• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 8-3: Sins of the Parents

Sins of the Parents

It was later in the afternoon with everyone in the audience anticipating the final event. The scoreboard is tied between Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash with six points each. Both competitors were set at the end of a long, thick rope. In the stands, Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Moondancer and Ditzy Doo were cheering as the two competitors stared down at each other. Nearby, Golden Lace glanced at Ditzy with a smirk on her face.

“Once the final competition starts,” Golden Lace thought to herself. “I’ll give that pegasi brat a taste of humiliation, and then sneak off. Dumb snowflake thinks she’s so special.”

As Golden Lace kept her eye between the event down below and Ditzy Doo in the stands, Wanda and Sunset continued to cheer as Princess Celestia began to take the stage.

“So who do you think will win?” Sunset said.

“I think Rainbow Dash might have what it takes,” Wanda replied.

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight said. “For someone who’s close to Danged Spell, you’re eager to embrace his opponent.”

“But isn’t she so cool?” Wanda replied. “The way she flies into the air is amazing. I hope I get to race her in the air one day.”

“Wanda,” Sunset said with a giggle. “You may be the only one of us all who can fly, but Rainbow Dash would fly rings around you in the air.”

“She’s right,” Ditzy said as she stuck her head towards the three girls. “I’ve seen Rainbow Dash pull off the near impossible when it comes to flying. And that includes the Sonic Rainboom.”

Wanda let out a sigh as she said “If only I could see the Rainboom without hurting on the inside.”

On the field, Princess Celestia walked up to the podium and cleared her throat, ready to make the announcement.

“May I have your attention, fillies and gentlecolts?” Princess Celestia said into the mic. “For our final tiebreaker event, Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash will partake in a tug-o-war competition. Both competitors will pull at opposite ends of their rope, using every punch of strength within. That includes Rainbow Dash’s wings and Danged Spell’s magic. Whoever pulls the opponent into the mud, wins the tiebreaker, and is declared winner of the Iron Stallion Competition. Anything you two would like to say to each other?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said as she turned her head towards Danged Spell. “Eat my dust.”

“I’ll make you eat the mud, Rainbow Crash,” Danged Spell said with a grin on his face as he bit into his end of the rope..

“Oh it’s on,” Rainbow Dash said as she bit into her end of the rope.

“Looks like everyone is set,” Princess Celestia said as she turned to face Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell.

Tension filled the atmosphere as Danged Spell and Rainbow Dash stared down at each other, each with opposite ends of the rope in their mouth. The crowd looked on, getting ready for the final event to play out. Princess Celestia had her eyes completely locked onto the duo, as a small drop of sweat fell from her brow.

“Contestants ready,” Princess Celestia said. “GO!”

And with that, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell pulled back on the rope, hoping to pull the opponent into the mud and claim the final victory. The crowd, sans Golden Lace, kept changing “GO” repeatedly as the duo held on to each end of the rope, holding down tight with their teeth as Rainbow Dash pulled back with her wings, all while Danged Spell held tight with some of his magic.

Quickly, Rainbow Dash grabbed a piece of the rope with her arms and spits her end out of her mouth. She pulled back as much as possible, hoping to bring Danged Spell to a dirty end.

But Danged Spell took notice of Rainbow Dash’s tactic, and grabbed his end of the rope with his arms. His horn glowed as the section of the rope was embedded with magic. He spat out part of the rope and began to pull back with his arms and magic. The two looked like they were still dead even.

“Still think you’re a match for me, Dirty Spell?” Rainbow Dash said as she held firm on the rope. “You’re about to be all washed up.”

“My dear Rainbow Crash,” Danged Spell said as he held on. “I’ve only just begun.”

Back in the stands, the crowds continued to chant “GO” towards Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell. All except Golden Lace, who has shifted her eyes towards Ditzy Doo.

“Now’s my chance,” Golden Lace said to herself. “Time to chop the onions.”

While everyone had their eyes focused on the field, Golden Lace slowly scooted over to Ditzy Doo. Her devilish smirk melted away, replaced with a jolly smile.

“Great competition, eh?” Golden Lace said to Ditzy Doo.

“Oh is it,” Ditzy said, not paying attention to Golden Lace. “I hope Rainbow Dash comes out the winner. She’s my hero.”

Golden Lace’s smirk began to form a bit on her cheek as she inched her mouth towards Ditzy’s ear.

“So tell me,” Golden Lace whispered. “What makes you think you’re best friends with this….Rainbow Dash.”

Those words caused Ditzy Doo to pause as she turned her head towards Golden Lace.

“That’s easy,” Ditzy Doo said. “I’ve known her since she moved from Cloudsdale to the Ponyville Providence.”

“And why would Rainbow Dash want to remain best friends with a simple-minded crow-bait like you?” Golden Lace whispered. Those words caused Ditzy’s face to go into a bit of a shock, all while everyone else’s attention was still on Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell.

“What do you mean by that?” Ditzy said, still startled by Golden Lace’s words.

“Why would someone like Rainbow Dash want to remain friends with a total subnormal dimwit like you?” Golden Lace whispered to Ditzy Doo as the pegasi filly began to shed a tear.

“Because we’ve known each other before I even came to Canterlot,” Ditzy said as she wiped away the tears from her eyes.

“She might be lying to you,” Golden Lace said. “She only pretends to be your friend. But I heard while you’re not looking, she says some horrible things to you.”

“She what?” Ditzy Doo said, as her voice doesn’t even catch the attention of the other fillies?”

“I saw her when she was chilling all by herself,” Golden Lace said. “She was livid about you, calling you a liability behind your back, and a worthless imbecil. She also mentioned that she didn’t come by to take you home to Ponyville.”

“She didn’t?” Ditzy said as tears continued to flow from her eyes.

“Oh no,” Golden Lace said. “I heard she was going to fly you to the ends of the planet and leave you in a lifeless wasteland, where you’ll be all alone. And to make sure you don’t escape, she’s going to put cuffs on your wings.”

Tears flowed even faster from Ditzy Doo as she struggled to hold it in. Golden Lace got up and turned towards the high end of the bleachers.

“It’s not true,” Ditzy said, as she looked like she was on the verge of crying.

“Oh believe me,” Golden Lace said. “It’s all true.” She then jumped over the railing and landed on the grass before hiding underneath the bleachers.

Ditzy tried her hardest not to hold it in. But those nasty words that Golden Lace said to her, she looked like she could burst.

“Rainbow Dash...is not….my friend?” Ditzy said before she let out a loud scream, crying as loud as possible as two waterfalls of tears flowed from her eyes. That caught the attention of Wanda, the fillies and the companions.

“Ditzy Doo?” Moondancer said. “What happened?”

Back on the field, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell continued to pull at their respective ends of the rope, when they overheard Ditzy Doo cry. But as the two turned their heads towards the bleachers, the rope snapped and sent them both flying right into each other. The moment Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell collided, the crowd let out a loud gasp as the duo fell right into the mud. Even Princess Celestia was speechless as the event that transpired.

“What in the name of my mother?” Princess Celestia said, shocked at seeing both Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell knee-deep in the mud.

“That sounded like Ditzy Doo,” Rainbow Dash said as she got up, still dirty from the mud.

“What in the hay would cause her to bawl her eyes out?” Danged Spell said as he got up, not minding the mud still covering his fur.

“Come on,” Rainbow Dash said. “Let’s see what’s going on.”

As Rainbow Dash flew up to check on Ditzy Doo, Danged Spell was about to take off when Princess Celestia approached him. The look on her face is of total concern.

“Young stallion,” Princess Celestia said as Danged Spell looked up to her. “I think I know who’s behind it, and I know where she is.”

Back on the bleachers, Ditzy continued to cry out loud as everyone else was in complete shock. Especially with Moondancer and Wanda, who did their best to comfort Ditzy Doo..

“Ditzy,” Moondancer said as she struggled to get close to the pegasi. “What’s wrong?”

But Ditzy continued to cry her eyes out, ignoring the plea from Moondancer.

“This is hopeless,” Wanda said, as she stood helpless watching Ditzy cry. “What would mom do to comfort her?”

As Starlight watched Ditzy cry, small particles of tears began to form on her cheek as well. Starlight struggled to hold it as she continued to watch Ditzy bawl her eyes out.

“Poor Ditzy,” Starlight said. “Seeing her cry makes me want to...to..”

“No, Don’t do it,” Sunburst yelled as he begged Starlight not to cry. But it was not enough. Starlight started crying out loud as she felt sorry for Ditzy Doo. Her tears flowed like twin waterfalls as one of them splashed all over Sunburst, drenching him completely. Sunburst just sat right down and leaned onto his left arm as the waterfall tears spilled all over him.

“Oh Starlight,” Sunburst said as he put his hoof on his face. “What would you do without the rest of us?”

As Ditzy continued her waterworks, Rainbow Dash flew on in and approached her close friend. Ditzy opened her eyes and saw Rainbow Dash approaching her.

“Hey Ditzy,” Rainbow Dash said. “You okay?” But one look at Rainbow Dash was enough to cause Ditzy to freak out.

“You’re a big meanie, Rainbow Dash,” Ditzy Doo yelled. “You think I’m some sort of subnormal dimwit.”

“A subnormal what?” Rainbow Dash said, confused. “I don’t get it.

“You also think I’m some sort of liability,” Ditzy yelled as her eyes continued to water. “And you want to cuff my wings down, send me to the ends of the planet, and leave me in some random wasteland, all alone by myself.”

“Woah woah, easy there,” Rainbow Dash said as she began to understand what Ditzy was saying. “Why would I want to do something as horrible as that? And a liability? I’ve known you since I moved to La Maresa in the Ponyville Providence. All I see in you is a lost soul that needs a good friend, not some liability or a subnormal whatchamacallit.” Rainbow Dash’s words began to take hold on Ditzy’s psyche as her crying began to ease down.

“You…” Ditzy Doo said as she wiped away the tears. “You never meant any of that?”

“Do I look like those three bullies who kept picking on you?” Rainbow Dash said. “I may be smug and arrogant, but I’m not mean-spirited and cruel like Hoops, Dumbbell and Score. Those three are the reasons why I chose to be your friend. I didn’t want you to feel bad.”

And with that, Rainbow Dash brushed Ditzy Doo’s mane with her hoof. Ditzy giggled as she reached out and hugged Rainbow Dash.

“I shouldn’t have doubted you, Rainbow,” Ditzy said. “Especially after what that mean filly said about you.”

“Mean filly, eh?” Rainbow Dash said. “I think I know who you’re talking about.”

“Unfortunately, she took off while we weren’t looking,” Sunset Shimmer said as she comforted Starlight Glimmer. “All during the final event between you and Danged Spell.”

“Speaking of which,” Moondancer said. “Where is that clown? One moment he hit the mudpack with you, and the next minute he disappeared while we were helping Ditzy.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem,” Twilight said with a smirk on her face. “Something tells me Princess Celestia may have something to do with it.”

Underneath the bleachers, Golden Lace looked upward at the group as they gave comfort to Ditzy Doo. Her smug look tells a disturbing sign that she had done her part in giving some grief to that cross-eyed pegasus.

“Snowflakes like that impaired horse are so easy to upset,” Golden Lace said to herself. “And her tears are like a delicious chocolate milkshake.”

“For someone who lives the high life, you sure act like a dirty rat.” That voice startled Golden Lace. She turned around and saw Danged Spell from one end of the bleacher’s understructure. He shook off some of the mud from his head before delivering an agitated snort from his nose.

“You don’t know when to give up,” Golden Lace said as she turned tail. “Maybe when you learn your place, you’ll realize that you and Roadkill Trash were never that important.”

Before Danged Spell could move an inch, Golden Lace took off in the opposite direction. That being said, Spell’s anger turned into a smirk as he just stood there.

“Gotcha,” Danged Spell said with a low voice as he took a few steps back. “She bit it hook, line and sinker.”

Golden Lace ran out from underneath the bleachers and into the open field. But as she took off, a small quake shook underneath. She lost her balance and fell onto the grass.

“Wha?” Golden Lace said, completely caught off guard. “Who’s responsible for this madness?”

But as Golden Lace looked up, she saw the familiar white alicorn that is Princess Celestia. Lace’s face was in complete shock as Princess Celestia stared down at the young filly in complete disgust.

“Golden Lace,” Princess Celestia yelled as her tone grew frightening. “My office, this instant. MARCH, YOUNG LADY!”

All Golden Lace could do was swallow a bit of saliva as she walked down with Princess Celestia walking right behind her. If there was one thing on her mind, it was the fact that she got caught red hooved.

Later that day, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer, Danged Spell, Spike, and Ditzy Doo waited outside Princess Celestia’s office. While a sense of relief filled the room, there was a bit of anxiety over both Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell.

“Are you both alright?” Twilight said.

“No we’re not,” Rainbow Dash said. “What Golden Lace did to Ditzy Doo is completely despicable.”

“No doubt about it,” Danged Spell said. “No self-centered brat goes around making Ditzy cry and getting away with it.” The mere look on Danged Spell’s face was enough to worry Moondancer.

“I haven’t seen Danged Spell that fired up before,” Moondancer whispered to Twilight. “And that’s not counting his Wolf’s Breath curse.”

“Danged Spell may be naive,” Twilight whispered back. “But he has a sense of loyalty towards anyone he calls his friend. And I can see that same energy within Rainbow Dash.”

“No kidding,” Moondancer whispered. “It’s almost as if these two were tied to some sort of destiny.”

“I doubt it,” Twilight whispered. “Equestria hasn’t had any form of evil in a long time. Not since Daybreaker, and not since the invasion of Queen Icelina.”

As Moondancer and Twilight continued to whisper towards each other, Starlight sat right next to Ditzy Doo with Spike and Sunburst right next to her.

“You okay?” Starlight asked while she had her hoof on Ditzy’s back.

“No,” Ditzy said. “Not after what that bad filly said to me.”

“Don’t you worry,” Sunburst said. “Whatever Celestia will do, she’ll make sure Golden Lace doesn’t give you any trouble again.”

“Yeah,” Starlight said. “It’s not the first time she got in trouble for being a cruel and mean-spirited filly.”

“I hope you’re right,” Ditzy said. “She’s not the first jerk to bully me. I hope she’s the last.”

Nearby, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell were watching Ditzy Doo, Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst. The presence of those three were enough to calm the nerves of the two rivals.

“Is Golden Lace the only bull you have to put up with?” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes, thankfully,” Danged Spell replied. “In fact, I used to think like that. Didn’t see much in Wanda.”

“What made you change your tune?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Princess Celestia at least set me straight,” Danged Spell said. “But what really changed my mind was how impressive Wanda was in rescuing little Abigail. I never saw anyone as remarkable as Wanda do what she had to, even if she was a little reckless in her own well-being.”

But as Rainbow Dash watched the three from afar, something caught her eye. Two adult ponies, one a stallion, another a mare, were walking down the hallway towards them. Their mood is of complete disgust.

“Uhh Danged Spell,” Rainbow Dash said as she tapped the colt by the shoulder. “I think we’ve got company.”

Danged Spell turned his head and saw the two older ponies walking towards them. The pupils in his eyes shrank as his ears flopped downwards. His jaw dropped a bit at the mere sight.

“The Banks family,” Danged Spell said to himself. “They’ve come for their daughter.”

Inside the office, Golden Lace sat in a chair, looking completely afraid. Princess Celestia marched back and forth while Wanda, Sunset and Abigail glanced at her from the side. Fear fed into Golden Lace’s eyes as she awaited her fate. And yet, she looked as if she were about to throw a fit.

“This is the fifth incident you have pulled at this school, young lady,” Princess Celestia said with a stern tone. “Do you have any idea why you chose to torment Ditzy Doo? She is one of our special guests at the school. Our goal was to make her comfortable during her time here, and you went and gave her a hard time. And not to mention from what I heard, you also tried to sever the friendship between her and our other guest: Rainbow Dash.”

“What about the fact that one of your students pulled that kind of stunt?” Golden Lace yelled. That response was only met with a loud hiss. Golden Lace turned her head to see Abigail growl at her.

“I’m afraid that whataboutism isn’t going to work,” Wanda said, glancing at Golden Lace. “Danged Spell may be naive, but he understands the true meaning of friendship.”

“She’s right,” Sunset said. “If I ever pulled a stunt like that, I would have faced the same consequences as what you’re going through.”

“That’s because you and that monkey live a sheltered life,” Golden Lace snapped as she turned her head towards Sunset Shimmer and Wanda Young. “All the way up there in that big castle, thinking you’re both some sort of princesses. Reality check: You’re nothing special you simple-minded pair of Mary Sues.”

“That’s enough, Golden Lace,” Princess Celestia yelled. The high volume of her voice was enough to cause the room to shake a bit, shocking Golden Lace, but also startling Wanda Young and Sunset Shimmer. Abigail let out a loud meow before hiding behind Wanda’s legs.

“This is why I don’t anger Princess Celestia,” Sunset said towards Wanda.

“Tell me about it,” Wanda replied. “I did it once unintentionally.”

Princess Celestia walked around the desk and towards Golden Lace. To say she was disappointed in one of her students was a massive understatement. Her once calm tone has become completely abrasive. The smile she once had early this morning was gone, and only a frown remained. Golden Lace could do nothing but look up in fear.

“I gave you many chances to change your attitude, young lady,” Princess Celestia said with a stern tone. “But time after time, you chose to repeat the same actions that got you in trouble in the first place. Your actions have consequences, and I don’t see suspension as an appropriate punishment. Effective immediately, you will be serving detention for the next two months.”

“Detention?” Golden Lace yelled.

“That’s right,” Princess Celestia said. “So unless you want to push your luck, you march over to the detention room this instant.”

“That will be enough, Princess Celestia.” The sound of that voice caught the attention of everyone in the room. Princess Celestia looked up and saw an older stallion and a younger mare. The duo took a few steps towards the Princess. The stallion with a cold look on his face, and the mare with a face of confidence. Wanda and Sunset looked up and felt a scary presence from these two.

“I don’t like the looks of them,” Wanda whispered to Sunset.

“That’s Silver and Gold Banks,” Sunset Shimmer whispered back. “Those two are the richest ponies in Equestria and the parents of Golden Lace. They’re also the biggest financial backers of Equestrian Politics. They make even Chancellor Cinch quiver in fear.”

As Silver and Gold Banks approach Princess Celestia, they place themselves right next to their daughter Golden Lace. The self-centered brat’s face went from fear to calm in almost an instant.

“Silver and Gold Banks,” Princess Celestia said as she cleared her throat. “We were discussing your daughter’s recent incident at the school.”

“We are completely aware of this Princess,” Silver Banks snapped. “That is why we came here.”

“Then you both do know that your daughter will be facing the consequences of her actions,” Princess Celestia replied. “Even though you’re the most influential ponies of Equestria, your daughter still has to atone for what she did.”

“I’m afraid you’re mistaken,” Gold Banks said as she flicked her mane. “As the biggest financial backers of every political party in Equestria, third parties included, we wanted what’s best for the interests of this nation. And unfortunately, you’ve proven time and time again, not to showcase that.”

“What does that have to do with your daughter Golden Lace?” Princess Celestia asked as her patience began to grow thin.

“Why...everything,” Gold Banks said. “We want what’s best for our daughter, and what’s best for Equestria. And by denying her what she deserves, you only set Equestria back a thousand years.”

“So we are going to make this very clear to you,” Silver Banks said. “You will refrain from giving our daughter detention, and ensure that you will not mistreat her like that again.”

“With all due respect Mr Banks,” Princess Celestia said. “I cannot do that. If I did so, I’d have to do the same thing for every student in this school.”

“Then you leave us no other choice,” Silver Banks said as he slammed his hoof on the desk. “If you do not retract Golden Lace’s detention service, not only will I order this school to be shut down, but I will push out a propaganda piece that will have you made a pariah in public, turning your people against you, leading to your own resignation.”

“My what?” Princess Celestia shreked. Wanda, Sunset and Abigail looked on in complete shock from what Silver Banks said to Princess Celestia, completely at a loss of words.

“The ultimate punishment for mistreating my daughter will result in the loss of your crown, and your own banishment from Canterlot.” Silver Banks yelled. “DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?

Princess Celestia was at a loss of words. Early ago, she had a stern and disappointing look that showcased a sign of discipline. Now all that is left is a face of fear and despair. She hung her head down and let out a long sigh.

“Fine,” Princess Celestia said, looking defeated. “Golden Lace will not serve detention in this school.”

“Very good,” Silver Banks said as his tone went from abrasive to satisfied. Golden Lace turned her head towards Wanda and Sunset and let out a devilish grin.

“This is why you always lose, you entitled pigs,” Golden Lace said to the two girls as she got down.

“Come my daughter,” Silver Banks said. “Let us leave Princess Celestia to think about what she did.”

Golden Lace and Silver Banks began to walk out of Celestia’s Office. As Gold Banks began to do the same, she turned her head towards Wanda.

“You’re such a foolish child, pretending to be something you don’t deserve to be,” Gold Banks said to the Man’s Cub. “A filthy animal who’s pretending to be a Princess when you’re nothing more than Celestia’s little pet. You’re better off caged off in a zoo where ponies pelt your face with peanuts...MARY SUE!”

With a sinister laugh, Gold Banks walked out of the room. Tears began to form on Wanda’s face.

Outside, Golden Lace, Silver Banks and Gold Banks walked outside with everyone around them in total shock. Especially Ditzy Doo, Rainbow Dash and Danged Spell. Golden Lace turned her attention towards Danged Spell and stared right into that stallion’s soul.

“You and that stupid princess should have let me be,” Golden Lace said. “Had you done so, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Oh well, this is why I keep winning and you keep losing. And speaking of which, that Iron Stallion Competition was a complete snoozefest. Your Pegasi friend wouldn’t be suited to be a Wonderbolt. But who’d want to be a part of those losers, anyway?”

Golden Lace laughed as she walked down the hallway with Silver and Gold Banks right next to her. Danged Spell and Ditzy Doo were still in complete disbelief. But Rainbow Dash looked like she was about to pop a blood vessel.

“Losers?” Rainbow Dash said as she stomped the ground. “No pony calls the Wonderbolts losers.”

But as Rainbow Dash was about to take off after Golden Lace, Twilight Sparkle held Rainbow Dash back with her magic. The young pegasi struggled to break free.

“Leggo Egghead,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “I’ll make that brat pay for what she said about the Wonderbolts.”

“It’s not worth it, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said. “Do you want your name to be eviscerated across Equestria? You may not even get into the Wonderbolts at all.”

Upon hearing those words, Rainbow Dash let herself go and sank back down. Her look was completely dejected, considering the fact that Golden Lace not only hurt Ditzy’s feelings, but also spoiled the Iron Stallion event.

“Darnit,” Rainbow Dash said. “It just isn’t fair. How in the hay do we have to put up with those sets of crab apples?”

Ditzy looked down at the hallway and saw Golden Lace walk off with her parents Silver and Gold Banks. As she looked down at herself and pondered what to do at this moment, she overheard the sound of sniffling. She turned and ran into Celestia’s office.

Inside, Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer looked down at Wanda Young, with Abigail looking back up at her human companion.

“Wanda?” Ditzy said.

Wanda Young looked like she was on the verge of crying. Tears poured down her cheek. The sight of seeing Golden Lace get away with breaking the rules, and the mean words that Gold Banks said to her brought her spirits completely down.

“Wanda,” Princess Celestia said with a depressed tone. “I didn’t mean for this to happen my darling.”

“IT’S NOT FAIR!” Wanda cried as she ran out the doorway, dashing past Ditzy Doo. She made her way down the opposite hall, bawling her eyes out as everyone else watched her run.

“Oh no,” Ditzy said as she saw Wanda run in the opposite direction. Without a second thought, she ran after Wanda.

Starlight Glimmer walked inside and saw Sunset Shimmer, Abigail Albright and Princess Celestia. All three individuals were in complete despair.

“Princess Celestia,” Starlight said as she noticed the tone of her office had a sense of dread. “What happened?”

Sunset Shimmer placed her hoof on her face as Abigail cowered right next to the sun filly. Princess Celestia completely collapsed on her desk, exhausted and emotionally drained.

“My dear Starlight,” Celestia said with a depressed voice. “I have a lot to think about.”

To Be Continued in…

A Mother’s Soothing Touch

Author's Note:

Now you won't see Golden Lace again till around Arc 11. I started her out as someone meaner than Diamond Tiara. But she will evolve as her own character(Though there is a part of me that evolved her too well).

As for the Banks, I intentionally made them extremely mean spirited from the very start, even more so than the Rich Family was in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I also showcased that while Princess Celestia is a powerful monarch, her political power pales in comparison to the Banks, who are the biggest financial backers of every political group in the nation, third parties included.

Finally, as for Wanda, this is just but a small taste of the trauma she'll experience in future arcs.

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