• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Despair and Hope

Equestria. Magehold. Magehold Chamber. Day.

Shining Armor, Flash Sentry and the Crystal Empire's forces have perished. They were the first victims of Yveltal's LIfe Destroying Power. Appearing with bodies of stones, they were completely motionless and approaching them was Rosa Maledicta, who claimed her first victims. Cadence and Flurry Heart had to watch this happen, seeing their beloved Shining Armor perish as they were taken away from this part of the chamber.

"Excellent work, Yveltal. Oblivion Wing with my magic gets the job done, eh?" said Rosa, revelling in her victory. She stood right in front of the lifeless Shining Armor, putting on a confident smirk. "After this, I'll gather all the souls I can remake them all as skeletons in an instant. But now that I've dealt with these nuisances, I can get back to work."

As for Yveltal, deep inside, he was weeping. His power had been used to destroy innocent lives. Lives that were only trying to protect their homes and loved ones and wanting to live peacefully. Now they have been snuffed out unfairly. If Yveltal could cry outside, he would. But thanks to the Lich Queen's control, he was powerless to do so.

"This could bring out Xerneas too if it ends up sensing this. Now, as for those two alicorns and that pseudo one, I'll make sure they won't get away from me. And to that, I'll have to keep on moving. It's time to claim the lives of all other intruders. But to do that, they'll all need to be held down so that they're ripe for the picking." The Lich Queen would continue moving and this time, with Yveltal out in the open.

Rushing upstairs and escaping the vicinity of the Lich was Haxorus' group. Radiant Hope, Starlight Glimmer, Spike, Princess Cadence and Flurry Heart had all been saved but at the cost of many lives from the Crystal Empire being snuffed out. And after seeing Shining Armor and the others perish, the two alicorns mourned. They couldn't believe it actually happened but it was as real as it can be. And they couldn't afford to turn back at all.

Starlight shuddered as her partner Hatterene had been taken out as well. She hadn't been rescued and the same went for Radiant Hope's Galarian Rapidash. They were hit by the wide wave of destruction.

Haxorous, Pidgeot and the remaining Golurk would come to a halt, stopping by one of the levels of the chamber. Spike and the others were still trapped by the thorns as they were wrapped around their bodies. Spike couldn't even see with all the thorns covering his entire body. Each of them were gently placed on the walls, feeling completely out of it since their magic was gone thanks to the Necropillars.

While they couldn't rip the thorns apart, they could at least pull them out of it. Spike's small body was taken out of the thorns by Haxorus, who slipped him out of it. Starlight and Radiant Hope had their bodies.

"T-Thanks, Haxorus..." Spike groaned as his body was injured thanks to all the thorns that poked into him. The bruises from all those thorns could be seen around his body from top to bottom. And it looked like his face got the worst of it, nearly hitting his eye.

"Shining Armor..." A devastated Cadence mourned for her lover. Her tears fell silently on the rough floor, masked by the endless darkness that exists within the chamber. Flurry Heart mourned with her too.

"Dad..." She tried hugging Cadence but didn't have the strength to do so. She just kept crying on the spot, unable to take it all in. The Golurk would be the ones to try and comfort them, using their large hands that were bigger than their body. Spike and Haxorus would be the ones to comfort Starlight Glimmer in her moment of weakness.

"Hatterene was in that explosion too...This can't be real." Starlight felt like hitting something now that she lost Hatterene.

"I'm afraid it is." Radiant Hope, who was also gutted by the loss of Galarian Rapidash, still kept a strong face even after everything that has happened.

"How can you say that now?!" Starlight yelled, disgusted that Radiant Hope would say such a thing.

"It isn't over yet though. They're gone...but not forever." Radiant Hope, living up to her name, kept Hope up. "You can't give up hope now."

"What do you mean?" Spike asked.

"I know it's horrible what's happened...But there's a reason why a Pokemon like Yveltal exists in the world. It's the same reason why it has a counterpart. Such a power can't exist without an equal.

"You mean Xerneas? Well, yeah, it exists but..the Dread League are hunting it down. Who knows what they'll do to Xerneas once it shows up." Spike added, seeing Radiant Hope's point.

"I'm not sure myself if Xerneas will show up and help considering what's going on. But I've always learned not to give up hope. But I do miss Rapidash already..." Tears formed in her eyes, greatly missing her partner Rapidash even if she kept up her hopeful spirit.

"It's not fair!" Suddenly, Flurry Heart would slam her hooves on the floor, beyond upset and also frustrated. "I can't lose my family again! Not like this!" For Flurry Heart it was haunting. In her universe, she still has not found her missing Cadence and Shining Armor. The ones here made up for that and now one of them had been snuffed out.

The fear of losing not just this world's Cadence but also everyone else in every universe was terrifying. It all kicked in for Flurry Heart. The loss of everything she's come to love was very much possible. Including Giratina, who was somewhere back in his own universe. She was also gutted by how she lost Flash Sentry, who was very close to her as well and the fact that Yveltal did not look the slightest bit damaged while the magic of all Equestrians has been shut down was absolutely mortifying. Flurry Heart would then lie down as she felt like passing out just from the shock of it all alone.

"Pi...Pidgeot." Pidgeot lowered his head, taking the time to think about his trainer Flash Sentry. All the Golurk stayed silent. While they couldn't show emotion, they knew how everyone felt right now and wished they could properly mourn for them.

"Well...We can't say here forever. We have to keep moving." Radiant Hope wiped the tears from her eyes. "The Lich Queen will hunt us down and if we want to make this right, we can't slow down at all."

"What do we do next though? What can we do?" Spike questioned. "Those thorns she have are too much. We can't cut them in half, we can't break them. The best we can do is move them. it's just like those Roots that Sweetie Belle and the others encountered back at Mount Coronet."

"But they're not indestructible." Radiant shook her head. "Far from it. I saw Yveltal's Oblivion Wing damage her thorns. It took the life away from it, meaning it can be damaged but I don't think we have anything strong enough to-"

"Gol!" Golurk interrupted Radiant Hope. Each of them turned their attention to one of the walls that were shrouded in darkness as they heard someone approaching. An entryway had appeared and from that entryway, vampires appeared. There was little time for resting when in enemy territory.


"Look! It's the ones who managed to escape Yveltal's destruction!" And already, the Lich Queen had informed the Dread League of what she has done and how the three alicorns she wished to steal lifespans from have escaped from her vicinity. "Lucky you. You should be thankful that Lich Queen wants to keep only three of you alive until then."

"Hax!" Haxorus roared at the vampires who would dare try and attack his friends while they were at their weakest. He, the Golurk and Pidgeot, stood firmly in front of the Trainers. Cadence and Flurry Heart held onto each other with teary eyes, lacking the will to engage with them. And the magic to even do anything about it.

"Gen...Gar!" However, before the vampires could do anything, emerging out of the walls of the chamber was none other than Ash's Gengar. He made a surprise appearance, catching even the vampires off guard as he didn't even use the entryway. And once he appeared, Gengar instantly used Psychic, grabbing all of the vampires with a telekinetic hold.

"H-Hey!" The vampires stuttered, stammered and gasped as their intimidating arrival was cut short by Gengar's opportune strike.

"Gengar?!" Spike gasped.

"Gengar!" Gengar laughed before using his Psychic power to launch the vampires into the air without them being in control of their bodies. He then moved them all together so that they were closer, making it easier for any attack to get a majority of them.

"Hax? Haxorus!" Haxorus saw what Gengar was trying to go for and capitalized instantly. The Axe Jaw Pokemon stomped his foot on the ground, building up an obscene amount of energy. He used Giga Impact, sending himself upwards by leaping off the floor, leaving behind a powerful shockwave. Haxorus soared through the air as the vampires saw a furious Dragon approaching them with a powerful aura. And they were currently powerless to stop it. Haxorus crashed right into them, hitting every single vampire that Gengar raised as an outburst of Infinity Energy went off.

Those vampires did not last long, fainting from Haxorus' Giga Impact. The Equestrian Variant would descend from above, landing while the vampires were also dropped. However, their whereabouts were still known thanks to the Lich Queen's amazing oversight of the Chamber. More were coming and their wing flaps could already be heard.

"Hey, guys! Here!" And showing up at the scene was none other than Ash himself. He found another entryway, putting his arm through it and waving to his friends.

Seeing Ash's arm, they would quickly flock in his direction. It was back to picking up the drained Pokemon Trainers, carrying them yet again before the other vampires show up. Gengar would phase back through the walls, flying to where Ash was. And with Ash there, Twilight and more familiar faces will be present without a doubt.

Meanwhile, Pheromosa, who was carrying a drained Rarity, found herself stopped by one of the nearby rooms in this massive chamber. This whole time, her group has been chasing down Opal Vivacity and their pursuit was not in vain. Not at all. When stopping by this room, they peered through the window, seeing what was residing there.

The Necropillars. All of them were still in one place after shutting down all Equestrian Magic that ended up here at Magehold. Those were the things responsible for Rarity's sudden condition and the weakness of others. The pillars were still radiating Dark Magic, pulsating violently since they were all linked up together. At any moment, they could be used once more but on the entirety of Equestria which would most definitely shut down all Equestrian Magic.

Just by looking at them, Rarity felt an ominous aura coming from the pillars. Even though her magic was gone, she could still feel the power that was coming from the Necropillars. The weak Rarity wondered if those pillars are why she was suddenly so vulnerable. A part of her believed it as she saw Opal Vivacity there.

The beautiful vampire was still in the room, speaking with the other vampires. But she was doing more than speaking with them. Opal was revelling in it. She revelled in the fact that Yveltal took the lives of the Crystal Empire's forces and giggled maniacally.

"That's what I hope to do when I become the Lich Queen!" Opal squeed. "I mean, I already did not too long ago. Anistar and anywhere near it is long gone by now so I'm already filling out quotas here."

"What about the intruders? The Pokemon are still active." A vampire asked.

"Hmph. We can handle them. Especially the Lich Queen. Yveltal's power plus hers will wipe them out with ease, snuffing their lives out before they even realize it. Isn't that right...Rarity?" Suddenly, Opal slowly turned her head as her eyes would glow, eyeing down Rarity who was peeking. But her presence did not go unnoticed.

Opal Vivacity saw Rarity and Pheromosa, scaring them both. They weren't secretive at all to escape from Opal's sights. And when trying to find her, she was the one who eyed them down first. The other vampires would soon notice once Opal pointed it out.

"Audino!" Audino gasped, slowly backing up. But by backing up, she bumped into something. There were no walls nearby. At least, walls that were close enough to accidentally bump into. Bayleef soon bumped into the same thing as the two of them would look up slowly. They weren't just spotted from the front but also from the back.

A Despair Plant was right behind them. Specifically, a Chimera Despair Plant. Two of them have already fused and emerged as Despair Plant Chimera. The fused Despair Plant growled while looking at its new prey, prompting Pheromosa to turn her attention away from Opal Vivacity. But turning any attention from Opal was a mistake as well as she left the room to encounter this persistent group, along with a few other vampires.

"Too bad for you!" Opal exclaimed. "You should've just gone for the rest of your friends, honestly."

"Not until I've stopped you first..." Rarity groaned. "You're nothing but a bane to all of us and I wish to relieve everyone of that very bane."

"Hah? By coming straight to me even with your magic drained? Are you stupid?" Opal Vivacity scoffed. "You can't just approach me because you have your Pokemon beside you. You should just keel over and accept your fate. There's no amount of speed or Fate Changing Power that can save you. Other than my own of course~"

"Never." Rarity stayed adamant. "I'm taking back Olympia's Cape...And I'll remove that mane of yours for good until there's nothing left."

"You've set yourself up for failure then. Too bad." Opal shrugged. "I'll take whatever's left of you and add it to my beauty, just as I promised."

"Perhaps...But you forgot one thing. I don't just have speed or fate on my side." Rarity sighed. "I have numbers on my side! Now, Lopunny!"

"Lopun!" A surprise entrance had been made. It was one that came from another one of Rarity's Pokemon. In this case, it was Lopunny. The Rabbit Pokemon descended from above with High Jump Kick.

"What?!" Opal gasped as Lopunny's leg struck the floor at full force. Normally, something like this would be bad if High Jump Kick misses its target. But in this case, Lopunny's target was the floor and she did not miss at all. The impact on the floor summoned an immediate crack.

The floor would shatter, falling apart immediately. The Despair Plant would be the first to fall, dropping before it could get the chance to take action in any way. The Chimera dropped while Lopunny performed an excellent backflip after landing that High Jump Kick. "I have all my darling friends to back me up after all! I planned to catch you by surprise once I reencountered you!"

"Fool! You'll bring yourself down!" Opal growled before spreading her wings, taking flight to avoid the crumbling floor. Some vampires already fell while others took flight. "We'll be perfectly fine though!"

"Not quite! Ampharos!"

From above, Ampharos had appeared, letting out all the light energy within his body. Taking advantage of the Vampire's weakness, Ampharos would drop himself on the Dread League, bringing the light closer to them. Rarity had this planned out while searching for Opal Vivacity and her secret plan was turning out well as she already got rid of one of the Despair Plants by sending it to the lower levels.

"Now, Leavanny!"

"Vanny!" More of her Pokemon were present. Five of her Leavanny would also appear from above, using String Shot to grab onto Rarity and her friends. They were pulled up from the ground, saved from falling to their potential doom, while The Dread League were dragged down. Ampharos' full body weight crashed into them as another string would grab Ampharos' back.

"Y-You fooled me!?" Opal realized that she was fooled. Rarity may have looked worried when the Despair Plant showed up behind her but everything else was a part of her plan. However, the one that Rarity really wanted to take damage had escaped yet again. Opal Vivacity used the many abilities she stole, making herself intangible for a moment. Ampharos phased right through her, failing to get the beautiful vampire but his light still affected her.

"Drat...Almost got her." Rarity bit her teeth. Even though she missed Opal, the other vampires would fall as the entire floor had been obliterated. "But it's not over yet! Hyper Beam!"

"Audi...No!" Audino would unleash Hyper Beam while being carried up by one of the Leavanny. She specifically targeted the room where the Necropillars could be found, blowing the walls away. The vampires who were guarding this room saw the walls combust as the explosion was heading straight for them and the Necropillars. Unfortunately, all it took was their combined might to form a shield, protecting the pillars from harm.

Not quite what Rarity wanted. But considering how they put up a barrier around those pillars as well, she had an inkling that they were crucially important. Once everyone was pulled upstairs now that the entire floor of this level was done for, Rarity eyed down the beautiful yet cruel vampire, seeing the annoyance on her face.

"It's just going to be me and you, Opal!" Rarity declared, not letting Opal go for a second.

"What's your obsession with me?! I should be flattered but now you're just starting to sound annoying!" Opal was getting rather annoyed. She would ascend, reaching the floor where Rarity's group stood at. She descended on the steps, flipping Olympia Galaxy Cape just to remind them who she stole it from.

"Mmmm..." Meanwhile, at long last, Fluttershy was beginning to wake up. She was out of the tube after being in it for what felt like hours to her. Her eyes opened to see the welcoming face of Ash Ketchum and his partner Pikachu.

"Hey, Fluttershy. Feeling better?"


"Ash...Pikachu..." A smile graced her face. Soon, she saw Gengar's face next along with Haxorus'. All these familiar faces were rather pleasing to Fluttershy who felt beyond bewildered. Remembering what happened previously, she would lunge in, having a surprising amount of energy as she hugged them both. She managed to pull Pikachu in for a hug with that one lunge, surprising them both. "Oh! I'm glad I saw you first!"

"Great to see you too, Fluttershy. You're pretty energetic, huh?" Ash laughed.


"So, where are we? And everypony else?" Fluttershy looked around, searching for familiar faces. She certainly saw some around her. Some of the Golurk were seen along with the face of a Pidgeot. More were spotted, but they weren't exactly jumping for joy once they saw that Fluttershy was awake. Fluttershy saw Twilight, Cadence, Starlight and Flurry Heart, all having similar looks on their faces. "Twilight? What's wrong, everypony?"

"Big Brother..." The news reached Twilight too. She soon learned about what happened to her big brother, Shining Armor and hit her as hard as it did for Cadence and Flurry Heart. Twilight, who had magic even after the Necropillars went off, smashed her hoof on the wall out of sadness and anger, causing some cracks to appear.

"A lot happened, Fluttershy." Ash sat down, ready to explain things to Fluttershy. At least, the parts that mattered. "Yveltal got Shining Armor and the soldiers that came from the Crystal Empire. Even Hatterene and Radiant Hope's Rapidash too..."

"That's terrible!" Fluttershy gasped as Ash went straight to the point, hitting her with the most vital fact. "T-They're gone?!"

"I'm afraid so." Radiant Hope, who was right next to Emerald Aura spoke. Fluttershy soon faced them before shifting her attention to Daisy and Paradise. A good chunk of her friends were here but each of them were suffering in their own way. Cadence and the others were suffering from loss but Daisy and Paradise were suffering from their bodies being turned back into flowers.

Since they were magical beings, the Necropillars hitting them meant that they would lose their magical touch, reverting into Daisies and Paradise Flowers. The process could already be seen as their legs have turned into flowers. It appeared to going for the front hooves next.

"All magic for us Equestrians have been shut down completely. And for them, since they're made up of magic, they'll become flowers once more." Radiant Hope added. "The only ones who haven't lost their magic are Emerald Aura and Twilight."

"I use Rift Magic, so this doesn't matter to me. Twilight has some Rift Magic in her too, so she at least has something." Emerald Aura explained. "Everyone else is in a tough spot..."

"Yeah." Another familiar face was here. That would be Rainbow Dash, who reunited with Ash and the others at last. Usually, Rainbow Dash was always in the air but not this time. With her magic drained from her, she lacked the power of flight which resulted her in crashing into ones of the bridges mid-flight. "This sucks...If we just had Yveltal with us, then we could take him home."

"It's not over yet." However, much like Radiant Hope, Ash kept his hopes up. And he had a good reason to. "Not when Xerneas is out there."

"You're very confident it'll show up, boy." And the final familiar face that showed up was King Sombra, who was out of Ash, standing near Radiant Hope as they reunited once more. But this was a rather odd reunion to have.

"Xerneas will be here." Ash went up to the mourning ponies, kneeling in front of them. He saw their distraught and saddened faces as there was seemingly no limit to how many tears would fall from them. "It's okay to cry. Pretty soon, it's gonna turn into a smile once Xerneas makes its move."

"Y-You're sure...?" Starlight stuttered.

"Positive. I've seen it myself." Ash stood up, reminiscing about the past. "I hate to admit it, but the vampires are right about how they wanna bring Xerneas out. If so many lives get taken way unfairly, Xerneas is gonna show up. When? I don't know. But it'll be here and you'll see Shining Armor, Hatterene, Rapidash, Flash and everyone else back. Even if someone goes down by Yveltal's power, they'll come back without a doubt."

"Yeah, but the Dread League are anticipating Xerneas' arrival. If they find Xerneas first, that'll be the end of it." Emerald Aura replied.

"So we're not gonna let them get to Xerneas first. Before that, let's get Yveltal and Fantina out of here. Xerneas will show up here if we don't let the Dread League go any further with Yveltal's power. Everyone else across the world can handle themselves." said Ash, keeping all hope up.

"How about we find a way to bring our magic back?" Radiant Hope asked. "There has to be something messing with us."

"There is something..." Suddenly, Cadence would speak, despite still crying. She mustered the strength to add something to all of this. "I heard it during my time in that tube. There's something that turned off all our magic. They call them Necropillars."

"Necropillars?" The others repeated. They now learned the name of the objects that shut down all Equestrian Magic, rendering a majority of the Pokemon Trainers powerless.

"If we destroy those, our magic will return." Cadence sniffled before wiping plenty of tears off her face.

"She's right...We just have to find them..." Twilight, whose lips were trembling, also gathered the strength she needed. "And break all of them to bits. I'll use my Rift Magic to see what I can do."

"Same here." Emerald Aura raised her hoof. "I'm positive I can form something that can help out."

"Awesome. Then we know what we gotta do. Wherever those pillars are, we'll find them and break them down!" Ash put his fist in his hand, eager to smash those pillars.


"As if you'll have the chance to do such a thing." Interrupting this energetic outburst of words was a dreadful and horrific voice that many recognized and even feared. It was the voice of Rosa Maledicta. She was speaking through the entirety of the Chamber.

"Rosa!" Ash cried out.

"You will refer to me as The Lich Queen, Rosa Maledicta. King of the Sea, Ash Ketchum." Rosa showed some respect, calling Ash by his Kingly Status. All ears were on the Lich Queen now that she was actively speaking to all of them while moving through the chamber. You all won't live to see tomorrow's light even with your hopeful words.

"Why don't you come over here and face us?!" Rainbow Dash roared at her.

"I'll face you. But not in battle. All of you will become prisoners of the Chamber. For you see...the chamber having the power to send out bridges out of nowhere isn't just a function, I'm afraid. It's something the creature itself can do."

"Creature? Is she referring to the chamber?" Radiant Hope gasped as her pupils shrank.

"Correct. This Chamber is a Despair Plant. Among my most powerful. Despair Plant Chambevenom!"

"T-This Chamber is a Despair Plant?!" Twilight couldn't believe her ears. The entire place was just one big Despair Plant that had a different material and texture than the others. It did not feel like they were standing on a plant at all.

"You were fools entering it. Now, Chambevenom will absorb you all into it. You've all been battling hard within the Despair Plant without even realizing it was just building up its strength. Now you're all its victims. Chambevenom. Feast on them!"

Suddenly, once a terrifying roar from the entire chamber had gone off, a strange substance would emerge from the walls. And this time, they weren't bridges or any hard material of the sort. Instead, reddish gooey projectiles were fired arbitrarily out of the walls, appearing like internal organs. But the texture was akin to that of a plant.

They would rapidly form, flying across the entirety of the building while also turning the floor into that strange substance. Everyone's eyes followed these disgusting red projectiles which were going wild and it didn't take long until one of them grabbed onto the group.

"W-What the?!" The first one to be grabbed was Rainbow Dash as her back neck had been caught. The projectile adhered itself to the back of Rainbow Dash's neck as more of them flew out. "What is this?!"

"I-I'm being pulled in by something!" Spike was also caught by it instantly as it stuck onto his tail and soon the back of his head. Not only were they flying out of the walls but the walls were also changing, appearing rounder instead of their hard and solid appearance.

"Iron Tail!"

"Pikachu-Pi!" Pikachu tried attacking the projectiles, only for his momentum to be interrupted by a sudden change in gravity. Pikachu felt his body stay in the air without his own control as things felt lighter for him. "P-PIka?!"

"The Gravity's changing?!" Emerald Aura noticed as she was in the air all of a sudden. No one could control this as they were all ascending thanks to the gravitational shift. But this was just a part of the Despair Plant's action.

"I-I'm being sucked in!" Twilight would soon feel it too as she tried using her wings to cancel it out. But gravity was in full control here, cancelling out the usage of flight.

"Twilight! Grab on!" Ash held his hand out, trying to grab Twilight's hoof. Twilight tried pushing her hoof forward but the gravity field said otherwise. It was making sure that none of them would make contact with each other. The hands of Ash and the hoof of Twilight connected for a moment before slipping away from each other.

Daisy and Paradise were too weak to do anything. Instead of being sent into the air, they stayed on the ground as the disgusting substance absorbed their already damaged bodies. They weren't even powerful enough to escape from this at all. Cadence and Flurry Heart held onto each other while Haxorus and the Golurk attempted to use brute strength against this. But even that failed as the substance already adhered itself to them in vast numbers.

And of course, this was happening to everyone. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were being pulled in by the substances along with their Pokemon. Mew tried transforming into a Pokemon to avoid this but the projectiles, unlike Rosa's thorns, made sure to hold whatever shape Mew took on. The intangibility of a Ghost was pointless too as Gengar could not phase through them at all. It was as if they cancelled that out as well.

"Oh well! Looks like you won't be taking me on anyway~" Opal laughed while seeing Rarity and her Pokemon being pulled in by the Despair Plant's power. "Maybe when you're a skeleton, I'll take your accessories. Until then, Rarity!"

"O-Opal!" Rarity screamed as her entire body was already caught by the substance and all that was left was her face. She screamed Opal's name before being fully pulled in. All of her Pokemon were powerless as well. Even the powerful legs of Pheromosa and Lopunny were failed in retaliating.

All the Pokemon from the Pokemon House and PokePark would become victims as well as the Despair Plant either sucked them into the walls or the ground itself. They all let out their own roars, doing what they can to break free. But in the end, they were pulled in too.

"You'll all be trapped within the chamber's deepest parts. Even deeper than the rooms themselves. You'll feel a never-ending sense of despair with no hope in sight. I will come to you will Yveltal's power and take your lives." Rosa said to them all while casually walking through the chambers, untouched by the projectiles since this was her own creation. "Now stay there. All of you. I'll be there soon."

And just like that, the intruders had been absorbed. And it was absolutely horrifying how it happened. Not only did the Despair Plant pull them all in, but their bodies could be seen behind the red gooey substance, completely still. They were all in suspended animation, having different expressions and reactions when being absorbed by this power. All of their reactions were static, unchanging and with no signs of movements whatsoever, as well as their bodies. They were stuck. And to finish things off, their bodies would fall back into the wall and ground, disappearing completely.

Silence filled the air. The noise of the intruders have been silenced. Not a single one of them could be heard as they were all within the walls. The Despair Plant let out a relieved roar as its power would rest. It did its job and it was rather effective.

"You had a good meal, my precious." Rosa Maledicta said. "You're free to rest now. This is a moment of peace for us now that those intruders are silent. It doesn't matter what they do. The feeling of Dread always catches up somehow, especially when they're in the heart of it."

The Lich Queen would continue on her way. Now that the intruders were all restrained and in the walls, she would approach them as soon as possible with Yveltal by her side. However, her movements were suddenly put to a halt once she placed her hoof on the sticky walls of this now-transformed chamber.

"Hm? Magic power.." Rosa uttered as she felt some magic after touching the walls. And this magic did not come from the Despair Plant. Not at all. Instead, it came from someone else. Rosa sensed not one, not two, but three magical presences. "Three of them? That can't be!"

"Three? How's that possible?" Opal Vivacity felt it too when touching the walls.

"Don't tell me...some of them managed to avoid the Absorption?" Rosa's eyes narrowed as she couldn't believe what she was feeling. Three individuals were not captured at all. "Who?"

"Ugh!" The answer came in the form of Twilight Sparkle. She fell to the floor once the gravity field was gone, harming herself. And right next to her was Emerald Aura and Espeon. The three who managed to withstand it. Twilight held her head before sitting up, absolutely bewildered by what just happened.

"The chances of that happening are staggering. And yet two of them managed to escape?" Rosa Maledicta scoffed. "How?"

"Good work using your RIft Magic with mine...We dodged a big one there." The answer was Rift Magic, as Emerald Aura just said. "Forming our own Gravity Field worked in countering what the Despair Plant made."

"I'm glad you caught on to it, Emerald. But...we didn't get everyone in it. It's just us." Twilight looked around, seeing that no one else was present there. Everything was so much quieter now it was eerie and uncomfortable.

"What terrible fortune to be left alone here in Magehold." Rosa Maledicta spoke to the three of them. "You escaped but at the cost of you three being on your lonesome without your army of friends. How foolish."

It was just Twilight Sparkle, Emerald Aura and Espeon now. No one else. Whatever comes next, it was up to them alone. But, they weren't truly alone. Not when Twilight had more of her Pokemon in waiting. However, at this point, the Dread League were bringing in the worst kind of pressure as they were advancing towards their main goals, upping their actions.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 175 End.

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