• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Time-Space Axis

Equestria. Michina Town. Michina Ruins. Afternoon.

"Ah...Much better." After being healed up by Audino's Refresh, Twilight felt like a new pony. She and Goh received much-needed healing after what happened over at the ruins. The poison within her was erased but the holes in the back of her head had to be patched up until they were ready to be removed.

"So they just sank? Do plants do that or is that part of this shrine?" Rainbow Dash asked, wondering where the Despair Plants went.

"I don't know. Those Despair Plants are strange as they are strong. I'm glad I used my Z-Move." Twilight explained. Her saving grace was the Twilightium Z. But not because of the power it contained but because of Arceus' light. Galaxy Master's light came from the Sea Temple's Crystals which were tied to Arceus' light.

"Well, if it's anything like what happened back at Mt Coronet, those plants should be running off to their queen, crying." Rarity said. "I bet they're absolutely terrified of you now."

"But there's more of them out there. Not just that scorpion-looking one," said Goh, bringing out the fact that there were two other Despair Plant Species in the world. Cordyceps and Cobra.

"Roseluck should have whatever she's prepared ready," Applejack added, hoping that Roseluck completed what she needed. Only Applejack had a good guess that it was related to Rosa Maledicta. Keeping Roseluck's family ties was something she didn't want to hide from her friends but the risk was still prominent.

"Well, we should head home now." Ash stood up, ready to head back home. "But did you at least get a good look at that Time-Space Axis?"

"Ah, right...That's what I was most excited for." Twilight remembered the reason she came to these ruins in the first place. The Time-Space Axis. All she wanted to do was gaze at it but thanks to the Despair Plants, that was all interrupted. However, if there was a chance for her to get a good look at it, now was a perfect time.

Basement of the ruins.

The one place that was still somewhat neat. The basement of Michina Ruins. This was where the Time-Space Axis could be found as Ash led the way. And thankfully, there were no interruptions. No sign of the Despair Plants anywhere.

"Here it is. Get a good look at it." Ash would open the door, showing all of his friends the Time-Space Axis in its entirety. And upon entering, Twilight and everyone else got to see the axis for what it was. A large device with golden textures that had five massive and small spheres attached to it.

The shape of this device was unlike anything they had ever seen. It was hard to describe and looked like it came from another world that was beyond Earth. And the five spheres that were a part of it represented time and space along with something beyond that. Or someone.

The sphere in the centre was protected by this strange egg-shaped object. All the spheres were surrounded by these slow-spinning objects that had minimal gaps and rings constantly moving around them as if they were planets. The only one exempt from this was the one at the bottom which was caged up, not spiralling at all.

"What is that thing...?" Spike was having a hard time making out what he was looking at. "An hourglass?"

"I don't think so. It's nothing I've ever seen." Starlight shook her head. "No one could figure it out. But that only made this thing wonderful in their eyes.

"Awesome! Professor Cerise is gonna love this!" Goh would immediately start taking pictures, making sure to permanently keep something like this within his memories.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?!" Some admired it for its beauty. Such as Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Although, Pinkie Pie also saw it as a rather fun device due to how obscure it was. Since it was unlike anything her friends had ever seen before, Pinkie could only imagine what it would be like if something else like this existed and how much fun she would have with it.

"What are these spheres over here? Blue, Orange, Green, Light Blue and Purple. Or is that pink?" Twilight observed the orbs that were constantly moving around and within the device. "I can't believe I'm asking you for all this information, Ash. Usually, I find out with all the books I can find, but I haven't seen anything like this in what I've read."

"Glad to share!" Ash grinned, popping up his collar and adjusting his hat. "See this one right here?" Ash aimed at the green sphere that was below everything else. "That's our world. It still looks the same even with both worlds combined. And our world's supported by that light blue sphere here." He raised his arm slightly, pointing at the much smaller sphere.

"Is that another planet?" Pinkie Pie asked as she gazed at the light blue sphere.

"That's Giratina's dimension. The Distortion World." Ash explained, recollecting his memories. He used all of his memories to remember which sphere belonged to which dimension and Pokemon.

"That's it? It's so small." Rainbow Dash pointed out how Giratina's sphere was incredibly small. Smaller than everything else. By extension, she thought that the Distortion World was smaller than anything in this world.

"It's way bigger when you get there. Trust me." But looks can be deceiving. Ash would know. He does get around a lot. Not just on Earth. "And the blue one here is Dialga's dimension." He continued, pointing at the large blue sphere before shifting to the pink sphere. "And that pink one is Palkia. That's where all the big stuff about Time and Space exists."

"And...what about this one? Is that Arceus' dimension?" Twilight asked, focusing on the orange sphere that was protected by this egg-shaped object. It only added up since Arceus was said to have come from an egg. Fitting that his dimension would be shaped like an egg.

"That's right. The Big 4. All here." Ash crossed his arms. Despite how complex this object looked, it was simple and straightforward to understand. After all, each one of them have seen these Pokemon and encountered them before.

"Oh. So then...what's this really small one?" That's when Fluttershy noticed something new. Something that no one else spotted until she brought it up. By squinting her eyes and using some of her Fairy Magic, Fluttershy spotted something smaller than Giratina's sphere.

A prismatic sphere that had no singular colour compared to the rest was spotted, just next to the Earth's sphere. Ash kneeled to spot this sphere as well as this caught him by surprise.

"Oh...I never saw that one before!" Ash gasped. "Or even heard about it. Sheena and Kevin didn't bring it up at all."


"Never? Do you think it's new?" Goh questioned. Since Ash had already been told about the other dimensions, this one escaped him. It had never been brought up to him at all. The prismatic colours it radiated were faint but still had the opportunity to let out radiant lights.

"It has more colours than the rest. A prismatic colour..." Twilight observed. "What dimension has prismatic colours? Ultra Space? Maybe it's the Human World that's parallel to ours."

"A Prismatic Dimension. Not sure..." Ash would stare into the Prismatic Sphere for a bit. He stayed silent as his eyes were captivated by the light. Everyone else would talk about it while he didn't say anything else. Something about it made Ash silent. It didn't take long for him to snap out of it with a blink. "Gonna have to ask Sheena about that." Ash scratched his hair. "But there you have it. The Time-Space Axis. It's pretty cool to look at but I have no idea what it looks like."


"I'll keep that." Rarity took a picture of the axis, just like Goh. "I could model something after this. This is a splendid inspiration! Well...we should be getting back now. We all have busy things ahead of us, after all."

"Right. I should be checking up on the Pokemon back at the Pokemon House. Krookodile's already doing his best to defend them after all." Fluttershy said.

Everyone was ready to depart at last. They didn't get to meet Sheena but they still got something great in return, minus the attack of the Despair Plants. However, when leaving the area, Twilight still couldn't help but wonder why the Despair Plants sank into the floor. Something about it made her uneasy. And she had every right to be with how unpredictable the Dread League were. So far, everything that they have thrown at Equestria seems to come back. The 100 Demons was the biggest example of that. And potentially, the same could be said for these Despair Plants.

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Nightfall.

Back at the Pokemon House, everything was peaceful. All the Pokemon were sound asleep, resting without anything to bother them. Keeping watch of everyone was Krookodile, as usual along with a few nocturnal Pokemon.

And staying here for the night was Roseluck. She could be seen sleeping next to a group of Pokemon which would cuddle with the earth pony. This entire time, she was still working on that magical elixir that her sister once made. But this time, with Zecora's help. Zecora was still awake, trying her best to get this elixir right.

Rosa Maledicta's elixir wasn't that easy to replicate at all, making this a challenge for Zecora. Roseluck didn't have much experience with it either. All she knew was that it had a soothing effect on plants, being able to calm them down. But even though Zecora was hard at work trying to get this right, Roseluck was still awake. She wasn't asleep at all. Mainly due to her thoughts.

Thoughts about her sister. By doing this, Roseluck knew that she was actively going against her sister. To her, it was the right thing to do considering everything she had done. But it was still so off for her. It was all of Equestria against her sister who she saw differently. She never expected Rosa to go down this route and become a massive enemy of Equestria.

Looking up at the night sky, Roseluck thought about the future. She had full faith that her sister's horrible plan would be snuffed out. But the consequences she would face struck fear into Roseluck's heart. Roseluck feared that the worst could happen to Rosa if she was caught. The most that she would want was imprisonment but the chances of that happening seemed impossible to the Earth Pony.

Roseluck would toss and turn slowly, trying not to wake up the Pokemon. The earth pony wished she could rid her mind of her thoughts. But when it comes to family, that was impossible. Roseluck even wished that she never heard about the Dread League and the best possible outcome was that she never knew what happened to her sister. Even if it meant never seeing her again. But with how things are turning out, Roseluck could reunite with Rosa but not on the best of terms.

Zecora saw it all while working on the elixir. Roseluck's movements were enough to speak a million words. Zecora saw through Roseluck the moment she came here for assistance. But even so, Zecora wondered how severe Roseluck's family ties were for her to be silent about it when she accepted Zecora and Cold Colt into this town. This situation, unbeknownst to Zecora, was far larger than that as it depended on the lives of many.

No. The lives of all.


"First Galaxy Master...and now Arceus..." Back at Magehold, Rosa thought about what happened back at Michina Town. Her adaptable roots and the Despair Plants all shared a common weakness. Light. Fitting, considering that Rosa rules over vampires. However, this wasn't just standard light. "This light...I wish I could snuff it out. But that's easier said than done, isn't it?"

"Would you like that to be our next goal, your majesty? From what my sister Opal learned, it seems that Galaxy Master's light comes from a place known as the Sea Temple. Perhaps it wouldn't be too hard to snuff one of these lights out." Fractured Note explained, revealing the Sea Temple Crystals from Samiya to the Lich Queen.

"Hold back for a bit. Until we're comfortable with this new world. Then again, it'll have a new do-over when we're done with it." Rosa chuckled. "So far, our enemies have proven that they can hold their own against my darling plants. They've sunk into the Earth and will sprout anew. What about Xerneas? Did Opal not say she was searching for that Pokemon?"

"She did. But the expanded world has changed that up a bit."

"I see. She was right to think about Xerneas. The complete opposite of Yveltal. Our entire Black Crusade could be ruined by the sheer existence of Yveltal. The power to bring life goes against it all. Not only that...but there are other Legendary Pokemon that are a threat to the Black Crusade."

"Oh, that's right." Fractured Note nodded, knowing which Pokemon were threatening to the Black Crusade. "Pokemon like Dialga could reverse everything we've done with the domain it has over time. Your majesty. There are far too many Pokemon that can stop our Black Crusade. Perhaps we should think things through and switch it up."

"I know that. It's why I intend to get rid of every last one of them. But..." Rosa thought for a moment. "Much like Yveltal, there are some Pokemon that we could keep around. With all the other worlds out there, it isn't a bad idea to add some extra Legendary firepower."

"Which Pokemon should we set out sights on this time, your majesty?"

"Let me think..." Just as Rosa Maledicta pondered the next powerful Pokemon to capture, her eyes would flash open as a piece of her chamber would come off. She would groan before raising one of her hooves which ended up shattering bits of this chamber. Her healing process was finally starting to show effective results as she could move parts of her body. "That's why we have Fantina."


"I may have stripped away memories of her original home but I made sure to keep everything about her knowledge of Pokemon intact. And I do mean everything." With her eyes opening, Rosa Maledicta gained a spectral green aura. "We can just rely on her. After all, with how things are at the moment, Fantina is one of us. And when the Black Crusade is over, she'll fully be one of us."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 18 End.

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