• Published 29th Nov 2022
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Veggie VBS - freecozyglow

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

  • ...

Chapter.13: The Foul Family of Four

"Nice improvement to the theme song lyrics," admired Rarity.

"Correct, Rarity," said ADA. When VeggieTales began to be distributed by Word Entertainment, Bob and Larry released their first video with the new and improved theme song. So, they added the upgrade for this video. It's time to meet Bob and Larry at the countertop."

The scene faded to the countertop, where Bob and Larry greeted the viewers.

"Hey, Kids! Welcome to Veggietales! I'm Bob the Tomato."

"And I'm Larry the Cucumber."

"And we're here to answer your questions."

"Yep," responded Larry, turning his head to the Equestrian gang, "Ah, the Mane Six and Spike. Bob and I are happy to have you join us again for the second entry in our program."

"The pleasure is all ours," said Twilight Sparkle.

"Now, Larry and Equestrians," said Bob.

"Yeah, Bob," said Larry.

"We're all ears, Bob," said Applejack, "what's on yer mind?"

"The other day, I was walking home from my bowling league when I bumped into Marco, one of our T.V. friends."

"Oh, that...that's great," said Larry.

"T.V. friend?" wondered Pinkie Pie, "I thought this was a direct-to-video series."

"True Pinkie Pie," said Bob, "but when I refer to the term "T.V. friend." I'm referring to the children we had invited to a meet-and-greet session as part of an interview for our local talk show."

"Oh, that makes sense," said Pinkie Pie.

"Mmm-hmm. Now Marco has a question for us. He said that when his baby sister does something that makes him mad and then says she's sorry, Marco's mom says he needs to forgive her. Why does he have to forgive?"

"Oh, that's a good question," said Larry."

"Well," said Rarity, "I occasionally fight with Sweetie Belle; sometimes she can be quite the nuisance. But I always make up with her because otherwise, I'd always be miserable holding onto a grudge."

"That is an excellent answer, Rarity," said Bob, "but I'm stating this question more rhetorically to get our show started."

"Hmmm," Larry pondered as he moved his eyes from side to side. "Well, I know! I'll tell Marco the story of 'The Grapes of Wrath.' "

"Oh, that's a classic!" said Bob, "This will be good!"

"That's right, Bob," said Pinkie Pie, "John Steinbeck's 1939 novel about a low-income family of Oklahoma farmers who migrate to California to seek refuge during the Great Depression. Adapted a year later into a movie directed by John Ford and starring Henry Fonda."

"Wow, Pinkie Pie," said Larry, "I didn't think you had access to American Literature in Equestria."

"I don't," said Pinkie Pie, "after our experience with the first video. I went to Canterlot High School to meet with my human counterpart. There, we studied all about pop culture from this world. I wanted to brush up on my knowledge about the subject."

"It's Pinkie Pie," said Rainbow Dash, "don't ask or wonder how her mind works."

"I see," said Larry, "without further to do. It's time for me to tell the story and get the seven of you to explore inside."

"Alright," said Spike, "another adventure, here we come!"

"Once upon a time," began Larry, "there were some very cranky grapes."

"Oh," Pinkie Pie giggled, "it looks like this version is about literal wrathful grapes."

"Well, this a produce-themed show after all," said Twilight.

"Um," said Bob worried, "are you sure that's how 'The Grapes of Wrath' goes?"

"Oh, yeah," responded Larry.

"Oh, okay," answered Bob.

"Remember, Bob, this isn't the original story," said Pinkie Pie.

"Uh, Bob?" said Larry.

"Well, yeah, Larry?" responded Bob.

"Try not to interrupt," said Larry, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, sorry," said Bob, slightly embarrassed.

"Remember Bob," said Fluttershy politely with a smile, "the more you keep from interrupting, the sooner we can go on the adventure."

"Once upon a time, there were some very cranky grapes..." As Larry resumed narrating, the scenery faded from the countertop into a land of grassy hills covered with deciduous trees and a dirt road in the center.

"Lovely sunny weather out here today," said Twilight.

"Speaking of which," said Applejack, "there is a smiling sun in the sky. Princess Celestia would be proud of such a sight."

"Hi, Mr. Golden Sun," greeted Pinkie Pie, who jumped in the air waving her hoof.

The smiling sun looked down upon the Equestrian gang and winked, but then the sun's smile faded into worry as it saw something in the distance.

"What's dulling that sun's ray of natural light?" wondered Spike.

Then the Equestrians saw what was approaching: an old, noisy, black, shabby, roofless automobile rocking side to side with hood flapping up and down. The car was driven by an elderly mustachioed lavender-nosed grape wearing a black, worn-out top hat with a red stripe and ovular glasses over his invisible eyes that were topped with bushy eyebrows. His wife sat in the passenger seat; she had grey hair wrapped in a bun, grey eyeshadow, and semi-circular old lady glasses. Their two teenage freckled children sat in the back seat with wooden barriers on each side. Their son wore a big-brimmed brown hat with two grains of straw attached; the hat was so big it covered his eyes. Their daughter had orange hair tied into twin braids and a wide gap in her front teeth.

"So those are the notorious Grapes of Wrath," said Twilight as the car drove alongside the group, producing excessive exhaust fumes.

Rarity coughed and gagged, "My goodness, do they know how much pollution they're contributing to the environment? I can already see the nasty reputation they have earned."

"I'd hate to see what kind of impact it would have on the local animals in this area," said Fluttershy.

"I have to admit, though," said Pinkie Pie, "their engine sputtering makes a catchy rhythm, and is that hood ornament in the form of the spotted monster from the first video?"

"Correct, Pinkie Pie," said ADA, "another easter egg you have discovered."

"Their mode of transportation is so sluggish," said Rainbow Dash, "I can go twice as fast pulling a cart."

"In that case," said Twilight, "we should follow them to know how vile they are and see if they need a friendship lesson."

So the Mane Six and Spike tracked down the Grapes of Wrath as the bumpkin bunch sang their theme song.

Fluttershy ran after a terrorized tree that ran down a hill and jumped into the lake, "Wait, Mr. Tree, you don't have to hide in the lake; those grapes are now gone and won't pick on you any further."Fluttershy dived into the lake to get the tree back onto dry land.

"How sickening," said Rarity angrily, "first, that insolent grape boy spits into that poor tree's eye for no reason. Then, that insolent grape girl throws a snake into that other tree's beverage. Don't they know what germs and bacteria can be found on a snake?"

"You're telling me, Rarity," Rainbow Dash said with clenched teeth, rubbing her hooves together. "If I could have one minute with those sour grapes," she said.

Fluttershy then swam back up the lake's surface and helped bring the tree back onto the ground, but the frightened tree just ran away. "How dare they pick on those trees," she said in a calm but furious voice, "trees deserve our respect; they provided us with oxygen to breathe, after all."

"Come on guys, let's not lose those grapes out of our sight," said Spike.

Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy flew over the hill as Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity galloped up.

"You know Applejack," said Pinkie Pie, "did you relate to those grapes anyway?"

"Pinkie Pie, how could you?" scolded Rarity, "Applejack has more honor and integrity in a single hoof than those yucky yokels have in their whole body."

"No, not like that," said Pinkie Pie, "I strictly mean by the way they talk; all country ponies have the same accent, just like those grapes. Except for the father, who sounds more Yiddish."

"Pinkie Pie," said Applejack, "one pony's character is a more significant indicator of their culture than a mere accent. But I admit their accents remind me of the same ones my family shares. But I don't think that's relevant right now."

The two earth ponies and unicorns joined the rest of their friends on top of the hill with a little white house decorated with blue doors and windows. The windows were marked with yellow accents, and a red roof adorned the house's interior. In front of the home, they met a familiar face.

"Junior Asparagus!" exclaimed Twilight.

"Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike, good to see you guys again," said Junior, sharing a group hug with them as they all said their hellos. "What brings you all to my front yard?"

"Well," said Twilight, "we have come across a bunch of sour grapes wreaking havoc all over the place; in fact, here they come right now."

One day, the grapes were out riding around in their car when suddenly, they hit a bump.

The car crashed into a stump, throwing Tom and Rosie out and causing them to do multiple somersaults down the road in front.

"We must've hit a bump," said Pa, looking at the stump they crashed into just off the road.

"That is why seatbelts were invented," said Pinkie Pie.

"Ha," laughed Rainbow Dash, "serves those two brats right."

"Now Rainbow Dash," said Applejack, "as revolting as these grapes are, let's not stoop down to their level."

Tom and Rosie stood back up unharmed and began to argue with each other.

"Hey!" said Tom. "What'd you do that for?"

"I didn't do it!" said Rosie, "You did it, you big possum head!"

"Huh," said Applejack, "reminds me of when Big Mac and I argued as foals. We would drive Granny Smith crazy."

"I did not!" Tom shouted, "You taco salad rabbit nose!"

"Geez," said Spike, "are they just throwing out random words from the dictionary?"

"You did, too," Rosie shouted back. "You casserole head pimento loaf iguana boy!"

"Pa!" Tom whined, stunned by Rosie's insult.

"Wait," said Rarity, "how did that peculiar insult cross the line?"

"Now, Rose," chastised Pa as he hopped out of the car, "apologize to your brother."

"Huh?" wondered Rosie. "What for?"

"Well, you know he just turned eighteen years old."

Tom smirked as his father mentioned his age.

"Yeah, so?"

"So, that would make him a casserole head pimento loaf iguana man!"

"Physically, you might be a man," commented Rainbow Dash, "but you still act like a little boy."

"Ah, yeah, sorry about that," Rosie apologized half-heartedly, "cabbage-nose Elvis puppy."

"Yeah," responded Tom, "and don't you forget it!"

Rosie looked to her side and noticed Junior along with the Equestrian Gang. "Pa, there's someone, along with a group of critters, over there."

"Eh? Ooh. Oh, you're right!" Pa hopped forward to examine the group. "Uh, what kind of fellow and animals do you suppose those are, Ma?"

"Oh, let's see," Ma said as she squinted her eyes and got a better look. "Hm, they're no grapes, that's for sure."

The grapes muttered along themselves in agreement.

"That boy must be some kind of a bean or something," said Pa, "and it looks like a herd of donkeys and a chameleon accompanies him."

A second time, the grapes mumbled in agreement amongst themselves.

"Well, what's that thing that boy's got on his head?" wondered Tom.

"Well," said Ma, "it's yella."

"Um," pondered Rosie, "cheese is yella."

"Mm-hm," answered Ma.

"So that would make him a cheese-headed bean boy," said Pa.

"Oooh," responded his wife and children.

The Equestrian Gang felt confused and awkward as Junior cleared his throat and spoke confidently.

"I'm not a bean; I'm an asparagus."

"What'd the bean boy say?" asked Pa.

"Seriously?" mumbled Twilight, "he just said he was an asparagus, not a bean."

"He said he was an aspara-mawhoosit," answered Rosie.

"Huh?" asked Pa, confused.

"Wow," muttered Rainbow Dash, "they don't know what an asparagus is?"

"Asparagus!" Junior repeated for emphasis. "A plant of the Liliaceous genus. From the Greek: Aspharagos."

"And we're not donkeys," said Pinkie Pie, smiling, "we are ponies, a mammal from the Equus genus. From the Latin: Pullus.

"Oooh," the grapes said together.

"And I'm not a chameleon," Spike said proudly, "I am a dragon."

You know what I just realized," said Pa, trying to contain his laughter, "You've got to be some of the most colorful ponies I have ever seen. What did you do? Plan a terrorist attack in a paint factory and get stained all over."

The grapes erupted in laughter.

"No, Pa," said Tom, giggling. "Those ponies took an art class and were too dumb to know that paint goes on paper, not themselves."

"They're too bright and flashy," said Rosie, chuckling, "I bet they wouldn't be hired to work on the merry-go-round. They'd be too distracting and hypnotic."

The Mane Six and Spike began to glare at the grapes.

"Hey, watch your filthy tongues!" snapped Rainbow Dash.

"I beg your pardon!" growled Rarity. "I'll tell you these colors are our natural hair shades."

"Well, I admit," said Pa, "that orange one looks the most like the ponies I've seen in my day. Except why is it wearing a cowboy hat? Did its owner get fed up with it trying to play dress up with his hat?" The grapes erupted in laughter again.

"I'll have you know," Applejack retorted, "that I've always worn a hat on muh head, and I've never been the property of somepony! Also, muh pronoun is she and not it!"

"Alright, I take it back," said Tom. "That pink one isn't stained by paint. It's slowly turning into cotton candy. What happened? Did a cotton candy monster bite you on a full moon?"

"You meany pants!" yelled Pinkie Pie. "My mane and tail are all fluffed up like this to show how pleasant I can be— which is something you're lacking in that department!"

"Also," said Rosie. "What is Bean Boy doing hanging out with those girly ponies? You wouldn't catch me dead playing with Barbies. I prefer target practice with my B.B. gun. Bean Boy is better off playing with G.I. Joes."

"I'll let you know, little missy!" yelled Pinkie Pie. "That G.I. Joe is a franchise of Hasbro. We belong to a brand of the same company."

"Pinkie Pie," wondered Twilight, "what are you referring to?"

"Ugh," Pinkie Pie grumbled, "never mind, it's a long story."

"By the way," said Pa, "did that purple reptile just call himself a dragon? Well, let me just say that he doesn't have to worry about being slain by a knight in shining armor."

"What is that supposed to mean, you old kook?" asked Spike.

"No knight would want to fight a pansy little dragon like you. He would be too embarrassed for that. Why you look like a baby cousin of that dopey dinosaur on T.V."

"Gramps! I'm warning you!" Spike snapped, "I got a powerful fire breath that oughta be reckoned with."

"Please, Spike," Fluttershy pleaded, "let's not escalate. Still, that doesn't change the fact that these grapes are horrible. It just breaks my heart." Fluttershy put her head down sadly.

"You leave my pony and dragon friends alone!" yelled Junior. "Oh, and by the way, this is not cheese on my head! It is a hat, a yellow hat."

Junior flicked his baseball cap off for further emphasis, and the spear of his head expanded, causing the grapes to erupt with even more laughter.

"Look at that crazy hair!" taunted Pa.

"It looks like peas!" Tom insulted. "Hey Bean Boy? You been gluing peas to your noggin?"

No," Junior wistfully muttered as he began to cry.

Fluttershy put a comforting hoof on Junior, "It's okay, Junior. I get how hurtful those grapes are."


Rainbow Dash was about to fly over, but Applejack grabbed her tail in her teeth, "Please, Rainbow Dash, we can deal with these grapes in a more refined matter."

Well, that's just terrible. Don't those grapes know it's not nice to make fun of people?

Well, that's just it, Bob. They didn't know how bad it made Junior feel.

Well, jeepers, Larry. What happened next?

Luckily, Junior's dad heard them laughing and came outside to see what all the commotion was about.

Junior was wailing as tears sprayed out of his eyes. Fluttershy rubbed his back and gently shushed him.

"Hey, what's all the commotion out here?" Mike Asparagus asked sternly. "Oooh, grapes," Mike said with a smile, "as well as those six ponies and their dragon. I know you're not angels, but don't worry, Junior cleared up everything with me."

"Oh, Mr. Asparagus," said Twilight, "good to see you again. We just faced this mean family of grapes who had nothing better to do than insult the way we look, including your son!"

"They were calling me Bean Boy and telling me I had peas on my head!"

"They said I was uncooperative cowboy property!"

"They said I was a cotton candy mutant!"

"And they said I was the pansy baby cousin of a dopey dinosaur!"

"It is so not cool!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Is that true?" Mike asked as he glared at the grapes.

"Oh, no, no, no," Pa said. "We would not do such a thing as what you have said we would have done."

"Oh, don't be coy with us," said Rarity.

"Except for maybe we did that, I guess, now that you...oh...well, okay, we did that. Yep, that's what we did."

So, Junior's dad explained to the grapes that when we make fun of people and call them names, that makes them feel very bad inside. He also told them that God wants us to be kind to everybody, and that when we act mean, it makes God feel sad too.

"Good lecture, Mr. Asparagus," commended Twilight, "you know how to be a top-notch father."

"Thanks, Twilight," said Mike.

"Well, uh... gee..." said Pa, ashamed. "I guess we never really stopped to think about it, well, how it was making you feel and all."

"Yeah, we was just having some fun," said Rosie, "didn't mean nothing by it."

"Yeah, sorry," said Tom as the rest of the grapes also apologized.

"We'll never be mean again!" declared Pa.

"Very nice," responded Fluttershy.

"Okay, that's better," Mike said, smiling, "Now, Junior, is there anything you want to say to the grapes? The same goes for the rest of you Equestrians as well."

"Uh, like what?" asked Junior.

"Of course," said Pinkie Pie, "the lesson of this video!"

Junior's dad explained to him that when someone says they're sorry for hurting you, and they really mean it, we need to forgive them. That way, we all feel better.

"Oh, I get it!" said Junior, "Okay, I forgive you, grapes."

"We forgive you as well," said Twilight.

The grapes all sighed in relief.

"All right, now does everyone feel better?" asked Mike.

The grapes and even Equestrians agreed with that question.

"Yep," said Spike, "it looks like we solved another friendship lesson."

"It's almost time for supper," said Mike as he began to hop back into the house. "Come on inside, Junior."

While it was not the first time Rosie and Tom heard Junior's name, it was the first time they noticed something peculiar about it.

"Junior?" wondered Rosie.

"His name is Junior?" Tom wondered in the same matter.

As Junior walked back to the house, Tom and Rosie laughed loudly and even mentioned how Junior's name sounded funny.

Five of the ponies and Spike begin to glare at the grape offspring.

"Looks like I spoke too soon," growled Spike.

On the other hand, Junior was shaking like a volcano about to erupt with such tremendous fury.

Rainbow Dash was also seething and empathetic with that same rage. "THAT'S IT!" she screamed, "I'M GONNA CRUSH YOU INTO SOME CHARDONNAY!!!"

"Okay," growled Junior, "this is the last straw!"

"I got your back, Junior," said Rainbow Dash. "Let's mash these grapes into a pulp."

"Affirmative, Rainbow Dash!" responded Junior.

Applejack then grabbed Rainbow Dash's tail. "No, Rainbow Dash!" Applejack scolded, "We are not going to encourage Junior to act out in vengeful violence."

"Let go of my tail right now, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash pushed Applejack away with her hoof. Rainbow Dash fluttered above Junior as he marched towards Tom and Rosie. Suddenly, Junior stepped on a hoe that hit him and Rainbow Dash in the face. A stunned Junior fell backward into a toy dump truck barely smaller than him. Rainbow Dash was also knocked out and fell onto the top of the toy dump truck, which she barely fit on. The dump truck tumbled down the hillside and hit the rim of a sandbox. Junior and Rainbow Dash were flung up in the air, and Rainbow Dash's wings were all tangled up around Junior. The Grapes and the six other Equestrians watched in astonishment as Junior and Rainbow Dash fell into the sandbox. Junior and Rainbow Dash emerged from the sandbox, all dazed out and cross-eyed; they both let out a cough and passed out. Fluttershy flew down to help Junior and Rainbow Dash out, but Rainbow Dash was not in the mood.

"Please, Flutters," Rainbow Dash said, exhausted but still enraged. "I need some time to be alone."

Tom and Rosie erupted again into laughter, and it wasn't just Junior's name they began to make fun of.

"Isn't that blue pony's name Rainbow Dash?" said Rosie.

"More like Rainbow Crash!" insulted Tom.

"Rainbow Crash! Rainbow Crash! She falls to the ground like a piece of trash!" as they both taunted.

Rainbow Dash was so furious she could barely speak a word; it was even triggering some PTSD from her childhood.

"I think you were wrong, Applejack, about not using violence," Rarity growled as she lit her horn.

However, Ma and Pa Grape began to scowl at how their children went back to bullying.

"It's alright, Rarity," said Twilight, "I think Tom and Rosie are about to have a talk with their parents."

"Hey," Mike said as he came back out of the house, "I thought you said you weren't going to tease anymore."

"Well, that's exactly what we said," Pa began to scold as Tom and Rosie stopped laughing and began to look ashamed. "And we grapes always try to keep our promises. Isn't that right?"

"Sure, yes, that's right. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Sure," Tom and Rosie both shamefully mumbled as they nodded.

"They're lucky it wasn't a Pinkie Promise," said Pinkie Pie, "or else they would have to kiss their hides goodbye."

"Now, what do you kids have to say to Junior and Rainbow Dash?" instructed Ma.

Tom and Rosie repeatedly apologized as Junior and Rainbow Dash began to shake the sand off their bodies.

Pinkie Pie walked in front of Tom and Rosie, "good, now do you both Pinkie Promise not be mean?"

"What does Pinkie Promise mean?" asked Tom.

"Yeah," said Rosie.

"Just repeat after me, I cross my heart and hope to fly, stick cupcake in my eye. Now you say it."

Tom and Rosie repeated and Pinkie Pie commended them both.

Boy, I sure am glad they got that straightened out.

Yep, the grapes were really sorry this time, so once again, Junior forgave them.

"What!" exclaimed Junior as he addressed Bob and Larry from the hillside region to the countertop.

"What the hay," asked Twilight, "Bob? Larry? I thought you were narrating this story in the past tense."

"That's what makes this segment so unique, Twilight." said Larry, "it's more exciting than narrating the old-fashioned way."

"It's even more complicated than that," said Pinkie Pie, "another narrator is typing this story up as part of fan fiction. I haven't heard from him since the second chapter."

TMI, Pinkie Pie. Besides, I took a year-long hiatus from this fan fiction. I didn't even know I would finish. When I returned, the idea of my making my own comments in the paragraphs just... you know I'm rambling. Let's get back to the story.

"Anyways," resumed Larry, "I said Junior forgave them. And that goes for you to Rainbow Dash."

"Are you serious?" asked Junior.

"Well, I think so," said Larry, "Bob, am I serious?"

"Oh yeah, Larry, oh yeah. You- you're serious. Mm-hmm."

"You see."

"Rainbow Dash and I are supposed to forgive them again. After what they just did to us?"

"Yes," said Rainbow Dash, "those two grape delinquents just umped their cruelty to another level."

"Well, yeah," Larry responded.

"Sure, I forgave them for calling me 'Bean Boy' and saying I had cheese on my head. But now they're making fun of our names and laughed when the hoe almost smacked our faces clean off. Then, the truck picked us up and threw us in the sand."

"Also, using the term Rainbow Crash brought back a nasty memory. Back at flight school, when I was a filly, I accidentally landed in a garbage can there while failing to take off. I was picked on and called that very name."

"And you're telling me we're supposed to forgive them again?"

"Um, well," Larry addressed Tom and Rosie, "are you guys really sorry?"

"We're sorry," they both said in unison, "and we'll never do it again."

"That sounds like a heartfelt apology," said Fluttershy, "you two shouldn't hold a grudge."

"You see Junior and Rainbow Dash," said Larry, "when we do bad things, it hurts God's feelings too. God wants us to tell Him that we're sorry. The Bible says, when we tell God that we're sorry, He will always forgive us."

"No matter what?" asked Junior.

"No matter what," repeated Larry.

"Unconditionally?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Unconditionally," Larry repeated.

"Wow," said Junior, amazed.

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash, "I see what you mean by saying the Love of God is the most powerful and important of all."

"Correct," said Twilight Sparkle, "forgiveness is one the most critical components for the doctrine of Christian salvation. I learned that in the Bible Bob and Larry gave me."

"That's right," said Bob, "You know your Bible Twilight, and because God always forgives us, we need to forgive others when they hurt our feelings, too."

"Well, how many times am I supposed to forgive them?" asked Junior.

"Um," asked Larry, "Well, um, Bob?

"Gee, you know, I'm not sure."

"Perhaps I could be of assistance," said Pinkie Pie as she hopped back to the countertop from the hillside.

"Pinkie Pie!" said Larry excitedly. "Good to have your optimistic presence with us."

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie smiling, "just like Twilight, I studied the Bible with my human counterpart in Canterlot High, and Jesus is quite clear about how many times we should forgive. Wouldn't you and Bob know, having studied at Bible school?"

"Pinkie Pie," said ADA, "this version of Bob and Larry in the VR video simulation is not a 100% accurate depiction of them in real life. Their academic flaws are only for entertainment purposes."

"Oh, got it, ADA," said Pinkie Pie.

"Let's ask QWERTY," said Bob.

Bob, Larry, and Pinkie Pie walked over to QWERTY, who was playing Pong on his monitor.

"How's it going, QWERTY," said Pinkie Pie, "I see you're having fun playing a game of Pong. Atari's 1972 arcade hit that was later adapted into a home console for Sears three years later."

"Oh, Pinkie Pie," Larry said, admiring his crush, "you're full of new surprises every day."

"Hey, QWERTY," said Bob. "Can you help us?" QWERTY shut down the Pong program, faced its monitor towards the two veggies and pony, and nodded. "We need to know how many times we're supposed to forgive people, according to the Bible. Maybe um, seven times?"

"Seven is quite a significant number in the Bible," said Pinkie Pie.

QWERTY showed a GIF of a lightbulb shining and displayed the verse.

"Matthew 18:22," Bob began to read.

"That is when St. Peter was asking a question about forgiveness," said Pinkie Pie.

"Yep," said Bob, "Jesus answered, 'I tell you not seven times, but seventy times seven.'"

"Oh! Seventy times seven," said Larry.

"Seventy times seven. I see," said Bob.

"Um, do you know what seventy times seven is?" asked Larry.

"Um, nope, how about you?" asked Bob.

"Nope. What about you, Pinkie Pie."

With ADA's information, Pinkie Pie could understand Bob and Larry's lack of knowledge about a simple math question: "I've known the answer to that question since I was a filly. For fun, let's ask everyone else."

"Well," said Bob, addressing the hillside, which Pinkie Pie leaped back, "does anyone know what seventy times seven is?"

"Wait?" asked Twilight Sparkle to Pinkie Pie, "Bob and Larry don't know the answer to seventy times seven. Didn't they go to college?"

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie, "but ADA told me it was only for entertainment purposes, not a reflection of their real-life personas."

Meanwhile, the grape family began to guess the answers to the question.

"Nine?" Ma guessed.

"Let's see," Pa began to guess, "I remembered when, oh, I was in college. Oh, it was uh... pi r...boy, ooh.."

"Wait, Pa Grape went to college," Rainbow Dash whispered to Spike.

"I see what you mean, Rainbow Dash," Spike whispered back. "Hillbillies aren't known for their education." Spike snickered as Rainbow Dash followed suit.

"Now come on," Fluttershy reprimanded, calm but assertive. "Even though they made fun of us, there is no reason we can't be bigger individuals."

"Or is it two," guessed Tom, "or maybe seven?"

"490!" declared Rosie.

"Ooh," her parents and brother admired.

"That's one smart grape," said Mike.

"Congratulations, Rosie," said Twilight. "Although that is an easy math question—7x7=49—you add the zero and get 490. Here is a more challenging question, one of my favorites. What is the square root of 546?"

"23.3666 approximately," said Rosie. "I can also recite the first 100 digits of pi.

"Wow," said Rarity, "it looks like Twilight is not the only math whiz we know."

"Hey, aside from my B.B. Gun, I like to study mathematics; it's very relaxing," said Rosie.

"Well," said Larry, "there you have it, 490 times."

"Wow," said Junior. "So, I guess we need to forgive each other, even when we make the same mistakes more than once."

"That's right, Junior," said Mike as he hopped down the hill. "Now, do you have something to say to the grapes?"

"Yeah," said Junior, "I forgive you guys again."

"Same here," said Rainbow Dash. I have to say that the term "Crash" has actually been re-appropriated as my nickname at the Wonderbolts Academy."

The Grapes all thanked Junior and Rainbow Dash simultaneously.

"Well done, sugar cube," said Applejack to Junior, "it looks like you've learned a friendship lesson."

"You know," said Pa, "now that we're going to be nice and all, I don't think we should be called the Grapes of Wrath anymore."

His family responded in agreement.

"Well, what should we be called then," wondered Tom, "The Grapes of Nice?"

"No," responded Pa, "that's not it."

"Nice effort, Tom," said Rarity, "but I agree with your father. It doesn't have that certain ring to it. Nonetheless, I'm glad you and your family have repented from your old habits."

"Yep," said Spike, "you are no longer the Grapes of Wrath, and you likely will be starting to take a bath."

"That little girl of yours has quite a head for numbers," observed Mike. "Maybe you could be The Grapes of Math!"

"You nailed it, Mr. Asparagus!" said Fluttershy.

Well, everyone was very excited about their new name. But it was time for Junior to go inside and eat supper. So with the sun setting in the west and Rosie happily quoting a quadratic equation in the backseat, the Grapes of Wrath, I mean Math, drove off to share their niceness with the rest of the world. The End.

The Mane Six and Spike reappeared on the countertop as Larry concluded narrating.

"Wow! That was great, Larry," said Bob.

"Bravo Larry! Encore!" cheered Pinkie Pie, causing Larry to blush.

"But, um, are you sure that's how this story goes?" asked Bob confused.

"Oh, yeah," responded Larry.

"Remember Bob, it's a parody," said Spike.

Larry winked, admired by the Mane Six as a cherry on top of the first segment.