• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 18-13: The End of the Danger

The End of the Danger

Morning shines down on the grand city of Canterlot. Deep within the garden of the castle, everyone waited with great patience, though most of the remaining younglings looked really anxious.

“They’ve been gone a long time,” Applejack said. “I wonder if something bad happened to them?”

“Oh relax,” Pinkie Pie said. “If that big bad changeling went up against those ponies, she would be no match for them.”

“I believe that tactic is referred to as strength in numbers,” Prince Hoofar said.

“Strength in numbers?” Golden Lace asked.

“It’s where there are more soldiers on one side compared to the other,” Moondancer replied. “It’s simple math.”

“Yeah,” Danged Spell said. “If Queen Chrysalis went up against Princess Luna and those Wonderbolts, that’s a problem she won’t be able to solve. Get it?”

“Uggh, Danged Spell,” the other younglings said in disgust.

“Well someone had to at least keep our spirits high,” Danged Spell replied.

Cozy Glow turned her head away and looked upwards. She noticed the Wonderbolts and the carriage flying towards them.

“Hey guys,” Cozy Glow said. “I think they’re coming back.”

Everyone moved out of the way as the Wonderbolts, led by Princess Luna, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Firefly, Magnum and Captain Airazor, flew downward from the sky. Once they landed on the ground, they moved to the side as the carriage landed down. Chancellor Cinch and Queen Novo approached the carriage with anticipation.

“Are they back?” Chancellor Cinch said. “Did they escape Queen Chrysalis?”

Princess Luna ran up to the carriage and opened the door. Immediately, Princess Celestia emerged, still banged up but in high spirits. Everyone around them cheered for the alicorn princess.

“Princess,” Chancellor Cinch said. “You’ve made it back. I thought you were a goner.”

“And I thought I was a goner as well,” Princess Celestia said. “Queen Chrysalis figured out how to turn my maternal love towards Wanda against me.”

“The nerve of that despicable witch,” Queen Novo said in disgust. “Using a mother’s love towards her child as a weapon.”

“And it almost cost me my life,” Princess Celestia said as she stepped to the side. “Thankfully, it only knocked me out. But it did leave an emotional scar on my daughters.”

Wanda emerged from the carriage, holding Abigail in her arms. Everyone around the group cheered as Wanda finally landed her feet on the ground. Right behind her, Sunset Shimmer came down and landed near her human sister.

“Wanda, Sunset, you’re back,” Pinkie Pie yelled as she, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace, Applejack, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Rarity, Fluttershy, Ditzy Doo, Trixie and Cozy Glow all ran up and gave both sisters a big hug.

“I also thought I lost my mommy,” Wanda said. “In fact, Queen Chrysalis tried to manipulate me into becoming a changeling human by claiming that I would be cast out for allowing mommy to die.”

“That’s just horrible,” Starlight said. “The nerve of that meanie, taking advantage of you.”

“Well at least you’re safe from that no-good insect,” Applejack said. “But I sure believe she’s still searching for ya.”

“Well now I wouldn’t say that,” Princess Celestia said.

“What exactly do you mean by that, Princess?” Applejack asked.

Princess Luna walked up to Applejack and said “Your answer will come from your friend Twilight Sparkle.”

The younglings looked inside as Twilight Sparkle walked out of the carriage with Spike walking alongside her. Right behind her were Night Light, Twilight Velvet, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.

“Twilight,” Pinkie Pie yelled as she jumped at her and gave the unicorn filly a hug. “You’re back.”

“And I never felt better,” Twilight replied.

“Let me guess,” Pinkie Pie said as she let go of Twilight. “You wanted to defend your best friend Wanda, and discovered a spark within you, blocked off all the magic that Queen Chrysalis fired, and countered with a powerful spell that sent her flying?”

Everyone sans Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Airazor, Firefly, Magnum, Wanda, Abigail, Spike and the Wonderbolts dropped their jaws down in total shock.

“Wait a minute,” Danged Spell said. “You beat back the big bad bug?”

“Guilty as charged,” Twilight Sparkle laughed.

“And we were the ones who saw the whole thing play out,” Twilight Velvet said.

“To think,” Night Light said. “Our little Twilight Sparkle became a hero today.”

“Yeah,” Shining Armor said as he gave his little sister a hoof noogie. “Who’d thought my little squirt of a sister was some sort of guardian of harmony.”

“Shining,” Twilight Sparkle laughed. “Cut it out already. Besides, I fought back just to save Wanda from Queen Chrysalis.”

Rarity walked up to Twilight and said “But what you just did was beyond that. You’ve become a hero to the eyes of all of us.”

“Rarity’s right,” Fluttershy said. “Twilight, we’ve known you since you and your friends came down to La Maresa for the fair. But to hear stories about you standing your ground against Queen Chrysalis means a whole lot.”

“Aww, thanks, you guys,” Twilight Sparkle said.

Princess Celestia turned her head towards the crowd and announced “Later today, we will be presenting an award to little Twilight Sparkle for her bravery and courage.”

The crowd cheered into the air as Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie held Twilight above and chanted her name. Rainbow Dash flew over to Twilight and gave her a hoof bump.

“I can’t believe you actually became a hero,” Rainbow Dash said with a playful laugh. “I’m so jealous of you.”

“Well I can’t believe you’re becoming a junior Wonderbolt,” Twilight replied.

“Well that makes two of us,” Rainbow Dash replied as she and Twilight laughed together.

Wanda and Sunset watched from right behind the carriage as Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash cheered Twilight’s name. But as Wanda turned her head to the right, she saw a somber Senator Twinkle Wish approach her.

“Oh no,” Wanda said as she hid behind Sunset. “It’s the bad pony.”

Sunset watched as Senator Twinkle Wish approached her and Wanda. The Senator had a look of shame on her face as she approached the younglings.

“Princess Wanda Young,” Senator Wish said.

“Go away,” Wanda cried. “You bother me.”

“I came here to apologize to you,” Senator Wish said.

Sunset tapped Wanda’s shoulder and said “I think she’s serious on this one.”

Wanda poked her head out and looked up at Senator Twinkle Wish, who looked down at her with a sad look on her face.

“When I first met you back when you were a baby, I only saw you as a monster that would destroy this land,” Senator Wish said. “I fought to have that border wall built up just to keep foreigners from coming in and taking over. But after what Queen Chrysalis said to me, and the fact that they can bypass any wall ever, I felt like a fool to approve of that ridiculous idea. Furthermore, I have seen that you are not a monster. Your mother taught you well, and that was something I overlooked in my paranoia.”

Wanda said nothing as Chancellor Cinch walked up and placed her hoof on the Man’s Cub’s shoulder.

“It’s alright,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Seems the Senator means you no harm, Princess.”

“My apology will not end with mere words, Princess Wanda,” Senator Wish said. “Instead, my apology will conclude with my resignation from the Equestrian Congress.”

Chancellor Cinch was shocked by Senator Wish’s words. She cleared her throat and said “That was a rather surprising announcement coming from you.”

“It sure is,” Senator Wish said. “After what Queen Chrysalis and Coldenlius Snap did to torment me for my support of the border wall, and how useless it was, I felt ashamed of being a Senator. So I will be stepping down from my position and retiring. I’m terribly sorry for everything I’ve put you through. And furthermore, you have every right not to forgive me for what I’ve done.”

Senator Wish bowed to Princess Wanda before turning around and walking off. But before she could move, she felt something hugging her leg. She looked behind and saw Wanda giving her a hug.

“I forgive you,” Wanda said, causing the now former senator to smile.

“Your forgiveness is accepted,” Senator Wish said as Wanda let go. “Good-bye Princess. May you have a blessed life from here on out.”

Senator Wish nodded to Wanda before she walked away. Sunset and Cinch walked up to Wanda, who just looked there with a smile on her face.

“It’s fascinating how we are all subject to change, Princess,” Chancellor Cinch said.

“That’s Man’s Cub, Miss Cinch,” Wanda said.

“Personally, you shouldn’t undercut yourself, cousin.” Wanda, Sunset and Cinch turned around to see Prince Blueblood approach the group.

“Cousin?” Wanda said. “I didn’t expect that from you.”

“It’s okay Wanda,” Sunset said. “Blueblood helped us out when the changelings and cultists attacked us.”

“Wow,” Wanda said after hearing what her adopted sister said. “I can’t believe it. So does that mean what I think it means?”

“Yes it does,” Prince Blueblood said. “But I will pay a horrible price for it. Gold Banks is a member of the board of directors for Horse News Network, and I may get ousted for my new stance.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Wanda said as her tone turned to sorrow. “In fact, I think some ponies just want to watch all of us suffer.”

“I believe that you’re right,” Prince Blueblood said. “But one thing I can say to you is this: Stay true to yourself, cousin Wanda. Even if Gold Banks and her massive media empire makes you a pariah, you will always have those who will support you to the very end.”

Wanda and Blueblood nodded to each other as Prince Blueblood turned around and walked off in the opposite direction. Sunset reached up and hugged Wanda on the back.

“I’m glad you’re still with us, Wanda,” Sunset said. “I don’t know what would have happened to me if Queen Chrysalis took you away, or if Gold Banks decides to make you a pariah.”

“The moment that witch pulls that stunt,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I will be at your side, one hundred percent. I don’t care if they oust me from my position, because I refuse to take that kind of cowardly stance.”

“Thanks, you two,” Wanda said. “I don’t know where I would be without a family or my friends.”

“Speaking of which,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I believe you two should freshen up. We have a busy day despite the long night.”

“Are you sure about that?” Sunset said with a yawn. “The Gala really wore me out.”

“I know,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But once this event is over, then you can rest. And don’t worry. You may be excited for this as I am.”

Sunset Shimmer, Wanda Young and Chancellor Cinch walked towards the opened drawbridge of Canterlot Castle as the morning sun shone down on the land.

Later that day, in the middle of town, every citizen gathered around in the town square. Princess Celestia was on stage alongside Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright, Princess Cadance, Princess Luna, Chancellor Cinch, King Myrrh, Prince Hoofar, Prince Blueblood, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Airazor, Firefly, Magnum, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. Opposite of them was Twilight Sparkle with Spike by her side. Sitting nearby was Night Light, Twilight Velvet, and Shining Armor. On the stage, Wanda, now wearing a long cerulean dress that replaced her worn out Gala Dress, held a pillow on her hands with a heart-shaped gold pendant with a pink jewel in the middle.

In the crowd, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Golden Lace, Cozy Glow, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Ditzy Doo, Trixie, Baby Ocellus and Baby Silverstream sat in the front row, while Bright Mac, Buttercup, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich, Lemony Gem, Buck Withers, and Gad Zookes sat behind them. In a far end corner, Silver Banks watched with anticipation while Gold Banks just sat there with her arms crossed.

“Citizens of Canterlot,” Princess Celestia said. “Not long ago, Queen Chrysalis and her changeling hive joined forces with Coldenlius Snap and the Windigo’s Guild, and attacked us during the Grand Gallopin Gala. WIth the help from King Myrrh’s forces from Saddle Arabia, combined with Queen Novo’s Hippogriff guards, and soldiers lead by Guard Captain Thompson and the Wonderbolts lead by Captain Airazor, we were able to beat back the changeling forces and the Windigo’s Guild, and we will make sure they never step a hoof in Canterlot again.”

The crowd cheered from Celestia’s speech before she raised her hooves into the air, calming them down.

“But we’re not here to just remind all of Equestria to remain vigilant,” Princess Celestia said. “This morning, I came this close to losing my life to Queen Chrysalis when she used my maternal love for my daughters to power her own magic. She also intended on turning Wanda into one of her own. And she would have succeeded if not for my own student, Twilight Sparkle.”

With those words, the crowd cheered as Twilight Sparkle got up and took a few steps forward with Spike by her side.

“Not long ago,” Princess Celestia said. “I had a falling out with my student because I failed in her eyes as a teacher. It was a harsh lesson that even I had to reflect on. But I never lost hope for Twilight. I chose to make up for what I did because she was right in the end. And when Queen Chrysalis came close to turning my daughter into a humanoid changeling, Twilight Sparkle came to her rescue and drove Queen Chrysalis out with a magical power deep within her. One that represents the hope that we call carry.”

Twilight Sparkle and Spike stood by Princess Celestia as the crowd clapped for her.

“Because of her heroism,” Princess Celestia announced. “For saving Wanda Young, and for defeating Queen Chrysalis, I hereby award Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Night Light and Twilight Velvet, young sister of SHining Armor, and best friend to Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Princess Cadance, with the Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage. The mark of a hero.”

The crowd cheered as Wanda Young approached Twilight Sparkle with the Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage on the pillow. Princess Celestia used her magic to levitate the pendant into the air and unhooked the strap open before placing it on Twilight’s neck and hooking it back up. Twilight looked down at the heart and smiled with a tear rolling down her cheek as the crowd cheered for her.

“I can’t believe it,” Twilight said as she looked at the jewel. “It’s been so long since I got my cutie mark and joined this school. Now, I earned this for saving Wanda.”

Wanda placed the pillow on the stand next to the podium as Sunset walked right next to her adopted sister.

“So Twilight,” Sunset said. “This feels alot like graduation for you. What are you going to do now?”

Twilight let her Equestrian Pink Heart of Courage dangle from her neck as she looked up at Sunset and Wanda. She cleared her throat and said “Actually, I’m not ready to leave Canterlot, or the school. I’d like to stick around more not just because there is a lot to learn about friendship, but also because you all are fun to hang around with.”

“That’s great,” Wanda said. “It wouldn’t be right if you were gone.”

“Friends forever?” Sunset asked as she held her hoof out.

Twilight placed her hoof on Sunset’s and said “Friends forever.”

Immediately, Twilight, Sunset and Wanda all gave each other a hug as Rainbow Dash and Spitfire jumped out from the Wonderbolt group and gave the trio hugs of their own. It didn’t take long for Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Ditzy Doo, Trixie, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, and Cozy Glow to get on stage and give Twilight, Sunset, Wanda, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire a big hug.

Golden Lace slowly walked up onto the stage. She caught her breath and was about to walk over when she saw Silver Banks approach her.

“Daddy?” Golden Lace said as Silver Banks got up to her side.

“Lace my darling,” Silver Banks said. “I was a horrible father to you, and I don’t deserve to have you by my side. You have your own future to look forward to. You should be with your uncle and aunt in La Maresa.”

“But,” Golden Lace said.

“No butts,” Silver Banks said as he booped Golden Lace on the nose. “Now go embrace your friends.”

Golden Lace smiled at Silver Banks as a tear rolled down her cheek. She turned towards the rest of the younglings as she ran up to Wanda and gave her a big hug.

“Lace,” Wanda giggled. “I was wondering if you would join us.”

“Sorry,” Lace replied. “I….uhh….felt hesitant.”

“It’s because you’re going to leave us, soon?” Twilight asked.

“Y…yeah,” Golden Lace said.

As the younglings embraced each other, Danged Spell saw Buck Withers, Lemony Gem and Gad Zookes walk up on stage. The young colt let go of his friends and ran up to the three adults.

“How are you doing there, squirt?” Buck Withers asked.

“I feel like I could take on the whole world after what happened last night,” Danged Spell said. “But it looks like you guys are going to head out.”

“We are,” Gad Zookes said. “Sometime tomorrow, we’re going off on a new adventure through the land of Equestria.”

“Nice,” Danged Spell replied “I wish I could go, but I still have my studies at the School for Gifted Unicorns to take care of. Not to mention I’ll miss my friends if I do depart.”

“Well young stallion,” Lemony Gem said. “I hope you keep your friends company. After what happened, they need all the morale to keep their spirits high.”

“You bet,” Danged Spell replied.

WIth that, Buck Withers gaved Danged Spell a friendly noogie on the head as the little colt laughed.

“We won’t be gone till tomorrow,” Buck Withers said. “So you’ll have plenty of time to say good-bye before we depart.”

Danged Spell smiled as Buck Withers held his hoof out. Danged Spell reached out and bumped his hoof off Buck’s hoof. During this time, Shining Armor walked up to Buck.

“Sure going to miss you,” Shining Armor said. “After all that you’ve done for us with the Gala and with helping to look after Wanda, you’ve more than earned my respect.”

“You sure you don’t want to come with us, Shining?” Buck Withers asked.

“I wish I could,” Shining Armor replied. “But one, I still have a hero of a sister to look after. And two, I just found out I’ve been accepted into the Equestrian Royal Guard academy.”

“Well congratulations,” Lemony Gem said. “I hope you come out as the best of the best.”

“Well knowing my Shining Armor,” Princess Cadance said. “He’s bound to come out on top while looking after little Twilight and her friends.”

“You said it,” Shining Armor said.

Buck Withers stood tall and gave a salute to Shining Armor, who bowed back in respect.

Nearby, Rainbow Dash and Spitfire walked away from the group as the rainbow-colored filly looked up at the sky. Spitfire took notice at Rainbow Dash gazing off and tapped her shoulder.

“Hey, you alright?” Spitfire asked.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. “It sure was fun to team up with you guys and send those changelings and cultists.”

“But you sound sad,” Spitfire said. “Don’t you want to stick around and continue your path down to being a Wonderbolt?”

“Well I would,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked down at the goggles dangling from her neck. “But it means I may have to move out of La Maresa, and away from the Ponyville Providence. I know it means alot to be a Wonderbolt, and I dream of being one. But I feel like I’ll pay a price to do so.”

“Well you don’t have to decide.” Rainbow Dash and Spitfire looked up to see Airazor hovering over her.

“Captain Airazor,” Spitfire said. “What’s up?”

“Early ago, I had a talk with Princess Celestia about moving the Wonderbolt Training Camp to the skies above La Maresa,” Airazor said. “The reason is because the Junior Wonderbolt program isn’t working well in Canterlot. So we’re hoping that a new generation of Wonderbolts can come out of La Maresa, and I want you to lead the way.”

“You really mean it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“You bet,” Spitfire said. “In fact, I think I’m falling a bit behind. So I wouldn’t mind having you as a friendly rival to keep my edge in.”

Rainbow Dash tried to hold it in. But she flew right into the air and screamed loudly with excitement, only to fly back down and stand upright.

“I mean, yes ma’am,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Great,” Airazor said. “But don’t expect me to go easy on you. I want to see the best of the best out of you, Rainbow Dash. Are you a bad enough Wonderbolt to take the challenge?”

“YES MA’AM!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she saluted Airazor.

“At ease, Rainbow Dash,” Airazor said. “We’ll meet in one week at our new location in the skies above La Maresa.”

Rainbow Dash loosened up as she, Airazor, Spitfire, Magnum and Firefly laughed. But nearby, Rarity emerged from the youngling group to approach Prince Blueblood.

“So,” Rarity said. “It was a…wild night.”

“So it was,” Prince Blueblood said. “But you’re right. My behavior early last night was not appropriate. I was, after all, the most selfish, un-caring horse’s rear that you’ve ever met.”

“Well until you helped out later that night in getting us out of that mess,” Rarity said. “So you’ve made up for those stunts you pulled.”

“Guess we are all willing to change for the better,” Prince Blueblood said. “But I will pay a horrible price in Manehattan with the Horse News Network, considering that Gold Banks is a part of the board of directors there.”

“I’m terribly sorry to hear that,” Rarity replied.

“Fate can be a cruel thing in the end,” Prince Blueblood replied.

But nearby in some bushes, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score emerged, focusing their sight on the younglings on stage, especially on Twilight Sparkle.

“Did you hear, boys?” Hoops said.

“Yeah,” Dumbbell said. “Twilight Sparkle thinks she’s some kind of hero.”

“What makes her think she’s so great because she claimed to have beaten some bug?” Score said.

“Let’s prove once and for all that she’s no hero, but a whiny little snowflake,” Hoops said as he kicked over a nearby bush, revealing a catapult with eggs and tomatoes in the bucket portion.

“This is one ceremony that they won’t forget in a million years,” Score said with a laugh.

Dumbbell and Score laughed as Hoops went up to the catapult and pulled the lever, launching the tomatoes and eggs into the air towards the younglings on stage.

Back at the stage area, Twilight was just enjoying the moment with her friends when she looked up and saw the eggs and tomatoes flying towards her.

“What in Celestia’s name?” Twilight yelled.

Twilight Sparkle stood there helplessly as the eggs and tomatoes flew towards her and the other younglings. But before they could hit Twilight and the others, they froze in place.

“What’s going on?” Wanda asked as she looked at the food floating in the air.

Prince Blueblood stepped away from Rarity as his horn glowed brightly. He plucked two tomatoes and three eggs out of the batch and placed them on a nearby table. Then he turned to the floating food and used his horn to send them back.

“Miscreants,” Prince Blueblood said.

“What just…happened?” Twilight said with a confused look on her face.

Nearby, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score watched as the tomatoes and eggs launched back right at them.

“Why is this happening, boss?” Score said as he ran around in a circle.

“Who was that snobby prince who deflected that back at us?” Dumbbell said in a panic.

“Who cares,” Hoops said. “Let’s run for it.”

Hoops, Dumbbell and Score turned tail and made a run away from the eggs and tomatoes and away from the catapult. But as they ran past the trees, they tripped on a snare trap and went flying upwards.

“This isn’t happening,” Hoops yelled. “THIS ISN’T HAPPENING!”

As the three pegasus colts were hoisted up the nearby tree, the eggs and tomatoes slammed right at them, covering them in egg yolk and tomato paste.

“Aww yuck,” Dumbbell yelled. “That’s disgusting.”

“Whoever that unicorn is,” Score yelled. “He’ll pay for humiliating us.”

Suddenly, the snare trap comes loose, causing Hoops, Dumbbell and Score to fall to the ground. Hoops stood atop his buds as he struggled to shake the bits and pieces of egg and tomato from his face.

“Who did that?” Hoops said. “When I get my hooves on the snowflake who did that….”

Hoops was able to open his eyes as he looked up to see an agitated Bright Mac staring down at him, Dumbbell and Score. Hoops’ ears flopped down as Dumbbell and Score looked up in horror.

“Uhhh,” Hoops said in a scared voice. “Hey there.”

“I thought banishing you from La Maresa would teach you a harsh lesson,” Bright Mac said as Granny Smith and Big Mac walked up next to him. “But I got reports of you three causing trouble across Equestria, especially here in Canterlot. From tormenting little Starlight Glimmer, to causing a ruckus with a magic show and even the stunt you pulled at the Gala.”

“It’s time you three were hauled back to La Maresa to face the music,” Granny Smith said.

Hoops yelled out “COME ON! LET’S GET OUT OF HERE!” as he, Dumbbell and Score turned tail and began to run, only to be snared by a rope lasso and tied up. The trio looked behind them to see Big Macintosh tightening the lasso by pulling his end of the rope.

“You’re not leaving that easily, Misters,” Bright Mac said. “First thing tomorrow morning, you three are heading home.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac said as he walked up to the three troublemakers and stared down at them.”

As Hoops, Dumbbell and Score complained as loud as possible, Twilight Sparkle watched from the stand as she just stood there, dumbfounded.

“Wow,” Twilight Sparkle said as she looked down at her Pink Heart of Courage. “I was able to handle Queen Chrysalis, but not those three hooligans. Some hero I turned out to be.”

“Don’t let them get under your skin, Twilight,” Night Light said. “You’re still a hero to us, even if three bullies wanted to make life for you tough.”

“You’re our daughter,” Twilight Velvet said. “And we’re proud of you.”

“They’re right,” Shining Armor said as he gave Twilight Sparkle a head noogie. “You’re already an accomplished younger sister. And I couldn’t be more proud than today. Besides, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”

Twilight Sparkle giggled as she leaped towards Shining Armor and gave him a big hug, with Spike yelled out “Twilight.”

But nearby, in another alley, Inferno, Quickstrile and Waspinator watched the crowd from afar. The look on their faces shows a sign of defeat. And yet, they still looked more determined than ever.

“The queen has suffered because of the filly known as Twilight Sparkle,” Inferno said. “But mark my words, brothers. She will have her revenge against her, and capture the little Man’s Cub for our hive.”

“You said it, big bro,” Quickstrike said. “One day, we’ll give those tin-horned iggits the receiving end of our roundhouse.”

“Waspinator more determined to fight for Queen Chrysalis,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator will serve till the very end.”

“That’s what I’m talking about, Waspy,” Quickstrike said as he gave Waspinator a pat on the back.

Quickstrike turned towards Inferno, who looked down at their Beast Wars namesakes in figure form.

“Hey big bro,” Quickstrike said. “Where did you get those awesome-looking toys?”

Inferno looked up at Quickstrike and proceeded to toss two of the Beast Wars figures to him and Waspinator, each of which share the same colors as the two predacons.

“There’s something about these figures that just…ring to us,” Inferno said. “Like we were made to be more than just mere changelings.”

“More than mere changelings?” Waspinator said.

“Yes,” Inferno said. “Perhaps I should take the form of this figure. After all, it does strike me as…fascinating.”

“Then do it,” Quickstrike said. “Show us the power of that figure.”

Inferno looked down at his namesake’s figures, observing the structure and the details. He closed his eyes and shapeshifted into that very figure, becoming an Ant-themed robot on two legs.

“Well I’ll be,” Quickstrike said. “Seems there is truly more to those figures than meets the eye. Nice discovery, big bro.”

“Maybe we should become like these figures,” Waspinator said. “Waspinator like that idea.”

“You betcha, brother,” Quickstrike said. “Let’s transform and roll out.”

Quickstrike and Waspinator looked at their respective Beast Wars figures for a sec before they transformed into the very figures they had in their hand, with Quickstrike becoming a bipedal robotic fusion of a snake and a scorpion, and Waspinator becoming a bipedal wasp-themed robot.

“Wow,” Quickstrike said. “I feel a lot stronger now than I’ve been. Wait till Queen Chrysalis sees this.”

“Waspinator likes new form,” Waspinator said as he looked at his arms, torso and legs. “Waspinator ready to rumble against pony bugs.”

“Then come,” Inferno said in a calm, yet satisfied tone. “Let us return to the hive and tend to Queen Chrysalis. For the glory of the royalty.”

Inferno’s new robot-like abdomen opened up to reveal a pair of boosters. They turn on, allowing for Inferno to fly into the air, taking off into the stratosphere.

“Well,” Quickstrike said as he looked at his back. “Doesn’t look like I can fly in this new form. But I can improvise on that.”

Quickstrike’s changeling wings formed on his new back as he jumped into the air and flew off, following Inferno from behind.

Waspinator looked at his figure, then looked at his new body. He looked up at his two brothers taking off in the distance before flapping his new wings.

“Waspinator happy at last,” Waspinator said.

Waspinator jumped into the air, holding his figure in his hand. He flew off in pursuit of his two predacon brothers in the afternoon sky.

To Be Continued in….

Final part

Friendship is Magic

Author's Note:

If you noticed, of the five unicorn friends of Wanda and Sunset, Twilight Sparkle was the only one who's Cute Ceanera was not written for the audience. You did get one from Danged Spell, Moondancer, Sunburst, as well as Starlight and Wanda. So to make it up, I had to write up an award ceremony for Twilight Sparkle, all because she defeated Queen Chrysalis and saved Wanda Young and Princess Celestia from the big bad bug.

As for what will be the fate of Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, that's for me to know and you to find out.

Tomorrow, the final part of the fanfic: Friendship is Magic, will go up. It's been a long run. But I'm glad I wrote this entire fanfic.

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