• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 13-3: The Magic of a Friend

The Magic of a Friend

Wanda held onto Abigail as she, Starlight Glimmer, Pinkie Pie and Princess Luna walked through downtown Canterlot City. The streets were bustling with activity as ponies traded their bits for various goods such as produce, cleaning supplies, decorations, and even toys for the kiddies. But even in spite of the crowd, they stepped aside to allow Princess Luna and the younglings to walk on through.

“Wow,” Pinkie Pie said. “The markets in La Maresa pale in comparison to these.”

“Normally, we don’t get this kind of traffic,” Princess Luna said. “But we have a boatload of vendors coming up to Canterlot to peddle their wares.”

“How come?” Wanda asked.

“Well it’s not a certain event coming up that has anything to do with it,” Princess Luna said as she followed her speech with an innocent whistle.

“Event?” Starlight asked as her eyes beamed with excitement.

“Starlight,” Wanda giggled as she gave a playful wink. “You already know what that is.”

“Ohhhhh,” Starlight said, putting her hoof under her chin. “Now I get it.”

“But while it is tempting to just observe the crowd and buy a trinket or two,” Luna said. “We still have that trip to Twilight’s house to take care of just for that book.”

“That’s right,” Starlight said. “I must not get distracted by the sights and smells of everything around me.”

Starlight Glimmer closed her eyes as she walked forward with Wanda, Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna and Abigail following right behind her.

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright, Starlight?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Oh I’ll be just fine,” Starlight said as she kept her eyes closed.

Suddenly, Starlight tripped over a bit of the pavement and fell right on her belly. She sat right up and started to cry.

“THAT REALLY HURTS!” Starlight cried. “NOW I GOT A BOO BOO!”

Princess Luna trotted up to Starlight and said “It’s ok, Starlight. We all have an accident.”

“But it hurts so badly,” Starlight cried as tears flowed from her eyes.

Princess Luna looked down at Starlight’s front torso area. Despite her tummy appearing to be a bit dirty, there were no serious bumps or bruises.

“It may hurt,” Luna said. “But it will heal quickly. Like I said, it was an accident.”

Princess Luna pulled out a handkerchief from her collar and proceeded to wipe the tears off of Starlight Glimmer’s cheek. Despite the fall, Starlight seems to be a bit optimistic.

“Now,” Luna said in a cheerful tone. “Promise me you’ll be careful, like keeping your eyes out for anything.”

“I guess so,” Starlight said.

“Seems more like she needs to keep her eyes out on her own path.” Princess Luna raised her head to the left of her and saw Gold and Silver Banks walking towards her. The Moon Princess’s smile turned into a scowl as the two adults approached her. Wanda and Pinkie PIe gave both Gold and Silver a cold stare while Abigail hunched her back up and hissed.

“What do you two want?” Princess Luna said.

“We overheard the sound of a little girl crying and we came to check,” Gold Banks said. “Seems a little Mary Sue didn’t know her own strength.”

Starlight Glimmer gasped as she ran behind Princess Luna. She shook as both Gold and Silver merely glanced at the scared filly.

“Oh what’s wrong?” Gold Banks asked. “Are you afraid of the outside world?”

“Go away,” Starlight cried. “You scare me.”

“Seems like with the last one,” Silver Banks laughed. “This one wants to return to the arms of her parents. Not like that will do her any good.”

“Excuse me?” Princess Luna said as her temper started to show..

“Oh I question the idea of having her parents abandon their child in Canterlot just like that other colt,” Gold Banks said. “How exactly can you raise a child if you let them run amok in a city like a wild animal?”

“Well it’s better than being locked up in a house all day you big meanie,” Pinkie Pie said. “And I still remembered what you said about Sunburst.”

“That he needed a better home and parents who know what’s good for him?” Gold Banks said. “You remember well, oh little street rat from La Maresa.”

“At least I have loving parents who let me become Mrs Cake’s apprentice,” Pinkie Pie screamed.

“Oh come now,” Gold Banks laughed. “No need to get worked up over a second rate fast food clerk.”

“A second rate fast food clerk?” Pinkie Pie growled as she stared down Gold Banks and her teeth began to show.

“Don’t listen to her, Pinkie,” Wanda said as she got in front of Pinkie Pie’s sight. “You’re far better than her.”

“Well well well,” Gold Banks said as her attention turned towards Wanda. “What do we have here? It’s Princess Celestia’s little pet.”

Wanda turned around, gazing coldly at Gold Banks as she and Silver Banks walked up to the little Man’s Cub. Gold Banks’s horn lights up as strains of Wanda’s hair lifted from the back. Even in spite of this, Wanda kept her eye on Gold Banks.

“I am not a pet,” Wanda snarled. “I am the daughter of Princess Celestia, and one of the many Princesses of Equestria.”

Gold Banks laughed as she said “Is that so? Well then, little lost lamb. Where’s your cutie mark?”

“I don’t need a cutie mark just to be a part of this world,” Wanda said. “As long as I have friends, I’m already as much of a citizen as you are.”

“It’s a known fact that anyone who doesn’t get their cutie mark is nothing more than a second class citizen,” Silver Banks said. “And it’s not just ponies, but other creatures who don’t even belong. Even if one were to...trade with them.”

“My dear husband has a point, you little princess wannabe,” Gold Banks laughed. “So tell me. Are you really a princess without a cutie mark? Or are you truly just a mere pet?”

As Wanda stared closely at Gold Banks, Princess Luna ran up and got in between the Man’s Cub and the rich aristocrat.

“I think that will be enough for now, Mrs. Banks,” Princess Luna said. “We have an important appointment to take care of.”

Nearby, Starlight Glimmer watched as Princess Luna continued to argue with Gold and Silver Banks. She jumped behind a crate and watched the adults argue. But right in an alley behind her, three shadows stare right at her, looking like they’re ready to pounce.

“Oh Princess Luna,” Gold Banks said. “Don’t be such a whiny snowflake. We’re only stating the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

“So we recommend you stand aside and allow us to dispense with the truth bombs to the lone animal of your group,” Silver Banks said. “Maybe we should take it in and raise her as our own.”

“No, I’d rather you not do that,” Princess Luna said as she kept her sight on the Banks “I care alot for the children of Equestria, be it a pony or any creature.”

“Is that a fact?” Gold Banks chuckled as she pointed to Starlight Glimmer hiding behind the crate and the three shadows inching closer to her. “Then maybe you want to keep that Mary Sue of yours close to you.”

Princess Luna’s face turned to horror as she turned around. But before she could reach, the three shadows reveal themselves to be Hoops, Dumbbell and Score, as they dash out and nab Starlight Glimmer from behind. Starlight screamed really loud as Dumbbell held onto her and flew off with Hoops and Score right behind him.

“STARLIGHT,” Luna yelled as she opened her wings. She turned to Wanda and Pinkie PIe and said “Get on. We’ve got to get Starlight back.”

Wanda and Pinkie Pie nodded as they and Abigail climbed up onto Luna’s back. Abigail jumped into Wanda’s arms as Princess Luna took to the skies in pursuit. Gold and Silver Banks just looked up as Luna flew into the skies.

“Well,” Gold Banks said. “That was rather amusing.”

“Seems the so-called royalty of Equestria are nothing more than a bunch of bumbling buffoons,” Silver Banks laughed.

In the skies, Dumbbell held onto Starlight tightly as she screamed really loud. Hoops and Score flew right by Dumbbell, laughing right in Starlight’s face.

“So little snowflake,” Hoops laughed. “How do you enjoy the flight?”

“LET ME GO YOU BIG MEANIE,” Starlight cried.

“Aww,” Dumbbell said. “She’s so afraid of heights.”

“Keep her close,” Hoops said. “We don’t want her to free fall without a parachute.”

“YOU GIVE HER BACK THIS INSTANT!” Hoops, Dumbbell and Score turned around to see Princess Luna flying closer to the trio. On her back, Pinkie Pie, Wanda Young and Abigail glanced right at the three bullies with a cold glare in their eyes.

“Gee whizz it, the big mean princess,” Score yelled.

“Let’s amscray,” Hoops yelled.

Hoops, Dumbbell and Score extended their wings and dove down into the city all while Dumbbell held onto Starlight Glimmer, causing the little filly to scream. Luna’s face lit up in fear as the trio dove towards the citizens.

“Hang on,” Princess Luna yelled. “This is going to be a bumpy ride.”

Wanda, Pinkie Pie and Abigail held on tight as Princess Luna dove right after Hoops, Dumbbell and Score. Score looked up and gasped as Princess Luna dove closer to their location.

“How the hay do we ditch this wicked witch?” Score wailed.

“Blend in with the crowd,” Hoops yelled. “That way, she’ll find it hard to follow us.”

Dumbbell and Score nodded their head as the duo, with Dumbbell still holding tight onto Starlight, flew right into the crowd. Hoops dove in after the two as they dashed right on through, causing various ponies to freak out and either move out of the way, or fall flat on their backs.

“Aunt Woona,” Wanda said. “Why couldn’t you use your magic back then?”

“I didn’t want to risk dropping Starlight,” Princess Luna said. “The last thing I need is to cause an accident and hurt Starlight in the process.”

“That is just despicable,” Pinkie Pie said.

Princess Luna flew above the crowd as Hoops, Dumbbell and Score pushed groups of ponies out of the way. Starlight screamed from the top of her lungs as Dumbbell held her tight.

“She’s still coming this way,” Score said. “How the hay do we ditch her for good?”

Hoops looked to his right and saw something that caught his eye. He flew over and said “I know just how.”

Hoops picked up a blanket that was laid bare on a merchant’s table. As Luna flew close to Dumbbell and Score, Hoops threw the blanket at her, covering her face with the fabric. Luna began to lose control.

“I CAN’T SEE!” Luna yelled.

Luna lifted the blanket so that her face was exposed. But as she did so, she crashed right into a merchant’s stall, sending fruit flying everywhere. Wanda, Pinkie and Abigail held on tightly as Princess Luna took the blanket off and observed the damage done to the stall.

“Looks like someone’s going to get extra compensation because of this,” Princess Luna said. But as she got up, she screamed in pain. She looked to her left and saw her wing limping downward.

“Oh no,” Pinkie Pie said. “Now you can’t fly after those three.”

Hoops, Dumbbell and Score flew in front of Princess Luna, holding up Starlight Glimmer and laughing at her.

“Looking for this little brat?” Hoops said with a despicable laugh. “Well tough luck, because her trip’s not over. And by that way, that’s for the humiliation we got back in La Maresa. So deal with it, loser.”

And with that, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score flew off all while they held onto a screaming Starlight Glimmer.

Princess Luna turned to Wanda and said “Wanda. Go after those three. But make sure Starlight is safe. Got it?”

Wanda saluted Princess Luna and said “Aye aye, Aunt Woona.” She jumped off of Luna’s back and her insect-like wings formed on her back before flying off after the three bullies and Starlight.

Back on the ground, Pinkie Pie, Abigail and Luna watched as Wanda flew after the trio.

“You think she’ll be able to catch up to those meanies?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“She’s all we got for the moment,” Princess Luna said.

“Princess Luna,” a merchant said as he approached the injured moon princess. “Are you alright? Do you need any help?”

Princess Luna slowly got up and turned towards the merchant and said “Are you the owner of this fruit stand?”

“Why yes I am,” the merchant said.

“I believe I owe you a good amount of bits for the unintended damage caused,” Princess Luna said.

Down the street, Hoops, Dumbbell and Score continued to fly away as they held on tight to a crying Starlight. Hoops turned around and saw Wanda fly towards them with a dirty look on her face.

“What kind of freak of nature is she?” Hoops said as he freaked out. “No way is she natural to any world.”

“Who cares,” Score said. “If we can ditch her like that ugly granny, then we should be in the clear.”

Hoops, Dumbbell and Score flew down closer to the crowd as Wanda flew after them, all while Dumbbell held tightly onto Starlight. Wanda hovered above the crowd all while Hoops, Dumbbell and Score once again caused ponies to either move out of the way or to be knocked out of the wall, all while Dumbbell held onto Starlight.

“Get back here,” Wanda yelled. “That’s my friend you’re hurting.”

Hoops turned around and let out a big raspberry as he said “Go grace a filly’s doll you overpowered Mary Sue.”

As Hoops turned around, he noticed a familiar bright golden unicorn filly right in front him. His smile grew deeper as he flew right towards Golden Lace.

“I know you,” Hoops said. “You humiliated us last time. How about you join us on the same flight as this little girly girl?”

Dumbbell and Score laughed as Hoops flew at top speed towards Golden Lace. The unicorn filly stood her ground as Hoops inched closer and closer.

“I don’t think so,” Golden Lace said.

Suddenly, Golden Lace picked up a vase with her magic and splashed some cold water right in Hoops’ face, causing the troublemaking colt to scream and cover his eyes.

“I CAN’T SEE!” Hoops yelled.

Flying out of control, Hoops flew too low and tumbled right into the pavement before smashing his face into a building wall. Dumbbell and Score stood there, jaws dropped in shock as Dumbbell held onto Starlight.

“B….Boss,” Dumbbell yelled.

Starlight looked up and saw Dumbbell’s face frozen right at Hoops. Her horn glowed brightly, catching the attention of the mischief making colt who held her tightly. But before he could respond, Starlight’s Horn gives off a flash, blinding him and causing him to lose his grip on Starlight. The filly landed on her four legs as Wanda flew up right beside Starlight Glimmer.

“You leave little Starlight alone, you big meanies,” Wanda said as Starlight and Golden Lace took her side.

“This isn’t over you little girls,” Score yelled. He turned to Dumbbell and said “Get the boss and let’s book it.”

Dumbbell opened his eyes and flew up to the unconscious Hoops before he picked up his comrade and flew off with him. Score flew right behind Dumbbell. But not before he turned around and shook his fist at the three younglings.

“This isn’t over yet,” Score yelled. “You three will pay for what you did to the boss.”

As Score flew off into the distance, Starlight looked at Wanda before jumping up to the Man’s Cub and held onto her, bawling her eyes out.

“I don’t want to see those meanies again,” Starlight cried. “They wanted to hurt me.”

“It’s alright,” Wanda said. “They won’t bother you again.”

As Wanda patted Starlight’s back, she looked down at Golden Lace, who looked up on awe at the man’s cub’s wings.

“Wow,” Golden Lace said. “Had I known you were this great, I wouldn’t have been so much of a bully to you both.”

Wanda flew down to the ground as she held onto Starlight Glimmer. Her wings disappeared as she approached Golden Lace.

“Thanks Lace,” Wanda said with a warm smile. “Had you not been here, who knows what those three would have done to Starlight.”

“And it’s not the first time they picked on her,” Golden Lace said. “They tried that stunt early ago when Twilight and Spike were with us.”

“By the way,” Wanda asked. “Why aren’t you at home? Weren’t your parents going to ground you?”

“Well funny thing happened,” Golden Lace said as she rubbed the back of her head. “They threw me out as punishment until I learned my lesson.”

Those words caught Starlight’s attention, as she jumped out of Wanda’s arms and approached Golden Lace.

“That’s horrible,” Starlight said. “I knew your parents were meanies. But this is just disturbing.”

Golden Lace let out a sigh and said “Truth be told, I was expecting them to lock me in my room for a month. But this was rather surprising. Even more so, I think this attempt at shaming me felt more like it backfired, as it felt like a weight dropped off my shoulders.”

“So your parents were telling you to be that much of a bad pony,” Wanda said.

“Yep,” Golden Lace said. “Even though what I did to you all was wrong, I did it just to appease them. And you all know how that turned out.”

“I said that sounded horrible,” Starlight said. “But that’s just even worse.”

“What matters now is that you’re safe,” Golden Lace said.

“And I appreciate it,” Wanda said. “Now we can get that book of magic that Starlight needed from Twilight’s house.”

“That won’t be needed. I already got it.” Wanda and Starlight looked up and saw Cozy Glow fly towards them, holding a red book in her arms.

“Who, who is that?” Starlight said.

“Oh that’s Cozy Glow,” Golden Lace said. “I met her at the ice cream parlor and she paid for my milkshake.”

“Wow,” Wanda said with a smile. “Who knew there were friends when you least expect them.”

Cozy Glow flew down to the ground and held out the red book in her arms. Starlight used her magic to lift the book out of Cozy’s arms and held it close to her.

“That’s it,” Starlight said. “That’s the book I wanted to get. Thanks a lot.”

“Anytime” Cozy Glow said. “Golden Lace told me about you all and I’d figured I’d do something for her.”

“Wanda. Starlight.” Wanda, Starlight, Golden Lace and Cozy Glow turned around and saw Princess Luna, Pinkie Pie and Abigail walk up to them. Luna’s torso and wings were wrapped up in a large bandage as she slowly approached the other younglings.

“She’s alright, Aunt Wonna,” Wanda said as she waved to Princess Luna. “Golden Lace saved her.”

“What happened to Princess Luna?” Golden Lace asked.

“Long story short,” Wanda said. “Those meanies caused Aunt Woona to crash into a nearby merchant stand, and she hurt her wing in the process.”

Starlight cheered with glee as Princess Luna walked up to her. The broken alicorn princess reached out and hugged Starlight, ignoring the pain from her wing.

“I’m glad you’re alright, Starlight,” Luna said. “It’s my fault for not paying attention to your well-being.”

“I was scared,” Starlight said. “I didn’t know what was going to happen to me.”

Luna looked up at Golden Lace, who only rubbed her hoof on the ground with a blush on her face.

“I only did that because I didn’t like how those three were treating her,” Golden Lace said. “But it doesn’t excuse what I did long ago.”

“Even if you think it doesn,” Luna said. “It shows that you are truly changing for the better. Thank you.”

Golden Lace looked at Princess Luna and said “I am not worthy of this appreciation. But I will accept it out of respect.”

As Golden Lace and Luna laughed, Pinkie Pie saw the red book right in Starlight’s arms as the twin-tailed filly held onto Luna.

“You got the book already?” Pinkie Pie said.

“Well you can thank our new friend up there,” Starlight said as she pointed to Cozy Glow, who only waved back at the other ponies.

“Hmm,” Pinkie Pie said. “That’s a curious significant other. Never saw her before.”

“I believe that’s Magistrate Creme Dream’s daughter, Cozy Glow,” Luna said. “She always had a habit of being by her mother’s side. But it’s rather surprising to see her help us out.”

“Really?” Wanda asked.

“I think that’s a discussion for another time,” Luna said. “For now, I think we should return to the school and help Starlight cast that spell.”

Wanda, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Golden Lace and Abigail nodded as Luna let go of Starlight. She turned around and walked off with Starlight, Wanda, Abigail, and Pinkie Pie following right behind. Golden Lace waved at Cozy Glow before turning around and ran off after the group.

“By the way,” Wanda said. “How did Cozy Glow figure out what book Starlight was looking for?”

“I don’t know,” Pinkie Pie said. “Had I known she was nearby, my Pinkie Sense would have gone off. Either that, or it somehow decided to take a day off.”

As Pinkie Pie, Wanda, Abigail, Starlight and Golden Lace walked off behind Princess Luna, Cozy Glow watched them disappear into the crowd and let out a slight chuckle.

“Who knew spying on them while they were in the crowd would allow me to figure out how to help them out?” Cozy Glow said. “And to think, I told this Twilight Velvet that I’m a friend of Starlight Glimmer. This might be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

Later that evening at the School for Gifted Unicorns, Wanda, Golden Lance, Pinkie Pie, Abigail and Princess Luna looked up at the sky as Starlight Glimmer read the contents of the book of magic. Her eyes brightened up as she turned to face the group.

“Everyone,” Starlight said as she ran up to Wanda, Princess Luna, Pinkie pie, Golden Lace and Abigail. “I think I know what I want to show you all.”

“That’s great,” Wanda said as she clapped for Starlight.

“Are you going to do that same stardust spell that Wanda demonstrated?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Stardust spell?” Golden Lace said with a curious tone. She turned to Wanda and said “I didn’t know you could cast magic like that.”

“Oh you should have seen it,” Pinkie Pie said. “It was like glitter falling from the galaxy.”

“Oh I’m not going to cast that,” Starlight Glimmer said as her horn lit up. “I’ve got something in mind that’s inspired a bit by Moondancer.”

Starlight pointed her horn upwards into the darker sky and fired off a pulse of magic from her horn. The magic rose higher and higher into the sky as Wanda, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace, Abigail and Princess Luna watched from the ground.

“Now this should be something to watch,” Princess Luna said as she waited in anticipation.

At the peak of its height, the magic pulse exploded into what looks like billions of stars scattered across the sky. The star-filled radius rotated slowly as everyone looked up in awe. Some areas of this space were filled with other magical elements, like planets, asteroids and even comets. Wanda, Luna, Pinkie Pie and Golden Lace ooohed and awwed while Abigail let out a long meow, staring at the galaxy-filled velocity.

“Wow,” Wanda said. “I didn’t know you were capable of this kind of magic.”

“Amazing what a youngling can be capable of,” Princess Luna said.

“Wait till everyone back in La Maresa sees this,” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“If only I wasn’t such a bully to begin with,” Golden Lace said. “Because this is what I’ve been missing out on.”

As the group looked up at the stars, Starlight looked at her hip area, and her smile turned out into a frown. The equal sign was still there, sticking out like a sore thumb. Starlight’s ears drooped downward as she slowly walked towards the ground. Wanda turned to her right and took notice of Starlight’s change of mood.

“Starlight,” Wanda said as she got up and walked towards the twin-tailed filly. “You gave us something that is amazing. What’s wrong?”

“That’s just it,” Starlight said. “I showed off what is said to be magic full of pure heart. And yet, I still have the same Nightmare Mark.”

“Wanda’s right,” Princess Luna said as she, Pinkie Pie, Golden Lace and Abigail got up. “You did all that just to at least make us happy. You at least proved that you are capable of magic like this.”

“But I don’t get it,” Starlight said. “I showed off what I loved and I felt like I haven’t changed.

“But you have,” Pinkie Pie said. “You’re more willing to show off more than what you can do, and you’re willing to open yourself up.”

“Yeah,” Golden Lace said. “It takes a while for any of us to change. But when we do, we feel like a whole new pony.”

“Actually,” Wanda said as she held her hand up before turning towards Starlight. “I know what’s wrong with you. You don’t want to change because I’m going to be the only one of this group without a Cutie Mark.”

Starlight nodded her head and said “Yes.”

“It’s okay,” Wanda said. “It doesn’t matter if I have a Cutie Mark or not. We’re still friends. In fact, I had to put aside my fear of those big meanies just to help get you back. Starlight, as long as I’m your friend, that’s all that matters, even if we are different.”

“She’s right,” Luna said. “It’s not just about what you’re capable of, it’s also about the friends who help you out. Never forget that.”

Starlight’s frown disappeared as she felt a sense of determination in her soul.

“I never realized that,” Starlight said as a flame of inspiration flowed in her veins. “I may still be as timid, but I’m not going to let that get the best of me. Tonight was only the beginning. I’m going to dedicate myself to learning as much magic as possible. If it means that my friends are happy, then that is my goal. For even though we are different, we are still equal in the end.”

And with that, Starlight Glimmer’s hip glowed brightly as everyone observed. The equal sign on her hip disappeared completely as a new symbol formed. The shape was that of a star glimmering with a trail of two aquamarine colors flowing right behind it. Starlight looked at her new Cutie Mark and her face beamed with excitement.

“YES!” Starlight cheered as she jumped up and down in the air. “I FINALLY GOT MY CUTIE MARK!”

“Congratulations, Starlight Glimmer,” Princess Luna said. “A celebration will be in order tomorrow. Your friends and your family will be proud of your accomplishment.”

“And I think I can prepare the biggest cake to celebrate,” Pinkie Pie said. “Maybe one stuffed with chocolate frosting with a layer of strawberries in between.”

“Starlight,” Golden Lace said. “What you just showed me was something I truly missed out on living with my parents. I’ll be at your Cute Ceanera tomorrow. Promise.”

“I’m glad I met you back during my entry exam not so long ago,” Wanda said. “Since then, we’ve been very good friends, and I hope our friendship goes beyond that.”

“Thank you, everyone,” Starlight said as she wiped a tear from her eyes with a smile on her face. “I never would have made it this far without you all.”

“Come,” Princess Luna said. “We must give the good news to everyone.”

Princess Luna, Starlight Glimmer, Pinkie Pie and Golden Lace got up and walked towards the gate of the school as the night sky shined down on the city. Wanda and Abigail just watched the group head out. Despite shedding a few tears, Wanda felt happy.

“It’s going to feel odd to be the only one without a cutie mark, Abby,“ Wanda said as Abigail rubbed against her leg. “But I think I can make it work out.”

Abigail looked up at Wanda and meowed right at her.

“I know,” Wanda replied. “I never realized just how many friends I can have since mommy let me into the school. Sunset’s been by my side before we attended, Twilight’s been a reliable friend, Danged Spell showed that even he can have a second chance, Moondancer’s dedicated towards observing the stars, Sunburst has a lot of fun with his research, and Starlight realized what she could truly pull off. I guess in the end, Friendship truly is magic.”

As Wanda reached down to pet Abigail, she noticed her shoulder was glowing. She looked at it and saw two faint images attempt to form.

“What is going on?” Wanda said as she saw the light form on her upper arm. “This is the second time this has happened. What does it all mean?”

But as Wanda looked at the faint image and the light, they both vanished from her arm without a trace, leaving the Man’s Cub confused. Abigail rubbed her paw on Wanda’s leg, meowing loudly.

“That’s rather strange, Abby,” Wanda said. “What does this all mean? Why is this happening to me?”

“Wanda,” Princess Luna yelled. “We’re heading over to Twilight Sparkle’s place. Are you alright?”

“It’s nothing, Aunt Woona. I’m coming,” Wanda yelled as she and Abigail ran off after Princess Luna, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer and Golden Lace.

To Be Continued in…

The Magic Never Ends

Author's Note:

As of now, All six members of the Unicorn younglings have their cutie mark.

Sunset got hers prior to this story beginning
Twilight got hers the same way she did in Friendship is Magic
Danged Spell got his after helping save Wanda and Cinch from the Windigo's Guild
Moondancer got hers after she looked through her repaired telescope and saw a meteor
Sunburst got his thanks to his newfound dedication to research
and Starlight got hers after realizing that her magic could be used to make ponies happy

But the story is not over. Why is Wanda's arm glowing? And what will happen at the Cue Ceanera? Stay tuned.

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