• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 18-7: Lost in the Chaos

Lost in the Chaos

It is midnight in Canterlot at Twilight Sparkle’s home. Inside, a Wonderbolt looked out the slightly opened doorway, looking left and right from the streets. Despite the dead silence of the night, uncertainty loomed in the hearts of ponies everywhere.

“Any sign of Princess Celestia, or any other pony?” Chancellor Cinch said.

“No, Chancellor,” The Wonderbolt said. “I think they’ve met a terrible fate.”

“Don’t give up hope,” Chancellor Cinch said. “I know they’re still out there. I’ve been in this situation before when I was a kid, and there was a time that I lost hope.”

“Yes, ma’am,” The Wonderbolt said as he turned his head back out the door.

Chancellor Cinch walked towards the living room area of Twilight’s house. One Wonderbolt stood guard while another one watched over little Wanda, who was fast asleep on the couch, still wearing the gown she wore at the Gala.

“How is she?” Chancellor Cinch said in a soft voice.

“It didn’t take much for her to fall asleep,” the Wonderbolt next to Wanda said. “She’s had a rough night thanks to everything that played out.”

“I’m only hoping that she awakens the next day and realizes that she’s safe and sound,” Chancellor Cinch said. “After what she’s been through, the little Man’s Cub doesn’t deserve this.”

“I’m only hoping that Princess Celestia shows up and rescues us,” the Wonderbolt said. “Who knows what those cultists and changelings will do to us if we try to escape.”

“Don’t lose hope,” Chancellor Cinch said. “It will take more than two evils to bring down Princess Celestia. Furthermore, considering the allies she has right now, I believe she’ll be on the verge of beating both Coldnelius Snap and Queen Chrysalis.”

“If only it was that easy,” the Wonderbolt said while her companion stood there firm. “I joined the Wonderbolts in order to give the ponies of Equestria hope. I was willing to show them what the Wonderbolts were capable of, either through the shows we perform across the nation, or when we have to defend our home from invaders. Never thought they would overpower us and drive us on the brink.”

“I’ve known what it was like to be on that edge before,” Chancellor Cinch said. “And believe me when I say it. We’ve pushed through more dangerous situations before and we came out stronger. We won’t let those bullies humble any and all of us. You have my word.”

The Wonderbolt next to the sleeping Wanda looked up at Chancellor Cinch. She took off the headpiece of her costume, and swayed her light purplish mane in the dark. Her pink fur shined with a soft glow as she stared at the Chancellor.

“By the way,” The Wonderbolt said. “Call me, Firefly.”

“Firefly,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Named after the very commander who was responsible for founding the Wonderbolts?”

“My parents have always had a thing for the Wonderbolts,” Firefly said. “In fact, my mother was a Wonderbolt in her prime and Airazor’s mentor before she retired. I’m only here to follow in her hoofsteps and to make Airazor and the rest of the group proud.”

“I’d say you would make a proud Wonderbolt,” Chancellor Cinch said.

Suddenly, the sound of hooves running on the ground caught the attention of Chancellor Cinch and Firefly, with Wanda starting to wake up. Cinch turned around and saw the other Wonderbolt guard holding Baby Spike, who was crying loudly.

“Chancellor,” The Wonderbolt said. “This little baby dragon wandered near the house.”

“Spike?” Wanda said as she got up with her ears attuned to Spike’s crying. “Is that you? Where’s Twilight?”

“Shhh, it’s okay,” Firefly said to Wanda as the other Wonderbolt guard walked up to Wanda, still holding the crying Spike with his arms.

“I believe you know about this little baby?” The Wonderbolt asked.

“Yes,” Wanda said. “That’s Twilight’s companion. Something must have happened to her.”

The Wonderbolt guard nodded and placed Spike right next to Twilight. As the bambino dragon cried. Wanda reached out and gave Spike a big hug, singing a lullaby to her.”

“Hush little baby, don’t say a word,” Wanda sang. “Wanda’s gonna find you a mockingbird. And when that mockingbird starts to sing, it will reveal to you a diamond ring.”

Spike began to calm down as Wanda continued to sing towards the baby dragon. Firefly, Cinch and the guard watched as Spike fell asleep.

“She has the heart and soul of a mother,” The guard said.

“She gets that from Princess Celestia, “Chancellor Cinch said.

Firefly looked up and said “But this means Twilight Sparkle is in greater danger. We have to find her.”

“I know what you’re thinking,” Chancellor Cinch said. “But I can’t risk putting any of you in danger.”

“Then we should all go together to find Twilight,” the Wonderbolt guard said. “If we can find her, we can keep her safe until Princess Celestia drives off the cultists and changelings.”

“That’s a risky move,” Chancellor Cinch said. “And I’m afraid of putting a lot of stress on Princess Wanda after what she’s been through.”

The three adults continued to talk with each other as Wanda comforted a sleeping Spike. But nearby, the other Wonderbolt looked at the three before turning his head towards Wanda.

“Got you right in my tracks,” The supposed Wonderbolt said before he began to sneak over to Wanda.

As Wanda gently rubbed Spike on the forehead, the lone Wonderbolt reached over towards Wanda as its eyes turned green and its fangs lay bare. The moment the shadow loomed over Wanda, the Man’s Cub looked up at the Wonderbolt, who looked feral and hungry.

“There is no escape for you,” The Wonderbolt said, causing Wanda to scream in fear, which attracted the attention of the other Wonderbolt guard, plus Firefly and Chancellor Cinch.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Chancellor Cinch yelled. Spike woke up from his nap and started to cry again.

The ravenous guard laughed and said “I just wanted to give you a warning. I’ve alerted my own swarm where you are all located. And now you will all surrender to my queen.”

Instantly, the Wonderbolt turned into a changeling, causing Wanda and Spike to fall out of the couch and onto the floor. Cinch chased after the changeling as it flew out of the window and into the night sky.

“Get back here you coward and fight,” Cinch yelled.

Firefly and her Wonderbolt companion walked up to Wanda and Spike, who were both crying loudly. Firefly picked up Wanda and Spikeand started to rock them both.

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Firefly said. “That bad monster is gone.”

Wanda and Spike looked up and felt the calm and serene essence around the house. They looked up at Firefly, who rocked them both. Wanda calmed down as her crying began to dissipate.

“He’s gone?” Wanda said with a faint cry. “The bad monster is gone.”

“Yes,” Firefly said. “The bad monster is gone.”

Firefly gently placed Wanda and Spike down on the floor. Wanda picked up Spike and gently held onto the baby dragon.

As Firefly stood on her four hooves, Chancellor Cinch adjusted her dress and began to walk towards the front door.

“It appears we are not safe here,” Chancellor Cinch said. “We must depart at once.”

Firefly and the other Wonderbolt troop nodded. Cinch lowered her back down as Wanda set Spike to the side. The Man’s Cub jumped onto Cinch’s back as she stood back up. She lifted Spike up with her magic and placed him right next to Wanda, who held him close.

“Come on,” Cinch said. “Let’s move out.”

Chancellor Cinch made her way through the front door and out into the streets of Canterlot with Firefly and her Wonderbolt ally by her side.

Meanwhile, in another part of Canterlot, a number of changelings patrolled the streets, as if they were on the hunt. In a nearby corner, Twilight Sparkle peeked her head out in fear, keeping her eyes out on the changelings. She stuck her head back behind the corner as tears fell from her eyes. Her dress, once a star that shined in the night, now dirtied up and slightly torn.

“This is truly my fault,” Twilight said. “I shouldn’t have ran off from the castle, and I shouldn’t have yelled at Princess Celestia. Now I’m all alone, and I don’t even have Spike by my side. What am I to do?”

Twilight turned her head away from the street as she snuck down the alleyway. She slowly walked down, staying within the shadows. She quickly hid behind a dumpster before some changelings looked down the alleyway, keeping their eyes out.

“I could have sworn she was around here,” one changeling said.

“Keep looking,” another said. “We’ll find her and ransom that brat for their surrender.”

The two changelings turned their head away from the alleyway and walked off down the street. Twilight Sparkle watched as the two drones disappeared before slowly stepping away from the dumpster.

“Oh please,” Twilight whispered to herself. “Someone wake me up. This has got to be my worst nightmare ever.”

Twilight took a few steps before she began to run off down the alleyway, turning her head forward and not looking back.

Moments later, Twilight Sparkle slumped through the empty streets of Canterlot. Her head sunk low towards the ground as she bawled her eyes out. Her fur glowed a depressing light blue in the moonlight.

“This really is my fault,” Twilight cried. “I should have never left the castle. I should have never said those awful words to Princess Celestia. It feels like I threw everything away here.”

Twilight walked as far as she could before she tripped over a side of the walkway and fell down on her tummy. She struggled to get up, only to fall down to the ground.

“I...I don’t know if I can go any further,” Twilight said as she just sobbed into her arms. “Maybe this is it. This is where my story ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper, to be taken captive by changelings. At least it can’t get any worse than this.”

As Twilight continued to sob into her arms, two changelings approached, glaring down at the helpless filly.

“Are you lost, little one?” One of the changelings said.

“We can take you back to Queen Chrysalis,” another Changeling said. “She’ll know what to do with you.”

Twilight paid no attention to the two changelings hovering over her as she continued to cry into her arms.

“Seems she’s lost all hope,” one changeling said.

“Indeed,” the other said. “Let us take her to Queen Chrysalis. Perhaps this may have been the easiest job tonight thus far.”

One of the two changelings approached Twilight and lifted her head towards them. Her eyes flowed with tears all the way down to her cheek as she just stared at the two.

“Whatever you want to do with me,” Twilight said. “Do it fast. I don’t deserve to live.”

“Oh we’re not here to destroy you,” the changeling said as he held Twilight up to his face. “We’re here to convert you to be one of us. To be truly free of your soft flesh form. Now come with us.”

Twilight turned her head away and said nothing as the other changeling got her up on her four legs.

The two changelings began to walk Twilight Sparkle down the street as the young filly kept her eyes closed in pure shame.

“You should be lucky.” one of the changelings said. “The queen is most generous to new subjects. She’ll take good care of you and make you forget about your troubled past.”

“Oh indeed,” the other changeling said. “Your life will be made better than the previous life you had. In fact, there’s nothing better than to become a changeling like us.”

“Whatever,” Twilight said as she kept her eyes shut.

“The poor thing has become depressed,” one of the changelings said.

“But it won’t be long now,” the other changeling said. “Nothing will stop this little one from getting the happiness she deserves.”

Suddenly, Princess Celestia flew in from out of nowhere and dive-bombed one of the changelings, pinning him down while barking at the bug pony like mad. The other changeling began to freak out.

“That….that’s impossible,” the changeling next to Twilight said as the little filly’s eyes opened up to see Princess Celestia.

“SOMEONE HELP ME!” the trapped changeling yelled as Princess Celestia barked wildly at it. “I’M BEING TRAPPED BY A MAD PRINCESS!”

The other changeling watched in horror as Princess Celestia barked at the one changeling she had trapped under her hooves. He tried to slowly walk away, only for Celestia to turn her head towards the escaping insect.

“Oh horse apples,” The second changeling said as he began to make a run for it.

But before the changeling could run off, Princess Celestia ran up to the changeling, grabbed it by the tail and swung him around before throwing him towards the sky. The changeling shot through the atmosphere at mach one speed until it fell outside the city limits. The changeling that was pinned down quickly got up and made a break for it.

Twilight Sparkle continued to stand there, completely speechless. Princess Celestia shook her head, allowing her eyes to return to normal before gently walking up to the little lavender filly.

“Twilight,” Princess Celestia said in a soothing voice, “Are you okay?”

Twilight looked up at Princess Celestia. She tried to hold back her tears, only to break down crying into Celestia’s chest.

“I’m sorry,” Twilight cried. “I shouldn’t have said all those awful words to you. I shouldn’t have run off from the castle in a selfish manner. Please forgive me.”

“Twilight, my forgiveness is not necessary,” Princess Celestia said as she hugged Twilight closely. “You were right. I took my status as a greeter too seriously, neglected my own duties of keeping the peace in the Gala, and I took it out on the guests. Some princess I turned out to be.” Celestia let out a playful laugh that caused Twilight to giggle.

“So,” Twilight said. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

“If you wish to no longer be my student and depart the School for Gifted Unicorns,” Princess Celestia said. “That is your choice, and yours alone. But right now, I noticed that you don’t have Spike with you.”

“That’s right,” Twilight said as she turned her head away. “I was separated from Spike after I was ambushed by a couple of changelings.”

Celestia turned Twilight’s head towards hers and said with the gentlest of voice “Then we will find your Spike, and find Wanda Young. She’s lost in the city with Chancellor Cinch. If we can find them, then we can get Wanda, Spike and you out of the city and to safety.”

Twilight nodded. She got back onto her four hooves as Celestia lowered her back down. Twilight jumped up and held on as Princess Celestia got back on her four hooves.

“By the way,” Twilight said. “I noticed you fought in your Wolf’s Breath curse form. Did something happen to your magic?”

“Queen Chrysalis has a type of stone that blocks out alicorn magic,” Princess Celestia said. “I believed they must have activated it within the castle walls.”

“Do you think your magic can work right now?” Twilight asked.

“Good question,” Princess Celestia replied as she pointed her horn into the night sky.

At first nothing appeared to happen. But soon, Celestia’s horn began to light up brightly. She aimed her horn upwards and fired off a blast of magic. Twilight’s eyes sparkled with delight as the magic extended upwards until it disappeared through the clouds.

“Wow,” Twilight said. “I bet we can find Wanda and Spike with little problem now.”

“You bet,” Celestia said with a smug laugh. “Because nobody messes with Princess Celestia and gets away with it.”

WIth a flap of her wings, Princess Celestia took off from the small street of Canterlot with Twilight Sparkle riding on top. Together, they flew above Canterlot City, beginning their search for Wanda and Spike.

Meanwhile, in another part of Canterlot, Chancellor Cinch rode through the streets as fast as possible with Wanda and Spike holding on top of her back, all while Firefly and her Wonderbolt companion flew from above and glided next to the chancellor.

“Any sign of Twilight Sparkle?” Chancellor Cinch said.

“Negative,” Firefly said. “It’s too dangerous to fly in the air unless we want to get shot down by changelings.”

“That being said,” the unnamed Wonderbolt said. “We caught a glance of Princess Celestia flying through the city. She may be looking for us.”

“That’s the first bit of good news we’ve heard all night,” Chancellor Cinch said. “If we see her, we’ll signal for her.”

“Mommy’s here?” Wanda said as Spike held onto the human girl.

“She is,” Cinch said. “Once we find her, we’ll get you and Spike to safety.”

“But what about you?” Wanda asked.

“Don’t worry about me, Man’s Cub,” Cinch said. “I can take care of myself. What matters is that you get to safety.”

“But what if I’m surrounded by changelings or cultists?” Wanda asked with a nervous tone.

“That baby dragon that you have utilizes dragon fire,” Cinch said. “When you’re in a bind, ask for his aid, and he’ll help you out.”

“Dragon fire,” Wanda said as she looked down at Spike. Spike looked up at Wanda and nodded back at her.

Cinch continued to sprint down the streets of Canterlot with Firefly and the other Wonderbolt by her side, keeping an eye out for the danger that was in every corner of the city. Wanda held onto Cinch while Spike continued to hold onto the Man’s Cub.

“If Princess Celestia is nearby,” Chancellor Cinch said. “Then we need to make sure she gets our attention. I will get the lady to the princess by any means possible.”

“As long as we are by your side, my lady,” the solo Wonderbolt said. “We won’t let those fiends get the best of you.”

Suddenly, the Wonderbolt was hit by a blast of pure cold, freezing him completely. His frozen body fell to the ground and slid across the streets, causing Cinch and Firefly to stop completely.

“MAGNUM!” Firefly yelled as the frozen body of the lone Wonderbolt came to a stop.

“We’re under attack.” Cinch yelled. “Get to the side.”

But before anyone could make a move, Firefly was hit by a flying table, sending her flying to the corner as the table pinned her down. A blast of ice covered the table, trapping Firefly inside. Firefly was only able to peek her head from behind her ice prison, helpless.

“GET ME OUT OF HERE,” Firefly yelled.

Cinch froze in complete fear as Wanda and Spike hid behind her neck. In front of them, Coldnelius Snap walked in with two cultists by his side.

“Hello there, Governor,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Do you recognize this place?”

“You have a lot of nerve to attack us like that, you coward,” Chancellor Cinch snarled.

“Then allow me to make you remember,” Coldnelius Snap said. “We first met here, when I came for the Man’s Cub. After all, she isn’t naturally of this planet, and she’s our key to freezing Equestria cold. So let me repeat the very words that I said to you. Give me the Man’s Cub.”

“Never,” Cinch said. “You will not take her. She’s more than a Man’s Cub. She’s an individual, and a rightful citizen of Equestria. Far more than you’ll ever be.”

“You realize that you have no choice,” Snap said as he pointed behind Chancellor Cinch.

Cinch, Wanda and Spike turned around to see a number of Windigo’s Guild cultists surrounding them. Their faces were cold in their glance as the aura around them was deathly cold.

“There’s no way out, Governor,” Coldnelius Snap said. “And there’s no one to save you. Not Princess Celestia, nor any guards and the Wonderbolts. Give it up. You….lose.”

As Coldnelius Snap laughed into the night, Cinch inched her head towards Wanda.

“Take Spike and use the dragon fire to scare those cowards off,” Cinch whispered. “Then run.”

“But Miss Cinch…” Wanda whispered.

“It’s your only chance out,” Cinch whispered. “Trust me. I’ll be fine. Worry about yourself.”

Wanda nodded. She held Spike tightly as she slid her legs to the side and jumped off Cinch’s back. Wanda then began to sneak up towards one group of cultists, catching their attention.

“Where do you think you’re going, Man’s Cub?” One of the cultists said.

Wanda stared down the cult member. She held up Spike and said “Where the dragon fire will lead me.”

Spike opened his mouth and belched out a plume of fire, blazing towards the cultists in front of Wanda. One look at the flames caused the cult members to freak out.

“FIRE!” One of the cult members yelled.

“IT’S GOING TO BURN US!” another yelled.

The Windigo’s Guild cult ran around in complete panic as Spike continued to breathe fire in front of everyone. Wanda held Spike close to her as the baby dragon held nothing back.

“A treacherous fire attack,” Coldnelius Snap said. “Impressive. But it won’t be enough.”

Coldnelius Snap charged up his horn and fired off a blast of cold magic at Wanda and Spike. But before it could reach the duo, Cinch fired off a blast of magic of her own, colliding with the cold magic and exploding into snow particles.

“RUN, MAN’S CUB,” Cinch yelled. “RUN AND DON’T LOOK BACK!”

Wanda nodded at Cinch as she held Spike at her side and ran off down the alleyway.

“Come back here you little brat,” Coldnelius Snap said as he began to run towards the alleyway, only to be cut off by Chancellor Cinch.

“You want the Man’s Cub?” Cinch yelled. “You'll have to get past me first.”

Coldnelius Snap’s eyes glowed a bright bluish-white like the cold of winter. He pointed his horn at Cinch and said “Oh, I will.”

Meanwhile, in the skies above Canterlot, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator took notice of Wanda running through the alleyway all while she held Spike up close. Inferno signaled to his two brothers.

“That’s her,” Inferno said. “That’s the Man’s Cub that Queen Chrysalis wanted.”

“Tell me you want us to grab that girl?” Quickstrike yelled. “That would be as easy as taking candy from a baby.”

“It is the duty to serve the royalty,” Inferno said. “And if it means capturing her, then we shall do it.

Quickstrike grabbed onto Inferno and yelled “YEE HAW! Now you’re talking.” Quickstrike turned to Waspinator and said “How about it, bug boy? You ready to rip?”

Waspinator looked at the two with a cold look on his face and said “Waspinator not ready to rip. Waspinator ready to rock n roll.”

Quickstrike looked at Waspinator, released his grip from Inferno and said “Well I don’t know what that means. But I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Then come, brothers,” Inferno said. “We shall capture the girl and end this silly war of the soft ones. For the glory of the Royalty.”

With that, Inferno, Quickstrike and Waspinator fly off towards Wanda, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting princess.

To Be Continued in…

A heartbroken rescue

Author's Note:

What I like about writing these kinds of parts is the kind of despair any character can be in, how overwhelmed anyone can be in. You have the odds against you, and you have to figure out how to fight back, or run to fight another day.

It's these parts that makes me enjoy writing this kind of fanfiction, and how I can create such despicable villains.

Anyway, only 7 parts remain. How will Wanda get out of this mess?

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