• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Movie Magic, Malicious Magc

Author's Note:

Speaking of movies, just saw Godzilla X Kong yesterday after I posed the previous chapter. Pretty awesome movie.

Alola. Melemele Island. Nightfall.

Alola's afternoon Sun could be seen slowly descending and at this time, Yona was rather exhausted, having an enjoyable time in the region so far. Her body was heating up due to the Alolan Sun and how she has adapted to her natural environment. However, with the Alolan Moon rising, a cooling aura would soon appear, being rather familiar to Yona.

"Yona...tired." The young Yak muttered.

"Let's get you home then." Mallow carried her towards the gateway. Seeing that Ash wouldn't be here until tomorrow, it was best for Yona to head home and come back tomorrow for the filming. "We'll have a ton of fun tomorrow."

"Ash's Friends are fun.." Yona also enjoyed being around two of Ash's friends and was looking forward to the rest of his friends tomorrow.

"You'll have more fun tomorrow." Mallow then placed the young yak on Piloswine's back. "Get her home safe, Piloswine."

"Pilo." The Pokemon grunted, nodding his head. He would walk through the gate, returning to Yakyakistan, leaving Mallow and Lana behind.

"Well, that was certainly something. Do you think more Yaks will show up here, or is it just too hot?" Mallow asked.

We've never really visited Equestria at all, actually." Lana commented. "Usually, ponies come here if they're looking for a Z-Crystal or something else."

"Yeah. But, it's not like we're leaving here. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, we can just make everyone and everything in Alola known to the world. I mean, Ash is popular now, isn't he?" Mallow pointed out.

"That's right." Lana giggled "Alola Champion and all. It's strange that I saw a lot of people the other day crying out his name and trying to head for him. How come you weren't one of them, Mallow?"

"How come you weren't one of them?" Mallow nudged Lana's shoulder.

"Hey, I was busy." Lana blushed, followed by Mallow's laughter. The two of them would walk off, chatting away, awaiting Ash's return tomorrow with the promise of PokeStar Studios being introduced to the Region of Alola.

Yakyakistan. Nightfall.

At Yakyakistan, Yona was walking through the gates with Piloswine, the two making their way through. It was currently night-time and the Yak's home was rather quiet, considering most of the Yaks were asleep. The guards nodded at her, unaware of what she was actually up to so far

"Yona had fun." The young Yak spoke, rubbing her eyes. "So much fun. But tired. Really tired."

"Swin." Piloswine nodded, acknowledging the fact that Yona had a long day. The young yak would look around, gazing at the mountains, the snow, the skies, the forests, and the moon. She was always mesmerized by the beauty of her home and even in Alola, she had a sense of awe.

"Yona has so many ideas for a movie now. But..." Yona then looked at the ground, her eyes shifting to the sides. "Yona doesn't know where to go with it. What should Yona do now? Will she be a good movie star?"

"Swin." Piloswine spoke.

"Mm. Yona will try her best. Maybe she should've asked for some help instead of rushing over there. But Ash is so nice. And his friends are nice. They'll help Yona."


"It's going to be great." The young yak yawned.

Once back at her home, the Yak would head inside, laying on the soft floor and snuggling herself up. A bright day was waiting for her tomorrow and she just couldn't wait. The career path she wished to take seemed to be clear by this point, but she still had to work her way through.

"Yona's gonna be a star..." She yawned, shutting her eyes. "Mm...a star."

The Light Canvas.

"You all will be entering the realm that no angel is ever supposed to enter unless necessary. Not for 80 centuries has an angel entered the Abyssal Depths." The Higher Angels spoke to them. "The chances of Ghetsis influencing the barrier even when trapped is high and likely. We are unsure as to how he is doing it so you will have to find out for yourself and try to find a way to remove it."

"That still can't be possible." An angel by the name of Vivid Wing spoke. "The Abyssal Depths shut down any source of magic in an individual. How can Ghetsis possibly still have the abilities he has?"

"It is not understood as of yet. There is a rumour, however..." Another Higher Angel spoke. "It is said that the only way someone can affect the outside world even when trapped in that endless dark realm is if their heart is as vile as the depths themselves. But that is only a rumour and has never been proven true."

"If it has never been proven, then how do we know for sure that is not the case?" Vivid Wing asked.

"You will have to find out. If that is the case, then we must stop him as soon as possible." With a wave of their limbs, the Higher Angels opened up a rift into the Abyssal Depths. "Go. Find Ghetsis. Break his connection so that way their barrier is severely weakened."

The rift in the realm before them was haunting, letting out a presence that brought unmistakable dread. This was a rift to a realm that should never be entered as it is the end of one's freedom entirely.

100 Angels were chosen for this objective. Not just a few. They were not taking any chances with this considering what they were dealing with. Never before has a mortal been able to pressure them this much.

The 100 angels were all of different kinds, but they shared the same purpose; Save their comrade, destroy Ghetsis's connection. They are all led by Strident Heart, a higher angel of great power.

The group of 100 entered the rift, being taken to the Abyssal Depths.

The darkness beyond would immediately strecth out as they were in the middle of the portal, not yet entering their destination. The trip to it was absolutely haunting, the dread of entering a place like this filling every single one of them.

The Angels and their divine magic was slowly stripped away as they passed the portal. Their magic, their light, their very essence was all being drained the closer they got to the Abyssal Depths. The portal felt as if they were falling into an endless void. Strident Heart used her magic to strengthen her fellow angels, allowing them to press on.

The deeper they went, they heard the most horrid sounds to ever exist. Sounds that no normal being could ever comprehend. Voices of the damned, wailing, crying, laughing and screaming all at the same time. No angel in the group knew what could be the cause of these sounds, but they did not wish to know.

"What are these sounds...?" One Angel wondered, a little frightened.

"They are the culmination of everything most evil in the universe." Strident Heart explained, telling them regardless. "All of the most vile and cruel beings have found themselves trapped here and are forced to suffer endlessly with the weight of their evil emerging as echoes. No one can escape the Abyssal Depths and their atrocities will catch up with them." Strident Heart answered. "We are getting close to the portal now."

Up ahead, a maelstrom of darkness could be seen, spiralling around and around with the vilest black aura radiating from it. The angels collectively put up a divine barrier when they came near, merging them as one for one efficiently powerful barrier.

Their Divine Barrier met with the maelstrom as it aggressively tried tearing through their defences with the ferocity of some of the most violent entities in the universe. The force and power of the vortex were immense, causing the barrier to struggle. It was only Strident Heart's magic that allowed the barrier to stay strong and keep them safe.

It wasn't just a maelstrom they had to go through, explosions of dark matter were going off around them, attempting to rip them apart. Their barrier held on though as the unity of the angels was truly divine, being able to handle this absolutely virulent experience.

Crushing gravity, sharp invisible attacks that moved rapidly across this horrid space and many other destructive forces attempted to stop the angels in their tracks, but they were able to persevere. The maelstrom soon faded into nothingness, allowing the 100 angels, including Strident Heart, to enter the Abyssal Depths. At last, they arrived into the origin of all Darkness.

The Abyssal Depths.

Darkness and emptiness surrounded them, going on forever with no end in sight. No stars, no sky, no ground, no anything. Just an endless black void. The sight of it, would be haunting to anyone else, but for the angels, they could manage. This place was truly the opposite of where they came from.

"This is the Abyssal Depths...I thought I would never have to enter a place such as this." Strident Heart said, a sense of melancholy filling her.

"This place is...cold." An angel noted.

"Indeed. This place is devoid of anything that could bring warmth. Nothing exists here." Strident Heart replied. "Our first order of business is finding Ghetsis and his connection to the outside world."

But they wouldn't have to search for too long. In the distance, something caught them off guard, surprising all of the angels. In the distance, a flicker of cosmic energy could be seen. It was distant, like a star, but just as visible. The sight of it was perplexing to say the least, since no form of light should exist in the Abyssal Depths, especially not that of a Cosmic Star.

"What is that up ahead? It can't be Ghetsis, is it?" An angel questioned.

"No, this can't be.." Strident Heart's pupils shrank as she flew forward to get a closer look. "This place is supposed to be devoid of light. The only way for that to be possible is if...no.."

Strident Heart's wings glowed a bit as she tried sensing what that was, the closer she got. The closer she got, the more it became clear. There was no mistaking it.

The criminals across the universe that found themselves here were active. No longer were they just floating endlessly, stuck in a constant static state. Now, they were free. Free to move and do as they please. Groans from these criminals could be heard, each unique from their respective planet, solar system or galaxy. The other angels looked down in absolute shock as this was not what they expected.

But they weren't just active, they were also building. In their hands, they held black crystals that they used to create a fortress of black glass, crystal and stone. Their prison was now their home and the structure itself was truly impressive, the size of it being massive and it seemed to go on forever.

"Ghetsis..." And speaking of Ghetsis, there he was.

Currently, he was being held up by the criminals of this place, who supported him in the air. His body was being covered in the cosmic energy that he stole from the angels as he was being forced into the fortress he and the other criminals built. The structure itself was filled with the black crystals that were being used to build it. The walls and roof were all made of black stone, the windows and doors were all made of glass. It was a place worthy of the king of a kingdom.

The cosmic energy surrounding him was being forced onto his skin, forming an armor over his body. The beings here carried Ghetsis forward, immediately spotting the angels as they brought the many they started worshipping as a King to them. And when he came closer, Ghetsis looked rather different than before. The side of his face was pulsating with Rift Energy while his left arm had dark magic flowing out of it. His eyes were constantly shaking, almost as if the energies he had within him were reacting.

"Look who it is." Ghetsis spoke. "The friend of that Angel we captured. What brings you here?

"Ghetsis!" She flew over to him, furious. "I should have known you would somehow influence this place. How are you even able to move and speak after taking so much power in? And how are all of these criminals moving? This place is supposed to nullify any forms of energy, no matter how powerful, how did you bypass that?!"

"How, you ask?" Ghetsis chuckled as his laughter made his Rift Energy shake violently to the point where it caused a ripple in this dark space. "Turns out, I was the perfect being for this place to finally respond."


"This endless space of darkness. It accepted me. And I accepted it. I already embraced the darkness years ago, so all of this? It was never an issue. I was given a chance to finally embrace it, and I took it. Now, the entities here see me as a King and worship me as one. And soon, I will bring their worship to the rest of the universe. As if I am ever finished."

"So, the rumours are true." Strident Heart gasped. "A being so evil that they are capable of affecting the outside world from here. Ghetsis, your heart must be the most vile there is for you to bypass the restrictions of the Abyssal Depths and be able to use the power you have. You allowed the Abyssal Depths to accept you...That should be impossible."

"I suppose so. Not that I know much of this place. But that wasn't the only factor. Look at me, angel." Ghetsis outstretched his arm, showing what had become of him. "All these energies, coalescing in my body. I am what some would call a mutant. My body was never meant to handle all of this, but it did anyway.

Much like his Hydreigon who he injected with the genes of Mew, Ghetsis was going through the same thing but with three great powers. He had the power of the Angels, the Rifts and the Darkness. His body was being broken, but he was still alive.

"You sacrificed your own well-being...For this?"

"Exactly. When I sought my pursuit for my power, I planned to cast away the weakness of Humanity. To transcend it and even the Pokemon themselves. I aimed to become a God. So, I gathered power over the years, no matter what. This was the result. A God who is no longer bound to the limits of his mortal form."

"You're insane! Your body can't hold onto all this power for much longer, you'll perish!"

"Will I?" Ghetsis then let out a maniacal smile that even intimidated the angels. "My body is breaking. But the more I break, the more power I get. As you can see, I have been making this fortress using the power I have gathered. The power is flowing through me and I am only growing stronger. This was part of the deal I made with the Rift. To make my body a pit of potential. To have the power to break and reform."

Everything Ghetsis has done has been leading up to this. His pursuit of power brought this result, where he was now in pain with all of these energies, but absolutely elated, ignoring the pain entirely.

"Mew. Sombra. The Rift. Divine Energy. The alliances I've formed and the plans I've laid out! All of it to transcend everyone! I will become a being greater than you angels! Greater than Arceus himself! This has been my goal from the start and no matter how outlandish it may be!"

He continued laughing, causing a cosmic storm to appear above everyone else. Because of his corrupted body, he was able to influence this endless and devoid space, filling it up. The angels gasped when looking up to see a Cosmic Storm appearing, rumbling with ethereal energy.

"So you don't care at all if your body perishes?!" Strident Heart. "You're despicable! Truly!"

"Why should I care?!" He continued to cackle. "Power is power! I don't need anyone else to tell me otherwise on how to get it or how it does! I do it my way! My entire life I've always wanted to become a ruler! The Ruler of Everything! I planned to start at Unova and eventually spread my influence throughout the rest of the world and beyond! Then, I'd overthrow you pathetic angels since I learned of your existence. And even the almighty Arceus will be mine. No matter what happens to me, my dream will come true. I will make it come true!"

It was all clear to Strident Heart and all the angels here. They finally knew who Ghetsis truly was. An unhinged madman. He's gone off the deep end and his dream was a path of destruction. He had the ability to influence the universe from here, but he won't do it yet.

"And the best part of it all...I have no regrets. As the soon-to-be Ultimate Ruler, why should I?! Now, if you will excuse me, I have to advance my plans. Very soon, the world will make way for my return and...And..." He then took a deep breath, lowering his head as he started breathing out dark energy, truly embodying his heart as vile as the Abyssal Depths.

Just then, the beings in this dark and endless realm would start chanting. In their own languages, they began chanting Ghetsis's name while praising him as their king. Some would kneel while others would raise their fists, tentacles, claws and whatever limbs they had in the air, shouting his name. Some of them started banging their chests and fists against the dark floor, shaking the place and creating ripples.

The chant kept going, getting louder and louder as it spread across the entirety of the Abyssal Depths, transcending its non-existent sound barrier and spreading throughout the universe.

"GHETSIS!! GHETSIS!! GHETSIS!!" The chant was all anyone could hear. "GHETSIS!! GHETSIS!!

Their cheers shook the very fabric of Abyssal Depths, causing some distortions within the space. The chants would not cease as the criminals would continue cheering for the one they saw as their superior.

The voices were everywhere now, sending mighty soundwaves that started disorienting the angels. The Angels had to fly high to try and escape the chant, which was all over. But, Ghetsis's chants were the loudest and could be heard in every part of the Abyssal Depths. His ego was being fed by his chants and he would continue to do so.

The power of their voices would send shockwaves, knocking some of the angels around. The most vile and evil beings out there, who all had their own intentions, were now just followers of the ultimate vile being. "GHETSIS!! GHETSIS!!"

"Hear that?!" Ghetsis spoke, his voice booming everywhere. "It's the sound of my victory! "So...How about it?" Ghetsis looked up at the 100 Angels, materializing one of his Poke Balls in his hand. "Dare to challenge me? Dare to fight back against me, the one who will rule over the universe?! The power you possess and everything you hold dear will belong to me!"

"W-We can't." Strident Heart refused, shocking the other angels. But they were all in agreement. The sight before them was too much for them to handle. "We need to report this at once."

"Heh...Good. Flee from me." Ghetsis taunted. "Flee and spread word of me. Tell them of what is to come. Because, one day, my dream will come true. I'll be back to the rest of the world. No. The Universe. There is nothing out there that can stop me. Even if my body reaches its absolute limit. I will never stop aiming for the very top! I will aim to the best!"

Alola. Melemele City. Day.

"Okay! Let's aim to make the best movie Alola's ever seen!" Back on Earth, the complete opposite was happening. Ash had shown up with all the necessary gear and equipment for PokeStar Movies. "All the things you could ever want for a film." Ash said. "Cameras, costumes, a whole bunch of smart equipments, the whole thing."

"Wow!" Mallow's eyes lit up along with the others. Present here were Sophocles, Lana, Kukui, Burnet and their baby child, Lei.

"Ash. You did an amazing job. I can't thank you enough." Kukui smiled, looking at all the equipment.

"Thanks." Ash rubbed his nose. "I just hope it helps."

"I can't wait." Sophocles grinned. "Imagine the possibilities we could do. Maybe we can show the people the mysteries of Alola's Pokemon. Like a special."

"That could be a good idea. I'd say it's perfect for a first-time film." Lana agreed. "The people would love that."

"They've been wanting to see what Alola's about for a long time now." Mallow nodded. "If we're going to tell a story, let's give them the whole package."

"A story about Alola." Ash placed his hand on his chin, thinking about it. "Works for me. Yona? What do you think?" He turned his attention to the young yak.

"Yes. Yona likes that idea." She nodded. "Yona wants to be in the movie. Can Yona be the star? Can Yona?!"

"Sure you can. How about this?" Ash approached the young yak, lowering himself to get to her level. "Pikachu and I have my our experience when we first came to Alola. How about you make one of your own?"

"One of Yona's own?" Her eyes lit up with childish wonder.

"I don't think you have your own story yet. You've been doing all sorts of things so far. So why not make a movie about a newbie who's not used to Alola and their experiences here?"

"Experiences in Alola." The Yak muttered. "Newbie. Alola. That sounds...interesting. It sounds interesting, doesn't it, Piloswine?"


"Nice." Ash stood up. "I guess everyone else is just playing themselves, huh?"

"Hm. I won't just be playing as the dashing Professor Kukui." Kukui put on a smile. "I'll also be acting as the Masked Royal!"

"Oh yeah, yeah!" Ash nodded his head rapidly, vehemently looking forward to that. "That'd be awesome!"

"Masked Royal?" Yona looked up, not knowing about that. "Is that another person? Like the Royal Mask."

"He is the Royal Mask. He just has another form. Like a Rotom!" Ash said, giggling a bit. "It's pretty amazing, actually. You're gonna love him. You can't miss him."

"Ooh." Yona nodded, her curiosity growing by the minute.

Suddenly, rushing here at high speeds and not wanting to miss out on this for a moment was Olivia. She was seen moving as fast as she could, driven by the thought of a movie being here, in Alola. This was news she couldn't possibly miss.

"Ash!" She exclaimed, stopping right next to him and holding his shoulder. "You didn't tell me a movie was coming to Alola!" Right behind Olivia, other people were rushing in, wanting a piece of the action.

"S-Sorry. I guess I didn't let a lot of people know, huh." He looked to the side, seeing all the people that gathered here. And it was quite the list. So many familiar faces were present. All the people Ash has met in Alola, minus Lillie's family since they were still on their quest. "Oh man...that's a lot of people."


"We're not letting this pass." Olivia said. "We've been waiting for a day like this for the longest! And we're not going to miss a single bit of this."

"Is this gonna be enough, Ash? Will it get overcrowded?" Mallow slid over to Ash, asking him.

"Nah. It just means we've got more muscle." Ash saw no qualms with this. He was eager to have multiple people and Pokemon onboard for this movie. "This is Alola's First ever movie, so let's make it count with everyone, okay? Yona. You're gonna through what you did yesterday and after that, everything that happens next will be all up to you."

"Yona will do her best. Thank you, Ash." Yona bowed her head. "Thank you so much. Yona will repay this someday."

"Don't worry about it.

"Ah! What am I doing?! I was in such a hurry I didn't check to polish myself!" Olivia gasped. "I'll be right back!"

"Same here." Mallow said, running off. "I can't believe I didn't think about it. Be right back."

"W-Wait for me!" Sophocles ran as well, the three girls leaving. Others would start dashing away, scrambling to get themselves ready just for the regions first ever movie. They were already planning on getting into places, doing what they do best. Ash smiled at this before petting Lei on the head, making his little brother from Alola giggle.

After a good hour or so, the preparations were done. The filming had begun and Yona was already getting a feel for the camera, recording everything. From what she went through yesterday to what she was about to today. The process of this film was an enjoyable one. Yona retreads her steps, remembering everything from yesterday and even meeting with everyone else, getting to know the people that Ash has been with in his time in Alola.

As the filming progressed throughout the day, the cast found themselves immersed not only in their roles but also in the joy of simply being together and creating something special. Despite the professional nature of the production, there were plenty of moments when the cast couldn't help but let loose and have fun, often leading to hilarious antics and lighthearted goofing off.

During breaks in filming, the cast members would often gather in small clusters, sharing stories and inside jokes as they waited for the next scene to begin. Kukui ended up dressing up as the Masked Royal everywhere, just needing to get it in.

And then there was Yona herself, the heart and soul of the production, whose was just lost in the magic. Everything was just natural for her in every possible way. And that made it all the more enjoyable.

Together, they formed a tight-knit ensemble, united by the love of Alola and the love of their craft And as the day drew to a close and the final scenes were filmed, the cast couldn't help but feel a sense of ultimate satisfaction, knowing that they had created something truly special together.

Yona would look over the horizon of Alola, gazing at the beautiful sights that the region had to offer. She was amazed by the sight, not knowing a place could be this breathtaking. This was a moment she wanted to savour even if she could always come back to Alola another time. There was just something about this region.

"Alola's so beautiful." The young yak commented, smiling.

"Yeah. It sure is." Ash was right by her side, agreeing with her. "I was blown away the first time I came here. And being back here makes things all the more better. That's why it's my second home."

As the late afternoon Sun began to set, another day was coming to an end. But this day was a wonderful one and was one Yona would remember. It was her first day in Alola, after all. And the first day of filming for her first-ever movie. An unforgettable experience for her indeed.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 452 End.

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