• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 543 Views, 38 Comments

Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

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Chapter.2: On the Countertop

The Mane Six and Spike sans Twilight Sparkle fell onto a giant plastic keyboard that was located in a dark room with all the lights turned off. "Oh there you all are, I was hoping we would unite," Twilight said standing near the plastic keyboard on what appeared to be a pink and yellow porcelain surface of where the keyboard was.

"Thanks to Pinkie Pie," said Rainbow Dash annoyed "She bumped into all of us with her flying thingumabob and we all went crashing down to here, where the hay did you even get that Pinkie?"

"Doctor Hooves invented this handy-dandy easily foldable hang glider." Pinkie Pie responded gleefully while folding the hang glider and placing it back in her mane "he loaned it to me for recreational use, I guess it came in use more than I expected."

"Useful indeed," said Applejack "I knew ya could catch up with us, now we just got to figure out where the hay we are and how exactly did that portal take us here."

As the ponies and Spike got on their feet and as their eyes were accustomed to the darkness, Spike looked around and stated "It appears we have traveled to some giant kitchen and we are standing on the countertop of this here kitchen."

Twilight Sparkle then looked behind her and noticed that the keyboard they landed on belonged to a giant desktop computer with a tiny red light flickering on the base just behind the keyboard connected to an extension cord "It appears we entered into this kitchen through that giant computer behind us."

The rest of the Mane Six and Spike were awestruck by the computer, Rainbow Dash even flew up to observe its monitor. "Awesome! By the way, what the hay is a computer, and what is it used for?"

"A computer is a device that is commonly used for labor, research, hobbies, etc." Twilight explained "I learned all about them when I first entered Canterlot High School's library in the human world. They are basically a library all by themselves, although this one seems to be more old-fashioned than the ones I know. The monitor on top is where you view words and images, the keyboard at the bottom is used to navigate the computer, usually with a mouse that this computer seems to be lacking"

"Oh, that is just adorable!" Fluttershy said, "But I don't know how a mouse fully operates in this machine."

"No Fluttershy not that type of mouse" Twilight giggled "It's only a sliding accessory device that makes navigating the computer a whole lot easier. Since it's roughly the shape of a mouse they gave it the same name. It also appears that when we entered into the portal, we must've come through that monitor and ended up here."

Rarity was the first to notice a tiny door open on the other side of the kitchen and saw two hopping silhouettes enter, one shaped like a short circle and the other a tall thin oval and heard them speak to each other and were about to turn on light switch in the kitchen. "I hear somepony coming," Rarity said worried "Let's hide before we try to present ourselves in the most fashionable matter, that is when we know that they're safe."

The Mane Six and Spike hid behind the computer with Fluttershy cowering and quaking with fear, Rarity placed a comforting hoof on Fluttershy's back as the light turned on in the kitchen.

The two silhouettes turned out to be an anthropomorphic tomato and cucumber with big egg-shaped eyes and no arms, hands, legs, or feet. The tomato was quite steamed with the cucumber "Larry, how many times have I told you not to fiddle around with QWERTY? It needs to be handled with proper care and caution. It wasn't cheap to be manufactured for our program, and it hasn't had all the proper upgrades yet! I was just getting ready to call it a day and you put us into this mess!"

"Sorry Bob my curiosity got the best of me," said Larry looking ashamed as they hopped over to QWERTY. "The Internet and World Wide Web are just getting popular and are on the verge of dominating our ways of life, well... second to God of course. I thought that if I could have fun by surfing the web on my regular-sized computer, I could increase the level of entertainment by hooking up my modem to QWERTY, but it turns out that regular-sized modems are not fit to equip oversized hardware. When the dial-up took too long, I realized that the lightning storm outside could do the trick. I connected it with an extension cord I found and connected that to the line of every extension cord I could find in this studio. Then wrapped the tip of the last extension cord to an old TV antenna I found in the studio storage room and placed it on the roof. I guess when lightning finally struck it after an hour causing a noisy ruckus, I more than likely just damaged poor QWERTY instead of upgrading its full technological ability." Okay I know that's not possible let alone plausible, but this is my first effort at writing fan fiction, please cut me some slack

"Well Larry" Bob appeared to have cooled down as they hopped in front of QWERTY "I'm just glad that you didn't get hurt and the place didn't burn down. I'm sure we can have Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel take a look at QWERTY, if they were able to invent that magnificent VHS VR Simulator, I'm sure they could fix QWERTY which was more of an innovation than an invention. Why don't we take a look behind QWERTY to see if it's okay." Then as Bob and Larry hopped behind QWERTY they came face-to-face with six colourful ponies and an adolescent dragon and jumped back aghast slightly.

"Wow!" Larry stated, "I didn't expect we would encounter six horses and a lizard on our set". As for the Equestrians, they did the same only even more astonished.

"Holy Celestia, talking vegetables!" Pinkie Pie shouted smiling and began to bounce all around Bob and Larry "It's great to meet new friends of different species on our adventure!" she later proceeded to give them a big hug.

"Pinkie Pie I believe I mentioned to present ourselves more fashionably," said Rarity "After all we've just stumbled onto the property of his fellow tomato and cucumber." Rarity then looked at Bob and Larry in the eye "I'm sorry if we gave you a fright, we entered through some portal from our world into this kitchen."

"Don't worry the blame is on me" said Larry "You must've overheard me discussing how I was fooling around with QWERTY the giant computer over there, and caused all of you to enter into our humble domain, I'm very pleased to have visitors to our studio."

"Yeah no problem," said Bob "You seemed more frightened than us, since we're living vegetables (technically fruits although commonly and unofficially classified as vegetables), it's not out of the ordinary for us to witness talking horses and a lizard."

"You're mistaken tomato sir," said Spike "I'm a baby dragon (technically a teenager) and they're all ponies (which I guess are technically types of horses)."

"Ohhh... I see son" said Bob.

"I just never reckoned I'd ever encounter two talking vegetables in ma life sugar cube," said Applejack "Since I've always lived on a farm and planted and harvested produce to eat, by the way, doesn't it bother ya that we eat vegetables?"

"Oh not all." said Bob "We still co-exist with smaller regular vegetables for eating, which is why I can understand that some fruits like tomatoes and cucumbers taste like vegetables. Heck, today for lunch, I ate a bowl of spaghetti topped with tomato sauce, yet I don't consider myself a cannibal."

That caused the Equestrians to laugh quite awkwardly "Well that's a relief, we all ate tomato and cucumber sandwiches for dinner" said Spike.

That caused Bob and Larry to laugh out loud. "What a weird coincidence," said Larry "You know I've heard about this talking bipedal mouse who simultaneously owns a regular barking dog, and is friends with another bipedal talking dog. So the whole idea of eating vegetables doesn't make me uncomfortable. Do you know any other ponies who just go neigh and don't talk?"

"Well..." Fluttershy said "I can't say I have, but I'm friends with many non-equine animals. Both pets and wild animals who don't speak like us nor live like us, so I get what you're trying to say."

"You know" piped in Rarity "we haven't even introduced ourselves yet, I think that would be the wise and polite thing to do." So Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike exchanged their names with Bob and Larry, and the vegetable men did the same to the pony women and dragon boy.

"By the way," asked Rainbow Dash "why do you two live here in a kitchen?"

"Oh this isn't our home and it's not a real kitchen," said Bob "This is a studio where we film our series."

"What is a series?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well, a series is a program" explained Twilight "that is watched on a television (that's a viewing device with a screen similar to a computer). The series is divided into small portions called episodes, a longer program is called a movie."

Rainbow Dash responded, "That sounds pretty cool!"

"I couldn't agree more Rainbow Dash," said Bob "Say why don't the seven of you all come to our studio's break room and I can explain the premise and vision of our series over coffee, and you can tell me, and Larry all about your life back home."

"Thanks, Bob," said Twilight "I appreciate your hospitality."

The ponies and Spike walked out of the kitchen down the hallways of the studio building following Bob and Larry. They entered the break room and sat on the couches waiting for Larry to prepare the coffee when Pinkie Pie noticed something peculiar. "How do you operate the coffee brewer when you don't even have hands?"

"Well Pinkie Pie," said Larry "me and Bob, and I'm guessing the seven of you are cartoon characters. So in this world we defy the laws of logic, and because of that we vegetables only have invisible hands". Pinkie Pie later began to rub around the side of Larry's body trying to see if she could feel invisible limbs making Larry blush.

"Can't seem to find your arms." Pinkie Pie giggled. Larry later felt infatuated since he began to develop a crush on Pinkie Pie just a few minutes after first interacting with her. Larry just loved her bubbly and humourous personality "Like I said cartoon logic." he giggled.

"What in tarnation is a cartoon?" asked Applejack.

"I see what you mean Applejack," said Twilight Sparkle "in all my research of Equestria and the world of Canterlot High School, even I'm perplexed."

Bob then began to explain "It means we are separate living organisms from the world of live-action. The live-action world has humans as the only organisms that can speak fluently, the cartoon world on the other hand can have talking humans as well as talking animals and plants like ourselves. Cartoon characters have very little interaction with live-action humans since the realms are only loosely connected. I'll show you an example of live-action humans."

Bob quickly exited the break room to grab a photograph of three adults and a toddler from his office and came back to explain. "This is a photo of my human agent Phil Vischer, his wife Lisa, his daughter Shelby, and his best friend, colleague, and fellow agent Mike Nawrocki."

"Wow!" said Twilight Sparkle "I've seen and even been a human before, except the ones I know have a more colorful variety of skin like my friends, unlike these more dull-colorer humans in the photograph. Not that there is anything wrong with that. We ponies learned to get along with dragons like Spike, and other creatures of different colors."

"Yes," said Bob "it is one of the most evil atrocities to judge someone by the color of their appearance."

Larry then poured cups of coffee for the Mane Six and Spike. "Thanks, Larry" Pinkie Pie said causing him to blush again, Pinkie Pie later grabbed a can of whipping cream and chocolate sauce out of her mane to decorate her coffee.

"Anyway," said Bob "why don't you all explain about your life back in Equestria? Then me and Larry can share with you our hopes and dreams for our series titled VeggieTales?"

Author's Note:

Update: It appears this fanfiction is not well received with the dislike ratio being higher, so I am putting it on an indefinite hiatus with the hope my storytelling approves. I’m sorry to disappoint the few who did like this story and I thank you for that. But don’t worry I’m not wallowing in self-pity. I still had fun writing two chapters of this incomplete fan fiction, and there is a slim chance I will return to complete the fanfic. Just to let you know I’m not bothered by the dislikes, you are entitled to your opinion and I appreciate your honesty. Remember that God made you special, and he loves you very much.