• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Career Day

Equestria. Faye Mountains. Changeling Hive. Day.

In the heart of the Changeling Lands, Queen Chrysalis stands before a gathering of young Changelings, their eyes wide with curiosity as they listen to their queen speak. The air is charged with anticipation, as the Changelings eagerly await Her Majesty's words.

"My dear younglings," Queen Chrysalis begins, her voice commanding attention as she addresses the eager crowd, "Today, I want to ask you a few things. About the Pokemon School.

The Changelings lean in closer, their interest piqued by their queen's words. They had grown accustomed to the wonders of their transformed homeland, but the arrival of the Pokémon School had sparked a newfound sense of excitement for them all."

"So...How has the Pokemon School been treating you?" Chrysalis questioned the young Changelings. The Changelings exchanged eager glances, their excitement palpable as they prepared to share their experiences with their queen. One of the younger Changelings stepped forward, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.

"It's been amazing, Your Majesty!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement. "We've been learning so much about Pokémon and their trainers. The bond they share is truly inspiring!"

The other Changelings nodded in agreement, their voices rising in chorus as they shared tales of their adventures at the Pokémon School. They even brought up the heat that they felt yesterday thanks to Cozy Glow's shenanigans. Everything about the Pokemon School was brought up.

"Hm. Wonderful."Chrysalis closed her eyes. Her faith in the Pokemon School was perfect. "I expected nothing less."

"Ocellus. What about you?" Chrysalis faced the shy Changeling. "You were the most eager to go to the Pokemon School, surprisingly."

Ocellus, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness under Queen Chrysalis's gaze, took a moment to compose herself before responding. Her usually timid demeanour softened as she found her voice.

"I-I was really excited to go, Your Majesty," Ocellus admitted, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.

"Really? Not too long ago, you said that it can get a bit too hectic for you. I assume that the lessons are enjoyable enough to keep you going." Chrysalis continued.

Ocellus paused, momentarily taken aback by Queen Chrysalis's astute observation. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before responding.

"Well, it's true that the Pokémon School can be overwhelming at times," Ocellus admitted, her voice tinged with honesty. "But...it's not all bad. It can be fun a lot of the time. I think I can make my own potion now."

"Hm. I see. Perhaps I should swing by that school here and there. Does Ash show up there?"

"Not all the time. I think I've only seen him once." Ocellus replied. "He doesn't visit it that much since he's always doing something else."

"Just once? Tch." Chrysalis kissed her teeth, turning her head to the side. "What a waste..."

"Yeah. That's because Her Majesty still likes him!" One of the Changelings laughed, prompting the others to giggle and snicker.

Chrysalis's expression shifted, a hint of embarrassment crossing her features as the other Changeling's comment hit a nerve. Clearing her throat, she composed herself before addressing the group.

"Laugh now, but eventually, some of you will fall in love with other species," Chrysalis replied, stunning the younger Changelings.

"Ewww!" The young ones would grimace and shout at such a thought.

"Oh, grow up! You all can transform!" Chrysalis bellowed, her voice carrying a mixture of exasperation and amusement.

"I wish I could see Ash too," said Ocellus by herself, her voice barely audible amid the chatter of the other Changelings. She was also hoping that Ash would show up more often to the Pokemon School. Chrysalis heard this herself amidst all of the noise.

"Tomorrow's Career Day for us." Another Changeling raised her hoof, bringing another discussion.

"Career Day?" Chrysalis replied, her interest piqued by the mention of Career Day. Though she had initially been focused on addressing Ocellus's longing for Ash, she couldn't help but feel intrigued by the prospect of the Changelings exploring potential career paths.

"Mhm. We get to be anything in the future. Gym Leader. Elite 4 Member. Coordinator and all of those things."

"Surely you all don't want to be Gym Leaders. I know for a fact you'll trick the Trainers by transforming into someone else, making sure they never get their badges. I'm looking at you, specifically."Chrysalis could see through her children, already knowing what some of them were plotting."

The Changelings froze, their eyes widening in surprise as they realized that Queen Chrysalis had seen through their potential mischievous intentions. Some of them shifted uncomfortably under her scrutiny, while others tried to suppress guilty smiles.

"Well, think about what you wish to do tomorrow. Get yourself ready and I will personally show up to see what options there are."She ordered.

The Changelings exchanged glances, a mixture of apprehension and excitement bubbling within them. They knew that Queen Chrysalis's presence at Career Day meant that they would need to approach the event with sincerity and earnestness, setting aside any thoughts of mischief or deception.

As they began to contemplate their future career paths, the Changelings felt a sense of determination wash over them. They knew that their choices would shape the course of their lives in the merged world, and they were determined to make the most of the opportunities presented to them.

Canterlot. The Pokemon School. Day.

A day had passed and the Pokemon School was open once more. This time, it was focusing on Career Day. Inside the school, classrooms had been transformed into showcases of various career paths, each adorned with colourful displays and informative posters. Trainers and Pokémon wandered from booth to booth, eager to learn more about the opportunities available to them in the merged world.

Here to offer these careers were specialists in each field. The classic Gym Battles and Pokemon Contests plus the Pokemon Breeders.

Some students already knew what they wanted to be. 4 years of getting used to the Pokemon World has allowed them to have many favourites.

At the Gym Battles booth, a certain seasoned Gym Leader shared stories of epic battles and strategies, inspiring aspiring trainers to hone their skills and challenge the Gyms scattered throughout the region. That Gym Leader was once a teacher of the Pokemon School before it changed.

Roxanne. Gym Leader of Rustboro.

Her presence immediately drew the attention of the students, many of whom had fond memories of her guidance and mentorship in their earlier years.

"Roxanne! It's so good to see you again!" One of the young ponies said. The ponies were the only ones who knew Roxanne well while many other races were just now meeting her for the first time.

"Good to see you all too. You look like you've been doing well." Roxanne replied. As the ponies gathered around Roxanne, eager to catch up and share stories from their time at the Pokémon School, the other students looked on with curiosity, intrigued by the camaraderie and familiarity between their pony classmates and the Gym Leader of Rustboro.

"Seeing you here means that some of you have decided on becoming Gym Leaders. Right?" The Gym Leader asked.

"I did!" A colt raised his hoof. More of them would raise their hooves, admitting that they were interested in such a role.

As more students raised their hooves, expressing their interest in becoming Gym Leaders, Roxanne couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in her heart. It was a testament to the dedication and passion of the next generation of trainers, and she was honoured to have the opportunity to guide them on their journey.

"That's wonderful to hear!" Roxanne exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Becoming a Gym Leader is a noble pursuit, one that requires dedication, skill, and a deep love for Pokémon battles. I have no doubt that each and every one of you has the potential to excel in this role."

Roxanne set to work, sharing her knowledge and experience with the aspiring Gym Leaders. Even after her time at the Pokemon School, she still had more to learn and further knowledge to impart. Drawing from her own students at the Rustboro Gym, who had learned under her tutelage over the years, she brought them forward to offer guidance and support to their fellow classmates.

Meanwhile, the other species already knew what they wanted to tackle just from a first glance.

Amidst the bustling activity of Career Day at the Pokémon School, a group of students gravitated towards the Poke Star Studios booth, their eyes alight with excitement at the prospect of pursuing a career in movies. Among them were trainers eager to showcase their skills on the big screen, as well as ponies who had already made a name for themselves in the world of film.

At the forefront of the booth stood members of Poke Star Studios, seasoned professionals who had dedicated their lives to the art of filmmaking. With their expertise and guidance, the aspiring actors and filmmakers listened intently as they shared insights into the industry, offering advice on everything from auditions to scriptwriting to directing.

Among the students, a select few ponies had already established themselves as rising stars in the world of film. Rarity, with her keen eye for fashion and flair for drama, had become a beloved icon in the world of cinema, captivating audiences with her elegance and charm.

Speaking of Rarity, she was invited to today's career day as a representative for Equestria. Each of the PokeStar Studios panels had their own representatives here.

"So...How about it?" Rarity wiggled her eyebrows. "The benefits that come from this are unparalleled. I promise you. Making a movie for the first time was absolutely wonderful, especially with what you get to use."

"Do we? I hear you just stand around one place and you don't do much." A Griffon said. "Sounds boring."

"For the most part, yes. You do just stay in one room that uses the backgrounds. But!" Rarity exclaimed. "There are times when you can go to real-life locations and use them as a set."

Her words sparked a renewed interest among the students, their curiosity piqued by the prospect of exploring real-life locations for their film projects.

"Well, not at your age anyways. Even so, just imagine, darlings," Rarity continued, her voice carrying a sense of wonder, "the thrill of bringing your vision to life in breathtaking locales, from bustling city streets to tranquil countryside vistas. The possibilities are simply endless!"

"I know!" A Dragon raised a finger. "I'll make a movie around a volcano! That'll do the trick!" The other dragons agreed. Greatly. It seemed that they all wanted to film next to a volcano.

"Well, you might have to keep your distance or the equipment will melt." Rarity still wanted them to be careful. Filming a movie in public does carry risks compared to doing it in a studio."

After the dragon's enthusiastic suggestion about a volcano-themed movie, Yona, a yak, raised her hoof with excitement, eager to share her own idea.

"Ooh! Yona have an idea too!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Yona think movie about ancient ruins would be very interesting!"

"You know some ruins? Where?" Rarity asked.

"Yona doesn't tell any yak about this. Prince Rutherford would be angry." Alas, Yona couldn't share it. She's already spouted it out with a bellowing voice.

"Mmm..." Rarity narrowed her eyes. "Well then, if you say so." The other PokeStar Studios representatives would speak, imparting their knowledge to those were interested.

As Career Day at the Pokémon School continued, the area dedicated to Pokémon Contests was also active and populated. Organizers from various regions had gathered to share their expertise and offer guidance to aspiring coordinators, eager to inspire the next generation of performers.

Among them, the significance of the brief contest held during the fourth Pokémon Festival was not lost. What had started as a small event with only one performance stage had now taken on newfound importance as a way to provide mentoring opportunities for younger coordinators.

In this crowd, the Changelings and Hippogriffs were the most gravitated towards the Pokemon Contests, easily seeing the beauty in them. One could see the Changelings having tremendous potential in contests due to their shapeshifting abilities. After all, the Coordinator can also get involved in the performance by pulling off their own tricks. Not just the Pokemon.

"Here it is. Very soon, we'll be opening a Contest Training Facility. It won't just be the first one in all of Equestria, but the entire world." One of the employees said.

"In the entire world?" Sweetie Belle, who as already a coordinator with enough ribbons to enter the Grand Festival, marvelled in awe along with her fellow students.

"Is that what that contest was about?" Another filly spoke.

"Yes, that's correct," the employee confirmed with a smile, nodding at Sweetie Belle's incredulous reaction. "We're very excited to be pioneering this initiative. Our goal is to provide aspiring coordinators like yourselves with the resources and training they need to reach their full potential in the world of Pokémon Contests. We'll probably build it somewhere around...Manehattan. Or Las Pegasus. One of the two."

"You'll be taught by seasoned Coordinators or even Retired Coordinators." Another employee said. "That way, you can walk into a contest with gifted knowledge. Unless you still want to learn on your own and that's fine.

"Ooh! Ooh!" Sweetie Belle raised her hoof. "Does that involve me? I have enough ribbons for the Grand Conference."

"So do I!" Another young coordinator said. They were all ponies since most of the Pokemon World was introduced to the ponies first and the other species were starting to catch up with Dragons and Griffons having some experience in the earlier years.

"Hehe. Well, you all are a bit young for that, aren't you?" The employee chuckled, kneeling to get to their level. "But, you can teach your classmates."

"I get to be a mentor...?" Sweetie Belle's eyes widened. She would receive a tutoring role of her own, much like how Ash taught her how to battle and Dawn plus Fantina taught her Contest Skills.

With the widest grin on her face, Sweetie Belle turned to her fellow classmates, her chest puffing out with pride as a smile formed on her lips. The young unicorn was about to take full advantage of the opportunity to be a mentor, knowing firsthand the value of mentorship and guidance in her own journey as a coordinator.

"Listen up, everyone!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "You'll be learning from some of us. Just follow our lead and you'll be good in no time. It took me just 4 years to get this good! Almost 5!"

"Do we have to though?" One of the Dragons said. Specifically, a Dragon who was the most clothed out of everyone here. Wearing glasses, and a dress to stay concealed the appearance of this young dragon was rather familiar but not distinguishable.

In secret, this Dragon was Smolder. She was purposefully hiding herself from the others since she did not want anyone to know that she was into contests. Especially not around her fellow Dragons. She made sure no one knew it was her. In fact, she was the only Dragon interested in the Pokemon Contests. "I bet I can teach myself." Smolder said.

"Well...I've never taught anyone myself. None of us have." Sweetie Belle shrugged. "First time for everything though!"

"Ah! I know someone who could use some teaching!" Silverstream bellowed. "My cousin's mom, Queen No-" Before Silverstream could finish, she instinctively scrunched her mouth, cutting off her own sentence. She knew about her auntie Queen Novo's path to becoming a Pokemon Coordinator, but she obviously had to keep it a secret. "Nevermind. Nothing!"

"Smolder! Smolder!" Suddenly, a voice was calling out to Smolder, causing her to flinch. That voice came from none other than Garble. "Where'd she go?" Currently, she was searching for her, but was unable to spot her sister's disguise. She obviously wore this disguise in secret where no one else would see her. As if her reputation depended on it, Smolder couldn't afford ot let anyone see her gravitate towards Pokemon Contest.

Elsewhere, Ocellus wandered through the bustling halls of the Pokémon School, her gaze flitted from one career booth to another, her mind swirling with thoughts and possibilities. Despite the excitement and enthusiasm surrounding Career Day, Ocellus couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty that gnawed at her.

With each passing booth, she found herself drawn to different career paths—Pokémon breeding, Ranger training, battling, and even filmmaking—but none of them seemed to resonate with her on a deeper level. She felt lost, unsure of where she truly belonged in this vast and ever-changing world.

As she continued her journey through the school, Ocellus couldn't help but feel a pang of self-doubt. Why couldn't she find a career path that spoke to her? Was there something wrong with her for not feeling passionate about any of the options presented to her?

Lost in her thoughts, Ocellus found herself wandering aimlessly, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridors as she searched for answers. She knew that she couldn't stay undecided forever, but the pressure to choose a path weighed heavily on her shoulders.

There was no career that struck a core. All of her fellow Changelings found something. But not her. "Hm. Nothing. I thought some of these would excite me enough but..."

In the distance, Chrysalis would notice her, currently speaking to Twilight Sparkle who was overseeing all of this. Chrysalis glanced in the direction of Ocellus, her sharp gaze honing in on the young Changeling who seemed lost in her thoughts.

But right as she kept on moving, Ocellus would bump into someone, stopping in her tracks. After bumping into this character, she instinctively transformed into something to make herself unseen, blending into the background to avoid detection. Chrysalis furrowed her brow in curiosity, wondering who Ocellus had encountered and why she felt the need to hide. But with a smile on her face, she knew exactly who it was.

To her surprise, the figure Ocellus had bumped into turned out to be Ash, who had unexpectedly shown up at the Pokémon School that day. Chrysalis observed the interaction with interest, intrigued by the encounter between the young Changeling and the renowned Pokémon Trainer.

"Ocellus? Is that you?" Recognizing her, Ash would speak Ocellus's name.

"Ash? You're here?" Ocellus would reappear in her original form, deciding to appear as herself in front of Ash. "What are you doing here?"

"Chrysalis invited me here. Came to me yesterday and told me about Career Day." Ash explained, revealing that Chrysalis was behind this. The conversation from yesterday came back for this very moment. "Is something wrong? You seem pretty down."

"Pika?" Pikachu would also ask. Ocellus hesitated for a moment. But ultimately, she decided to confide in him since she wasn't afraid to speak to Ash directly.

"I... I've been struggling to find a career path that excites me," Ocellus admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Everyone else seems to have found something they're passionate about, but... I'm still searching."

As she spoke, Ocellus couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability, but she also felt a glimmer of hope knowing that she had someone like Ash to confide in. Perhaps he could offer her the guidance and support she needed to find her way forward.

Ocellus's eyes brightened at the thought of adventuring, inspired by Ash's words. "Maybe... I could be like you! Is adventuring a career?" she asked eagerly, her voice filled with newfound enthusiasm.

Ash scratched his head in response, considering Ocellus's question carefully. "Uhh... not really. You kinda just do it. Get out there and see the world. That's what I do," he explained with a shrug.

Ocellus's excitement faltered slightly as she processed Ash's response. "Oh... I should've known," she murmured, her disappointment evident in her voice.

"If you wanna adventure, nothing wrong with that. But are you sure ready for the wide world out there?"

"I'm not sure myself. I was just thinking of doing what you do. Being an adventurer means I'd have to see so many other faces. Maybe I shouldn't go for that just yet."

"What about the Pokemon School? Made a lot of friends here?" Ash would then start walking with Ocellus, asking her a bit more."

"Only a few. Not that many. I don't even make that many friends back home." Ocellus admitted. "At least I don't feel as lonely as before. Did you come to today's career day with a different career?"

"Nah. I don't have a career of my own." Ash was simply here to have fun. "But if you're on the fence about this, stick to the friends you've made right now. And when you're ready, maybe you'll figure out what you wanna do."

"Is that what you did?"

"I already knew what I wanted to do way back then. I always just wanted to see the world when I was a kid." Ash smiled, feeling nostalgic at that moment. "Never regretted it once."

Ocellus listened intently, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over her. As she walked alongside Ash, she couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of hope and determination.

"All my other friends had their reasons for getting out there. Some of them are still on their own journeys. You've still got time to think, Ocellus." Ash reassured, knowing this would be too soon for Ocellus. She wasn't quite ready. "But if there's another path you wanna take..."

"I'll figure it out. I just haven't found something that sticks with me yet. Coming to the Pokemon School was the only thing I was excited for." Ocellus smiled. "I haven't regretted this one too."

Ash returned her smile, glad to hear that she had found some joy and fulfillment in her time at the Pokémon School. He knew Ocellus since he encountered her before when the Changelings were still in their previous forms. Next to Thorax, she was certainy one of the few Changelings to deviate from the old ways. "Good luck. Pikachu and I will be rooting for you. Just like how your new friends will."


As Career Day at the Pokémon School continued, students from all walks of life explored the various booths and opportunities available to them. From Pokémon battling to contest coordination, from Pokémon breeding to ranger training, the school buzzed with excitement and anticipation as students considered their future paths.

Throughout the day, guest speakers and specialists shared their knowledge and experiences with eager students, offering insights and advice to help them navigate their career choices. Some students found their passions ignited by the possibilities laid out before them, while others continued to ponder their options, taking comfort in knowing that they had time to explore and decide.

Meanwhile, Ash spoke with students and guests alike, chatting with familiar faces too. Twilight and Chrysalis both approached Ash, their initial intentions to speak with him were overshadowed by their long-standing rivalry since they both had the same thing in mind. Chrysalis invited Ash here for two reasons. One of them was to spend quality time but Twilight had the samae thing in mind.

Sparks seemed to fly between them as they engaged in a heated exchange, their voices rising in argument while Ash remained blissfully oblivious to the tension brewing around him. He was just having the time of his life.

As the day drew to a close, students left Career Day with newfound inspiration and clarity, ready to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery and exploration. And though the future remained uncertain, they had a lot to look forward to in their lives. Eveyrthing was waiting for them to discover bit by bit and step by step in this ever-growing Grander World.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 407 End.

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