• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Imbued Emotions

Sinnoh. Out in a Forest. Nightfall.

A chance encounter had occurred during this night in the Sinnoh Region, where nightmares were popping up frequently across different cities. Dawn and Piplup had run into Chloe and Eevee.

"Thanks for helping me cook. You're a huge help." Chloe thanked Dawn, to who she had been introduced to. The stew that Chloe made was in a better condition now that Dawn was here to assist her.

"No problem. We were looking for somewhere to camp, but then we realized we forgot to buy food." Dawn chuckled. "That's when Piplup and I were attracted to that wonderful smell!"

"Thank goodness. I thought I was being attacked by a Wild Pokemon..." Chloe was relieved to know she was still safe out here in the wild.

"Sorry about that. My name's Dawn. And this here is my partner Piplup." Dawn fully introduced herself and her tried and true travelling partner, Piplup.


"Nice to meet you, Chloe. Eevee. So, so, so. Where are you headed? Pretty fancy clothes to be walking out in the wild."

"Oh, I'm heading for Eterna City. I had a map to help me but...the rain took it away." Chloe shrugged. "Now I'm just moving aimlessly at this point with little direction. That's how it was in the beginning, anyway."

"Are you heading there for the Pokemon Contests? If you're taking part in them, then so am I!"

"No, I'm just there to watch. But you're a coordinator?"

"Sure am! I've been to pretty much every contest venue in Sinnoh!" Dawn proudly said. "Plus Hoenn, Unova and Johto venues. I've been all over the place."

"Even Equestria?"

"Well, I haven't actually taken part in any contests over at Equestria." She shook her head. "I only watch them. I chose not to take part in those. It'd be a bit unfair to come storming into those contests with all that experience when everyone there is still so new."

"Oooh...And you do this all by yourself?"

"Sometimes myself and sometimes with friends. But I'm never alone when I have my Pokemon with me. I remember when I journeyed across Sinnoh with my first group. We were a Titanic Trio. A group of three!" Dawn smiled, referring to Ash and Brock.

"Huh...Well, for me, this is my first time travelling alone." Chloe replied. "It's not so bad, so far."

"Hey, Chloe. How about we go to Eterna City together? How's that sound? I'll be your guide since I know the way." Dawn suggested, being the perfect person to guide Chloe there.

"Really?! Oh, that's what I wanted to hear!" Chloe was all for it. Dawn couldn't have shown up at a better time. "Many thanks, Dawn!"

A City in Sinnoh.

Meanwhile, those that watch over the dreams of all were ready to swing into action now that the moon was out. Luna and Darkrai were prepared to find this other Darkrai and put a stop to the nightmares that it was spreading across the cities of Sinnoh.

Luna had already entered the Dream Realm which soon extended into the Hyperdream. Darkrai would simply wait out here until his fellow Darkrai was forced out by Luna. Cleverly, Luna's Darkrai stayed away from the city to avoid taking any blame for what this other Darkrai was up to.

Luna noticed how the bubbles all had a dark aura around them, indicating which ones Darkrai managed to affect. And there were certainly a lot of them. Noticeably, Luna would spot the familiar bubbles of Ash, Twilight and the others who had also shown up to find this Darkrai.

Luna passed through Ash's bubble, entering his dream which could potentially become a nightmare. And of course, a part of her was curious as to what this nightmare could be. "Let's see...Can this Darkrai enter the realm as my own or perhaps it is already outside?"

Luna wondered when entering this dream, curious as to how this Darkrai would operate when it came to spreading nightmares. She doubts that it knew about the Dream Realm and yet she couldn't take chances. However, when entering this dream, Luna was met with something rather terrifying. Something overwhelming ominous.

A vicious wind would blow in her the direction the second she took a step into Ash's dream. With a grimace on her face, her ethereal mane would flow from this heavy and violent wind. As for the scenery, Luna found herself a city. Specifically, a city in ruins. It greatly resembled that of Canterlot.

"W-What is this?!" Luna gasped, recognizing the familiar scenery of Canterlot. The wonderful city that she was born and raised in was littered with cataclysmic destruction on a colossal scale. Scarlet flames of destruction are the new colours of what was once a hectic city, which has now become the stage of ruin and loss. Luna's eyes trembled at what she was viewing.

The more she looked at it, the more horrors she saw. Especially when there was an array of Poke Balls on the ground. She felt herself step on Poke Balls which were already broken or even shattered. The Princess of the Night raised her hoof, moving away from the destroyed Poke Balls. Alongside the flames that tore everything to pieces, the Poke Balls littered the scenery.

The air which would normally be filled with the scent of fresh food and the sound of ponies and Pokemon is now a barrage of sounds of endless burning. A sight of pure nightmares. The city that was once rich in the scents and sounds of hard work is now carrying a thick, black smoke and small embers, something no survivor would ever forget. And the one standing in the midst of this ruined area was a human. Luna spotted this human as she didn't recognize him at all.

It was none other than Prisma.

Or at least, the back of Prisma. That was all Luna could see as this mysterious character appeared once more. This time, in Ash's dreams of all places. "Who is that..."? Luna quietly said. Her quiet voice wasn't enough to ignore Prisma's ears. The mysterious trainer would slowly turn his head, startling Princess Luna. Luna shook her head, having no time to wonder who this was. She had a job to do. And that involved eliminating these nightmares.

Before Prisma could fully spot her, Luna would unleash a flare of magic that also had some of Lunar Ire's power within it. The dark blue magic from her horn expanded rapidly, enveloping this entire nightmare to try and force Darkrai out. If it was here.

And when enveloping this nightmare, that's when Luna saw it. A glimpse of Prisma's face. It was brief but visible. In that instance, she saw the face of someone she knew, making her gasp audibly in shock before eliminating the nightmare completely.

"Ah!" Ash gasped upon waking up. His friends all stayed in this city for a bit to get some shut-eye tonight. Each of them collectively woke up after receiving specific nightmares. Waking up with startled reactions would end up startling Pikachu and the others who hadn't received the same treatment. "Oh, man..."

"That was horrible!" Twilight exclaimed, nearly falling out of her bed before being caught by Absol.

"Darkrai got us...So is it close?" Fluttershy questioned.

"It has to be if we just got these nightmares," Goh said. Everyone else rubbed their eyes, dazed and bewildered by the nightmares they had. Judging by how they received nightmares the moment they entered this city to rest up for the night, Darkrai had already shown up here.

"Are you alright?!" Jump scaring them was none other than Princess Luna, who appeared into this room by accessing Ash's dream.

"Gaah!" Ash and his friends would yell once more. This time, Twilight would fully fall from her bed, landing on Absol who fell flat on his face. All of them would end up falling once Luna appeared out of nowhere when they were this perplexed after those nightmares.


"Princess Luna...?" Twilight groaned, raising her head as everyone else would grumble, wishing to head back to bed at this point.

"Apologies..." Luna apologized, looking down at Ash. "I didn't think you'd be here of all places. I expected to be back at Pallet Town or Ponyville honestly. What brings you all here?"

"We're just here to investigate the whole nightmare problem that's been going around the cities of Sinnoh..." Ash grumbled before sitting up. "And it's only the cities, actually. That's what Darkrai's going for."

"Ah. So you have seen the news as well. I plan to rid any nightmares that Darkrai will form by entering the Dream Realm. Meanwhile, my Darkrai will stay outside, waiting to catch the other Darkrai in the act." Luna explained.

"We got our nightmares just recently...Which means..." Ash stood up, finding the strength to energize himself during the night. "Darkrai's around."

Ash was right on the nose with that. The Darkrai from New Moon Island wasn't done with this city just yet. A dark portal would appear next to one of these buildings as the Pitch Black Pokemon had emerged from it, finishing spreading a nightmare to another innocent person.

However, before it could continue, the Dark-Type would immediately sense something that was behind it. Or rather, someone. "Dark?!" Darkrai gasped, turning to see another one of its species there.

"Found you." Luna's Darkrai had arrived. Fitting that another Darkrai would know when to find one of its kind. Luna's Darkrai eyed down the Newmoon Island Darkrai, already sensing that it was prepared to spread another nightmare. "This is where you stop at once."

"Darkrai...!" The opposing Darkrai didn't expect to see another of its kind here. After all, it is incredibly rare to see two Darkrai in the same area together. As for when two Darkrai meet, a double dose of nightmares certainly wasn't bound to happen anytime soon. Not when Luna's Darkrai came to stop those nightmares.

When the Newmoon Island Darkrai attempted to move away, Luna's Darkrai would mirror its movements. Trying to escape, it was met with a mirror of itself by Luna's famous Darkrai, who already predicted what the opposing Darkrai would pull. Trying to leave here as soon as possible, the Newmoon Darkrai would narrow its eyes, only for Luna's Darkrai to do the same.

Rapid movements were made. The opposing Darkrai would try and zip away, only for Luna's Darkrai to match its speed, zipping at the same pace and appearing next to it. Yet again, the Newmoon Island Darkrai would fly to a different direction, only to be pursued by Luna's Darkrai. Luna's Darkrai seemed to be on the same page. Fitting since they were the same species. Due to how secretive and lone they like to be, they naturally share many characteristics and thoughts.

"Dar...Krai!" Seeing that Luna's Darkrai was going to be at the same pace, the opposing Darkrai would try and change that. It ended up using Ice Beam, shooting it into the ground. The chilling beam of ice would then form a vicious blockade of ice which would race in Luna's Darkrai's direction.

"Hm?!" Luna's Darkrai gasped before flying out of the way, barely evading the sharp blockade of ice. This momentary evasion gave the opposing Darkrai a chance to flee. But the famous Darkrai wouldn't let himself fall behind. After evading the blockade, he noticed how the opposing Darkrai would form a portal from the shadows, ready to depart.

A Thunderbolt was unleashed, moving at lightning speeds to intercept the opposing Dark-Type. The Newmoon Island Darkrai had been stopped as the lightning bolt blew away the portal. "K-Krai!"

"Stay here," Darkrai commanded. "It's not like us to just go out and afflict nightmares on others without a reason. Why are you doing this?"

"Dar!" The Newmoon Island Darkrai responded. Not only did it reply to him, but it would launch another attack, this time using Dark Pulse.

"Is that so?!" Darkrai understood those words before then using his own Dark Pulse. The two beams of darkness that were imbued with dark thoughts would clash against each other, causing a small shockwave that rippled the air itself.

Hearing the battle, Luna immediately rushed out to see how her own Darkrai was doing. She came at a brilliant time to see the conflict between the two of them. The opposing Darkrai was planning on leaving this city instead of continuing to spread nightmares while her own Darkrai was doing everything in his power to keep him here.

"Darkrai!" Luna cried out as she was joined by Ash and the others who came here for that reason. How lucky were they to see two Darkrai? They were the only ones considering the city was currently asleep at the moment with some suffering from nightmares.

"Dar...Darkrai!" Suddenly, the Newmoon Darkrai's Dark Pulse was beginning to win, growing in size and moving ahead.

"Hm!" Luna's Darkrai gasped. He could feel the power increase from the opposing Dark Pulse. "Is that it..." Darkrai's eyes widened as he wasn't surprised by how he was being overpowered. Rather, it was why he was being overpowered. Once he figured that out, he emitted a bit more power into his own Dark Pulse, barely managing to cancel the attacks out. The two attacks would explode with Luna's Darkrai receiving the worst of it due to how close it was. "Gah!"

"Dark!" Both were blown back at the end of it all, whirling through the air. But while being pushed back, the Newmoon Island Darkrai managed to create a portal behind itself. With one eye open, it would eye down Luna's Darkrai and the rest of the ground before sinking itself into this portal, heading elsewhere.

Anywhere but here.

"Darkrai! Are you alright?!" Luna quickly rushed over. Thankfully, Darkrai would be fine. He held his head, feeling a bit of blowback from that dark outburst.

"I'm fine...I was just...surprised by what I felt." Darkrai groaned, shaking his head before recollecting himself.

"Surprised. By what? Did something happen with that Darkrai?" Ash asked.

"That Dark Pulse clash. We were even at first but I soon felt the greater power behind it. Greater than I expected. Dark Pulse is an attack that is always imbued with Dark Thoughts. It's tied with our emotions." Darkrai looked at his claw, generating a small pulse of darkness. "And the emotions behind that one attack were exceedingly strong."

"They were?" said Fluttershy. "How come? Is that Darkrai feeling okay?"

"Those emotions are probably the reason why it's been moving across the cities, spreading nightmares. We Darkrai don't just set off to afflict bad dreams on others. We always have a reason behind it. And this is no different. There was always something more going on than just a hostile Darkrai."

"So what's it all about then?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "Is it mad at someone or something?"

"Only one way to find out. We'll keep searching for that Darkrai." Luna said. "But...since you know your species far more than any of us combined...I can see that we should try a different approach. Whatever that Darkrai is experiencing, perhaps we can sort it out before these nightmares spread out some more."

"Mm." Darkrai nodded before descending into the shadows, already moving out. Luna would then prepare herself to enter the Dream Realm once more just to keep up with the opposing Darkrai.

"I guess we're heading to the nearest city then," Ash spoke as he and his friends would have to find the next city their own way. "Audino. We'll need all of your hearing capabilities for this one."

"Audino!" Audino saluted. They could all count on her. All she had to do was listen in for any grunts depending on which city they find.

"I wish I could head back to bed though..." Starlight and Goh collectively grumbled, wishing to sleep some more.

"Later. After this is all done." Pinkie Pie would push them both as this was not the time to be sleeping unless they wanted more nightmares to emerge.

Out in a forest. Day.

Hours had passed. And as a result, a new day had come. Dawn and Chloe fell asleep in a tent with Chloe being the first to wake up. Lucky for them, they were not afflicted by any nightmares from Darkrai, simply because they weren't in any cities. But for Chloe, she had her own nightmare upon waking up.

It was her hair. "What do I do?! What to do?!" Bed hair was one of her nightmares as she wasn't exactly the biggest fan of it due to how messy it appeared. Her naturally simple hair was now big and fluffy. Perfect for a small Pokemon to live in.

"Mmm...Wha?" Dawn would soon wake up thanks to the cries of Chloe.

"Don't look at me!" But Chloe would prefer that no one should ever see her with this hair. Even though Piplup and Eevee, who were already awake with Piplup nudging Dawn, had already seen it.

"What's wrong?" Dawn asked before revealing that Chloe wasn't alone in this. Chloe gazed at Dawn, noticing how her bed hair was on par with hers. Large and frantic. Although, Dawn didn't seem to mind as much. For Dawn, this was natural thanks to her adventures across Sinnoh.

If this was her first time out in the wild, this would be worrying to her. But with how much time has passed, it was all-natural and nothing to worry about, as opposed to Chloe who would worry about it. After all, it was her first time.

"Piplup-lup!" Piplup would have both of their backs, using Bubble Beam. The bubbles would blast the hairs of Dawn and Chloe, acting as a refresher. And it was highly effective. With just this single barrage of bubbles, something that would take some time and care had been solved in seconds with their hairs returning to their original styles. Well, for the most part. Chloe had a massive hair strand at the top that was sticking out.

"See? Piplup's extremely helpful when it comes to things like this."

"You're right! Thank you, Piplup!" Chloe marvelled at how quickly her hair had been cleaned up.

"Lup..." Piplup blushed, appreciating the praise he received. Now that they were clean, they would gear back up, continuing on their journey to Eterna City together. All the while, completely exempt from interacting with Darkrai or anything involving this Pokemon at all. At least, for now.

"We'll sleep at the Pokemon Center tonight at this pace," Dawn said while leading the way. But of course, when moving along, the further they went through the forest, the more she and Chloe would see. Previously, not many Pokemon could be found here.

Now that they were getting somewhere, Pokemon would start popping up. And catching Dawn's attention was a Budew as her eyes lit up. "Aw! A Budew!" She would rush over to the Grass-Poison-Type just to admire it. "Sooo Cute!"

"Is now really the time for that?" Chloe questioned if it was necessary to suddenly zip over to view just one Pokemon instead of advancing. But it wasn't just a Budew that caught Dawn's attention. A beautiful and sparkling spring was right next to this Budew as Dawn gathered water from it.

"It sure is! Come over here and feel this spring water, Chloe!" Dawn threw the water in the air which prompted Piplupl and Eevee to leap into it, giggling together. Chloe shrugged as she might as well indulge in it. It's not like it would take away too much time for her journey. But she still had to return eventually once school break is over. And the distance from Sinnoh to Kanto was something that no one could scoff at.

However, along the way, Chloe would notice how Dawn would constantly stop once something caught her eye. She would frolic in a bed of cherry blossoms next which was also surrounded by beautiful flowers that could warm the heart in every way.

Chloe would rather hurry along, even if the scenery was stunning. But Dawn had a different approach. She would once again find something to do, grabbing berries from a tree to consume while also consuming more time. Lying on the soft grass was next. Climbing a tree to spot a Pokemon on top of it that was hard to see and so much more.

And with all of these actions, each time Chloe told her to hurry, Dawn would respond with her signature catchphrase. "No need to worry!"

"There's a lot of reason to worry!" Chloe bellowed, growing rather tired of these delays.

"Oh! How about saying 'That's when I worry the most'"?" Dawn giggled, suggesting an alternative to her catchphrase that was more on the negative side.

"Dawn, if we keep stopping, the day will be over before we know it!" Chloe exclaimed, wanting to get a move on instead of stopping at whatever seems eye-catching.

"If you're travelling there's no shame in having some fun, ya know," Dawn begged to differ. "The scenery's all around you to see. That's something no map can fulfil."

"I am having. I'm just saying we should keep moving." Chloe replied. "Geez. You're being too thoughtless, don't you think?"

"Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes the best journeys come from that. Just saying." At this point, the two of them had differing opinions. The Sense of Freedom and the Sense of Objective. Eevee and Piplup would watch their respective trainers' babble at each other because of this split, sparking up some unfortunate tension.

Further into the woods, while Dawn and Chloe kept moving, the Sun was already beginning to set once again and there was seemingly no sign of Darkrai anywhere. But that was to be expected. Nightfall was the right time to strike.

All the while, Princess Luna would be patient, waiting for her older sister to finish lowering the moon. By ascending and hovering in the skies she could already see the nearest city. Playing the waiting game was crucial when it came to finding Darkrai.

Luna couldn't help but wonder what her own Darkrai meant by what the opposing Darkrai felt. The Dark Pulse Clash was seemingly going to be one-sided depending on what either was feeling. "My Darkrai was not feeling any sort of emotion at that time so his Dark Pulse didn't have that same boost. Then what has become of that Darkrai?" The Princess of the Night wondered while flying through the skies. "Something must be bothering it. Does it have to do with its home or..."

"It's not so bad. We can still make it either way." A voice grabbed Luna's attention. A rather familiar voice. One that she hadn't heard in quite a while. A few years but still around the timeframe of the Pokemon World being introduced to Equestria's inhabitants. It was none other than Dawn's voice as she was still chatting with Chloe about this.

"I would've preferred to be there earlier." Chole puffed her cheeks as the two looked away from each other. "Geez...I'm going to be so late when school starts up again. The sun is already starting to set..."

"Oh, it's Dawn." Luna recognized Dawn, preparing to approach her. However, she would soon notice that Dawn and Chloe were not the only ones being approached. The Moon Princess spotted a charging Pokemon nearby, unknowingly heading in the direction of these two trainers and their Pokemon. "Hm?"

"Rhydon!" It was none other than a Rhydon, viciously rushing through the forest, knocking some trees over as everyone's attention had been grabbed by it. Below and above.

"Huh?! W-What's that?!" Chloe was startled by the sudden appearance of Rhydon as it put an end to this bickering.

"A Rhydon!" Dawn exclaimed upon seeing the Drill Pokemon. Unbeknownst to her, Luna had also shouted the same words as her, having the same reaction.

As for Rhydon, it came to a screeching halt upon reaching this area. This Rhydon had something peculiar on its face. At least, peculiar to Dawn and Chloe but not to Luna who spotted it as well. Bags were under the Rock-Ground-Types eyes. Bags that belonged to someone deprived of sleep.

"It's been affecting Pokemon too?!" Luna gasped, realizing that this opposing Darkrai's nightmares were not fixated on just humans. It seems that even Pokemon were hit by it even if that didn't seem to be the case earlier. And this Rhydon was a victim of it.

Deprived of sleep, this Rhydon was naturally agitated. So agitated that it warranted a rampage to try and tire itself out. Alas, the fact that Sun was already close to leaving meant that this was a failed attempt, only fueling its agitation and anger some more.

Chloe shuddered as encountering a large Pokemon was one of the many things she wished to avoid during her brief travel. Unfortunately for her, when it comes to a Pokemon Journey, short or long, a big Pokemon is bound to appear. Somehow in some way.

"It looks exhausted." Dawn would soon notice Rhydon's status. "Stay back, Chloe!"

"You heard her!" Replying to Dawn was none other than Princess Luna who immediately came soaring down. She made quite a powerful entrance too, causing a small wind pressure that would blow the hairs of these two girls while she left marks in the ground from how powerful her landing was.

"Princess Luna!" Dawn gasped upon seeing the little sister to Equestria's prime ruler.

"Princess Luna...? Huh?!" Chloe's eyes shrunk as this was rather unexpected. So unexpected to the point where the arrival of Rhydon paled in comparison and wasn't startling any more. Now, it was Luna that was startling.

"Those eyes. I did not think that Darkrai would go for the Pokemon as well but...It might be growing unruly as time goes on, perhaps." Luna observed, believing that this Rhydon was only recently experiencing these nightmares. Even more recent than what many cities across Sinnoh were feeling.

"Darkrai? What's a Darkrai?" Chloe had a few questions she wanted answered. For Dawn, this wasn't a big deal at all.

"Don! Rhydon!" But Rhydon would rather not stand around. Not when it wished to desperately sleep at last. Aggravated, the Horn Pokemon would charge in with Megahorn, eyeing down Dawn and the others.

"Piplup, use Bubble Beam!"

"Go Frillish!" Luna would send out her own Water-Type. And in this case, it would be Frillish as both her and Dawn were focusing on super-effective attacks. Luna's Poke Ball flew alongside Piplup, moving at the same pace as the Water-Ghost-Type had entered the fray.


"Piplup!" Piplup would instantly shoot out bubbles from his beak but this time to deal some damage instead of refreshing and cleaning her friends.

"Hydro Pump!"

"Lish!" Following that was Frillish's Hydro Pump. From his body, he unleashed a powerful stream of water that had a high volume as it travelled alongside the bubbles. Both Water-Type attacks would crash into Rhydon, dealing super-effective damage twice.

"R-Rhy!" The power of these attacks would launch Rhydon, sending it flying past the trees it had already taken down. Luna would then ascend, wondering if she could spot more Pokemon that have been affected by Darkrai's power. Before that, she would have to free Rhydon of this horrible sensation by giving it the freedom to sleep peacefully once more.

Luna would fly on ahead, pursuing Rhydon even after sending it afar. Dawn and Piplup would soon follow as Chloe would stay still. A part of her definitely didn't want to go along with something so dangerous going on but another part of her wanted to. The latter ruled out the first part as Chloe mainly felt intimidated if she were to be alone like this.

"W-Wait for me!" Chloe and Eevee followed them as it was better to stick with these powerful trainers than to be alone where another agitated Pokemon can show up.

"I'll have a lot to fix unless I can find that Darkrai," Luna said while flying through the forest with Dawn and Chloe trailing behind her. "We can-" Just then, Luna would abruptly stop her sentence. Something forced her to stay silent and even come to a screeching halt.

"What is it, Princess Luna?!" Dawn asked once Luna just stopped, no longer pursuing Rhydon. It was rather fitting that Luna was now the next trainer to stop and gaze at something that caught her attention. Much like Dawn. And Dawn would be in the same boat, having an identical expression to the alicorn. Chloe, who was a bit behind, would catch up, managing to spot what they each spotted ahead.

Lying there on a large rock, emanating a beautiful pink glow was a Pokemon that was said to resemble a Heavenly Maiden. The one who was the complete antithesis of Darkrai, using her crescent feathers to dispel nightmares. Injured and resting to stave the pain away was none other than the Lunar Pokemon.


Dawn, Luna and Chloe have found this Legendary Pokemon of Splendid Dreams in the forest. All the while, the pursuit of the opposing Darkrai continued and the unravelling of its true intentions. What fate lies in store for each of them? As the journey continues.

Chapter 46 End.

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