• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 16(Strength Through Friendship)-1:A Royal Preparation

Arc 16: Strength Through Friendship

A Royal Preparation

“I can’t believe it’s been a week since we got back from that horrible sandstorm in Saddle Arabia,” Princess Luna said as she walked down the castle hallway with Princess Celestia, King Myrrh, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom by her side. “Never imagined myself trapped like a rat in that cavern.”

“Well what matters the most is that the treaty is completed,” Princess Celestia said. “Even if we had these unexpected situations.”

“This makes me wonder why we didn’t consider negotiating the treaty here in Canterlot?” Princess Luna said.

“My dear Princess Luna,” King Myrrh said. “The goal was to at least get you to know our people down in Saddle Arabia. It was short lived, but at least everyone appreciated going out of your way to see them. Besides, I tried to come up a few days ago, and I was denied entry thanks to the guards.”

“That’s really strange,” Princess Celestia said. “We didn’t order the guards to prevent entry into Equestria.”

“That was the work of Gold Banks and her Debt Collector Squad,” Princess Luna said. “Remember when on our way back, they tried to prevent us from entering?”

“I should have seen the look on your face when you drove them off from the border,” Princess Celestia laughed. “This makes me wonder what Gold Banks was thinking when she hired those untrained baboons.”

“You mean untrained buffoons,” King Myrrh laughed. “After all, baboons have a higher level of intelligence compared to those fools.”

WIth that, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna burst out into laughter as they walked alongside King Myrrh, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom.

“You know,” Princess Luna said as her tone changed. “When I get the chance, I am going to have a word with the Banks not just for that stunt they pulled a week ago at the Canterlot Hospital, but also on why they didn’t want to let outsiders in.”

“That’s going to be a problem on both,” Princess Celestia said as she pulled out a newspaper and presented it to Princess Luna.

Princess Luna used her magic to pick up the newspaper and looked at it.

“It says here.” Princess Luna read. “Gold Banks’ stunt was just to confirm if Wanda was really sick in the first place.” She placed down the newspaper with a disgusted look on her face and said “That’s pretty typical of that diva.”

“The fact that she can get away with whatever she wants is appalling,” Prince Hoofar said.

“Well we’re actually lucky Princess Cadance was not made a pariah after what Gold Banks did last week,” Princess Celestia said. “Then again, I would have done the same thing if Gold Banks did try to seize Wanda from me.”

“It’s appalling that she can get away with it,” King Myrrh said. “She is neither royalty, nor is she a representative of your people.”

“It’s not just that,” Princess Luna said. “She alone controls the media across Equestria. Newspaper, television, the internet. Though like Celestia said, we’re lucky that Princess Cadance did not get made a pariah.”

As the group continued to talk with each other, they walked through the foyer of the grand castle and towards the front door.

“As much as I want to stick around for your Grand Gallopin Gala,” King Myrrh said as the group approached the front door. “I’m afraid I cannot.”

“Are you sure about that?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I know why you want me here,” King Myrrh laughed. “But I’m afraid I’ve been away from my people in Saddle Arabia for so long.”

“Well I wish you the best of your journey back home, King Myrrh,” Princess Celestia said.

As King Myrrh spoke, he along with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom stepped outside where a carriage stood outside with two pegasus guards ready to pull.

“Now that being said,” King Myrrh said as he stopped and turned to face Princess Celestia. “I know a certain someone who wished to attend your Grand Gallopin Gala. And who I have granted permission with my blessing. Step forward.”

Once King Myrrh stopped speaking, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom each took a step forward. Celestia and Luna were pleasantly surprised by the two younglings.

“I see you’re allowing your son and little Jasmine to attend our gala,” Princess Celestia said.

“Correct,” King Myrrh said. “Though I won’t be attending your Gala, I have granted my son permission to attend, along with little Jasmine just to help boost her spirits.”

“We will look after both of them,” Princess Luna said. “You have our word.”

“Father,” Prince Hoofar said. “Are you sure you’re going to be alright back at Saddle Arabia?”

“I will,” King Myrrh said. “But don’t you worry, my son. I will be back once the Gala is over.”

King Myrrh and Prince Hoofar gave each other a big hug before the king turned tail and walked towards the carriage. He came to a stop and turned his head back to the Prince.

“And be sure to take care of little Jasmine,” King Myrrh said. “We’re still trying to find her parents.”

With that, King Myrrh stepped inside the carriage and closed the door behind him as the pegasi guards pulled the gorgeous wagon and flew into the air with it. Prince Hoofar, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna waved goodbye while Jasmine Bloom just stared as the carriage disappeared into the clouds.

“Mommy, daddy,” Jasmine Bloom said as she reached out to the sky.

“It’s going to be alright, dear,” Princess Celestia said as she placed her hoof around Jasmine’s side. “As long as you have me, Lyna and friends by your side, you’re going to be okay.”

As Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom turned around and walked back the other way, they noticed Princess Cadance, Chancellor Cinch, Shining Armor, Queen Novo and Princess Skystar walking towards them. Baby Silverstream was laying atop Skystar’s back, giggling

“I was wondering where you both went,” Queen Novo said. “Did King Myrrh decide to stick around?”

“I’m afraid not,” Princess Celestia said. “He’s got his people to worry about.”

“Well that’s a shame,” Queen Novo said, sounding a bit disappointed. “I was hoping to chat with him during this year’s Grand Gallopin Gala.”

“You’ll get your chance,” Princess Luna said. “After he addresses his people, he’ll come back to pick up Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom.”

“With that out of the way,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I think it’s time we prepare for the big event: The Grand Gallopin Gala. Thousands of guests from across Equestria will be gathered together, just like the many events you’ve held.”

“The one event that Wanda hates to attend,” Princess Celestia said. “Every time, she always freaks out because there are so many guests and so little to do with younglings.”

“I don’t blame her for once,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Last year, I remember the emotional breakdown she went through while she tried to make her way through the castle. We were fortunate enough that she didn’t lash out with her magic.”

“But it still made the news,” Princess Celestia said as she pulled out a roll of newspaper and unrolled it. “Grand Gallopin Temper Tantrum. It took a month to get every pony to calm down on that incident.”

“I remember that,” Princess Luna said. “And we pushed her so hard to be on her best behavior at last year’s Gala. No wonder she doesn’t look forward to these events.”

“That was one of the reasons why I had Wanda attend the School for Gifted Unicorns,” Princess Celestia said. “It was so that she could get adjusted towards society here in Equestria, so she doesn’t feel overwhelmed.”

“I only hope that your theory does work,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Because after what we all went through in La Maresa and just recently at the Canterlot Hospital, I’m not so sure if she is safe among all of us.”

“Even so,” Princess Luna said. “We don’t even know where she truly came from, or where her mother Eleanor Young lives.”

“I think it would be best to talk more about this inside,” Princess Celestia said.

“Agreed, “Chancellor Cinch said.

With that, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Chancellor Cinch, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom all turned towards the castle doors and walked in that direction. Princess Skystar took notice at Jasmine Bloom and walked alongside the little filly, who only covered her eyes and turned her head.

“Hey,” Princess Skystar said as Baby Silverstream raised her head from behind the older hippogriff filly. “Are you alright?”

“I...don’t want to talk about it,” Jasmine said.

“But it’s going to be okay,” Prince Hoofar said as he walked right beside Jasmine. “You’re one of us and you’re also in better hooves.”

“Are you really sure about that?” Jasmine asked.

“We’re as sure as a school of fish in the sea,” Princess Skystar said.

“Fish in the sea?” Shining Armor laughed. “Sounds like you’ve got too much salt water in your ears. Maybe next time, instead of being a sea pony, you should try being a bat.”

But as Shining Armor laughed, a sudden splash of water sprays all over his face. As the stallion’s tone went from amused to annoyed while water dripped from his mane, he turned his face to see Queen Novo, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance laughing at him. Even Chancellor Cinch could hardly contain her composure.

“Oh hah hah,” Shining Armor said as he shook the excess water off his fur, causing the others to back off. “Really funny you chowderheads.”

“Maybe if you learned how to respect the sea,” Queen Novo said with a grin on her face. “Then you wouldn’t be all wet.”

As Shining Armor glanced coldly at Queen Novo, his ears began to pick up a faint sound in the distance. He looked to his right and saw another carriage fly towards the castle.

“Hey guys,” Shining Armor said. “Were we expecting guests this early?”

Princess Celestia looked up at the carriage as it flew in closer and closer. She turned to Shining Armor and said “Now that you mentioned it, yes I did.”

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom all turned to face the carriage as it landed on the pavement of the courtyard.

“By any chance mother,” Princess Cadance asked. “Who did you invite over?”

“Some friends from La Maresa that Bright Mac was expecting,” Princess Celestia said.

The guard unhooked himself from the carriage as he walked over to the door and opened it. From out the carriage emerged Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich, the latter who was holding Diamond Tiara in a saddlebag on her back. Right behind them were Granny Smith, Big Macintosh and Buttercup as they emerged from the carriage. Like with Spoiled Rich, Buttercup had a saddlebag on her back as well. But riding in the saddlebag was baby Apple Bloom, alongside two other little foals. One was a unicorn with a light gray coat with grayish mulberry and pale light grayish rose mane. The other was a pegasi with a light brilliant gamboge coat with a moderate cerise mane.

“Bout time we landed,” Granny Smith said with a snort. “I really should have gone with Bright Mac instead of flying.”

“Now now, Mrs Smith,” Filthy Rich said. “It was Bright Mac who insisted on going up here with the younglings.”

“Nonsense,” Granny Smith said. “My son’s gonna get an earful over leaving me to ride on this wretched contraption.”

“Look on the bright side, Granny,” Buttercup said. “We’re here in Canterlot, and the Grand Gallopin Gala should be something to celebrate.”

“Good point there,” Granny Smith said. “Besides, if I ever see those Windigo delinquents again, I’ll make em pay for what they did to the Ponyville Providence Fair.”

As Granny Smith landed her four hooves onto the pavement, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance approached the group with smiles on their faces.

“It’s been awhile, Granny Smith,” Princess Celestia said. “How have things been?”

“Stressful,” Granny Smith said. “Ever since that no good varmit made a mess of La Maresa, less travelers have been paying a visit. If I ever get my hooves on that cold-hearted snake, I’ll give him a spanking he won’t forget.”

“Don’t we all?” Princess Luna laughed before her tone got cold. “But you wouldn’t believe what happened since we got back from La Maresa.”

“Actually, I can,” Spoiled Rich said as she stepped forward with Diamond Tiara riding in her saddlebag. “We all got the letter from Bright Mac about what my sister did to Wanda, after she got sick from the Hay Fever.” Those caused Granny Smith’s tone to go from outraged to depressed.

“When Bright Mac told all of us about this through the letter,” Granny Smith said. “My heart sank. I can’t believe someone as heartless as Gold Banks would abuse Wanda like that, even when she was recovering from a serious illness. Poor kid. It’s like fate chose to rattle her emotions up like a ragdoll.”

Princess Cadance stepped forward and said “It was I who saved both of my sisters from Gold Banks. Alongside the others who wanted to protect Wanda like your son Bright Mac, and others like Chancellor Cinch, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Buck Withers, Lemony Gems, Gad Zookes and even the kids joined in. In fact, even your own niece Golden Lace took our side.”

“I...I don’t believe it,” Spoiled Rich said as she put her hoof to her mouth. “Golden Lace did that? How did she turn a new leaf?”

“I am responsible for setting your niece on the right path, Mrs Rich,” Queen Novo said as she stood by Princess Cadance. “I was upset when she tried to take one of our orbs of transformation back at Seaquestria. But at the same time, I knew she needed to be taught a lesson that her parents failed to teach her. That being said, I was saddened to learn that they threw her out after she defended Princess Celestia at the school.”

“That is absurd with what they did,” Filthy Rich said as he slammed his hoof on the pavement. “No one should be treated like that for doing a good deed.”

“Because of what Gold Banks did a week ago to my sisters and to Golden Lace,” Princess Cadance said. “I have filed a restraining order against her so that she can not harm Wanda, Sunset or even her own daughter. She’s trying to file an appeal. But for now, they’re safe from her.”

Spoiled Rich stepped forward to Princess Celestia and said “If there is any way that we can adopt Golden Lace, let me know. I will not let my sister treat her daughter like a mere prop to be thrown out.”

“We will try,” Princess Celestia said. “But it is not guaranteed. Gold Banks controls not just the politicians, but also the news media. She will use that to pressure the courts into walking back on that restraining order. After that, who knows what she will do to keep her child.”

“That is some seriously messed up hogwash,” Granny Smith said. “The fact that Gold Banks can get away with this nonsense makes her even worse than the Windigo’s Guild, or any other hoodlum on this planet.”

“Perhaps we should all go inside and discuss this over tea,” Chancellor Cinch said. “After all, the Grand Gallopin Gala is coming up and we’re all anxious for the big event.”

“Well, after the flight from little old La Maresa to this here big city,” Buttercup said. “I’m all for it.”

“Then it is settled,” Princess Celestia said as she began to turn around. “Come. Let us prepare for the gala.”

With that, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, Chancellor Cinch, Buttercup, Granny Smith, Big Mac, Filthy Rich, Spoiled Rich, Prince Hoofar and Jasmine Bloom all walked back towards the entrance of the castle. But as they did, Jasmine Bloom walked up to Buttercup, taking notice of the three baby fillies that she’s carrying around.

“Excuse me, miss,” Jasmine said. “But who are those?”

“These little foals?” Buttercup replied. She pointed to Apple Bloom and said “This is my little darling, Apple Bloom.”

“Apple...Bloom,” Jasmine said.

Buttercup proceeded to point to the other two foals and said “The orange pegasi is named Scootaloo. Two kind-hearted aunts asked me to look after her so that she could gain some friends. And the white unicorn’s name is Sweetie Belle. She’s Rarity’s younger sister.”

“Wow,” Jasmine said. “Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. They look like cute names.”

“By the way,” Buttercup said. “I never properly introduced myself. My name is Buttercup. What’s yours?”

Jasmine looked a bit hesitant, but she responded by saying “Jasmine. Jasmine Bloom.”

“It’s nice to meet you, little Jasmine,” Buttercup said.

As the group walked towards the front door, Baby Silverstream flew up from Skystar’s back and landed right in front of Jasmine, giggling at her.

“I think someone likes you,” Princess Skystar said as she walked alongside Buttercup and Jasmine Bloom. The little filly just giggled as the group walked towards the door.

But right behind them, Prince Hoofar came to a complete stop with his eye on little Jasmine. Right next to him was Big Macintosh, who only stood glancing at Jasmine.

“Curious,” Prince Hoofar said with a smile. “Even though she came from our land, there is something rather odd about little Jasmine Bloom. Don’t you think we should keep a careful eye on her?”

Big Mac nodded and said “Eeyup.”

“That’s what I thought,” Prince Hoofar said as he and Big Mac walked towards the group.

Back in Saddle Arabia, the royal carriage from Canterlot was flying towards the royal palace, with King Myrrh looking at it from the safety of the vehicle. Even despite the dangers being behind him, King Myrrh looked both puzzled and concerned.

“Something doesn’t feel right,” King Myrrh said to himself. “Should I have stayed back in Canterlot? Because it feels like the danger is about to get far worse.”

As King Myrrh pondered to himself, he noticed a few figures wandering in the garden below. Though he could see a few of his guards right by their side, he couldn’t make out who they were.

“What in the name of my wife?” King Myrrh said to himself. “Something’s not right here.”

The carriage flew around the palace before landing at the north east wing. The guard got out of his harness before he walked towards the carriage door and opened it. King Myrrh jumped out and walked towards the figures in the garden.

“From one puzzling problem to another,” King Myrrh thought to himself. “Well let’s see what’s going on and go from here.”

As King Myrrh approached the figures, they take the form of two changelings, startling the king. One male changeling had a bit of a bluish tint on his carapace with green all over his shell, orange eyes and a horn on his head. The female had a more blueish green color on her carapace with a magenta and yellow color on her shell, and dark magenta eyes.

“What is going on here?” King Myrrh said. “Why are there changelings in my kingdom?”

“King Myrrh,” One of the guards said. “We rescued these two changelings from a slave labor camp to the west, alongside a good number of our people.”

“Slave labor?” King Myrrh said, completely startled. “So that explains why our own citizens were disappearing.”

“But it doesn’t explain why a pair of changelings were among the slaves,” The guard replies.

“Very well,” King Myrrh said. He pointed to the two changelings and said “Step forward and explain yourselves.”

The male changeling took a step forward and said “It’s true. We were once changelings who served under the wing of Queen Chrysalis. But we chose to leave because we wanted independence from her rule.

“That’s why we chose to hide out here in Saddle Arabia,” The female changeling said. “But we believed that every pony in Equestria had a bias towards Changelings because of who we are. So we disguise ourselves as citizens to blend in.”

“How do I know that this isn’t a trick?” King Myrrh said.

“We have no intention of tricking you,” the male said. “Because we are now classified as traitors to Queen Chrysalis and the Changeling kingdom. All we want is peace from the madness.”

“And we want our daughter back,” the female said.

“Your daughter?” King Myrrh said.

“Our baby Ocellus,” the male said. “As a matter of fact, I believe she’s disguised as one of your own.”

“Then tell me,” King Myrrh said. “Do you know who your Ocellus is disguised as?”

The male changeling placed his muzzle around King Myrrh’s ear and whispered into it. King Myrrh’s face turned into complete shock.

“Oh dear,” King Myrrh said as he turned to face the north. “I’m afraid your daughter may be in Equestria. Not here.” Those words caused both changelings’ faces to drop down in shock.

“But what if Queen Chrysalis gets to her?” the female screamed.

“It’s alright,” King Myrrh said. “If anything, I believe she’s in good hooves with Princess Celestia and my son Prince Hoofar.”

To Be Continued in…

Tales of the Beast Wars

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