• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

  • ...

Chapter.15: Marooned Mayhem

"Do you remember when we learned about forgiveness?" Bob asked Larry.

"Oh my goodness! How could I forget?" answered Larry.

"That sounds like the start of our next segment," said Twilight.

"Well, do you think the kids at home would like to hear about it?" Bob asked again.

"Oh, most definitely," Larry answered again.

"You would?" Larry asked the viewers as he turned his head towards the camera and began to nod rapidly, "Would ya?"

"Oh, I get it," said Fluttershy, "this is the part where the kids answer back home, how cute."

There was an awkward silence until Bob broke it. "What did they say?"

"Um, I don't know..." Larry answered, "I think they said yes."

"Okay..great," said Bob.

"Well, of course, they would," Rainbow Dash said, "the kids aren't going to want to just end the program abruptly in the middle."

"Well, should I tell them, or should you?" Bob asked Larry.

"Oh, go ahead," said Larry.

"Alright, Equestrians," said Bob, "get ready to be transported into your next adventure; remember very shortly into it, your memory will be affected temporarily, just like in Daniel and the Lion's Den. It will feel like you traveled normally without knowing you are in our story."

"Cool," said Spike, "we can't wait."

"Alright, well, it all happened one summer while Larry and I were running a tour boat service."

"Yeah, you see?" interrupted Larry. "We have this boat, and we take the people, then we put them on the boat, and we give up a ride way out on the ocean! You see?"

Bob cleared his throat as he gave Larry an annoyed glare.

"Sorry," muttered Larry.

"Remember Larry," reminded Fluttershy politely, "you got to tell the story about the grapes; now it's Bob's turn."

"Go ahead," Larry said as he let Bob continue.

"Thank you. As Larry said... we had a boat, and we would give people rides on the ocean."

At this moment, the Mane Six and Spike floated automatically to the countertop's kitchen light.

But I remember that day. That faithful trip

The Mane Six and Spike noticed the kitchen light transitioned into the sun, and they found themselves on a dock with a little red and white pleasure boat harbored next to it.

Why yes! It started from that tropical port, aboard our tiny ship.

"Amazing," said Pinkie Pie, "this segment is a parody of the popular 1960's sitcom Gilligan's Island."

Now Larry, he was a mighty sailor man.

Larry appeared in front of the group with a broad smile and a white bucket hat. "Hello, my fellow Equestrians. I'm glad I get the privilege to drive you on our boat."

"So Larry is supposed to be Gilligan, the first mate," observed Pinkie Pie.

And Bob, he was great and sure!

Bob then appeared similarly, wearing a captain's hat. "All aboard, my pony and dragon passengers. I'm your captain of today's boat excursion."

"And it looks like Bob is the skipper," observed Pinkie Pie.

"This reminds me of when we went on that boat trip," said Applejack as the gang got on board.

"Oh yes," said Rarity, "that was quite a disaster. Let's hope this turns out better."

Pinkie Pie giggled mischievously under her breath as she knew what was to come.

"This is going to be so fun," said Larry, hopping up and down excitedly.

"You bet," said Bob in the same matter, "now it's time for the rest of the passengers to show up."

And uh... Weren't there five passengers we brought along that day, on our three hour tour?

Ah yes! Our three-hour tour.

"Five more passengers?" asked Rainbow Dash. Let's hope it is manageable. I feel like we're packed tight as sardines."

Okay let's see...there was the professor.

"Hey, it's Mike Asparagus, Junior's dad," said Twilight. He's got a double role in this program. And this role is my type of character."

And we were there.

Well yeah. And, uh, the millionaire.

"How lovely," said Rarity, "Archibald Asparagus has returned, and his outfit is perfect for the occasion."

Um, and his wife.


"You're not jealous that Archibald has a wife, do you?" Spike asked Rarity.

"Oh, of course not," answered Rarity. "Archibald may be a handsome fellow, but he is better off with a mate of his species. I'm an animal, and he is a plant."

And wasn't there a movie star and, um, that other girl?

Yeah, but they canceled.

Oh, oh yeah.

Bob and Larry looked confused over the remaining two passengers' absences.

"I guess those two didn't show up since their outfits would be immodest for a children's video," said Pinkie Pie. "Oh well, we can pretend Rarity is Ginger and Fluttershy is Mary Ann."

"Who?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes," said Rarity, "what makes Fluttershy and I like those two?"

"Ginger is a glamorous fashionista, and Mary Ann is a humble sweetheart." Larry explained, " It's too bad they're not here right now."

"But that's okay," said Bob, "the cruise must go on."

Well, anyway, there we were on our three-hour tour, doing our best to entertain the passengers.

"Remember," said ADA as the story paused, "once Bob and Larry begin to sing, your memory will be affected. You will remember being brought here by Bob's narration and feel as if you came to the dock on your own. You will not recognize Mike and Archibald, but you will still recognize Bob and Larry."

The story resumed as Bob and Larry began to break out in song.

"Bravo, Bob and Larry," cheered Pinkie Pie, "next time you perform the song, we should clap our hooves together."

"Yes," said the millionaire with a deadpan expression, "that was just dandy. But isn't a time we left the dock?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea yet," said the professor, "the twelve of us are very crowded on the boat, and we could accidentally push one of us off."

"Don't worry," said Twilight, "I got you covered." Twilight then proceeded to use her magic to expand the size of the boat to an ideal size.

"Good pony," said the millionaire, "My wife Lovey and I can now have the cruise for which we paid good money."

"Oh yes," said Lovey, "I don't have to worry about being squished on the boat."

"That was some impressive renovation ability," the professor complimented.

"Thank you, professor," said Twilight, "I may be a master of magic. But just like you, science is also my specialty."

"Well, it's a pleasure to be your acquaintance," said the professor, "we sure seem to have a lot in common."

Rarity then approached the millionaire and his wife, "Those are the most extravagant outfits to wear while boating. Take my word for it; I'm a top-notch expert in fashion."

"Thank, ma'am," said Lovey, "you also look like you keep yourself in a very presentable state."

"I say," said the millionaire, "your etiquette couldn't make me more proud."

Rarity blushed, "Don't mention it; I sense we will all get well acquainted."

"Heheheh!" Bob laughed a little embarrassed over the stalling of getting the boat driven. "Okay, fire up the engine, first mate Larry!"

"Aye-aye, skipper!"

"Don't mind me," Spike said, yawning as the boat pulled away from the dock. I'm going to take a little nap."

"Go ahead, Spike," said Applejack, "it sure is a relaxing environment out here on the ocean."

"Oh yes," said Fluttershy, "I hope we see some sea creatures on our trip."

Larry was steering the boat as Bob sat on a stool next to them. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash also accompanied them.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" asked Larry.

"Oh yes," said Bob. "Why... just smell that salt air."

Larry took a deep breath and exhaled soothingly, "mighty nice."

"True," said Rainbow Dash. "I hope this boat tour gets more exciting. I want to see more action, not just the sea, like you sang."

"Don't worry, Rainbow Dash," said Pinkie Pie, "I bet this trip will be more exciting than you expect."

"I think I'll go back to see how the passengers are doing..." said Bob, "can you take over here?

"No problem-o, skipper," said Larry.

"Aye-aye, Captain Bob," Pinkie said, saluting her hoof, "me and Rainbow Dash can help First Mate Larry guide the ship."

"I guess there is nothing better to do," admitted Rainbow Dash.

"It's a big responsibility," responded Bob. "You three won't daydream, will ya?"

"Don't worry about a thing," assured Larry, "I got you covered."

"All hands on deck, Skipper," said Pinkie Pie.

"Okay!" said Bob. "Thanks, Larry, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash."

Larry steered the boat as the two ponies stared into the horizon along with him.

"Oh boy!" said Larry. "This is the life!"

"Really?" questioned Rainbow Dash, "you're telling me life can't get more satisfying than this?"

"Yep, Rainbow Dash," said Larry, "There's nothing I'd rather be than first mate Larry."

"Are you sure," asked Pinkie Pie, "wouldn't you rather drive a freighter across the Pacific? Or maybe an ocean liner in the Atlantic?"

"Well, Pinkie Pie," responded Larry, "nothing that is, except..."

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie found themselves amid Larry's fantasy and felt they had entirely new personas and identities. They were inside the engine room of a giant ship. Larry had a Russian fur trapper hat with a bear symbol. He also had thick eyebrows, a black goatee, and an intimidating expression. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie also found themselves with trapper hats, eyebrows in their respective mane and tail colors, and the same ferocious facial expressions.

"Captain Larry Romanov," said Larry with a thick accent, speaking in the third person, "world-famous Russian icebreaker pilot. Accompanied by first mates Rainbow Dashinski and Pinkie Piescow."

The icebreaker was cracking through ice sheets amid a polar region.

"Today, Captain Larry and his first mates must free whales, two great whales trapped in ice."

Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie saw the whales trapped in a thick ice sheet, flailing their tales around and groaning.

"First Mate Dashinski knows how she must act fast," Rainbow Dash said, speaking in the third person with a thick accent.

"First Mate Piescow knows that those whales have a limited amount of time before drowning in the ocean," Pinkie said in the same matter.

"But there is a problem," said Larry, "a large iceberg stands between Captain Larry and whales."

An iceberg then drifted in front of the area the whales were stuck in.

"Knowing the fate of the Titanic, the iceberg proves very troublesome," said Pinkie Pie.

"Has all hope been lost in this whale rescue mission?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"There may not be enough time to go around it!" said Larry. "But surely even Captain Larry is not brave enough to smash through the iceberg! No one has ever done such a thing!

Larry glanced at the iceberg and then stared hard at this speedometer, putting his plan into action.

"Yes! This is no time for cowards!" exclaimed Larry as he steered in front of the iceberg. "Captain Larry will smash the iceberg and free the whales!"

"First Mate Dashinski will assist by using her hooves to break the ice around the whales with her hooves," said Rainbow Dash.

"First Mate Piescow will use butter as a lubricant on their tales," said Pinkie Pie. "This is undoubtedly a whale of a tale."

Bob opened the engine room, wearing the same hat, eyebrows, and facial hair. Applejack was also there, substituting her cowboy hat for a trapper hat and having thick blonde eyebrows.

"Ah-ha!" said Larry, "Commander Boblov and Lieutenant Applejackinski are here to congratulate Captain Larry and his first mates Dashinski and Piescow for their bravery."

The fantasy ended as Bob and Applejack resumed regular appearances on the pleasure boat.

"Hey, Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie," said Bob. "Applejack and I are making snowcones back there. Do you want peach or strawberry?"

"I also got some apple cider as a third flavor option," said Applejack.

"Um, not now, Bob and Applejack," said Larry, "first, the three of us have to smash through this iceberg and free some whales."

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash, "I'm gonna use my bare hooves to assist."

"Along with my butter!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"There are no icebergs around here," Bob said, confused, as he hopped back on the stool.

"We don't even have the proper weather for icebergs," said Applejack.

"Yeah," answered Larry, "well, what do you call that?"

"Just up ahead in the distance," said Rainbow Dash.

At that moment, as Larry was speeding by, he and Bob, along with the three ponies, noticed they were approaching a deserted tropical island. The whales turned out to be palm trees, and the iceberg was revealed to be a large, crooked rock. Bob, Larry, and Applejack screamed in horror as their pupils shrunk to pinpricks; however, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash looked excited.

As the boat struck the rock, it flung the two crew members and ten passengers onto the shore.

"Awesome," said Rainbow Dash, "that was fun; maybe we can do that again. You're right, Pinkie Pie. This boat trip produced unexpected amusement."

"Hey," said Pinkie Pie, "what's a Gilligan's Island theme without becoming castaways."

"Oh," said Lovey as she stood back up again, "the brochure didn't say anything about layovers."

"My goodness," said Rarity, "if this were a layover, we would depart the boat in a more fashionable style."

"Well, you see, Lovey," said the millionaire. "I believe we had some sort of accident. Skipper?"

Spike woke up and looked around, "Huh, how did we get up on this beach?"

"Yes, we most certainly had an accident," said Bob, who then turned around and glared furiously at Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie. "And I think someone has some explaining to do!"

"How could you?" said Applejack, also glaring. "Larry, you said you would not daydream. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, I expected both of you to be better navigators."

"Now you have stranded us on this island without proper accommodation," growled Rarity.

"Well, um," muttered Larry," you see, there were these whales, and they were stuck in the ice."

"We went into the land of daydreams," said Rainbow Dash.

"We saw ourselves as Russian ice breaker pilots in the middle of either the Arctic or Antarctica, perhaps," said Pinkie Pie.

"The only way to get 'em out was to smash right through that iceberg over there," Larry explained further. "Except it turned out to be a rock, and rocks are a lot harder than icebergs."

"It just so happens that the nearest iceberg is 2,640 miles away." explained the professor. "What were you thinking?!"

"Exactly," said Twilight, "an iceberg would melt at least 33 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is least 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Are you three honestly that daft?"

"You smashed our boat!" said Bob angrily, "now what are we gonna do?!"

"Who knows how long we can survive here?!" said Fluttershy, worried.

"You have ruined our vacation," said Lovey, "what do you three have to say for yourselves?"

"Um, I'm sorry," said Larry.

"Me too," said Rainbow Dash.

"Me three," said Pinkie Pie.

"At least the boat is still floating," said Larry optimistically.

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie, "maybe we can fix it even better."

The boat then sank and submerged in the ocean as bubbles formed on top of the surface.

"Oh," muttered Larry sadly.

"Looks like you spoke too soon, Pinkie and Larry," said Rainbow Dash. "We can still fly back," she said as she flew up in the sky, only to be pushed back by a strong gust of wind. She crashed on the beach and landed on the beach, and Pinkie Pie helped her up. "Looks like I spoke too soon this time. The wind is too strong for me or anyone with wings to fly back."

"Hey," said the millionaire, " I need to call my broker. I'm going to look for a phone."

"You can forget about that," said Rarity, "this island seems uninhabited, let alone any communication technology."

"I never," said Lovey in a huff as the twelve castaways prepared for their stay on the island.

That evening, we all worked together to build some huts to sleep in, But we were still pretty mad at Larry.

Five huts were built that night, along with torches lit up by Spike's dragon fire. Bob and Larry slept in one hut, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy with each other, Rainbow Dash and Applejack with each other, the professor with Twilight and Spike, and Rarity joined the millionaire and his wife.

Larry rocked side to side on his hammock above Bob's. Pinkie Pie did the same with Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash did the same above Applejack.

"Geez," said Larry, "it's kind of nice out here. Maybe this isn't so bad after all, huh, Bob?"

"Oh, Fluttershy," said Pinkie Pie joyfully, "we're relaxing in the tropical wilderness, and you can hear the birds and the bugs play a song for us."

"I have to say Applejack," said Rainbow Dash. "The soothing atmosphere has grown on me. Don't you like laid-back getaways where you can enjoy the beauty of nature?"

"Not so bad?" responded Bob. "What do you mean 'Not so bad'?! Our boat is at the bottom of the ocean, and we're stuck on this island, in the middle of nowhere, with no way to get home!"

"That has been a huge disappointment, Pinkie Pie," responded Fluttershy, "the fauna on this island doesn't even want to see me. They run away afraid, not knowing how close I am with my animals back home."

"Sure, I enjoy nature trips, Rainbow Dash," Applejack responded, "but who knows wut will happen to us on this island? Yes, Pinkie Pie did alright making the coconut meals for us this evening. But we can't survive on coconut alone; we need protein."

"I said I was sorry," Larry said sadly. At least you could forgive me."

"I'm sorry about the boat," said Pinkie Pie, "but where is the Fluttershy of kindness I'm familiar with? Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?"

"I apologized for crashing us here," said Rainbow Dash, "wouldn't we all feel better if you could forgive."

"Well, it's just that we're--" growled Bob. "Well, can't you see we're-- I just-- I just can't! Oh!"

"I'm not in the mood to forgive you for putting us in danger!" angrily said Fluttershy.

"You oughta think about wut you've done first, and maybe I'll forgive you!" snarled Applejack.

"I said I was sorry," said Larry.

"I can only say sorry so many times," said Pinkie Pie.

"I've already apologized," said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, that's not good enough," said Bob, "good night."

"Sorry isn't going to save us," said Fluttershy, "sweet dreams."

"Yuh need to try harder than that," said Applejack. "Have a good night's rest."

"Not good enough, Not good enough?!" Larry said to himself, worried. "He means...he means I'm not good enough. They all think I'm not good enough. I bet they'd be happier if I just left. So that's what I'll do." Larry began to climb out of his bed and leave the hut. "I'm just gonna...gonna take my things and go away, yeah. I don't have anything, so I'll go...with just my hat." Larry hopped to the exit and turned around to say bye one last time while on the verge of tears. "Goodbye, Bob; I hope you find a first mate that's good enough." Larry hopped out of the hut with his head down and approached Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, who looked sad.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, hey Rainbow Dash," said Larry, "been denied forgiveness as well?"

"Yes," said Rainbow Dash, "I can't believe we were too stupid to navigate the boat away from hazards."

"You can say that again," said Pinkie Pie, "if everyone else is going to be miserable on this island. It's best to leave them here without the fools that brought them here."

"Don't beat yourselves up," said Spike, who was still awake gathering firewood, who the two ponies and cucumber had just noticed. "If there is one who forgives you three, it's me. Sure, we don't know our futures on this island. But at least you didn't mean to crash the boat. I could see myself making a similar mistake."

"Thank you, Spike," said Larry, "but eight others won't forgive us."

"Which is why we should leave," said Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash, "don't want to see how we can tick off anyone else further."

Larry, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash left as Spike scratched his head, wondering how to help the situation.

The following day, the millionaire and his wife left their hut as Rarity slept in further with her sleeping mask. The entrance to their hut was decked out with doorway beads.

"I wonder where the skipper is," said the millionaire.

"Who?" asked Lovey.

"Oh, you know, dear, the bright red round fellow," answered her husband.

"Oh yes, where is he anyway?"

"I don't know. That's what I was wondering."

"Oh, I see."

"Has anyone seen Larry?" Bob asked who was not seen.

"As well as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy also asked, out of sight.

"Did you say something?" asked the millionaire to his wife.

"No, it was that tree over there," said Lovey, "it sounded like it had both a male and a female voice."

"Really, well, what did it say?"

"I believe it's looking for Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Who are those three?"

"Oh, you remember. They're the chap and two dames who smashed the boat."

"Oh, and ruined our vacation."

"That's the trio."

"Oh. Well, I hope that tree gets them, serves them right."

"Here, here."

"Hello, people!" Bob shouted, revealed to be on top of a tree with Fluttershy hovering close above, "Has anyone seen Larry?!"

"I've also flown high above the island looking for Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy shouted.

The millionaire and wife finally noticed that the tree wasn't talking but had Bob on top and Fluttershy above.

"Oh look, Lovey," said the millionaire, "it's the skipper with that yellow pony: Fluttershy, if I'm not mistaken."

"Oh," responded Lovey. "I didn't know tomatoes were grown on trees, with ponies bred to harvest them."

"Well, actually..." said the millionaire, "oh never mind."

"Tomatoes grow on smaller plants, ma'am," said Applejack, who walked over to the tree. "And we ponies are the farmers; farmers didn't breed us." Applejack then grabbed the tree and lifted it in the air slightly. "Alright, Bob," she grunted, "tell me when you can see them."

"That is one strong pony," commented Lovey.

"Skipper, Fluttershy," the millionaire called out, "what are you two doing up there?"

"We're looking for Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie," said Bob, "when I woke up this morning, they were gone."

"I hope they're safe," said Fluttershy.

Bob and Fluttershy then looked to their sides and heard rustling in the jungle foliage.

"We got it!" said the professor, pushing a bamboo catapult with Twilight's assistance.

"Got what?" asked the millionaire.

"Our ticket out of here," responded the professor.

"Yes," said Twilight, "it's amazing what you can build out of bamboo."

"We'll use this giant catapult to fling us back home," said the professor. "Here, Twilight and I will demonstrate this working model." The professor explained the mechanisms as Twilight got it ready. "You wind it up and place somebody here, say, Bob, for example." Twilight dropped in a coconut with a painted face. "Now just pull this cord and...okay, Twilight."

The coconut was flung high in the air but didn't go very far. It knocked Fluttershy slightly, then dropped on Bob's head. The tomato and pegusus then fell onto the hut Rarity was sleeping in and demolished it. The coconut then proceeded to drop and hit Applejack much more directly on the head, knocking her out.

"What the hay?" said Rarity as she woke up knocked out of her hammock and covered in rubble. "Bob and Fluttershy," she interrogated, "what is the meaning of this disturbance?"

"Our house!" exclaimed Lovey.

"Ow," moaned Bob.

"My aching head," moaned Fluttershy.

"Oh dear," said the professor worried.

Twilight then proceeded to attend to Applejack at the base of the tree.

"Look what you've done to our house," said the millionaire with a glare.

"You bonked us on the head with a coconut!" yelled Bob.

"You seriously couldn't be more careful?" said Fluttershy angrily.

"Wow, we did not mean to do that," said the professor. "I am so sorry."

"Me too," said Twilight, trying to soothe Applejack, who was not entirely unconscious.

"Could you ever forgive us?" asked the professor.

"Well, I guess it was an accident," said Bob, "you both said you were sorry, so I forgive you two."

"Same here," said Fluttershy, "there is no reason not to, after that sincere heartfelt apology."

"Thanks," said the professor.

Applejack then regained full consciousness, "wut just happened?"

"A coconut accidentally bonked you on the head, Applejack," said Twilight, "me and the professor are to blame. Do you think you could forgive us?"

"Why not sugarcube?" said Applejack. "I've forgiven Big Mac and Apple Bloom after they accidentally knocked me out with apples. You are no exception."

"I'm sorry about your house," Bob apologized to the millionaire, his wife, and Rarity. "I'd be glad to fix it if you want me to. Do you think you can ever forgive us?" Bob showed an awkward smile.

"We could rebuild it to the same way it was before, if not better," said Fluttershy.

"We know you both didn't mean to do it, so we forgive you," the millionaire said.

"Yes," said Rarity, "it took less than a day to construct. There is no reason to hold a grudge."

"Oh, thanks," said Bob, relieved.

"I second that," said Fluttershy.

"Gee," said the professor, "it sure does feel good to be forgiven when you make mistakes."

"It feels like a heavy load has been lifted off you," said Rarity.

"Yes, sir!" said Bob. "Boy, if I said I was sorry for doing something wrong and really meant it, and people still wouldn't forgive me, I'd feel terrible!"

"Oh yeah!" said the professor, "definitely."

"Without forgiveness," said Twilight, "everyone would be miserable daily."

The four vegetables and ponies then felt ashamed over their earlier lack of forgiveness.

"You know," said Bob. "Larry, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash said they were sorry for smashing the boat."

"And that was just an accident too..." said the professor. "Just like when Twilight and I hit the three of you with that coconut or when you both fell through their roof."

"And we wouldn't forgive Larry, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash at all," said Lovey.

"I can't believe how mean and stubborn we were all acting," said Applejack.

"So that's why they ran away," said Bob. "They must feel terrible! We gotta find them. Well, come on, everybody! I think they're over here, maybe."

"I should've looked harder the first time," said Fluttershy.

Bob called out for Larry while dashing through the jungle. Applejack did the same for Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy shouted for Pinkie Pie.

When Bob, Applejack, and Fluttershy reached the shore on the other side of the island, they discovered Larry on a bamboo raft blowing into a sail. Rainbow Dash pushed the raft forward by flapping her wings on top of the mass, and Pinkie Pie was hanging on to the bottom of the raft, paddling with her hind hooves.

"Hey, little buddies," called out Bob, "we have something to say to you all."

"Please don't sail away," Applejack pleaded.

"You don't know what hazards are in the ocean," Fluttershy said.

Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie called out something hard to make out in the distance.

"What?" asked Bob.

Larry blew back to shore as Rainbow Dash flapped and Pinkie Pie paddled.

"I said," Larry repeated. "You guys don't even like us anymore, so we're just going to leave."

"You don't seem comfortable on this island," said Rainbow Dash.

"So we thought we might as well leave to make it more tolerable," Pinkie Pie said.

"We do like you, Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie," said the millionaire.

"We can always learn to adapt here on the island," said Rarity.

"Yes," said Lovey, "and we forgive you three for smashing the boat."

"You do?" asked Larry as the raft returned to shore.

"You mean it," asked Rainbow Dash.

"You're serious," asked Pinkie Pie.

"We realized that everyone makes mistakes sometimes," said Bob, "and it was wrong for us not to forgive you all when you said you were sorry."

"Yeah?" asked Larry.

"Yeah," repeated Bob.

"We learned we're not perfect, and we all need forgiveness," said Applejack.

"That we can't enjoy life further unless we grant forgiveness," said Fluttershy.

"Can you forgive us for not forgiving you?" said Bob.

"Um, okay, I forgive you guys," said Larry.

"Why not?" said Rainbow Dash. "It would be hypocritical at this point to deny forgiveness."

"Let the cycle of forgiveness be completed," said Pinkie Pie.

This made everyone very relieved, now that everyone was forgiven.

Spike was watching this all play out in the jungle with a new friend he had made. " Look at that Palmy. It seems that everybody had made up."

"Ya Spike man," said Palmy, "you were the first to forgive, and everybody else has followed suit. I must congratulate them all. Hello!"

"Did you say something?" the millionaire asked his wife.

"No, it was that tree again," said Lovey. "That dragon child accompanies him."

The millionaire looked slightly surprised at seeing a talking palm tree with a Jamaican accent.

"The animals may not have approached me," said Fluttershy. "But that must be the next best living organism."

"I guess I was wrong about this island being uninhabited," said Rarity.

"Hey Spike," said Applejack, "who is this tree fellow?"

"Just the friendliest tree I've ever met," said Spike. "I'm glad you have finally all made up, and he would like to congratulate everyone."

"I'm so happy to see you forgiving each other," said Palmy. "It makes me want to sing. Do you mind?"

"No," said everyone else in unison.

(Pause at 0:32)

"Oh, summer, right!" Bob and Larry said, realizing it was the season to be happier with the extra sun.

"That palm tree and his backup coconut singers are calypso muses," admired Pinkie Pie.

"Yes," responded Lovey. "Now, if only there was a way for us to get back home."

"I'll feel so relieved to return to indoor plumbing with all the proper cosmetics," said Rarity.

"Yeah," said Bob, "at least we're all friends again. Hey, has anyone seen the professor?"

"Nope," answered Larry.

"Come think of it, I haven't seen Twilight either," said Applejack.

However, a giant flying shadow was cast below the group on the beach.

"What's that?" asked the millionaire.

It was revealed to be a bamboo helicopter piloted by the professor and Twilight, both wearing flying goggles.

"Awesome!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "Now that's what I call aircraft!"

"Hey!" greeted the professor, "Twilight and I made it entirely out of bamboo and coconut. Pretty good, huh?"

"Those wind cycles don't have a chance with this whimsical whirlybird," said Twilight.

"Well, climb aboard," said the professor as Twilight lowered the vine ladder.

"Hey Bob," said Larry as they climbed up to the helicopter.

"Yeah, Larry."

"Um, next summer, let's just sell lemonade. Like everyone else."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Not to mention safer," said Fluttershy.

(Resume music at 1:10)

The Mane Six and Spike returned to the countertop with a smiling Bob and Larry waiting.

"We sure learned a lot about forgiveness on that island," said Bob.

"You can say that again, Bob," said Twilight. What started as a vacation gone wrong turned into a hands-on life lesson."

"Yeah," said Larry, "well, we also learned how many things you can make with bamboo."

"Don't forget coconuts, Larry," said Pinkie Pie.

"We made a bamboo raft, a bamboo hut, a bamboo catapult, a bamboo helicopter..." rambled Larry as Pinkie Pie began her share.

"I made coconut salad, coconut milk, and coconut cake, not to mention the coconuts used to make the helicopter and the coconut backup singers. I could've also made coconut candy, coconut pie, coconut bread, coconut muffins, coconut oil, coconut chimichangas..."

"Ahem, we get the point," said Bob and Rainbow Dash in sync.

"Bamboo," said Larry, smiling.

"Coconut," said Pinkie Pie the same way.

"It's time to talk about what we learned today.

(Pause at 0:08)

Bob tried to say something but was interrupted by Larry and Pinkie Pie.



Bob made a grumpy expression as Larry and Pinkie Pie looked nervous as the song resumed.

"Best not to interrupt Bob," said Fluttershy politely.

(Resume Music)

Bob smiled again as he explained today's lesson: "Junior Asparagus learned that it is easier to forgive others when we remember that God always forgives us, no matter what we do."

"I think we also learned not to put hoes and toy trucks next to each other, in risk of being flung into sandboxes," said Rainbow Dash.

"Yep!" said Larry. "And on the island, we learned that everybody makes mistakes sometimes, and when we forgive each other, we all feel better inside! And about bamboo."

"We also learned not to fantasize you're a Russian icebreaker pilot while steering a smaller boat. And about coconuts," said Pinkie Pie.

"Let's see if QWERTY has a verse for us," said Bob.

QWERTY displayed a memory verse on its screen.

"Colossians 3:13b," read Bob.

"Yes," said Twilight, "this is the letter the Apostle Paul sent to the Church of Colassae while in prison."

"Yep," said Bob, "and it says: forgive others the way the Lord forgave you. Hmm, so...so that's why we need to forgive. Well, we're out of time for today, but remember."

"God made you special," said Larry, "and he loves you very much."

"Goodbye," said Bob.

"Bamboo," said Larry.

"Coconut," Pinkie Pie responded, which caused the rest of the group to laugh as the VHS adventure ended.

The Mane Six and Spike left the VR simulator as Bob addressed the situation to the group.

"Just to let you know," said Bob, "we wish to return to Equestria with you all to check out on that meeting Luna arranged."

Bob, Larry, the Mane Six, and Spike returned to the countertop and found Borlaug and Mendel.

"Professor Borlaug, Dr. Mendel," greeted Twilight, "good to see you veggie scientists again. I will contact our local inventor, Doctor Whooves, to see if you can create an easier portal from here to my castle."

"The pleasure is all ours, Twilight Sparkle," said Dr. Mendel.

"Yes," said Professor Borlaug, "this Doctor Whooves sounds like my kind of pony."

The four veggies, six ponies, and one dragon entered QWERTY to resume their business in Equestria.