• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Lost Lunar Luster

Alola. Poni Island. Vast Poni Canyon. Altar of the Moone. Nightfall.

Arriving at the Altar of the Moone was Malamar and his minions. With his body trembling after using such a tremendous amount of Rift Energy, he needed plenty of assistance to do much. In the dead of the night, which was also currently alive due to the Ranger Union getting involved, Malamar arrived at the Altar of the Moone while some were heading straight for the Altar of the Sunne.

"Place me in front of it." He ordered as his minions brought him to the Altar. "The only way to properly use this is by playing a certain flute. But we do not possess it. Instead, we will use the highest amount of Rift Energy to make this work."

A bold play on Malamar's part. He was going to find those two Pokemon one way or another. Rift Energy, when used at its maximum, is capable of great things and Malamar was about to see if it could get him what he wanted. His minions brought over the Rift Bucket, immediately showering it all over the Overturning Pokemon.

Knowing that his body was struggling, Malamar would gladly use all the Rift Energy in that bucket since nothing was healing him at all. As Malamar's minions poured Rift Energy over him, the atmosphere around the Altar of the Moone grew charged with cosmic power. The dark energies swirled and danced around Malamar, intertwining with his own aura in a dazzling display of otherworldly might.

"Yes...Good!" Malamar cackled while feeling the Rift Energy surge through him. Once the Rift Energy entered his body, it would clash with the energy that already left him in such a wobbly state.

Despite the strain it placed on him, Malamar's determination remained unshaken. He gritted his teeth against the onslaught of power, his eyes gleaming with a fierce resolve as he pushed his body beyond its limits in pursuit of his ambitions.

"Now! Show me a sign!" Holding nothing back, Malamar would unleash the all the power of the Rift, smashing his tentacles right into the Altar of the Moone.

The impact reverberated through the Altar, causing it to tremble and quake under the onslaught of power. Cracks spiderwebbed across its surface, and ancient glyphs glowed with an otherworldly light as the Altar responded to the influx of cosmic energy.

As Malamar's tentacles collided with the Altar of the Moone, the ancient stone structure reacted in a way it never had before. The Rift Energy, pulsating through every fibre of the Altar, triggered a cataclysmic response. Instead of harmonizing with the natural energy of Lunala, the Altar convulsed with chaotic power.

The ancient glyphs etched into the Altar glimmered with an eerie luminescence, their meaning twisted and distorted by the corrupting influence of the Rift Energy.

As the Altar trembled and groaned under the strain, its once-pure essence tainted by the influx of cosmic power, the surrounding landscape quaked in response. Shadows danced wildly, casting sinister silhouettes against the moonlit sky, while the air crackled with an unsettling energy.

Despite his triumphant laughter, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of Malamar's consciousness. He could feel the Rift Energy twisting and warping his very essence, threatening to consume him from within. Yet, in the throes of his maniacal frenzy, he ignored the warning signs, intoxicated by the prospect of newfound power.

"Mar..." The other Malamar watched with a mixture of awe and trepidation, their own tendrils recoiling instinctively from the chaotic maelstrom that surrounded their leader. They could sense that something was terribly wrong, but they dared not intervene, fearing the wrath of their deranged master.

"Surely, it will reac when it is I who is connected to the Moon!" Malamar declared.

The dormant energy surged from the Altar of the Moone, piercing the veil of the beautiful knight sky like a sword throuh the body. The very fabric of reality seemed to tremble in response to the unprecedented disturbance unleashed by Malamar's reckless actions. Above the Altar, the moon itself appeared to pulse with an eerie glow, its surface reflecting the chaotic energies that now permeated the atmosphere.

The Dimensional Distortion that formed above the Altar was unlike anything seen before. It shimmered with an otherworldly brilliance, its edges tinged with hues of violet and indigo that danced and swirled like a cosmic tempest. Wisps of energy cascaded from its center, weaving intricate patterns in the night sky as if heralding the arrival of some ancient and unfathomable power.

Even from afar, the moon seemed to swell in size, casting an ominous shadow over the land below. The very ground trembled beneath the weight of the dimensional rift, its presence casting a foreboding pall over the surrounding landscape.

The residents of Alola were jolted from their slumber by the cacophonous roar that echoed across the night sky. As they stumbled bleary-eyed from their homes, their gaze was drawn inexorably upward to behold the sight that unfolded above them.

High above the horizon, where the moon typically held its serene vigil, a swirling maelstrom of energy now churned and writhed with otherworldly intensity. The once placid orb had been transformed into a pulsating nexus of power, its surface aglow with ethereal hues that cast an eerie pall over the land below.

Gasps of astonishment and trepidation escaped the lips of onlookers as they beheld the enigmatic spectacle unfolding before them.

"The Moon...What happened to it?" Watching this from outside his home was Kukui. The Moon was currently in tune with Malamar's own Mind, as a result of him using Rif Magic to some of its most horrific capabilities.

Akala Island.

Finally arriving at Alola were Twilight and Luna, specifically at Akala Island. And when showing up, as soon as they were rushing to Malamar's location, they already saw the tremendous spectacle he had caused. Luna's pupils shrunk in astonishment once she saw the energy around the Moon.

"That fiend...What has he done to the Moon?!" Luna bellowed. Even though this wasn't her Moon, it was still a big deal as Malamar's power was now reaching the celestial bodies visible in the sky.

"That's Rift Energy around it...He didn't!" Twilight shouted in disbelief.

"Absol!" Absol's horn kept shaking and shaking, telling him and everyone else that the disaster he sensed was now starting to reach a boiling point.

The best thing to do was to prevent it from worsening. At least that way, they'll stop whatever comes next, especially from that distortion in the sky. They were rushing to Poni Island as fast as possible while the Moon would sing a terrible tune for many to hear.

Twilight was immediately reminded of the Fairy Matter incident that took place weeks ago. She feared this was a similar scenario to that and most likely wished to avoid something like that at all costs.

The Rift Energy would shrink, splitting off into sparkles and stardust which would hover around the Altar of the Moone. As a result of pulling off something so powerful, Malamar was hit with nother consequence to his body. By far, the worst one yet.

The grotesque transformation wrought by the unchecked Rift Energy continued to distort Malamar's form, warping his once-regal visage into a nightmarish semblance of its former self. Bulges and protrusions sprouted from his head and face, contorting his features into a grotesque mask of malevolence.

"Excellent...I have tuned my own mind with the Moon itself." Malamar breathed in and out as his minions saw one part of his head bulging. That bulging part was vibrating, even making sounds that resembled a heartbeat. From that pulsating sound, cosmic sounds could be heard.

"M-Malamar..." The other Malamar were stunned by what they were seeing

Despite the grotesque alterations wracking his body, Malamar remained resolute in his single-minded pursuit of his goal. His eyes burned with an unholy fervour as he gazed upon the swirling vortex of energy that loomed above the Altar of the Moone, undeterred by the physical toll exacted by his insatiable thirst for power.

"After this, we tackle the Sun. But dealing with the weaker Celestial Body will do first." Malamar laughed. "But for now...I will rob the Moon of its power!"

Declaring his next move, Malamar began a plan that was truly detrimental to the world in so many ways. Especially since Lunala was in charge of protecting this singular moon. The Rift Energy within his writhing form surged forth like a tidal wave, cascading upward to meet the luminous orb suspended in the night sky. The moon itself seemed to shudder in response to the malevolent energy that enveloped it, its beautiful surface marred by the ominous shadows cast by Malamar's influence.

With a sinister intensity, the Rift Energy surged toward the moon, weaving a web of crackling tendrils that lashed out hungrily, seeking to ensnare the celestial body in their grasp. As the dark energy made contact with the moon's radiant surface, a violent reaction ensued, sending shockwaves rippling across the heavens and casting an eerie glow upon the landscape below.

"Yes...! So this is the power of the Moon! How beautiful!" The Moon had its own energy. A mix of Blue and Purple colours would come flying down, immediately gravitating towards the Overturning Pokemon. Naturally, all of this had colossal effects on the world and Alola was about to feel one of them with the Moon beginning to lose its power.

The effects of the moon's diminishing power were felt far and wide, rippling outward across the islands of Alola with palpable intensity. In the wake of Malamar's malevolent influence, the natural order of the world seemed to falter, as if the very balance of life and energy had been thrown into disarray.

In the absence of the moon's guiding light, the Pokemon of the night stirred uneasily, their instincts attuned to the ebb and flow of cosmic energies now disrupted by the encroaching darkness. From the deepest jungles to the highest peaks, a sense of foreboding descended upon the land. Even after the tremor left behind by Daybreaker was beginning to settle, something else had started up.

The moon's gravitational pull was responsible for generating tides on Earth. With the Moon weakened, tidal patterns would become erratic and unpredictable. Coastal regions and islands that relied on predictable tides for activities such as fishing, transportation, and recreation were taking heavy hits and consequences from this. Low-lying islands, in particular, would experience increased vulnerability to flooding and erosion due to unpredictable tidal surges.

Konikoni City.

Lana's late-night fishing was brought to an immediate end as she was quickly rushing to her home as fast as possible while the seas were going absolutely haywire. All Water-Types were swimming for their lives, trying to find somewhere safe to reside at. But with the Moon's energy being sapped away, it was hard to know where would be safe.

"Hurry, Lana!" Her mother shouted. Her family were already inside but it was hard to know if they were safe. The seas were beginning to reach the lands due to how erratic they were acting. Some of them managed to catch Luna, covering her in water, but she wasn't done yet.

Lana's heart raced as she heard her mother's urgent cry. With each crashing wave, the waters surged closer to the safety of their home, threatening to breach the fragile barrier between safety and peril. Ignoring the pounding of her own heartbeat, Lana redoubled her efforts, pushing herself to the limit as she fought against the powerful currents.

With every stroke of her arms and kick of her legs, Lana propelled herself forward through the churning waters, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Despite the chaos surrounding her, her thoughts remained focused on her family, her Pokémon, and the need to ensure their safety in the face of this unprecedented crisis.

As she neared the shore, Lana could see her family waiting anxiously, their faces etched with concern and fear. With a final burst of strength, Lana emerged from the sea and staggered onto the safety of the shore, her chest heaving with exertion. As she collapsed onto the sand, she was enveloped in her family's embrace, their relief at an all-time high as they pulled Lana in.

"What's happening to the Moon?! Is it Lunala?!" One of her younger sister by the name of Harper asked, confused as to what was happening to the Moon since it was causing all of this. Anyone would immediately assume that it was Lunala since it was connected to the Moon, but Lunala would never do this.

"I don't think Lunala would do this..." Lana spoke.

"What?! What's all that ringing?!" Mallow was woken up from her sleep as her bed was shaking. She would screech, along with her partner Tsareena.

Both of them were blindsided by the disaster happening outside. Mallow felt her head ringing as her furniture was tipping and wobbling aggressively. Eventually, she would spot the bizarre sight outside, witnessing something completely off with the Moon.

Mallow's heart raced as she scrambled to her feet, her mind struggling to process the surreal scene unfolding before her. The normally serene night sky was now ablaze with an otherworldly display, the moon's once-soft glow now pulsating with an ominous energy.

"What in the world...?" Mallow murmured, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and disbelief. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the celestial spectacle, the very ground beneath her seeming to shake with the intensity of the cosmic upheaval. As she watched, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread creeping into her heart, a sense of foreboding that told her this was far more than just a natural phenomenon.


The coral reefs surrounding the islands were slowly beggining to wither and decay, their vibrant colors replaced by sickly hues of purple and black. These corrupted Coral Reefs were teeming with malevolent energies and twisted sea flora, their very presence spreading darkness and despair throughout the underwater realms. The poor Water-Types were struggling to find safety.

Rushing through Alola were Twilight and Luna who were heading straight for the sight of the Rift Energy being visible around the Moon itself. "If I had to guess, Malamar's probably at the Alar of the Sunne or Moone. Judging by what's happening, he might have gone for the Moone Altar first!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Altar of the Moone, you say? Understood!" But it would not be that easy. Twilight and Luna found themselves near the many seas of Alola, which were going completely haywire. A tsunami had formed right next to them, causing them to both collectively gasp. The tsunami raged violently, already casting a shadow over the trees and the Pokemon nearby.

"Quick, Absol! Use Night Slash!"

"Darkrai! Poison Jab!"

"Sol...Absol!" That is until Absol and Darkrai cleaved straight through the Water, protecting their friends. Absol's horn and Darkrai's claws severed the Tsunami, splitting it into smaller parts before they eventually turned into droplets.

Afterwards, Twilight and Luna breathed a sigh of relief, their hearts racing from the close call. They exchanged a quick glance, only to be halted once more by something else before they could get going. Their moment of respite was short-lived as a new threat emerged on the horizon. Even more Malamar, their pods glinting ominously in the moonlight as they approached with malevolent intent.

They were standing by, keeping an eye out for any threats that would get in the way of their leader. Luna's eyes narrowed, her expression hardening as she surveyed the approaching adversaries. "More Malamar," she muttered, her voice tinged with frustration. "Curses...We don't have time for you all! Step aside!"

"Mala." As if the Malamar would do so. At that moment, instead of leaping off their pods to start attacking, they would instead open the pods. Twilight and Luna watched in amazement as they witnessed Pokemon emerging from them. But this time, they were Pokemon meant for battle. Pokemon that all of the Malamar have mind-controlled, all coming from different regions.

Twilight and Luna exchanged a wary glance as the Malamar pods opened to reveal a legion of Pokémon, each one under the control of the nefarious Overturning Pokémon. The sight sent a chill down their spines, as they realized the extent of Malamar's influence and power after these past 4 years.

Haxorus, Alakazam, Rampardos, Combusken, Durant, Escavalier and so on. So many Pokemon, all filling certain roles. Heavy hitters, speed demons and long-ranged specialists. The number of them blocked off the horizon while the crackle of Rift Energy could be heard in the distance.

"If we don't make it in time..." Twilight grizzled her teeth.

"Go ahead, Twilight." Luna said to Twilight, shocking the Princess of Friendship "I wield more Pokemon than you. I can occupy them. Go to the Altar of the Moone at once. Worry not about me. "

"Princess Luna..."

"Please. Sometimes, Luna is fine." Luna smiled, allowing Twilight to call her that from time to time. It was a clear sign of their friendship growing past just being princesses. "I will catch up with you and get the chance to teach Malamar a lesson. But of course, you'll do it first."

"Right! Thank you, Luna!" Twilight exclaimed, immediately spreading her wings. Espeon and Absol continued to move on foot, following their trainer. The opposing Pokemon obviously stood in Twilight's way, ready to stop her, only for Luna to intercept.

Haxorus and Gyarados were already preparing Hyper Beams for the Princess of Friendship while some airborne Pokemon were already flooding the skies.

"Stop right there!" Luna used a huge chunk of her magic, adding some Sorrowful Rage into it as well, unleashing a powerful pressure around the surrounding area just to stagger her enemies. With Luna holding off the formidable army of Pokémon that Malamar had assembled, Twilight pressed onward towards the Altar of the Moone with determination in her heart. The Altar of the Moone loomed ahead, currently suffering as the balance was completely disrupted in so many ways.

"Appear, my friends!" With her magic, Luna summoned all of her Pokemon. Once more, they returned to fray, back in action. From the small Musharna to the towering Zekrom. With a resolute expression, Luna addressed the encroaching Malamar, her voice ringing out with authority. "You're going to regret getting in our way," She declared, her words carrying a weight of intimidation.

The Pokémon stood ready, their eyes fixed on the approaching adversaries. Despite the odds stacked against them, Luna felt like she has seen worse. And she has certainly seen far more overwhelming forces with smaller numbers.

Altar of the Moone.

Malamar was still at it back at the Altar, using more of the Rift's power. Malamar remained focused on his goal, convinced that the ends justified the means. He was willing to risk his own well-being in order to harness the power necessary to accomplish his objectives, confident that he would eventually be healed once he achieved his ultimate goal.

"Come out, Lunala. I know you want to. You can't ignore this forever!" Malamar called out.

Just then, a tentacle was slowly protruding out of his bulging area. The sight of the additional tentacle emerging from Malamar's bulging form sent shivers down the spines of the other Malamar witnessing the scene. It was a grotesque manifestation of the profound transformation taking place within him, a physical representation of how far he was pushing it all.

Malamar's laughter echoed eerily in the air as the tentacle continued to extend, its appearance defying all logic and reason. It was a sinister omen, a portent of the unimaginable power he sought to wield at any cost.

As the tentacle stretched forth, it seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, radiating an aura of malevolence that sent a chill through the hearts of all who beheld it. Indeed, Malamar was willing to descend in pursuit of his goals. Because
of all this, Malamar was changing into something else.

Something that has never existed in either of these worlds.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 412 End.

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