• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 5-4: Gathering of the Shrews

Gathering of the Shrews

It was a beautiful afternoon in Canterlot. At a nearby house, Shining Armor was nervously pacing back and forth. It was as if he were waiting for someone.

“Can’t you guys hurry it up?” Shining Armor said. “The Fall Formal is tonight, and I’m hoping to win back Princess Cadance’s heart.”

“We’re almost done,” 8-Bit yelled from another room. “It shouldn’t take long.”

“Well it’s about time,” Shining Armor replied. “The sooner this is all behind us, the better.”

The door to another room opens and Shining Armor gasps in horror. Poindexter walks out of the door wearing a green dress with a fuchsia ribbon wrapped around his waist, dark blue stockings, green high heels, a brown, beautiful and shaggy wig, and a green ribbon on his head. Shining Armor looked like he was going to puke.

“You,” Shining Armor replied. “You really didn’t need to do this. What about your dignity?”

“It’s more about your dedication to Princess Cadance than it is about our dignity,” Poindexter replied as 8-Bit and Gaffe came up behind him.

“Yeah,” 8-Bit said as he stood by Poindexter. “You care for Princess Cadance that much, and we want to make sure you earn your happy ending with her.”

“Your sister cares deeply for your well-being,” Gaffe said. “And as someone with a little brother, I can relate to that. Your sister needs you. Your girl needs you. Do this for her.”

“Thanks you guys,” Shining Armor said as he wiped a tear from his eye. “If I didn’t have friends like you or a sister like Twilight, I would be the loneliest pony of Equestria.”

But as Shining Armor regained his confidence, there was a knock on the front door.

“Will you three excuse me for a moment?” Shining Armor said as he walked to the front door.

“Now what was that all about?” 8-Bit said to Gaffe.

“Beats me?” Gaffe said.

Shining Armor approached the front door and opened it. As the door slowly opened, Shining Armor caught the eyes of Lemony Gem, a pony that he’s barely crossed paths with.. Why was she here at the front door? And why were her eyes fixated on Shining Armor?

“Shining Armor, is it?” Lemony Gem asked.

“That would be me,” Shining Armor replied.

“I was wondering if…” Lemony Gem said. “You could go to the Fall Formal with me?”

Shining Armor’s jaw dropped to the floor. It was one thing for some random mare to knock at his door. But to ask him to the Fall Formal Festival? That was something that never even crossed his mind.

“Are you sure about this?” Shining Armor asked.

“Yes,” Lemony Gem replied.

This had put Shining Armor into an odd predicament. But as he pondered on what to do next, he noticed a familiar face waving behind the corner of a building. It was Princess Cadance, who gave Shining Armor a wink. Something within Shining Armor knew that maybe he should go along with this. He turned his gaze to Lemony Gem and cleared his throat.

“Sure,” Shining Armor said. “What time would you like to be picked up?”

“Around 5PM,” Lemony Gem said. “And don’t worry. I’m pretty fast.”

“Great,” Shining Armor said. “I’ll see you then.”

As Lemony Gem walked away, singing like she’s had the best day ever, Shining Armor closed the door, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He looks up and sees 8-Bit, Gaffe and Poindexter looking from behind the corner. Poindexter was still dressed up in drag, and he had a disappointing look on his face.

“Let me guess,” Shining Armor said. “You’re not going to be using that for the Fall Formal Festival?”

“Yes,” Poindexter sighed. “And I was looking forward to this.”

“Actually,” Gaffe said. “I have an idea. We’ll go along with your new plan, and one of us can go with Poindexter to help out in any way possible.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” 8-Bit said as he turned his attention to Gaffe. “So, best two out of three in All-Star Warriors?”

“You’re on,” Gaffe said.

Outside, Lemony Gem walked up to Princess Cadance, who was still hiding behind the building corner. Right next to her are Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright. All three sisters looked excited over the course of events, all while Abigail rubbed her head on Wanda’s leg.

“It’s done,” Lemony Gem said to Princess Cadance. “But, I’m not so sure why you want to scare Buck Withers.”

“That’s easy,” Princess Cadance said. “Since he won’t listen to reason, I figured making his hair ghostly white will change his mind. Besides, you stated that you were rescued by him.”

“Well that’s true,” Lemony Gem replied.

“And you also stated that he is dreamy.” Princess Cadance said. “Does that mean that you’re...in love with him?”

Wanda and Sunset couldn’t help, but giggle at that vision, or what they’re gonna do to Buck Withers.

“Well yes,” Lemony Gem. “But I don’t see the idea of scaring him as right.”

“Trust me,” Princess Cadance said. “I get my own boy, you get your own boy, and everyone will be happy in the end.”

“I hope this works,” Lemony Gem said. “Because I have a very bad feeling about this.”

As Lemony Gem and Princess Cadance continued to speak to each other, Wanda and Sunset began to have a conversation of their own.

“So how do you think Twilight is recruiting the others for this prank?” Wanda asked.

“Starlight and Moondancer are already on board with this plan,” Sunset replied. “But there is one who I think might not make it.”

“That’s right,” Wanda said. “Danged Spell.”

“He’s a big fan of Buck Withers, and he’s the least likely to join us on our plan to humiliate the adventurer.” Sunset said. “It would take a miracle to get him on our side.”

“I hope you’re wrong,” Wanda said.

“Well if I was wrong,” Sunset said as she blew up a small tuff of her hair. “Then our chances of beating this guy have gone up. But hey, anything is possible.”

“I’M IN!”

It was down the street at the house of Fortwright and Shanoa. Danged Spell was at the front door with Twilight, Starlight and Moondancer outside.

“I should have known you were still in your fantasy about Buck Wit...WHA?” Twilight said before becoming dumbfounded by Danged Spell’s decision.

“I know I’m a fan of Buck Withers,” Danged Spell said. “But this is also Wanda and Sunset’s big sister we’re talking about. If it means betraying the big guy for you all, count me in. Besides, my parents suggested that I don’t rely on him too much for inspiration.”

“I…” Moondancer said. “I don’t believe it. We came here, assuming you weren’t going to help us on our plan, and here you are all willing to jump in. You are full of surprises.”

“Well anyway,” Danged Spell said. “I hope you have everything ready for tonight, cuz me and Sunburst are ready to...SHUTTLE UP!” Danged Spell let out a laugh while Moondancer began to groan at the young colt’s cheesy space pun.

“Uggh,” Moondancer said, completely disgusted. “We convince him to join our cause and he lets out a space pun.”

“Well,” Starlight said. “I’m willing to risk that if it means our plan is a success.”

Danged Spell walked outside the doorway as Sunburst emerged with a book. The cover said ‘Illusions for a new age of Unicorns.’

“According to this,” Sunburst said. “To create a nearly realistic roc illusion, it would take a lot of Unicorn magic, and not just in creation, but also in maintenance.”

“No sweat,” Twilight said. “Princess Cadance is an alicorn. She’s got more magic than all six of us combined.”

“Well I’ve got some bad news,” Sunburst said as he showed the pages of the book to Twilight. “Even with Princess Cadances’ magic, this nearly realistic illusion might not be enough to maintain.”

Twilight Sparkle looked at the content of the book, and looked like she was about to freak out.

“Are you crazy?” Twilight yelled. “Do we need a ton of magic to maintain an illusion like that?”

“Sounds like that might take up alot of our magic,” Starlight said. “And Wanda gets really exhausted when she uses her magic.”

“No sweat,” Danged Spell said. “I’d said I was game, and I’d say we ride it out for now.”

“You sound real competent despite our odds,” Moondancer said to Danged Spell.

“Well hey,” Danged Spell replied with a smug face. “Our ideas are way more than fantasy. Besides, when the going gets tough, imagine it as an optical illusion.”

“A what?” Starlight asked.

“A mirage,” Danged Spell said. “Besides, there’s more than one way to...ROC OUT.”

“Danged Spell,” the others went as they all laughed at that pun.

Later that night at Princess Celestia’s castle deep within its halls, Princess Cadance, Sunset Shimmer, Wanda Young and Abigail Albright were all waiting with excitement. Princess Cadance was decked out in a gorgeous lavender dress. Sunset was wearing a light blue dress and Wanda was wearing a dark purple sleeveless dress. As the three sisters waited with anticipation, Princess Celestia walked in, taking notice of her daughter’s excitement.

“I take it you're on some plan,” Princess Celestia said.

“How’d you know, mom?” Princess Cadance replied.

“Well the look on your faces say a lot,” Princess Celestia replied, keeping a smirk on her face.

“Okay,” Princess Cadance said. “We’re gonna try to scare Buck Withers tonight at the Fall Formal. Turns out, the big guy is afraid of rocs. And if we conjure one in the middle of the dance, it will cause him to freak out and run for his life.”

“Are you really sure about that?” Princess Celestia said. “I know he won’t listen to reason. But that doesn’t sound like a good idea.”

“Aww come on, mommy,” Wanda said with tears in her eyes. “Besides, bad pony embarrassed me.”

“She still hasn’t gotten over it,” Sunset said as she put her hoof around her younger sister.

Celestia could not put any word to it. On the one hoof, she is hesitant about the idea of pranking someone she doesn’t know of. But on the other hoof, she’s also concerned for Wanda’s safety, especially after the tale her daughter told about being tossed up in the air like that.

“Your majesties,” Majordomo Kibitz said as he entered the ballroom. “Buck Withers the adventurer and his sidekick Gad Zookes have arrived.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance turn their attention to the front as Majordomo Kibitz steps to the side. Buck Withers walked on in with Gad Zookes at his side. Both stallions were wearing a fancy tuxedo, with Buck spotting a rose on his jacket. Wanda takes one good look at Buck and hides behind Princess Celestia, with Abigail hiding behind the Man’s Cub.

“Princess Celestia, is it?” Buck Withers says as he approaches the royal family. “I’ve been dying to meet the legendary monarch of Equestria.”

“Uhh, legendary?” Princess Celestia said as she was embarrassed by that title.

“I was also hoping you would have a fine son-in-law like myself.” Buck Withers said. “Imagine a future king to inspire a whole new generation of adventurers. After all, we can’t be laying on back, playing video games and watching the Whinny channel.”

“That...happens to be my sister’s favorite hobby,” Princess Celestia said as a part of her was cringing on the inside.

Buck Withers looks to the side and sees Wanda hiding behind Princess Celestia. Wanda got one good look at the stallion and is about to freak.

“Well here there, little precious,” Buck Withers said as he approached Wanda. “Do you miss your future brother-in-law?”

Wanda attempted to make a run for it, only for Buck Withers to pick her up like last time. The Man’s Cub could do nothing, but shake in fear as she looked into the eyes of the enthusiastic adventurer.

“Please be careful,” Celestia said.

“Oh nonsense,” Buck Withers said. “Younglings need to have a spirit of excitement in them.”

And with that, Buck Withers began to toss Wanda upwards in the air, just like last time. Wanda could do nothing but scream as loud as possible, all the while Buck continued to play with her.

“I think that’s enough of that,” Princess Celestia said as she grabbed Wanda with her magic, stopping her in mid-air. The Man’s Cub looked downwards and breathed a sigh of relief. “I don’t like it when anyone treats my daughter like that.”

“My apologies,” Buck Withers. “But it’s a habit of mine, and not that many colts and fillies object to it.”

Buck Withers brushes himself off and begins to walk towards the doorway.

“Come on, my darling,” Buck Withers said to Princess Cadance. “Our royal chariot awaits, as is the future of our kingdom.”

But as Buck was about to step out, he once again stepped on Abigail’s tail, causing the kitten to scream real loud and fly upwards to the ceiling.

“Oops,” Buck Withers said as everyone looked up at Abigail. The baby cat was hanging on for dear life on the ceiling, shaking like she had seen a ghost. Sunset Shimmer put her hoof to her face in complete shame.

“Please don’t let this guy become my brother-in-law. Please don’t let this guy become my brother-in-law. Please don’t let this guy become my brother-in-law.” Sunset chanted to herself.

“I really need to be more careful,” Buck Withers said as he checked the bottom of his hoof. “The last thing I need is to make stepping on a cat's tail a habit.” He turned his attention to Princess Cadance and said “Come on, my darling. We have a night at the formal to attend.”

“Err wait,” Princess Cadance said. “My mom has some important rules for me to talk about. After all, I...uhhh….have a set curfew.”

“Err yes,” Princess Celestia said as she lowered Wanda down to the floor. “No later than 10PM. I don’t want her to get in trouble, and get locked up in jail.”

“Very well, your majesties,” Buck Withers said. “I will wait for you outside.” He turns to Gad and says “Come along Gad. We shall make do with the waiting.”

As Buck Withers makes his way out the doorway, Gad Zookes walks along right behind the guy. He turns to Celestia and Cadance and bows.

“I can assure you both,” Gad Zookes said. “When the night is over, you both will be the happiest of monarchs of all the lands.”

As Gad Zookes makes his way outside the doorway, Celestia turns her head towards her daughter Cadance. And judging by the look on her face, Celestia was disgusted.

“I'll take it back,” Princess Celestia said. “I want in on your grand prank.”

“I was gonna ask for your blessing,” Princess Cadance said with a chuckle. “But if you want in, I don’t mind.”

Celestia turns to Wanda and says “My darling, could you go fetch your dear Abigail from the ceiling?”

“Right away, mommy,” Wanda said as she sprouted her flutter wings and flew up to the ceiling to fetch Abigail.

“I never expected someone like you to be like this, mommy,” Sunset Shimmer said to Celestia.

“My dear Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia said as she put her hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. “I may be the Prime Princess of Equestria. But I happen to have a rebel’s spirit, and I’m willing to go rogue in some cases, be it for the homeless, or any child who gets that level of humiliation.”

“So you’re going to help us?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Without a doubt,” Princess Celestia replied. “Though I am going to wind up upsetting Chancellor Cinch. She’s more of a by-the-book ruler.”

“And why’s that?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“If she found out about the little prank I helped your older sister with,” Princess Celestia said. “She would be upset at me.”

“I see,” Sunset said looking disappointed. “I was hoping she would be on board with our plan.”

Suddenly, Majordomo Kibitz yelled “Chancellor Abacus Cinch has entered the castle, and she is looking really peeved.” As the Majordomo steps aside, Chancellor Cinch comes marching on in, completely drenched in water, and looking like she’s about to blow her stack.

“Chancellor,” Princess Celestia said, stunned by Cinch’s appearance. “What happened to you?”

“I’ll tell you what happened,” Chancellor Cinch replied. “Some big shot hero decided to play ‘Ring around the rosie” with me, thinking he’ll be King of Equestria. The next thing I knew, I went flying right into a bucket full of water. I’ve seen my fair share of juvenile delinquents. But this showoff takes the cake.”

“I think we know who’s behind it,” Princess Celestia said. “And he has a crush on my daughter Princess Cadance.” All Cadance could do was smile.

“Oh I will not have that delinquent as my king,” Cinch protested. “The moment that crown goes over his head, I am submitting my resignation papers. I will never be Prime Chancellor of that braggart. And of all the times the Man’s Cub has proven to be a headache, this is the one time I could use her help. Where is she, anyway?”

By the time Cinch got done talking, Wanda Young flew right on down, carrying Abigail in her arms. She was quick to notice the Chancellor, but was once again too shaken up by Buck Withers to be afraid.

“Well there you are, Man’s Cub,” Cinch said as Wanda looked at her. “I hope you have an idea on how to handle that simpleton.”

“You mean that bad stallion Buck Withers?” Wanda said. “Actually, we are.”

“Oh you are?” Cinch said, surprised by Wanda’s words.

“She’s actually right,” Princess Celestia said. “We’re going to give Buck Withers the scare of his life.”

And with that, Celestia whispered into Chancellor Cinch’s ear about the plan to scare Buck Withers. The Chancellor got a devilish grin on her face as if she enjoyed everything the Prime Princess told her.

“What a devious idea, your majesty,” Cinch said. “While I can’t help you out in case this winds up being a scandal, I can assure you that I will be requesting a front row seat when this plays out..”

“Your wish,” Princess Celestia said with a wink. “Is my command.”

Nearby, Wanda continued to watch Celestia and Cinch talk with each other, all while holding Abigail in her arms. The kitten looked up at Wanda with a confused look.

“Oh don’t worry Abi,” Wanda said as she gave Abigail a rub on her forehead. “We’ll give that meanie Buck Withers his just desserts.”

“You can say that again,” Sunset Shimmer said as she walked right next to Wanda. “Once this plays out, big sis will be with Shining Armor again. And we don’t have to worry about Buck Withers anymore.”

It was later that night at the School for Gifted Unicorns. The Fall Formal Festival had started and groups of ponies were walking into the dance hall, ready to party the night away. Shining Armor had brought along Lemony Gem. The two looked gorgeous in their attire.

“So,” Shining Armor said. “What do you want to do? Dance the night away? Enjoy the fine cuisine? Or do you have something else in mine?”

“I think I know what to do,” Lemony Gem said as she’s about to open the door. “Come on. What are you waiting for?”

Shining Armor followed Lemony Gem through the doorway and into the dance hall. Inside, ponies from across Canterlot mingled and chat with each other, enjoying the night as a disco ball lit up the room. There were plenty of food nearby for hungry bellies, and punch for parched throats. The very atmosphere was enough to give Shining Armor a good chuckle.

“For a school that is focused on unicorns,” Shining Armor said. “It’s amazing that it invites pegasi and earth ponies to its Fall Formal Festival.”

“Shining, look,” Lemony Gem yelled as she pointed in another direction. Shining Armor looked in that direction and saw Princess Cadance waving to him. For Shining Armor, it was a good sign.

“Why don’t we pay her a visit?” Shining Armor said.

Shining Armor and Lemony Gem walk up to Princess Cadance. The young alicorn was excited to see the teen stallion, and Lemony Gem seems to have a bit of excitement in her heart. But for Shining Armor, he is in the dark.

“Well I was wondering when you would both show up,” Princess Cadance said. “Buck Withers is busy using the stallion’s room with that Gad Zookes guy.”

“So what’s the purpose of tonight?” Shining Armor asks.

“Follow me. It’s going to be a great surprise,” Princess Cadance said.

Princess Cadance trots down the dance hall, excited for the plan she was going to cook up. Shining Armor just looked at Lemony Gem with an awkward stare.

“It was her idea,” Lemony Gem said as she trotted down, following Princess Cadance.

“Well, if in Canterlot,” Shining Armor said. “Do what they do.” Shining Armor proceeds to trot down the dance hall, following both Princess Cadance and Lemony Gem from behind.

While everyone else was mingling with each other, Princess Cadance, Lemony Gem and Shining Armor were able to leap onto the stage of the dance hall and quietly sneak behind the curtain. Princess Cadance was able to stick her head out to ensure that no one was looking before diving right behind.

Behind the curtain, Princess Cadance waited with anticipation with Shining Armor and Lemony Gem.

“So,” Shining Armor said to Cadance. “What’s this you’re planning on doing?”

“Turn around my darling,” Princess Cadance said. “I think you’re in for a surprise.”

Shining Armor turns around and sees Wanda, Abigail, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell. None of them were wearing anything fancy, but they looked like they were primed and ready. Well most of them.

“You decided to babysit during the Fall Formal?” Shining Armor asked, confused by the presence of the children.

“No you silly,” Princess Cadance said as she turned her head towards her younger sisters. “Sunset. Wanda. Go ahead and tell them of our plan.”

“What we’re going to do is create an illusion of a Roc to scare up Buck Withers,” Sunset said to Shining Armor.

“A roc?” Shining Armor said.

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “A big bird that Buck Withers is afraid of. He can’t stand those monsters.”

“That sounds like a tall order to scare that guy,” Shining Armor.

“Well,” Princess Cadance said. “We found out that Buck Withers is afraid of Rocs. So our plan involves scaring Buck Withers out of the School.”

“It does sound a bit cruel,” Lemony Gem said. “But I still owe him for saving me from that fight long ago. So I’m hoping you folks go easy on him.”

“Oh, we’re not going to do anything horrible,” Sunset said as she smiled with a big grin on her face. “Just scare him till he’s pale as a ghost.”

“Actually,” Twilight said as she walked up to Princess Cadance. “We ran into a big problem.”

“A big problem?” Princess Cadance asked.

Sunburst walked up to Princess Cadance and said “According to ‘Illusions for a new age of Unicorns,’ we would need a lot of magic to maintain the illusion. And despite the fact that you’re an alicorn, it may not be enough.”

“So even with you at our side,” Twilight said. “It may not be enough, and we may end up wearing out Wanda. I’m sorry.”

Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst and Moondancer had the look of disappointment on their faces. Danged Spell was more confused by Twilight’s words, despite his promise to help out. But Sunset, Wanda and Princess Cadance couldn’t hold their laughter in. All three sisters laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing ever.

“What’s so funny?” Twilight said.

“I think they find our problems ridiculous,” Danged Spell said to Twilight. “Or they have a backup plan.”

Princess Cadance was able to get a hold of herself as she wiped a tear from her eye. Wanda and Sunset had problems controlling their laughter, but they were able to get under control.

“I’m sorry, Twilight,” Princess Cadance said. “But I believe Danged Spell is right. And as a matter of fact, you’ll never guess who wanted in on our prank.”

As Princess Cadance finished speaking, a nearby door opened and Princess Celestia emerged. Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer, and Danged Spell were surprised by her presence. But it was Twilight who ran towards her mentor, excited to see her again.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight said as she gave the Princess of the Sun a big hug.

“It’s great to see you again, Twilight,” Celestia said. “Normally, I would have been against scaring Buck Withers. But nobody messes with my family. And as a family, we are one together.”

Twilight lets go of Celestia, and looks up to her. She said “I take it Buck Withers did something to Sunset or Wanda. Does that explain why you came to help out?”

“I’m afraid Buck decided to toss Wanda in the air like a play thing.” Celestia said. “And it wasn’t the first time he did that.”

Wanda and Abigail walked up to Twilight, still a bit startled by Buck Wither’s recklessness. “Not only that,” Wanda said as she picked up Abigail and held onto her. “He stepped on my precious kitty’s tail three times. He’s a bad pony.”

"Wow," Twilight said, shocked by this new revelation. "I knew you would have an issue with Buck as your brother-in-law. But the way he treated you. Now that's taking it too far."
"Even Chancellor Cinch had a problem with Buck Withers," Princess Celestia said. "So she's coming here to observe our….not-so-little prank."
"And just to make sure this goes off without a hitch," Moondancer said as she pulled out two bushels full of red raspberries. The other kids giggled at what she was planning.
"Really clever," Sunset said to Moondancer. "Making it look like we were attacked by the Roc. What would all of our parents think?"
"Funny you should say that," Moondancer giggled. "It was my parent's idea. They're not as fond of Buck Withers compared to their studies of astronomy. And I don't blame them."
"Then I believe we should be all set for tonight," Princess Celestia said as she waited in anticipation. "All we need is for the so-called adventurer to show his face."
"Well guess what," Princess Cadance said as she pulled her head back from the curtain. "He's here. And he's been waiting for me to come back out of the little girl's room."
"Then we'll need a distraction," Princess Celestia said as she began to ponder her next plan.
Shining Armor raised his hoof as he said "I'll do it. I'll distract him."
"Shining," Princess Cadance said with a look of concern on her face. "Are you sure about that?"
"Don't worry," Shining Armor said. "I've waited a long time to confront him. And I'm not afraid to do so.."
"Be careful my darling," Princess Cadance said as she gave Shining Armor a kiss on the cheek.
Shining Armor bowed down to Princess Cadance before turning around and walking through the curtains. The children, the princesses and Lemony Gem could do nothing, but wait in anticipation as Shining Armor began to make his move.
"Please give that bad stallion a good whooping," Wanda said.
But as everyone waited, they heard what sounded like laughter in the dance hall. Soon, everyone looked really embarrassed.
"Is that...everyone laughing at my darling?" Princess Cadance said as she looked real nervous
"Even worse…." Lemony Gem said as she looked out. "I see two of his friends. One of which is wearing a dress,"
Princess Cadance let out a chuckle and said "Bring them here. We'll get them caught up on our plan."

To Be Continued in

The Telltale Roc

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