• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A Cosmic Cost

Inside the Despair Plant.

"Wait a sec! First of all, who are you?!" Rainbow Dash roared out at the vampire who made the most surprising appearance here in this strange place that was within the Despair Plant that absorbed them. Fractured Note showed up casually as if he wasn't an enemy. And technically, he wasn't.

"My name is Fractured Note. Did I not say that before? I guess I didn't." He greeted them with his real name, acting casual once more.

"Fractured Note? Chrysalis mentioned you once when she told us everything she knew about Magehold thanks to her mom." Now that name sounded familiar as well.

"That's me. A pleasure to meet you."

"I don't like how welcoming he is..." Rainbow Dash whispered. She was a bit suspicious about Fractured Note considering how nice he was about this. Considering they were being attacked by vampires, any vampire would be very dangerous to be around.

"Same here...He's got a horn and so does the Lich Queen...Do you think they're related or something?"

"Oh, this horn has always been with me. Even in my previous life." Fractured Note tapped his horn. "You might've recognized me already, Sombra. My appearance looks a bit different, doesn't it?"

"Right. Now your face looks familiar. You just look like a slightly different version of the first-ever Lich King. Greyvine. I've heard about you from what the Umbrum have shared with me."

"The First Lich King?! You?!" Many of them shouted but Sombra didn't look surprised at all. His hunch was right once he got a good look at Fractured Note.

"Former Lich King. Now I'm just a vampire with traces of a Lich in me. As seen by the horn. I serve as the Lich Queen's loyal servant. Well...not exactly loyal. I just pretend to be loyal."

"I can vouch for him." Sombra raised his hoof. "He is the type of pony to be on our side."

"Really? You mean it, Sombra?" Radiant Hope glanced over at her childhood friend.

"Right. I know about King Greyvine. Compared to the Lich Kings and Queens that came after him, he was the complete opposite. The shortest reign and the least destructive one too. In fact, there was a vast lack of destruction. I never thought he reincarnated though."

"It was a risk. I poured all the magic I had in my last moments to try and reincarnate myself and it worked out. Now I just barely look like my old self."

"Oh, so you are on our side!" Pinkie Pie gasped. "That's great! Really great! First Spectrum Shade and now Dimstar? We keep piling these on!"

"I'm pretty sure Spectrum and Dimstar don't care about us, Pinkie." said Rainbow Dash.

"What's this about Somnambula?" Sombra asked. "And how do we get out of here?"

"The Pillars, at least two or three of them have had interactions with things out of Magehold before. And something like this has been experienced before by those not from Magehold. You don't have to worry. There is a way out of this."

"That's great and all, but how?" Radiant Hope questioned.

"The Lich Queen is simply using one of Magehold's tricks and she placed it inside of a Despair Plant. Vampires used to show up in Equestria quite a bit but never publically showed themselves. They always went for smaller groups."

"Oh, he's right. That's how Applejack and I found out about those Sunrise Flowers when learning about Mage Meadowbrook." Fluttershy only confirmed Fractured Note's words.

"All the Pillars were actually together when coming across something from Magehold. They found themselves within the chamber too but it was done by accident instead of your break-in. And it was Somnambula who found a way out of it. She discovered that the chamber was sentient, even before a Despair Plant absorbed it."

"So...it was always alive?" Realizing that, Ash looked around him, gazing at the green pulses in the sky. Now those pulses were starting to make sense. Those were potentially heartbeats.

"Not just alive but it was drawing its power from somewhere. It drew power from the afterlife, interacting the spirit and souls that have moved on." Fractured Note continued. "You've experienced it before, right? The power a Lich is capable of when it comes to those that have moved on."

"We have, Back home with Dimstar. A Lich can connect with the afterlife, right?" Rarity replied.

"Right. That's where all the skeletons come from and this is also an example of that. It was the souls and spirits that made all of this possible. The Lich Queen found a way to make her Despair Plant tap into that same power by adding her own magic. Thankfully, since Somnambula figured it out, you all have to do what she did. Speak with the spirits."

"And how do we do that?"

"It was Starswirl the Bearded and Mistmane's combined magic who helped her reach them and Somnambula did everything else. All you need is some magic and get ready to face the beings that lived beyond. Be careful. They are all rowdy and upset as you can probably guess."

"Easy for you to say...we don't have magic anymore. All of it's been shut down." Radiant Hope sighed, lacking any magic to make it possible.

"Right, the Necropillars. Your only hope to get somewhere is by destroying those pillars. But the two ponies who didn't make it in here are at a grave disadvantage."

"It's fine." Ash stepped forward. "We've got one way to reach the spirits. Applejack?"

"I hear ya. We don't have magic, but we have this little guy to help us." Thankfully, there was a way to speak with the afterlife. And that answer came in the form of Delta Riolu, who would soon step up.

"This Pokemon? Really?" Fractured Note showed a surprised yet confused expression when gazing at Delta Riolu.

"Don't let his small size fool ya. Riolu calmed down some spirits back at Lapras Lake when we went up against Dimstar. With some help from Lucario, we solved that problem."

"Rio!" Riolu triumphantly raised his arms, knowing he could do it again.

"Hm...Okay then." Fractured Note shrugged, going along with it. "If this little Pokemon can do it, then who am I to judge? But even if you connect with them, it'll be much different from what Somnambula did. In her time, she didn't have to deal with a Despair Plant. Only the spirits and souls. But for you all, the Despair Plant is something you have to watch out for."

"We'll be fine. Ready, Lucario?" Ash looked over at his Aura Pokemon. Lucario was more than ready. He wanted out of here as soon as possible. "Great. We just need that magic touch. We could wait for Twilight and Emerald or..."

"I can provide it to you. The Lich Queen is not aware of my actions. I always move in secrecy. I was born a Lich even with my reincarnated form so I can expertly conceal myself in various ways that the Lich Queen herself cannot. I'll give you the magic you need but make it quick. Otherwise, she will soon find out that my magic is involved in this. Your friends are out there having her full attention."

"Good luck, Twilight. Emerald. Espeon. " Ash said to himself, wishing Twilight Sparkle, Espeon and Emerald Aura the best of luck.

Magehold Chamber.

And indeed, all the luck they needed had to be here. Right now, they were facing not just Opal Vivacity but the Lich Queen Rosa Maledicta herself along with the Destruction Pokemon Yveltal and a Despair Plant Triphyophyllum. Twilight was hoping that Emerald Aura could do her best to give her enough time for one reason. The Z-Move. That was Twilight's Trump Card and she definitely didn't want to waste it.

"Alright, you three! Gather together!" Twilight exclaimed as Espeon, Absol and Cinccino would rush to Twilight's side, preparing themselves for the Twilight Starblaze.

"Opal. Get a chunk of your mane ready. I want to make sure fate is on my side. You never know with these Equestrians after all. They're completely unpredictable."

"Twilight...I'm gonna give you all the time in the world by trying to call for the biggest force out there. Next to Arceus, anyway."

"Biggest force? You mean the Rift?!" Twilight roared. Emerald Aura was going all in. And the best way for her to go all in was by contacting the Rift. The one who made her.

"Even I know I can't hold off these two with how dangerous they are so I need the Rift more than anything. Whatever the Rift can do, we need that power. Even if it's not at its best anymore after recent events it should still do something for us."

"You're going to call on such a power?" Rosa Maledicta uttered. "That honestly sounds pointless. The Rift won't get involved with something like this."

"Don't talk like you know it. You all threaten every single bit of life there is and that involves the Rift. I know it'll get involved with your shenanigans." Emerald's horn flashed as she was already preparing a Rift Spell which was Twilight's cue to start preparing the Z-Move. "I know the Rift doesn't want anything to do with me anymore, but I have to try something at least."

"As if! Get them, Triphyophyllum!" Opal Vivacity would make the first move, ordering Despair Plant Triphyophyllum. The three heads of this Despair Plant would shoot out three dark rays that were wide enough to hit as many targets as possible for such small numbers.

"Yveltal...Dark Pulse." Rosa Maledicta, wanting to keep them alive for their lifespans, commanded Yveltal to use something other than Oblivion Wing. But Dark Pulse was devastating in its own right. And on top of that, the magic of the Lich Queen would be used as well.

Emerald Aura gulped, seeing a multitude of Darkness flying in her direction. Dark Rays from the Triphyophyllum, Dark Pulse from Yveltal and a Blast of Dark Magic from Rosa Maledicta. But this wasn't the time to get nervous, not when she was talking so big earlier.

In response, Emerald Aura's Rift Magic sprang into action, affecting the area around her. She would transform the air into one large Air Shield. This Air Shield would interact with the Dark Attacks in a unique way, causing them to swirl as the shield also acted like a pocket, holding them back.

"Here goes!" Twilight would tap on the Z-Crystal, initiating the process. The light from the crystals went off as three of them emerged to reach the three Pokemon who were about to harness its power. "Arceus...I need all the help I can get!"

Rosa Maledicta threw out some thorns from underneath, attempting to sneak attack Twilight before she could even get the chance for a single Z-Move. However, the second the thorns reached her, a forcefield of Rift Magic flashed into existence, reflecting the thorns as they bounced off. "Hm?"

"No use in doing that! Twilight will be protected by a small Rift Dimension I've created! She'll have all the time possible!" Emerald Aura grinned as she backed Twilight up with this small dimension around her. Her hooves were trembling along with her horn shaking when holding off these powerful attacks.

"That so?" But the Lich Queen was unamused as she simply expanded the size of her magic once. The increase of the Dark Beam disrupted the Air Shield immediately. Emerald Aura felt the disruption as the force of Dark Magic travelled through the air, hitting her body.

Emerald cried out as the pocket of air was pierced while the entire shield shattered. All the attacks went through, going straight for Emerald Aura while leaving behind a powerful wind pressure. This also affected Twilight and the dimension she was being kept in. The Dimension would shake from the wind pressure, throwing Twilight off balance. Emerald Aura recovered by sliding on the ground, quickly switching to another spell without even taking the time to breathe. She had to be as fast as possible. She used her spell to gather the air once more, using what had been shattered and bringing it back for another try.

This time, she sharpened the air, giving it an edge. The movement of the attacks came close, the Sharp Air would cut them in half. Dark Pulse, the Dark Rays and the Dark Beam were sliced, combusting right afterwards. However, one thing that would not be sliced in half were the thorns of Rosa Maledicta. After the dark attacks left the scene, the thorns returned, flying towards Emerald Aura.

The Rift Pony gasped before trying to use the sharp air once more. However, not only did they fail to cut the thorns, but they were also constricted by the thorns. The Sharp Air found itself restrained by the thorns, unable to flow anymore as Rosa Maledicta had a grip on the air itself. And by holding the air, she would shatter it, shaking the area around her.

The vast quantity of air in this area would be disrupted by this one action, further disrupting the Rift Dimension that Twilight was in. She was unable to get her Z-Move going with all of these disruptions. On top of that, the ground below started cracking before of this tremendous clash. The Rift Water that Emerald Aura made earlier would start bursting out, even towards Emerald who made it so that it would be safe for her and Twilight. But with the Lich Queen's power, it was turning on them as well.

Triphyophyllum would suddenly approach Emerald Aura, ready to get up close and personal. Its fangs bared as all three of its mouths were about to gnaw on the Rift Pony, wondering what space tasted like. They would never get that opportunity as Emerald Aura then manipulated the water she originally made, refusing to let it turn against her. Instead, she would turn it towards the Despair Plant Triphyophyllum, causing a stream of it to crash into one of the heads.

And for extra measure, Emerald heated up the water, making it boil. Once it hit one of the heads, the eyes and face of Triphyophyllum's head would receive a powerful burn that made it cry out. This pain affected the other heads of Triphyophyllum as they were connected after all. Bits of the boiling water even touched parts of the Fused Despair Plant, adding to that pain. Afterwards, Emerald would summon another stream, making it hit Triphyophyllum's chest, launching the massive creature back and targeting the two terrifying ponies in front of her. "How's that?!"

"Meh." But Opal Vivacity was not bothered. Instead, she held out a chunk of Fate-Changing Mane, allowing Triphyophyllum to approach her. The mane touched Triphyophyllum's back, changing fate in a flash. Triphyophyllum's predicament had changed. Instead of flying into Opal Vivacity, it would go back to what it was doing seconds ago.

The stream of water was used once more, but this time, Triphyophyllum would see it coming, swaying all three of its heads in different directions. The left head would move back, causing the stream to miss, the middle one moved forward while the right one moved back as well. The stream missed completely, hitting the walls instead. Even the second stream was anticipated as Triphyophyllum would unleash a Dark Ray on it.

The stream was blown away by the ray of Darkness as it would absolutely overpower it and that would mean Emerald Aura was bound to be hit by it as fate did not favour her. A direct hit and the Rift Pony went flying. The ground below would break apart once more, allowing the water to rise up. Dark Magic trailed out of Emerald's body after the attack hit its mark, setting off a black explosion.

"Emerald!" Twilight screeched after seeing her friend take a heavy hit. Emerald slid on the rough ground as her body was met with the crashing waves that flew out of the cracks, splashing her.

"D-Don't stop!" Emerald yelled at Twilight, wanting her to continue. She couldn't afford to worry about her friend taking damage. Emerald Aura recovered by creating a cloud in front of her which brought up from the ground, regaining some momentum and balance. However, she had to think fast as there were large thorns right above her, ready to pierce into the Rift Pony. Emerald would quickly summon more clouds above her, using them as shields.

The thorns would fiercely stab into the clouds, finding out that they were hard instead of soft. Emerald hardened the clouds to match that of steel itself, defending her and Twilight. Twilight whimpered for a moment before continuing the Z-Move. The light energy was still there, waiting to be unleashed.

"Oh just stop it." Rosa Maledicta said as her thorns would slice the clouds in half with their barbed edges. Even the Steel Clouds were being destroyed as the thorns were cleaving through them. Emerald Aura then summoned Rift Energy out of thin air, forming the energy into massive claws. These Rift Claws would then grab the thorns, holding them in place right as they nearly touched Emerald Aura's face. "You're wasting your time. Yveltal. Oblivion Wing."

Suddenly, Yveltal would use Oblivion Wing, but not on Emerald Aura, Instead, it was on the Rift Claws. By creating a transparent violet sphere in front of it with blue electricity-like energy in it, Yveltal shot it all out as the Rift Claws would have all of their energy taken away instantly. The claws would lose their Rift Energy, much to Emerald Aura's dismay and surprise. She saw them whittle away as she quickly ran back before the thorns could come swinging down.

A close call as the thorns violently whipped the ground, leaving a massive crack and mark on it. It also made a tremor that would reach the Rift Dimension as Rosa Maledicta was clearly trying to interrupt Twilight as much as possible. And she was succeding at it. The dimension was beginning to break thanks to this fierce and rough confrontation, holding Twilight and her Pokemon back. Emerald Aura breathed in and out, feeling so much pressure that no Rift Pony has ever gone through before.

"Dark Pulse, Yvetal."

"Blast her, Triphyophyllum!" Opal cackled as both Yveltal and Triphyophyllum would attack in unison. Four Dark Attacks came flying out of their mouths, merging together to form an even stronger one. Grunting for a moment, Emerald Aura would once again create something out of Rift Energy.

And this time, it was a Rift Projection of herself. She would form this massive Pony Projection but it was solid instead of transparent. It held its hooves out, using all of its power to hold back the attacks. The impact let out powerful sparks that hit the walls of the room, shaking everything near and far.

"Stop it, Emerald!" Twilight yelled. "Let's just try it somewhere else!"

"It's fine, Twilight!" Emerald groaned. "I'm so glad I'm a Rift Pony otherwise this would be over so soon! I wish I was at my best though...! But I know I can get the Rift involved somehow!" She bellowed while her body was struggling. The clash between her Rift Projection and the four Dark Attacks shook the area as the walls and ceiling above were starting to crumble, dropping on Twilight's Rift Dimension, breaking it down gradually.

"Forget the Rift! We don't have enough time!" Twilight pleaded. "I can't even get a clear shot with my Z-Move like this!"

"We have to go with this method. It's all we have right now. I was contemplating on this but the one way I can get the Rift's attention is if I take myself out."

"Take yourself out?" Twilight repeated as her heart dropped for a moment.

"I'm made out of Rift Energy. I came from the Rift itself. If I go, the Rift gets some of its power back. It already took a good chunk away from me and the rest that it lost is still here. Now might be a good time to send it there."

"You can't take yourself out!" What Emerald was suggesting was wild. So much so that Twilight absolutely refused to let it happen if it meant that Emerald would be lost. "I already lost Shining Armor! I can't lose a friend too!"

"We don't go way back, Twilight and I'm not sure how strong our trust is. We weren't on the best terms in the beginning. I was the one who caused that Darkrai problem for your town back in the early days and I gave a boost to some of your worst enemies..." Emerald replied, lowering her tone. "But at this rate, I'm sure things will work out. It has to. For our friends. You have to let me do this."

"I can't let you do it though! You're my friend too! We made up after everything was said and done and you helped us during some rough times!" Twilight brought up a good point. Even though Emerald Aura caused so much trouble for them in the beginning, she made up for it by being one of their most powerful allies ever. "I can't sacrifice someone else to save someone else! That's why I want another way!"

"Ugh, enough of that babble!" Opal felt like gagging as she took a piece of her Fate-Changing Mane out, throwing it at the Rift Projection. "Here! I'll give you two a perfect solution!"

However, the moment the mane touched the Rift Projection of Emerald Aura, it would suddenly bounce off. Nothing happened. There was no effect of any kind. The mane did not let out a crimson light or affect fate and reality in any way. It just felt to the sea pathetically. "What?! Impossible!" Naturally, Opal Vivacity was flabbergasted, unable to understand how that was possible. Her mane has never failed before, so why now?

"Where do you think the Fate-Changing Ability originated from?" Emerald chuckled, enjoying the look of shock on Opal's face. "Rift Magic counters that power of yours easily! And I'm going through with this and going out on my own terms! Not from you! After all...this is the only option I have."

"No, Emerald!" Twilight protested as the struggle blew back parts of the Rift Dimension even more.

"Time's running out, Twilight. It's not like I'll be gone forever." Emerald Aura twitched as she felt herself losing the struggle. "The Rift can just remake me. But...at this point, I don't know if it cares about me anymore. Obsidian stopped caring about me...until I met all of you. You and everyone else back at Ponyville care about me."

"I can't do that though..." The thought of losing someone else again was too much for Twilight. She already lost one part of her family in the form of Shining Armor. Emerald Aura couldn't go either. That would only increase Twilight's fears as everyone she knows and love could potentially perish one by one.

"I'll feel pretty great after I'm gone though. I'll leave knowing that I had those who cared for me. I finally know how Cold Colt felt when he got love from you all. It's the greatest feeling in the universe. In any universe. I was afraid I was going to be alone after the Rift took so much of my power away but I'm glad I met you all. If I don't ever come back and up as someone else in another universe where two worlds cross over, I'll at least keep those memories and know there's a place like this out there."

"I didn't even get to spend that much time with you...I Wish I did! Just like everypony else!"

"Quit acting like a baby! You and your Pokemon are the only ones who can save your friends!" Emerald yelled back at Twilight, being a bit harsh but meaning it from a well-meaning heartfelt place. "With a Pokemon...you can do anything! I've seen it all from the World Ash lives in! Your world and His World have taught me that there's always hope somewhere! And with this Grander World, that Hope is at an all-time high! The best it's been!"

"I've grown tired of this." Rosa Maledicta shook her head, bored of this sentimental talk. "If you want to destroy yourself then I suppose I'll skip out on taking something from you. I'll go after the one they call Cold Colt instead. Yveltal. Oblivion Wing."

At last, Rosa Maledicta chose to destroy Emerald Aura, focusing on another Rift Pony. That horrifying and violent beam of destruction would be unleashed once more, hitting the Rift Projection.

"I told you I'm going down but it will be on my own terms!" Emerald Aura preferred to take herself out in her own way. She refused to let it be done by the Dread League at all. "And...I'm leaving something else behind for that diva of yours!"

"Really now?" Rosa Maledicta narrowed her eyes while OPal grizzled her teeth at Emerald Aura. The Rift Projection was beginning to dissolve against the power of Oblivion Wing as the hooves were already the first to go. This obviously meant that Emerald Aura was about to lose the struggle but not in a pathetic way.

"This feels nice though...This fiery feeling in my heart. Rift Creations don't normally feel emotions like this and yet me and Cold found it. Twilight. Thanks for everything." Grateful for what she got despite only being sent here as a troublemaker in the beginning, Emerald Aura could smile with relief and peace in her heart. Then after taking all of that in, she would let every ounce of her magic explode.

All of the Rift Magic within would explode, resulting in the Rift Projection expanding as well. In its final moments, the Rift Projection would cancel out the Oblivion Wing as it never reached Emerald Aura at all. The Rift Explosion would then expand instantly, reaching both sides but one side was obviously destructive when targeting the Lich Queen and her forces.

Twilight's bloodcurdling and emotional scream was completely blocked out by the sound of the explosion which engulfed everyone in this room. Nothing was missed. The room was blown sky-high, destroying every possible entryway that could be found.

All vampires near this room were startled as the explosion blew away the walls. Those vampires who were close by, trying to reach this area, found themselves being sent far away by it. It even went so far that it left the Chamber itself, sending Rift Lights into the Dark Sky.

The Dark Clouds were pierced as for a moment, they knew what Light truly felt like, even if it was brief and fizzled out afterwards, just like all the Rift Energy in the area. It all fizzled out, reverting as stardust that would gracefully drop onto Magehold, giving some extra life to it.

"Ugh..." Rosa Maledicta put a shield around her which she lowered. But even she was surprised by the power behind that explosion as it made a visible crack in her shield.

"That Cosmic Nuisance..." Opal growled, insulting Emerald Aura, who was nowhere to be found. Both of them looked onward, seeing no sign of the Rift Pony. All that was left was a Stardust Silhouette of herself, ascending afterwards. She was truly gone and all that was left was the weeping Twilight Sparkle, who lost her Rift Dimension. Not only that but the water that Emerald Aura originally made was gone too, leaving with her and revealing a ruined ground.

"She took herself out and refused to let us do it. That's one soul that's been wasted." Rosa Maledicta grumbled for a bit.

"But she was a fool to do that! Because now Princess Twilight is truly on her own!" Opal cackled, aiming her hoof at the Princess of Friendship. "So much for that sacrifice, huh?! And I don't much of the Rift itself anywhere!"

Twilight did not respond. Instead, she stood there, gutted beyond belief. All of her Pokemon gathered around her, comforting their beloved trainer. Even the always-serious Absol showed a gutted emotion. Emerald Aura was gone. But Opal Vivacity did not give Twilight the chance to lament or take it all in.

"Triphyophyllum! Get her!" Opal yelled, wanting to damage Twilight at her weakest moment. Three more Dark Rays were coming for her and she didn't even make any movements. She was too hurt by this to react. Absol, Espeon and CInccino would stand in front of Twilight, having the strength to continue even after what just happened. However, they wouldn't have to be the ones to defend Twilight.

From above, in the skies where Emerald Aura's magic pierced, something else pierced through it. A Golden Beam of Light shot down, piercing the Magehold Chamber, going through every level at incredible speeds and more importantly, intercepting the Dark Rays.

The Light countered the Darkness, obliterating it as it would also expand, spelling bad news for Opal Vivacity. Opal screeched once this Ray of Light appeared. But most notably, it also affected Triphyophyllum. The Despair Plant Fusion and the Beautiful yet Vile Vampire both hissed and roared, backing up.

"It's you..." Already, Rosa Maledicta knew who this was just by looking at this Golden Light and seeing how it affected her Despair Plant. This was no ordinary Light. Not at all.

"It's alright now, Princess Twilight." A voice spoke to her. It was familiar and comforting. It reminded her of Ash but differently. Deeper. Twilight's eyes slowly opened, still teary-eyed as she gazed upon the one who came to her aid in the darkest of times. Another version of Ash Ketchum's Father.

Galaxy Master.

"The Rift sent me here as soon as possible. Faster than I could show up." Galaxy Master, alongside his partner Pikachu, stood tall among the smoke and dust that was left behind by the Rift Explosion. "Your friend Emerald Aura's wishes have been heard. And now we are here."


As the journey continues.

Chapter 178 End.

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