• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Silent Destruction

Equestria. The Crystal Empire. Nightfall.

Dark forces lurked near the Crystal Empire. Approaching silently without anyone aware. Or perhaps, they were already here. The secrecy of this darkness had not yet reached everyone within the Crystal Empire. Some were asleep and some were awake. The night was still young after all.

And those who were always alert were the guards of the Crystal Empire. Some were still wide awake with energy. Some were tired and couldn't wait to get some rest as soon as possible. And among those who was still wide awake was Flash Sentry, scratching his mane while his helmet was off. It was a rather slow night. Fitting, considering what was occurring. "Hm?" Flash Sentry's ears picked up on a sound. His head would turn to see the common Pokemon of the Crystal Empire. Sableye.

"Sableye!" The Sableye, being their mischievous little selves, were crawling on the walls. This wasn't too uncommon since the Crystal Empire was a paradise for them. They could have as many crystals as they wanted, feeding off of them. But for the most part, they only stay outside. The indoors was hadn't been touched by them yet considering how much was indoors. Not only that, but they were pushing what looked to be a food trolley.

Flash Sentry wondered why they were entering the indoors now of all the times when the outside was still fresh for them. And there was also the fact that they were pushing a food trolley as if they were serving someone. But before he could find an answer, his attention was drawn to another sound nearby. A crashing sound echoed through this part of the castle, followed by what sounded like somepony about to scream, only to be cut off abruptly. It sounded more like a hiccup after being cut off. With that noise, he would rush over to the sound of it.

Since he was the closest, no other guards heard that sound until Flash Sentry informed him, following their fellow Royal Guard. The castle was wide, leaving echoes to travel easily through it. From the direction the sound came from, they tracked it to the castle's kitchen, where all the delicacies can be found.

However, when searching for the source of this noise, they found that it was simply just a case of some of the utensils and plates crashing onto the ground, followed by somepony being harmed in the kitchen because of them. It was rather dark in the kitchen with the lights being off. The only source of light was a lamp here that was placed to give it some shine. Although, it wasn't that strong of a light.

"Sorry about that. We know it's late." A chef apologized as one of the other chefs harmed her hoof. Her hoof was already being wrapped in a kitchen cloth which made her squirm a bit.

"It's fine." Flash Sentry replied, seeing that it wasn't a big deal. Just a minor kitchen accident. "By the way, what's up with the Sableye? Since when do they serve food?"

"Yeah, and can I get some?" Another guard said, already seeing the Sableye pass through.

"Mm. They just showed up in our kitchen and offered to help us. It's not like they're bored of eating crystals. I still think that's their preferred dish." Another chef said. "They won't even eat the food they're bringing along. Saves us some hassle at least."

"That food is meant for the Royal Family tonight...but the Sabeleye might not mind." Another chef replied.

"In that case...Let me get a bite." Flash Sentry rubbed his hooves together, wanting a bite out of the delicacies that the Sableye were bringing along. The guards would leave the kitchen, ready to catch up with the Sableye for a bite. Flash Sentry would look at the kitchen once more, observing the darkness. "Might have to fix that. It's creepy in here..." His last words in the kitchen as he left the scene.

Right after all the guards left, the chefs would reposition the pantry where it was while the pony who was harmed stood right back up, noticeably, tall and strong. She looked fine for someone who had utensils drop on her. The kitchen cloth certainly couldn't have healed her that fast, lacking no magical qualities.

It was then that the chefs inside would collectively smile in the darkness as the kitchen cloth came right off. The bruise this pony had was gone in an instant as if it never existed in the first place. Aside from the lamp, the eyes of the ponies would glow in the dark all of a sudden.

And within the pantry, rumbling could be heard, but it was rather weak compared to the crash that happened earlier. One of the chefs went over to the pantry, opening it up which resulted in the squirming settling down. This was due to the ponies inside who were currently restrained.

Dark magic surrounded these ponies as they had their bodies restrained, seeming nearly unconscious as they looked up at the glowing eyes of the pony. But it wasn't just any ordinary pony. A ripple of magic met with the face of this chef, soon revealing somepony else entirely. Fangs and sharp eyes appeared, belonging to one notable species. Vampires.

A vampire was inside the Crystal Empire. Not just one, but multiple. An illusionary ripple would go over their faces, showing who they truly were. They were all vampires. And the ones trapped inside the pantry were the true chefs of the Crystal Empire.

"Neat illusion, isn't it?" A vampire said as this was the result of Illusion Magic. "Only our victims can see it, making it easy for us to slip by. So sit tight and let the magic overtake you already." She closed the pantry, leaving the Crystal Empire Ponies. They were completely stuck with this ring of Dark Magic threatening to destroy them.

The Black Crusade had reached the Crystal Empire but in secrecy. The chefs never saw it coming. Before they knew it, they were overtaken by the ponies from Magehold. The silence of their arrival was truly splendid, allowing them to enter the Crystal Empire. Their means of entering were unknown by the chefs. Including those outside who were not even aware of them at all.

"So you know Mom...You could have a game with me one day." Meanwhile, on this silent yet ominous night, the older Flurry Heart from another world had just finished showing her Pokemon Cards to Cadence. This whole time while the Black Crusade was going on, granted in its early stages, they've been here relaxing and having some leisure during the night.

"That would be wonderful. You'll have to teach me about it. And I know which card I'll be using more than anything." Cadence would eye down a Syvelon card that was holographic. Since she had a Sylveon, it only made sense to choose this one.


"Alright. The two of you should get to bed soon. You can spend the rest of your time looking at these cards and put yourself to sleep." Cadence prepared to depart, turning off the lights, which prompted the night light in here to come on.

"Just for a while longer. I wanna open this box first." The young alicorn replied before looking at a box filled with new cards. But her eyes soon met with a second one, implying that she would keep at this for a while. "Plus, it's a good way to know which Pokemon I wanna find."

"You prefer every single one here though..." Cadence uttered. Flurry Heart was a fan of the majority of Pokemon she found in the cards. Realistically speaking, any of them were up her alley but that would certainly take an obscene amount of time for her to catch them. At least she had the perk of being an alicorn to make up for that much time.

"Giratina was my first and I really miss him...But I can always make new friends." Flurry Heart thought about Giratina for a moment, making her mouth tremble before keeping her spirits up. "Looking at these cards really helps me out. Plus, they're just so much fun to collect."

"Your majesty." Entering the room with a trolley of drinks was a maid pony. It wasn't just the Sableye moving them. And on that trolley were five cups of appealingly delicious hot chocolate instead of food. "Hot chocolate? There should be another trolley coming here soon."

"Yes please!" Flurry Heart exclaimed with her eyes lighting up. The delicious scent of hot chocolate filled the air, enticing the hearts of the alicorns. Cadence and both Flurry Hearts felt a bliss enter the room. And it was made more appealing with the Spheal-shaped Marshamallows inside. They would gladly take some. There was enough for not just them but their Pokemon. Sylveon and Manaphy included.

This would be something delicious to drink before heading to bed. The pony who came in thought so. Especially with that smile on her face, having a slight shadow on it. She would soon leave the room with the trolley with that innocent look on her face.

And when leaving the room, she would meet up with other ponies that stood in front of her. These ponies also had that same smile on their faces. The pony then passed by the Sableye, who looked right back at her. It was at that moment that the Illusionary Ripple appeared on her face.

It was none other than Sweet Fang, posing another pony. Since she lead the mission to the Crystal Empire, it was to be expected for her to be here as well since the rest were present. And with the ripple showing up, the Sableye were her victims. But they were victims who were free to roam, not even acknowledging the obvious vampire in the room.

The Sableye all stopped their trolleys right at the room where the three alicorns were. And with a small whisper from Sweet Fang's mouth that wasn't even facing them, they went no further. They simply stood there after hearing the word 'Stop'. Like drones, the Sableye followed her orders, under the spell of Sweet Fang's magic.


Back at Canterlot Castle, Twilight Sparkle had arrived to quickly warn Princess Celestia about the Black Crusade. Thanks to Absol's horn, confirmation of the crusade's beginning was made. The reaction Celestia had was to be expected. Stunned, a bit nervous, but fully serious.

"Somewhere out there the Black Crusade is happening. The vampires are probably already in different parts of the world, starting the crusade." Twilight said. "And I'm afraid the Crystal Empire's the first target."

"It is the closest to Magehold even if we can't find it," Celestia replied. "Cadence and everyone else there could be their first targets!"

"I have to head back to Ponyville to help everyone prepare for what's coming but..." Twilight wished to warn her friends but Cadence, Shining Armor and both Flurry Hearts were just as important.

"I'll do the honours of handling that issue," Celestia said. Since she was the Ruler of Equestria, she could simply tell her subjects. Whether it was Ponyville, Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, Manehattan and so on. "Now is the right time to inform everyone in Equestria about the Black Crusade. We can focus on the Crystal Empire too."

"Right. Ash is already planning to head there too but he's sending Delia back home right now. Fluttershy's going back to Ponyville. I came here to tell you and hoping to go to the Crystal Empire as soon as possible."

"Do it. Go to them and I'll be right behind you." Celestia replied with a smile, reassuring Twilight. That smile was uplifting and did instil hope in Twilight's heart. Celestia was prepared to send some of her forces to the Crystal Empire as soon as possible while also informing everyone.

"Okay. Thank you, Princess Celestia."

"The Crystal Empire would be the first target due to how close it is." Celestia walked out of the throne room with Twilight quickly following her. Espeon, Absol, Gardevoir and Alcremie were all right behind her as the Canterlot Guards nearby already heard everything. "This might be our one chance to reach Magehold since they've started the Black Crusade. The issue of them combusting and leaving to Magehold is still prominent, however."

"Potion Nova is trying to find a way past that field. She has a trace of Vampire Magic at her disposal now, so that might help." Twilight responded while quickly scurrying her hooves to keep up with Princess Celestia. "Maybe we could chase some of them back to Magehold and follow them if it doesn't work."

"That won't do either. They're rather reliant on it, Twilight." Celestia shook her head before meeting up with a majority of her guards. "They will always combust to escape. But now that the Black Crusade has begun, I can imagine once some of them retreat, they'll leave Magehold again to jump back into the action. That is one other way we can find it. After you reach the Crystal Empire, see if you can spot a sign of them appearing. They'll combust if things get too unfavourable for them. If not, head to your friends as soon as possible."

"I will!" Twilight nodded with confidence before taking flight. It was off to the Train Station once more. Another train ride and this time it was off to the Crystal Empire. Now that Celestia was facing her guards, announcements were ready to be made as well as a quick response to this crusade.

The Black Crusade was rather slow at the moment but that didn't mean it was gentle. Two forms of destruction played out. Shalour's fierce clash and the silent actions within the Crystal Empire. Canterlot's citizens were watched over from Celestia's highest balcony, which was usually used for her Royal Canterlot Voice. This powerful voice wouldn't be enough to reach the rest of Equestria, but it would be the start as news will travel fast when it comes to something like this.

Unlike Empress Twilight's invasion, this one wasn't as instant. But just because it wasn't out there and bombastic as the invasion, didn't mean it wasn't as dangerous. If anything, the Black Crusade posed a greater threat to them all due to what it was meant for. Celestia already had plans in advance for this and now it was time for those plants to sprout.

Twilight quickly hopped on the train. Absol would be the one to lead the way since his horn was still vibrating. This kind of disaster was something that wouldn't just last for a while. It was large enough to go on for a long time until it finished its goal.

Twilight sat on the train as it started moving, praying that her brother, sister-in-law and dual nieces were fine. The Princess of Friendship couldn't bare to see or think about them being the first victims of this crusade. She knew that they would retaliate but with how the Black Crusade was the Full Power of the Dread League finally being unleashed, even worse than the Third Pokemon Festival, fighting back would lead to rather disastrous outcomes. Absol's horn was proof of that being a possibility.

"Please be safe, all of you."

The Crystal Empire.

Flash Sentry and the other guards eventually tracked down the Sableye, wanting some of the food they were bringing along. And they weren't disappointed once they came across the Food Trolley. Everything was still available there with the Sabelye standing by. Wide grins met their faces as they rushed to the trolley.

"Lucky us!" Flash Sentry and the other guards said, grabbing what they could. Of course, they kept it to a minimum since it was meant for the Royal Family as well. The closest were the three alicorns while Shining Armor was elsewhere. They stuffed their mouths, gaining some energy for tonight. This would help with their guard duty since they would need the energy.

Aside from the food here, another delicious scent would waft through the air, grabbing their attention. This was the scent of Hot chocolate and Marshmallows. A great combination. Flash Sentry and some of the other guards felt inclined to bring the rest of the food to the princesses. They couldn't hog it all for themselves despite how delicious it was.

"Your majesty. Would you like us to-" But right as Flash Sentry opened the door, he and his fellow guards were met with a shocking sight that neither of them expected.

Princess Cadence, Sylveon, Manaphy and the older Princess Flurry Heart had passed out. The hot chocolate they received had spilt over, dropping the liquid on the table with the marshmallows being half-eaten. They were not asleep. Not at all. The looks on their faces made it clear as well as how still and lifeless they looked. The cups were even slightly chipped, confirming that this was a collapse.

Princess Cadence's head lay on the table while one of the Flurry Hearts had fallen off the bed. The younger Flurry Heart who came from this world was the only one conscious, crying in response to this sudden collapse. Her partner Manaphy had passed out as well.

"Princess?!" The guards all said, rushing to their side. However, they would soon slow down. They felt a sudden pulse go through their bodies, making their visions obstructed for a moment. Before they knew it, the guards collapsed as well. It was an abrupt collapse as they dropped like flies, landing flat on their faces, to the side or their backs.

"W-What is this...?" Flash Sentry uttered, attempting to resist. "Is it the food and the drinks...?!" He immediately thought about how this was happening. The only thing he could think about was what was offered on the Food Trolley. Before he could think it through, just like the other guards, he would collapse.

This only elevated Flurry Heart's crying as she was greatly confused as to what was going on. For a baby, this was rather terrifying. But her sounds were unfortunately blocked off by the Sableye, who would then shut the door to this room once everyone but Flurry Heart was unconscious. But to keep an eye on the baby alicorn, a few Sableye would enter the room.

Baby Flurry Heart held onto her partner Manaphy, who was out cold, unresponsive to the sounds going off. She didn't even respond to Flurry Heart's contact. They stood before the baby alicorn, gazing at her with little response. Only slight cries. Flurry Heart hadn't touched her drink at all, simply because she needed someone else to give it to her. But the only ones who could have passed out, leaving her alone.

Once they all collapsed, the other effect of the drinks and food kicked in. The same magical ring from before would appear. But this time, it formed into a dome, bringing another illusionary ripple into the scene as the alicorns and guards were encased. Flurry Heart was not a victim as she hadn't drunk the chocolate at all. The dark magic was visible but the illusions weren't, only confusing her even more.

And it was even more confusing since the Sableye were always seen as friends to the Crystal Empire. Alas, they were unable to fight back against Sweet Fang's magic, fully under her control. But it wasn't just the ones inside the castle. With Sweet Fang's next command, even when she wasn't near any Sableye, she had absolute power over them.

"Now, go for it." Sweet Fang spoke. And with that command, the Sableye from the outside sprung into action. They became active, no longer standing around there lifelessly as they could catch everypony off guard. Windows were broken once some of the Sableye charged in, waking the citizens up. Their homes were invaded by the Sableye who once lived peacefully with them.

Chaos soon flooded the streets as the crystals were being ripped away by the bare hands of the Sableye. Devouring crystals was their speciality and thanks to the magic of Sweet Fang controlling them, they would not hold back at all. Screams would also fill the streets, soon turning this silent destruction into a loud one. This was to be expected but the earlier parts of it were certainly secretive.

The vampires were already making strong progress within the Crystal Empire, silencing those who could give things away. Some of the Royalty had already been dealt with, including some of the guards. And they certainly couldn't let a baby give it away since her father was still around. Sticking to Sweet Fang's orders, the Sableye would lunge at Flurry Heart. But against their own will.

On the Train to the Crystal Empire.

The train was still a long way there from the Crystal Empire. Twilight sat patiently, closing her eyes in the meantime. Where could the Black Crusade start aside from the Crystal Empire and how big was it already getting? How long until the rest of her friends were targeted? Are the Dread League already approaching Ponyville? These were the thoughts going through her head. She heeded Rosa Maledicta's words, which were full of rage. That night out in the mountains was the tipping point for the Lich Queen, prompting this attack to finally go through.

"I should just check on them to see if they're okay..." Twilight would go for her Xtransceiver, wanting to see how her friends were doing at the moment. At the same time, the train was about to pass through a tunnel, bringing a bit of darkness to the area. However, once it passed through, the darkness never left. Instead, it stayed behind.

Darkness filled the train, seemingly permanent since it was no longer in the tunnel. The lights within the train vanished all of a sudden, making Twilight gasp. Absol's horn would twitch violently, sensing a nearby disaster. And indeed, it was nearby. Even though it was now dark within the train, she was no longer alone with just Espeon and Absol.

Other ponies were in here. Specifically, vampire ponies, who thrived in the dark. With the light gone, they appeared, without any sound to indicate their arrival. Only Absol's horn could help with that.

"What?!" Twilight gasped after seeing the vampires make their appearance. The Dread League have already appeared on the train, bringing their devious smiles with them. "When did they get here?!"



"Look at that. Princess Twilight Sparkle." A vampire said. "Her majesty's upset with this one."

"I hear she spearheaded the plan to take the Box of 100 Demons. We have her to thank for the Black Crusade being so soon." Another vampire chuckled. "Then again, it's been delayed a bit so maybe it's not off the mark when it comes to the deadline."

"You all showed up on the train...Does that mean you're near Canterlot?!" Twilight feared that there were other vampires near Canterlot. After all, she took the train from the Canterlot and there was no telling how long these vampires have been in here.

"No. We just slipped in here. And we have the Pony of Shadows to thank for that." A vampire shook her head.

"Pony of Shadows?" Twilight repeated.

"With his shadows, we can get into places that are a bit harder to reach for us. During this time, shadows are everywhere." A vampire excitedly said, revealing how he and the others entered the train. "Even if it's moving fast! Like a train!"

"The Lich Queen wants you, Princess Twilight. So you'll get off scot-free compared to everyone else that'll be destroyed in the Black Crusade. I mean, you'll end up as a skeleton in the end but still." The vampires revealed that they came here to retrieve Twilight Sparkle. If Rosa Maledicta wanted her, nothing good could come from it and it was most likely rooted in what happened within Twilight's Mindscape.

"I don't think so!" Twilight vehemently rejected it. "I need to get to the Crystal Empire fast and see if they're okay. The same goes for all of my friends. And I'm keeping them safe from you! Absol! Espeon! Get ready!"



But before Twilight could make a command, the train would shake, nearly knocking her off balance. The vampires kept their balance perfectly, appearing casual about it. The train was already at a high point in Equestria when it comes to where the tracks were placed. Danger was practically everywhere, surrounding Twilight from the inside and outside. She looked out the window to see none other than a Despair Plant.

Specifically, Despair Plant Cobra. And joining it were other Despair Plants. Slithering against the train were other Cobras, using their serpentine bodies to damage and hold back the train. The Train's balance would continue to be disturbed along with its speed being tampered with.

Not only did she have to deal with the vampires, but now, the Despair Plants was a colossal issue as well. Twilight Sparkle's mission to reach her extended family and the rest of her friends had been intercepted by the Dread League. Already, they were making appearances when it was least expected. With the alicorns and guards of the Crystal Empire passing out along with the Sableye being used by Sweet Fang, the disaster Absol predicted was only worsening from this point onwards as the journey continues.

Chapter 125 End.

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