• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 7(A Space Geek's Lament)-1: Telescope Tragedy

Author's Note:

When I wrote this arc, I went in hoping to explore more about Moondancer in this universe, compared to the Friendship is Magic universe. I wrote her to be more of a space geek compared to the rest of her friends. And I wanted to explore what would happen if the one thing she treasured the most was destroyed by accident.

Also, this part will introduce a familiar face to the One as a Family universe. I'm not telling you who it is, but I will give you a hint. She's a well-known pony in the MLP:FiM Universe who's using her original name.

Arc 7: A Space Geek’s Lament

Telescope Tragedy

It was nighttime at the City of Canterlot. Inside the house of Crescent Eclipse, in a small bedroom, Moondancer was looking through her telescope, observing the stars in the night sky. She turned to a journal and dipped a feather quill into a jar of ink before writing down some notes. Then she turned back to the telescope.

"The night sky has so many wonders," Moondancer said as she continued to observe the sky through her telescope. "Daddy always toId me that one day, we will be able to reach for the stars and touch them with our hooves."

As Moondancer continued to observe, she saw a shooting star dart through the night sky. Her jaw dropped in awe as she witnessed the event unfold.

"Wow," Moondancer said. "Imagine what my friends would say if I told them of that,"

But as Moondancer continued to observe, she heard the sound of a baseball being hit by a bat. She turned to her right and saw a baseball fly towards her face.

"YIKES," Moondancer yelled as she ducked under her desk and covered.


The baseball went flying through the window and hit the telescope hard. Moondancer could only watch as her instrument fell to the floor with a loud thud. The impact caused both lenses of the telescope to pop open and fall to the ground. The outer frame of the scope was bent.

"My telescope," Moondancer cried as she crawled out to observe the damage. She was devastated.

"Daddy bought that for me on my last birthday," Moondancer said as she was going to break out in tears. "And now...it's….SMASHED!"

And with that, Moondancer ran out of her room, crying for her father as she lamented the loss of her favorite telescope.

It was a beautiful morning at the School for Gifted Unicorns.ns. Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and Danged Spell were all talking with each other in the hallway. Spike was on Twilight’s back, looking around when he saw two familiar faces running to them: Wanda Young and Abigail Albright.

“Hey guys,” Wanda yelled as she waved to her friends. “Guess who’s back?”

Spike immediately taps Twilight on the head. But Wanda’s words were enough to catch her attention. She immediately turned around to see Wanda running down the hallway, with Spike nearly falling off her back.

“Wanda,” Twilight said as she waved back. “I was wondering when you were going to get better.”

The other ponies turned their attention to the Man’s Cub, who were also glad to see their best friend back.

“Told you a simple cold couldn’t keep her down,” Sunset said. “That’s my sister, the toughest kid in all of Canterlot.”

“No doubt about it,” Danged Spell said as he grinned at Sunset. “Not even that ol hag of a Chancellor can bring her down.”

But as Wanda approached the group, she noticed something was odd.

“Hey guys,” Wanda said. “Have you seen Moondancer?”

The five ponies looked at each other with a concerned face, then turned their attention back to Wanda.

“Something horrible happened to Moondancer last night,” Twilight said as she approached Wanda. Spike jumped off Twilight’s back and approached Abigail.

“How so?” Wanda asked.

“You’re not going to believe this,” Sunburst said as he approached Wanda. “But she’s been sulking by herself, muttering about losing her telescope.”

“What happened to her telescope?” Wanda asked.

“We’ve been trying to figure that out since this morning,” Twilight said. “We’ve tried talking to her, but she ignored us. It’s like she’s in her own world.”

“We’ve tried talking to her,” Starlight said as she put her arms on Wanda’s shoulders. “But nothing we said could help her. Is there anything you can do about it?”

“I’ll try,” Wanda said as she moved Starlight’s arms off her. “If there is a friend that she needs, I’m willing to give it a hand.” With that, she picked up Abigail and placed the little tabby on her shoulders.

“I believe that is where she ran into,” Twilight said as she pointed to the entrance of a study hall. “See what you can do to help her.”

“Thank you,” Wanda said as she walked towards the entrance of the study hall with Abigail on her shoulders.

“Isn’t there anything we can do,” Starlight asked. “I’m worried about Moondancer’s well-being.”

“I’m afraid not,” Twilight said. “Not at the moment. But I believe we can think of something.”

Inside the Study Hall, Moondancer sat there, staring at a book called “The Wonders of the Galaxy.” She looked depressed as she let out a long sigh, not bothering to take her eyes off the book, or even turning the page. Wanda came by and noticed Moondancer’s tone. She walked up to Moondancer, pulled out a chair that was next to the depressed unicorn, and sat right next to her.

“Hey Moonie,” Wanda said as Abigail leaped off her shoulders and sat on the table. “It’s me, Wanda. I’m all better now.”

“Hey Wanda,” Moondancer said in a depressing tone as she let out another sigh.

“Are you okay?” Wanda asked as she was concerned for her friend.

“I’m fine,” Moondancer said as she continued to stare at the pages of the book. This was not enough to sway Wanda’s concern.

“I heard something bad happened to your telescope,” Wanda said as she put her hand on Moondancer’s shoulder.

“It’s nothing,” Moondancer said, still staring at her book.

“It’s more than nothing,” Wanda said. “You enjoyed using that telescope every night. You once showed me the wonders of outer space with it.”

Moondancer sighed and continued to stare at her book. Wanda looked discouraged, but also determined.

“Why do you sound like you stopped caring about the stars?” Wanda asked. “I’ve known you since our first day in school, and you’re always obsessed with outer space. And you loved telling us the wonders of what’s beyond our planet. To you, the stars beyond our planet are your whole Universe. And to me, that whole idea is just Outer this world.”

The moment Wanda stopped talking, Moondancer’s eyes popped up and became watery. She looked at Wanda and looked like she was about to cry. Wanda looked at her friend and realized she did something wrong.

“Oh dear,” Wanda said as she took her hand off Moondancer’s shoulder. “I made a space pun, didn’t I? I’m terribly sorry. Please don’t cry.”

But it was too late. Moondancer cried so hard that tears flowed from her eyes like twin waterfalls. The splashing of water from her tears were enough to cause Abigail to freak out and jump underneath the table, hiding herself from getting wet. Wanda stepped back from Moondancer as she cried her eyes out.

“Oh no,” Wanda said as she realized what she had done. “And I already had my own problems not long ago. I’m terribly sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Wanda,” Moondancer cried. “It’s just that the Telescope my daddy gave me was destroyed. And now I won’t be able to go into the wonders of the universe.”

And with that, Moondancer cried some more, bursting into waterfall tears once again. Wanda looked at her close friend, and saw a troubled soul. She had to find a way to let her know that everything will be alright.

“I’ve known what it’s like to be in your situation,” Wanda said as she gave Moondancer a hug, all while being drenched in the filly’s waterfall tears. “You remember when I told you days ago while I was sick in bed?”

Moondancer stopped crying and looked at Wanda. The young filly said “The fact that you nearly killed a baby bird by mistake?”

“Yes,” Wanda said as she looked at Moondancer. “I’ve known what it’s like to be in that situation. I nearly brought that bird down because I mistook him for a giant Roc. And it nearly broke my own spirit. At least he’s alive and well. I couldn’t forgive myself if I had killed that baby bird.”

Moondancer wiped away a tear from her eyes and looked at Wanda. A smile cracked on her face. She was still sad. But hearing Wanda’s story did ease her frustration.

“Wanda,” Moondancer said before grabbing onto the Man’s Cub and crying into her chest. “I’m glad to have a friend like you.”

Wanda could only smile and pat her friend Moondancer on her head. Abigail jumped up from under the table and rubbed her head on Wanda’s hip. Moondancer was able to take notice of Abigail’s presence and proceeded to rub the tabby on the back of her ear. Abigail purred as Wanda giggled at Moondancer.

Outside the doorway, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and Danged Spell were observing both Moondancer and Wanda. And for now, they feel relieved that Wanda was able to at least cheer up Moondancer for the moment.

“Never thought Wanda would be the one to brighten Moondancer’s day,” Sunset said as she turned her head towards her friends.

“Thank Celestia,” Twilight said. “Imagine someone breaking her heart like not showing up at a party for her birthday.”

"I'll say," Danged Spell said. "If Wanda didn't bring out the courage to help, Moondancer would have been all washed up."

"Well it's about time you let loose one of your lame puns," Sunset said as she proceeded to give Danged Spell a hoof noogie on his head. That did not amuse the troublesome colt.

"Hey lay off," Danged Spell said as he pushed Sunset's hoof off his head. "What are you trying to do, mess up my mane?"

“You know I’m just playing with you,” Sunset said as she tried to hold back her giggles.

“But what should we do about Moondancer?” Starlight asked. “Her favorite telescope has been smashed, and she looks like she could use some major cheering up.”

“You’re right, Starlight,” Sunset said. “Moondancer really loved that Telescope. Her dad, Crescent Eclipse, is a renowned scientist at the Equestrian Space Operation. ESO for short.”

“I’ve heard about them,” Sunburst said. “Before I enrolled in this school, I always popped over to the Sire’s Hollow Library just to check out some new books. One of them talked about the ESO, how they formed to help push the idea of Outer Space exploration, and their own achievements, like landing a pony on the moon.”

“Isn’t there supposed to be some evil entity on the moon?” Danged Spell asked. “Like some kind of stone-hard dumpster keeping at bay a monster who once terrorized Equestria thousands of years ago?” Those words only caused the other ponies to laugh.

“Spell,” Twilight said as she gave Danged Spell a hoof noogie. “You read too many comic books for your own good.”

“Well not to take Spell’s side,” Sunset said. “But this is a world full of magic and monsters. One of which happens to be the Windigos Guild, remember?” This caused Starlight and Danged Spell to giggle while Sunburst just rolled his eyes a bit.

“As I was saying,” Sunburst said. “The ESO has expanded its core mission since the successful moon landing, such as the shuttle program and the Equestria Space Station located more than sixty-four miles above the surface of the planet. Crescent Eclipse is the head of the ESO located at Cape Coltnaveral. He and other top aerospace scientists are working to further advancements into exploration beyond our planet.”

“Which begs the question,” Danged Spell asked. “How the hay does he get from Canterlot to Cape Coltnaveral in less than a day?”

“Well here’s the thing,” Sunburst said. “Right now, he’s on shore leave and he’s spending his time with his wife Artemis Light and Moondancer. But he’s usually gone for weeks. Sometimes an entire month.”

“Wow,” Starlight said, shocked by Sunburst’s words. “If my parents were gone for a long time like that while I was living in Sire’s Hollow, I would have been driven to boredom.”

“You’re not the only one, squeaker,” Danged Spell said. “Even I would die of boredom.”

“But since Sunburst mentioned how Moondancer’s father is on shore leave,” Sunset said. “I suggest we pay him a visit after school. Maybe help figure out a way to get that telescope fixed up for Moondancer.”

“I’m down with that,” Danged Spell said as he looked eager to jump in on the action. “Anything to cheer up the space gal and get that frown turned upside down.”

“I’m up for helping out a friend,” Twilight said. “Besides, it’s not like we have to throw her a party to cheer her up.”

“I don’t think it would work like that,” Sunburst said. “But I’m up for helping her out in getting that telescope repaired.”

“Same here,” Starlight said as she raised her right arm into the air. “After all, it is Moondancer that needs us to help out.”

“Then it’s agreed,” Sunset Shimmer said. “When school is out, we’ll all make a beeline to Moondancer’s house, introduce ourselves, and figure out a plan on repairing Moondancer’s telescope. Any questions?”

Sunset then noticed Danged Spell with his right arm raised in the air. She then said “Yes Spell?”

“If we’re making a beeline to Moondancer’s house,” Danged Spell asked. “Would that make her place a real honeypot?”

The others yelled out “Danged Spell” before erupting into laughter.

“It was worth it,” Danged Spell said to himself.

It was later in the day after school, outside of Moondancer’s house. Sunset Shimmer rang the doorbell as she waited with anticipation. Right next to her were Wanda Young, Abigail Albright, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Danged Spell, and a very timid Moondancer. It seems the idea of introducing her friends to her parents had made the young Space Nerd nervous.

“I don’t know about this,” Moondancer said as her arms and legs were shaking. “What if my parents don’t approve of all of you? Even if it’s the daughters of Princess Celestia?”

“Relax Moondancer,” Sunset said as she waited with anticipation. “We’re here for you. That’s what matters the most.”

“Yeah,” Wanda said as she patted Moondancer on the back. “You’re our friend, and friends stand up for each other.”

“I..guess so,” Moondancer said nervously.

“It’s okay, Moondancer,” Twilight said as she put her arm around Moondancer. “We’re here for you, no matter what happens.”

“Yeah,” Starlight said. “It’s what mommy always told me.”

But before Sunset could open her mouth, the front door of Moondancer’s house opened up. A tall, well-built unicorn stallion walked out the door and looked down at the group of youngsters. Moondancer turned her head in shame.

“Daddy,” Moondancer said as she closed her eyes. “I would like for you to meet a few friends of mine.”

Sunset walked up to Moondancer’s father and asked “I take it you’re Crescent Eclipse, the famous scientist from the ESO.”

“That would be me,” Crescent Eclipse said. “And you must be Princess Sunset Shimmer. Moondancer told me about you, your sisters and your friends.”

“Well,” Sunset said as she blushed in embarrassment. “I’m not really that kind of princess.”

As Crescent Eclipse looks on, he notices his daughter Moondancer turning her head in shame. This made Crescent Eclipse worried.

“Are you okay, Moonie?” Crescent Eclipse said as he reached out to Moondancer.

“I’m...fine...dad,” Moondancer said awkwardly as she continued to turn her head and close her eyes. But it’s clear that Crescent’s concern for his daughter wasn’t deterred by her choice of words.

“How about you all come inside?” Crescent said to the kids. “I would be happy to get to know you all.”

“That would be a great idea, Mr Eclipse,” Twilight said as she was about to take one step forward, only to be stopped by Moondancer.

“No please,” Moondancer said as she blocked Twilight from going forward.

“It’s alright,” Crescent said as he picked up Moondancer with his teeth and placed her aside. “I can trust them like I can trust you, Moonie.”

Moondancer let out a sigh and said “Alright. I’ll do it..”

“That’s the spirit, Moondancer,” Danged Spell said as he approached the scared filly. “Besides, we’re your friends. We wouldn’t do anything to make you feel bad.”

“Spell’s got a point here,” Sunset said as she walked next to Danged Spell. “We all formed a friendship since our first day at the School for Gifted Unicorns. Besides, you could say we’re all molded together like clay.”

“Way to steal my thunder, Sunny,” Danged Spell said with a bit of a disgusted look on his face.

“Sorry,” Sunset laughed. “Couldn’t resist.”

Later on in the living room of Moondancer’s house, Wanda, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst and Danged Spell were bunched up together on the big couch, with Moondancer sitting next to her mother Artemis Light on the smaller couch. Sitting on the big chair was Crescent Eclipse, who was enjoying a spot of tea. On the floor next to the big couch was Abigail and Spike, bunched up together.

“So how long has Moondancer enjoyed her dreams of outer space?” Sunset asked.

“Since she was a foal,” Crescent said as he took a sip of tea. “She’s always been fascinated by the outer reaches of space. And when fascination gets into the mind, the only thing I could do was feed it. And considering my level of expertise, that wouldn’t be a problem.”

“There is something else that seems to bug me,” Sunburst said. “If Moondancer is fascinated with outer space, why doesn’t she have her cutie mark, especially in relation to the subject?”

“Good observation, young one,” Crescent Eclipse said. “Though she was the most fascinated with the stars, Moondancer was often considered a social outcast, often mocked by her classmates at her old school at Cape Coltnaveral.”

“Even though the Equestrian Space Operation was located there?” Twilight said, shocked by Crescent’s words.

“I’m afraid so,” Crescent Eclipse said. “Though the Space Operation was popular among the adults at Cape Coltnaveral, even earning the praise of Princess Celestia, the kids scoffed at the idea of outer space travel, calling it a silly fantasy dream. They often picked on Moondancer, calling her names like ‘Silly Alien,’ ‘Rocket Dumb,’ and even a ‘Bubble-Headed Booby,’ She once broke down crying after her science project was destroyed by a couple of the mean-spirited students.”

“And this is why Moondancer hates space puns,” Twilight whispered to Danged Spell.

“I’m beginning to understand why,” Danged Spell whispered back. “These jerks sound more brain-dead than a horror flick.”

“So I take it that was the reason why you chose to move to Canterlot,” Sunset said to Crescent Eclipse.

“Actually,” Crescent Eclipse said. “It was your mother Princess Celestia who approached us after a previous field trip to the ESO Center in Cape Coltnaveral. She noticed that Moondancer was talented in her use of magic, but also suffered torment from her fellow students. It led up to the point where she didn’t want to be inside the station, out of fear that she would be ridiculed.”

“Oh dear,” Starlight said as she looked at Moondancer from the distance of her couch. “If I was in that situation, I would have cried my eyes out.”

“Well young lady,” Crescent Eclipse said. “Princess Celestia had a proposal to me, Artemis and to Moondancer. A new school to try out in Canterlot for talented unicorns, and to make some new friends that she could relate to. Those that will appreciate her talents and interests. The moment I told Moonie that, she was excited.”

“To be going to a new school?” Starlight asked.

“Well that,” Crescent Eclipse said. “And it sounded like she really wanted to leave Cape Coltnaveral and all that nastiness behind.”

“That explains why Moondancer was willing to be friends with me,” Twilight said. “It’s because she thought I was going to be different from those bullies back at Cape Coltnaveral, that I would at least prove to be friendly and not antagonizing. And I proved her right.”

‘I guess Mommy knew even Moondancer needed some help,” Sunset said to Twilight. “Had she not made the decision, we wouldn’t have been great friends with Moondancer. And who knows what would have happened to her.”

But as Sunset continued to talk to Twilight, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Sunset turned around and saw Wanda with a concerned look on her face.

“Uhh Sunny?” Wanda said as she pointed to the other couch. “I think there is something wrong with Moondancer.”

Sunset looked towards the smaller couch and saw Moondancer burying her face in a pillow. It seemed the stories that her father told her friends embarrassed her.

“Hey Moondancer,” Sunset said. “You alright?” But Moondancer did not budge as she kept her face flat on the pillow.

“This is worse than I thought,” Artemis Light said as she grew more concerned with Moondancer. “Perhaps a breath of fresh air would be ideal for her.”

“I’ll do it,” Wanda said as she jumped off the couch and approached Moondancer.

“Young princess,” Artemis said to Wanda. “You’re willing to do this for our daughter?”

“She’s my friend,” Wanda said. “And friends always look out for one another.”

“She’s right,” Sunset said as she steps off the couch and takes sides with her human sister. “We’re all friends with Moondancer, and we do what we can to stick together.”

“Hear that Moondancer?” Artemis said as she pulled the pillow away from her daughter. “You should go with Wanda and get your mind off being worried.”

“Are you sure mommy?” Moondancer said as she wanted to cover her face with her arms. “I’m scared.”

“I’m here for you,” Wanda said as she put her hand on Moondancer’s arm. “And I always will be.”

Those words were enough for Moondancer to look at Wanda in the eyes before stepping down from the couch. She approached Wanda as the young man’s cub looked eager to take her close friend out to explore the city.

“Go with her, Moondancer,” Artemis said with a wink. “You’ll be alright.”

“I’ll do it,” Moondancer said reluctantly.

Wanda then turned towards Abigail and said “Come on. We’re heading out.” Abigail got up and leaped onto Wanda’s shoulder, holding on without digging in with her claws. Moondancer looked up and was a bit concerned.

“Are you sure about that?” Moondancer asked. “What if she scratched you by accident?”

“I’ve done this many times before” Wanda sad as she and Moondancer walked out of the room. “Besides, you and the others helped me save Abigail.”

As Wanda, Moondancer and Abigail left the house, Baby Spike looked onwards and felt lonesome. Twilight stepped down from the couch and rubbed Spike’s forehead.

“She’ll be back, Spike,” Twilight said. “Trust me.”

Crescent Eclipse got up from his seat and said “Now the next thing may involve having to fix up Moondancer’s telescope. I’ve been wanting to do so since this morning. But I’ve been busy writing up the report for Equestria’s return trip to the Moon. And I’m not even done yet.”

“How about we do it, Mr Eclipse?” Sunset said as she raised her hoof.

“You really sure about that, young princess?” Crescent said.

“If it’s worth it to you,” Sunset said. “We can give it a try. Besides, she loved that telescope and we’re here to help her out.”

Danged Spell jumped from the couch and said “Yeah. Besides, it’s not like we’re in a space against time. Get it?”

“Danged Spell,” The other four youngsters said as Crescent Eclipse and Artemis Light chuckled at the pun.

Crescent Eclipse wipes a tear from his eye from the laughter as Twilight, Sunset, Danged Spell and Sunburst stepped off the couch and onto the floor.

“You know,” Sunburst said. “We should consider looking up any manuals involving Telescope Repair.”

“Not to worry,” Crescent Eclipse said as he levitates a book to Sunburst. “I always carry one of these in these kinds of events.” This did surprise Sunburst in a way. But he felt grateful.

“Thank you very much, Mr Eclipse,” Sunburst said as he accepted the book on Telescope Repairs.

“Now if you kids need my help,” Crescent said. “I’ll be in my quarters typing up what I can about that return trip to the Moon.”

As Crescent Eclipse walked out of the living halls into another doorway, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Sunburst and Danged Spell made their way upstairs to where Moondancer’s room was located.

“Do you suppose we’ll get Moondancer’s telescope repaired?” Danged Spell asked.

“Well considering that there’s a chance there may be a cracked lens,” Twilight said. “I’d say it should be a piece of cake. After all, I think I know a spell that can fix cracks in glass.”

“That’s one way to make a spectacle of ourselves,” Sunset said with a giggle. That got Danged Spell a bit riled up.

“Hey no fair stealing my act,” Danged Spell yelled as the other kids laughed.

But where was Starlight Glimmer? She was still sitting on the couch as she saw her friends go up to Moondancer’s room. There was a bit of a feeling of anxiety as Artemis Light took notice of her.

“Are you okay, youngling?” Artemis asked.

“Well you see,” Starlight said as she rubbed the back of her head. “I’m not really comfortable handling other pony’s personal things. Even if it was already broken.”

“I understand,” Artemis said. “How about you help me make sandwiches for my husband and your friends?” Those words made Starlight a bit excited.

“Would I?” Starlight said. “My mommy always asked me to help out with food preparation.”

“Well come with me to the kitchen,” Artemis said. “I have some ideas on a mixture of oats and black beans for every pony.”

To Be Continued in…

A Spectacle of a Telescope

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