• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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In Divine Company

The Celestial Garden.

During a nightly escapade with his Mythical friends, Mew found himself at another realm connected to the Ambrosial Plane with Meloetta and Victini by his side. Thanks to Victini finding out about the portal that the angels were taking to Unova, their nightly escapade led to this divine realm.

Alas, that led them into trouble when dealing with enigmatic divine beings who immediately saw that the three of them were still alive and not eligible for the afterlife. A chase ensued between them and when doing their best to escape from these Divine Enforcers, the Mythical Trio found themselves bumping into a Pokemon that was up here. Not just any Pokemon, but a Lucario, who was specifically looking at Mew.

"What are you three doing here?" Lucario asked, knowing that they were also alive. The fact that they lacked that same divine glow around their bodies like Lucario gave it away immediately.

"Oh, there's a familiar face!" Mew spoke, getting right back up. "So there are others like us up here!"

The Divine Beings with enigmatic appearances got closer, closing in on Mew and his friends. The Mythical Trio would screech as they were currently backed into a corner, next to one of these towering spires. They were still in trouble for trespassing in divine company.

"Wait." Lucario stepped forward, halting the Divine Beings with his arm out. They immediately stopped in the presence of someone who has passed. "I can take it from here." And with a nod of acknowledgement, the celestial entities stepped back, their mysterious gazes lingering on Mew and his companions before they faded into the ether.

As the tension of the chase finally dissipated, Mew, Victini, and Meloetta breathed a collective sigh of relief, grateful for the unexpected intervention of their newfound ally. With Lucario by their side, they knew that they were in safe hands, and that they could finally rest easy knowing that they had escaped the clutches of the divine beings that had pursued them through the Celestial Gardens.

"Now..." Lucario closed his eyes before facing the Mythical Trio. "How did you three get here? The Ambrosial Plane is for those who passed on. And you three are clearly still alive and well."

Mew, Victini, and Meloetta stood there like children who had just been caught. Meloetta hung her head in shame for trespassing on divine territory even though it was not yet her time. They knew that their presence in the Celestial Gardens was highly irregular, and that they would need to tread carefully if they hoped to avoid further trouble.

"Well, it was a portal. That's all." Victini spoke, being the culprit of it all. Since he found that portal, he dragged his friends into this mess. "Some angels left it out in the open so..."

"A portal out in the open?" Lucario's eyes slightly widened when hearing that. "Hm. It must be because of recent events that the angels are slipping a bit. Even so, leaving a portal to the Afterlife out in the open is still a tremendous oversight."

"But it's fine. Thanks for saving us. We could've been put on that same trial Ash was on!" Mew chuckled.

"Did you say Ash?" Lucario immediately recognized that name, having a knee-jerk reaction to it. Lucario froze for a moment when hearing it.

"Do you know Ash too?" Meloetta asked, noticing his reaction. "I guess everyone up here would know him after that trial.

"While it's true that he's known across the afterlife because of the trial and putting both afterlives together...that's not why I know." Lucario shook his head. He knew Ash way before this celestial event took place. "I thought you were the same Mew, but maybe not."

"What do you mean?" Mew tilted his head in confusion before thinking about something rather stellar. "Are there other Mew up here?!"

"Not exactly. All Mews are still down on Earth or either in alternate universes. Up here, the lives of all those across the universe exist, where we can all live at our best, free of everything that caused us turmoil. It's not exactly a place where you should be chased by the Divine Beings."

"Our bad..." Victini and Mew said in unison. They understood that a place like this shouldn't have conflict at all and they nearly brought it here.

"You should probably leave. If that portal is still around, take it before it closes." Lucario requested, seeing it best for them to return.

"Oh, please! We wanna see more of this!" But Mew was far too curious about this place and so was Victini. Both of them didn't want to waste an opportunity such as this.

"Yeah! You're not the only one up here, right?! Where's everyone else?!" Victini bellowed. Both Mew and Victini threw pleas at the Aura Pokemon, wanting to stay here a bit longer.

"Urgh..." Lucario's eyes narrowed as he listened to Mew and Victini's pleas, a sense of frustration evident in his expression. He understood their curiosity, but he also knew the gravity of the situation they were in. But considering who these two were, it would take a lot to make them stop. They are very much used to doing their own thing after all. "Goodness. Luckily for you, I can do this. I'm an angel myself now."

"You're an angel too?! An Angel Lucario?!" Mew and Victini both gawked at the possibility of an Angel Lucario. And right now, they were standing in front of one

"Only by passing." Lucario crossed his arms. "Those who pass on and enter the Ambrosial Plane become Angels as well. And as an Angel, I can allow you to continue exploring the place further but I will have to send you back afterwards."

Mew and Victini's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of further exploration, their spirits buoyed by Lucario's unexpected offer. To encounter an Angel Lucario was a rare opportunity indeed, and they couldn't pass up the chance to see more of this wondrous realm.

"Lucario! There you are!" They would indeed be someone else other than Lucario up here. He wasn't the only angel up here. Rushing through the beautiful flowers as the sylphs flew off was someone wearing a rather familiar outfit. Mew recognized this outfit but only in one instance. It looked like the same outfit Ash wore when at Rota.

Mew did recall seeing the image of the person approaching. It was only one but he recalled it. His mind flashed back to when he saw the painting of Lucario and the man standing next to him. As the figure approached, Mew's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing with recognition and disbelief. It couldn't be, could it? But as the figure drew closer, there was no mistaking it.

Sir Aaron.

"Sir Aaron." And from the mouth of Lucario, that was indeed Sir Aaron himself, standing before the Mythical Trio.

"Quite a ruckus I heard nearby. Did it come from these three?" Aaron turned his attention to the Mythical Trio.

"Are you...that one on the painting?" Mew gawked. "You are!"

"Morning. Or Evening, I guess." Sir Arron chuckled when greeting them. He would soon notice a lack of a glow around the tree of them. Nothing to signify them being Pokemon that have passed on. "Hmm...That's strange. No glow?"

"They're trespassers, Sir Aaron," Lucario asked. "Ended up in the Afterlife by taking a portal out in the open. A complete oversight from the angels."

"That so..." Aaron slowly nodded his head. "The angels haven't exactly been their cheery selves ever since Lightwing got captured. Pretty disheartening to see them getting stressed. But...entering the portal to the Ambrosial Plane is a pretty naughty thing to do. Just saying."

"Eehh..." The Mythical Trio were given that lesson yet again. Mainly Victini and Mew. However, Aaron's tone was less harsh that Lucario.

"Come along." Surprisingly, Sir Aaron was quick to encourage them to stick around as opposed to Lucario who wanted them to leave as soon as possible from the start. "The Celestial Gardens are just the start. Their space is infinite and you could get lost in here forever."

"It's infinite? How?" Meloetta wasn't seeing it. While the gardens were expansive, they didn't seem Infinite. At least, not at first.

"That's how it gets you the first time. But when you're an angel, it's easier to perceive pretty quickly. But that's nothing compared to the heart of the Afterlife." Sir Aaron winked, letting the three of them know that the Celestial Gardens was just the start. "There's something larger than this."

"Larger than Infinity?" Victini gawked.

"Right on that, Victini." Sir Aaron confirmed. "That wish that Ash made and the power all the Jirachis used really changed up everything. Prior to the union, both afterlives were infinite in every possible way. They had to be since it's natural for beings to pass on unless they're immortal. But now that both universes are together, the Afterlives merged to create what I guess you could call a Super Afterlife."

"So it's..." Mew held out his hands, trying to do the math, which he was terrible at. "Infinity Plus two?"

"It's a word that not even the angels have even thought about. But I guess Infinity Plus Two works. Or anything like that. And you won't believe it was like when our afterlives merged. We're even thinking of a new name to give it."

As Sir Aaron shared his insights, Mew, Victini, and Meloetta listened with rapt attention, their minds reeling at the enormity of what he was describing. Infinity plus two? A Super Afterlife? It was almost too much to comprehend.

"Ah, but Super Afterlife just doesn't do it." Sir Aaron shook his head. "I've been trying to come up with something better for a while. Any ideas?"

"Ooh! Ooh!" Mew had something in mind. "I know some!"

"Well, you can tell them...right here." By pointing his hand forward, Sir Aaron suddenly touched reality itself. At first, it looked like he was just touching the air, only for him to open up a Light Door that he would open. The Mythical Trio were once again amazed by what they were seeing.

"Right through here is the hub where everyone gathers. Take a look for yourselves." Sir Aaron smiled before walking through the divine light with Lucario, exiting the Celestial Gardens and approaching what he considers the Heart of the Afterlife.

With a sense of wonder and anticipation, Mew, Victini, and Meloetta followed Sir Aaron and Lucario through the portal, eager to see what lay beyond the Celestial Gardens and discover the true heart of the Afterlife.

Light Canvas.

The Light Canvas. The vibrant hub of the Afterlife where souls converge to embark on their eternal journey of liberation and self-discovery. Here, amidst the celestial splendour of the Ambrosial Plane, souls from all corners of the cosmos gather to embrace the boundless possibilities of their newfound existence.

Species of all kinds from across the universe could be found here. Humans, Ponies, Pokemon, Vampires, Dragons, Aliens and so on. Not a single one skipped out for this magnificent place.

Mew, Victini, and Meloetta stood in awe as they beheld the breathtaking sight of The Light Canvas. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before—a bustling metropolis of gleaming spires and crystalline towers, alive with the vibrant energy of countless souls from across the universe.

The Light Canvas is a bustling metropolis of gleaming spires and crystalline towers, its streets thronged with souls eager to explore the wonders of the realm. Celestial markets bustle with activity, offering a dazzling array of goods and services crafted from the essence of the cosmos itself. Artisans and craftsmen ply their trade, creating exquisite works of art that capture the beauty and majesty of the Light Canvas. Even after passing, business was still a possibility.

Present here were Aura Guardians, much like Sir Aaron himself. They found peace here too, enjoying their lives to the fullest. In this realm, Pokemon such as Spoink could move freely without worrying about their limitations. The Spoink no longer needed to bounce to keep their hearts pumping. They could do whatever they wanted now.

"Wow..." Mew breathed, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the sights and sounds of the bustling metropolis. "This place is incredible!"

"I should've gone through here earlier!" Victini exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement as he gazed around at the bustling streets and bustling marketplaces.

Meloetta nodded in agreement, her heart filled with a sense of awe and reverence for the boundless beauty of The Light Canvas. "I've never seen anything like it," She said softly, her voice filled with wonder.

"Yeah. Nothing like it. Unless...we see another universe that has one of these." Sir Aaron commented. "But I think two will do, for now."

They wandered through the bustling streets of the city, marveling at the towering spires and crystalline towers that rose up around them. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and chatter as souls from all corners of the cosmos mingled and explored together.

In the celestial markets, they found a dazzling array of goods and services unlike anything they had ever seen before. It wouldn't hurt to try them since some were truly out of this world.

They sampled exotic foods from far-off galaxies, each dish more delicious and tantalizing than the last. They browsed through stalls filled with sparkling gems and precious metals, marveling at the intricate craftsmanship of the jewelry on display.

"Oh! Mew! Mew!" Crying out to Mew was the familiar face of Pear Butter who was right next to Bright Mac. The parents of Applejack, Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom. She recognized that Mew anywhere, being the one that Pinkie Pie is with.

Pear Butter's cry caught Mew's attention immediately. With a joyful chirp, Mew flew over to where Pear Butter and Bright Mac were standing, his heart filled with warmth at the sight of familiar faces. He got to see them in their physical forms instead of just spirits. "I know you! Pear Butter! Bright Mac!" Mew exclaimed, his voice filled with happiness as he landed in front of them.

"Well, how'd you get yourself here?" Bright Mac asked, wondering why these three were here while alive. They've already heard it a few times when being here.

"You know how Mythicals are, dear? Too curious to stop a lot of the time." Pear Butter already knew the answer to them.

"I tried to stop them...Honestly." Meloetta put her hands together. But she was feeling guilty herself as she was starting to enjoy this.

"Ain't no shame in it, dear." Pear Butter shook her head, finding no guilt in Meloetta. "You three ain't the first Pokemon to show up here outta nowhere."

"Everything looks fine here. I thought the angels were having trouble." Mew looked around, seeing how blissful this place were. Everyone was having the time of their lives.

"They are. But angels are naturally good at keeping a cool head. Plus, this realm is just a nice place to be in. Their faces are a different story though. It's a shame what happened with Lightwing. I've got a good feeling they can get her back but...Team Plasma's a tricky foe to deal with."

"We can help!" Mew exclaimed. "My friends and I have stopped Team Plasma before!"

"It's best that you don't get involved. These are Divine Affairs." Aaron suggested. "And Team Plasma seems to be entering a brand new world with what they've taken. Once angels get involved, mortals shouldn't get involved."

"But..." Mew uttered."But we can help."

Sir Aaron regarded Mew with a solemn expression, understanding the earnestness behind his words. "Usually, it'd be fine to help out here. But when it comes to Angels...nothing much you can do." He said softly. "I know Ash would probably wish to do the same thing. For his safety and everyone else, don't tell him or anyone else. It's best that only you three know about this."

"Will things get that out of control if we involve others?" Meloetta asked.

"Afraid so, sweetie." Pear Butter could confirm.

Mew nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I understand," he said. "But Lightwing really helped us out, trying to make Ash innocent."

"Put your trust in the angels, Mew." Sir Aaron kneeled to get to Mew's level. "I'm sure they can do this. They've got Divine Magic by the dozen." Sir Aaron's words resonated deeply with Mew, reaffirming his belief in the angels' ability to handle the situation. With a nod of determination, Mew made a silent vow to trust in their wisdom and strength.

"Alright...I won't." Mew raised his head, understanding that this could get out of control quickly.

Sir Aaron smiled warmly at Mew, a silent acknowledgement of the trust and courage the young Pokemon displayed. "That's the spirit, Mew," he said, his voice filled with pride. "Believe me, I wish I could do something about this myself. Lightwing's always nice to be around but we're gonna have to wait for her to return."

"Maybe we should head back now, Mew." Victini suggested, actually being the one to suggest returning to Earth.

Mew nodded in agreement with Victini's suggestion. "Yeah, you're right," he said, turning to face his friends. "Let's head back to Earth for now. We've got a lot to think about and plan."

As Mew, Victini, and Meloetta prepared to depart from The Light Canvas, Sir Aaron, Pear Butter, and Bright Mac approached them to bid farewell.

"Great meeting you all," Sir Aaron said, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "I wish you the best of luck. I know you're doing well down there. Especially with Ash and Pikachu by your side. You'll be just fine."

"Mm." Lucario nodded in agreement, knowing that as a fast. "May the Aura be with you."

"Thanks, Sir Aaron," Mew replied, bowing respectfully. "At least I can tell my friends about this place, right?"

Pear Butter smiled warmly at the trio, her eyes shining with affection. "You sure can! Take care of yourselves out there," She said. "And don't forget to say hello to our friends and family back on Earth for us. I mean...ya have the meteors so I guess you don't need to."

Bright Mac nodded in agreement, his expression filled with pride. "You've got a lot of folks back home who care about you," he said. "Just like us. See ya tomorrow in the morning if you're still feeling down. I know a great song you'll love to hear."

Mew smiled at the mention of their friends, feeling a surge of warmth in his heart. "I'll do just that." He said, his voice filled with gratitude.

With heartfelt goodbyes and promises to keep in touch, Mew, Victini, and Meloetta bid farewell to Sir Aaron, Pear Butter, and Bright Mac. As they stepped through the Light Door, heading back to the Celestial Gardens which would eventually take them back home, their hearts were filled with gratitude for the friendships they had made and the memories they had shared in The Light Canvas.

Earth. Unova. Nightfall.

It was back to Earth. They passed through the portal, returning to their home as they were still in Unovan territory. The portal was still around, implying that the angels weren't done with their mission just yet.

Looking around, they could see the familiar sights and sounds of their homeland. The stars twinkled overhead, casting a soft glow on the landscape, while the gentle rustle of leaves in the night breeze filled the air. "It feels good to be back," Victini said, his voice filled with relief. "Feels like it was days in there...but that place was nice anyway."

Mew nodded in agreement, a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah. It was." He said. "A bit sad too. But I can't help but wonder what the angels are up to with that portal."

"It seems like they're not done with their mission just yet," Meloetta observed, her eyes scanning the horizon. "We should just take Sir Aaron's advice and keep on going. Let the angels handle this. I should be getting back home too. Tonight was something else."

With a final nod of farewell, Meloetta turned and began to make her way back home, disappearing into the night. Mew and Victini watched her go, feeling a sense of bittersweetness at her departure. "Next time we go out tonight, don't pick something like that again, Victini." Her last words that echoed in the night.

As Meloetta departed to return home, Mew and Victini stood together, watching her go with a mixture of fondness and sadness. "Take care, Meloetta!" Mew called after her, waving goodbye.

"Goodbye, Meloetta! Glad to have you with us!" Victini chimed in, waving as well.

Meloetta turned and waved back, a smile on her face as she disappeared into the night. With a final wave, she was gone, leaving Mew and Victini alone. "Well, it's just us now," Victini said, turning to Mew. "Heading back to Ponyville?"

"Mhm." With that, Mew closed his eyes and began to concentrate. In a flash of light, his form began to shift and change, until he emerged as Lugia, the Diving Pokémon. With a powerful flap of his wings, he took to the sky, leaving Victini behind as he soared through the night.

"See you in Ponyville, Victini!" Lugia called back, his voice echoing in the night.

"See you there, Mew!" Victini called after him, watching as his friend disappeared into the darkness.

And as Lugia flew off into the night, Victini smiled to himself, knowing that wherever their adventures took them, they would always be there for each other. The day that they met during the Pokemon Festival is what created this bond and it has not faded away since.

Equestria. Ponyville. SugarCube Corner.

Mew had returned, reverting to his original form while being spotted by Absol once more in the night sky. Upon reverting her effortlessly flew through the open window, returning to his best friend.

Entering SugarCube Corner, Mew found Pinkie Pie still fast asleep, surrounded by a mountain of sweets and pastries as she hasn't moved since. Mew was definitely tired of moving now. The pursuit the Divine Beings gave him took a lot out of him surprisingly and now he just wanted to rest it all away.

Mew was carrying some crucial knowledge. Knowledge that if shared with his friends, he knew for a fact that Ash would go straight to the source of the problem, which would only sprout more problems. Until it was resolved, it was best to keep it a secret. And Mew was hoping it was very soon.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 402 End.

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