• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Joy-Spreading Egg

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

Sitting there even when the Sun rose up was a massive Egg. An egg that was previously Blissey, who came to Ponyville after sensing three sad spirits. Eventually, this happened and she was now a large egg that was involved with Rift Energy. As the Sun rays beamed down on this Mystical Egg, the citizens of Ponyville gathered to view this mystical marvel.

"Oh, what is it now?" Mayor Mare would be used to the wildest things happening in and around her town but she is never expecting something typical. Although, one could argue that a Giant Egg could be typical. It's certainly not the craziest thing they've seen and it could be considered rather tame.

"Check it out..." Ash whistled at the size of the Egg.


"Who laid this?" Carrot Top asked as she and many others assumed this was laid. But one thing that stuck out for them was the design. It wasn't a plain egg but it had its own unique look to it, much like a regular Pokemon Egg or even Manaphy's egg.

"Could it be...a Pokemon?!" Fluttershy gasped. Immediately, that was about to put a smile on her face. She believed a new Pokemon was about to hatch. One she's never seen before.

"Sorry to dissapoint." But Pinkie Pie had to be the one to drop the hard truth. "It's not a new Pokemon. I was all night and saw it all."

"You saw it? What happened?" Rainbow Dash asked while circling the egg.

"Well, there's a Blissey in there. She just turned into an egg all of a sudden. No clue how or why. It was so weird."

"This is a Blissey Egg?" Applejack replied. The longer they looked at it, it didn't exactly click. Nothing about this screamed Blissey. If anything, something like this would be more up Xerneas's alley with how fancy it appeared.

"How good do you think it'll taste?" Some ponies were mainly thinking about the taste an egg like this would bring if consumed. Boiled Egg mainly came to mind. "W-With the Pokemon out, of course!"

"Has it been like this all night?" Twilight asked.

"All night. She hasn't left that Egg at all." With Pinkie Pie being an eye-witness, Blissye has been in this egg all night, doing nothing. For what reason? Only Blissey knew why. But it mainly had to do with what Blissey saw.

"You said Blissey, right? Oh, in that case...What do we have to worry about?" Hearing the name Blissey brought warmth to them. Everyone here knew how the Blissey species was, always being the embodiment of happiness, especially with those eggs. Naturally, this massive egg held huge promise.

"What if it's an egg that makes yuo infinitely happy!" Sweetie Belle theorized, going with the one thing that makes sense. "That way, you'll never feel sad."

"Trust me. You don't want that." Roseluck shut that down immediately, seeing that kind of happines as a Big No.

"It has to bring happiness somehow. Do you think it's solid or something?" Testing this out, Spike would immediately touch the egg. And to his surpise, it was not solid.

It was bouncy. Almost like a boiled egg but not quite. He gasped once he saw the egg shake and jiggle. This immediately prompted the children and some of the Pokemon to poke it. Each of them started poking the Giant Egg, watching it jiggle and bounce for their amusement.

"Hm. I suppose this isn't the strangest thing that's happened. Surprisingly, not even Rayquaza's presence here is strange." Mayor Mare smiled.

"Wait, what? Rayquaza?" Ash turned to face Mayor Mare, stunned to hear that the Sky High Pokemon was present here.

"Mm. Brought him in as per the request of Princess Celestia. Spike found him absolutely drained and weakened and now he's under our care. Because of course he is. But...I'm not too affected by it." Mayor Mare shrugged it all off. "If anything, this makes our town even more special. I would say we'd get amazing notoriety and publicity from this, but it's best to keep Rayquaza safe. Plus, we wouldn't want an evil team coming here and expecting something good."

"They'll show up either way." Lyra sighed. "It's gotten too popular."

"Blissey! Are you in there?!" Shouting at the egg was Scootaloo, but she received no response. Blissey said nothing this entire time or did anything. Complete silence while many were around the Egg.

"What's Blissey even doing here?"

"It's us three. That's why she came here." Twilight could answer that even without seeing Blissey. "After what happened with our Pokemon, I guess Blissey reacted to us. She was probably already nearby."

"Oh, how considerate." Rarity would wipe tears from her face, glad to hear such a thing. "If Pheromosa were here, she'd be so glad. Then again, I'm sure she knows there are others who care for her."

"So then why's Blissey here? We can be happy again. It's not like our town got demolished. Again." Pinkie Pie wondered. As she recalled, this Blissey only shows up when a town or village is at its lowest. But Ponyville wasn't going through that at all. Not right now and even with its most intense moments, there have been others who have brought happiness either way.

It was just strange all around and the egg certainly wasn't helping. Away from all the commotion around the egg, over at Twilight's Castle, Rayquaza was asleep.

Or at least, he was. His eyes would soon open, gazing at the azure sky through the window. But it wasn't the morning that woke him up. Something else caught his attention. The Sky High Pokemon focused for a moment as everything around him became silent.

At that moment, he sensed it. A familiar energy. The Dragon Matter. But he didn't just sense the Dragon Matter. There was something else present in the atmosphere that was related to it. But it didn't have anything to do with Dragons.

It was connected to Fairies. However, this was not the Fairy Matter that he was sensing. There was a faint scent of it in the atmosphere yes, but a far more familiar presence was felt. Fairy Energy.

The Light Canvas.

Far from Earth and at the very top of existence itself, at the realm where Angels and those who have passed on reside, pressing matters were developing. Rare for this place since it is the embodiment of a paradise. And the residents here knew that as welll as they were enjoying themselves to the fullest.

But not the angels.

Once more, they were having a meeting, discussing matters surrounding Lightwing. Poor Lightwing was still captured by Team Plasma, becoming fuel for them. She has yet to be freed and Team Plasma have already used her Divine Magic for colossal protection, combined with Colress's science as well.

"This is taking too long!" Strident Heart stomped her hoof. "We shouldn't be struggling with mortals! Lightwing should be out of there by now!"

"You must stay calm, Strident Heart. Already, other angels are doing their best to shatter that barrier. However, even when approaching it, it's rather difficult to overcome." One Angel spoke.

"Combining Rift Energy and Divine Magic is unheard of. That is how Team Plasma has managed to forge such a powerful shield that even we struggle with. Most likely, this was part of the deal Ghetsis made with the Rift."

"But it still shouldn't be this strong." Strident grizzled. "Most of the Rift Energy used there was given to Ghetsis as an exchange. He never really gave it all up for his kingdom and kept some of it. But Ghetsis's body should be floating in the Abyssal Depths, completely unresponsive. So how are they still able to keep such a strong defence?"

"That's true. There is one possibility to that. At first, we believed the Rift itself was powering the gateway, but that isn't the case. Instead, something far more terrifying has happened. Ghetsis may be influencing it from beyond."

"T-That can't be?!" That blew Strident Heart back. It's rare for an angel to be shocked but those from Earth seem to break all expectations. "But he's in the Abyssal Depths. How is that even possible?"

"The Abyssal Depths' entire existence is an antithesis to us. But it seems that does not deter Ghetsis from his goals. Much like how this realm is powered by love, the Abyssal Depths is full of nothing but hatred. Those trapped in it are victims of such hatred. But..."

"But...?" Strident repeated.

"But, probably with the assistance of Rift Energy, Ghetsis's own hatred is so astonishingly immense that he might be reaching the outside even without leaving it. Most likely subconsciously. The last person to do such a thing came close but failed. However, Ghetsis might have already surpassed him in that category."

"He shouldn't be able to! How can his own hatred be that great?! Even the most vengeful people can't hope to interact outside of the Abyssal Depths!" Strident Heart bellowed.

"That is true. He wouldn't be able to pull it off much like the rest. But not only has he surpassed them all, much like his own Hydreigon, Ghetsis is gradually becoming sort of mutant."

"While the culmination of various energies was obviously taxing to his body, it also was beneficial, I'm afraid. Eventually, he'll become less and less of a human and we fear that his growth will react to levels that no human is supposed to reach. But all of this is just a theory, for now."

"He grows stronger with each passing day," One angel murmured, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Even from the depths of the Abyssal Depths, his influence spreads like a malignant stain upon Earth."

"I knew it! I knew we shouldn't have let the mortals." Strident Heart faced the other angels. "Didn't I say so?!"

"Y-Yeah. You did." One of the angels stuttered.

"It should've never reached this point. It should've stopped when they took on Discord or even Cosmos. I should've taken action against the mortals as soon as possible."

"To stop this, we are planning to send other angels to prevent Ghetsis' influence, if it is happening. For the first time in billions of years, some will have to enter the Abyssal Depths." The middle angel, who was the tallest of them spoke. The plan was to stop Ghetsis before he could grow any further.

"I'll go!" Strident Heart immediately volunteered without any hesitation in her voice.

"A-Are you sure?! That place is the epitome of darkness." Her fellow angels weren't so sure of such a choice.

"You all would be too afraid to tackle it in the first place." She faced them with narrowed eyes. "I've always wanted to take action involving the mortals to begin with. And now, I finally get that chance. I'm going there and I'll make sure Ghetsis is stopped for good."

"Be careful. Ghetsis, no matter his condition, is crafty. Under any circumstances, you must not allow him to affect you in any way." The Angels warned, knowing that Ghetsis was never safe to approach.

"I promise it." But Strident Heart wasn't about to let this one slip by her. She finally has a chance to do something about those from Earth and there was no way she was going to waste this moment.

Earth. Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

Time passed and the egg still sat there, not moving. Many have already gone on with their day while Pinkie Pie continued to watch it.

Appearing here was Discord. He finally made another appearance, showing up while the egg was still present. He obviously came to see Fluttershy, who was below, waiting for him. The pegasus was seen waving her hooves at her friend, who descended with a five-sided umbrella.

As Discord descended upon Ponyville once more, the Egg immediately reacted to it. At last, it was finally doing something as a part of it was glowing, grabbing Pinkie Pie's attention. It was specifically reacting to Discord while he was descending. It was as if Blissey was reacting to his presence too.

There was a reason for this sudden reaction. Without warning and a resounding crack, the egg emits a brilliant beam of light, arcing through the sky like a celestial spear aimed at the Spirit of Chaos

The ray of light envelops Discord in a shimmering cocoon, constraining its chaotic magic and dampening its ability to wreak havoc upon the town. Though momentarily startled by the unexpected intervention, the spirit soon resumes its antics, albeit on a smaller and more contained scale.

"Ooh!" Discord wobbled and shook. His umbrella immediately dropped as he came crashing down. He hit the ground rather hard too, face-first and all. "Ow...That actually hurt!" And unlike every other, Discord could feel every bit of the pain.

"Oh, goodness! Discord are you alright?!" Fluttershy flew over to her friend. Discord removed his head as there was now a print on the ground of his face.

"Ooh...That's odd. When did it take a dip in quality?" To Discord's surprise, when moving his paw and claw, he felt his Chaos Magic being rather weak. "My Magic is weaker."

"Weaker?" Fluttershy repeated before turning her attention to the egg. Some ponies saw the ray of light from the egg and immediately faced it, seeing that it finally did something.

And it was rather impressive. Weakening Discord's magic was no small feat and yet, this egg pulled it off immediately. "What's up with this thing?" Pinkie Pie wondered. Discord also had to wonder, flying up to the mysterious egg.

"Where did you get this from?" Discord questioned when observing the egg. Discord attempted to look through it, but all he saw as an abundance of pink. Pink everywhere. Pink sparkles, pink stardust, pink glitter and more. There wasn't even a trace of Rift Energy visible.

The Egg then stayed silent as if nothing happened but it was clear it could do something. Something rather powerful. Now, admiring it was dropping. Worrying about it was rising.

Nearby, a group of friends gathers beneath the shade of ancient oak trees, their laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves. Yet, as the day wears on and tensions simmer beneath the surface, the jovial atmosphere begins to sour, giving way to heated arguments and bitter accusations.

As tempers flare and harsh words are exchanged, the once-unbreakable bond between the friends begins to fracture, each member retreating into the safety of their own hurt and resentment. Unable to find common ground amidst the chaos of conflicting emotions, the group reluctantly agrees to part ways, each blaming the others for the rift that has torn them asunder.

Unbeknownst to the friends, the Egg, despite having no eyes whatsoever watched from afar with a heightened vision as it sensed the deepening divide between them. Then, it reacted once more to this scenario.

Unwilling to stand idly by as the bonds of friendship unravel, the egg prepares to take action to mend what has been
broken. With a resounding crack, the egg emitted that blinding burst of light once more, enveloping the friends in its radiant embrace.

As the radiant burst of light engulfs the group of friends, a hushed silence falls over Ponyville, the townsfolk watching in awe and disbelief as the once-familiar figures are transformed into shimmering orbs of iridescent energy. Shocked gasps and murmurs ripple through the crowd as they witness the unexpected turn of events, their eyes widening in disbelief at the sight before them.

"T-They're eggs now?!" Ash gasped in utter disbelief.

"Pikachu?!" Pikachu did the same. Even Discord was caught off guard by it a bit.

The friends, now reduced to smaller eggs, emit a soft, ethereal glow, their forms pulsating with the residual energy of the egg's transformative magic. Though their physical appearance has changed, the essence of who they are remains intact, their spirits undimmed by the sudden transformation.

"What's the big idea?!" Rainbow Dash roared at the egg, hoping to get a response. But once more, it was silent. "Hey! If you're in there, you'd better say something!" Knowing that Blissey was in there, Rainbow Dash went to knock on the egg for a response.

But unlike before, this knock was filled with anger whereas the previous ones were filled with curiosity. As soon as Rainbow Dash struck her hoof on it, that bursting light would appear once more, enveloping her. The pegasus gasped before having her body covered in it.

Not just covered, but also transformed. Right before the very eyes of her friends, Rainbow Dash had also become an egg, dropping to the ground. Her face was seen on the egg, colours and all. It made her look like a glorified party egg more than anything. After that, the Egg stayed silent once more.

"T-This is not cool!" Rainbow Dash bellowed. Her voice was squeakier than before, but just a little boy.

"What gives? This isn't the Blissey I was told about." Pinkie Pie was bewildered. Was what she heard from the villagers a lie? This didn't seem like a Hero. If anything, it seemed like a troublemaker.

Its enhanced vision was even more enhanced than before. it could see at great distances, essentially covering all of Ponyville in just a few seconds. In the bustling marketplace of Ponyville, tensions run high as merchants vie for the attention of passing customers. Amidst the chaotic hustle and bustle, a petty dispute erupts between two vendors over the placement of their stalls, each accusing the other of encroaching on their territory. It was something small. Something typical.

But not to the Egg.

As tempers flare and voices rise, the Harbinger of Happiness senses the potential for escalation and prepares to intervene. With a resounding crack, the egg emits a brilliant burst of light, enveloping the quarrelling vendors in its radiant embrace.

In an instant, the vendors are transformed into smaller eggs, their voices silenced and their bickering quelled by the transformative power of the egg. Shocked gasps echo through the marketplace as onlookers watch in disbelief, their arguments forgotten in the wake of the unexpected spectacle.

With the dispute settled and harmony restored, the smaller eggs emit a soft, calming glow, their presence serving as a silent reminder of the consequences of allowing petty grievances to spiral out of control.

But this was all fake harmony. Artificial even. Pinkie Pie and the others knew that very well. Lights were flying everywhere, hitting multiple ponies and Pokemon, turning them all into eggs one by one.

In the tranquil gardens of the Pokemon Festival, a group of children gathers to play beneath the shade of flowering trees with the Pokemon there. Laughter fills the air as they chase one another through the sun-dappled glades, their joyous shouts echoing amidst the gentle rustle of leaves.

Yet, for a brief moment, a squabble breaks out between two of the children over a coveted Pokemon Toy, each insisting that it belongs to them alone. The egg immediately sensed that something like this could break out into tears and it could not let that happen.

Sensing the discord among the children, the Egg prepares to take action. With a resounding crack, the egg emits a brilliant burst of light, enveloping the quarreling children in its radiant embrace.

Just like Rainbow Dash and the others ,In an instant, the children are transformed into smaller eggs, their squabbling silenced and their differences set aside by the transformative power of the egg. Shocked gasps fill the air as the other children watch in disbelief, their argument forgotten in the wake of the unexpected spectacle.

Throughout Ponyville, beams of light streak through the air at dizzying speeds, converging upon unsuspecting targets and transforming them into smaller eggs with each resounding crack.

"It keeps turning others into eggs! But why?!" Scootaloo shouted, ducking an incoming ray that was not targeting her but someone else far from here.

"Stop it!" Ash bellowed at the Egg. "Why are you doing this?!"

"Pikachu! Pika!"

But as soon as Ash spoke up, the Egg reacted to him as well. Using its vision, it sensed something in Ash. Something dark. Or rather, two things.

Two Dark Forces were seen within Ash. The Spirit and Essence of King Sombra and of course, the Soul of Prisma. Both were considerably dangerous in their own right and the Egg knew this as well. Immediately, the Egg realized that Ash was a massive threat. Bigger than anything it's seen. Even Discord. Now Ash was a target too.

Just what was the purpose of this Egg? And why would Blissey allow such a thing? All things Pinkie Pie wanted answers to but she wasn't getting them. This was not the embodiment of happiness at all. Not one bit.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 432 End.

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