• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

  • ...

Chapter.10: A Mission to Equestria

It had been ten months since the Mane Six and Spike encountered Bob and Larry via the portal inside QWERTY to the VeggieTales studio, and now it was time for Bob and Larry to do the same in Equestria. Bob and Larry remember Twilight Sparkle mentioning how most of the children of Equestria were good-natured and innocent, except for a particular filly named Cozy Glow. Bob and Larry were all about advising wayward children who had gone astray and were very compassionate to whatever the case of Cozy Glow could be.

Bob and Larry stood before the portal inside of QWERTY, which led to the realm of Equestria.

"Alright, Larry, this is it," said Bob. "It is time we went to Equestria and saw the deal with this troubled child."

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Bob," said Larry. "I hope it is not too late to put poor Cozy Glow back on the right path."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Bob. "Let's shine a light in whatever darkness Cozy Glow is stranded in and show her that a God still loves and cares for her."

So Bob and Larry walked into the portal, preparing for whatever Equestria had in store.

Bob and Larry fell far from the sky and landed safely and softly into a giant vegetable patch.

"Oof," muttered Larry as he got back on the base of his body, "that was quite a freefall, and I'm glad we have landed without any harm. By the way, Bob, how are we supposed to return to the studio?"

"Borlaug and Mendel have given me this device right here," said Bob as he presented the rectangular gray device with a big red button and mini satellite dish. "We huddle together, push the button, and we'll be right back on the countertop. Now, we should examine our surroundings."

"Hmm," Larry said as he looked around. "It appears we have landed in a vegetable patch on a farm."

"You know," said Bob, "I think this is, in fact, the very farm Applejack said she lived on with her grandmother and siblings."

"Right," said Larry. "I remember their names were Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and Apple Bloom."

At that moment, Bob and Larry noticed the trio of Applejack's family members exiting the barn with some harvesting equipment.

"Speak of the devil," said Bob, "there they come; I recommend we hide here not to give those three a heart attack."

"You got it, Bob," said Larry. "It's time to enter camaflodge mode."

So Bob and Larry closed their eyes and mouths very tightly before the three Apple Family members would notice. Granny Smith's eyes widened as she and her grandson and granddaughter entered the vegetable patch.

"Wut in tarnation!" Granny Smith exclaimed, "How did we plant such an oversized tomato and cucumber!"

"Eeeyup!" Big Mac said.

"This is amazing," said Apple Bloom with excitement. "Ponies near and far will know about the growin' power of our produce, and our farm will be famous around Equestria!"

"Now, don't count yer chickens before they hatch Apple Bloom," said Granny Smith. "I suspect a likely reason is that some virus infected these two vegetables. It made them bloated, overly ripe, and rotten. Why, I see three big bumps on both of them."

Granny Smith then pushed her hoof onto one of Bob's eyes and flicked Larry's nose for further demonstration.

"Big Mac, Apple Bloom," said Granny Smith, "I think we ought to take an axe and cut open these gigantic vegetables to see if they are infected."

The suspense was building as Bob and Larry knew they couldn't keep the charade going any further, so they did the only thing they could do...

"Please, my dear ponies, don't chop us up into bits," Bob pleaded as he opened his eyes and mouth.

"Yeah," said Larry, who followed suit, "Applejack wouldn't condone it."

The three farm ponies all screamed in terror. Then Apple Bloom ran off, calling for Applejack, who was feeding the livestock. Granny Smith fainted as Big Mac stared at Bob and Larry, speechless.

"Look, I know you must be surprised to see a talking tomato and cucumber on your farm," said Bob to Big Mac.

"Eeeyup!" said Big Mac, still stunned.

"And you're probably wondering how we got here," said Larry.


"And you also might be confused about how we know who Applejack is," said Bob.


"Wait, is "yup" the only word you know how to say?" Larry asked.


"Oh, I get it," said Larry, "it's two words you use."

"Wrong. I was much more talkative in my younger days," Big Mac explained, "but when you become a stallion of a few words, you learn to speak more wisely. But that is not important right now; I want to know what you are doing on muh farm and how you know muh sister."

Apple Bloom returned to the vegetable patch, with Applejack following close behind, as Granny Smith returned to her senses and got back on her hooves.

"Howdy Bob and Larry," greeted Applejack as she tipped her hat, "didn't expect to see you two here in Equestria on muh farm no less."

"Wait, Applejack, yuh know these two talking vegetables?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, muh friends and I entered a portal that took them to their world. It's a long story, but I assume Bob and Larry entered through that portal to get to Equestria.

"Bingo Applejack," said Larry, " Bob and I have come here on a secret mission."

"Yes," said Bob, "and when we say secret, it's no exaggeration since we can't share the details here right now, but you will sooner or later. Since Larry and I last met you, we have heard about Twilight Sparkle becoming Princess of Equestria, and we would like to know if you could arrange a private meeting between the three of us.

"That ain't a problem, sugar cube," said Applejack. "I'll contact Princess Twilight Sparkle and send you over to the capital of Canterlot shortly. But before you go, I'd like to invite both of you for breakfast. Muh family and I were doing our morning chores, and I know the recipe for some of the meanest apple pancakes that anypony has ever tasted."

"Sounds delicious," said Larry, "Bob and I haven't touched our breakfast yet either. We would also like to apologize for startling your family."

"Don't feel ashamed," said Apple Bloom. "I can already tell you're the friendliest talking produce I've ever met—well, only talking produce, for that matter."

"Yes," said Granny Smith, "you came without expectations but also without harm."

"Eeeyup," said Big Mac, "looks like you've cleared up my confusion about you two."

So Bob and Larry joined the farm family of four at their house for breakfast.

Bob and Larry began to sit at the dining room table as Applejack placed the pancakes.

"Well, dig in with my family as I plan to get you two to Canterlot as soon as possible," said Applejack.

Applejack went up to her bedroom desk to write a letter saying:

"Dear Twilight Sparkle, Bob and Larry have come to Equestria via the portal we entered into their world. They are on some secret mission they have yet to disclose. Arrange transportation to Canterlot Castle ASAP. Sincerely, Applejack."

Applejack then took a newly invented blowtorch device powered by Spike's dragon fire, courtesy of Doctor Whooves, and carefully blasted the letter out of existence to its destination.

"Now that's very convenient," Applejack told herself, "I don't have to send mail at a snail's pace anymore."

Meanwhile, at the table, Larry asked Bob to say grace, "Bob, will you do the honors?"

"Of course," said Bob. "Dear God, bless this bountiful harvest we are about to indulge in and bless this family with whom we are privileged to socialize. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen."

"Wait a minute," said Apple Bloom, "what does it mean to say grace?"

"It is a prayer to the God I worship, Apple Bloom," said Bob. "It is customary to say a prayer before you eat."

"You two are quite the thankful type. I appreciate that in the both of you," said Granny Smith.

"Eeeyup," agreed Big Mac.

Applejack later joined her family along with the veggie duo. Bob and Larry told the Apple family about their beliefs, careers, and even their mechanism for grabbing without visible limbs. Afterward, Apple Bloom left for school as Big Mac and Granny Smith resumed their farm chores, and around the same time, a familiar griffin flew down to the porch to greet Applejack, who was waiting with Bob and Larry.

"Howdy Gabby, I'm glad you could show up," said Applejack.

"A perfect morning to you, Applejack," said Gabby in her usual perky mood, "and who are these two delightful vegetable fellows I'm psyched to meet."

Bob and Larry introduced themselves as Gabby did the same and later explained what she was doing there. "Princess Twilight Sparkle has summoned me and Derpy Hooves to transport you incognito towards Canterlot Castle. I'm just waiting for Derpy to arrive."

Derpy Hooves later flew to the ground wild and out of control as she crashed into a bail of hay; Applejack rushed to the bail of hay to help her. "Derpy, are yuh alright, sugar cube?"

"Never better," Derpy muttered sadly, "just the same stupid pegasus who can never make a proper landing."

Bob, Larry, and Gabby walked over to the crash site and overheard Derpy's statement as she noticed them walking over, "Oh, you must be the talking tomato and cucumber. Gabby and I are assigned to fly to Canterlot. You must be very disappointed in me."

"Now Derpy, don't beat yourself up," said Bob, "I believe in a God that loves you just as equally as anypony that can land like a pro."

"Yeah," said Larry, "Applejack told me you struggle with an optical disability. But regardless, you still persevere and deliver every letter and package to its destination. My God would be so proud of you for your resilience."

"Listen to them, Derpy," said Gabby. "Bob and Larry here have gotta be some of the most inspirational individuals, despite the fact that we have just met them."

"Alright," said Derpy, "that cheered me up, let's get Bob and Larry to Canterlot."

Applejack got a crate out of her barn, just big enough for Bob and Larry to enter, and went over some details, "Bob and Larry, to prevent further unwanted attention. Gabby and Derpy will fly you into Canterlot inside this crate as a secret package to Twilight."

"No problemo, Applejack," said Larry.

"Operation Airmail has now been launched," said Bob.

Bob and Larry squeezed into the crate as Gabby and Derpy wrapped a giant net around it. Derpy lifted the ropes connected to the net, and Gabby lifted the bottom of the crate. The mail pony and mail griffin then took off over yonder towards the Equestrian capital.

"Package for the Princess!" declared Gabby as she and Derpy arrived at the castle doors.

"What a relief," said Derpy, "I didn't crash this time."

"See, Bob and Larry, told you you were an excellent mail pony," said Gabby.

The castle doors opened, and Twilight Sparkle and Spike stood in the doorway. "Thank you, Gabby and Derpy, for that important delivery," said Twilight.

Gabby and Derpy bowed their heads and flew away. Twilight used her magic aura to open the crate as Bob and Larry poked their heads out.

"Twilight Sparkle!" declared Bob happily.

"Spike!" Larry declared in the same matter.

Bob and Larry leaped out of the crate and joined Equestria's newest alicorn ruler and her dragon adviser in a group hug.

"Bob and Larry, I never thought we would meet again!" said Twilight.

"How are my two vegetable pals doing?" said Spike.

"I'm feeling an utmost gratification seeing God's chosen ruler of Equestria!" said Bob.

"Along with God's chosen highest-ranked royal advisor of Equestria!" said Larry.

"Yes, there is nothing like a good reunion," said Spike.

"By the way," said Twilight, "let's get into my throne room. Applejack sent a letter telling me about your secret mission here in Equestria."

"How did she send that letter so fast?" asked Bob.

"Well, when Twilight was sending letters here when Princess Celestia was ruler," explained Spike. "I would transport them here post-haste with the magical properties of my fire breath. But a fellow pony we know invented a substitute device powered by my dragon fire to send them here instead."

"That's very neat," said Larry.

Inside the throne room, Bob and Larry talked about all the events, from entering the portal to arriving at the castle.

"That is why we are here today," said Bob. "It is time to reveal the details about our mission."

"Twilight and Spike," said Larry, "back at the studio in our conversation, we were discussing troubled children, and there was something you said about being a story for another time."

"Yes," said Bob, "that time has come, Larry and I have decided to learn more about Cozy Glow. We want to meet this juvenile delinquent and see if we can redeem her into becoming a new creation of God."

Twilight and Spike responded in stunned silence; their eyes widened, and their mouths opened agape. Then Twilight broke the silence that haunted the throne room.

"Look, Bob and Larry," said Twilight, "this is a highly complex matter, so tell you what. After completing my daily royal duties this evening, I will invite Princess Celestia and Luna to the castle to address this matter. Let's see if I can get you two settled in a guest room here at the castle."