• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A Fail in the Dark

Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon School. Afternoon.

In the midst of fleeing from Twilight Sparkle after being discovered, Team Rocket found themselves in a dark room. But it wasn't just a random dark room. Inside of it was one of the teachers of the Pokemon School who was still present here even after the two worlds merged as one. Tobias.

"I-It's you!" Jessie shrieked. That face was all too familiar to Team Rocket. They could never forget the face of the one who had a Darkrai and a Latios.

"The guy with the Darkrai!" Meowth bellowed.

"Hold on. Have you been sitting alone in the dark this entire time?!" Jessie questioned, wondering if Tobias was just casually in here, waiting for the right moment for someone to show up.

"Don't worry about that. As for you. You've been making quite the ruckus out there and I don't think I've seen you around before." Tobias would stand up, intimidating Team Rocket.

"Wait! You're a teacher here!?" Meowth gasped as they were in the midst of a Pokemon School Teacher and seemingly the only human that actually stayed behind.

"Lock! Lock!" James desperately locked the door shut. With his newfound ability, he had that power as right as he did so, Twilight Sparkle had caught up. Once Twilight and Espeon caught up, they would try opening the door, only for James's power to kick, locking them out. And right now, James was constantly using it against this one door as this was essentially a dead-end.

"Don't move!" Jessie held her hand out at Tobias, threatening him. "I have great Psychic abilities and I know how to use them!"

"News flash. This is the one with the Darkrai." Moewth nudged Jessie. "Psychic ain't doing nothing to him."

"So? It's not like he's a Dark-Type Human." Jessie scoffed as Tobias stood there, unimpressed. She would summon that Psychic Energy around her arms, ready to strike at even Tobias.

However, at that moment, the effects of the potion were finally beginning to fade away. The second that Psychic energy appeared, it would soon fade away as well as every other part Jessie received. Her hair was returning to normal, her dress was fading away, revealing the rest of her true appearance.

"Wait! What's happening?!" Jessie gasped, noticing that her power was fading.

"It's running out!" James screeched as the antennae on his head was beginning to fade away. He tried reading Twilight's mind but now the words were becoming fuzzy.

"Aha!" And things were only starting to worsen as Twilight found a way into the room. And that was with a good old-fashioned magical blast. James backed up once his Psychic abilities were dropping. Time was running out. "Looks lik the 15 minutes are up. End of the line, Team Rocket and..." The Princess of Friendship paused for a moment, instantly recognizing Tobias who was just casually here. "Tobias?"

"Afternoon, Princess."

"It isn't over yet!" Jessie, James and Meowth collectively backed away. "You said it only lasts for 15 minutes. Well before that happens, we can just double up!"

"Double up?" Twilight repeated.

"That's right!" Jessie would whip out another Infinity Potion that she filled up earlier. So did James as the two of them were not ready to let these powers fade. They were already doing so much and so well with these abilities. It couldn't escape them. It was unknown what would happen if the potion was consumed once more while the effects were about to fade away but Team Rocket would be the first to demonstrate. Together, they would drink from the Infinity Potions a second time, not wasting any time. Twilight gasped as she was too late to stop them from taking another sip. Tobias would also witness this mysterious drink being consumed.

"Aahh..." Jessie took a deep breath. And just like that, the effects of the potion kicked in quicker than usual. Usually, they take a little bit of time to really show. But this time, since the previous effects were lingering before they faded away, the potion would react to what was already inside, unleashing that golden glow. This time, the glow was bigger and brighter than usual, causing Twilight, Espeon and Tobias to squint. "Oooough!"

Suddenly, Jessie would get on her knees, groaning as she was already experiencing some form of discomfort. And that same could be said for James who held his head. It felt like it was vibrating uncontrollably with a powerful ringing sound going through it. The light from his antennae would flash at a greater level as it sent a pulse across the room. Meowth was in disbelief at what was happening to his friends. They were undergoing yet another transformation.

"A-Are you two alright?!" Despite pursuing them, Twilight still thought about their well-being. As soon as she moved forward, the light from their bodies would intensify. Their bodies were also receiving a more drastic transformation than what they received. It would be something on Smolder's level.

They looked like they were fusing as their light bodies would merge together, forming something unseen before. Something rather horrifying. Meowth's jaw dropped along with Twilight's a colossal entity was appearing. Emerging from the light was a massive Jessie but she was far different in appearance.

Her hair was now on fire, specifically pink fire which kept in line with her style. Her eyes were glowing as her entire skin was lighter than before, now emanating a pink glow. It was as if she was radiated. And as for James, he had an ethereal appearance but he was mainly just a head. A massive floating purple ethereal head to be exact.

"Sweet Celestia..." Twilight shuddered. This was not the result she as expecting. Not only did Team Rocket overrule the 15-minute time limit but increasing it, but they also went through a drastic change.

"Oh, now this is a greater update!" Jessie said with a booming sound. Her voice had been elevated too as it felt like she was talking from the skies themselves. "I'm overflowing with Psychic energy!" And it definitely showed. All of that around her was Psychic Energy as she would let it burn. Espeon growled, feeling a great increase of Psychic energy from Jessie as all the nearby objects were starting to float. Even the rubble from the door.

"And look at me. I can now hear multiple minds going off at once!" As for James's upgrade, he could now hear minds all across the area. At this very moment, he could hear the minds of everyone outside. Thoughts of all kinds were going through his head involving what everyone was planning to do today, what they have done, the situation with Smolder outside and so on.

"No way...Team Rocket's greater than ever."

"That's right, Princess Twerpette!" Jessie snapped her fingers as she levitated the entire room itself. She separated it from the rest of the Pokemon School, already showing off. "It was the right call to drink from it! Now that we're above you, all our worries can be whisked away!"

"And pretty soon, grabbing Pikachu won't be an issue!" James bellowed. "I already know what you're thinking so don't try anything."

"Just wait for us, boss!" Meowth cackled, climbing onto Jessie's shoulder. "This is our big break!"

"Seems like you came across something wild." Staying calm about this was Tobias, who was not intimidated by the massive Jessie and James.

"I know..." Twilight sighed. "I'm not really used ot being the principal of a school. I only how to organize. It'll take some time before I can get used to running it."

"Don't worry. They're not that much of a threat."

"Hah! Not that much of a threat?! That's rich coming from someone who's not even half the size of my pinky now." Jessie cackled and wheezed, taunting Tobias, soon pointing at him. But once again Tobias was unmoved.

"You're not even large enough to fit this entire room." Tobias smiled. "Why do you think it's so dark?"

"Hah?" Jessie blinked, unsure as to what Tobias was on about. But all it took was James reading his mind to figure out it instantly. But even when figuring it out, it was far too late as they already came across it the second they entered this room.

"It's high time you showed yourself, Darkrai."

"Not good! Jessie! His Darkrai's in here!" James screeched, floating in front of Jessie.

"It is?! I don't see it." Jessie looked around. She tried using her Psychic abilities to the extreme and that involved enhancing her vision. However, she soon found out that even with this elevated power, she could see through the dark. That was mainly thanks to the fact that this wasn't just ordinary darkness. This was Darkrai's Darkness. Something a Psychic-Type couldn't look through. "I-I can't see it anywhere! What gives?!"

"Duh! It doesn't matter how much Psychic Energy you have! You can't see through this! Especially since this is-" Before Meowth could say anything, a chilling feeling appeared behind him.

"Dark...!" And speaking of Darkrai, it finally showed itself, creeping up from behind. Team Rocket gulped as they could hear the cry of the Pitch Black Pokemon. The eyes of Darkrai pierced the darkness as Jessie could feel its claws on its back, making her shriek. And before she, James and Meowth knew it, they were each struck by Dark Pulse.

A black explosion that was hard to see went off, engulfing them. And since Jessie and James were brimming with Psychic Energy, it would hurt them more than anyone else. After the dark explosion went off, lo and behold, the effects of the potion had been eliminated. The Psychic Energy was all gone thanks to this one Dark Pulse as a hole in the room had been blown open. And through that hole, Team Rocket went flying, back to normal.

"It can't be! I was so close to perfection!" Jessie growled. "Unlimited power was right in the palm of my hands and inside of me! I even had a powerful speech prepared!"

"All those minds...It would've been fun to know everyone's dark little secrets simultaneously. We were certainly defeated by something dark." James sighed.

"Look on the bright side. There's always next time with that Infinity Energy." Meowth wasn't too beaten up by it. After all, he didn't drink from it once.

"We're blasting off again!" Once more, Team Rocket was blasting off, heading elsewhere. But they will be back. They always come back eventually. Either soon or later. Twilight wished to put an end to this on this very day, planning to arrest them but it looks like arresting Team Rocket was an impossible task. Defeat was the best that could be done for such a persistent group.

"Thanks, Tobias. But I actually wanted to win with Absol. I would've also shown my students just how great of a principal I was."

"Don't mention it. Happy I could help, principal. Nice work, sneaking up on them like that, Darkrai. Return." Thanking Darkrai for that sneak attack, Tobias would return the Pitch-Black Pokemon to its Poke Ball. And once it returned, the darkness that filled the room would fade away. Light was returning once more, revealing the rest of the room. It turned out to be a storage room this entire time, full of boxes with school items waiting inside.

"So...you're still a teacher here? I thought you were long gone by now. You did say you'd show up here one day but I didn't think it'd be now."

"I was actually here a few times. Even before you took over. And besides, the distance thing doesn't bother me. I can go anywhere in the world so I'm alright." Tobias was in the same boat as Ash. Because he's been across the world, the distance from the Pokemon School to anywhere else was not an issue for him at all. He was the one Human Teacher who could easily show up here.

"Hm. That makes sense. By the way, why were you in a dark room this entire time?" Twilight had the same question as Jessie as it was rather odd.

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I'll be seeing you tomorrow. I haven't taught any lessons just yet but my time will come." Tobias would walk out of the room, calling it a day. "For Pokemon Battles, the students should come and see me. But only for the High-Level Pokemon Battles."

"Right. But I have one more problem to solve." Twilight had one more thing to take care of and that was the massive Smolder outside.

Speaking of Smolder, she had a bit more time left compared to Team Rocket and so did Charmander and Gallus. The heads of Smolder were still very much active, giving the real Smolder a lot of trouble. Being a Dragon-Hydra was not all that it was cracked up to be. Hydreigon made it look easy.

"Smolder! What's all of this!?" As time went on, students were being picked up and taken back home. And of course, Ember showed up to pick up Smolder, only to find her as a Hydra.

"Uh...I can explain." The middle head said. "It's not really that long of an explanation anyway."

"And what happened to Charmander?!"

"Charmander!" Mega Charmander X as he was now known as, would flex his arms and shoot out blue fire, showing off what he had attained after drinking the potion.

"Is this all these do?" And poor Gallus got the short end of the stick. His potion only gave him wings that were separated and appeared in different colours but didn't do much for him at all. Complete dissappointment. "Lame."

"Alright. At any moment, the potion's effect should wear off. But I've managed to get a lot of information from this." Potion Nova said as she took the time to observe everything outside here. From Smolder, Charmander and Gallus to all the students who wished to drink the Infinity Energy Potions. "I can safely say this. It's only dangerous depending on how we use it. But for you, Smolder and everyone else, maybe you're too young to really get used to this."

"Says who?!" The left head of Smolder roared. "Yona looked perfectly fine when she got gears for hooves! You think I can't manage this?!"

"Yona broke parts of the walls though. Look. This is fun and all, but I may have to head home and reassess things. I never thought to drink the potions after all. As much as I love others testing out my potions, I am a little bit hesitant when it comes to kids. Safety first."

"That's not fair." The right head pouted. "So you're just going to give us weaker potions? We were gonna use these potions back at class anyway before Yona drank the first one!"

"Until I get this all sorted out. First, I'll need my container back but I can trust Twilight with that."

"Ahem." Ember approached. "So, what's up with this? How come she's a Hydra now? What potion did she even drink?"

"Infinity Energy potion. Gives you the traits of a Pokemon. And for Charmander's case, if you're already a Pokemon, it looks like it gives you an upgrade."

"Wait, really?" Now that she and some of the parents were hearing it for themselves, it had an allure to it. To anyone, an Infinity Energy Potion sounded very promising. And there was a 100% guarantee that they would be seen from now on since Potion Nova was using them during her lessons.

"Before it runs out, I gotta find a way to make this Mega Charmander X thing permanent! Can you imagine how easy it'll be with this on my side all the time?!"

"Absolutely not." Ember instantly rejected it.

"Why not?" The middle head's jaw dropped as the left head had a different reaction.

"Yeah, why not?!" The left head growled, baring her fangs while the right head didn't seem to care that much about this rejection.

"I'm not gonna have you race your way to the top because of some enhancements," Ember said. "If you want to become a great Dragon Trainer, you'll have to work hard. And having an instant Mega Evolution by your side isn't going to fly. You're lucky it's not permanent."

"If it was, I'd be grabbing that 8th Gym Badge in less than 3 weeks!" The left head snarled, moving towards Ember which prompted the other heads to gasp as they couldn't properly control their movements. There just wasn't enough time for them to learn how to considering both heads were so active, giving the real Smolder a hard time. Even with her massive appearance, Ember looked at Smolder's right head with no fear. But the middle head of Smolder was definitely intimidated.

"Well, in her defence...This is just a natural part of Charmander." Potion Nova tried de-escalating things.

"Hm?" And just like that, the effects were starting to wear off. The right head of Smolder was searching for more gems and jewellery to find. Anything would do. And her eyes instantly came across some more gems that were mainly seen over at the streets of Canterlot. But before she could pursue and steal them, she was beginning to fade away. "Hey! Are you using those?!" Those were her last words before she vanished.

"Aw, it's running out now." said the real Smolder as she was also returning to her original size. The wings on her arms would soon disappear, slowly coming back to their original position.

"Wait! I can't leave!" The left head wasn't too pleased with this, refusing to vanish. She would aggressively swing her head around, trying to do something to prevent this regression. "There's gotta be a way to detach myself from you! Come on! Not like this!"

But it was too late for her. She would fade away much like her right counterpart. And soon, all that was left would be the real Smolder. With a brilliant golden light and beautiful particles, Smolder returned as her usual self. She sat there on the ground, perplexed after what she had just gone through. Those were the most confusing and uncomfortable moments of her life. Two of her personalities gained their own sentience and were very much different from each other.

"Feeling better?" Ember walked up to her.

"N-Not sure..." A perplexed Smolder said. "I think I'd like to go home now."

"Mander?" And as for Charmander, his effect didn't last that long. Charmander's Mega Evolved Form was brief as he didn't even get to use it at all. The Fire-Type lowered his head as his black colours faded away along with the blue flames, returning to the ordinary orange flames. It was fun while it lasted. "Charmander."

"You have the weekend coming up. And after that, the first day back at school for the next week, we'll deal with the Infinity Energy Potions," said Potion Nova. "I should also be getting home but if anyone wants to take some potions home, be my guest."

"Wait, we can actually take them home with us? Are you sure?" Sandbar questioned.

"Not until I figure it out. When Monday comes, then I'll let you take some home with you and drink to your heart's content. For today, take some with you and experiment with them. We never got the chance to do that in class after what happened so I want you all to do exactly that and see what results you get. Do not drink them until you come back to school."

"Uhh..D-Do you think I could drink them?" Ember nudged Potion Nova. "I am older after all."

"Sure. That goes for all parents, family members or guardians!" Potion Nova raised her voice, speaking to them all.

"Ah, no fair!" Smolder groaned, greatly annoyed that Ember and to an extent, the grown-ups, could drink the potions. For the children, they were limited, much to their chagrin.

Eventually, all the students departed from the Pokemon School, heading home. The Pokemon School still had three-day lessons even with Twilight at the helm with two-day lessons being left over for other students. Except this time, the children were going through the three-day lessons while the older students would stick to the two-day lessons, going from Thursday to Friday.

The students left the Pokemon School eager to return as soon as possible. They very much enjoyed the frantic nature of it. In the world they live in now, mild destruction didn't seem that worrying at all. That was clearly a strong sign of things to come. And of course, among the many students here, one of them had a full interest in the Infinity Energy. All the students were interested, but somepony in particular had a rather deeper interest.

Staying behind for a while not yet returning home was none other than Cozy Glow, who made her appearance on the first re-opening. Everything about the Infinity Energy Container was known to her, much like Team Rocket. And unlike Team Rocket, Cozy Glow was capable of much more devious actions. No one could see her at all as many of them were leaving the school, giving her the opportunity to nefariously rub her hooves together while sitting on the swings. A lot was on her mind and the chances were screaming at her as the journey continues.

Chapter 239 End.

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