• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Stronger than themselves

Equestria. Magehold. Entertainment Commune. Magehold Stadium. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

The battle against Celestia and Dimstar continued, with Gardevoir and Tyranitar facing off. Celestia had successfully taken down two of Dimstar's Pokemon while Dimstar so far only took down one Pokemon from Celestia's team. All Dimstar had to do was defeat one more to tie it up, but Celestia was also aiming to take a massive lead. Soon, the crowd here was large enough to make this battle as large as an average Pokemon League Battle.

The Dark Magic around the area could still be harnessed by Dimstar's Pokemon. While Indeedee was essentially a spellcaster when it came to harnessing it, apparently, Tyranitar had its own way of using that Magic in this Dark Terrain that was formed by the Harmony Phenomenon.

"Go, Passion! Use Thunderbolt!"

"Gardevoir...!" Once again, Gardevoir manipulated the Thunderbolt, turning it into a blade. The Embrace Pokemon approached with a trail of lightning coming out of her arm.

"Now, Tyranitar! Dark Pulse!"

"Ty!" Tyranitar responded by generating a burst of darkness in its mouth, ready to unleash it. But that wasn't all. As soon as Passion got too close, she was suddenly struck in the face by seemingly nothing.

"G-Garde!" The Psychic-Fairy-Type gasped as she received a slap to her face that interrupted her movement and threw her off balance. At the same time, Tyranitar unleashed Dark Pulse towards the stunned Gardevoir. The Embrace Pokemon took the hit as she was launched back by the dark explosion. "Voir?!"

"What was that?!" Celestia pulled back as she didn't even see what hit her partner. Gardeovir wasn't sure either once she recovered. She held onto the side of her face as that invisible slap was truly potent.

"Hm." Dimstar certainly knew. "Earthquake!"

"Ranitar!" Raising its foot, Tyranitar put a ton of weight into this next attack, stomping down on the stadium grown. A resounding and tremendous shockwave occurred, causing an earthquake to be born. Golden shockwaves were appearing from the ground which was showing a multitude of cracks.

"Ascend and use Dazzling Gleam!"

"Garde!" Gardevoir could easily fly and avoid this incoming attack. But as soon as she took off, her body was forced down by seemingly nothing yet again. She was dragged down and forced into the golden shockwaves that erupted below her. Gardevoir ended up taking a devastating blow from this. "Voir!"

"What gives?!" Rainbow Dash bellowed, lost on why Gardevoir was taking these hits that would be avoidable. Spectrum Shade and Night Sprout cackled as Gardevoir tumbled and rolled across the floor.

"Is it the same Dark Magic that was pulling Arcanine in?" Celestia pondered. "No...Passion took a hit from this invisible force and was dragged down too...It has to be something else. But what?" Trying to figure it out, Celestia would then glance at Dimstar and her devious smirk. That was when it clicked with her. The answer was hinted at by the Poke Balls floating around Dimstar. "That's it! Tendrils! There are invisible tendrils around!"

"Spot on." Dimstar grinned, confirming it for Celestia. Indeed, the invisible tendrils were active at this very moment, assisting Tyranitar. "But those aren't my tendrils, I can guarantee you. These are Tyranitar's."

"Tyranitar's tendrils?"

"Tyranitar uses the Dark Magic as a suit of Armor. If you could see it, you would know what I mean by that."

"Hmm..." Celestia closed her eyes as she indeed had a method of seeing this suit of armor that Dimstar mentioned. She kept her eyes closed for a moment before opening them. A golden glow exuded from her eyes, allowing the Sun Princess to see beyond what she could currently view.

Lo and behold, there were invisible tendrils there and these ones were on Tyranitar's back. But they weren't exactly fleshy. Instead, they were made out of what appeared to be metal. The Sun Princess gasped as this difficult battle just got even harder than before.

"Tyranitar focuses on brute force and the Dark Magic that's he's been trained to use translates well with it. He has tendrils just like mine only his are of pure steel. Enough to take down your Gardevoir. Now, attack, Tyranitar! Ice Punch!"

"Ranitar" Tyranitar would continue to be on the offensive, approaching Gardevoir while making the stadium floor shake from his movements.

"At least I can see them now! Passion, use Dazzling Gleam!"

"Garde!" Gardevoir would have to count on Celestia to spot where the tendrils were coming from. But that wouldn't be too hard since her and Celestia had strong bond. She formed a flash of light in her hand, ready to anticipate Tyranitar's actions. At that moment, three of the Steel Tendrils on Tyranitar's back would fly forward, attempting to interrupt Gardevoir's Dazzling by targeting the front of her body and her arms.

"Here it comes! Launch yourself back!"

"Voir!" At that moment, Gardevoir unleashed Dazzling Gleam. But she did so by using the force of the attack to create a shockwave powerful enough to move her entire body. And it worked. Dazzling Gleam appeared in the form of a white beam instead of rainbow rays this team, tearing through the ground while also attacking the tendrils.

Gardevoir gained some distance away from Tyranitar as the three Steel Tendrils were enveloped. However, because they were steel, they resisted the blast even if they were pushed back. The rest of the blast went straight for Tyranitar, only for all of the tendrils to form into a single point.

The Steel Tendrils covered the front of Tyranitar's body by wrapping themselves around him. This allowed him to resist what would be a super-effective attack, making the powerful Dazzling Gleam practically ineffective. Tyranitar kept moving while still preparing for an Ice Punch.

"I told you! He uses it as a suit of armour! In the literal sense! It's spectacular in both offence and defence!" Dimstar exclaimed as Tyranitar was as close to Gardevoir as possible.

"G-Garde!" Straight to the face, Gardevoir received a chilling blow from Tyranitar's Ice Punch. But that wasn't going to be the only one. Tyranitar would keep at it, preparing for another Ice Punch to try and freeze the Embrace Pokemon. And thanks to the tendrils, Gardevoir could be restrained as seen by how the tendrils were preparing to grab her arms. They grabbed onto Gardevoir's arms, holding her in place and making her an imminent punching back for Tyranitar.

"Ran!" Tyranitar would start wailing on Gardevoir, delivering cold blows to her face repeatedly. The Embrace Pokemon was being slugged over and over again and yet she hadn't be frozen just yet.

"This should do it! Dark Pulse!"

"Ty...!" Tyranitar would build up a blast of darkness in his mouth, ready to unleash it onto Gardevoir at point-blank range.

"Get out of there, Passion! Dazzling Gleam!"

"Voir!" Gardevoir could still pull off her attacks as seen by the beautiful flash of light around her body. It was to try and blind Tyranitar, however, the tendrils said otherwise. The Steel Tendrils interfered once more, wrapping themselves around Tyraintar's body to shield him from the super-effective blow.

But the explosion was still potent. Potent enough to eclipse both of their bodies as rainbow rays would fly out, racing through the air for everyone to see. Tyranitar was pushed back by this as Gardevoir successfully gauged some distance and broke free from the up-close encounter.

Gardevoir could be seen flying out of the explosion she made, still active in this battle. However, the grasp that Tyranitar had on her wasn't done just yet. Celestia saw that the Steel Tendrils were currently on her leg, making sure the Embrace Pokemon wouldn't go too far.

"Stone Edge!"

"Tar!" Tyranitar summoned glowing crystals around his body before shooting them upwards.

"Not this time! Psychic!"

"Voir!" The Embrace Pokemon used her expert Psychic power on herself. It wouldn't do a thing against Tyranitar but the tendrils was another story. With a mighty mental strength, Gardevoir managed to rip the tendril off her leg while also managing to catch the incoming rocks.

"Send them back!"

"Gardevoir!" The Embrace Pokemon then sent the glowing stones back to Tyranitar, using Psychic to accelerate their speed so that they would pack a greater punch. Once again, Tyranitar protected himself, showing incredible defensive capabilities. The rocks broke apart.

"I need to get past those Steel Tendrils somehow..." Celestia thought to herself. "He's really living up to that status of the Armor Pokemon. But...no one is truly invincible and I know what can deal with those tendrils. After that..."

"If she uses Celestial-Gardevoir, she can end this easily! Or maybe even just Mega Gardevoir!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I wish I could see those tendrils though..."

"Now, Tyranitar! Use Earthquake!"

"Tyranitar!" Striking the ground, Tyranitar would cause another Earthquake. Now, it was time for Celestia's plan to come into fruition. All she had to do was get past that extra layer of armour that the Armor Pokemon now had.

"Approach, Passion!" And according to her, that was by getting close to Tyranitar. Gardevoir would approach Tyranita while the golden shockwaves were approaching. Dimstar gasped as she expected Gardevoir to gain some distance, but not this time.

"Spin with Mystical Fire!"

"Garde...Voir" Using Mystical Fire, Gardevoir would start spinning while flying, causing the flames to spiral. At that moment, they covered her entire body, turning the Embrace Pokemon into a Flaming Tornado Missle. Doing this, she managed to push through the golden shockwaves that got in her way, breaking through them. The tendrils would once again shield Tyranitar, but this time, things were different.

Gardevoir smashed her body into Tyranitar's body with her Spiralling Flames. While it wouldn't be super-effective against Tyranitar, it would certainly be effective on the tendrils. This whole time, she's been using moves that wouldn't be very effective on Steel. But Fire was certainly super-effective. Tyranitar gasped as the tendrils took some damage, feeling the heat from Mystical Fire.

"T-Ty?!" Tyranitar was not only pushed back but the impact sent a shockwave through his entire body. Gardevoir bounced back after throwing herself at the Armor Pokemon. The Tendrils took some damage as burn marks could be seen on them as well as a bit of smoke.

"Excellent." Celestia grinned as she found her opportunity at last. "Come back, for now, Passion!"

"Voir!" Gardevoir was called back, levitating towards her trainer while taking a deep breath.

"You did well. Hold on for now. We're about to take full advantage of this. We'll need some more firepower." The Sun Princess would use her magic to hold out her next Poke Ball. "Flare in! Arcanine!"

"Arcanine!" Returning to the battlefield was Arcanine. Lua knew that Celestia had a stronger Fire-Type in her team, but she was still contemplating that decision. Reshiram was up in the air, currently making this battle a 4 v 4 instead. But Arcanin was no slouch when it came to exhibiting Fire. He still had some of the Dark Flames around from before, however.

The Misty Terrain was fading. It ran at last, but it served its purpose by preventing any Dark Afflictions on Gardevoir. However, now Celestia's Pokemon were vulnerable to it once more.

"Arcanine! Flare Blitz!"

"Arcanine!" Immediately, Arcanine would charge in at full force, going straight for Tyranitar who would normally be resistant to this. But not the Steel Tendrils. A powerful burst of fire came flying in as Dimstar knew this could end badly for her if something wasn't done at once.

"Quick! Dark Pulse!"

"Ranitar!" Tyranitar couldn't afford to use the Steel Tendrils against Arcanine's Flare Blitz. So the best thing to do was to keep him away. A blast of darkness was quickly unleashed, clashing against the Flare Blitz. The clash was heavy, causing a shockwave to happen below them. A strong wind pressure that was blazing hot would emerge across the area.

Tyranitar had to stand there while struggling to push Arcanine away and so did Arcanine, who was currently airborne.. At that moment, the black flames would act up, interacting with the Dark Magic. Arcanine was immediately pulled away, ruining his Flare Blitz. This allowed Dark Pulse to connect, engulfing the Legendary Pokemon.

Celestia growled, covering one of her eyes in the face of this black and red explosion. Arcanine would roll on the ground, unable to land that powerful Flare Blitz, unfortunately.

"Drat." Celestia kissed her teeth. "But it isn't over yet."

"I'm fairly certain that it is! Earthquake!"

"Tyranitar!" Once again, Earthquake was used. And this was sure to deal tremendous damage to Arcanine if it lands. Celestia had to think fast while Arcanine was still under the black flames.

"All we have to do is outspeed it! Arcanine! Extreme Speed!"

"Canine!" Moving as fast as he could, Arcanine would take off. But he would use Extreme Speed in the air instead of the ground. He took flight, becoming a white bolt of lightning that avoided the Earthquake.

"Quick! Dive down and use Flare Blitz!"

"Arcanine!" It was a set-up for Arcanine to use Flare Blitz while airborne. Thanks to the power of Extreme Speed, he got up there without taking any super-effective damage and by using Flare Blitz immediately, he managed to outpace the Dark Magic before it could ruin his day. Along came Arcanine, diving down at full force. Tyranitar's tendrils had no choice but to wrap around him as protection.

"Stone Edge!"

"Tyra!" But Tyranitar wasn't going to let him get a free hit in. Quickly, he summoned those glowing stones around him, acting as swiftly as possible. The stones flew while Arcanine came crashing down. A paroxysm of Fire and Darkness went off, setting the stage ablaze. By now, the rule to prevent as much light from showing up was ignored. This was too good of a battle for the vampires to care about their own wellbeing.

Direct contact was made, prompting yet another explosion. The end result was Arcanine falling back, fainting. Tyranitar was still standing. However, thanks to the collission, Tyranitar's tendrils were greatly damaged.


"That's it for Arcanine! Tyranitar wins!" Applejack declared. Now Dimstar had tied it up. Two of Celestia's Pokemon were down and out.

"Thank you, Arcanine. You did your best. And you've helped weaken those tendrils for us." Celestia thanked him when returning the Legendary Pokemon to his Poke Ball.

"Tch. This isn't good for Tyranitar...Return." Dimstar had no choice but to return Tyranitar, ready to switch him out. "I'm counting on you! Dhelmise!"

"Dhelmise!" Dimstar summoned a Dhelmise next. Right as Celestia's Fire-Type had fainted, this Ghost-Grass-Type appeared.

"Hm. You know what...I think I'm fine with four." Suddenly, Celestia decided that she would stick with only four Pokemon. She would leave Reshiram out of this battle. For the sake of the vampire's safety since Reshiram could definitely unleash a ton of light and there was one more reason to it. Much like Ash, Celestia wanted to test herself. She would refrain from teaming up Reshiram in this battle, wanting to give herself a challenge.

"Then that means it comes down to my Tyranitar and Dhelmise and your last two Pokemon."

"It does. And we're going to claim victory." Celestia held out her next Poke Ball, letting Gardevoir take a longer rest. "Appear and strike your opponent down, Kommo-o!"


"Just two more! That means she just has to beat Tyranitar and Dhelmise!" Apple Bloom gasped. "She's got this!"

"As if! Tyranitar's still healthy while Gardevoir took a lot of damage!" Night Sprout begged to differ, continuing to bicker with her fellow fillies. "This is all Dimstar's!"

"Hm." Dimstar then looked up at the crowd, wondering what they were thinking about this battle. Judging by the resounding cheers and applause, they found it to be wonderful. Dimstar wished to be the next Lich Queen and she had to make sure that she could bond with the vampires she was sealed away from for so long. With a smile on her face, that looks like it was going to be the case.

"Hitting Dhelmise won't be too hard for Kommo-o. It's the Dark Magic I have to worry about. What can it do with that kind of power?" Celestia pondered. She was just going to have to probe around the edges to see what could surface. "Kommo-o! Fire Punch!"

"Ko!" Iginiting his fists in a fearsome blaze, the Dragon-Fighting-Type had the perfect move to deal with Dhelmise.

"Dhelmise! Gyro Ball!"

"Dhel! Dhelmise!" Dhelmise would start spinning on the spot, using its slow speed to its advantage. But instead of approaching Kommo-o, something else happened. The flames around Kommo-o's fist were suddenly being pulled away from him.

"Kommo?!" Kommo-o gasped as his flames were heading elsewhere. They were heading for Dhelmise, which is techinically what he wanted, but it didn't pan out the way it should have. Dhelmise was using the Dark Magic to bring the flames over to it, causing them to surround the Sea Creeper Pokemon.

And by doing so, Dhelmise now had control of the power. It was now a Ghost-Grass-Type using the power of Fire. To surprise Kommo-o even more, the Sea Creeper Pokemon unleashed what appeared to be Fire Blast. It even had the signature symbol.

"Mo?!" Kommo-o ws in shock as he immediately put up his arms to block. A blazing explosion went off, eclisping his body. Celestia didn't expect the attack to be sent back to her. But it didn't just stop there. Dhelmise now had the fire around its body, permanantly.

"What is this...?"

"Your flames are now Dhelmises. Making you unable to use Fire Punch anymore."

"Kommo-o?" Kommo-o wasn't sure if that was true. Dimstar was essentially saying that Kommo-o no longer had access to his super-effective move. He looked at his hand, trying to use the attack, but nothing happened. No flames would sprout out.

"That can't be...Use Fire Punch!"

"Mo!" Kommo-o tried again, this time with Celestia at the helm. However, nothing happened, yet again. Kommo-o's Fire Punch was gone. "Kommo?!"

"So it's like Disable..." Celestia grizzled her teeth. The difficulty of this battle has increased yet again with Kommo-o's Fire Punch being out of the picture.

"Yes. But believe me...Unlike Disable, I can take away all of your moves." Dimstar put on a devious grin. This was way worse than Disable. If Celestia was not careful, Dhelmise could steal every single move in Kommo-o's arsenal, making him practically powerless. "Try not to lose anything. Anchor Shot!"

From its body, Dhelmise released a powerful anchor that came racing in at high speeds. If this hits, Celestia won't be able to switch out, forcing Kommo-o to stay in and struggle. But neither of them were planning to switch at all and Celestia couldn't afford to lose another move.

"Deflect it with Close Combat!"

"Kommo!" Kommo-o fought back, delivering a mighty forward hook at the anchor. Direct contact unleashing a powerful shockwave that would flow through the anchor, reaching Dhelmise's body.

"D-Dhelmise!" Dhelmise certainly felt that. Its entire body started shaking thanks to the shockwave. The anchor was also retracted immediately. Dimstar growled as Kommo-o wasn't going down that easily. His Close Combat was still active, but it wouldn't do a thing to Dhelmise either way. It was the other two moves that Dimstar had to worry about.

"Clanging Scales!"

"Koooo!" Kommo-o folded his arms, soon unfolding them and unleashing a huge roar, sending blue shockwaves towards the Sea Creeper Pokemon.

"Power Whip!"

"Mise!" To fight against the incoming shockwaves, Dhelmise summoned a gigantic green whip of energy. It swung through the air, moving the rubble aside. The whip met with the powerful shockwave which would shatter the tiles on the stadium floor. Some of the vampires even had to close their eyes thanks to the sound of the two attacks colliding.

It was a tie between the two, but Dhelmise wouldn't let up with Power Whip. It swung the whip once more, bringing it down the Scaly Pokemon. Swiftly, Kommo-o would leap to the side, narrowly avoiding the whip which ended up smashing the ground. Dhelmise then moved the whip across the ground, attempting to sweep Kommo-o with it.

Kommo's legs were struck by the whip, sending him into the air. This allowed Dhelmise to move the whip upwards, delivering a powerful blow to Kommo-o's back, sending him higher into the air. After that, Dhelmise was about to try and whip him back to the ground for more damage. Kommo-o would grab onto the whip, using it to recover.

As soon as he grabbed onto it, the whip was being brought down, allowing Kommo-o to jump off it and avoid the impact.

"Now, use Clanging Scales!"

"Mo!" While in the air, Kommo-o unleashed Clanging Scales. The blue shockwave came crashing down, ready to knock Dhelmise upside its anchor body.

"Now's my chance! Gyro Ball!"

"Dhel! Dhelmise!" Once again, Dhelmise used Gyro Ball while the blue shockwaves of Clanging Scales were incoming. By doing so, it once again started pulling the opposing attack towards it. The blue shockwaves would slow down, losing their immense power and instead started flowing towards Dhelmise's body. Celestia and Kommo-o collectively gasped as now Clanging Scales had been absorbed.

"Gotcha." Dimstar snicked. Now, Clanging Scales was exempt from Kommo-o. His own signature move was gone.

"Not good! That's his strongest move!" Rainbow Dash screeched as the odds were not in Celestia's favour at the moment.

"Now all that's left is Close Combat and whatever the fourth one is. But Close Combat won't do a thing to Dhelmise." Sweetie Belle bit her hoof.

"The other move in her arsenal is Clangarous SouL..." Luna answered, knowing what the 4th move was. "But that won't do her any good now. The best thing my sister can do is use Close Combat but..."

"Hooh...These Pokemon Battles have me sweating bullets too much." Rarity breathed in and out, using a fan to cool herself off due to the intensity of this battle.

"Darn it. It's just Close Combat and Clangarous Soul now. What do I do? I can't hope to hit Dhelmise with this. But if I send out Passion, do I risk her moves being taken away too?" The Sun Princess thought to herself.

Dimstar could see Celestia thinking hard. She had the Sun Princess startled and shaken thanks to this usage of Dark Magic. "So much for that. Now, Power Whip!"

"Mise!" Dhelmise would swing that massive green whip once more by materializing it. Now, Kommo-o had two moves remaining. Kommo-o gasped as he was struck by the massive whip, not once, not twice, but three times. A triple strike to Kommo-o was done, causing him to stagger. But it would go beyond three.

Kommo-o was being whipped around rapidly by Power Whip which would deal heavy blows continuously. All the while, Celestia was trying to figure out a way to overcome this.

"That Dark Magic is so potent and versatile...Unless...!" At that moment, Celestia had an idea. She was a prodigy when it came to magic and Dark Magic was not an exception. "I've got it! Kommo! Ascend and head for the Dark Maic!"

"Ko!" Hearing that, Kommo would narrowly avoid the next whip before leaping into the air.

"Whatever you're planning, I won't let it happen! Anchor Shot!"

"Dhel!" Dhelmise tried intercepting Kommo-o as quickly as possible, removing the whip and switching it for an anchor that went upwards. Kommo-o was going straight for the Dark Magic, which seemed like a bad idea. Arcanine did it before by accident and it brought a drawback for him. Another drawback could come for Kommo-o and he was already lacking any moves to fight against Dhelmise.

"Touch it, Kommo-o! Harness it's power!"

"Kommo-o!" In a surprise twist, Kommo-o was going to harness the power for himself. Once his claws touched the Dark Magic, it started wrapping itself around his body. The anchor would reach Kommo-o, only for the Dark Magic to block it. Everyone gasped while Kommo-o started grimacing. This Dark Magic was rather painful even if it was made from the Harmony Phenomenon. He wasn't used to it as it was invading his body.

But with the help of Celestia's assistance that would all change. "Don't fight it Kommo-o. You have to let the darkness take you in." If there was anypony who knew about this, it was Celestia. She had once tapped into Dark Magic when informing Twilight Sparkle about Sombra returning. She knew that Darkness could be a powerful ally instead of a devastating foe.

Kommo-o closed his eyes as he allowed the Dark Magic to flow through him. His connection to Celestia allowed for this to phenomenon to occur. The fierce darkness would calm down, becoming gentle instead. No longer was Kommo-o feeling any pain from the darkness invading his body. Instead, he was welcoming it.

Kommo-o then descended as a surge of darkness surrounded his body. Once he landed, the darkness would minimize, but it would stick around. This time, it stayed around his claws and nowhere else.

"You harnessed it...? That easily?!" Dimstar pulled back while Luna put on a smile. That was her big sister right there. Always full of surpriss.

"You're not the only one who has experience with Dark Magic. When you've been around as long as me...Well, we've both been around for a long time actually." Celestia smirked. "And that correlates with my Pokemon. The stronger our bond, the better we work together."

"Hmph. But what can you do that can really touch Dhelmise? All you have is Close Combat, don't you? This battle is mine. Dhelmise will take everything your Gardevoir has to offer too."

"...I wonder about that." Celestia said. The way she said those words struck some intimidation into Dimstar. The Half Lich Half Vampire wasn't sure what was coming, but she had to be ready. "Dhelmise! Phantom Force!"

"Dhel!" The Ghost-Grass type suddenly disappeared. Its body entered another dimension, leaving this one entirely for a brief moment. Kommo-o would simply stand there, waiting for Celestia's call.

"Use Close Combat!" It was the only move that could be used to deal any damage. While it wouldn't do anything, Kommo-o was going to use it anyway.

As soon as Dhelmise appeared in this dimension once more, it would try and attack Kommo-o from behind. Kommo-o sensed the Sea Creeper Pokemon as he sudenly put on a smile of his own. "Ko!" The Dragon-Fighting-Type swivelled, swinging his fist at Dhelmise. What appeared to be a pointless attack, was actually a powerful one.

In fact, it was super-effective.

Kommo-o made contact with Dhelmise, striking the front of its body and sending it flying with a single punch. "D-Dhel!"

"What in the Primordial Magic?!" Dimstar pulled back to the point where her tendrils dropped the Poke Balls out of pur shock.

"Excellent hit, Kommo-o!"

"How did she hit it?!" Scootaloo was absolutely flabbergasted. So was the entire crowd.

"It's simple. I had Kommo-o use Close Combat as a Dark-Type move as the extra layer. A super-effective type against Ghost." Celestia smirked. "I'm rather good at mixing moves if you must know. If you can create something new with the Dark Magic then so can I. A Dark-Type Close Combat doesn't sound too bad, wouldn't you agree? Let's call it Dark Onslaught."

"Ko!" Kommo-o now had access to a Dark-Type move, giving him an advantage and a way to properly hit Dhelmise. The darkness would radiate from his claw as he put on a sly grin.

"Not bad. But Kommo-o can't take much more I can imagine! Power Whip!"

"Dhelmise!" Dhelmise now had to put in more effort since Kommo-o had a Dark-Type attack.

"Now! Dark Onslaught!"

"Ko!" Using his newly obtained move, Kommo-o used an alternate version of Close Combat. He lunged in, approaching the massive whip that came swinging his way. Kommo-o managed to punch through the whip, going straight through it and approaching Dhelmise. But Dhelmise wasn't done. It would quickly summon another whip out of thin air right as Kommo-o came close. At that moment, the two Pokemon hit each other. Kommo-o's gut was struck by the whip while his claw smashed into Dhelmise's body.

With both of them taking a hit, they collectively flew back. Kommo-o would tumble and roll while Dhelmise would crash thanks to its weight and body structure. Just like that, both Pokemon ended up taking each other out. While Kommo-o suffered the most damage, that Dark Onslaught helped him even the playing field.



"Both of 'em are out!" Applejack declared. Now it was down to one Pokemon each. The crowd was very much satisfied and more. This was an excellent battle. To think that they would've missed out on all of this if the Black Crusade was a complete success. This was truly entertaining. Both trainers returned their Pokemon, thanking them for their hard work.

"Alright. Rest up, Kommo-o. It's down to just you and Tyranitar, Passion."

"Voir." The Embrace Pokemon nodded in understanding.

"Hmm..." After returning Dhelmise's Poke Ball, Dimstar sat there pondering for a moment. "Well. I'm getting what I wanted, Celestia. This isn't exactly how I envisioned it though. I wanted to show them that I can take down anyone as their future Lich Queen, ensuing their safety."

"I'd say this is a great way of showing it." Celestia grinned. "Equalizing with me is a great showcase, Dimstar. But it's obvious you have was to go in terms of strength. And so do I. Even though I'm already the Princess and Ruler of Equestria, I have to get stronger as well. Not just stronger than my enemies who would threaten this world and beyond, but to be stronger than myself."

"Yourself?" Dimstar repeated.

"I have a darkness within me that I want to avoid. That darkness even took on its own form and emerged as Daybreaker. That's why I have to improve as well. We both share a common goal."

"I see." Dimstar sighed. "Being around you is...rather soothing. It's a lot like being around Queen Fantina. Centuries of being sealed away have almost robbed me of these feelings. I now have no reason to think about them anymore. Just like in the past. Now, appear and finish it off! Tyranitar!"

"Tyranitar!" With his Poke Ball being thrown into the air, Tyranitar was back in action.

"Let's finish this, Passion!"

Gardevoir!" Gardevoir flew in, ready to finish it off. All she had to do was get past Tyranitar and his defences.

It all came down to this. Gardevoir vs Tyranitar. And already, those Steel Tendrils were active. However, they had still taken damage thanks to Arcanine's actions from before. They weren't as tough as they were previously.

The stadium was now full with a large enough crowd. But there were others watching who weren't seated. Such as Cobalion. He was watching from afar, knowing that Celestia was currently having a battle. With a smile on his face, he knew that Celestia was doing an amazing job out there.

"Go, Passion! Dazzling Gleam!"

"Garde....!" Raising her arms, Gardevoir generated a majestic flare of Fairy Magic that she held over her head. The sparkles would flow around rapidly and the light rays would pierce the darkness. "Voir!" With his pupils flashing for a moment, Gardevoir released a multiple of rainbows.


"Tyranitar!" In response, Tyranitar had to use Earthquake, summoning a gigantic golden wall of shockwaves that would meet with the rainbow rays. The rays rapidly beat against the shockwave, trying push through. Both attacks failed to succeed, resulting in them collectively exploding.


"Voir!" The Embrace Pokemon took flight, moving through the massive cloud of smoke and dust as she had a bolt of lightning in her hands. She was coming straight for Tyranitar but she wasn't using the Lightning Blade this time. The Pyschic-Fairy-Type smashed the blast of 100,000 volts onto Tyranitar's face, sending a powerful surge of lightning in and out of him.


"Counter with Ice Punch!"

"Ranitar...!" Tyranitar growled when looking up at Gardevoir, whose hand was still on his head. He would deliver a quick uppercut to Gardevoir's stomach while she was this close, causing her to cough and sending her upwards.


"Stone Edge!"

"Tyran!" Tyranitar followed up by using Stone Edge. On top of that, he also used the Steel Tendrils. The tendrils and the stones would fly side by side with each other, making sure that Gardevoir would receive an absolute pummeling.

"Use Mystical Fire!"

"Gardevoir!" That is until Gardevoir recovered in the air, unleashing a flare of magic fire from her body. This flame would be sent downwards, meeting with the stones and the tendrils. The Steel Tendrils suffered more burn damage from this while the stones were being held back. Gardevoir growled, intensifying the flames while the tendrils were starting to melt away.

"Push through it with Dark Pulse!"

"Tyranitar!" With Stone Edge failing, Tyranitar switched it up, using Dark Pulse next. The beam of darkness shot up, boosted by the Dark Terrain's power as it pierced through Gardevoir's flames.

"V-Voir!" Gardevoir was hit by the darkness which broke through the Mystical Fire, knocking her out of the sky.

"Follow it up with Ice Punch!"

"Ranitar!" Rushing forward, Tyranitar would try and strike Gardevoir before she could hit the ground. The tendrils would also flying in, making sure that they would catch Gardevoir.


"Garde!" However, by using Psychic on herself, Gardevoir managed to swivel and recover in the air, flying past the tendrils that tried to grab her. Not only that, she expanded her Psychic power when flying past the tendrils, surrounding them. Now that they were growing more and more fragile, Gardevoir crushed them. A few tendrils of Tyranitar were destroyed, becoming too brittle.

"Ran!" Tyranitar felt this but it wouldn't slow him down. He swung his chilling blow at Gardevoir, only for the Embrace Pokemon to swivel around the punch. After performing a graceful dodge, Gardevoir grabbed Tyranitara's face, shoving him into the ground by forcing her own body forward with a Psychic push. It was a heavy knockdown too. "T-Ty!?"

"Gardevoir...!" Gardevoir stayed on top of Tyranitar, keeping her face there so that he wouldn't get back up. Tyranitar growled as his eyes woul flash red right afterwards.


"Ranitar!" While he was pinned down, his tail was still usable. The Dark-Rock-Type slammed his tail on the ground, generating a powerful shockwave that would rise up, launching him and Gardevoir into the air. Tyranitar dealt super-effective damage to himself just to break free.

"G-Gardevoir...?!" The Embrace Pokemon flinched as that rising Earthquake perplexed her.

"Now's our chance! Grab her by using your tendrils! Then use Ice Punch!"

"Tyranitar!" Using the tendrils in midair, he attempted to restrain the Psychic-Fairy-Type, but Gardevoir wouldn't let it happen for a moment.


"Voir!" Once again, she launched herself with Psychic, giving herself a push that allowed her to narrowly avoid the tendrils. Tyranitar landed back down after failing to touch the Embrace Pokemon. His tendrils were waning at this point with only a few of them being strong enough.

"Now use, Dazzling Gleam!"

"Garde!" From her hand, she generated a rainbow sphere that she would use in an up-close exchange. Gardevoir dropped down at high speeds, touching the ground before floating above it. She left a trail of dust due to her speed, homing in with this physical Dazzling Gleam.

"Tyran!" Tyranitar was still using Ice Punch, approaching Gardevoir too. The two Pokemon made close contact as Dazzling Gleam and Ice Punch were smashed against each other. A mighty clash between the two occurred, resulting in a shockwave that blew away chunks of the stadium. They growled at each other with one side trying to overpower the other.

The sheer power of their clash made the rubble rise and even forced the hairs and tails of everyone in the crowd to rise. It could be heard from outside the stadium, revealing to everyone just how intense this was. The light of Dazzling Gleam even went out of the stadium, shooting its rays into the sky as they pierced the dark clouds.

"Merge Mystical Fire and Thunderbolt! Plasma Bolt!" It was time for Gardevoir's ace in the hole to be revealed.

"Gardevoir!" She yelled as loud as she could, switching the energy of Dazzling Gleam with something else. In one arm, she managed to use both Mystical Fire and Thunderbolt at the same time. This, plasma was created and from it, came Plasma Bolt. A might burst of plasma met with Tyranitar's Ice Punch, melting it in seconds. The Dark-Rock-Type was in disbelief after seeing another element in play.

This was the absolute limit of Gardevoir in her standard form. There was no usage of Mega Evolution or Celestial-Gardevoir. This is what she could do on her own. But there was still room to grow in her original form and that was shown by the breakthrough that she had. She won the clash, defeating Ice Punch and slugging Tyranitar in the face with an air shattering punch.

Tyranitar was launched away, having multiple shockwaves leave his body. The Armor Pokemon went straight for Dimstar, crashing into her. Dimstar tried using her tendrils to block, but it was too late. She was sent flying with her partner. The duo crashed into the ground outside of the stadium.

"Garde...Gardevoir..." Gardevoir breathed in and out as she truly expended herself in that battle. More than she expected.

"Tyranitar..." Tyranitar had fainted. Granting this victory to Celestia's team.

"That's it!" Applejack shouted. "Tyranitar can't continue! Gardevoir wins! Princess Celestia takes it all!"

"Hah..." The Sun Princess sat down as that exhausted her truly. Even without using the power of Celestial-Gardevoir. With a thunderous applause from the crowd this battle was over.

"Amazing..." Dimstar groaned, looking up at the black sky which had a bit of light pouring through it. The Dazzling Gleam broke through the dark clouds, letting the equivalent of sunshine beam down. Dimstar then helped Tyranitar by first getting him off, comforting the Amror Pokemon by rubbing her tendrils over him. "You did your best, Tyranitar. I'm proud of you. My friend."


"Yes! We won!" The CMC stood up, raising their hooves for their team's victory. "That's our princess!"

"Aw...!" Night Sprout and Spectrum Shade collectively groaned, wishing that Dimstar won this. But, one thing was for sure. They greatly enjoyed this battle, so they couldn't be too mad at it. It was a spectacle to behold.

Celestia would lie on her back, needing some time to rest. Gardevoir would get on her knees, also wanting to replenish. In unison, Celestia and Gardevoir started laughing. This was for one reason only. For the first time ever, they knew how Ash and Rainbow Dash felt.

This was the Pokemon Battle they went through and it was something else. It was unlike the ones that involved the fate of Equestria or the world. Truly, a blissful experience even if it took a lot out of them. To think that they were missing out on this.

Celestia just wanted to lie there for a moment, looking up at the small body of light that was piercing through. Watching this battle in all of its glory was obviously Twilight Moonlight. And to say that she was amazed was an understatement. She saw it all happen and was left speechless. Just like how the entire crowd was left pleased and satisfied.

Coming here was worth it.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 347 End.

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