but was failing miserably.

"You might need the help of the crystals for this one." A lady said. "That should be the only way you can weave these clothes."

"Perhaps." Rarity sighed as her hooves were completely wet from trying to weave the water. "Can you do this naturally without the help of those crystals?"

"Long ago, we used the crystals to use them but we've evolved to the point where we can hold water naturally." A man dug his hand into one of the cauldrons, picking up some water. In his hands, the water appeared solid as he would bounce it up and down. And not once did it a single drop fall. All the liquids within remained, amazing Rarity.

"Amazing..." Rarity's jaw dropped. All the more reason she had to learn this. She could only imagine what kind of clothes she could make with this skill. "I must master it!"

"Well, if you're having so much trouble, there is an alternative way." The lady replied, bringing up something new for Rarity to try. "We may have evolved to touch them in such a way, but Water-Types are capable of water weaving."

"Oh? They are?"

"Yes. But only within the Sea Temple. Not exactly everywhere else unless they have the crystal with them. If you have a Water-Type, perhaps you can get the clothes you want that way."

"I certainly do!" Rarity stood up with a prolonged gasp. She was lucky to have a Water-Type in her team. By digging into her saddlebag, she took out a Poke Ball that obviously belonged to her Milotic. By throwing it into the air, out came the Tender Pokemon Milotic.


"Milotic, I require some assistance from you. Or rather, I will be assisting you." Rarity spoke. "Both of us will help each other. It's about Water Weaving."

"Milo?" A confused Milotic cried out. What was Rarity talking about? Those were the words and thoughts that Milotic had. Water Weaving was obviously new to her as much as it was to her Pokemon Trainer.

"Just...bear with me. You've seen me weave clothes before. Constantly. I believe it's your turn. You can weave something with water itself. Your own speciality since you're a Water-Type."

"Milotic?" Milotic would then look at her tail as that was the only thing from her body that she could. "Milotic."

"For Water-Types, whenever they wish to weave water, we usually share our strength with them. Let's do exactly that with Milotic." The fashionable People of the Water approached Milotic, holding her hands out. They wished to help Milotic and even Rarity get through this Water Weaving process. Thus, they shared their power with Milotic, sending a golden light from their hands.

"Lotic..." Milotic cried out softly as her body was being blessed with the Light of Samiya. It felt comforting to be touched by this light. A truly wonderful feeling that made Milotic twirl for a moment.

"Feeling magnificent?" Rarity questioned. Milotic would twirl once more, practically confirming that to be the case. "Wonderful! Go ahead. Give it a try and follow my lead. Here, I'll try and weave a scarf as an example." Digging into her saddlebag once more, Rarity pulled out a piece of fabric.

Being the fashionable pony that she was, it didn't hurt to come prepared at all times. Rarity would be the baseline for what Milotic could copy. She's watched Rarity design multiple times so that was also a benefit. The Tender Pokemon then dug her tail into the cauldron of water before lifting it. Lo and behold, she managed to solidify the water to the point where she would raise it without spilling anything.

"Milo!" Milotic was taken aback by this. She didn't expect this kind of result. But now that she had the water in her clutches, she had to figure out how to weave it with just her tail which was rather tricky. And yet, inspired by her trainer, she had to try. Milotic would use her tail to the best of her abilities, bending it as it would squish the ball of water.

The People of the Water gazed as Milotic would start twisting her tail which would also caused the water to twist. They nodded approvingly as Milotic had her own unique way of weaving the water. She was grateful that it was solid and not as fragile as traditional water. Then again, this was still traditional water but manipulated in a different way. All the while, she was following Rarity's movements when weaving a scarf.

By focusing Rarity's hooves and manipulating her tail, Milotic was in a deep state of focus, one that should not be disturbed. The People of the Water would stay silent, not saying a word. They would simply observe.

The Treasure Room.

At last, they reached the Treasure Room. Ash and the others witnessed how this one crystal was going off, constantly glowing while the rest were not responsive.

"With this, we will find Galaxy Master as soon as possible. Light-speed travel will not help in this, unfortunately. We must let the crystal guide us. But the speed isn't so bad." Alo explained while standing next to the crystal.

"Gotcha. Twilight, everyone. Are you okay with travelling the world in the Sea Temple?" Ash asked as this would mean that they would travel the world for a while before they could reach Galaxy Master.

"Mmm...I don't mind." Twilight shrugged, accepting this. "We travelled to Sinnoh recently in our spare time. Why not do the same? I want to meet up with Galaxy Master too. For your sake, of course."

"It'll be fun! Can you imagine all the Water-Types we'll meet along the way? Or any Pokemon." Fluttershy agreed, mainly to see some beautiful sights while travelling the seas. "It'll be just like how you travelled with Princess Luna and the others when trying to find the Sea Temple."

"I should probably tell Apple Bloom about this. Gonna be gone for a while. Where's my Xtransceiver?" Applejack would quickly try and inform her younger sister about her sudden departure. That was confirmation that she would come along. Most of this was for Ash. After all, Ash wished to see his father and his friends would be there to support him.

"These crystals are something else...What else can they do?" Paradise wondered, amazed at what the crystal could do due to what she's heard so far.

"Oh, a lot!" Ash exclaimed. "I bet we haven't even scratched the surface of what they're capable of."


"You'd be right about that, your majesty. Each of these crystals were made to perform wonderful feats that would advance our civilization. Of course, most of it was done with our own hard work but the crystals have helped out in instances." Alo replied before facing all the crystals.

"You even have those exclusive crystals. The one for the People of the Vale and the one that Princess Luna made." Twilight added. "It's so beautiful how it resembles the night sky. How many personal crystals are there?"

"Hmm...I believe there are at least 3 personal crystals. At least, for what we all know." Alo answered and yet, he wasn't sure if that was the maximum amount of personal crystals.

"Three?" Fluttershy held her wings out, counting the personal ones. The first was the one for the People of the Vale. This involved someone like Carlita and those related to her. And the second was the one Luna made specifically for Galaxy Master in case things go south, unmaking the fictional character. But as for the third one, she wasn't so sure. "Which is the third one?"

"Yeah. Does it look different from the others or the same"? Ash asked.


"Ah. The third one. It looks like the rest with no unique appearance." Alo twirled his beard before then searching for that third personal crystal. "Truth is...we don't believe this third personal crystal has much of a purpose anymore."

"It doesn't? Does it work anymore?" Twilight questioned, wondering about this mystery crystal and its purpose.

"It should but the one who requires it is no longer around." Alo continued before finding that very crystal, taking it out. "Here it is. This is the crystal that has no purpose anymore. It can still be used for other things much like the other crystals but it's main purpose is practically non-existent now."

"Who owned it?" Fluttershy asked before she and the others leaned to view this crystal.

"Why it was this man." Alo would then harness the power of the third personal crystal, letting the light flow. Everyone followed up the light as it started forming a projection. In that projection, the visage of a man was materializing, showing Ash and the others who once owned it.

"Oh! No way!" Ash gasped as his eyes shrank at the one who showed up before him. It was a familiar face that only he and Pikachu recognized. Or rather, a familiar figure. Ash thought he would never hear about him again but he came back, having ties to the Sea Temple.


"The one who commissioned this crystal was none other than the King of Pokelantis."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 66 End.

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