• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

  • ...

Chapter.18: Tactics of a Trial

Spike took his seat in the smaller booth just below Twilight Sparkle as she began to address the audience in the arena. "Everypony, please listen carefully," Twilight Sparkle started to, her voice filling the grand courtroom with authority. "The rules of this trial are of utmost importance, as they will determine the outcome of this case." Her eyes swept across the room, ensuring that everypony was focused on her words.

Twilight paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "The procedures that we will follow must be strictly adhered to in order to ensure a fair and just trial for all involved," she stated firmly. "The integrity of these proceedings depends on each of us upholding these rules with the utmost respect."

Addressing the defense and offense councils directly, Twilight's tone was resolute. "You both have a critical role to play in this trial. Your dedication to representing your respective sides with honesty and integrity is paramount to pursuing justice." She emphasized the gravity of their responsibilities, leaving no room for ambiguity.

Turning her attention to the potential witnesses, Twilight's gaze softened slightly. "If you wish to present testimony, I urge you to come forward and register your intent with the appropriate legal team," she implored, her sincerity evident in her voice. "Your voices hold the key to unraveling the truth, and your participation is integral to the search for justice in this trial."

Twilight addressed the advisory council solemnly, emphasizing their crucial role in the proceedings. "Your task is to ensure that the trial adheres to the highest standards of fairness and transparency," she said, her words carrying the weight of the responsibility placed upon them. Your careful observations and deliberations will guide us towards a just resolution in this case."

As Twilight concluded her address, the courtroom was filled with a lingering silence, punctuated only by the rustling of ponies and other creatures shifting in their seats. Her commitment to upholding the principles of law and order shone brightly in her eyes, a beacon of unwavering dedication to truth and justice.

(Insert Space)

Many residents of Equestria began to register with both the defense and offense councils to testify. Most of the more significant Equestrian figures decided to defend Cozy Glow. One of the highlights was Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan. "A while ago, yaks were invited by ponies to gathering at pony village. Ponies tried to copy yak culture, making yaks very angry. Yaks throw nasty tantrums, when yaks didn't get way. Ponies just trying to be good hosts, but yaks were rotten guests. Ponies could've demanded that yaks leave, never return, and reject yaks for good. But ponies still acted kind, and then throw party in form of pony culture. Yaks repented of belligerent behavior, and yaks gave respect that ponies deserve. Yaks even send Yona to School of Friendship, to improve relations. Yaks think Cozy Glow could repent, if Cozy Glow got same forgiveness that yaks recieved." The audience applauded as Prince Rutherford left the stage.

Princess Ember of the Dragonlands was next to testify. With a regal aura, she addressed the assembly with a powerful voice that resonated with authority. "The bond between ponies and dragons has grown stronger over the years," she declared, her eyes reflecting her pride in recounting their shared successes. We have worked tirelessly to foster understanding and cooperation, paving the way for a brighter future for all."

An expression of warmth crossed Ember's face as she turned her attention to Smolder, a beacon of progress and hope. "I am immensely proud of Smolder for taking the initiative to attend the School of Friendship," she pronounced, her voice tinged with admiration. "Her dedication to learning and building bridges between our two species serves as an inspiration to us all."

In a moment of empathy and wisdom, Princess Ember spoke of forgiveness and redemption, her words carrying the weight of experience and understanding. "We must remember that even those who have strayed from the path are capable of change and growth," she asserted with unwavering conviction. "Cozy Glow, too, deserves a chance at redemption, for only through compassion and understanding can we truly move forward as a united community."

Princess Ember's gaze swept across the audience as she concluded her address, her words resonating with a sense of unity and determination. "Let us continue to work together, ponies and dragons, in harmony and cooperation," she proclaimed. "For it is through our shared efforts and mutual respect that we will forge a future filled with friendship, understanding, and acceptance for all."

King Thorax of the Changelings was next to testify: Thorax stood tall and resolute as he addressed the gathered assembly, his words carrying the weight of history and transformation. "I was once the first changeling to embrace goodness and turn away from the darkness that consumed us," he proclaimed, his eyes reflecting the journey he had undertaken with unwavering resolve. "With the help of ponies and the power of friendship, we freed the changelings from Queen Chrysalis's tyrannical rule and embarked on a path of redemption and renewal."

Thorax radiated a sense of paternal pride as he spoke of Ocellus, a shining example of hope and unity. "I am filled with pride to see Ocellus attending the School of Friendship," he declared, his voice resonating with genuine admiration. "Her courage and dedication to learning and embracing harmony represent the best of what our changeling kin have to offer."

In a moment of compassion and understanding, King Thorax extended his thoughts on forgiveness, his words wrapped in empathy and wisdom. "We must remember that even those who have strayed can find their way back to the light," he affirmed, his conviction unwavering. "Cozy Glow, too, deserves a chance at redemption, for forgiveness, and second chances are the cornerstones of true transformation and growth."

Thorax's gaze swept over the assembly as he concluded his testimony, his words ringing with a call to unity and cooperation. "Let us continue to stand together, ponies and changelings, in a bond of friendship and understanding," he urged. "Only through our shared efforts and collective compassion can we build a future filled with harmony, acceptance, and respect for all."

Queen Novo of Hippogriffia was next: Queen Novo stood before the assembly, her regal demeanor tinged with sadness as tears glistened in her eyes. "I made a difficult choice to ground my daughter Skystar for her part in helping liberate Equestria from the Storm King," she shared, her voice bearing the weight of a mother's heartache. "I believed I was protecting her, but it only drove us apart."

Recalling the painful exchange with Skystar, Queen Novo's voice trembled with emotion. "Skystar was so angry; she told me she hated me and never wanted to see me again," she recounted, the memory etched with regret. "And in her anger, she ran away from home, leaving me shattered and filled with guilt."

A tender smile crossed Queen Novo's face as she narrated the heartwarming reconciliation with her daughter. "In the depths of our strife, we found the strength to forgive and embrace each other anew," she shared, her voice filled with gratitude and love. "Our bond was mended, stronger, and more resilient than before, a testament to the power of understanding and forgiveness."

Turning her attention to a more hopeful note, Queen Novo expressed her pride in Silverstream's attendance at the School of Friendship. "I am immensely proud of Silverstream for her dedication to learning and her courage in venturing beyond the boundaries of our home," she declared, her eyes alight with maternal pride. "She embodies the spirit of unity and friendship, spreading her wings to soar to new heights of understanding and empathy."

With a generous spirit, Queen Novo extended her thoughts on forgiveness towards Cozy Glow, her words carrying a message of compassion and redemption. "Even in the face of betrayal and deceit, we must strive to see the potential for growth and transformation in every being," she affirmed, her voice unwavering. "Cozy Glow, too, deserves a chance at renewal and a path towards forgiveness, for in forgiveness lies the foundation for healing and reconciliation."

As Queen Novo concluded her testimony, a sense of unity and empathy permeated the room. Her words resonated with the timeless truths of love, forgiveness, and the unbreakable bonds that bind us all. Even Skystar was weeping in the audience.

Gilda was next. She stood before the assembly, her gaze introspective as she recounted her past actions with a tinge of regret. "I must admit, when I first came to Equestria, I was not the kindest or most understanding individual," she began, her tone laced with a hint of remorse. "I bullied the residents there, causing hurt and pain in my wake."

Reflecting on her journey of growth and redemption, Gilda spoke of the pivotal moment when the ponies forgave her, allowing her a chance at redemption. "The ponies showed me grace and forgiveness when I least deserved it," she revealed, a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes. "Their kindness and understanding opened my eyes to the error of my ways and prompted me to change for the better."

A genuine smile graced Gilda's features as she expressed her pride in Gabby's influence on her transformation. "Gabby taught me the value of friendship and the joy that comes from showing kindness and compassion to others," she shared, her voice brimming with admiration. "Her unwavering support and encouragement helped me shed my tough exterior and embrace a more friendly demeanor."

Turning her attention to Gallus and his enrollment at the School of Friendship, Gilda's eyes shone with pride. "Gallus' decision to attend the School of Friendship is a testament to his strength and willingness to learn and grow," she remarked, her voice tinged with maternal pride. "I applaud his courage to step outside his comfort zone and embrace new opportunities for personal development and understanding."

With a sense of empathy and forgiveness, Gilda spoke of her belief in offering Cozy Glow a chance at redemption. "Despite the mistakes Cozy Glow has made, we must believe in the transformative power of forgiveness and second chances," she declared, her words resonating with empathy and compassion. "Forgiveness benefits the forgiven and allows for healing and growth in the forgiver."

As Gilda concluded her testimony, her expression turned serious as she addressed Grampa Gruff's opposing views. "I am disappointed in Grampa Gruff's resistance to Cozy Glow's redemption, especially when I continue to show genuine effort in granting forgiveness," she shared, her disappointment evident. "I hope he will someday see the value of forgiveness and embrace the opportunity for healing and reconciliation."

"Geez, Gilda," Grampa Gruff whispered to himself. "Don't tell me you've gotten weak like Gabby and Gallus."

Tempest Shadow was next: Tempest Shadow approached the stand, her presence commanding yet vulnerable as she recounted the harrowing events of her past. "As a child, an Ursa Minor viciously ripped off my horn, leaving me isolated and without friends," she began, her voice tinged with lingering pain and sorrow. "That moment marked the beginning of my descent into darkness and despair."

Describing the manipulation she endured at the hands of the Storm King, Tempest revealed how his offer of power and belonging had seized upon her vulnerability. "The Storm King exploited my loneliness and offered me a sense of purpose and belonging that I had longed for," she shared, a shiver of regret coursing through her. "I allowed myself to be swayed by his promises, blinded by my pain and desperation."

With a newfound strength in her voice, Tempest recounted the pivotal encounter with Twilight Sparkle, the moment that shifted her perspective and gave her hope for redemption. "Twilight Sparkle showed me a different path, one filled with friendship, understanding, and the possibility of redemption," she expressed, her eyes reflecting gratitude and admiration. "Her unwavering faith in me and belief in my potential gave me the courage to defect from the Storm King and stand against his tyranny."

As she delved into her journey of healing and growth, Tempest passionately argued for Cozy Glow's forgiveness, drawing parallels between their struggles. "Just as Twilight saw the good in me and extended a hand of kindness, we must also offer Cozy Glow a chance at redemption," she declared, her conviction unwavering. "Forgiveness is a powerful force that has the potential to transform even the darkest hearts and lead to redemption and reconciliation."

Tempest concluded her testimony with relentless determination and a message of understanding and empathy. "We all make mistakes and bear our scars, but it is through forgiveness and compassion that we can truly find healing and redemption," she imparted, her words resonating with wisdom and experience. "May we learn from our past and embrace a future built on understanding, forgiveness, and second chances for all."

Stygian was next to testify: Stygian approached the stand, his demeanor somber yet resolute as he embarked on a journey through his past mistakes and redemption. "I once grappled with envy and insecurity, feeling overshadowed by the fame and acclaim bestowed upon the Pillars of Equestria that I had worked alongside," he began, his voice tinged with regret and introspection. "In a misguided attempt to prove myself, I sought to aid them by appropriating powerful artifacts, but my actions led me down a dark and destructive path."

Describing the transformative moment when he succumbed to the darkness within and became the Pony of Shadows, Stygian recounted the tumultuous events that unfolded. "My longing for recognition and validation mutated into a consuming darkness, engulfing me in its malevolent embrace and transforming me into a being of shadow and despair," he confessed, a poignant sense of sorrow evident in his words. "Trapped in limbo for a millennium alongside the Pillars of Equestria, I bore the weight of my transgressions and the consequences of my actions."

With a note of resilience in his voice, Stygian recounted the pivotal turning point in his narrative when he was liberated from the grip of the Pony of Shadows with the compassionate aid of Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. "Through their unwavering belief in my intrinsic worth and capacity for redemption, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer helped me reclaim my identity and confront the shadows of my past," he affirmed, gratitude shimmering in his eyes. "Their kindness and understanding illuminated a path of hope and healing that I never thought possible."

Reflecting on the moment of forgiveness he received from the Pillars of Equestria, Stygian passionately argued for extending the same compassion and opportunity for redemption to Cozy Glow. "Just as the Pillars of Equestria embraced me with forgiveness and understanding, we must also afford Cozy Glow the chance to seek redemption and reconcile with her past actions," he proclaimed, his voice resolute with conviction. "Forgiveness can transcend darkness and nurture growth, paving the way for a future founded on empathy, understanding, and second chances for all beings."

As he concluded his testimony with a message of compassion and hope, Stygian sought to inspire understanding and empathy among those present. "Our past deeds may cast shadows upon our present, but it is through forgiveness and second chances that we can illuminate a path toward redemption and renewal," he imparted, his words echoing with the wisdom borne from his journey of transformation and growth. "May we extend the same grace and compassion to others as was once extended to me, fostering a future built on unity, forgiveness, and the power of redemption."

The Pillars of Equestria were next: Starswirl the Bearded, a figure of great wisdom and gravitas, shared his perspective on forgiveness with stoic grace. "In the face of darkness and turmoil, we must strive to see the light within each being, for redemption is a journey that all can embark upon," he intoned, his words carrying the weight of ages past and the hope for a brighter future. "Stygian's path to forgiveness was arduous and transformative, yet through our collective understanding and compassion, he found his way back to the light."

Rockhoof, with his rugged demeanor and heartfelt sincerity, recounted the resilience and inner strength he witnessed in Stygian's journey of redemption. "Forgiveness is a beacon of hope in even the darkest of times, illuminating a path toward renewal and growth for all who seek it," he affirmed, his voice resonating with the sound of distant thunder and unwavering loyalty. "Stygian's courage and determination to confront his shadowy past inspire us to believe in the power of second chances and the boundless capacity for growth within every soul."

Flash Magnus, the valiant and daring warrior of legend, spoke of the transformative power of forgiveness with a sense of unwavering resolve. "In the crucible of adversity and redemption, true character is forged, and the bonds of forgiveness are woven ever stronger," he declared, his words infused with the fiery spirit of courage and camaraderie. "Stygian's journey toward forgiveness is a testament to the enduring power of empathy and understanding, guiding us to embrace the light within each other and strive for a future built on unity and compassion."

Mistmane, the embodiment of grace and beauty, offered her perspective on forgiveness with a touch of ethereal wisdom. "Within the depths of despair and regret, forgiveness blooms like a delicate flower, offering solace and renewal to all who seek it," she expressed, her voice saturated with the serene melodies of nature's embrace. "Stygian's transformation from the shadows of his past to the brilliance of his redemption exemplifies the profound healing power of forgiveness, guiding us to see the beauty and potential within every being."

With her practical wisdom and unwavering determination, Mage Meadowbrook spoke of forgiveness's enduring impact on the journey of self-discovery and growth. "Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door to inner peace and reconciliation, paving the way for healing and renewal in the hearts of all," she stated, her voice resonating with the quiet strength of resilience and wisdom. "Stygian's quest for redemption serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of forgiveness, inspiring us to approach each being with empathy and understanding on the path toward unity and harmony."

Somnambula, the radiant Equestrian Pillar of Hope, shared her profound insights on forgiveness as a beacon of light and transformation. "In the tapestry of friendship and harmony, forgiveness threads a path of healing and understanding for all who seek redemption," she reflected, her voice carrying the gentle warmth of the desert sun and the enduring strength of hope. "Stygian's journey toward forgiveness serves as a testament to the power of second chances and the boundless potential for growth within every soul, guiding us to embrace empathy and unity in our quest for inner peace and reconciliation. Just as Stygian found his way back to the light through forgiveness and understanding, so too can Cozy Glow be guided towards a path of redemption and growth," she expressed, her voice filled with compassion and unwavering belief in the capacity for change. "By extending the olive branch of forgiveness and compassion to Cozy Glow, we offer her the chance to learn from her mistakes and forge a new path built on harmony and understanding, fostering a future where forgiveness and second chances reign supreme."

The next to testify was a not-so-significant resident of Equestria: "Hello, my name is Rusty Bucket; I encountered Cozy Glow at the base of Mt. Everhoof. She pretended to be lonely and lost and asked if I could take her to the top of the mountain. But Twilight Sparkle's published journal forbade me from doing so, as it was too dangerous. The poor filly then lost her temper, revealing her true character. I tried kindly pleading with her to calm down, but a mini avalanche knocked her away, and honestly, I didn't care what happened to her; she seemed like a total psycho. I originally came here to the trial to testify against her. But I realized her vulnerability and helplessness after giving her a simple no. Since we've forgiven villains who were far more powerful and dangerous, there is no reason we can't forgive this mere child who was no match for me."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders went up on stage to recite a poem:

Apple Bloom stepped forward, her voice steady yet tinged with a hint of sadness. "Cozy Glow, once a friend so dear, was led astray by doubts and fear. Betrayal stung, and trust was lost, but in forgiveness, we find the cost." Her words echoed with a sense of resilience and understanding, bridging the gap between hurt and healing.

Sweetie Belle followed, her voice gentle yet firm. "Through trials, dark, and challenges faced, our friendship's bond can't be erased. Though shadows linger, light shines through, forgiveness blooms, our hearts renew." Her words carried a melody of hope and renewal, emphasizing the enduring strength of their friendship.

Lastly, Scootaloo stepped up, her voice filled with determination and forgiveness. "Cozy Glow, we offer our hand, let unity and harmony expand. Despite the pain and lessons learned, forgiveness is the bridge we yearn for." Her words resonated with unwavering belief in the power of forgiveness to mend wounds and pave the way for a brighter future.

Together, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stood united in their resolve. Their shared poem was a testament to the transformative power of forgiveness and the enduring strength of their friendship. They were ready to embrace Cozy Glow with open hearts and open minds.

The Young Six made their way onto the stage and explained their planned skit and song.

"Bob and Larry helped the six of us with this song," said Sandbar, dressed as a king.

"We also decided to put on a skit," said Smolder, dressed as a guard.

"We thought it was appropriate for today's trial," said Gallus, who was also dressed as a guard.

"Tomato and cucumber teach Yona the importance of forgiveness," said Yona, dressed in a servant's robe.

"But first," said Ocellus, "I need to get into costume." Ocellus then proceeded to change her form into that of Chancellor Neighsay and even crossed her eyes, wiggled her tongue, and shook her flank.

The arena erupted into laughter. Neighsay was quite embarrassed and noticed Grampa Gruff laughing through wheezing coughs.

"What are you laughing at?" Chancellor Neighsay said, glaring.

"Oh, come on, Chancellor," said Gruff. "Just because they're not on our side doesn't mean we can't share a giggle."

Silverstream then addressed the audience as the rest of the children got into place. "I will be narrating this song skit. We decided to have Chancellor Neighsay in the role of The Unforgiving Servant because we feel we went through a similar situation with him. We think it is wrong to be forgiven, yet not show forgiveness to someone else."

The Young Six performed the skit with a throne and a jail cell on stage.

Ocellus transformed into her usual appearance and bowed with the rest of the Young Six as the audience cheered.

After hours of hundreds of testimonies, the offense council was starting to feel worried.

"The indignity, the humiliation, the peril," growled Neighsay, "most of Equestria's famous residents favor forgiving that little brat."

"You said it," said Gruff as he coughed, "Equestria will be too lenient towards the danger it encounters."

"Not to worry, my dear, my friends," said Flam.

"Remember when we bargained with you to join us in this prosecution? We also did the same with Prince Blueblood, who is the last to testify," said Flim.

Prince Blueblood got up on stage as Bob asked Cheese Sandwich a question. "Who is that stallion?"

"That is Prince Blueblood, a distant nephew of Celestia and Luna. He may be handsome and charming on the outside, but he is vain and selfish on the inside. Rarity met him at the Grand Galloping Gala, and she had to learn that hard way."

"Poor Rarity," said Larry, "I can see how looks like that can deceive."

Prince Blueblood looked nervous in front of the microphone. "Hello, my Equestrian subjects. Remember that fateful day Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis attacked this city? Remember the damage the town suffered? Suffice it to say, I was heartbroken; what is a lovely prince without his beautiful city? What is a kingdom like Equestria without a sweet prince and magnificent city?"

Bob rolled his eyes, "Is this seriously the best the offense council has to offer?"

"Yeah," chuckled Larry, "talk about an incompetent narcissist."

"Why isn't he speaking more conveniently?" Neighsay ranted, "For a prince, I'd expect he'd present more eloquently."

"So tell me, my humble subjects," Blueblood continued, "spare the rod and spoil the child."

"Speak for yourself, you entitled brat," said Moon Dancer.

"Could you imagine if Cozy Glow was given the chance to put our beloved kingdom in danger?" Prince Blueblood continued. "I'd advise against taking that risk. Thank you. Prince Blueblood has left the building."

Prince Blueblood approached the offense council's table and asked, "Can I please have my share of gold?"

The Flim Flam Brothers got their briefcase with gold bars opened as Neighsay berated Blueblood.

"What was that lousy effort I saw out there!?" Neighsay asked.

"Hey, I did this for the gold," said Blueblood, "I don't care what happens to Cozy Glow."

"Well, a deal is a deal," said Flim.

"Yep," said Flam, "a poor testimony is better than no testimony. Here is your share of the gold."

"Alright," said Blueblood as he picked up a gold bar and bit into it when he realized something peculiar.

"HEY!!" Blueblood snapped loudly, and the entire arena noticed the commotion. "This isn't real gold; it's fool's gold I couldn't bite a dent into!"

"Let me see that," growled Gruff as he began to take a bite. The Flim Flam Brothers grinned nervously. Gruff then threw the fool's gold bar behind him. "Grrr, the pony prince is right; this is only a bunch of lousy pyrite, the most useless metal known to griffons."

"So," ranted Neighsay, "what you two said about putting behind your scandalous days was just an outright fib!"

"Uhhh," said Flim, gritting his teeth, "we gotta go mine for real gold."

"Yeah," said Flam in the same matter, "promise to share at least 80% of our findings; bye!"

Flim and Flam raced out of the arena.

"Hey, come back here, you corrupt con artists!" yelled Neighsay.

"I'm going tackle you two with my talons if you don't give me some genuine gold!" shouted Gruff.

"You made me a laughing stock to the entire royalty of Equestria!" exclaimed Blueblood.

The two high-ranking unicorns and griffon then chased Flim and Flam out of the arena, causing the audience to laugh more.

"See," said Cheese Sandwich, "I told you that offense council was precariously put together."

"Yep," said Larry, "the inevitable fall has occurred. What goes around comes around."

"Well," said Bob, "I think Twilight is ready to announce the next part of this trial."

Twilight Sparkle's voice rang out through the bustling arena, commanding attention and respect. "Everypony, it is time to determine the fate of Cozy Glow. Please make your way to the voting booths around the arena," she announced, her tone severe yet reassuring. The ponies glanced at each other with anticipation and contemplation as they prepared to cast their votes.

Twilight continued as the ponies filed towards the voting booths, "The advisory council will be overseeing the voting process to ensure fairness and impartiality." Her words instilled confidence in the ponies, who knew that their voices would be heard and their decisions respected. The council members stood by each voting booth, their expressions neutral yet attentive, ready to uphold the integrity of the voting process.

With determination in their hearts, the ponies approached the voting booths, each casting their ballot with conviction and solemnity. The fate of Cozy Glow hung in the balance, their votes carrying the weight of justice and mercy. Twilight stood at the center of it all, a beacon of leadership and guidance, overseeing the democratic process unfolding with determination and grace.