• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

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Chapter.4: Fundamentals of the Faith

Bob began conversing with the Mane Six and Spike about his and Larry's Christian faith, "Larry and I follow a religion known as Christianity."

"Oh yeah," said Twilight, "when I was in the human counterpart of my world, I heard about a book called The Bible, and I even saw a building with a steeple on top called a church. The Bible and the church are fundamental elements of Christianity. But that is just about everything I know about the belief system. Could you care to explain in further detail?"

Bob explained, "At the heart of Christianity is the belief that there is one true God, who created the universe and everything in it. This God is loving and desires a personal relationship with every one of us."

He then went on to explain the significance of Jesus Christ in the Christian faith, saying, "Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God, sent to earth to save humanity from sin and death. He died on the cross for our sins, and through his sacrifice, we can be forgiven and have eternal life with God."

Bob also emphasized the importance of faith and living a life that reflects Christian values, saying, "Christianity is not just a set of beliefs, but a way of life. We are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves. When we live by these principles, we become true followers of Christ."

"One question," said Rainbow Dash, "your God is referred to by a male pronoun. I don't mean to be offensive but does your religion have a patriarchial misogynistic perspective?"

"Rainbow Dash," Applejack responded sternly, "does that sound like an appropriate question?"

"Oh, don't worry, Applejack, I'm glad Rainbow Dash asked, " said Bob, "many depictions of God show him as an old man with a long white beard. But we don't know what God looks like; he doesn't have a gender because he transcends that concept. We refer to God as a "he" because of the difference of genders. At the same time, you ponies might know Celestia and Luna as among the most powerful of your species, likely even more than most male ponies. Human men, however, are made to be physically more robust than human women for men to be providers and protectors, not because of chauvinism for the benefit of men and the disadvantage of women. Sadly, as a result of the abuse of male aggression, men often misuse their strength to harm and take advantage of women. So that's why God is referred to as "he," an ultimate father that holds men accountable. Although God is genderless, his son Jesus did come to earth as a literal physical human man, a man to inspire all men to live the most righteous way possible."

"Excuse me, Bob," said Rarity, "but if I am not mistaken, you said you only believe in one God, but it also seems you worship his son Jesus. How can those two aspects be true at the same time?"

"Well, you see, Rarity, God, and Jesus are Father and Son, yet are still considered the one and the same, along with a third entity known as the Holy Spirit. Together, they are called the Trinity, like how a shell, whites, and a yoke make up an egg. When Jesus sent his son to die a slow, painful death on the cross, his Father wasn't just sitting back thinking how easy it was to let his son do all that. He simultaneously and empathetically felt the same pain that Jesus felt. But Jesus didn't stay dead; he was resurrected three days later, and that enables us to live with him in eternal paradise after we die."

"That is just beautiful," said Fluttershy, "I can see why your faith in Christianity means so much to you and how it sounds comforting in the worst of times."

"You just nailed it, Fluttershy," said Bob, "the Holy Spirit is considered the comforter of the Trinity; we often pray to God for his Holy Spirit to give us peace, strength, and faith during our most troublesome situations. Other supernatural entities (which we do not worship) include angels, considered God's messengers, warriors, and servants. Bad things happen because of free will; God wanted us to follow him genuinely, not act like a bunch of phony robots. Even angels have free will, and one of his angels, Lucifer, was so prideful that he disobeyed God and even influenced other angels to fall from grace and follow him instead. Lucifer later became known as Satan, aka the devil, and his fallen angels were known as demons. Satan and his demons corrupted the moral fiber of all humans and have been battling against God ever since. That's why we need Jesus to protect us from the malice of Satan that has come to kill, steal, and destroy. If people die after falling under Satan's deceit, they suffer in eternal torment and torture that was meant for only Satan and his demons."

"That's just so evilly," said Pinkie Pie, "calling the devil a meany pants is an understatement; he sounds like the personification of the dictionary definition of evil."

"I couldn't say it better myself, Pinkie Pie," said Bob. "This goes to show you why we believe everyone should strengthen their connection and relationship with God."

"Question," said Spike, "why do you refer to God as well, just plain old "God." Shouldn't there be another name to separate himself from other types of gods?"

"Good question, Spike," said Bob, "referring to God in the monotheistic context is most popularly related to the God of Christianity; there is not much confusion. Sometimes, we refer to God as God Almighty; other names in different languages include Jehovah and Yahweh in Hebrew and Allah in Arabic. But good old "God" is the simplest and easiest way to refer to him, and I can thank God for allowing me to create my series of VeggieTales."

At this time, the door opened, and in came an asparagus wearing a monocle and red bow tie, and spoke with an English accent, "Bob and Larry, I was just getting ready to leave the studio when I saw the lightning strike the rooftop, I just hope no one was hurt."

"It's a long story, Archibald, but don't worry, everything is under control. Just go call Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel to see if they can come to the studio ASAP," said Larry. "By the way, I would like to introduce you to our new pony and dragon friends."

The Mane Six and Spike greeted Archibald, and he did the same.

"That's quite a lovely bowtie and monocle Archibald," said Rarity. "They make you look quite dapper and charming."

"Thank you, ma'am," responded Archibald. "although that might not always be the role I tend to portray on VeggieTales. I will use my acting talents in the show as a stuffy and snobby Englishman; I've had my experience in the West End of London. It was a pleasure meeting you ponies and dragon; I better be off now to make that phone call."

Archibald left the break room as Rarity eyed him dreamily, "Such a classy fellow, asparagus. It must be a privilege to work with such a refined performer."

"Yes, Rarity," said Larry. "Even though we're creating a children's series, his presence will ensure we will not talk down to kids. We want to make a show that older viewers will also find appealing. Alright, enough stalling; it is now time for Bob and me to give you an insight into VeggieTales."