• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 14(Sunset's Troubled Past): The Stolen Royal Crest)

Author's Note:

This, like the "Song of the Birds," is going to be a short and bittersweet arc. I've already chosen to air both parts today, and this will showcase the only appearance of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk. In the Equestria Girls series, these three were the most dangerous villains that the Humane 7 faced. But in this series, it's a lot different.

Arc 14: Sunset’s Troubled Past

The Stolen Royal Crest

It was a beautiful day in the city of Canterlot. As the crowds walk along, minding their own business, Wanda Young, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail waltzed through without a care in the world. As the ponies of Equestria travel along with their cutie marks on their hip, Wanda’s cutie mark shone on her shoulders.

“Man,” Wanda said. “It was only yesterday that Starlight and I celebrated our Cute Ceanera.”

“It was,” Sunset said. “Never thought we would all have the time of our lives as friends.”

“It’s too bad that moment couldn’t last forever,” Wanda said. “Especially for Starlight. She deserved to celebrate after she got her cutie mark.”

“You should have seen Danged Spell after he ate too much cake,” Sunset laughed. “He got sick and threw up right into a nearby garbage can.” Those words caused Wanda and Sunset to laugh together.

“Oh yeah,” Wanda said. “That was just priceless.”

Sunset wiped a tear from her eyes as she looked on at the far end of the city.

“Hey sis,” Sunset said. “How does it feel to know that all of us now have our cutie marks?”

“At first,” Wanda said. “It felt really surprising to have one just like you do. But after the excitement died down, I didn't feel much different than I did when I had a bare shoulder. It was as if nothing did change.”

“But something did change, Wanda,” Sunset said. “We’re all growing up together as friends. Soon, we’ll reach adulthood and we’ll have our own lives to live out.”

“When I grow up,” Wanda said. “I want to live in La Maresa as a farmer. Maybe move in with the Apple family and help out with the harvest. Their apple fritters were delicious.”

“Truth be told, I don’t exactly know what I want to be when I grow up,” Sunset said. “I think when I live too much in the now, it makes planning for the future feel more like a second thought. You feel like you’re on top of things.”

“Oh?” Wanda asked.

As the two youngsters were talking together, a young earth pony filly with an arctic bluish white coat and a light arctic blue with moderate persian blue stripes mane stood in the shadows of the alley. Her cutie mark represented a heart with a musical note on it. She looked at a necklace around Wanda’s collar and crouched down.

“So like I said,” Sunset said. “I’m more into the now because anything can possibly happen. Sometimes, preparing for the future isn’t in the cards for me.”

“What do you mean, sis?” Wanda asked.

“Imagine if someone came out of nowhere and took something away from you,” Sunset said. “What would you do?”

But before Wanda could answer, the earth pony filly leaped out of the shadows and right onto Wanda, causing the Man’s Cub to scream in horror and Sunset to freak out. The young earth pony filly nibbed into Wanda’s collar and pulled out the necklace with an alicorn emblem on it before taking off. Sunset watched as the filly ran off with the necklace in her mouth.

“Guess I spoke too soon,” Sunset said. “She just took the symbol of your status as royalty.”

Wanda got up on her two feet and yelled out “STOP! THIEF!” before running in pursuit of the filly. Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright followed right behind her.

The earth pony filly turned around and saw Wanda running right at her with Sunset and Abigail right behind. She turned to face the front and ran even faster.

“Who in Equestria is that pony?” Wanda asked.

“I don’t know why,” Sunset said. “But I think I know her during my time at the orphanage.”

“You do? Wanda asked.

“I used to know three earth ponies when I lived at the orphanage,” Sunset said. “Long before I met you and Princess Celestia. But that being said, now’s not the time to reflect.”

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “We gotta get my necklace back.”

“We won’t be able to catch up with her speed,” Sunset said as she turned to Wanda. “Fly up and chase after her.”

Wanda nodded as she jumped into the air and her insect wings formed on her back. She took off, getting in closer to the little filly who took her necklace. The filly turned around and she was completely astounded to see Wanda fly in the air.

“What is that strange creature?” the filly said as she continued to run. “Why does she have those wings on her back? And why does she have a cutie mark like the rest of us?”

Wanda flew in closer as the filly ran as fast as possible. Sunset ran behind Wanda, hoping to catch up as fast as possible.

“No pony messes with my sister and gets away with it,” Sunset Shimmer said.

The earth pony filly ran through town as Wanda, Sunset and Abigail chased after her. Crowds of ponies backed up as they saw the little thief run off. She only turned her head to see Wanda and Sunset catching up.

“Sorry to have to do this,” the filly said to herself. “But we need the money from this to survive.”

With quick legwork, the filly jumped high into the air and grabbed a nearby sheet of cloth before throwing it at Wanda and Sunset. The cloth hits the sisters directly, knocking them to the ground and covering them completely. The filly jumped off the table and ran off with onlookers watching her escape.

“I can’t see,” Sunset yelled as she took the cloth off her face.

As Wanda got the cloth off her face, she saw the earth pony filly run off into the distance. Abigail came to a stop beside Wanda and Sunset and rubbed her paw on Wanda’s dress.

“Wanda,” Sunset said. “Fly up and find out where she’s going.”

“Roger that,” Wanda said as she threw the cloth off her, jumped into the air and flew off into the skies above Canterlot. The crowd gathered around Sunset and Abigail as the little unicorn filly took the cloth off of her.

“Princess Sunset,” one of the citizens said. “What happened?”

“Let’s just say, “Sunset said. “My sister had something of hers stolen.”

Meanwhile, in the skies above Canterlot, Wanda flew above with her insect-like wings, keeping her eye out on the earth pony filly who took her necklace. Even though no one was chasing after the youngster, the aquamarine filly still dashed as fast as possible, dodging out of various other citizens. For Wanda, her face went from panic to curiosity.

“That’s strange,” Wanda said to herself. “Why would she keep running even though we’re not in pursuit?”

Wanda watched as the earth pony filly took a sharp turn and went straight through what appears to be a broken-down game. The Man’s Cub’s gaze went from the gate all the way to what appears to be a building in disarray as she saw the filly run inside.

“What is that place?” Wanda said to herself.

Wanda flew downwards and landed right outside the gate as her wings disappeared. She looked up and saw the walls surrounding the gate. They looked like they were falling apart from the top down. Even more so, there appeared to be an opening, like something had smashed its way through from above.

“Curiouser and curiouser,” Wanda said to herself. “What exactly happened?”

Wanda looked around and saw what appeared to be a rusty old sign with the top part broken off. The words on the sign said “Approved for Demolition.” Wanda looked at the sign and the damage done to it before turning her attention to the ruined building.

“If this place was approved for demolition,” Wanda said. “Then why is it still standing?”

Wanda took a good look at the ruins of the building in front of her. The left part of the building had its upper floors and roof torn completely off. Debris from the building was scattered around the ground nearby. Wanda looked at a nearby brick that came from the building.

“Just what happened here?” Wanda said as she took a long look at the brick.

“Wanda.” Wanda turned her head to see Sunset Shimmer and Abigail Albright run up to her.

“Sunset,” Wanda said. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Sunset replied as Abigail jumped into Wanda’s arms. “Didn’t take long for me to catch up. Did you see where the thief went?”

“Yeah,” Wanda said as she pointed to the ruined building. Sunset took a look at it and her face went into complete shock.

“I don’t believe it,” Sunset said. “I know this place.”

“You do?” Wanda asked.

“It was the Canterlot Orphanage,” Sunset said. “Back when I was a foal, I was dropped off here by what I think were my original parents. They looked after me for a few years during that time. I actually did make some friends while I was there.”

“Who were they?”

“Three earth ponies who also had been left without parents of their own,” Sunset replied. “Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk. We used to enjoy those times together in the orphanage. Until that day.”

“What day?” Wanda asked.

“Well the day I somehow ran off because of a demon attack on the orphanage,” Sunset replied as she rubbed her forehead. “I don’t recall what really happened that day. But I did become really afraid afterwards, like I felt like some kind of monster. And that’s where I met you.”

“Oh yeah,” Wanda said. “Back when I was a baby. It’s amazing that I can still remember when we met.”

“Since then,” Sunset said. “We’ve both been taken in by Princess Celestia and we became a part of the royal family. But as a result of the damage done, the old orphanage had to be closed down and demolished to make way for a new building.”

“If that was the case,” Wanda said as she rubbed the back of Abigail’s head. “Then why is it still standing?”

“Well I don’t recall much since I became your sister,” Sunset said. “But mother told us that sometime after the demolition was set to begin, someone kept sabotaging the project, from splashing water on the dynamite, to stealing blueprints and so much more. They got fed up and decided to use magic to tear the building down, brick-by-brick.

“And then what happened? Wanda asked as Abigail purred in the Man’s Cub’s arms.

“See for yourself,” Sunset said as she pointed to a wide hole in the ground with a wooden plank for a bridge positioned above it.

“How in mommy’s name did that happen?” Wanda asked.

“I don’t know to be honest,” Sunset said. “Whoever did that did a really good job at keeping up the sabotage. But in the end, they realized it wasn’t worth the effort and abandoned the project, thus giving up on having an orphanage in Canterlot, period. Since then, some ponies say the ruins of the old building are haunted by ghosts.”

“Ghost?” Wanda said as she shook nervously.

“That’s what they believe,” Sunset said. “But judging by who took your necklace and where she went, I don’t believe it.”

Sunset Shimmer ran up to the broken gate and jumped straight through the bars and onto the other side. Wanda held onto Abigail and extended her insect wings out, flying over the gate and right onto the other side.

“Sis?” Wanda said as she landed on her two feet and her wings disappeared. “Are you sure we should be in this area? We could get in trouble if someone found out.”

“That’s your necklace that the thief took,” Sunset said. “We have every right to get it back. Besides, we were both caught off guard by her.”

Wanda let out a sigh and said “Okay. Let’s do this.”

Sunset Shimmer looked at the wide cliff in front of her. She bent down, cast an aura around herself and dug her hoof into the dirt before she ran at top speed towards the cliff. Before she reached the edge, she jumped right into the air and went flying over the giant chasm below her. Her front hooves touched the opposite edge of the chasm as she landed on the other side and turned towards Wanda.

“Come on,” Sunset said. “What are you waiting for?”

Wanda held onto Abigail as her wings formed once more. She flew up before she soared over the giant hole. Wanda looked downwards at the size of the chasm as her jaw dropped down. Abigail just stared right downwards, not moving her head at all.

“Wow,” Wanda said. “This is bigger than I imagined. How in mommy’s name did that occur?”

As Wanda observed the chasm beneath her, she turned around and landed right next to Sunset Shimmer before her wings disappeared. Abigail leaped out of Wanda’s arms and sat right next to her.

“Come on, Wanda,” Sunset said. “Let’s get your crest back.”

Wanda nodded as she, Sunset Shimmer and Abigail ran up the stairs and through a rickety old door frame, with the doors barely hanging on.

Inside, Wanda, Sunset and Abigail looked around inside the mansion. The interior looked exquisite, but there was a dusty texture on the walls, ceiling, floors, and on the furniture. The carpets on the floor looked faded and the chalkboard to Sunset’s left was completely on the floor. Some words were written into it in chalk that said “Abandoned.”

“I remember this place really well,” Sunset said. “Even after I became part of the royal family, there is no way I could forget the memories of this place. Especially with Adagio, Aria and Sonata. They were my family before that incident.”

“Do you know what happened?” Wanda asked.

“I….don’t truly recall,” Sunset said. “But I felt really afraid as if it were my fault.”

“Were there any matrons that you fondly remembered?”

“There were,” Sunset said. “I had forgotten their names. But they looked after me after I first came here. They were harsh, but they were also caring. Almost as much as Princess Celestia.”

“Do you miss them?” Wanda asked.

“Despite having lived with you for far longer than here, yes,” Sunset said as her ears drooped down. Abigail walked up to Sunset and placed her paw on the sun filly’s arm.

“Wow,” Wanda said. “There sure were a lot of memories in this place for you.”

Sunset looked at Wanda, only for the filly to turn her own head away with the feeling of shame within her. She looked down, not once turning her sight back at Wanda.

“Sister?” Wanda asked. “Are you okay?”

Sunset let out a sigh and said “Wanda. I think it’s time I told you the truth about what happened.”

But before Sunset could go on, the sound of a loud crash echoed through the room, startling the unicorn filly, the man’s cub and little Abigail. They turned to their left and saw what appeared to be a toy ball bounce out from a door that’s on the left side of a hallway.

“What was that all about?” Wanda asked.

“I think that’s where our thief is,” Sunset responded. “Let’s do this.”

Wanda, Sunset and Abigail walked up to the hallway and peaked through the door on the left side of the hallway. Inside the room were toys stacked up neatly on various shelves either mounted up on the wall or atop dressers. However, the shelves directly in front of them looked like they were busted down. Much of the toys that were once one the shelves were now in a pile on the floor.

“I thought the thief was in this room,” Wanda said.

Sunset looked at the toys, and then directed her gaze at one of the dressers. Each and every one of the dressers were on wooden legs instead of standing up flat. But glancing down at the one on the right, Sunset Shimmer could make out a filly’s tail with light arctic blue with moderate persian blue stripes.

“Stay right there,” Sunset whispered to Wanda. “And don’t make a sound.”

Wanda nodded as Sunset Shimmer snuck into the room as quietly as possible. She slowly crept up onto the filly’s tail, inching closer and closer. Wanda stood there, blocking the doorway with Abigail right next to her.

But as Sunset was only mere inches away from the tail, the earth pony filly ran out from beneath the dresser and ran towards Wanda at top speed.

“Wanda,” Sunset yelled. “Stop her.”

Before the filly could reach Wanda, the man’s cub raised her hands into the air and unleashed a small pulse of magic. The earth pony filly covered her eyes from the blinding light of magic.

“I CAN’T SEE!” the earth pony yelled.

Sunset Shimmer ran up to the earth pony and used her magic to hold the thief down to the floor. She looked down at the burglar, and her face went into shock.

“Sonata Dusk?” Sunset said. “Is that you?”

Sonata Dusk opened her eyes and looked at Sunset Shimmer. She turned her face away from the unicorn and scrunched her face.

“Yeah,” Sonata said. “Surprised to see me?”

“I thought you and the other two sisters moved out of Canterlot after the orphanage closed down for good,” Sunset said as she took a few steps away and released her magic from Sonata.

“No,” Sonata replied as she got up and backed herself into a corner. “We didn’t.”

“We?” Wanda asked. “Who is this we?”

“Well, I’m glad you asked, my furless friend.” Wanda turned around to see another earth filly approach her. This one had a coat and mane similar to Starlight Glimmer, but her coat was a more pale, light grayish fuchsia and her mane had brilliant aquamarine streaks instead of pale, light grayish aquamarine. She also had bigger twin ponytails on her head compared to Starlight.

“Aria Blaze?” Sunset said. “You’re still here as well.”

“We never got on the bandwagon to wherever our old orphanage was going to,” Aria said. “That being said, I’m surprised that you’re living the high life up at the palace with Princess Celestia.”

“It’s a long story,” Sunset said before turning her head to Sonata Dusk. “That being said, you have something that belongs to my sister.”

Sonata Dusk looked up at the top of one of the dressers where a necklace with an alicorn on it lay bare. She grabbed it with her hoof and held it out as Wanda walked up.

“Look,” Sonata said as she held the necklace in the air. “I’m terribly sorry I took that. I wanted to sell it for some bits to survive. Can you please don’t send me to Tatarus for this?”

Wanda held her hand out as Sonata Dusk dropped the necklace on her palm. Wanda pulled her hand back and looked at the necklace before turning her attention to Sonata.

“What you did was wrong,” Wanda said as she put her necklace back around her neck. “But why would I want to send you to Tatarus for stealing my necklace?”

“Oh didn’t you hear the news?” Aria Blaze laughed. “They say if you break the law here in Canterlot, they will send you straight to Tatarus without a trial.”

“Are you really sure about that?” Sunset said. “I don’t recall my mother wanting to do that.”

“Oh come on, Sunset,” Aria Blaze said. “I heard it from a pair of rich aristocrats.” Sunset’s face popped up as she was flabbergasted by Aria’s speech.

“You’re talking about Gold and Silver Banks,” Sunset said. “Not only do we know them, but we’re also friends with her daughter Golden Lace.”

“You are?” Sonata Dusk said. “What’s she like? Is she really nice or nasty.”

“She was nasty,” Sunset said. “Until Queen Novo convinced her to be nice.”

“And then the Banks threw her out as punishment for not being nasty,” Wanda said as Abigail jumped into Wanda’s arms.

“That’s awful,” Sonata Dusk said. “Why would anyone do something like that?”

“That’s totally unexpected,” Aria Blaze said. “To throw out your own daughter because she wasn’t nasty enough. I heard that those two you mentioned were supposed to be horrible. But not this horrible.”

“I wish this were a lie,” Sunset said. “But when mother found out, she was disgusted by it that she let a friend of hers look after Golden Lace.”

“Too bad if mommy tried to call out the two,” Wanda said with a sad look on her face. “They’ll banish her from Equestria and ship the both of us to a labor camp of some sort.”

“That is horrible,” Sonata Dusk said as she placed her hoof on Wanda’s shoulder, with Abigail looking at her with curiosity. “Imagine what would happen if they shipped us off to something like that.”

“Well what matters is that we’re together again,” Aria Blaze said.

“Well speaking of which,” Sunset said. “Where is Adagio Dazzle?”

But before Aria could speak, she overheard a pony yell out “I’m already here, Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset, Wanda and Abigail turned their head towards the doorway as a third earth pony filly stepped through. She had a pale apple green coat with a puffy luminous vivid orange with brilliant yellow streaks mane.

“Adagio Dazzle?” Sunset said.

“Surprised to see me here?” Adagio Dazzle said.

“Big time,” Sunset replied. “I don’t know what to say.”

Adagio flicked the front part of her mane and said “Well why don’t you come with us? I think I should set up a more comfortable spot to tell you what has happened since you became princess of Equestria, old friend?”

Adagio Dazzle turned around and walked back out the doorway with Aria Blaze following right behind her. Sunset Shimmer swallowed her pride and followed right behind the two earth ponies.

“Why is sis so nervous?” Wanda asked.

“Because it’s been a long time since we saw each other,” Sonata Dusk said. “Now come. I think we should treat you to our hospitality. Or what’s left of it.”

Still holding Abigail in her arms, Wanda walked out the room with Sonata Dusk following right behind her.

Adagio Dazzle was leading Aria Blaze and Sunset Shimmer through the hallway as Wanda and Sonata began to catch up. Abigail jumped out of Wanda’s arms and walked right behind Sunset Shimmer. Wanda reached down next to Sunset and put her cupped hand and mouth to Sunset’s ear.

“What’s going on?” Wanda whispered.

“Sister,” Sunset whispered back. “I think I better come clean with you.”

“What do you mean by that?” Wanda whispered back.

“Do you recall the tale of a demon that trashed this orphanage?” Sunset whispered. “The one that Princess Celestia kept in a newspaper that she hid from us until I found it?”

“Yeah,” Wanda said. “I recall you telling me about how you separated from the orphanage because of that attack, and that you wound up meeting me when I was a baby. Why’s that?”

Sunset Shimmer turned her head back from Wanda with her eyes closed. She swallowed again and turned her head towards Wanda.

“Wanda,” Sunset said. “I was the demon who trashed the orphanage.”

Wanda’s jaw dropped downward upon hearing Sunset’s speech.

“What did you say?” Wanda said.

“I’m afraid she has a point,” Sonata said. “And it’s a doozy of a story.”

To Be Continued in….

The Broken Friendship of the Sirens

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