• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

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Chapter.5: A Very Veggie Vision

Bob began to discuss his and Larry's dreams, "Our faith has been a significant influence on the creation of VeggieTales. We want our stories to reflect the values and morals that we believe are essential to living a fulfilling life. Through our stories, we want to teach children and adults about forgiveness, love, and kindness."

Larry added, "We want our viewers to take away something meaningful from our shows. We hope our stories inspire them to be better people and make the world kinder."

"How sweet," said Fluttershy, "how did your idea for VeggieTales get started?"

"It happened when me and Larry first met at bible college," said Bob, "in between classes and studying, we would love putting on skits with our improv group to perform for our fellow students. But then we thought beyond that; we wanted to create a form of fun and educational media that could reach out not only to our bible college but also from coast to coast across the land. Since Larry and I didn't have the budget for a theatrical movie or a television series on the air, we decided to create a direct-to-video series on VHS tape. That reminds me, Larry, go get the AV cart with the TV and VCR."

"On it, Bob," said Larry as he left the break room.

"Another reason that got the ball rolling for our program. Is because kids these days, more than ever, need to be brought up in a wholesome environment with media that can positively influence their upbringing. Much of the modern media that comes out today can tend to have an excessive amount of sex, nudity, drugs, alcohol, violence, and blasphemy."

"Heavens to Betsy!" said Applejack, "I sure wouldn't want Apple Bloom exposed to that much filth."

"That content may be more suitable for adults who can have the proper discernment to prevent that negative guidance," said Bob, "but children, on the other hand, are much more naive and easily swayed the wrong way. There are many more children these days who are committing crimes ranging from theft, vandalism, assault, and even murder."

"Yikes!" said Twilight Sparkle, "I have a baby niece, and I would just be disturbed by the thought of her going down that path. I mean, most of the children I know in Equestria have stayed innocent and righteous for the most part. Well..., except this filly named Cozy Glow, but that's a story for another time."

At this time, Larry returned with the AV cart, and as he began to set it up, the rest of the Mane Six eyed in wonder over the visual system they had never seen in their lives.

"So, is that what a television looks like?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Bingo," said Larry, "we will play a video for you all once I finish setting it up. Anything else you would like to add, Bob?"

"Well," said Bob, "I envision a program designed to cater to the needs and interests of Christian families. The program aims to provide a learning experience that is both enjoyable and enriching for children while also being approved by parents. A family-friendly entertainment option, which parents can watch together with their children."

"However," said Larry, "there is another opposite issue. Even though they are not awful and abusive parents. Some parents of Christian families tend to be too strict and legalistic. For example, any form of media that is magical or fantasy-like is considered to be praising Satan; I mean, those types of parents would look at you ponies and basically consider you to be worshipers of the devil."

"Well, I never!" said Rarity indignantly, "I only use my magical abilities to build up, not to tear down. After all, I was born with the horn that gives me my magic, which comes from my horn alone. No, there is no possible way I would possibly be consulting with Satan and his demons."

"Yeah," agreed Spike, "I may have horns on the back of my body and have fire-breathing power. But I was born a dragon; I didn't get to choose my species. I would definitely not align myself with the mastermind of evil himself."

"Those parents are too pessimistic," said Pinkie Pie, "what they need is a nice big party to cheer them up."

"Also related to that issue," said Larry, "is that the options of media that extremely religious parents allow their children to watch can be pretty dull, lame, unoriginal, and just plain pathetic. That doesn't mean some existing Christian media can be entertaining, with examples including Psalty the Singing Songbook, McGee & Me, Adventures in Odyssey, and The Donut Man. But we really want to take Christian media to the next level. We also want our series to appeal to non-Christians, hoping they will accept Jesus into their hearts. Now it's time to present the video I promised; it is a demo reel for VeggieTales."

Larry opened the cover for the VHS tape and placed it in the VCR, "the first part of the demo is a short screen test. I filmed myself when I had just bought our video camera."

"That's cute, Larry," said Pinkie Pie, "it looks like you're playing hide n' seek with the camera." Larry blushed at that statement.

"The next part of the demo reel," said Bob, "goes into further detail about VeggieTales. Larry and I are both in it this time, and we even included Archibald.

"That's creative and entertaining," said Rainbow Dash, "I can see why you are comfortable with humor involving the eating of vegetables. By the way, who is that female asparagus? Is it Archibald's wife? That oughta make Rarity jealous." Rainbow Dash smirked as Rarity glared at her.

"No, that's Lisa," said Larry as he took the re-winded and removed the VHS tape, "she is the wife and mother of two of our other cast members. We initially considered her to act out the role of Archibald's wife, but we found that too awkward. We also used to have a toaster cast member named Coucho, who would pop out pieces of toast with memory verses from the Bible. But he resigned from VeggieTales in favor of television commercials for the Phillips Corporation. So instead, we commissioned the creation of QWERTY, our computer for memory verses."

"Wow!" said Twilight, "if Coucho didn't quit, we ponies and Spike wouldn't have met you through the Equestria portal, which brought us here via QWERTY."

"That's true," said Bob. "Anyways, our human agents Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki sent that demo reel to different companies to distribute our program. Sadly, none of those companies were interested. Then, Larry and I figured out that if we wanted to launch VeggieTales, we would have to get started independently. We were worrying that we would have to take on a second job to fund this project. But thankfully, a wealthy couple from our church donated $60,000 from their retirement fund; we couldn't be more grateful to them and God."

"How kind," said Fluttershy, "it seems your faith in Christianity benefits your character."

"No kidding," responded Rarity, "that's a whole level of generosity I have yet to live up to."

"So," said Larry, "we got to work on our first video titled Where's God When I'm S-Scared? Then we took out an advertisement in a magazine where families can call Phil and Mike to order our video, which will be sent out tomorrow via our own company called Big Idea Productions. The first lesson will be about handling fear and how God can comfort us in the midst of it. Have any of you seven been struggling with that recently?"

"Psst," whispered Spike to Twilight, "remember the episode you had earlier back at the castle?"

Twilight took a deep breath and answered Larry's question. "Well, you know how I'm taking over the position of Princess of Equestria? I'm still not 100% sure how everything will turn out, reigning over an entire kingdom."

"Well, this video might help you out," said Bob.

"Are we going to watch it on the television?" asked Applejack.

"Oh, not just that, Applejack," said Bob, "Larry and I have something even bigger planned." At that moment, two other anthropomorphic vegetables wearing white lab coats came through the door. One was an artichoke with a thick black mustache and eyebrows, and the other was an eggplant with big square glasses and buck teeth.

"Ah," said Larry, "Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel, I'm glad you arrived."

"Yes," said the artichoke Professor Borlaug, "Archibald called and said that you two needed some emergency assistance. It also looks like you have company."

Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel introduced themselves to the Mane Six and Spike, who later followed suit toward both of them.

"Bob, Larry," said the eggplant Dr. Mendel, "what seems to be the matter here at the studio?"

Bob and Larry later explained everything to the two scientists: from Larry's attempts to enhance the Internet technology of QWERTY, to the lighting strike, to the portal through which the Mane Six and Spike entered, to finally, the backstory of the Equestria gang.

"That is just mindblowing," said Borlaug, "we will take this time to fix up QWERTY so these ponies and their dragon can get back to their homeland through the same type of portal."

"But before we operate on QWERTY," said Mendel, "why don't we get the VHS simulator all set up for our Equestrian friends to experience."

"What does that do?" asked Twilight excitedly.

"You'll find out in just a minute," said Bob.

The four vegetables, six ponies, and one dragon made their way down into the spacious basement of the studio. There, they saw a magnificent invention resembling a small aircraft's fuselage.

As per Borlaug and Mendel, the VHS simulator was a remarkable innovation that had the power to transport individuals to different locations and settings. "It is akin to stepping into a time machine," Borlaug enthused. "Upon entering the simulator, which is linked to a VCR, one could insert a tape. Subsequently, the simulator would recreate the location and setting of the video program, making the user feel as though they were physically present."

"Undoubtedly," Mendel expressed, "it can revolutionize how we interact with media. This innovative creation of Bourlag and I could significantly impact the future of media consumption."

"Wow!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, "now that is some egghead talk I could listen to all day."

"I just knew it!" said Pinkie Pie, "I just knew that the portal would take us on some one-of-kind journey."

"Well, hop in, everyone," said Bob as the doors opened and the Mane Six and Spike entered. "Larry and I will monitor you in that nearby booth to keep you safe."

"Yep," said Larry, "and during that time, Borlaug and Mendel will fix up QWERTY so you guys can get back home when you are finished. Now sit back and enjoy the first video of VeggieTales in the way most viewers will not be able to; you are in for quite the ride of your lifetime."

The doors closed, and on top of the ceiling of the simulator, a small circular screen with a green light began to speak with a woman's voice, "Hello, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. My name is ADA, Artificial Data Assistant. I am an AI guide who guides you along this video simulation adventure."

The Mane Six and Spikes' eyes widen in awe over ADA knowing their names. Then the simulator began flashing bright lights in the front, and the Equestrians felt the sensation of their eyes being pushed back into their skulls as they were launched into the realms of video land.