• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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One Hectic Contest

Equestria. Las Pegasus. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

The Afternoon Sun was here, beaming down on Las Pegasus. And at this moment, Team Rocket were being pursued by Sci-Twi, but not by Twilight's own will. The Arceus Pendant was dragging her body, using it as a vehicle to chase down Team Rocket. They were moving across the Contest Hall before eventually exiting it, swiftly moving past the crowd that came to see this small contest.

"She's not stopping! How's she even doing that?!" Jessie bellowed, seeing how Sci-Twi was effortlessly sliding across the floor without taking a single step even though she wasn't in control. No one was quite sure what to make of this scenario as their eyes were focused on Sci-Twi sliding.

"See. I told you Humans don't just walk. Explain that?" A Hippogriff father said to his son while Sci-Twi passed by them both. The bag that Jessie and James were carrying was truly loaded and heavy for them in every possible way. So much stuff that Lena possessed was girthy and stacked, requiring them to put in all of their muscle while also trying to outrun Sci-Twi. As for Sci-Twi's speed, she was moving considerably faster than she usually should thanks to the pendant dragging her.

They immediately tried slowing Sci-Twi down by knocking some things over. There was a massive assortment of items everywhere at Las Pegasus relating to the Pokemon Festival and some were immediately knocked off the tables. But alas, that did nothing. Thanks to the Pendant, Sci-Twi could easily move through the obstacles without slowing down. Team Rocket screeched.

"We can't lose her on foot, maybe by air!" James locked onto one of the nearby attractions. The Tangela Vine Swing Attraction from the very first Pokemon Festival was present once more. It would have to do since nothing else here could take them into the air.

Some of the Pokemon were excited to take a swing at it, only for Team Rocket to nab it from them. Jessie, James and Meowth intercepted them. With the full weight of the bag at their grasp, Jessie would bite onto the vine with no no holds barred.

"Tangrowth?!" Tangrowth after seeing the vine being swiped by Team Rocket. Jessie would be the one to swing them while using her teeth, showing a truly daring act considering how high the vine swings get.

To the amazement of everyone nearby, Team Rocket managed to swing through the air while having a massive bag on them. James and Meowth held onto dear life while Jessie was harming her teeth just to avoid Sci-Twi at all costs. Team Rocket were truly dedicated to what they set their minds too and that much will always be true.

"I'm surprised Jessie's not weighing us down at all," James uttered, not even bringing up the massive bag.

"Hrrrgh!" Jessie growled, attempting to flare her eyes back at James but she couldn't since she had to focus on the vine.

The Arceus Pendant slowed down, eventually coming to a halt. The light faded away once the shards got further away. The vine carried Team Rocket away while Sci-Twi was left to just stand there. She was still perplexed after what just happened. Truly a rush. Sci-TwI still had no idea that the other shards were in that bag and after this experience, she was definitely going to Arche Valley to figure something out. First, she had to figure out where she was in the first place.

"I don't get this thing at all, or even who those people were." Sci-Twi sighed. "Now might be a good time to heat to Arche Valley for answers. But first, I want to do something else" Lowering her head, Sci-Twi walked away with exhaustion to do something else. Las Pegasus would welcome her with open arms thanks to the variety of activities here. Might as well take a swing at them.

Outside the Contest Hall, Lena was currently practising with the Rental Clefairy she chose, preparing for the small contest. This would be her first time training with a Pokemon since the entire time, she's only been calling for the Noble Pokemon to assist her in certain things,

"Alright. You have moves...but how can I know which ones you have?" Lena pondered, unsure about what moves Clefairy has.

"Cle?" Clefairy couldn't communicate it with Lena, unfortunately, leaving her in the dark.

"Well. We'll figure it out together. But I believe I need that thing called a Pokedex..." Lena closed her eyes before putting on a smile. "Oh, well! Let's try whatever we can! Clefairy!"

But sharing Ash's enthusiasm and energy, Lena would take a swing at trying anything. And that was by throwing out poses . Lena held her arms up, baring her fangs. Clefairy would do the same, mimicking Lena's movements.

"Clefa!" Clefairy cried out which resulted in her using Metronome. Since her hands up were, it was able to active Metronome, causing the Fairy Pokemon to wag her finger.

A random effect was incoming. The attack that was chosen was none other than Steel Beam. A powerful silver energy formed in front of Clefairy's mouth before being unleashed a beam.

"Hm?" That was the sound Lena made before having her face engulfed by the silver beam. Afterwards, Lena blinked as her hair was stood up and her face was smoking a little bit. "Impressive...We can use that to our advantage."

"Contests aren't all about battling. Not this one though." Walking over to Lena was May, who was currently geared up in her Contest Uniform.

"I was told that they were meant to be flashy, right?"

"Mhm. Make them really stand out. I can tell this is your very first contest so it might not click at first."

"I can do it!" Lena pumped her fists. "I just need to find that sweet spot. "We had one move that was successful! What was that anyway?"

"Metronome. But it's random and it's never going to be the same effect all the time. Not sure how that would work in a contest though."

"Works for me. Let's try it again! Metronome!" Even after hearing that, Lena was still going for it.

"Fairy!" Clefairy admired Lena's energy and would go for it once more. She didn't intend to harm Lena since that was just the nature of Metronome's randomness. But Lena didn't mind it at all. Lena cheered Clefairy on as she was then hit by a gust of wind. Hurricane had been used on Lena, launching her into the air where she bellowed out of amazement and shock.

May shrugged, seeing too much of Ash in Lena. That was a positive to her since it felt like she was involved in Ash's wild adventures once more. "Well, it's nice to have some familiarity."

Speaking of practising, it wasn't just Lena's first go, but also Queen Novo. Taking on an incognito appearance, she asked Sweetie Belle for help, but she didn't really outright say it. She made herself appear as an experienced Coordinator, asking Sweetie Belle to show her some moves, just so she can draw inspiration from them.

Sweetie Belle already had Teddiursa out but this time, she was joined by Plusle and Minun. She might as well show her another performance that isn't limited to just Plusle and Minun.

"We have an expert here with us, you three, so let's really impress her." said Sweetie Belle. "Teddiursa, let's use that same trick from before. But this time...Plusle and Minu, you two should use Thunderbolt."

"Teddi!" Teddiursa would once again use the Swift and Night Slash combination from before, already spinning on the spot to generate that black tornado by using the energy of Night Slash as the conduit. The Split Black Tornado was summoned once more which would be followed up by Plusle and Minun.


"Minun!" The duo of Electric Rodents would also jump into the air where Teddiursa was, summoning a Swift Star on her head. To join her, Plusle and Minun surrounded themselves in a flash of electricity, blasting the Swift Star above Teddiursa. Without even hitting their friend, the combined 100,000 volts of lightning would mesh with the Star, causing it to grow.

The Star would expand, reaching a larger size while having a storm of electricity surround it. Novo was still amazed by how effortlessly they pulled it off. Skystar would whistle out of amazement, immediately writing notes down.

"Mmm..." Sweetie Belle narrowed he eyes. "Maybe not that. Let's try something else when hitting that star. Try using Light Screen above it!"

"Minun!" Minun would take another strong leap and by doing so, she summoned a screen of energy that would be placed right above the massive star. To the surprise of Novo and Skystar, the Light Screen was completely solid and capable of being used as a platform.

"Great, great! Just stay on that platform for a bit, Minun. Now, Pluse! Use Hidden Power Ice!"

"Plus!" Plusle would add the finishing touch by unleashing a blast of energy that soon transformed into a ray of ice, heading directly at the Light Screen. Minun would stand perfectly still on the Light Screen Platform which was then struck by the Hidden Power. Minun felt a shiver run through her feet as the platform was frozen in seconds.

"M-Minun!" Minun put on a shivering grin but managed to keep her balance. Just like that, there was now a Frozen Light Screen Platform over the Swift Star and the Split Black Tornado. The cherry on top was the descent of small snowflakes that dropped from the platform.

"That's the one!" Sweetie Belle jumped for joy, applauding their efforts. "Way to go, you two!"

"So...You just put multiple moves together and work from there?"

"Yeah? Isn't that what you do?" Sweetie Belle faced Novo. "Oh, I bet you use only one move, huh?"

"Let's go with that...But how do you manage it? it looks like a disaster waiting to happen!" Novo exclaimed. "Especially with such small bodies. "

"Lots and lots of practice. It wasn't easy for me at first. Making moves appear as flashy as they can was pretty easy. Anyone can pull it off. But getting your Pokemon to do beautiful tricks was the real challenge. I had some great teachers to help me out with that though. Dawn and Fantina were my biggest helpers."

Novo was also learning from this even if she wasn't saying it directly. She learned that even if Sweetie Belle was really good at this despite being so young, there was still a lot of practice and hard work that had to go into making this a reality. "And if you've got a strong bond with your Pokemon, it works even better! That's what I think!" She giggled as Teddiursa, Plusle and Minun ran up to her, embracing their trainer for a hug.

Sweetie Belle was tackled to the ground by the three of them, receiving a comfortable, soft and slightly electrifying hug from these three tiny Pokemon.

"Hm." Novo looked over at Primarina who also looked back at her. "We have a strong bond, don't we?"

"Rina. Primarina!" Reading her response, Novo heard Primarina agree that they did have a strong bond. Why wouldn't they since Primarina was constantly by her side?

"Of course you do!" Skystar got in between then, confirming what Primarina already said. "You saved her life when she was a smaller Pokemon. I mean, you two didn't do all that much since we were stuck down there for so long, but I saw it all happen."

"I suppose so. You're more of a singer though, aren't you?"

"Prima," Primarina admitted. Admittedly, she wasn't going to be pulling off any stylish tricks with this body. At least, she didn't think so. But since she was a Water-Type, she was sure to generate some flair. Novo had yet to try it out and by watching Sweetie Belle, some pointers on how to utilize certain moves could be picked up on with ease.

"Care to show me again?" Novo asked. Sweetie Belle would be glad to show her some more performances. She was out here practising after all so why not? Those 2 hours would go by with all of these preparations.

Lena and Novo were both learning in their own ways. Lena was more about Primary Research, trying out new skills thanks to Clefairy's Metronome, no matter how random they were or how many times she would get hurt. Novo was focused on Secondary Research, choosing to gather the knowledge instead and use it all when the time came.

From Sweetie Belle's Pokemon moving around, creating dynamic performances with the moves they had at their disposal, to Lena getting smacked to the side by a random move from Metronome or even gaining an affliction. All the while, May and Skystar both watched it all play out.

The 2 hours came and went and now it was time for the main event to begin. All coordinators were ready and the crowd was already seated. Present here at these seats were Rarity, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Diancie, Merrick and Applejack who were here to support Sweetie Belle, even if there wasn't a ribbon at all. One could see this as a Mock Contest.

"Afternoon!" But even if it wasn't the full thing, present here was Marian. The Master of ceremonies of Pokemon Contests. There was no way she wasn't going to be here. The only difference here was that there weren't any judges. "Thanks for coming, because today we have a different kind of contest for you! I'm sure you've already heard about it but this is one Stage Pokemon Contest. Figuratively and Literally!"

The literal part came from the fact that there was only one podium and curtain here. All the coordinators already emerged out of the curtain, standing at this podium which was absolutely massive, allowing all of them to stand on it.

"There aren't any ribbons involved either. What's the point of this you may ask? Equestria's first-ever Grand Festival is on the horizon and pretty soon, the coordinators who are eligble to enter it will get their chance. This is just for fun, even though they all are, but it's also to scout. New coordinators or Upstart Coordinators are being looked for since Pokemon Contests are now changing. It's a whole new world we live in after all."

"What does she mean by that?" Rarity questioned, only for Applejack to shrug it off. Marian hadn't revealed the truth just yet, but she was about to.

"Whether it's before or after the Grand Festival comes and goes, Pokemon Contests are gonna have an all-new look from now on! Still a lot of the same, but for our neighbours here at Equestria and beyond, you'll see something great! And this contest is going to be the start of it. The rules are simple! Just do what you would always do during a contest! Show off your best moves and see if you can work together to make something amazing! Just make sure you don't hurt anyone~"

"Alright, let's do this Blaziken!" May already chose her partner. Her very first Pokemon. Blaziken.


"I'm so glad Jessie recommended this to me..." Lena grinned with glee as a high sense of excitement was rushing through her right now. She was beginning to experience what her many-great Grandson experiences all the time. "This is so exciting!"

"Not to worry...There's no way I can embarrass myself here." Novo had a different reaction, thinking about how she could stand out. "I'll just take what I've seen and pull it all off to the best of my abilities.

"You all have the same time limit! 2 minutes at best! There won't be any judges for this one but rest assured, this won't be forgotten. Are you all ready? Go!" Marian gave the call.

Immediately, all coordinators took action. So many different moves and combinations were spouted out which were drowned out by the sound of the crowd who already expected great things from this. There was a sudden outburst of moves, ranging from the fierce flames, the mystical flash of fairy magic, the growth of the grass and the burst of lightning.

"Oh!" Lena covered one eye after all the lights went off. "I didn't think it'd get this hectic from the start." Lena was right about how hectic it was. It was as chaotic as it was beautiful.

A Power Gem was mixed with a Dazzling Gleam, making the rainbow rays rapidly deflect off of each gemstone. Spheres of Aura Sphere and Focus Blast were both used against each other, playing ping-pong essentially with how they were bouncing back and forth. The clash of two Fighting-Type moves created a beautiful Orange and Blue light that resembled the Sun and the Moon.

Grass and Ground went well with each other, creating what was essentially a land sculpture. Someone else had the same idea, using Air Slash and Hidden Power Electric to create a place in Cloudsdale. So many ideas that focused on combinations but some of them were even solo and that was just as beautiful.

Diancie was in awe. She finally got the see a Pokemon Contest and it was amazing, even if it was a smaller version. Merrick saw the appeal too. He was right to come along since he would've missed out on this wonderful sight.

"Blaziken, use Fire Spin!"

"Ziken!" May's Blaziken would perform a handstand, generating a spiral of flames around its leg. By doing so, Blaziken performed a breakdance which resulted in the flames around its feet spiralling into the air. A tower of spiralling flames went upwards.

The way Blaziken was moving would make it different from a spiral of flames. The Fire-Fighting-Type would then cross its legs together, creating a tall X-shaped fire Spin. Blaziken kept its position too, making sure these flames wouldn't die out just yet. May wasn't done at all since there was more she aimed to do.

"Wow...This is amazing!" Lena gawked. "But if I want to show everyone else what I can do, then I need to really try something special and I know just the thing!" With an idea hatching in her mind,, she would walk up to Clefairy, deciding to take a different approach which was a page out of Jessie's book.

"Okay, Clefairy. Use Metronome on me." Lena was about to use a move on herself, being as daring as her descendant.

"Cle?" Clefairy blinked for a moment. So far, she knows that Lena is a wild character but she didn't think she was this wild. But when looking at Lena's face, there was a strong sense of confidence there. Clefairy nodded in understanding, deciding to try out Lena's wild plan. It would definitely help her stick out.

"Fairy..." Clefairy wagged her finger once more. A random move was being selected and she had no control over it. Whatever she chooses would surely do something in the midst of this chaos.

From Clefairy's entire body, she managed to unleash Rising Voltage. A burst of lightning appeared around Lena's body, immediately shocking her. But that wasn't all it did. Clefairy raised the attack, prompting Lena to rise up as well.

Lena started ascending with the lightning flaring out of her body as she was taking the electricity very well. Much like Ash, she could take the electrifying pain as her anscension drew many eyes towards her. From both the other coordinators and the audience.

"Oh, you cannot be serious..." Novo was in disbelief. She didn't even think that someone could use Contest's moves in such a way. Not many do it only because they wish to avoid taking any damage. But when it's done, it's truly something else.

"Haha!" Lena laughed, greatly enjoying herself as the electricity raised her hair.

"Hang on..." Rarity took a good look at Lena since she was the only Coordinator currently in the air right now. And when looking at her, she noticed a familiar face Ash's face. "That's not Ash...Is that..."

"Lena?!" In unison, Rarity and her group spouted Lena's name. When Sweetie Belle looked up, she also saw Ash's face on Lena, finally recognizing her.

"Nice, Lena! Let me add to that! Go, Blaziken!"

"Blaziken!" Blaziken would send the X-shaped flame by moving its leg, placing it behind Lena Not only was Lena now surrounded by an Aura of Lightning which was carrying her but she also had a massive Fire X behind her. May didn't mind assisting her out at all. She was a new friend of hers after all.

Teddiursa already used Swift which was followed up by Thunder Punch as a reference to what Plusle and Minun did. She added Night Slash into it, generating that Dark Tornado to replicate the unison that Plusle and Minun performed with her. This time, the tornado was split into two parts instead of multiple, allowing it to exist on two sides. It looked a lot like Drill Pigtails the way it was split up as the two tornadoes had massive stars on top of them.

"I don't have much time...Primarina! Use Sparkling Aria and Icy Wind at once! Carry yourself with it!" Novo would finally make a move and it would be a combination move. A difficult task on her first go but she was willing to try.

"Prima!" Primarina sang in the midst of all this noise, forming an orb of water above below her. This orb would lift the Water-Fary-Type, allowing her to use it as a platform as seen by what Sweetie Belle pulled off. And to add something extra, Primarina attempted to breathe onto the bubble, but she was already losing balance. She wasn't used to combination moves just yet.

The Soloist Pokemon gasped as she was feeling wobbly. She could fall at any moment now and the bubble was also starting to fail. Novo grimaced as her glasses almost fell off. Was this already going to be a disaster? She was at least hoping no one would notice but judging by how high Primarina was, they might.

But grabbing onto her was Lena. She saw that Primarina was struggling and on the verge of falling, prompting her to catch the Soloist Pokemon. She was in the air too after all. "I got you."

"Time!" Marian called it. 2 minutes were up and those 2 minutes were well spent. Lena breathed in and out, finally experiencing what everyone in the modern day does.

Lena listened to the crowd but she was more focused on how much fun she had. Novo let out a sigh of relief, glad that it didn't end in failure. This small contest ended with Primarina being right next to Lena, who was certainly the most-looked at right now. That was still a success.

Outside of the mission of finding these shards, Lena found something else that was always within her thanks to her family lineage, but it was constantly being blocked off due to the criticial misson at hand. But experiencing that enjoyment that only existed in the past was wonderful. For everyone here, this small contest was Wonderful.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 339 End.

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