• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Don't have a Tauros, man

Unova. Highcliffe City. In a Dojo. Afternoon.

Somewhere in a city in Unova, the Gym Leader Bea from Galar was present here, currently in a local dojo. Her presence here was due to her helping fellow Martial Artists, practising Taekwondo with them. Most were young adults, a few kids here and there, all under Bea and the Dojo Master's supervision.

It was an early Saturday morning, with a few hours left until sunrise. Everyone here was sweating heavily, their skin was coated in a sheen layer of perspiration, with some breathing a little fast.

"Thanks for coming over to Unova for this, Bea." The Dojo Master, a tall and muscular man with a bald head and a beard, smiled, bowing in thanks. "I'm sure these guys appreciated you doing a little guest-training with us."

"It's no problem. I was already visiting anyway, so it was an opportunity." Bea replied, giving a soft smile as she bowed back.

"You've also been smiling a lot recently and been getting more and more into different styles of battling now that I think about it..." The Dojo Master pondered for a moment before putting on a sly grin, leaning in. "Is there someone you're trying to impress?"

"!" Bea blushed and turned away, looking embarrassed. She mumbled something, which was muffled by her mask, but it was obvious she was flustered.

The Dojo Master laughed good-naturedly, not expecting an answer. He was just poking a bit of fun at her. However, the mention of the topic made her immediately think about Ash.

"The truth is...I want to catch up to Ash as soon as possible. If I were to battle him now, I wouldn't get that same feeling as our previous battle. The way my heart danced was wonderful. I need to be as strong as him to have the wonderful experience again. She cleared her throat, getting back on topic. But as soon as she wished to do so, someone burst through the doors.

"Master! Today's the day!" It was a young man, with long hair tied back into a ponytail, he wore the training garbs of the dojo while having a Taurous behind him. The other students and the Master himself looked shocked. "The day you accept my style! I've done it!"

"Ah. You again. Listen, son. We've gone over this. Your quote-on-quote 'Tauros Style' isn't really pratical. Not in martial arts anyway. Now go back home and sleep, it's a weekend. Or at the very least, come back later." The Master sighed, his eyes looking tired.

"Who is he?" Bea asked.

"Someone who believes in a style called Tauros Style. I'm not one to downplay or discourage people's passion and ideas, but the concept of the style just doesn't work. You can't just lower your head and run into others. It's just a bit too...childish."

"Not this time. You won't be rejecting me at all." He grinned, his eyes flashing purple, which no one noticed. "Because from this point on, you'll be forced to use my style! Behold!" He had the power of a Desire flowing from within. His desire to prove his style ended up manifesting this power as with a flash from his eyes, he sent multiple rays of light to everyone.

"Huh? What is this!?" The Dojo Master shouted as he was struck by the ray along with all the other students here. Bea managed to evade them by jumping out of the way.

Everyone was covered by a bright flash of light, which lasted for a few seconds before dimming. Suddenly, they all had horns on their heads. The same kind of horns a Tauros has. Their eyes were also blazing red now, carrying an great intensity with them.

Bea gasped once she saw all of them with horns which appeared to be naturally attached to their heads. Such was the power of a Desire. But not only did it give them these horns and blazing red eyes, all of them would start growling all of a sudden. From the Dojo Master to the youngest student here.

They had this deep growl emitting from the bottom of their throats as they were also breathing steam out of their mouths, ears and noses, almost as if they were Tauros themselves.

"W-What?!" Bea was in absolute disbelief.

"Haha, yes!" The young man cheered as his Desire would radiate out of his body like an Aura. "Now that you have horns, you can use my style! Run at the target, use the horns on your head and gore them with a Tackle!"

"That Aura...Is that one of those Desires I've heard about?" Bea noticed the Aura flowing from him.

"Pretty soon, everyone will have to learn my style! Absolutely everyone!" He declared before noticing Bea lacking any horns or blazing red eyes. "Hah? How come you're completely fine?!"

"This is rather ridiculous. You were so obsessed with wanting your style to be recognized you had your Desire take over?" Bea sighed, shaking her head. "Some martial artist you are. You already lack a strong will."

"Shows what you know!" He aggressively pointed at her. "This will only make you learn my style faster. Now, show her how strong it is!"

"!" She tensed up. "They're really going to use it? Even the kids?"

The kids, the master, even the old people were rushing at Bea, their heads down and horns leading the way. Bea grimaced narrowly avoiding the first few, before the Dojo Master rushed towards her, poking her with the horn. While the impact of it was rather weak, it still dealt damage. Bea would jitter a bit, feeling the attack.

"Gah! That was stronger than it should have been!" She exclaimed as the Master rushed at her again, she was quick enough to avoid another attack, but the rest of the students and their Pokemon were relentless. Every single one of them were acting like Tauros, forcing Bea to constantly dodge.

"This is just the start!" The young cried out, pointing to the sky. "I have to get my style out there to the world! And right now, I'll tackle what's hot! That Equestria place is the talk of the world so far! I'll have them learn my style and get them hooked on it in no time!"

"You're heading to Equestria?!" Bea gasped while continuously dodging.

"Yep. That's where I'm going. With my Tauros Style, I'll have a massive following. Maybe then I'll find some other place to go to." He said. "Later! Greatness, here I come!" He laughed loudly, rushing off and leaving the dojo.

"Wait!" Bea called out, but was too busy with everyone's attacks to chase after him. Bea would have to sort this out first before she could do something about him. At least she knew where he was headed.


Already the young man had reached Equestria by taking some gateway shortcuts, finding himself in a nearby forest. And immediately, he started turning the Pokemon there into a group of rampaging Tauros with the power of his Desire. Some ponies were passing by and unfortunately, were caught by the Desire.

"Now this is great! With this many, the whole world will be addicted to the Tauros Style in no time!" He declared, laughing triumphantly. The forest in question was not too far from Ponyville, as a matter of fact, a few ponies who were outside and were turned, began heading there, running towards the place.

The young man would join in the rampage, charging his way into the town with the mob of ponies all acting like raging Tauros. This was his plan.

Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends were having a picnic on a field not too far from the town and right near Saddle Lake. They were talking amongst themselves, laughing and generally enjoying their free time.

"Oh, it's nice we got some time together today." Twilight laughed, feeling quite relaxed. All of their Pokemon felt this way. From Espeon peacefully sitting around, Audino feeding Bayleef, Sceptile resting on a tree branch, Braviary perched up on a tree, Spinda laying on her back and Milotic swimming in the lake.

"We've been needing a breather from everything. All of us have been super busy, so it's nice we finally get a chance to hang out." Pinkie smiled, bouncing happily.

"It's the little things that count, and I'm glad we can have moments like this." Fluttershy said with a cute smile.

"Aww, thanks Shy." Pinkie giggled, patting the Pegasus' back.

"Yeah, these small moments are great." Rainbow Dash nodded, smiling softly. "But you know, a little adventure or something isn't a bad idea."

"I mean, I wouldn't mind something happening." Rarity shrugged. "Nothing big. Just something nice and calm, nothing to worry about. But I do hope that Pheromosa and the others are recovering at a better pace right now."

Rarity thought about Pheromosa, who was still injured and recovering at Castelia's Pokemon Center. The same went for Pinkie Pie's Mew and Twilight's Kartana. They wished them all well.

"Maybe something like that?" Applejack pointed ahead. The girls would turn and see a group of ponies running towards them, all of them looking like angry Tauros, complete with the horns.

"What the?!" Twilight gasped as all of them had their eyes wide open. The young man was obviously taking the lead, cackling while riding his Taurous. He was going straight towards the group.

"Ah! You six look like you're prime for my style!" He declared bringing his group to a halt. "Learn my style now!" He declared with an intense expression, his eyes glowing with the power of his Desire.

"Aw don't tell me...A Desire?!" Rainbow Dash gasped, seeing his eyes. They all recognized that signature glow.

"It's been a while since one's showed up." Twilight said. "But what's this one all about?"

"It looks like they all have the horns of a Tauros." Fluttershy observed, seeing them all. "Are they all Tauros?"

"Close!" The Young Man bellowed, poting at them all. "What you're looking at is the glorious Tauros Style! My own style, perfected through months and months of practice and determination. And now, it's time to spread this to the world!"

"Tauros Style...?" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie repeated, confused. "That sounds kind of stupid." Rainbow Dash admitted.

"Says you! I worked hard on this! And I've already shown this to a dojo back in my hometown and I managed to spread it across there!" He stated, puffing his chest. "And now, it's time to spread the word further! And no one can stop me!"

"So, you just make everyone rush in like a Tauros?" Twilight observed based on how she saw everyone else posing. The Humans had their upper bodies lowered while the ponies and four-legged Pokemon stayed the same relatively, only lowering their heads. "Well, either way! I think this is a good place for you to stop. We'll remove that Desire from you at once."

"Hah, that's what you think!" He laughed. "Behold my awesome power. With just a snap of my finger, I can make everything they see red!" He snapped his fingers and immediately, everyone had their vision become tinted red.

All of their bodies were now red in their eyes. Even the Pokemon here. Once they all became red in their eyes, they charged at Twilight and her friends, all roaring like wild beasts.

"Oh dear." Fluttershy whined.

"What a mess. I really was hoping to enjoy this day without something like this happening." Rarity groaned. "Not even for an entire week and already this is happening."

"Look on the bright side! At least we can finish this one way earlier!" Rainbow Dash grinned. "Go for it, Braviary! Stop them!"

"Bravi!" Braviary cried out, flying off the tree and heading into the air. He soared and soared, flying high above the clouds. As he did, the sun was starting to shine a little more, making Braviary's body shimmer in the sunlight. Braviary came diving down afterwards, his talons out as he stopped a Machoke directly in its tracks.

However, even though he managed to stop one, he had to deal with all of them at the same time. The Valiant Pokemon's eyes widened as he was knocked away by a charging pony, spiralling through the air. "Braaaa!"

"Ah! Braviary!" Rainbow Dash screeched, seeing him fly in the air. She then turned her head to see that she and her friends next. All of them shrieked, frantically trying to avoid the charging people, ponies and Pokemon.

"Waaah!" Pinkie Pie squealed as she ended up falling backwards and getting trampled on by the rushing crowd.

"Pinkie!" Rarity gasped, only to be forced to flee from a rampaging Stoutland. "Gah!"

"What's with all the running!? They're not even fighting properly!" Rainbow Dash shouted, using her wings to fly out of the way, which proved rather difficult as some were able to hit her, forcing her to stop flapping her wings and crash to the ground.

"Oh! Dear!" Fluttershy was being bounced around each time they charged in, unable to touch the ground or recover properly.

"How is it this hard?! We're normally better than this!" Twilight grunted, struggling to get a good footing, her hooves were digging into the ground. But every time she tried to move, someone would come up and bump into her.

"Just give in! Learn my style! Then you can be free!" The Young Man called out, charging with his Taurous.

"Like I'll do that!" Twilight yelled out, her eyes flashing pink and purple. Using a spell, she managed to create a protective dome around herself and her friends.

"Huh?! What is this?!" The Young Man exclaimed, ramming into the bubble. The rest of the Tauros Style users did the same, slamming their horns against the bubble.

"I'm glad I got it up in time!" Twilight breathed, panting. "You can't get past this. This is a forcefield strong enough to withstand an attack from a Hyper Beam."

"Not for long!" The Young Man cried out, his eyes burning brightly. His Desire would radiate some more, prompting all the people, ponies and Pokemon to suddenly start charging at the bubble in unison.

"H-Huh?!" Twilight gasped, feeling the bubble shake as they all rammed into it. Their strength had dramatically increased, causing the bubble to shake violently. It was starting to crack already. One by one, cracks were forming across it.

"Sceptile!" Applejack looked over at Sceptile who was still on the tree branch. "Frenzy Plant! Pull 'em all way!"

"Tile!" He roared, leaping from the branch and stomping his feet on the ground, making the grass glow green. Vines sprouted from the earth and wrapped around the legs of all the Tauros Style users, pulling them down to the ground.

"N-No! My followers!" He exclaimed. The Desire within him grew a lot more, prompting his followers to use all their might, breaking the vines, making them groan and snort as they stood up. They didn't show any signs of exhaustion thanks to the power of the Desire.

"Oh dear. We can't do anything like this. How can we beat them all in one fell swoop? They're all going berserk." Fluttershy fretted.

"If I can just get to him, I can break the Desire." Twilight eyed down the young man. "Just one good grab of him and it'll be all over in no time."

"Pfft. As if." The young man scoffed. "No way you can get to me, or else." He said. He then grinned. "But since you wanna have a challenge, why don't I make things easier?" He pointed at Twilight. "From this point on, I'll make sure you're the only target! No matter where you run or hide, they'll follow you!"

"Wait, what?!" Twilight gasped. "How's that easier?!"

"And I'll make sure they charge at you non-stop, not even giving you the chance to stop!" With his eyes flashing, he made everyone focus specifically on Twilight, ignoring her friends and Pokemon. "You can't run and you can't hide! Now let's see you take on this!"

"Urgh, really?!" Twilight cried out as everyone began rushing at her, the young man taking the lead. "Eve! Use Psychic!"

"Espeon!" Espeon's eyes glowed blue, stopping everyone in their tracks. Her psychic powers were powerful and would allow her to keep them up for a while, but they managed to break through her Psychic Hold with their sheer numbers. "Esp?!"

"Just my luck..." Twilight groaned before immediately running off. "Follow me, Eve!"

"Espeon!" Espeon rushed after her trainer, keeping up with her.

"Don't worry, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "We'll-" But she and the others were quickly interrupted by all of them passing by, bumping into them. They all went flying and tumbling, crashing into the ground in unfortunate positions.

Twilight was now on the run with her being the sole target. All of them were now seeing a nice shade of red, only seeing her and her Espeon as the ones they should charge at.


Over at Ponyville, where things were peaceful and quiet. But this was about to change as soon as Twilight ran all the way back here. All of the Tauros Style Users were on the pursuit, not letting her out of their sights.

"This is the worst!" Twilight cried out, galloping as fast as she could. She couldn't stop due to them all being after her. Not only that, but with all of these people, ponies and Pokemon stampeding, they were even causing tiny tremors that moved across the ground. It was only a matter of time until Ponyville's residents felt this.

"What is this ruckus?!" The Mayor cried out, looking outside her window and seeing the large mob of ponies, people and Pokemon, along with Twilight being the only one they're chasing.

"Oh dear, what's happening?" Miss Cheerilee, the teacher of Ponyville School, asked, peeking out from the school. Rays were being shot out of the young man's eyes, attempting to hit Twilight, only for the Princess of Friendship to evade them all. Twilight was so focused on avoiding them, she didn't even notice she had returned to Ponyville.

Once some of the residents got a closer look at what happened, some of them grimaced once they saw a beam fly their way after missing Twilight. Carrot Top screeched as the beam reached her, causing her to have the same horns and blazing red eyes.

"Oops!" Twilight came to a screeching halt once she saw the ray fly elsewhere. Now she was fully aware of where she was, accidentally leading this group into town. "Oh, I messed up!"

"Score! Found myself a town!" The young man cheered. "This must be that Ponyville place that's I've heard about. It looks like it. Perfect! It was either here or Canterlot. Both are popular enough, honestly."

"Twilight. What on earth is going on this time?" Mayor Mare approached, having a concerned look on her face. "Is there something dangerous happening?"

"M-Mayor...?" Twilight turned her head, having a crooked smile on her face.

"Oh, the Mayor, eh? Score! Going for the leader of the town is a big win for me. Ah, this day just keeps getting better and better." And in response, his desire was growing stronger the more his dreams were becoming realized.

"Is this another one of those Desires?" Mayor Mare questioned, recognizing the purple aura from his eyes.

"Yeah...Again. This one's not too strange but it's on the more aggressive side." Twilight explained. "Well,as aggressive as it could possibly be. It's really silly in all honestly."

"My style is not silly! Put some respect on it already!" He snapped, grizzling his teeth at her.

"Well, excuse me!" Twilight scoffed. "It's not really much of a style! All you're doing is just making them charge at me. What's the big idea? How's that a style?"

"How? Ever since I was young, I was interested in learning martial arts. But whenever I brought it up, my parents would always dismiss me. They'd always tell me how fighting isn't for everyone and that I should do something more productive. But I wanted to do this. It was a passion of mine." He clenched his fist, shaking.

"Okay but...what does that have to do with Tauros? How's that your style? What makes it your style?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He would suddenly hug his Tauros. "Tauros here also wishes to be a martial artist! But, his dream is crushed just like mine. No one wants to teach a Tauros. So, why not have the Tauros style be our style, huh?"

"S-Seriously?" Twilight paused for a moment now that she heard the reasoning behind it. At first, she assumed it was because of his parents, but then she learned it was about his Tauros. Twilight had a conflicted expression.

"So, I started thinking of how I can do it. How I can teach the Tauros style and make a name for myself. And the answer was pretty simple. Make it a human and Pokemon style, and combine it together to make it unique. And then, the Tauros Style was born!"

"But, it doesn't really have a clear definition. It's just the two combining together. You're not really adding anything new."

"I'm adding the passion and determination of a Tauros!" He stated. "And that's all I need to spread it around. And then...only then...will it become the greatest style in the world! Now hold still!" From his eyes, a powerful beam would shoot out and hit Twilight.

Twilight prepared to defend herself from the beam, only for a bolt of lightning to intercept it, destroying it. The young man gasped, turning his attention to the source of the Thunderbolt. Who else but Ash and his Pikachu?


"Ash! Perfect timing!" Twilight cried out as Ash approached.

"I got a call from Bea. She said something about a bunch of Charging people and Pokemon?" Ash was already caught up thanks to Bea calling him all the way from Unova. "She was totally right. They've got horns just like Tauros."


"Bea told you about me? I should've transformed her when I had the chance." The young man hissed. "Well, whatever. Big move coming here if you knew what was going on. You're interrupting great progress here. Today's the start of something brilliant, if you must know."

"Boy. That Desire's really taken over, huh?" Ash smirked. "I remember when they were just seperate beings that did stuff. Now they've started radiating out of nowhere. Guess they're evolving."

"This is all just rather ridiculous. If you want to get your style out there, then improve on it. Don't just force it on others." Mayor Mare sighed, shaking her head.

"I don't think that works anymore, Mayor." Twilight replied. "The Desires have gotten strong enough to the point where even something simple won't remove them. They're more resistant than before."

"I see. Then in that case, please deal with this, Miss Twilight, Mr. Ash." Mayor Mare nodded. "You two have always been excellent problem solvers and frankly, I'm too tired to deal with this nuisance."


"No problem!" Ash would palm his fist before facing the young man. "I know how we're gonna solve this! And it's gonna be totally simple! How about we have a challenge? You've got all these folks acting like Tauros, using your style, so let's match that. The Run of the Tauros!"

"The Run of the Tauros?" Twilight, Mayor Mare and the Young Man collectively said.

"Yeah. When I was travelling Johto, I came across this town called Palmpona. They had a contest called the Run of the Tauros, to see who has the strongest Tauros. So let's have that! All 30 of my Tauros against your team! If you win, then I'll learn the Tauros Style!"

"Hoh...Interesting. Very well. You got yourself a deal." He nodded.

"I guess that works. But, are you sure, Ash?" Twilight asked.

"Heheh, no need to worry, Twilight. I've got this. Now, let's find a field that's large enough to accommodate all these guys!" Ash declared, Pikachu giving an eager nod.

"Pi, pika!"

Kanto. Outskirts of Pallet Town.

Soon, they had found an area for their contest. The area in question ended up being the outskirts of Pallet Town after they passed through its gateway. This place was large enough to fight with 30 Tauros.

"Alright, so what's the rules? Anything to worry about?" Ash asked.

"Hmm...Nothing really. All you need to worry about is the power my team has compared to yours. Just don't cry when you lose, okay? But if I had one rule, it would be that you can only win by charging and overpowering the other, knocking them down. Nothing else! Got it?!"

"Got it. That's all you want, right?" Ash smiled as right behind him, his mother and Professor Oak were seen bringing an array of Poke Balls. Ash already had 10 of them in his hands with Delia and Oka holding the remaining 20.

"I'll keep count, sweetie!" Delia waved, smiling at her son. "I'll also bring the drinks for both teams!"

"Thanks, mom!" Ash smiled, waving back.

"Ah, that's great. I can use a good drink after this. You'll definitely lose though, so it's best to relax before the fight." The Young Man grinned, crossing his arms.

"Come on, Ash! Wipe the floor with him!" Present here were many of his friends from Pallet Town and Ponyville. Twilight and the others were present as well, all of them cheering him on.

"Pi-kaaa!" Pikachu cheered as well, raising his arms.

"Alright! Tauros!I choose you!" Ash called out, prompting him, Professor Oak and Delia to throw all of the Poke Balls into the air. A bright light flashed and once it faded, all of the Tauros were summoned and ready to battle.

"Tauros!" 30 Tauros had landed on the field, standing tall and proud, snorting and stomping their feet.

"Whoa. You really have 30 Tauros." The Young Man raised a brow. "I thought you were just bluffing or something. But, it's nice to know you were serious about the challenge."

"I'm serious about everything." Ash replied. "But now's the time to start. Come on, guys! Let's show him what real power looks like!"

"Taur!" All the Tauros cried out, rearing back and kicking the ground, ready to charge. Music to Ash's ears, loving how pumped his Tauros were.

"Watch the Tauros Style in all of its glory! It's so brilliant, anyone can use it!" The Young Man declared, pointing at Ash. "You'll be truly amazed at the future of martial arts! Go! Charge!"

"Tauros!" They cried out as they all rushed towards the group, snorting and breathing steam, their eyes burning with a passionate fire.

"Go for it, Tauros! All in!" Ash commanded as all 30 Tauros charged forth. The two forces collided, the Young Man's followers and his own Tauros. It was a massive collision, creating a strong wind that blew.

All of the Tauros were clashing with the same ferocity, pushing back the others and not letting up. The Young Man's Tauros were showing their determination, not backing down. Everyone watching would feel the winds generated by the intense clash. Pinkie Pie went flying from the pressure, hurtling through the air while Applejack held onto her hat.

"Whoa, nelly!" Applejack gasped. "I didn't think they would be so strong! Some of the smaller Pokemon hit hard too!"

"Taur...!" The Tauros growled, surprised that these opposing people, ponies and Pokemon could keep up with them.

"Now, let's see them try and overcome my followers' might!" The Young Man called out. His Desire would glow more, his followers being powered up, pushing the Tauros back.

"Taur, taur...!" They grunted, feeling the pressure as they were pushed back.

"Hey, he's cheating! He's obviously boosting their strength!" Scootaloo shouted when seeing his Desire glow.

"I didn't make a rule like that! So it's fair game!" The young man shouted as the pressure got even stronger. The Tauros were being pushed back further and further, the pressure was almost unbearable.

"Pikapi...!" Pikachu cried out, feeling the pressure himself.

"We're not done yet! You can do this, Tauros!" But Ash's words of encouragement were enough to help the Tauros get some extra power, resisting the pressure.

"Taur! Taur!" They began to push back, the pressure was starting to reverse, slowly but surely. The young man's followers were shocked that Ash's Tauros were capable of doing so.

"No matter what, you can't beat the real deal!" Ash grinned as some of the followers were being knocked down. Five of them were sent flying as the horns faded away from their heads along with their blazing red eyes.

"Grh...!" The Young Man growled as Ash's Tauros were starting to win the fight. More of his followers were falling, losing the ability to fight and returning to normal.

"It's working, Ash! Just a little bit more!" Twilight cheered.

"I got this!" Ash pumped his fists, watching as his Tauros were now taking down more and more.

"No way. I can't lose now. I haven't even shown them my true potential! I've still got plenty of time left, so I can't fail here. Not when I've gotten so far!" The Young Man's Desire was glowing, growing a lot more. His Desire was burning intensely, his aura was growing and growing. "Do not lose this!"

They cried out as the Desire burned within them all, their auras were shining brightly. They were using all their strength, charging even faster, creating an even stronger wind. Ash's Tauros were shocked at this sudden increase in speed. Four of his Tauros were knocked down, falling out of the competition.

However, the Tauros weren't about to let themselves go down so easily. With their own roar, they charged faster, catching up to the Young Man's followers and pushing back.

"I'm not going to lose!" The Young Man shouted as his followers were all beginning to fall. All of them were down. "You're not getting past me. Not after all I've done!"

"Goodness." Delia stayed calm, enjoying the competition. "The fiery passion of youth is wonderful, isn't it? Oh, how I miss those days."

"Mhm." Oak agreed, nodding. "To be young again. These days, I'm not the fighting type."

While this competition raged on, walking through the gateways just to make a shortcut here was Bea. She arrived, already dealing with the controlled people back at Unova, just to see if things were dealt with here. And right now, they were in the process of doing so.

"Looks like it's still ongoing. What is that fierce struggle over there?" She said once she reached the outskirts of Kanto. She saw the large number of Tauros all charging and fighting.

"Hey, Bea!" Pinkie Pie bellowed while flying by, still hurtling through the air. She had a bit of a confused look on her face when seeing Pinkie Pie, but soon felt the pressure all the way from here.

"Such power...!" Bea growled, putting her arms up to shield herself from the wind. "Is that coming from Ash and his Pokemon...? Has he already gotten stronger than before?!"

"Come on...!" The young man was actually getting worried. Despite how much his Desire was burning, his followers were getting worn out, while Ash's Tauros were just beginning to ramp up their power. "I'm actually losing?! What gives?! And how are you so calm from the start?!"

"Simple. Because I'm used to this." Ash smiled, shrugging his shoulders. "And the truth is, I can tell your followers aren't really fighting for the right reasons. They're only fighting because of the Desire, and I can sense the difference. But the ones I'm fighting for are my friends. "Right, guys?"

"Pi-ka!" Pikachu raised his paws.

"Taur!" All the Tauros stomped the ground.

"That's how I do it! Fighting for the ones you care about is the best motivation. And I can tell that no matter what, you're all gonna put your heart and soul into it, huh?"

"That's not fair! I'm fighting for someone else too! It's for my Tauros! So why aren't I winning?!"

"Because your heart's not into it! It's all because of that Desire! Which is why I'm gonna set you free from it!" Ash clenched his fists. "I'm still feeling fired up after the past few days and what we've all had to go through. So I'm more than ready to win!"

With that shout, all the Tauros were rushing forward, all of them ramming against the young man's followers. The young man was unable to keep it up any longer, with a loud shout, all his followers were knocked back, the Desire fading away from their eyes.

"N-Not like this...!" The young man was in denial as all his followers were knocked down, not able to stand up again. He would also feel his Desire cracking from within, before it would break apart, disappearing in a flash of light. The young man was forced to his knees, his Tauros by his side. "My style..."

"Nice, Ash! Nice!" Rainbow Dash and everyone cheered. All of them would celebrate his victory as they thoroughly enjoyed themselves watching this competition, even if it was brief.

"Oh..." The young man's head would start spinning. Naturally, since he was fully overtaken by the Desire, he was a bit confused and disoriented after its disappearance. "I lost, didn't I...?" He at least remembered what this was all about, but not exactly when the Desire showed up and how it overtook him.

"Yep." Ash smiled, helping the young man to his feet. "But it was a fun fight. And, don't worry. We can always do it again, just with no Desires involved. I'm sure that's what you were hoping for, right? You were trying to spread your style, and that's okay. Just try making it really something special. Something that'll really stick."

"Ah...Uh..." The young man looked stunned for a moment, unsure of what to say. "...Yeah. Yeah, I guess I should've just done that from the start. I also gotta do some apologies...Lots of them."

As for the people who were freed, they were even more confused, forgetful about what had just happened. All of them had just woken up with no idea what just happened.

"He's gotten even stronger than before..." Bea thought to herself. "I've been training as much as I can, but it's not enough. He manages to move ahead, leaving others behind so fast. Am I going to be left behind soon?"

Bea had to wonder about that. Ash's growth was astonishing. It was like he was transcending the person he was weeks or months ago, becoming even stronger than ever. That battle Bea wished to have with Ash that would make her joyful was slipping away it seemed. Something like that was what Bea needed again.

In this case, she desired to have.

Bea's desire was starting to emerge with her, with her eyes flashing for a moment before turning back to normal. These enigmatic forces from the Rift still exist to this day. Troublesome in nature, but well-meaning deep down. Bea would then walk off, deciding to improve herself, unbeknownst of the Desire building up in her as the journey continues.

Chapter 487 End.

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