• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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The Royal Phantasy

Equestria. Canterlot. Day.

A new day has come. But not only that, it was a day that involved a crucial meeting. One that would benefit everyone in the world. Titled the Royal Phantasy by Princess Celestia, it was a meeting of kings, queens, princes, princesses and all other forms of leaders who would gather here at Canterlot.

A majority were from Equestria but some were out of Equestria, residing beyond these lands. Witnessing this arrival were Canterlot's residents as many chariots and carriages of all kinds could be seen appearing here. The first to show up here was none other than the Crystal Empire, who was already very much expected.

The headliners of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence and both Princess Flurry Hearts had shown up as they were met with cheers and confetti. This was a big moment since this was involving the entire world. Pictures of them were being taken immediately as they walked down the path that led to Canterlot Castle.

"Heya! Hiya!" Flurry Heart frantically waved her hooves, greeting everypony here. Being greeted by so many ponies and Pokemon was splendid.

Arriving here as well was Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Hive. She played a vital part in all of this as well. Not only for now working alongside Equestria but she did have access to a spell that had the power to literally turn the entire world. Of course, that hasn't been used for a while but with this new world, anything could happen.

Many leaders were showing up at the same time, making sure they were not tardy or late. They took this invitation to heart and didn't want to disappoint. The Yaks obviously showed up as well as the griffons. Their respective leaders were present as each of these rulers had guards with them. Just in case something goes wrong.

Saddle Arabia's representatives appeared. It has been quite a while since Saddle Arabia has made an appearance of some sort. The last everyone remembered from Saddle Arabia was how Team Plasma overtook it for a while. But not anymore. That was in the past.

Appearing at the surface was none other than the Hippogriffs or Seaponies as they're also known. Even though they've grown accustomed to the sea now, they used to live on land, so none of this was out of the ordinary.

"Oh, nice!" Princess Skystar admired. "So, what will I be doing when we get there?"

"You won't be doing anything." Queen Novo commented. "You'll cause trouble for us. This is something that's obviously vital for us all, Skystar so please don't engage in any way."

"Nothing? Hmph. Then why'd I come along in the first place?"

"First time?" Leaning over her chariot and speaking to Skystar was the older Flurry Heart. "I was told to do the same thing too. But this isn't anything new for me. This happened back in my universe."

"Are you being told to do nothing too?" Skystar replied. Flurry Heart responded via a head nod. "I'm Skystar by the way."

"Flurry Heart." The young alicorn greeted back. "Not to be confused with the other Flurry Heart. The one who's my way younger self."

"What do you mean by that?" A confused Skystar questioned before seeing the baby Flurry Heart being raised up by her older self.

"Look at all of this. Do you think that's every ruler out there?" A pony said, looking outside of her window.

"I'm not sure. I haven't been keeping track of my monarchies." Another pony replied as he was completely unsure if this was all of them. It certainly wasn't. "Ah, look at that! I haven't seen them before!"

This invitation went as far as to involve the Humans of the Pokemon World who had their fair share of royalty. But in comparison to Equestria and beyond it, the Human side was rather small. It was either because of the modern-day Pokemon World and how much that's changed or there were some kingdoms that have been missed.

And the Human who showed up here was none other than Queen Ilene of the Rota Kingdom. She was met with great praise as her presence was also known thanks to recent events. Ilene would greet the Equestrian residents back. And Ilene certainly caught some eyes as her beauty stood out.

"Oh!" A good amount of stallions were captivated by her appearance, only for their partners to nudge them after noticing this. They didn't want them getting all googly-eyed. "Ow!"

"This is nice," Ilene said with a smile on her face while in her carriage. "I don't see any familiar faces here just yet. But if I had to guess, I know who'll show up here soon. What say you, Jenny?" She would ask her maid who was always by her side.

"Hm. That boy? He'll be here but I won't count on him fitting him. He's not the only Young Ruler in the world after all but he's certainly the most dynamic of them all." The maid replied with her arms crossed as she was referring to a certain someone.

"Mime-Mime!" Mime Jr. replicated Jenny's movements.

"He'll fit in. In his own way." But Ilene begged to differ. She chuckled before being surprised by a few ponies showing up with roses and different flowers to offer. They were truly smitten by her to be so upfront, only for the carriage to keep on moving, ignoring them.

But she wasn't the only one that caught their attention. There were select beauties in this Parade of Rulers. Not only did they come with guards but they also came with servants who reside in their castles. Cadence, Chrysalis and others also had their beauty pointed out but that much was already aware. The Canterlot Wedding was responsible for that. It was the new faces that truly caught their attention.

They rarely get to see the other rulers so now that they were laying eyes on them, it struck a sweet spot without a doubt. But there was someone approaching here that was just as striking as Ilene who stole the hearts of many and she was about to show up but not with a carriage.

Instead, machines could be seen in the air. These appeared in the form of massive gears which were soaring through the air. The gear would slow down as the bottom of it would open up, revealing stairs. The guards of Canterlot Castle already knew what to expect from this as this did not surprise them. Nothing really surprised them at all.

"Are they arriving in a Gear Spaceship?!" Ponies stuttered chattering as they had no idea what to make of this. This certainly wasn't a Klink, Klang or Klingklang situation.

"Who do you think uses that? Is it Zebrat?"

"It has to be someone from the other regions. They would obviously find a way to make gears fly. But why travel in a gear of all things?"

"Glad you could make it. Welcome to Equestria and Canterlot, Prince Raleigh And Princess Kimia." The guards said, welcoming two individuals.

Hopping out of the carriage was none other than the rulers of the mechanically-favoured Azoth Kingdom. A brother and-sister combo.

"Wow! I'm finally at the heart of Equestria! Canterlot! " The young Prince by the name of Raleigh's eyes widened. He was one of the young rulers that Jenny spoke of and she was not joking. He truly was young. This was the young Prince and soon-to-be King of the Azoth Kingdom Raleigh who were descendants of a great scientist responsible for creating a certain Pokemon. And that very Pokemon was just now leaving the flying gears alongside other guards.

That Pokemon was a Magearna. In its original colour to boot. Appearing as a princess itself, this Pokemon was friends with the Prince and Princess and was the first Pokemon escort here. So far, no other Pokemon looked to be an escort except for this Mechanical Marvel.

"Oooh! It's one of the Pokemon I saw from the cards!" Noticing Magearna was Flurry Heart who immediately whipped her Pokedex out for this. Other Pokedexes were whipped out as a lot of ponies have never even seen Magearna before

"Magearna. The Artificial Pokemon. Original Color. This beautiful form reflects Magearna’s appearance when first presented to a king’s daughter 500 years ago. This gorgeous Magearna looks as it did at the time of its invention. Its body is nothing more than a container, its artificial heart, the Soul Heart is the actual life-form. It synchronizes its consciousness with others to understand their feelings. This faculty makes it useful for taking care of people."

"I didn't see that colour though!" Flurry Heart's jaw dropped as well as Skystar's. "There's an original colour of it?!"

"Don't make a fuss here, Raleigh." The older sibling known as Kimia commented. Next to her was her own Pokemon. None other than a Shiny Gardevoir who was in the same boat as the many guards present here. "I know you're excited to be here but let's keep it professional."

"I know, sister. I'll be around so many grownups here." Raleigh looked around him.

"Awww, look at how small he is!" Some mares gushed over Raleigh as he was definitely the youngest ruler here. Not including Baby Flurry Heart since she wasn't a ruler but she was still a princess. And since he was so young and small, ponies would squeal and admire him, finding him absolutely adorable.

Others were focused on Kimia for her beauty instead. If they couldn't have a shot with Ilene, they would go for Kimia instead. But why not try out both? Already, some were already attempting to get close. Some would even switch from Ilene to Kimia in a heartbeat.

"Gardevoir." As soon as some tried to make a move Kimia's Gardevoir would eye down them, sending an intimidating stare that prompted them all to refrain and back away. The guards didn't even have to do anything in that instance.

"I'm gonna be in the same room as so many adults. I don't know about this..." Raleigh grumbled. "I'm glad I get to be in Equestria at last but this meeting doesn't sound like it's for me. How am I supposed to act around so many big figures, sister?"

"You're not the only young one here." Kimia saw that there were younger monarchies around as she pointed at Flurry Heart and Skystar who left their rides. "You won't feel left out at all if that makes you feel any better.

"Let me guess. You can't do anything, can you?" Flurry Heart and Skystar collectively slid over after seeing Raleigh. "We can already tell. You're pretty young. Younger than us."

"You don't have to worry about a thing." Skystar shrugged. "We don't get to be in the meeting at all. All the grownups are gonna do it while we get to hang out and do whatever we want. It was totally worth coming here for us Princes and Princesses."

"Hmm...You are older than me. But I have more importance than you two." Raleigh shook his head. "And greater power even though I may be a prince.

"Huh?!" The two young princesses backed up, exclaiming in unison.

"I'm going to be in the room with all of the rulers, discussing the ever-changing world we live in." Raleigh then spoke with a formal tone, adjusting his suit. "I'm a prince but since there's no King or Queen, my sister and I have the total authority back in our kingdom. Wonderful, isn't it?"

"I think not." Kimia begged to differ, wagging her finger. "In reality, I'll be the one speaking with them. You won't be discussing anything involving the world.


"What?! But I thought I was going to be highly important in this?!"

"Raleigh, you're still too young You've learned a lot and you are incredibly smart without a doubt. But let me handle this. World Politics are beyond your reach at the moment. Only when you get older though." She kneeled, facing her little brother who would pout.

"I was scared of being in there, not worried..." Raleigh grumbled. "And Magearna?"

"Will be with you. Much like those trailing behind their rulers, Magearna is a companion here. Volcanion let us bring her along after all so let's make sure she stays out of trouble." Kimia instructed. "And I'm positive this place will be welcoming to you."

"Well, you're gonna be with us it looks like. So much for a higher power." Skystar snickered as she and Flurry Heart would collectively grin.

"Hah...Alright." A defeated Raleigh uttered. "Doing whatever I want does sound better than sitting in a room all day. I also get to learn about Equestrians. I already know you're an alicorn."

"The very first alicorn to be born in the world, by the way." Flurry Heart stood tall. She was incredibly proud of such a status and there was no way she was letting go of it. "Well, not in this world. Back in my universe, I was the first. And my baby self was the first too so that's a constant!"

"Wow, You were really the first? I thought Princess Celestia and Luna were born as alicorns." Skystar never heard about this until now.

"Tell me. How do battle as a Pokemon Trainer when having wings on you?" Suddenly, Raleigh got touchy, grabbing onto Flurry Heart's wings. The young princess yelped after having her wings grabbed.

"H-Hey!" Flurry Heart screeched.

"I hear you grab the Poke Balls with your wings and throw them. But now that you have access to Z-Moves, how can you possibly pull them off if you can't properly mimic a humanoid pose." Raleigh casually said, moving his hands across her wings. The Princess from Another Universe srunched her face thanks to this feeling. She would then start laughing, feeling rather ticklish.

"I-I don't have any! Not anymore! Hahaha!" She chuckled as tears were flowing out of her eyes.

"Raleigh." Kimia would then speak his name, prompting Raleigh to pull his hands away.

"Apologies." Raleigh bowed his head.

"It's fine...I was thinking of grabbing your face and smushing it anyway." Flurry Heart took a deep breath, revealing that she would've gotten touchy as well since she also found Raleigh to be adorable for being such a young ruler.

"Goodness. We aren't even inside of the castle yet." Kimia sighed. "This will lead to a disaster. I can already feel it."

"Oh, I don't know. I think this could be rather fun." Begging to differ yet again was Ilene who had already left her carriage, speaking to Kimia. "No shame in having fun, right?"

"Aren't you the Queen of the Rota Kingdom?" Kimia spoke, recognizing Queen Ilene. "You're the descendant of Queen Rin!"

"You know about my ancestor?"

"Oh, yes!" Kimia stood tall with a smile on her face. "It's thanks to her and everyone around the Queen that the secrets of Aura started to show themselves. Back in Kalos, we also value the Aura even though we rarely use it. But we know for a fact it is integral to it."

"It's where Mega Evolution was found right? That stuff has a ton of Aura inside of it." Flurry Heart added to the conversation.

"Well, there are other secrets to it. There is one secret in particular that's come out and is rather volatile. But so far, it's been diminished and there is a cure for it." said Ilene. "Delayed Aura Ataxia. Have you heard of it?"

"I have!" Raleigh raised his arm. "I read about it. Much like many things out there. It's something that only comes to someone who uses too much Aura. But it's always hard to tell who it might be. Not everyone has high pools of Aura. Only the Aura Guardians consistently have them and they've just vanished altogether. Probably because of the Ataxia."

"Very good. You're a clever boy, aren't you?" Ilene uttered, impressed that Raleigh already knew all of this.

"I am." Raleigh put on his proud face once more. "I spend the entire day in my room reading texts and performing experiments. It's all thanks to my ancestor Nikola and the admiration I have for him. He's the one who created Magearna. And even though I'm a prince, I've actually been on my own Pokemon Journey, travelling the world. For 3 straight years too."

"You got to travel the world? Lucky!" Flurry Heart puffed her cheeks out of jealousy. "I only get to journey the world for like...a day or a few hours. Then I have to come back home. I'd do anything to travel for three years but my parents won't let me!"

"It's all thanks to Ash. After what happened years back, I wanted to find a way to expand the world in the best way possible. It was Ash who recommended that I go on a Pokemon Journey and expand my worldview. Me and my Slurpuff went places and saw so much because of him. I was truly missing out."

"So you've already met, Ash," said Ilene. "And he's already changed you. Much like how he's changed others and befriended them."

"Boy, you're a lucky kid aren't you?" Skystar nudged Raleigh. "You got to meet with the King of the Sea and he gave you pointers that let you explore the world?"

"King of the Sea?" Kimia repeated. Did her ears deceive her or were they referring to Ash as the King of the Sea?

"I'm glad I got to meet Ash and all of his friends." Flurry Heart chimed in. "You can ask Chrysalis and she'll give you a great answer too."

"Wish I could see him again to tell him what I've done and all the Pokemon I've caught too," Raleigh added. "But that's not happening. He's obviously still on his massive journey. Who knows where he could be?"

"Ah-" Skystar's mouth opened as wide as she could as the young Seapony was about to spill something to him.

"Sshh. Don't spoil it." Flurry Heart would shush Skystar, wanting to keep this secret until the moment of truth arrives. Raleigh's reaction will speak volumes.

"You mentioned something about the King of the Sea? The Legends from long ago? Are you perhaps saying that Ash is the King of the Sea?" Kimia focused on that part, not letting it go until she got some answers.

"Mhm." The princesses would at least confirm that, performing collective nods. Ash indeed was King of the Sea, making him the ruler of a majority of the world by default. Not exactly the land. That was a different story.

"What has happened these past years?" Kimia held her head. "I've heard words about the insane events that happen here at Equestria but clearly there are plenty of details that I'm missing. What else happened ever since our worlds met?"

"Why don't we head inside and you can figure it out eventually," Ilene suggested, walking ahead. It was best not to keep the other monarchs waiting. Many of them have already gone ahead. The chariots and carriages would be looked after by the Canterlot Guards, making sure that they would be left here without anything happening to them.

Other monarchies will soon arrive but so far, a good chunk of them made an appearance. Up above, Pegalysium's Monarchy were already seen showing up on their chariot. The chariot was larger than before, carrying many more ponies. The faces of the King, Queen and Prince couldn't even be seen because of how large the chariot was.

And moving at an equal pace as them was a rather new monarch. The skies about would have a little tint of darkness that everyone would notice. The clouds formed together to create this darkness as a familiar eerie feeling entered the atmosphere. Ahead of Ash but still considered late was none other than the Lich Queen of Magehold, who was also a Gym Leader of Hearthome City and a professional Pokemon Coordinator. Fantina. And she made quite the appearance.

"Afternoon~" Fantina uttered after making her appearance. She had quite an intimidating carriage since it was already modelled for the previous Lich Rulers. The carriage would drop as Fantina would leave it before it even touched the ground. She left by performing a twirl, choosing to be graceful as always.

"Fantina? You're here too?" Chrysalis spoke, surprised that Fantina was chosen for the Royal Phantasy. She was the newest ruler in the world without a doubt and yet she was present here.

"But of course! I wasn't skipped out at all for this Royal Meeting." Fantina bowed. "I couldn't miss it at all either."

Joining the Lich Queen were Magehold's residents who had to wear something to protect their bodies from the Star in the Sky. Vampires were still very much feared after what happened with the Black Crusade. But recently, that has died down now that Fantina was in charge. But it would take some time.

Dimstar was present here, being Fantina's guard. Here as guests was Merry Dread. A former member of the Dread League. And of course, Fractured Note was present. Despite his request to see if he could assist the other side of his family being accepted, he still showed up here, sticking by Fantina's side as her loyal servant.

"Aren't those vampires?" Kimia pointed out. "I heard about the Black Crusade. I even saw and felt the wave of destruction that eclipsed our kingdom but was soon restored."

"That is them. But you have probably heard that it's all been solved. With Fantina as the newest Lich Queen, Magehold is being taken in a new direction. Or rather, the direction the original Lich King intended." Cadence explained to Kimia. And as a bonus, Fantina's part Lich"

"She's part Lich now? Unthinkable!" Raleigh's jaw dropped. He was now in the presence of a Lich. But Fantina didn't exactly give off the presence of a Lich. Naturally, questions about Fantina's new position of power were about to flood in. The residents of Canterlot had to know what was going on.

"You won't approach the Lich Queen unless she wants you to," Dimstar said. By using her tendrils which were invisible to may, she held back anyone with questions, already doing a great job at protecting the Queen.

All the other monarchies reached the front of Canterlot Castle as they were not only about to be greeted by the guards but also the existence of Reshiram and Zekrom. That was one thing that truly stuck out. The fact that Reshiram and Zekrom was just present here. They were in the distance so it was impossible to miss them with their size.

"Amazing! The Dragons of Truths and Ideals! Reshiram and Zekrom! I read about them and the two heroes!" Raleigh spoke with amazement as he furiously pointed at them. "Look, sister! They're actually here!"

"Incredible...Equestria just has these two with them? How? In just 4 years?" Kimia gawked. "Having these two here makes Equestria an incredible superpower."

"A lot can happen in 4 years," said Cadence, knowing the reason for such an amazing union. The other rulers of the world weren't fully aware of everything yet. But eventually, they will be.

Looking outside and gazing at this wonderful turnout was none other than Celestia herself. She saw so many rulers appearing here under her invitation, dedicated to doing something about this new world that they live in. However, she was also aware that there was one individual missing from this. But she didn't expect him to be early either way.

Lapras Lake.

That was Ash. Compared to everyone else, he was behind. At this moment, while the Pallet Town Yard Sale was on its third day, Ash was busy chatting with his friends at the moment over at Lapras Lake. Once again, they were at Lapras Lake and this was for a good reason. The Sea Temple was currently present there. It once again showed up at Lapras Lake, making this place its station for picking up the King of the Sea.

Delia would also be representing it as well as Manaphy. Being the Prince of the Sea, Manaphy had to be there. Granted, neither of them were rather equipped for meetings But Ash already knew that and was already expecting it to be enjoyable since Celestia was hosting it.

"Oh, my. For once, I'm to blame for waking up too late." Delia uttered. "I was so into my competition with Melony yesterday that I tired myself out. How embarrassing."

"Ah, it happens, Mom. But you get a pretty good refill afterwards." Ash replied, knowing how Delia felt. This time, Delia overslept as it was almost the afternoon.

"Ash. You're not going to the meetup wearing that, are you?" Rarity questioned, seeing Ash in his casual clothing. "Nothing to match the occasion? Just how you appear a majority of the time?"

"Nah, it's fine. Royal clothing's cool and all but this is what I prefer the most. Besides you made it so it's pretty royal to me." Ash said.

"Oh, Ash.. How flattering." Rarity giggled at that compliment. "I suppose so."

"Are you ready, your majesty?" Alo said. Representing Ash would be everyone from the Sea Temple. Without a doubt, the biggest one yet. The People of the Water would make sure that Ash gets to the Royal Phantasy as soon as possible Granted, the temple would have to find the nearest body of water first and Canterlot wasn't exactly known for that.

"Oh yeah! I'm ready!" Ash shouted, jumping onto the grounds of the Sea Temple. Delia would be escorted on the Sea Temple with her dress being lifted to avoid the water.


"Good luck with your meetup! Not sure what's gonna happen there but you've got this, Ash!" Rainbow Dash cheered on. So did the rest of his friends who would see Ash off for such a big moment. Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Spike and Starlight all saw them off here at Lapras Lake.

"The nearest lake to Canterlot is somewhere around Deerling Forest. We will be there in no time by using the temple's Lightspeed function." Alo explained. "Would you like me to speak in honour of your position, your majesty?"

"Well, you know a lot more than me, so sure." Ash accepted. Alo was more equipped for something like this. Not him. While Ash might not be in that room where the meeting would take place, he will at least have something to speak for him. Being the King of the Seam meant that a gigantic majority of the world itself was his to manage. But for Ash, he was far too busy exploring it.

This would also be the Samiyans' first time at Canterlot. They've never been to it at all and now would be the first time they set foot there. With so many guests showing up at the Royal Phantasy, one would think that Canterlot wasn't big enough to hold them all. But Celestia and everything around her should not be underestimated. The guards of the Sea Temple were given the order to start the Lightspeed Function, preparing to travel as fast as they could to the lake nearest to Canterlot.

"Hmph. It should be me appearing at that meeting..." Diadora sat on the higher platforms, gazing at Ash. She was still very much jealous of Ash since he was the King of the Sea when she felt like she deserved that honour. But alas, she hasn't earned the title of the Queen of the Sea. Not at all.

And just like that, with a golden flash enveloping the entire temple, everyone witnessed it vanishing, moving the lake itself. The Sea Temple was gone, off to its destination.

Canterlot. Afternoon.

At the Royal Phantasy, the meeting hasn't started just yet. Right now, everyone was only in the warming-up stage. And to warm up, they were all seen at the dining hall which welcomed plenty of food for them to feast on. So many big names and figures were just present here, conversing with each other.

Many of them who come from Beyond Equestria were currently having their own Pokemon Problems that have yet to be properly solved. With this world being larger than ever, those problems were only escalating. In this dining room, everyone was prim and proper, eating and drinking smoothly.

But there was this feeling in the air. A feeling that basically told them that it all it would take was for one individual to eat like a maniac. So far, that hasn't happened. So far, everything was completely fine here. Even with the Pokemon present. Plenty of them had their Pokemon out and they were even on their best behaviour.

Those who lacked Poke Balls didn't use them as their Pokemon were constantly out. And yet, there wasn't a single ruckus. Neither of the Pokemon were looking to play with each other either. Ribombee maybe but she wasn't getting lucky here. All the Pokemon belonging to the many rulers matched their disposition.

"Is that so?" Kimia spoke with Ilene. "An entire chamber of Aura?"

"And more. The Secrets of Aura have been rather dormant for such a long time until Ash came along. It started with Sir Aaron trying to find a solution and Ash carried on from there, finding the answer to it. But you've had your own experience with his friends, haven't you?"

"Indeed. It's thanks to them that our kingdom is as safe as it currently. If Alva succeeded, who knows what might have happened? To this day, I'm a bit hurt that I lacked the power to stop him and save my brother since I needed so much help from others."

"The best strength is the strength in others though. Some forces need the cooperation of others to really succeed." Ilene instructed to the princess. "Much like how a kingdom needs its subjects. You're still learning, so there is no need to blame yourself."

With the younger monarchies, they were already with each other. Raleigh had already found himself being around Flurry Heart and Skystar respectively. But there were certainly more of them around. The Prince of Pegalysium and the one who was the closest to eating as freely as he wants was none other than Shooting Star. He looked around him, seeing if anyone was paying attention. The prince ate his food as slowly as he could, knowing that it would be rude to go all out.

"How come you're eating so slow, son?" King Paramount asked.

"Mmm." He raised his eyebrows a few times, nudging his head to the crowd of guests. It was very clear why.

"Ah. That. I would say eat how you wish but...You wouldn't want to leave a bad impression."

"Oh, I don't know. I think they all want to do whatever they wish to do," said Queen Luminary. "In a good way, of course. Whatever happens here influences everyone else's opinion of us. And then some."

With Pegalysium here, they brought quite the guests with them. Present here was the cousin of the Shooting Star, Cloudflare. It was natural for her to be present. But it went past just family relations which wasn't that large. For Pegalysium, they focused on bringing friends along. And in this case, Garnet and her friends were involved.

"Ooooh..." Garnet made quite the expression being here. Around her were riches galore which is something she greatly adored. She wore her best dress for this and it was worth it without a doubt.

"Don't get any ideas, Garnet." Knowing what she was up to was Kaleidoscope. "Now is not the time for any of that. You could end up having a harsh sentence."

"I'm not thinking it. Let me just admire it. Because one day, I'll have something just like this." Garnet explained. Something like Canerlot Castle was what she wanted. She could envision it right now.

"A castle? I'm not sure about that." Kaleidoscope thought otherwise. So did another friend of Garnet. Clear View. She may be mute and use an orb to communicate, but her expression and mannerisms were enough for a response.

"I have both Princess Celestia and Prince Shooting Star on my side. If you ask me, my future's looking bright." Garnet confidently said. "I'm not looking to be a royal or anything like that. Just enough money to be a celebrity."

So far, so good. The food was exquisite and the atmosphere was pleasant. But at this moment, the Royal Phantasy was about to be met with the most expressive guest yet. He was late but he was never too late to bore. Through those doors arrived the final Monarch.

"Made it!" Ash Ketchum was here. The King of the Sea had arrived. And he made sure his voice was heard as a powerful echo filled the room. His motion was just as active as his voice as he jumped through the air, successfully arriving at the Royal Phantasy as promised.


"I don't believe it! Ash?! You're here?!" Raleigh also raised his voice, stunned that he was actually seeing Ash once more. Just like that, the atmosphere had changed yet again. A majority of the monarchs were startled by Ash's thunderous entrance. But those who knew him well had smiles on their faces, knowing what to expect.

"Sorry, I'm late! It's not that late though is it?" Ash laughed, casually being himself in the middle of such a vast audience.

Now that Ash was here, things were already set to take a turn. The Royal Phantasy was gearing up as all monarchs were present here. From The King of the Sea to the Changeling Queen, it was a truly momentous occasion as so many rulers have never been in this room before. Humans, ponies, griffons and more. All united to handle this Grander World as the journey continues.

Chapter 257 End.

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