Veggie VBS

by freecozyglow

First published

On the eve of Twilight Sparkle's coronation to become ruler of Equestria, the Mane Six hop into a portal and find themselves meeting with Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber in the world of Big Idea.

The following fan fiction you are about to read is a dream project of mine. Why did I choose this website? For its catering to MLP:FIM exclusive fan fictions unlike the more basic FanFiction.Net. As well as for the obvious fact that a VeggieTales-related fan fiction website doesn't exist.

I've known a world with VeggieTales as long as I can remember, which 90s babies growing up in a Christian home has never heard of the series? I learned all about biblical morals from VeggieTales that still resonate with me to this day as an adult, and as I mature even more fully into adulthood. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on the other hand first premiered when I just became a teenager, I never expected MIP: FIM to gain a major male fandom with fans even older than I am. It was nearly two years ago when I got curious over what the brony hubbub was all about, and then I was immediately hooked. The wholesome lessons that MLP: FIM taught gave me similar to vibes to VeggieTales. So that is what inspired me to create this crossover fan fic of my dreams.

There are several individuals I would like to thank, three of whom I've never met:

Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki for creating a video series of CGI anthropomorphic vegetables that taught me further about the faith that I follow.

Lauren Faust for reinventing a series I would've dismissed for being too girly and childish.

The rest of whom I've actually chatted with on this website:

Dinodisneylover1 for his kind personality and amazing crossover series that blended the magic of Disney of MLP:FIM, that became inspiration for my self.

extremeengima02 for yet another amazing crossover series in the world of cinema, as well as another inspiration for this fan fiction.

Dramamaster829 for his eloquent observations about the beauty of fan fiction, his editing of the Cinematic Adventures, as well as being the first user I actually chatted with. Despite our disagreements in the past, I've always found good fun in it.

ToonWriter for spicing up the comment sections of the Cinematic Adventures with his own commentary B-plots.

Phantom-Dragon for continuing the legacy that ToonWriter began, as well as a possible mutual interest in VeggieTales.

HunterBrony101 for becoming the first user to actually speak with me on this website when I first came on (although I was acting quite foolish at that time).

Jmaster49 for a fanfic series that shared my mutual disappointment in the lack of a redemption arc for Cozy Glow that will be more further explored in this fanfic.

Finally I would like to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for giving me the peace, strength, faith and wisdom in my life. As well as giving me the opportunity to share this faith-inspired fan fiction.

So sit back, relax and read all about this crossover of my dreams that combines Sunday morning values with Saturday morning fun!

Chapter.1: Stargazing Surprise

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:pinkiehappy: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Another adventure beyond the realm of Equestria, I can hardly wait!

Ugh, Pinkie Pie! First of all, I'm not surprised by your fourth-wall-breaking nature, you're a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Second the polite thing to do is wait until you appear in the story, I haven't even begun narrating!

:pinkiesad2: Sorry, I've got to learn to contain my excitement.

Pinkie Pie don't take it hard on yourself, I'm not mad at you just a little frustrated. The more you keep from interrupting the faster I can get to the part where you enter.

:pinkiesmile: Okey Dokey Lokey! I'll be out of here faster than you can say "Cupcakes from Canterlot!"

Now where was I... oh yes of course.

It was afternoon in Ponyville, and the following day Twilight Sparkle would pack up her belongings and begin her move back to Canterlot to become Princess of Equestria. Twilight took some time off to prepare herself for the next chapter of her legacy, but that time was coming to a close. Although she had accepted the position to become Equestria's next ruler, she didn't exactly feel fully prepared, for the past few years she had gotten used to her life as Ponyville's librarian/ friendship guru, and she now had to leave much of it behind. Twilight Sparkle trotted across the hallways of the Castle of Friendship looking mighty nervous, reminiscing on the memories she made here and pondering over what her future had in store.

As she trotted past the entrance to the castle's kitchen, she was noticed by Spike who was munching on a gem and looking quite concerned "Twilight is there something that's bothering you and need to get off your chest?"


Spike was beginning to be freaked out as he was picked up by Twilight's magic aura "SPIKE HA HA HA!!!! YOU MUST CURE ME OF MY MADNESS!!!" Twilight began to laugh uncontrollably causing her to release Spike from her magical grip

"Twilight you're giving me the creeps, cut it out!" Spike yelled panicking. Spike later flew to the kitchen and fetched a glass of cold water and threw the water in Twilight's face. "Please calm down Twilight," he said softly "There is no use in wigging out like that."

"Thank you Spike" Twilight muttered wiping the water away from her face shortly before she began to tear up slightly "I'm just unsure about what lies ahead for me" Twilight later wiped the tears from her eyes "and if I'll be ready for the moment."

"You don't have to worry when you got your number one assistant by your side" Spike responded with a comforting smile. "After all who was the alicorn who saved Equestria from danger, taught ways of peaceful interactions to Equestria, and personally cast the magic that hatched yours truly from the egg."

Twilight sniffled and bucked up "Your right Spike, being Princess of Equestria is no picnic, but knowing who I am and what I accomplished, I've got this under my hoof."

"That's the Twilight Sparkle I know" Spike responded proudly "I knew you could find the confidence and courage you needed, speaking of picnics that gives me an idea! Let's invite the girls to a picnic tonight for a little stargazing, help take your mind off this whole moving and royalty business for a little while, what do you say?"

"Great idea Spike! Just remember to try not to sneeze on and burn my astronomy guide, and if that happens anyways just be honest with me right away."

"Hey, I've learned to be more careful," Spike said laughing "Owlicious made sure of that".

Later that evening the Mane Six and Spike gathered on top of a hill on the outskirts of Ponyville, and each one of them did their part to contribute to the picnic.

"Howdy sugar cube" Applejack greeted Twilight "It's mighty nice of ya to invite us all to this here going-away get-together." Applejack reached into her saddlebag and pulled out her hoof "I baked this here apple pie from a recipe Granny Smith taught me when I was young 'un. I baked a pie just like it on the day ya came to my family gathering when ya first stepped into Ponyville." Twilight smiled at the warmth her friends provided.

Pinkie Pie later leaped in front of Twilight and pulled a box out of her mane "Twilight I'm just ecstatic to present to you these cupcakes which will go great with Applejack's pie." Pinkie opened the box containing lavender cupcakes with dark blue frosting, each containing a symbol of resemblance to Twilight's cutie mark "They're inspired by your very appearance".

Rarity was next to present and used her magic aura to pull an item out of her saddlebag "Twilight darling, I knitted this here blanket for the picnic, with the finest fabrics that Ponyville has to offer" She unfolded the blanket decorated with tiny gems "now it might be tempting, but no picking off and eating these my Spikey-Wikey" Rarity said while booping Spike on the nose, causing Spike to blush massively.

Fluttershy put a hoof around Twilight's neck and whispered into her ear "Listen closely, I've conducted a group of these cute crickets to play a song for us" Fluttershy later instructed softly. "Okay little crickets, it's time to play your melody". The crickets then hopped in front of the picnic area and chirped in harmony. Twilight Sparkle later found herself joyfully tearing up "Thanks you guys, you truly have figured out that friendship is indeed magic."

Twilight later noticed that one of the Main Six was missing "Wasn't Rainbow Dash supposed to come tonight?"

Then up in the sky, Twilight noticed that Rainbow Dash was seen flying with the Wonderbolts in the lead position, they were also seen pushing a giant cloud, the cloud was coated in glow-in-the-dark spray paint and manufactured at the Rainbow Factory in Cloudsdale. "Alright Wonderbolts" Rainbow Dash instructed "just like we rehearsed" and the Wonderbolts rapidly sculpted the cloud into the words: "TWILIGHT SPARKLE IS A BRIGHT MARVEL" Twilight's eyes widened with awe. "Thanks, Wonderbolts for making this picnic 20% cooler," Rainbow Dash said "See you tomorrow morning at the academy".

The Wonderbolts flew away as Rainbow Dash flew down to the picnic area and changed out of her uniform "Aren't we just awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I couldn't agree more," Twilight Sparkle said "I couldn't ask for more honest, generous, kind, loyal, and laugh-inducing friends. Alright who's ready to eat, Spike care to serve dinner?"

Spike presented a basket of sandwiches "Hope you like them, I discovered a delicious combination of tomatoes and cucumbers!" Nice way to foreshadow, am I right? "And to drink, a bowl of my very own punch" Spike presented "I'll try not to fall asleep in the bowl like last time and "spike" it up." The Mane Six giggled in response.

The Mane Six and Spike dined on the sandwiches and drank the punch as they sat on the blanket listening to the crickets chirp. As Applejack and Pinkie Pie prepared their desserts, Twilight Sparkle got her telescope ready "It's very thoughtful of you and the Wonderbolts to provide us with a pre-show Rainbow Dash."

"Anything for our Princess of Friendship and soon-to-be Princess of Equestria" Rainbow Dash boldly stated.

"Alright, my friends," Twilight said, "it's time for the main attraction, according to my recent star charts studies we will be able to get a clear view of the star Polaris of the Ursa Minor constellation, along with the other Ursa Minor stars of Yildun, Epsilon Ursae Minoris, Anwar al Farkadain, Akhfa al Farkadain, Pherkad, and Kochab."

The rest of the Mane Six and Spike short-circuited "No offense but that's some serious egghead talk Twilight." said Rainbow Dash bluntly, she later smiled though and said, "But that's fine because tonight isn't about us."

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie "there isn't a once-in-a-millennium meteor shower tonight, but whatever makes you happy makes us happy, now let's start to stare at some stars."

As Twilight was getting the telescope adjusted, a white light shined even brighter than the moon. "What in the name of Luna?" wondered Rarity. Everyone was surprised and confused at the shiny object manifesting in the night sky.

"I'm going to go check it out," said Twilight "Just wait here". As Twilight flew up to the shiny bright white light which happened to be closer than it appeared, she was sucked into the light that happened to be a portal. "TWILIGHT!" everyone else yelled.

"We gotta go save Twilight!" Applejack instructed "Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy pick me and Rarity up and fly us into that there portal, Spike you follow us, Pinkie Pie use one of your exquisite methods to tag along, now let's get er hooves into action pronto!"

Rainbow Dash picked up Applejack as Fluttershy picked up Rarity with Spike following close behind.

Pinkie Pie climbed up a nearby tree, pulled the tree down by hanging on the top, and flung herself up into the air. She then grabbed a miniature hang glider out of her mane and caught up with the others "GIVE US AN ADVENTURE WE'LL NEVER FORGET YOU INTRIGUING WARP PORTAL!" she shouted with exhilaration, as she bumped into others in the sky causing them to enter the portal all at once.

Chapter.2: On the Countertop

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The Mane Six and Spike sans Twilight Sparkle fell onto a giant plastic keyboard that was located in a dark room with all the lights turned off. "Oh there you all are, I was hoping we would unite," Twilight said standing near the plastic keyboard on what appeared to be a pink and yellow porcelain surface of where the keyboard was.

"Thanks to Pinkie Pie," said Rainbow Dash annoyed "She bumped into all of us with her flying thingumabob and we all went crashing down to here, where the hay did you even get that Pinkie?"

"Doctor Hooves invented this handy-dandy easily foldable hang glider." Pinkie Pie responded gleefully while folding the hang glider and placing it back in her mane "he loaned it to me for recreational use, I guess it came in use more than I expected."

"Useful indeed," said Applejack "I knew ya could catch up with us, now we just got to figure out where the hay we are and how exactly did that portal take us here."

As the ponies and Spike got on their feet and as their eyes were accustomed to the darkness, Spike looked around and stated "It appears we have traveled to some giant kitchen and we are standing on the countertop of this here kitchen."

Twilight Sparkle then looked behind her and noticed that the keyboard they landed on belonged to a giant desktop computer with a tiny red light flickering on the base just behind the keyboard connected to an extension cord "It appears we entered into this kitchen through that giant computer behind us."

The rest of the Mane Six and Spike were awestruck by the computer, Rainbow Dash even flew up to observe its monitor. "Awesome! By the way, what the hay is a computer, and what is it used for?"

"A computer is a device that is commonly used for labor, research, hobbies, etc." Twilight explained "I learned all about them when I first entered Canterlot High School's library in the human world. They are basically a library all by themselves, although this one seems to be more old-fashioned than the ones I know. The monitor on top is where you view words and images, the keyboard at the bottom is used to navigate the computer, usually with a mouse that this computer seems to be lacking"

"Oh, that is just adorable!" Fluttershy said, "But I don't know how a mouse fully operates in this machine."

"No Fluttershy not that type of mouse" Twilight giggled "It's only a sliding accessory device that makes navigating the computer a whole lot easier. Since it's roughly the shape of a mouse they gave it the same name. It also appears that when we entered into the portal, we must've come through that monitor and ended up here."

Rarity was the first to notice a tiny door open on the other side of the kitchen and saw two hopping silhouettes enter, one shaped like a short circle and the other a tall thin oval and heard them speak to each other and were about to turn on light switch in the kitchen. "I hear somepony coming," Rarity said worried "Let's hide before we try to present ourselves in the most fashionable matter, that is when we know that they're safe."

The Mane Six and Spike hid behind the computer with Fluttershy cowering and quaking with fear, Rarity placed a comforting hoof on Fluttershy's back as the light turned on in the kitchen.

The two silhouettes turned out to be an anthropomorphic tomato and cucumber with big egg-shaped eyes and no arms, hands, legs, or feet. The tomato was quite steamed with the cucumber "Larry, how many times have I told you not to fiddle around with QWERTY? It needs to be handled with proper care and caution. It wasn't cheap to be manufactured for our program, and it hasn't had all the proper upgrades yet! I was just getting ready to call it a day and you put us into this mess!"

"Sorry Bob my curiosity got the best of me," said Larry looking ashamed as they hopped over to QWERTY. "The Internet and World Wide Web are just getting popular and are on the verge of dominating our ways of life, well... second to God of course. I thought that if I could have fun by surfing the web on my regular-sized computer, I could increase the level of entertainment by hooking up my modem to QWERTY, but it turns out that regular-sized modems are not fit to equip oversized hardware. When the dial-up took too long, I realized that the lightning storm outside could do the trick. I connected it with an extension cord I found and connected that to the line of every extension cord I could find in this studio. Then wrapped the tip of the last extension cord to an old TV antenna I found in the studio storage room and placed it on the roof. I guess when lightning finally struck it after an hour causing a noisy ruckus, I more than likely just damaged poor QWERTY instead of upgrading its full technological ability." Okay I know that's not possible let alone plausible, but this is my first effort at writing fan fiction, please cut me some slack

"Well Larry" Bob appeared to have cooled down as they hopped in front of QWERTY "I'm just glad that you didn't get hurt and the place didn't burn down. I'm sure we can have Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel take a look at QWERTY, if they were able to invent that magnificent VHS VR Simulator, I'm sure they could fix QWERTY which was more of an innovation than an invention. Why don't we take a look behind QWERTY to see if it's okay." Then as Bob and Larry hopped behind QWERTY they came face-to-face with six colourful ponies and an adolescent dragon and jumped back aghast slightly.

"Wow!" Larry stated, "I didn't expect we would encounter six horses and a lizard on our set". As for the Equestrians, they did the same only even more astonished.

"Holy Celestia, talking vegetables!" Pinkie Pie shouted smiling and began to bounce all around Bob and Larry "It's great to meet new friends of different species on our adventure!" she later proceeded to give them a big hug.

"Pinkie Pie I believe I mentioned to present ourselves more fashionably," said Rarity "After all we've just stumbled onto the property of his fellow tomato and cucumber." Rarity then looked at Bob and Larry in the eye "I'm sorry if we gave you a fright, we entered through some portal from our world into this kitchen."

"Don't worry the blame is on me" said Larry "You must've overheard me discussing how I was fooling around with QWERTY the giant computer over there, and caused all of you to enter into our humble domain, I'm very pleased to have visitors to our studio."

"Yeah no problem," said Bob "You seemed more frightened than us, since we're living vegetables (technically fruits although commonly and unofficially classified as vegetables), it's not out of the ordinary for us to witness talking horses and a lizard."

"You're mistaken tomato sir," said Spike "I'm a baby dragon (technically a teenager) and they're all ponies (which I guess are technically types of horses)."

"Ohhh... I see son" said Bob.

"I just never reckoned I'd ever encounter two talking vegetables in ma life sugar cube," said Applejack "Since I've always lived on a farm and planted and harvested produce to eat, by the way, doesn't it bother ya that we eat vegetables?"

"Oh not all." said Bob "We still co-exist with smaller regular vegetables for eating, which is why I can understand that some fruits like tomatoes and cucumbers taste like vegetables. Heck, today for lunch, I ate a bowl of spaghetti topped with tomato sauce, yet I don't consider myself a cannibal."

That caused the Equestrians to laugh quite awkwardly "Well that's a relief, we all ate tomato and cucumber sandwiches for dinner" said Spike.

That caused Bob and Larry to laugh out loud. "What a weird coincidence," said Larry "You know I've heard about this talking bipedal mouse who simultaneously owns a regular barking dog, and is friends with another bipedal talking dog. So the whole idea of eating vegetables doesn't make me uncomfortable. Do you know any other ponies who just go neigh and don't talk?"

"Well..." Fluttershy said "I can't say I have, but I'm friends with many non-equine animals. Both pets and wild animals who don't speak like us nor live like us, so I get what you're trying to say."

"You know" piped in Rarity "we haven't even introduced ourselves yet, I think that would be the wise and polite thing to do." So Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike exchanged their names with Bob and Larry, and the vegetable men did the same to the pony women and dragon boy.

"By the way," asked Rainbow Dash "why do you two live here in a kitchen?"

"Oh this isn't our home and it's not a real kitchen," said Bob "This is a studio where we film our series."

"What is a series?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well, a series is a program" explained Twilight "that is watched on a television (that's a viewing device with a screen similar to a computer). The series is divided into small portions called episodes, a longer program is called a movie."

Rainbow Dash responded, "That sounds pretty cool!"

"I couldn't agree more Rainbow Dash," said Bob "Say why don't the seven of you all come to our studio's break room and I can explain the premise and vision of our series over coffee, and you can tell me, and Larry all about your life back home."

"Thanks, Bob," said Twilight "I appreciate your hospitality."

The ponies and Spike walked out of the kitchen down the hallways of the studio building following Bob and Larry. They entered the break room and sat on the couches waiting for Larry to prepare the coffee when Pinkie Pie noticed something peculiar. "How do you operate the coffee brewer when you don't even have hands?"

"Well Pinkie Pie," said Larry "me and Bob, and I'm guessing the seven of you are cartoon characters. So in this world we defy the laws of logic, and because of that we vegetables only have invisible hands". Pinkie Pie later began to rub around the side of Larry's body trying to see if she could feel invisible limbs making Larry blush.

"Can't seem to find your arms." Pinkie Pie giggled. Larry later felt infatuated since he began to develop a crush on Pinkie Pie just a few minutes after first interacting with her. Larry just loved her bubbly and humourous personality "Like I said cartoon logic." he giggled.

"What in tarnation is a cartoon?" asked Applejack.

"I see what you mean Applejack," said Twilight Sparkle "in all my research of Equestria and the world of Canterlot High School, even I'm perplexed."

Bob then began to explain "It means we are separate living organisms from the world of live-action. The live-action world has humans as the only organisms that can speak fluently, the cartoon world on the other hand can have talking humans as well as talking animals and plants like ourselves. Cartoon characters have very little interaction with live-action humans since the realms are only loosely connected. I'll show you an example of live-action humans."

Bob quickly exited the break room to grab a photograph of three adults and a toddler from his office and came back to explain. "This is a photo of my human agent Phil Vischer, his wife Lisa, his daughter Shelby, and his best friend, colleague, and fellow agent Mike Nawrocki."

"Wow!" said Twilight Sparkle "I've seen and even been a human before, except the ones I know have a more colorful variety of skin like my friends, unlike these more dull-colorer humans in the photograph. Not that there is anything wrong with that. We ponies learned to get along with dragons like Spike, and other creatures of different colors."

"Yes," said Bob "it is one of the most evil atrocities to judge someone by the color of their appearance."

Larry then poured cups of coffee for the Mane Six and Spike. "Thanks, Larry" Pinkie Pie said causing him to blush again, Pinkie Pie later grabbed a can of whipping cream and chocolate sauce out of her mane to decorate her coffee.

"Anyway," said Bob "why don't you all explain about your life back in Equestria? Then me and Larry can share with you our hopes and dreams for our series titled VeggieTales?"

Chapter.3: A Particularly Pony Passage

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Twilight Sparkle heard Bob's suggestion to share about her and her friends' lives back in Equestria, and she was more than happy to get the conversation rolling. "In Equestria, I'm on the verge of becoming the next Princess of the Kingdom. Not because I was born into royalty but because I was the most prestigious and ambitious student of Princess Celestia, the sole ruler of Equestria at that time. In the traditional sense, Celestia was a princess, born into royalty, and became ruler over a thousand years ago."

"Wow!" exclaimed Larry, "I had no idea your mentor was that old."

"Yes," said Twilight, "the lifespan of Equestrian rulers far exceeds those of the average pony; I mean, who knows how long I will live. Anyways, Celestia wasn't the only ruler of Equestria. A thousand years ago, Celestia shared monarchial duties with her younger sister, Luna; Celestia would be responsible for controlling the sun, and Luna would be accountable for managing the moon. But Luna got jealous over the praise her elder sister was receiving and took on the identity of Nightmare Moon so she could increase her power by keeping Equestria in a permanent night sky. Celestia used these six artifacts, the Elements of Harmony, to banish her younger sister to the moon, where Luna had stayed for over a thousand years. This banishment was to keep Equestria safe from the wrath of Nightmare Moon."

"Oh my," said Bob, "it's sad when two siblings can't get along and resort to drastic measures to resolve their conflicts."

"There are many examples," said Larry. "Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Romulus and Remus..."

"Ahem," Bob cleared his throat, "not now, Larry, let Twilight finish the story."

"Even amid Celestia's indignancy towards Luna's pride, she was heartbroken that this is what she decided was the best option," Twilight said. "After all those years, Celestia sent Spike and me from our home in the Equestrian capital city of Canterlot to the not-so-faraway village of Ponyville. I ran a library there because books and knowledge are my specialty, especially in astronomy."

"Well, with Celestia operating the sun and you being an expert in stars, it's no wonder that she thought you were the ideal candidate for her successor," said Bob.

"That was a lovely compliment, Bob," thanked Twilight. "The most important goal for me there in Ponyville was to learn more about friendship, and that is how I met Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, but that wasn't my mission yet. That day, Equestria was getting ready to celebrate the Summer Sun Festival, and Celestia assigned me to organize a celebration at the town hall there. From my research, I discovered that Nightmare Moon would be freed from her lunar prison and wreak havoc all over the kingdom; I did my best to warn Celestia. Well, at Ponyville town hall, the prophecy came true, and Nightmare Moon threatened to conquer the kingdom yet again. I learned that night that Nightmare Moon could be put to a halt by using the Elements of Harmony, so my five new mare friends and I made a quick trip from Ponyville through the nearby Everfree Forest to the Castle of the Two Sisters on the outskirts of town. The castle was the old ruined home of Celestia and Luna before the banishment of Nightmare Moon, and unfortunately, we got there at the same time as Nightmare Moon. The Elements of Harmony were five stone orbs that Nightmare Moon smashed; all hope seemed lost! But the broken fragments of the stone orbs were magically put back together since my five friends were embodiments of those five elements. Applejack represented honesty, Rainbow Dash represented loyalty, Rarity represented generosity, Fluttershy represented kindness, and Pinkie Pie represented laughter. The orbs turned into golden necklaces for them to wear, and last but not least, the final sixth element manifested in the form of a tiara: magic. Which was my very own element; with our six elements united, we cast out the evil presence of Nightmare Moon, and the pure, unadulterated version of Princess Luna was back! Shortly after, Princess Celestia came to tell me I had the power to defeat Nightmare Moon all along, but I could only harness that power when I had an experience of true friendship. The power of friendship goes together hoof and hoof with my element of magic, and Celestia and Luna reconciled. Luna was sorry for letting her dark desires get the best of her, and Celestia forgave her for those past transgressions."

"That is such a wonderful, heartwarming story," said Bob.

"Yeah, I'm glad that turned out to be more like Jacob and Esau than Cain and Abel," said Larry. "Or, in other words, the story ended happy instead of tragic."

"So then," Twilight continued, "Celestia gave me my assignment to learn more about friendship in Ponyville. I had gone from village librarian to friendship Princess and head of a school of friendship that Spike and the rest of the Mane Six help teach, to finally becoming Princess of the Kingdom of Equestria."

"Bravo, Twilight!" congratulated Larry, "you did your part to make your kingdom a friendlier place to live."

"Thanks for your support, Larry," Twilight thanked yet again. "It's lovely to make even two more friends at this very moment. Now that I have told my backstory, I think it's time for the rest of my entourage to do the same."

"I'd be more than pleased," said Applejack, "when I'm not teachin' at the School of Friendship, I run ma farm of Sweet Apple Acres along with ma grandmother Granny Smith, ma older brother Big Macintosh, and ma younger sister Apple Bloom. We raise livestock and grow crops of different varieties, but ma main forte is growing apples."

"Bob and Larry, darling," said Rarity, "I run a delightful fashion establishment known as the Carousel Boutique. I design and manufacture the most gracious garments in Ponyville. My piece de resistance is the gowns for mares and fillies on formal occasions. I also help watch my younger sister, Sweetie Belle, who sometimes stays with me at my living quarters above the Carousel Boutique.

"You two will think my background is just awesome!" boasted Rainbow Dash, "my first initial job was helping keep the weather in check, very typical for a pegasus like me. But then I got the opportunity to join the academy for the aerial aerobatic group: the Wonderbolts. Only the best fliers known to ponies and all living creatures of Equestria. I'm also a bigger-sister figure to a filly named Scootaloo, a younger-sister figure to me since we both have no biological siblings. She is also best friends with Applejack's sister, Apple Bloom, and Rarity's sister, Sweetie Belle."

"As you two may have remembered," said Fluttershy, "I'm friends with all of the local fauna in Equestria. I keep the animals fed, clean, safe and well-maintained in our ecosystems. I also run a sanctuary to complete my wildlife tasks to their highest expectations. The animal I bond with the most is my pet rabbit, Angel Bunny. Even though he can sometimes get stubborn and temperamental, we always work it out with my tough but unconditional love. As a matter of fact, we all have pets; Applejack has a dog named Wiona, Rarity has a cat named Opalescence, Rainbow Dash has a tortoise named Tank, Twilight Sparkle may still have an owl named Owliscious, and Pinkie Pie has a toothless baby alligator named Gummi."

"Most definitely!" said Pinkie Pie. "Gummi has proven to be the best pet ever! But that is only a fraction of my crazy, fun, and unusual background. I work and live in a dessert bakery with Mr. and Mrs. Cake. Even though they are earth ponies like me, they have a pegasus son named Pound and a unicorn daughter named Pumpkin, and I also serve as the Cake family's nanny. When I'm not baking scrumptious goodies or teaching the healing properties of laughter at the School of Friendship. I am a party planner for any celebration you can imagine!"

At this time, Larry was listening to Pinkie Pie, lovestruck over this wonderfully wild party pony, as he imagined hearts floating all around him. Bob found this a bit strange.

"Uh Larry," Bob whispered suspiciously, "are you trapped in a trance or something?"

"Oh, sorry, Bob," Larry whispered back, "I just think I might have a mad crush on Pinkie Pie; she is just anything but ordinary."

"Okay, Larry, just don't say or do anything that might creep Pinkie Pie out; we want to look and act in a certain way so that the ponies and Spike can trust us."

"No problemo, Bob," said Larry, who later made eye contact with Spike, "now what about you, Spike? How do you fit into all of this?"

"I'm glad you asked Larry," said Spike. "I am the right-hand assistant to Twilight Sparkle; it all happened when Twilight Sparkle, as a child, was taking a test under the supervision of Princess Celestia to see if Twilight could be accepted into Celestia's School of Magic. Her goal was to hatch an egg; as she was using the magic she learned to hatch that egg, Twilight looked out the window and saw a sonic burst of a rainbow wave, and she successfully hatched the very dragon you're listening to at this very moment. I've been a member of her family ever since. But that's not all. Do you see the symbols on all the ponies' flanks? Twilight received hers that very day; they are called cutie marks. They represent the types of ponies they will become once they reach their full coming of age. In fact, the rest of the Mane Six got their cutie marks on that very day when witnessing the Sonic Rainboom. Applejack got hers when she realized she was better off living on the farm instead of the city. Rarity got hers when she looked into a giant boulder filled with the most precious and delicious gems to decorate clothing. Pinkie Pie got hers when she threw her first party at her family's rock farm to put them all in a cheerful mood. Fluttershy got hers when she realized how she could tend to the beautiful wildlife of Equestria. Rainbow Dash's story is mind-blowing; she got hers while competing in a flying race with other pegasi on top of the clouds above Equestria. She flew so fast it created the Sonic Rainboom the rest of the Mane Six had witnessed. It shows you how the magic of friendship has connected us without us even realizing it."

"Man, you seven just keep getting more interesting and interesting by the minute," said Larry.

"Absolutely," said Bob, "now that you've shared your story, I guess it is time for Larry and me to do the same."

Chapter.4: Fundamentals of the Faith

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Bob began conversing with the Mane Six and Spike about his and Larry's Christian faith, "Larry and I follow a religion known as Christianity."

"Oh yeah," said Twilight, "when I was in the human counterpart of my world, I heard about a book called The Bible, and I even saw a building with a steeple on top called a church. The Bible and the church are fundamental elements of Christianity. But that is just about everything I know about the belief system. Could you care to explain in further detail?"

Bob explained, "At the heart of Christianity is the belief that there is one true God, who created the universe and everything in it. This God is loving and desires a personal relationship with every one of us."

He then went on to explain the significance of Jesus Christ in the Christian faith, saying, "Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God, sent to earth to save humanity from sin and death. He died on the cross for our sins, and through his sacrifice, we can be forgiven and have eternal life with God."

Bob also emphasized the importance of faith and living a life that reflects Christian values, saying, "Christianity is not just a set of beliefs, but a way of life. We are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves. When we live by these principles, we become true followers of Christ."

"One question," said Rainbow Dash, "your God is referred to by a male pronoun. I don't mean to be offensive but does your religion have a patriarchial misogynistic perspective?"

"Rainbow Dash," Applejack responded sternly, "does that sound like an appropriate question?"

"Oh, don't worry, Applejack, I'm glad Rainbow Dash asked, " said Bob, "many depictions of God show him as an old man with a long white beard. But we don't know what God looks like; he doesn't have a gender because he transcends that concept. We refer to God as a "he" because of the difference of genders. At the same time, you ponies might know Celestia and Luna as among the most powerful of your species, likely even more than most male ponies. Human men, however, are made to be physically more robust than human women for men to be providers and protectors, not because of chauvinism for the benefit of men and the disadvantage of women. Sadly, as a result of the abuse of male aggression, men often misuse their strength to harm and take advantage of women. So that's why God is referred to as "he," an ultimate father that holds men accountable. Although God is genderless, his son Jesus did come to earth as a literal physical human man, a man to inspire all men to live the most righteous way possible."

"Excuse me, Bob," said Rarity, "but if I am not mistaken, you said you only believe in one God, but it also seems you worship his son Jesus. How can those two aspects be true at the same time?"

"Well, you see, Rarity, God, and Jesus are Father and Son, yet are still considered the one and the same, along with a third entity known as the Holy Spirit. Together, they are called the Trinity, like how a shell, whites, and a yoke make up an egg. When Jesus sent his son to die a slow, painful death on the cross, his Father wasn't just sitting back thinking how easy it was to let his son do all that. He simultaneously and empathetically felt the same pain that Jesus felt. But Jesus didn't stay dead; he was resurrected three days later, and that enables us to live with him in eternal paradise after we die."

"That is just beautiful," said Fluttershy, "I can see why your faith in Christianity means so much to you and how it sounds comforting in the worst of times."

"You just nailed it, Fluttershy," said Bob, "the Holy Spirit is considered the comforter of the Trinity; we often pray to God for his Holy Spirit to give us peace, strength, and faith during our most troublesome situations. Other supernatural entities (which we do not worship) include angels, considered God's messengers, warriors, and servants. Bad things happen because of free will; God wanted us to follow him genuinely, not act like a bunch of phony robots. Even angels have free will, and one of his angels, Lucifer, was so prideful that he disobeyed God and even influenced other angels to fall from grace and follow him instead. Lucifer later became known as Satan, aka the devil, and his fallen angels were known as demons. Satan and his demons corrupted the moral fiber of all humans and have been battling against God ever since. That's why we need Jesus to protect us from the malice of Satan that has come to kill, steal, and destroy. If people die after falling under Satan's deceit, they suffer in eternal torment and torture that was meant for only Satan and his demons."

"That's just so evilly," said Pinkie Pie, "calling the devil a meany pants is an understatement; he sounds like the personification of the dictionary definition of evil."

"I couldn't say it better myself, Pinkie Pie," said Bob. "This goes to show you why we believe everyone should strengthen their connection and relationship with God."

"Question," said Spike, "why do you refer to God as well, just plain old "God." Shouldn't there be another name to separate himself from other types of gods?"

"Good question, Spike," said Bob, "referring to God in the monotheistic context is most popularly related to the God of Christianity; there is not much confusion. Sometimes, we refer to God as God Almighty; other names in different languages include Jehovah and Yahweh in Hebrew and Allah in Arabic. But good old "God" is the simplest and easiest way to refer to him, and I can thank God for allowing me to create my series of VeggieTales."

At this time, the door opened, and in came an asparagus wearing a monocle and red bow tie, and spoke with an English accent, "Bob and Larry, I was just getting ready to leave the studio when I saw the lightning strike the rooftop, I just hope no one was hurt."

"It's a long story, Archibald, but don't worry, everything is under control. Just go call Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel to see if they can come to the studio ASAP," said Larry. "By the way, I would like to introduce you to our new pony and dragon friends."

The Mane Six and Spike greeted Archibald, and he did the same.

"That's quite a lovely bowtie and monocle Archibald," said Rarity. "They make you look quite dapper and charming."

"Thank you, ma'am," responded Archibald. "although that might not always be the role I tend to portray on VeggieTales. I will use my acting talents in the show as a stuffy and snobby Englishman; I've had my experience in the West End of London. It was a pleasure meeting you ponies and dragon; I better be off now to make that phone call."

Archibald left the break room as Rarity eyed him dreamily, "Such a classy fellow, asparagus. It must be a privilege to work with such a refined performer."

"Yes, Rarity," said Larry. "Even though we're creating a children's series, his presence will ensure we will not talk down to kids. We want to make a show that older viewers will also find appealing. Alright, enough stalling; it is now time for Bob and me to give you an insight into VeggieTales."

Chapter.5: A Very Veggie Vision

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Bob began to discuss his and Larry's dreams, "Our faith has been a significant influence on the creation of VeggieTales. We want our stories to reflect the values and morals that we believe are essential to living a fulfilling life. Through our stories, we want to teach children and adults about forgiveness, love, and kindness."

Larry added, "We want our viewers to take away something meaningful from our shows. We hope our stories inspire them to be better people and make the world kinder."

"How sweet," said Fluttershy, "how did your idea for VeggieTales get started?"

"It happened when me and Larry first met at bible college," said Bob, "in between classes and studying, we would love putting on skits with our improv group to perform for our fellow students. But then we thought beyond that; we wanted to create a form of fun and educational media that could reach out not only to our bible college but also from coast to coast across the land. Since Larry and I didn't have the budget for a theatrical movie or a television series on the air, we decided to create a direct-to-video series on VHS tape. That reminds me, Larry, go get the AV cart with the TV and VCR."

"On it, Bob," said Larry as he left the break room.

"Another reason that got the ball rolling for our program. Is because kids these days, more than ever, need to be brought up in a wholesome environment with media that can positively influence their upbringing. Much of the modern media that comes out today can tend to have an excessive amount of sex, nudity, drugs, alcohol, violence, and blasphemy."

"Heavens to Betsy!" said Applejack, "I sure wouldn't want Apple Bloom exposed to that much filth."

"That content may be more suitable for adults who can have the proper discernment to prevent that negative guidance," said Bob, "but children, on the other hand, are much more naive and easily swayed the wrong way. There are many more children these days who are committing crimes ranging from theft, vandalism, assault, and even murder."

"Yikes!" said Twilight Sparkle, "I have a baby niece, and I would just be disturbed by the thought of her going down that path. I mean, most of the children I know in Equestria have stayed innocent and righteous for the most part. Well..., except this filly named Cozy Glow, but that's a story for another time."

At this time, Larry returned with the AV cart, and as he began to set it up, the rest of the Mane Six eyed in wonder over the visual system they had never seen in their lives.

"So, is that what a television looks like?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Bingo," said Larry, "we will play a video for you all once I finish setting it up. Anything else you would like to add, Bob?"

"Well," said Bob, "I envision a program designed to cater to the needs and interests of Christian families. The program aims to provide a learning experience that is both enjoyable and enriching for children while also being approved by parents. A family-friendly entertainment option, which parents can watch together with their children."

"However," said Larry, "there is another opposite issue. Even though they are not awful and abusive parents. Some parents of Christian families tend to be too strict and legalistic. For example, any form of media that is magical or fantasy-like is considered to be praising Satan; I mean, those types of parents would look at you ponies and basically consider you to be worshipers of the devil."

"Well, I never!" said Rarity indignantly, "I only use my magical abilities to build up, not to tear down. After all, I was born with the horn that gives me my magic, which comes from my horn alone. No, there is no possible way I would possibly be consulting with Satan and his demons."

"Yeah," agreed Spike, "I may have horns on the back of my body and have fire-breathing power. But I was born a dragon; I didn't get to choose my species. I would definitely not align myself with the mastermind of evil himself."

"Those parents are too pessimistic," said Pinkie Pie, "what they need is a nice big party to cheer them up."

"Also related to that issue," said Larry, "is that the options of media that extremely religious parents allow their children to watch can be pretty dull, lame, unoriginal, and just plain pathetic. That doesn't mean some existing Christian media can be entertaining, with examples including Psalty the Singing Songbook, McGee & Me, Adventures in Odyssey, and The Donut Man. But we really want to take Christian media to the next level. We also want our series to appeal to non-Christians, hoping they will accept Jesus into their hearts. Now it's time to present the video I promised; it is a demo reel for VeggieTales."

Larry opened the cover for the VHS tape and placed it in the VCR, "the first part of the demo is a short screen test. I filmed myself when I had just bought our video camera."

"That's cute, Larry," said Pinkie Pie, "it looks like you're playing hide n' seek with the camera." Larry blushed at that statement.

"The next part of the demo reel," said Bob, "goes into further detail about VeggieTales. Larry and I are both in it this time, and we even included Archibald.

"That's creative and entertaining," said Rainbow Dash, "I can see why you are comfortable with humor involving the eating of vegetables. By the way, who is that female asparagus? Is it Archibald's wife? That oughta make Rarity jealous." Rainbow Dash smirked as Rarity glared at her.

"No, that's Lisa," said Larry as he took the re-winded and removed the VHS tape, "she is the wife and mother of two of our other cast members. We initially considered her to act out the role of Archibald's wife, but we found that too awkward. We also used to have a toaster cast member named Coucho, who would pop out pieces of toast with memory verses from the Bible. But he resigned from VeggieTales in favor of television commercials for the Phillips Corporation. So instead, we commissioned the creation of QWERTY, our computer for memory verses."

"Wow!" said Twilight, "if Coucho didn't quit, we ponies and Spike wouldn't have met you through the Equestria portal, which brought us here via QWERTY."

"That's true," said Bob. "Anyways, our human agents Phil Vischer and Mike Nawrocki sent that demo reel to different companies to distribute our program. Sadly, none of those companies were interested. Then, Larry and I figured out that if we wanted to launch VeggieTales, we would have to get started independently. We were worrying that we would have to take on a second job to fund this project. But thankfully, a wealthy couple from our church donated $60,000 from their retirement fund; we couldn't be more grateful to them and God."

"How kind," said Fluttershy, "it seems your faith in Christianity benefits your character."

"No kidding," responded Rarity, "that's a whole level of generosity I have yet to live up to."

"So," said Larry, "we got to work on our first video titled Where's God When I'm S-Scared? Then we took out an advertisement in a magazine where families can call Phil and Mike to order our video, which will be sent out tomorrow via our own company called Big Idea Productions. The first lesson will be about handling fear and how God can comfort us in the midst of it. Have any of you seven been struggling with that recently?"

"Psst," whispered Spike to Twilight, "remember the episode you had earlier back at the castle?"

Twilight took a deep breath and answered Larry's question. "Well, you know how I'm taking over the position of Princess of Equestria? I'm still not 100% sure how everything will turn out, reigning over an entire kingdom."

"Well, this video might help you out," said Bob.

"Are we going to watch it on the television?" asked Applejack.

"Oh, not just that, Applejack," said Bob, "Larry and I have something even bigger planned." At that moment, two other anthropomorphic vegetables wearing white lab coats came through the door. One was an artichoke with a thick black mustache and eyebrows, and the other was an eggplant with big square glasses and buck teeth.

"Ah," said Larry, "Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel, I'm glad you arrived."

"Yes," said the artichoke Professor Borlaug, "Archibald called and said that you two needed some emergency assistance. It also looks like you have company."

Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel introduced themselves to the Mane Six and Spike, who later followed suit toward both of them.

"Bob, Larry," said the eggplant Dr. Mendel, "what seems to be the matter here at the studio?"

Bob and Larry later explained everything to the two scientists: from Larry's attempts to enhance the Internet technology of QWERTY, to the lighting strike, to the portal through which the Mane Six and Spike entered, to finally, the backstory of the Equestria gang.

"That is just mindblowing," said Borlaug, "we will take this time to fix up QWERTY so these ponies and their dragon can get back to their homeland through the same type of portal."

"But before we operate on QWERTY," said Mendel, "why don't we get the VHS simulator all set up for our Equestrian friends to experience."

"What does that do?" asked Twilight excitedly.

"You'll find out in just a minute," said Bob.

The four vegetables, six ponies, and one dragon made their way down into the spacious basement of the studio. There, they saw a magnificent invention resembling a small aircraft's fuselage.

As per Borlaug and Mendel, the VHS simulator was a remarkable innovation that had the power to transport individuals to different locations and settings. "It is akin to stepping into a time machine," Borlaug enthused. "Upon entering the simulator, which is linked to a VCR, one could insert a tape. Subsequently, the simulator would recreate the location and setting of the video program, making the user feel as though they were physically present."

"Undoubtedly," Mendel expressed, "it can revolutionize how we interact with media. This innovative creation of Bourlag and I could significantly impact the future of media consumption."

"Wow!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, "now that is some egghead talk I could listen to all day."

"I just knew it!" said Pinkie Pie, "I just knew that the portal would take us on some one-of-kind journey."

"Well, hop in, everyone," said Bob as the doors opened and the Mane Six and Spike entered. "Larry and I will monitor you in that nearby booth to keep you safe."

"Yep," said Larry, "and during that time, Borlaug and Mendel will fix up QWERTY so you guys can get back home when you are finished. Now sit back and enjoy the first video of VeggieTales in the way most viewers will not be able to; you are in for quite the ride of your lifetime."

The doors closed, and on top of the ceiling of the simulator, a small circular screen with a green light began to speak with a woman's voice, "Hello, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. My name is ADA, Artificial Data Assistant. I am an AI guide who guides you along this video simulation adventure."

The Mane Six and Spikes' eyes widen in awe over ADA knowing their names. Then the simulator began flashing bright lights in the front, and the Equestrians felt the sensation of their eyes being pushed back into their skulls as they were launched into the realms of video land.

Chapter.6: To the Bedroom

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The Mane Six and Spike found themselves in an empty white location where ADA provided them with further information, "you will now witness the intro begin firsthand to get this simulation adventure started."

"Okay, Larry, it's time for the theme song," said Bob, who was being heard but not seen.

"Hmmm," said Twilight Sparkle, "where could our two veggie pals be?"

"Bob and Larry are getting prepared," said ADA, "they will be out in just a minute."

"Yeah, Bob," said Larry, "what do I do?"

"Okay...uh, well, how about this," suggested Bob, "you play the guitar."

"It sounds like they are in a storage room, deciding what musical instruments to perform with," said Applejack.

"Bob, I don't have any hands," said Larry.

"Oh, you're right," said Bob.

"Wait a minute," said Pinkie Pie, "I thought Larry told me he had invisible hands, which would still make it possible to play a guitar."

"Larry is aware of that," said ADA. "however, it would be too hard to explain all that in a half-hour video, and they decided that this inaccurate but convenient joke would be a better fit."

"Oh," said Pinkie Pie, "this is their first video, and cutting them some creative slack is best."

"Okay, okay, uh..." wondered Bob, "you play this."

"I don't want to play that," refused Larry, "it looks silly."

"What musical instrument could that possibly be?" wondered Spike.

"Oh, come on," Bob said, "it will be fine."

"Nope," Larry said, "not gonna do it."

"It's for the kids," said Bob.

"Oh, okay," Larry accepted, "but they better not laugh."

"Okay," said Bob, "well, it's time now better go on out there."

Larry later appeared around the corner and smiled at the ponies and dragon who were present, "Hello, Equestrians, it's nice you could join us for our intro."

"Yeah, Larry," said Pinkie Pie, "that's a neat tuba you have on you; I've played one of those as part of my one-pony band."

"It's a sousaphone Pinkie Pie," corrected Larry, "but it is commonly mistaken for a tuba. Now, if you don't mind, it's time to perform our theme song."

"Alright, Larry," cheered Rainbow Dash, "break a leg."

As the white empty location faded away, the Mane Six gave their thoughts.

"So that must've been Lisa Asparagus in the intro." said Twilight, "and that must be her husband and son."

"Correct," said ADA, "her husband's name is Mike, and their son's name is Junior."

"Not a bad composition," remarked Rarity, "although they could be a bit more descriptive in the lyrics than repetitively using the title repeatedly."

"Poor Larry," said Fluttershy, "he passed out with too many flowers in his sousaphone, and the kids laughed at him. I hope he isn't too humiliated."

"Oh come Flutters," chuckled Rainbow Dash, "you got to admit, that was funny."

The Mane Six and Spike shortly appeared on the countertop where they had first met Bob and Larry, and the Equestrians appeared beside Bob and Larry, who were addressing the viewers.

"Hi, kids, and welcome to VeggieTales. I'm Bob the Tomato."

"And I'm Larry the Cucumber."

"And we're here to answer your questions."

"That's right."

Bob and Larry then noticed the Mane Six and Spike standing beside them and greeted them.

"Hello, Mane Six and Spike," said Bob. "I'm happy you took the time to enter our simulator to meet with us here."

"No problem, Bob," said Twilight, "by the way, who are you speaking to? Is it those kids that laughed at Larry in the intro? I hope Larry wasn't embarrassed by the situation."

"Don't worry," said Larry, "that was all in good fun, and the kids laughing was only a sound effect that we inserted. The kids we're speaking to now are the home viewers who will have bought our VHS tape."

"That's reassuring to know," said Fluttershy.

"Is this the same countertop we first met y'all?" asked Applejack.

"That's the one," said Bob, "we use this countertop to begin and end our show."

"Oooh!" said Pinkie Pie excitedly, " I wonder if the break room and basement look different." Pinkie Pie then attempted to run to the exit door leading to the hallway, but she was blocked by some force field that flung her back.

"Pinkie Pie," ADA explained, "the narrative for this video is that the countertop is separate from any part of the studio. That the countertop is its lone location."

"Thanks for the info," muttered Pinkie Pie as she got back on her hoofs.

"Now, today," Bob explained, "we got a letter from Lucy Anderson of Phoenix, Arizona who writes."

"Cool," said Twilight, "when I was learning about friendship in Ponyville, I always mailed letters to Princess Celestia explaining my lessons."

Bob later hopped to a big piece of paper that was Lucy's letter to read it, and she wrote the following:

"Dear Bob and Larry. I am six years old; sometimes, I think there are monsters in my closet. That makes me real scared, can you help me?"

"Poor Lucy," said Fluttershy, "I struggled to sleep with the light off when I was her age. I couldn't even walk in my hallways late at night."

"Oooh," said Larry, "I remembered when I thought there were monsters in my closet."

"Yeah?" responded Bob, "well, what happened, Larry?"

"Well, It turns out they weren't even monsters at all! Just my fluffy bunny slippers."

"Bunny slippers?" wondered Pinkie Pie, "you veggies just look like you hop instead of walk to get around. Do you have invisible feet as well?"

"Yep," said Larry, "invisible soles, feet, and toes occasionally form when we want to put on any version of footwear. But we are usually used to good ol' hopping, and my bunny slippers aren't so scary, just kind of squishy."

"Oh, I see," said Bob, "well, Lucy Anderson, first check to see if it's just your slippers, and then watch this story about when Junior Asparagus got a little scared."

The countertop faded to black as ADA explained what was coming up. "You will now enter into the first segment of this video titled "Tales from the Crisper. You will encounter Bob and Larry there, who will still recognize you. You also meet the Asparagus family of three from the intro, who, on the other hand, will not."

The location then faded into a modest-sized living room with a staircase to the second floor and the entrance to a kitchen. The Mane Six and Spike appeared as ghostly apparitions, and Bob and Larry were discovered similarly.

"Hey Bob and Larry," said Spike, "are we all ghosts? I'd reckon that haunting a house doesn't make sense if we are to learn about facing our fears."

"Nope," said Bob, "we are more similar to angels. The living room you see is part of the house of the Asparagus family, who can neither see nor hear us yet. Junior is below on the couch watching a television program about the monster Frankencelery."

"Frankencelery?" giggled Twilight Sparkle, "that sounds like a novel I learned about in my human world at Canterlot High called Frankenstein. It was about a scientist who sewed many dead body parts together, zapped them with electricity, and brought the creation to life. The monster is often mistakenly called Frankenstein when it is actually the scientist's name."

"Yikes, that is terrifying," said Fluttershy.

"Not to mention revolting," said Rarity.

"That type of show sounds too scary for a young'un like Junior," said Applejack.

The television program showed a laboratory in black and white, along with a giant square generator that looked like an enormous face and the silhouettes of a mad scientist and his assistant discussing their recent experiment.

"Master, it can't be done; I don't believe you can do it."

"Well then, stand back and behold as I throw this switch!"

"Oh my goodness."

"Hey, isn't that Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel as the two scientists on the TV?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Oh yes," said Larry, "cameos of the technical crew, with Borlaug as the mad scientist and Mendel as his assistant. That is how they got interested in working with us on VeggieTales."

On the TV, the mad scientist basked in the glory of his accomplishment. "It's alive, alive! Ah HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

"Look how big it is; I didn't realize how big it was when it was lying down; it's standing up!"

The program then zoomed out and revealed a door with a barred window at the top that allowed the viewer to see in the lab."

"Speak!" the mad scientist demanded his monster creation. The monster then began to moan.

"Walk to me!" demanded the mad scientist, "no this way."

"I'll be going," the assistant said, scared as he hurriedly left.

"Frankencelery," the mad scientist called out, "where are you going? Come back here!"

Frankencelery was seen behind the door, walking towards it closer.

"No, don't go near that door," the mad scientist pleaded. A woman's scream was heard as the door opened, making Fluttershy shudder.

"Frankencelery!" the mad scientist cried out from the lab in a brick building, "come back! Stay away from those villagers!"

Then, on the TV, one of the villagers being terrorized by Frankencelerey could be heard, "Oh, no, no, no! Hold on! Don't do it, don't do it! Oh, no, no, no! No! OUCH!." Junior jumped back on the couch in fear over that last word spoken.

"I hope that doesn't give him nightmares," said Twilight.

"Junior," his mom Lisa said while peering from the kitchen, "it's time for bed."

"Just four more minutes," Junior responded.

"That's what you said four minutes ago. Let's skedaddle up those stairs. Your father will be up in a minute to tuck you in."

"Kids these days," Applejack said, smiling while shaking her head, "are always trying to push their limits regarding bedtime. I had my experience with Apple Bloom."

Junior made his way to the staircase to go up to his bedroom.

"Besides," Lisa added, "I think this show might be a little too scary to you."

"It's not scary," Junior said as he hopped up the stairs, "I...I like it, yeah. I'm not scared."

"Ha, denying fear is a common factor when you are afraid," said Rainbow Dash.

Junior stopped in the middle of the stairs to look at a family photo of himself and his parents; he smiled, hoping it would bring comfort.

"Aww," said Fluttershy, "Junior is trying to remind himself how his parents will keep him safe and sound."

But then the three asparaguses in the photo begin to come to life and glared at Junior as they grew nails on their necks like Frankenstein.

Junior's eyes widened like they were about to pop out of his skull.

"Oh my! Did that Asparagus Family photo come to life?" asked Spike.

"No, don't worry," said Bob, "you were only seeing what Junior was imagining.

Junior later ran up the stairs and paused at the top to look for the door to his bedroom. He ran across the hallway and entered the door in a flash.

"Oh dear," said Rarity, "Junior should not subject himself to such media before bed."

"Yep," said Larry; now it is time to go to his room and teach him to handle his fear correctly. Come on, everybody, let's go." The gang then floated up from the living room ceiling to Junior's bedroom.

Junior lay in bed muttering to himself as his blanket covered his mouth, "I'm not scared. It was just monsters..."

"All right," said Bob as they all floated above the ceiling of Junior's bedroom, "it is time for us to manifest ourselves in front of Junior. Are you all ready to be visible?"

"I guess so," said Twilight, "let's do it in a way that won't scare him. He's already shaken up enough as it is."

Then Junior's bedroom began to shake as he muttered more, "...all around me. Big growly monsters."

It was at that moment that all nine of them appeared. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike could still fly in the air. But Bob fell on the floor, Applejack fell on the dresser, Rarity fell on the shelf, and Larry and Pinkie Pie plunged into the toy chest that closed.

"Ahh!" shouted Junior, "who are all of you?"

"I'm Bob, I'm a tomato, and I'm here to help you."

Twilight Sparkle and Spike then flew down to Junior's bed to speak with him, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, the pony Princess of Equestria; these are my friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, who has gotta be around here somewhere and my assistant Spike."

"Hiya, Junior." greeted Spike.

"Ugh," complained Rarity as she got off the shelf, "is it so much to ask for a more comfortable landing? Plus, I thought we would appear more subtly not to frighten Junior."

"Yeah, any sudden appearance like this could catch anypony off-guard," said Applejack as she hopped off the dresser.

Then Junior's toy chest began to shake, "There's something in my toy chest! It's a's a big scary lizard!"

Fluttershy later flew to Junior's side to comfort him, "Don't be afraid, Junior, none of us would ever harm you. Why in your toy chest is it only..."

Junior interrupted Fluttershy, "It's's," Larry jumped out of the toy chest with a baby bonnet on his head and Pinkie Pie covering up his face, "...cotton candy-coated baby pickle."

"Uh, it's a cucumber." corrected Bob.

"And that's no cotton candy." Fluttershy giggled, "That's our friend Pinkie Pie."

"Oh," said Junior, raising one eye.

Pinkie Pie later hopped off Larry's face and noticed something in the toy box, "hey, look, it's the wind-up blue lobster from the demo reel."

"Correct, Pinkie Pie," said ADA, "one of the many easter eggs you have discovered; you can also see a poster of Bob and Larry near the dresser that Applejack fell upon."

"How interesting," said Pinkie Pie, who noticed the poster and later hopped on Junior's bed to hug him, "Junior Asparagus, no need to fear; your Auntie Pinkie Pie is here!"

"I see," said Junior as he raised one eye again.

"Where is everybody?" asked Larry with the bonnet still on his head covering his eyes. He then fell out of the toy chest, causing a white and red ball to roll around the room.

"Over here, Larry, ahem." the ball rolled across Bob, who watched it move to the other end of the room.

"I'm sorry we entered your room so suddenly and unexpectedly," said Twilight, "my friends and I are only assisting with whatever Bob and Larry have cooked up. It is unorthodox we would show up here uninvited without little explanation. Could you care to explain Bob?"

"We couldn't help but notice that you were just a little bit frightened, so we thought we'd drop in and help."

Larry later hopped beside Bob and began to ramble, "Yeah! Fear not, for behold: I bring you good tidings and great joy which shall be unto all people, for unto you..."

"Ahem, wrong story, Larry," said Bob, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, sorry," said Larry, smiling.

"What story was that?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"That is when the angels appeared in front of the shepherds of Bethlehem, similar to what we did to Junior in his bedroom. They were announcing the birth of Jesus Christ. It is why we celebrate Christmas." explained Larry, "you know, with holly, candy canes and presents."

"Oh! That sounds like Hearth's Warming Eve, a holiday of Equestria!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"Ahem," Twilight cleared her throat, "let's not digress."

"Well, I wasn't really scared, you know," said Junior. "It was just a movie with a big, scary monster... But I'm five years old now, so I can handle it."

"Oh," said Bob, unconvinced, "so you weren't scared."

"Nope, I wasn't scared."

"He wasn't scared," Bob said suspiciously to Larry.

"Nope, not scared a bit," responded Larry.

"Listen, Junior," said Applejack, "we didn't mean to be spying on ya. But ya jumped back on the couch while watching the television; the family photo spooked ya, so you rushed up ta yer room and went under yer covers, frozen in fear. There is no way ya lacked an ounce of fear."

"Well, maybe just a little bit," Junior admitted.

"Oh, just a little bit scared?" said Bob.

"Oh, a little bit," said Larry.

"But not too scared," Junior clarified.

"Oh, well, yeah," Bob mumbled to Larry.

"Uh-huh," Larry mumbled back.

Rainbow Dash later flew down closer to Junior. "Seriously, squirt? Sure, you could've been more afraid. But I think it is quite an underestimation that you were only slightly scared."

"Why?" asked Junior, "how can you guys help me? Even if I was scared."

Rainbow Dash later rolled her eyes, "Just give up, Junior. There is no way you will convince any of us that you were fearless."

Bob then began to answer Junior's question. "Oh, Larry and I were just going to sing a little song, that's all. But since you weren't even scared, I guess we'll just be on our way."

"Yep," said Larry, "see you later."

"No, wait!" said Junior. "All right, I admit it; you ponies are too smart to be convinced by denials, and I guess maybe a little song might be nice... well since you're in the neighborhood."

"Junior is right," said Rarity, "we just entered here; there is no point in leaving right now."

"I want to hear a song," whined Pinkie Pie in a silly manner.

"Well, if you weren't scared," said Bob, "then there's really no reason, so I guess we'll just be going now."

Bob and Larry were getting ready to leave when Junior gave them a death glare and clenched his teeth. "Sing the song!" Junior growled.

"I WANT TO HEAR A SONG!" Pinkie Pie yelled, throwing a silly-looking tantrum.

"Take it easy, Pinkie Pie and Junior," said Fluttershy.

"Okay," Bob relented, "here it goes."

(Pause at 0:59)

Rainbow Dash lifted an eyebrow as Bob paused his singing as the three little monsters bounced from Junior's closet to his top dresser drawer, "Um, I think the goal here is to make Junior less afraid, not increase the quantity." She then noticed Fluttershy giggling, "What's so funny, Flutters?"

"Oh, I felt an ominous vibe throughout most of the song, but I honestly find these little monsters to be more cute than scary."

Bob then asked Junior, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to call the police."

"From a more logical perspective," said Spike jokingly, "the police should be called if the situation that is happening right now did happen, with us breaking into a child's bedroom."

"No," Bob responded to Junior's answer, "you don't have to do anything."

"What?" said Junior, "why?"

"Because..." Bob said as he began to sing more.

(Play from 1:15-1:31).

"Get it?" Bob asked Junior with a big toothy grin on his face.

"Um... Well… I… Hmm, well, no."

"Bob, I think Junior needs to be explained further about why he doesn't need to be afraid, not just sung to," said Twilight.

"Oh," Bob muttered, "You see, you don't need to be afraid because God is the biggest."

"What!" exclaimed Junior, "is he bigger than King Kong? Because Kong's a really big monkey, and he's kind of scary."

"Next to God Junior," Bob explained, "King Kong would look like an itty-bitty bug."

"Really?" asked Junior.

"Mmm-hmm," Bob responded.

"Junior, from what I heard about God," said Spike, "oversized primates are the least of his worries."

"Well, is he bigger than the Slime Monster?" asked Junior, "because he's the biggest monster of them all!"

"Compared to God," explained Larry, "the Slime Monster is like a teeny little cornflake."

"Oh, I think smaller than that, Larry," said Pinkie Pie, "the Slime Monster is probably like a molecule, an atom, a proton, an electron, a neutron, a quark, or a..."

"Pinkie Pie," interrupted Rainbow Dash, "we get the point."

"Yeah, but the Slime Monster can squirt slime out his ears." said Junior, "Can God squirt slime out his ears?"

"Ewww," said Rarity, "I imagined God would have a much more decent sense of hygiene than for that to happen."

"Not ta mention," Applejack said, "an all-powerful God would have much stronger fighting methods than that."

"Ahem," said Bob, "come over here, Junior." Bob and Larry led Junior as the Equestrian Gang to Junior's bedroom window.

"What do you see up there?" asked Bob.

"My curtains," answered Junior.

"I should say," said Rarity, "those dark blue fabrics just match with the light blue paint of your walls."

"No," answered Bob, "out the window, up in the sky."

"I see lots of stars," said Junior.

"Yes, those are among the most beautiful sights you can see out your window at night," said Twilight." Take from me, Junior, I'm an expert in astronomy."

"God made stars all the outta nothing," said Larry, "he just went," Larry then made a raspberry noise with his tongue, "and there they were."

"Larry, how could you be so uncouth?" Rarity was disgusted. "I'm sure that God didn't use bowel movements when creating the beauty of the universe."

"Sorry, Rarity," said Larry, "I can't snap without visible hands."

"I think what Larry meant to say," said Spike, the only one with visible fingers. "Is that God went." Spike snapped his claw, "and there they were."

"No way!" said Junior, amazed.

"That's right," added Bob, "and he also made the sun, and the moon and the planet Earth we're living on right now."

"Wow!" exclaimed Junior, "Slime Monster couldn't do that. Even if he'd tried, he'd get everything really sticky."

"No doubt about it," said Rainbow Dash, "sounds like the Slime Monster's only talent is winning a contest in slime squirting."

"But you know what else God made?" Bob asked rhetorically.

"What?" said Junior.

"He made all the plants, the animals, and people, too," said Larry.

"Wow!" said Junior.

"Though technically, when you refer to people, you mean humans," said Pinkie Pie, "you, Bob, and Junior are plants and the rest of us are animals."

"And that's why we don't have to be afraid," said Bob.

"Huh?" said Junior confused.

"You see," explained Bob, "everything God makes is very special to Him. He made all the little kids, and He loves them very much. And because He loves them, He takes extra good care of them. So we don’t need to be afraid because God is always looking out for us!"

"It's so comforting to know that a higher power is watching over you," said Fluttershy.

"You said it, Fluttershy," said Twilight Sparkle. "Junior, back from where I lived, the most influential living being I knew was my mentor and protector, Princess Celestia, who I could always rely on to keep me safe. But I think God is much more dominant than I could ever fathom with Celestia. So if I can feel protected, I know you can do the same."

"Wow!" said Junior, "so you're saying that God is the biggest of them all, and he's on my team!"

"That's right," said Bob. "Oh, by the way, there's someone else who wants to meet you."

At this time, an individual fell from the ceiling, a tall green vegetable with black hair, a long nose, purple eyelids, nails in his neck, and a menacing glare: none other than Frankencelery.

"Ahhhh! It's Frankencelery!" cried out Junior.

"I thought he was a fictional character!" yelled Fluttershy, who later hopped into the toy chest with Junior to hide.

"Great," muttered Spike, "one step forward and two steps back."

Rainbow Dash flew up into Frankencelery's face, "Alright, you giant mutant stalk!" she confronted, "I got four hooves, and I'm not afraid to use them."

"Ah, well," said Frankencelery meekly as he put on a more humble facial expression, "actually, my name is Phil Winkelstein, and I'm an actor from Toledo."

"What?" said Junior, surprised.

"Well, that's a relief," said Fluttershy, taking a deep breath and walking out of the toy chest.

"I was only pretending to be Frankencelery in that TV show. That was my job, and really, I'm just a regular guy, and I wouldn't hurt anybody."

"Well, ya could've fooled us," said Applejack, "with ya still in your Frankencelery make-up, along with a glaring expression on yer face."

"Oh yeah, that," said Frankencelery, "that is my way of method acting."

"Oh yes," said Rarity, "all the best thespians in Manehattan resort to that."

"Well, there you go, Junior," said Pinkie Pie, "Frankencelery isn't the big bad beast you thought he was."

"Oh, I get it!" said Junior as he hopped on his bed and began to sing

(Play from 1:32-3:26).

"Woah, nelly," said Applejack as the song ended, "where did Bob, Larry, Phil, and those three little monsters go?"

"Junior," his dad Mike said as he knocked on his door.

"Quick, everypony hide!" said Spike. Five of the six ponies quickly hid in Junior's closet, as Pinkie Pie leaped back into the toy chest as Spike hid under the bed.

Mike opened the door and entered, "What's all that racquet in there?" he asked.

"Well, I was just singing," said Junior.

"Well, your mother and I think that show was a little scary for you."

"Yeah, well, maybe, but you know Frankencelery is really a guy named Phil from Toledo. And he’s really not scary at all. And besides, God is bigger than any of them, and even though He doesn’t squirt slime out of His ears, He made the whole universe! And He’s taking good care of me too."

At this time, Spike was on the verge of sneezing, and he held his claws in front of his face to try and prevent that from happening.

"Um… well… you’re right," said Mike. "We don’t have to worry about things because God is taking care of us. I do think we should be a little more careful about what we watch on television. And you know what? It’s okay to tell us if you’re really scared."

"Okay. I guess you’re right," answered Junior.

"ACHOO!" yelled Spike as the flames spread underneath Junior's bed. The bed was almost but thankfully not damaged, but Junior and Mike were startled by the sound as they looked under.

"How's it going, Mr. Asparagus." greeted Spike.

"AH!" yelled Mike, "Honey, come here; there is a monster under Junior's bed!"

"Don't worry, Dad, that's no monster; it's only Spike; he is a harmless baby dragon. Alright, ponies, you can come out now."

The Mane Six came out of the closet and toy box as Lisa entered the room. "What the..." she said, "who are all of you creatures?"

"Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and we are...." Twilight knew it would be hard to explain the truth, so she played it safe by pretending, "Angels, we have been sent by God to teach your son that he doesn't need to be afraid."

"But why are you in the form of ponies and a dragon?" asked Mike.

"We've been sent as cute critters to comfort the young ones," said Pinkie Pie, playing along, "just like a stuffed animal does."

"Junior learned that nothin' is more powerful than God," said Applejack.

"That God will protect and fight for him," said Rainbow Dash.

"That God will comfort him at his lowest moments," said Fluttershy.

"That God has created the entire universe," said Rarity.

"And because of that," said Spike, "he holds his creation in such high regard."

"Wow, Junior, these angels sure taught you some beautiful values," said Lisa. "Good night, my son, and thanks to the seven of you," she said as she left.

"Sounds like you’ve been doing some good thinking," said Mike. "But it’s time to shut the thinker down now and get some sleep."

"Okay," said Junior.

"I love you, little mister," said Mike.

"I love you, big mister," said Junior back.

"I'll see you in the morning," said Mike.

"Alright," Junior responded.

"And may god bless all of you, angels." Mike said to the Mane Six and Spike, "hope to see you all again soon." Mike then closed the door.

Afterwards, Bob, Larry, Frankencelery, and the three little monsters reappeared.

"Ugh, why would you guys take off like that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Sorry," said the mohawk monster.

"Sorry," said the spotted monster.

"Sorry," said the spiked monster.

"Let me explain," said Larry, "You ponies are all female, and you, Spike, are an adolescent male. On the other hand, we are three grown men, and I'm not sure what age those little monsters are. I'm not making any negative stereotypes about our gender; it's just that people, especially parents, tend to act less suspicious when it is only women and children."

"Hmm, that does make sense now that you put it that way," Rainbow Dash said.

"Aww, look at little Junior," said Fluttershy, "he's about to fall asleep peacefully."

"God is bigger than the..." Junior sang quietly as he yawned, "the boogie man."

"I'm glad I won't give him nightmares tonight," said Frankencelery.

"Sweet dreams, my sweet asparagus," said Rarity.

"Well done, ponies and dragon." said Bob, "you helped Junior conquer his fears, and you also learned more about this topic yourselves."

So Junior slept into dreamland as the bedroom setting faded to black.

Chapter.7: A Ballad About Bovines

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ADA told the Mane Six and Spike about their next segment. "You will now enjoy a song by Larry in a fun break. This song is for entertainment purposes only and is not relevant to the lesson of this video."

"Oh, sort of like recess," said Twilight Sparkle.

Then the location faded into a giant title white title card with squiggly lines and music notes with Larry arched back singing in front of a music stand. A British narrator's voice was heard. "And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry, the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. So without further ado, Silly Songs with Larry."

The title card disappeared, and the Mane Six and Spike found themselves back on the countertop. But this time, the countertop was decorated with a small, simple painted background of a desert sunset and a medium-sized cactus in a clay pot.

"Huh, why are we back here?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Larry then hopped in front of the background with a giant ten-gallon Stetson hat that was too big for his head that it covered his eyes, "because Rainbow Dash, we didn't have the budget to film the Silly Song on location."

"Ha, nice hat," Applejack playfully commented, "we could have the same taste in headwear. Are ya going to sing a country song? That's my favorite genre."

"Hmm, I guess you could say that," said Larry.

"Just be careful while walking in that hat that is hiding your eyes," said Fluttershy, "I wouldn't want you to bump into that cactus accidentally."

"Don't worry," said Larry, "the hat's fabric is see-through."

"So, what tune do you have planned to perform for us today?" asked Spike.

"This song randomly came to mind while filing my tax returns. Bob was hesitant to allow me to include it in the video. But he finally allowed it when he realized how much it could set us apart from other children's Christian media."

"Yeah, because I don't see what this segment has to do with Christianity," said Rarity.

"Like Twilight said, it is basically like recess. And in this case, recess from your Bible studies." said Larry, "you're all more than welcome to dance and sing-a-long with me."

"Ooh, I better get dressed up," said Pinkie Pie, who zoomed away and came back wearing her saloon girl outfit she performed with to settle the conflict between the ponies and bison of Applaloosa.

Larry's eyes widened over Pinkie Pie's attractive costume, and he even wolf-whistled, "You look very pretty, Pinkie Pie."

"Thank you, Larry," Pinkie Pie said.

"Alright, it is time for The Water Buffalo Song," said Larry.

(Pause at 0:38)

The song, however, was interrupted by Archibald, who ran up to confront Larry face-to-face. "Stop it! Stop! Stop right this instant! What do you think you're doing? You can't say everyone's got a water buffalo when everyone does not have a water buffalo! We're going to get nasty letters saying, 'Where's my water buffalo? Why don't I have a water buffalo?' And are you prepared to deal with that? I don't think so. Just stop being so silly!" Archibald later hopped away in a huff as Larry looked to his side, confused.

"Sheesh," said Spike, "who thought taking everything so literally could turn you into a total grouch."

"I believe that is the type of stodgy character that Archibald was referring to when it came to acting," said Rarity. "I'm glad I met Archibald beforehand, or I would've thought he was an absolute twit."

The title card later appeared as the narrator resumed speaking. "This has been Silly Songs with Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing..."

(Play 0:38-1:15)

Archibald, however, cut him off again by running and tackling him to the ground, wailing.

This made Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Spike burst out laughing.

"I hope they are not teaching kids that is how to handle your disagreements," said Fluttershy.

"Ha, it's okay, Fluttershy, " said Twilight, "it's only slapstick humor."

Then, the title card faded away as the second story was about to begin.

Chapter.8: Covetous Consultants and Ferocious Felines

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It was time for ADA to introduce the Mane Six and Spike to their next adventure. "You will now move on to the second segment of this video; it takes place in the Bible and is about a prophet from the nation of Israel named Daniel, who lived approximately 2500 years ago. The story will be done with ample songs based on the biblical musicals of Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Larry will play the role of Daniel, and Archibald will play the role of a king named Darius. It will also feature Lisa in a more minor role. However, you will not recognize them, but instead see them as completely different characters with alteration of your memories."

"Hold on," said Twilight Sparkle, "This won't affect our mental capacity, will it?"

"Rest assured, Twilight Sparkle, your memory will revert to its original state, and you will realize the roles being portrayed."

"Oh boy!" squealed Pinkie Pie, "it's like we are going to be time traveling!"

The scenery later faded into a bright night sky over the Euphrates River, and the Mane Six and Spike found themselves floating over the river. They then slowly and involuntarily began to zoom into a fertile desert's coastline. "Such wondrous natural scenery, "admired Rarity, "it's so beautiful that I could weep."

At this moment, they heard a female narrator's voice begin to speak, "Long, long ago, in a faraway land, there lived a young man named Daniel. When Daniel was a boy, he was taken from his home in Judah to live in a city called Babylon, where he went to school in the palace of the Babylonian king. Daniel missed his home very much. And every day, he prayed that God would take care of his family and his friends and look after him, too. God heard his prayers and helped Daniel become wise as he grew older until everyone in the palace knew of his wisdom. Then, one night, while Babylon was sleeping, the king had a dream."

"That is such a moving story," said Fluttershy, "I hope everything works out the best for Daniel."

The Mane Six then approached an elaborate open-air palace atop a hill overlooking the city. They floated down towards the palace and entered it. The palace's giant throneroom's ceiling was held by multiple pillars with green accents painted on the base, and substantial purple solid flags decked the perimeters of the throne room. The Mane Six and Spike landed on the checkered floor of the throneroom and noticed a trio of scallions. The tallest one (No.1) had a purple nose and eyelids with a gold collar, the skinniest one (No.2) had a light green nose and eyelids, and the shortest one (No.3) had a blue nose and eyelids. The scallions ran to a golden door on one of the corners of the throneroom that the Mane Six and Spike were standing near with two maidservants; one was an asparagus, and the other was a greenish-yellow pear.

The scallions and nursemaids then noticed the Mane Six and Spike and started bowing down to them, which confused them.

"By the grace of Marduk," declared Scallion No.1, "you gods of beyond the realms of Earth have come in your full glory for us to worship your very presence."

"Such deities of beautiful colors were never expected to be seen with the naked eye," said the pear maidservant.

"What do you gods demand from your loyal, humble followers?" asked Scallion No. 2

"How quaint," adored Rarity, "I never thought my beauty could have such a profound effect."

"Oh yeah, uh-huh," bragged Rainbow Dash, "I knew I was awesome. But I didn't think my ego was worthy enough to be worshipped."

"Woah, wait just a minute," Twilight Sparkle said, "let's not get carried away. Even though you five need to become more familiar with the lot of us or our types of species. We are certainly not gods; the most powerful beings we're familiar with are our immortal rulers, Princess Celestia and Luna. Even the seven of us do not worship them. We are six mortal ponies and a dragon. The only God we ever heard about goes by names such as Jehovah and Yahweh."

"Oh, so you follow that Hebrew God of Daniel," said Scallion No. 3, "such a boring and ridiculous system of beliefs. Our gods are much more exciting and logical."

"Hey now," reprimanded Applejack, "ya may disagree on how ta follow religion. But we need ta respect the ways one might practice their beliefs."

"Oh really," scoffed the asparagus maid, "that Daniel thinks his God is the only God and that worshipping other gods is a sin."

"What I meant ta say is..." said Applejack, "everyone has different moral codes on ways ta worship. We can allow others ta follow their own worship standards so we can do the same."

The asparagus maid rolled her eyes at that comment.

"By the way, what are you all doing here in the palace?" asked Spike.

"King Darius has summoned all of us late at night for an emergency meeting; he should be arriving momentarily," said Scallion No. 1.

(Stop Music at 1:48)

"Hooray Daniel!" cheered Pinkie Pie, "you've been promoted further into Babylonian royalty; we should throw a party."

"Oh, hello," said Daniel. "Who are you, and where did you come from, you wonderful creatures of God?"

"Yes," said Darius, "I don't recall any of these organisms in my kingdom."

The Mane Six introduced themselves, but Spike was suspiciously keeping quiet.

"It's so wonderful to make new friends on the same night you are appointed second-in-command," said Daniel.

"I agree, my most faithful subject," said Darius, "Daniel, come with me to officially promote you; then we will throw that party those ponies seem excited to throw."

"Yippee!" celebrated Pinkie Pie, "I'll get my confetti cannon stuffed."

"Oh, by the way, King Darius," said Rarity, "a magnificent king like yourself would look just dashing in a robe and cape; if you give me the proper fabrics, I could fix you one up."

"Thank you, madame, that would be lovely," said Darius.

"What about you, Daniel?" asked Rarity.

"Thanks, but no thanks, my humble headdress is good enough."

"Well, what are we waiting for!" declared Rainbow Dash, "let's get Daniel's celebration in full swing."

The Mane Six began to walk through the golden door. As Twilight looked back and realized Spike wasn't coming, she raised an eyebrow at Spike, who smiled reassuringly and gestured to go without him because Spike sensed something suspicious was happening in the palace. Twilight nodded and left, for Spike had something specific in mind.

The Scallion Trio looked worried and jealous over their rival's recent higher ranking. Scallion No. 1 even stared daggers into the maidservants to demand them to scram, and the maidservants walked away in a huff; he even did the same to Spike.

"No, you don't understand," said Spike, pretending, "I'm on your side."

"Ha!" scoffed Scallion No. 1, "I saw you with those pathetic ponies. They are now all swooning over Daniel. I can't believe I thought they were even gods."

"But they are," said Spike.

"I heard that lavender lass," said Scallion No. 1, "she said that she wasn't a god, and none of you were, so beat it!"

"They're just self-loathing gods," said Spike. "They think they are no different from mortal beings, so they like to act like they are themselves."

"But two of those ponies were enjoying our ignorant worship," said Scallion No. 2.

"Yeah, sometimes they get tempted to relapse to their old habits. But I'm not like them. I'm a proud dragon god that is entitled to be worshipped. Just look, feast your eyes on my magical fire breath." Spike then exhaled a breath of his green fire, making the Scallion Trio look in awe.

"You see," said Spike, "I'll be happy to dispose of Daniel so you can have the position you so desperately seek."

The Scallion Trio huddled and whispered among themselves and later addressed Spike.

"Alright, kid," said Scallion No. 1, "if you've taken this much effort to convince us that you're a god, then we believe you. Let's start discussing how this will all fall into place."

This was very good news for Daniel but very bad news for the wisemen. You see, each one of them wanted to be second-in-command. But now that Daniel got the job, the wisemen would have to do whatever he said. This made the wisemen very unhappy, and they immediately started thinking of ways to get rid of Daniel.

(Stop Music at 1:47)

That night, Twilight told the rest of Mane Six about Spike spying on the Scallion Trio by faking an alliance with them. While Twilight and Spike didn't exchange words, they could both sense that the Scallion Trio was up to no good. Twilight and Rarity went to the palace the following day while the rest of the Mane Six kept Daniel company at his house to protect him from any threat from the Scallion Trio. Twilight went to the palace to discuss with King Darius about her and his royal duties in their respective kingdoms. Rarity went to sew the robe and cape she promised Darius.

The very next morning, the wisemen appeared before King Darius to try and trap Daniel with their scheme.

The scallion trio and Spike came before the throne of Darius with Twilight Sparkle and Rarity on both his sides; the latter was just putting the finishing touches on the robe and cape.

"You wanted to see me?" asked Darius, and Scallion No. 1 cleared his throat in response.

(Pause at 1:20)

The king responded as the Scallion Trio explained the proposed law of throwing anyone into the lion's den by praying to anyone other than himself. "Oh! Yes? Well, I guess that would do it! All right then, good work, men! Ta-ta!"

"Are you out of your mind, King Darius!" exclaimed Twilight.

"Yes," said Rarity as she finished the robe and cape, "don't you know what that would mean for Daniel?"

"We'll get caught if you don't do something soon!" said Spike to Scallion No. 1.

"Shush, purple reptile!" demanded Scallion No.1, "everything is under control." Scallion No. 1 then started chanting in a language that Twilight, Rarity, and Spike couldn't understand. The chanting caused Twilight and Rarity to fall into a deep trance sleep; Darius was still awake but also entranced and was given orders by Scallion No. 1 to enact the law right away.

Darius later broke out of the trance. "Huh, what just happened? Oh, never mind. I see that Twilight and Rarity have some much-needed sleep to catch up and that my robe and cape have been finished; in the meantime, I've got a law to pass."

(Continue Music at 1:30 and stop at 1:44)

"How long will they be out?" asked Spike regarding Twilight and Rarity as he and the Scallion Trio left the palace.

"Just several hours, enough time to take care of Daniel once and for all," said Scallion No.1 as he laughed evilly.

Everyone in Babylon heard about the new law, including Daniel. But Daniel also knew God's law, and God's law told him that he should only pray to God.

In the small, simple home of Daniel, filled with a table and two shelves topped with urns and other clayworks. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie watched as Daniel was kneeling beside his bed, praying so quietly it was basically just incoherent mumbling.

"I may not hear what Daniel is saying," said Fluttershy, "but I must appreciate his devotion to his relationship with God."

"Daniel sure does have a strong commitment," said Applejack, "especially with that horrible law requiring prayer towards the king."

And so the next day, just like every other day, Daniel prayed and thanked God for the sunshine and for all his friends. He also thanked God for giving him the courage to do what was right, even when he knew it could get him in trouble.

"Did you just say trouble?" asked Daniel.

"Wait, you can hear narrations and break the fourth wall, too, Daniel?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"I heard the narration, but what's the fourth wall?" asked Daniel.

Applejack and Fluttershy just looked at Pinkie Pie in confusion.

"Oh, never mind," giggled Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash looked out Daniel's window and noticed The Scallion Trio and Spike approaching. "We got company; I hope Spike's undercover work paid off. Come on, let's take these not-so-wise men down!"

The four ponies exited Daniel's home to confront the Scallion Trio face-to-face in the street. The ponies began to pretend to tell off Spike as part of his plan of going undercover. "How dare ya, Spike!" said Applejack in fake anger, "partnering with these slimy scallions, what did they ever do for ya?"

"Shut it, you pansy ponies," said Spike in the same insincere tone. "These scallions respect the god I am instead of you, who reduce yourselves to mortal beings."

"Alright, that's enough; you can drop the act now, dragon!" said Scallion No. 1.

"What!" said Spike, "I thought you believed me with my magical fire breath."

"Do you actually think we were stupid enough to fall for your lame lies?" asked Scallion No. 3.

"We only pretended to be fooled for you to fall into our trap," said Scallion No. 2.

"And because that has fallen into fruition, we got you all right under our thumbs!" declared Scallion 1.

"Oh no, you don't!" retorted Spike, who flew up and attempted to shoot a fireball. But before that could happen, Spike had heard the Scallion Trio chant in the Ancient Babylonian language. It conjured up metal chains that restrained his hands and feet and even a metal muzzle that prevented him from speaking or breathing fire.

"Our sorcery granted to us by the power of Marduk is stronger than that measly fire breath of yours, dumb dragon!" taunted Scallion No. 1.

The ponies were unbelievably shocked, and of course, Rainbow Dash didn't hesitate to hit the scallions, "NOBODY CHAINS MY FRIEND, AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" she yelled, flying towards them.

But before she could strike them, the Scallion Trio conjured another set of chains that restrained her four hooves and wings. Then suddenly, three more sets of conjured chains covered up the three other ponies present. Rendering them all completely helpless.

"Alright, get these ponies and their little dragon into the wagon," Scallion No. 1 demanded towards his two fellow wisemen, "then we can take of Daniel."

The Scallion Trio busted Daniel's door open after the four ponies and Spike were loaded into the little wagon.

"A-HA!" taunted Scallion No. 1 as Scallion No. 2 and 3 looked on as the door knocked over one of Daniel's shelves. But the door automatically slammed in front of the Scallion Trio. It knocked out Scallion No. 3. But the door opened a second later, and Scallion No. 1 taunted Daniel in the same matter a second time. Daniel was scared into silence as the Scallion Trio crept upon him; even though Daniel was immune to the wise men's dark magic, he was still outnumbered 3 to 1. For the ponies, it was vice-versa, the difference between physical and spiritual weaknesses.

Later that evening, Scallion No. 1 and No.2 carried Daniel up at the front, traveling across a mountainous desert wasteland outside Babylon. Scallion No. 3 struggled to carry Daniel up at the rear and pulled the wagon carrying the ponies and Spike in chains. For the wagon, it was big enough to hold the Equestrians. Since Daniel was frozen with fear, he started to ramble randomly. "So you guys are wisemen? Well, that's pretty cool. I mean, have you always been wise, or did you have to go to school for that? Were you serious about that cheese ball thing? Hey, I can see my house from here."

"Geez," said Rainbow Dash in a snarky matter, "how could he make such casual comments while we are all being held hostage, being taken to who knows where? For a prophet, I'd imagine he'd be smarter than that."

"Shush, Rainbow Dash," scolded Applejack, "that is not helping right now."

"Especially considering that we are about to become dinner to a pride of lions!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, worried.

The Scallions then stopped in front of the vertical entrance of the lions' den. A roar could be heard from the den next to the sign with a white lion silhouette symbol. The Scallions then dropped Daniel on top of the wagon, which he would've rolled away on top had it started to move. They then pushed the wagon closer to the entrance.

"Daniel," Scallion No. 1 began to speak, "because you violated section 4219-2r9-4000-6.1-7.b of the code of Babylon, forbidding prayer to anyone but King Darius. And you ponies and dragon who violated section 3128-1s8-3000-7.2-6.a of the code of Babylon for harboring those specific types of lawbreakers, you are hereby sentenced to be consumed by the lions, goodbye."

"Don't I get a phone..." Daniel said but was cut off as the Scallion trio pushed the wagon upwards, causing Daniel, Spike, and the ponies to fall into the lion's den, causing Daniel to scream out the last word of his sentence, "Caaaaallllllllll!!! Oof."

The six of them fell onto the ground of the dark den, whose only light source was the entrance up above. Daniel stood up as his eyes were dazed and crossed and shook his head to get his vision straight.

"Hey Daniel and company," taunted Scallion No. 2, "you're sure gonna have fun down there. We're not 'lion'."

Scallion No. 2 and 3 laughed at the joke as Daniel looked up worried. Rainbow Dash scooted into the light and glared furiously at them.

"Uh yeah!" taunted Scallion No. 3, "You better be "lion" down... Um... 'cuz those lions are' lie'...' on' you! Ha ha!"

"What?" cringed Scallion No.2. "Mine was funny. Yours was...goofy. Lions are gonna ly-on you?! They're gonna eat them! They're not gonna ly-on them."

"Well, well, maybe they're gonna lie on them, then eat them," explained Scallion No. 3. "Or one will lie on the ponies as a bed while another one, maybe, eats Daniel for the main course. Or, well, maybe one will sit on him with the dragon as an appetizer..."

"What? Like the lions are gonna cooperate?" asked Scallion No. 2. "Like one's gonna lie on Daniel and say, 'Hey, you eat him, I'll lie on him. We'll prepare the ponies for dessert, and they'll fix the dragon as a garnish?' Come on, we're the ones that are ly-in, not the lions."

"Come on now, quit stalling," demanded Scallion No. 1, "let's discuss how we'll deal with those two remaining ponies with the horns. They will prove to be quite a challenge."

"I'LL TURN YOU CROOKS INTO CHOPPED ONION!" screamed Rainbow Dash as the Scallion Trio moved a boulder in front of the entrance.

Without any outside noise coming into the den, they heard water dripping from stalactites right before Daniel spoke up, "Well, it's not so scary down here, a little musty, not so scary."

"How could you downplay the very danger we are in?" asked Rainbow Dash.

But then, several pairs of glowing yellow eyes glared at the group, causing Daniel to back up and notice they were all surrounded by lions in the dark.

"Just avoid any sudden movements," whispered Applejack.

"Hey Fluttershy," said Pinkie Pie, "why don't you try the stare on these lions."

"I c-can only d-do it if e-every lion is in f-front of m-me," Fluttershy quivered. "W-we are all s-surrounded."

"Come on, Fluttershy," encouraged Rainbow Dash, "if you could tame a manticore, how hard would regular lions be."

"What's a manticore?" asked Daniel.

"It's a hybrid lion with dragon wings and a scorpion tail," explained Pinkie Pie.

"T-that was o-only one manticore," explained Fluttershy, "t-there is at l-east half a d-dozen lions down here, and I don't k-know what could be the m-matter with them."

"I think they were starved down here, so they would have the instinct to eat whatever is in their nearby sight," said Applejack, "and I think we're next."

"Oh no," Daniel sang wistfully while on the verge of tears, "what am I gonna do? It looks like I'm gonna... end up as lion stew."

But then, a bright light shined from the night sky upon Daniel, Spike, and the ponies through a hole in the rocky ceiling of the den.

(Play music at 0:22 and stop at 1:05)

"Wow," wept Fluttershy in joy, "that is one of the most beautiful melodies I've ever heard with my own two ears."

After the song was done, the angel singing the song hovered down into the cave. The angel was a parsnip with long blonde hair and eyelashes, wearing a white robe and a halo over her head. She was carrying twelve pizza boxes, "In the name of God," the angel declared, "let these chains be cast off." The ponies and Spike were freed from the burden of the chains restraining them.

"Oh, thank goodness," Spike said, "I can speak again; next time, I'll skip straight to roasting those wise men."

"In the name of God," the angel declared, "may these lions be meeken."

The lions changed their glares into a more gentle expression and even looked among themselves in confusion.

"In the name of God," the angel declared, "may you all enjoy this pizza from heaven."

She first threw six boxes to the lions, each with a meat lover's pizza for them to chow down on.

"Wonderful!" said Pinkie Pie, "it looks like that pizza will be on the menu tonight instead of us."

Then, the angel threw four pizza boxes in front of the ponies, each pizza with hay and oats.

"Boy, am I famished," said Applejack.

"Yeah, I didn't expect pizza on this adventure," said Rainbow Dash.

"I didn't think pizza existed this long ago," said Pinkie Pie.

The angel then threw a pizza with gems as toppings towards Spike.

"Delicious," said Spike, "there isn't a single food item that tastes better with the flavor of gems."

"Wait, how do you eat those?" asked Daniel, "I didn't think gems were edible."

"Only to dragons," said Spike, "it must be how our digestive systems are designed."

Then the angel threw the last pizza, topped with mutton, before Daniel. "Finally! said Daniel, some tasty food that is also kosher."

"What's kosher?" asked Spike.

"It is any food Hebrews are allowed to eat. When I first came to Babylon, they offered me and my friends pork and wine to eat and drink. But we refused since the food and beverage were sacrificed to false gods, plus eating pork violates the kosher code. So we decided to eat only vegetables and drink water. I got so sick of it that I'm finally glad to eat something delectable."

"Alright, Daniel, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy." said the angel. "Remember that God will keep you safe and that the lions don't have the desire to harm you." The lions embraced the group and moaned happily, with Fluttershy petting them.

Even though he still didn't know what to expect, Daniel felt better when he remembered that God was taking care of him, even in the Lion's Den.

Elsewhere in the Kingdom, the wisemen were busy congratulating themselves for being so clever. While the King, believing that he lost a good friend, decided the only thing that he can do is to pray that Daniel's God would protect him.

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity had just awakened from their trance and saw Darius weeping.

"What just happened, Twilight?" asked Rarity. "Why did we fall asleep? What is the matter with King Darius?"

"The last thing I remember was the wise men glaring at us bizarrely. They probably put us to sleep in a spell and might have affected King Darius somehow."

"What have I done," Darius said, "I let my wicked, wise men deceive me into passing that dreadful law. I let my ego get in the way of Daniel's safety. I did not know the law would get Daniel into the lion's den. I thought maybe the law was directed at some seditious traitors to Babylon. The wise men also threw your friends in there, and I had no idea they would be convicted just by defending Daniel."

"How horrible!" Rarity sobbed, "The rest of the Mane Six and Spikey-Wikey, down in that den with those hungry lions."

"Yes, it's been an hour since then; I don't know if they'll survive. I just remembered this moment about you two trying to convince me away from my selfish incompetence before I blacked out."

"It appears that your wise men are taking advantage of you so that you can promote them with Daniel out of the way," said Twilight Sparkle, holding back tears.

"Oh, Twilight and Rarity!" Darius sobbed loudly, "Let us comfort one another during this grievous time. I am also renouncing the false gods of Babylonian culture and will pray to the Hebrew god, starting now."

King Darius sat on his throne as Twilight Sparkle and Rarity lay a hoof on him. He began to pray as all three of them bowed their heads.

The next morning, everyone ran down to the Lion's Den to see what was left of Daniel.

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity ran up to the den entrance, where King Darius and the Scallion Trio stood nearby.

"You conniving consultants!" yelled Rarity, "if any of our friends are harmed, you are all dead to me!"

The Scallion Trio smirked as No. 3 stook his tongue out at her.

"Easy, Rarity," said Twilight, "while we will deal with them justly. Let's see if our friends are safe."

"It's hopeless," Darius said gloomily, "no one can survive a night with those lions."

"Hello!" yelled Daniel from below.

"Did you hear something?" asked Darius as smiles of relief formed on Twilight and Rarity's faces.

"Hello!" yelled Daniel again.

"Did anyone order a wake-up call?" joked Pinkie Pie.

"Daniel, Pinkie Pie, is that you?" asked Darius as he peeked into the den.

"Oh yeah, we'll be right up. We just have to say goodbye to our new friends," said Daniel.

"Oh, thank God, you're all okay," said Rarity.

"I just hoped that God would answer our prayers," said Twilight.

"It''s impossible," said King Darius.

"Yes, it is," responded Scallion No. 1.

Fluttershy gave all six lions in the den a belly rub, "Now I want you to be on your best behavior," she said softly, "be a bunch of good lions." The lions then all began to lick her with affection as she giggled.

"I can't thank ya enough, ma'am, for saving all of us and providing us with some of the most tasteful meals I've ever indulged," Applejack said to the angel.

"Anyone who allies themself with a man of God deserves to be provided with heavenly aid," said the angel. "It's time that I leave and return to heaven." She began to hover up to heaven.

"Alright, Daniel," said Rainbow Dash, "those scandalous scallions are outside the den. My friends and I have a plan to pummel them."

"Just get behind me first," said Daniel. "Unlike the five of you, they can't penetrate me with their demonic divination."

Daniel then poked his head out of the den's hole. "Well, hello, everybody," Daniel greeted. He turned his head around and said to the lions and the angel "See you guys later; thanks for the pizza."

"They had pizza?" asked Scallion No. 1, confused.

"Now Spike!" told Daniel.

Spike flew out of the hole behind Daniel and started shooting fireballs near the Scallion Trio, causing them to run around to avoid being scorched.

While they were distracted, Rainbow Dash flew out of the hole and pounded the Scallion Trio, knocking them to the ground.

"It's pie time!" yelled Pinkie Pie as she appeared out of the hole and threw a pie towards each scallion on the center of their torsos.

"Alright, ants," directed Fluttershy, who flew out of the hole as an army of ants crawled out simultaneously and crawled all over the scallions, attracted to the giant pie stains. The scallions started flailing on the ground since they were itchy and irritated to the high heavens.

Applejack finally leaped out of the hole and lassoed the Scallion Trio. Together, they were stunned and exhausted.

"Save some of the humiliation for me," said Rarity as she went ahead to conjure up bows and make-up that she used to decorate the Scallion Trio's faces.

"That'll teach those unscrupulous green onions to mess with any of you anymore," said Twilight Sparkle.

"It's a miracle!" declared King Darius.

"I've got it, a new law!" declared King Darius, "from this day forth, everyone will pray only to Daniel's God," Daniel smirked at the wise men while learning this satisfying news as the Mane Six and Spike all patted him on the back.

"No more of this silly praying to me business. I'm glad Twilight Sparkle and Rarity showed me the error of my ways concerning that matter. But whose idea was that anyway?" King Darius then turned his head and glared at the Scallion Trio. "Oh yes, I remember."

Unfortunately, the Scallion Trio got their senses together and untied themselves from the lasso, "I hear they're looking for wise men down in Egypt." Scallion No. 1 told his comrades.

"Been fun. Got to go now," said Scallion No. 1.

"Yeah, see ya," responded Scallion No. 2 as they all ran away.

"Where do you think you're going?" ordered King Darius, who began to chase them. "Come back here, you scoundrels! You scallywags! Not so fast! Stop! I'm the King; you must stop now! Come back here! Stop it!"

"Hey guys, come back!" Daniel pleaded as he also began to chase after them. "There's some pizza left!"

"Not today!" shouted Rainbow Dash, "you scallions aren't getting away a second time!" She attempted to fly after them but found herself with the rest of the Mane Six and Spike floating away from the desert involuntarily. "Hey, what gives?"

"The second story segment ends here," ADA said, "you will now wrap up with Bob and Larry at the countertop."

Chapter.9: A Welcoming Wrap-Up

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The Mane Six and Spike appeared on the countertop with Bob and Larry to end the video.

"Wow!" admired Bob, "that was really neat how God protected Daniel along with five of you seven from those lions." Bob then turned his head towards Larry. "And you did a very good job."

"Why, thank you." said Larry, "it was my finest hour."

"Yes," said Twilight Sparkle, "it was very uncanny that we saw you portray Daniel without even recognizing you."

"By the way," said Rarity, "be sure to thank Archibald and Lisa for me for their drama abilities."

"Question," said Pinkie Pie, "did they really have pizza that long ago in the Bible?"

"No," said Bob, "that is just some humorous features we added in."

"Whatever happened to the wise men in the Bible?" asked Rainbow Dash, "did they get caught?"

"Oh, more than that," said Larry. "King Darius was furious his advisers would deceive him into having his friend executed. So he sentenced them to be thrown into the lions' den as well, and they were immediately devoured before they even touched the ground."

"Yikes!" exclaimed Fluttershy, "last I saw those lions, they looked like they would cuddle with lambs."

"We couldn't add that in," said Bob, "since this is a children's video. But I also saw extra scenes I didn't see before you joined the adventure. From the wise men performing spells to the angel delivering pizza."

"Oh yeah, about that," said Spike. "Daniel said he couldn't eat pork because it was unclean according to his diet. Do you two also avoid pork?"

"Nope," answered Bob, "Daniel lived 500 years before Jesus came to Earth—the stories in the Bible before Jesus are included in the Old Testament. During the Old Testament, God's followers lived under specific laws. But 500 years later, during the New Testament, Jesus proclaimed a new set of laws focusing more on faith than religious works."

"So, what are we doing here back on the countertop?" asked Applejack.

"This final segment is where we address the viewers back home on how they can relate the lessons of this video to their livelihood," said Bob. "We're over here by QWERTY the computer to talk about what we learned today."

(Pause at 0:08)

"Where the hay did that song come from?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"As I was saying, we're..." Bob said before being interrupted.

(Continue Music)

"What a catchy, cute little ditty," said Pinkie Pie.

"Ahem!" Bob cleared his throat, looked side to side to ensure no further interruptions, and addressed the viewers. "Well, Junior Asparagus learned that God is bigger than anything in the whole world, and because God loves us so much, He's always looking out for us, so we don't have to be afraid."

"I believe we also learned that it is better to be invited or invite somepony over if you want to discuss the Bible with them," explained Applejack, "instead of just manifesting out of nowhere into their home."

"Yep," responded Larry. "And in the Bible, Daniel learned that God was taking care of him, even down there with those big scary lions."

"I also think we learned to avoid faking alliances with rapscallions while undergoing an undercover investigation," said Spike.

"That's right!" said Bob, "Now let's see if QWERTY has a verse for us today."

"Okay," said Larry.

"Oh, that's what QWERTY is used for," said Twilight.

QWERTY began to load up and displayed a recipe for a "yummy meatloaf" on its screen. "One pound of ground beef, three slices of..." Bob began to read.

"Wait, what do ingredients have to do with what we just learned?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"QWERTY, this a recipe for meatloaf; that's not a verse!" said Bob, annoyed.

"Ha," laughed Spike, "I guess that would be the main function of a computer right in the middle of a kitchen."

QWERTY frowned in embarrassment as Fluttershy comforted it, "Now QWERTY, there is no need to feel bad; you made an honest mistake."

"Oh, it's fine," said Larry, "QWERTY isn't sentient; that was just a humourous effect we put on QWERTY's hardware."

"Sorry about that," Bob addressed the viewers. "Okay, here we go. And God said in Isaiah 41:10."

"What is with the name and numbers?" asked Rarity.

"Isaiah is the name of one of the books in the Bible," explained Larry. "41 is the chapter number of the book, and 10 is the chapter division which consists of the verse."

"Yes, and it says:" Bob read, " 'So do not fear, for I am with you.' Hmm. So, the next time you get scared, just remember that verse. And tonight, before you go to sleep, why don't you pray with your Mom or Dad and thank God for always looking out for you."

"Yeah, that's a great idea," Larry agreed.

"You can also giggle at the ghostly and crack up at the creepy," said Pinkie Pie. "My grandmother taught me that things that can scare you at night are, in all actuality, just laughable."

"Not bad, Pinkie Pie," said Larry.

"Well, that's all for now, until next time," said Bob. "Remember, God made you special, and He loves you very much. Bye!"

"Bye," said Larry as he and Bob walked off the countertop, and the setting faded to black.

The Mane Six and Spike found themselves in the inactive simulator in the basement under the studio.

"Welcome back, everybody," said Larry, "how did you enjoy the simulation adventure?"

"Wow! I never thought I would go on such a voyage in a video cassette tape," said Twilight Sparkle.

"I'll express my gratitude toward Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel when I have the chance," said Pinkie Pie.

"Speaking of which," said Bob, "let's go back upstairs; I'm sure Borlaug and Mendel have got QWERTY all fixed up for you to return to Equestria."

Bob, Larry, Spike, and the Mane Six returned to the countertop set to meet with Borlaug and Mendel, who just got QWERTY up and running.

"Thank you, Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel. You wonderful wizards for taking us on a trip we will never forget," said Pinkie Pie as she gave them all big hugs.

"Oh, it was nothing," said Borlaug.

"Yeah, no problem," said Mendel.

"By the way, those were some cool cameos we saw in the video with you," said Rarity.

"Yep, we've always wanted to try our hands at acting," said Mendel.

"Even if it is for only a minute's worth of footage," said Borlaug. "Anyways, Mendel and I looked at the situation with QWERTY. The lightning bolt that struck the antenna broke a branch into the multiverse, which resulted in the penetration of your world. What did you Equestrians eat before you arrived?"

"Some tomato and cucumber sandwiches I fixed up," said Spike.

"Well, that was no coincidence," said Mendel. "The number of tomatoes and cucumbers you ate, plus the presence of Bob and Larry here in this world, caused a connection with both realms due to the mutual quantities of the same food item."

"Wow, that is some space-time science that even I can't wrap my hoof around," said Twilight.

"There is more about this in detail, but we don't have too much time," said Borlaug.

"It gets way too complicated," added Mendel.

"Well, anyways, we moved a ladder next to QWERTY's monitor," said Borlaug.

"Just jump into the monitor, and you will be sent home," said Mendel.

Borlaug and Mendel exchanged goodbyes with the Mane Six and Spike as they left the studio.

"Before you leave, I have Bible verses to share with you based on the elements you embody," said Bob.

"Applejack: Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.
Ephesians 4:25."

"Thanks, sugar cube. Dishonesty is something I detest."

"Rainbow Dash: A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24."

"Awesome! I'll always stick my neck out for my friends."

"Rarity: Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.
Luke 6:38"

"How beautiful! That reminds me of the importance of benefitting others with your gifts."

"Fluttershy: Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.
Colossians 3:12"

"How could I thank you enough for your sweetness."

"Pinkie Pie: A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22"

"Yay, I knew it! The Good Book does mention the healing powers of humor!

"Spike: Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12."

"I should remember to think about that before I become a full-grown adult dragon."

"And Twilight Sparkle: Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
Romans 13:1"

"I don't understand exactly what you mean?" Twilight asked.

"What Bob is trying to say," said Larry, "is that God put you in the position of Princess of Equestria. Since you are the kingdom's upcoming ruler, your subjects should respect you because you have been placed by divine intervention."

"That's right, Larry," said Bob, who then began to look at Twilight in the eyes. "Remember, you felt nervous taking on that role? You don't have to panic because God knows how you will benefit Equestria. Which is why you deserve to be honored as its monarch."

"Oh, now I understand. Thank you, Bob and Larry, for your comfort and encouragement."

"We also have a gift for you, Twilight," said Larry, bringing over a Bible, "this is everything you need to know about Christianity. Since you love books, I thought this would be appropriate."

"Again, Thanks."

"Well, Larry and I have to leave and get some mail orders we need to organize and send out. Just remember, yet again, that God made you special, and he loves you very much."

The Equestrians exchanged their goodbyes with Bob, and Larry walked into the portal inside QWERTY's computer screen back to Equestria.

Bob then bowed his head and closed his eyes with Larry as he began to pray, "Dear God, we thank you for the opportunity to meet with seven new friends. Let you guide their steps and let them come to know you, Father."

"Give Twilight Sparkle the strength she needs to rule as Princess of Equestria," said Larry. "May your loving hand be there always for her, Lord. In Jesus mighty name, Amen."

Chapter.10: A Mission to Equestria

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It had been ten months since the Mane Six and Spike encountered Bob and Larry via the portal inside QWERTY to the VeggieTales studio, and now it was time for Bob and Larry to do the same in Equestria. Bob and Larry remember Twilight Sparkle mentioning how most of the children of Equestria were good-natured and innocent, except for a particular filly named Cozy Glow. Bob and Larry were all about advising wayward children who had gone astray and were very compassionate to whatever the case of Cozy Glow could be.

Bob and Larry stood before the portal inside of QWERTY, which led to the realm of Equestria.

"Alright, Larry, this is it," said Bob. "It is time we went to Equestria and saw the deal with this troubled child."

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Bob," said Larry. "I hope it is not too late to put poor Cozy Glow back on the right path."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Bob. "Let's shine a light in whatever darkness Cozy Glow is stranded in and show her that a God still loves and cares for her."

So Bob and Larry walked into the portal, preparing for whatever Equestria had in store.

Bob and Larry fell far from the sky and landed safely and softly into a giant vegetable patch.

"Oof," muttered Larry as he got back on the base of his body, "that was quite a freefall, and I'm glad we have landed without any harm. By the way, Bob, how are we supposed to return to the studio?"

"Borlaug and Mendel have given me this device right here," said Bob as he presented the rectangular gray device with a big red button and mini satellite dish. "We huddle together, push the button, and we'll be right back on the countertop. Now, we should examine our surroundings."

"Hmm," Larry said as he looked around. "It appears we have landed in a vegetable patch on a farm."

"You know," said Bob, "I think this is, in fact, the very farm Applejack said she lived on with her grandmother and siblings."

"Right," said Larry. "I remember their names were Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, and Apple Bloom."

At that moment, Bob and Larry noticed the trio of Applejack's family members exiting the barn with some harvesting equipment.

"Speak of the devil," said Bob, "there they come; I recommend we hide here not to give those three a heart attack."

"You got it, Bob," said Larry. "It's time to enter camaflodge mode."

So Bob and Larry closed their eyes and mouths very tightly before the three Apple Family members would notice. Granny Smith's eyes widened as she and her grandson and granddaughter entered the vegetable patch.

"Wut in tarnation!" Granny Smith exclaimed, "How did we plant such an oversized tomato and cucumber!"

"Eeeyup!" Big Mac said.

"This is amazing," said Apple Bloom with excitement. "Ponies near and far will know about the growin' power of our produce, and our farm will be famous around Equestria!"

"Now, don't count yer chickens before they hatch Apple Bloom," said Granny Smith. "I suspect a likely reason is that some virus infected these two vegetables. It made them bloated, overly ripe, and rotten. Why, I see three big bumps on both of them."

Granny Smith then pushed her hoof onto one of Bob's eyes and flicked Larry's nose for further demonstration.

"Big Mac, Apple Bloom," said Granny Smith, "I think we ought to take an axe and cut open these gigantic vegetables to see if they are infected."

The suspense was building as Bob and Larry knew they couldn't keep the charade going any further, so they did the only thing they could do...

"Please, my dear ponies, don't chop us up into bits," Bob pleaded as he opened his eyes and mouth.

"Yeah," said Larry, who followed suit, "Applejack wouldn't condone it."

The three farm ponies all screamed in terror. Then Apple Bloom ran off, calling for Applejack, who was feeding the livestock. Granny Smith fainted as Big Mac stared at Bob and Larry, speechless.

"Look, I know you must be surprised to see a talking tomato and cucumber on your farm," said Bob to Big Mac.

"Eeeyup!" said Big Mac, still stunned.

"And you're probably wondering how we got here," said Larry.


"And you also might be confused about how we know who Applejack is," said Bob.


"Wait, is "yup" the only word you know how to say?" Larry asked.


"Oh, I get it," said Larry, "it's two words you use."

"Wrong. I was much more talkative in my younger days," Big Mac explained, "but when you become a stallion of a few words, you learn to speak more wisely. But that is not important right now; I want to know what you are doing on muh farm and how you know muh sister."

Apple Bloom returned to the vegetable patch, with Applejack following close behind, as Granny Smith returned to her senses and got back on her hooves.

"Howdy Bob and Larry," greeted Applejack as she tipped her hat, "didn't expect to see you two here in Equestria on muh farm no less."

"Wait, Applejack, yuh know these two talking vegetables?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Yeah, muh friends and I entered a portal that took them to their world. It's a long story, but I assume Bob and Larry entered through that portal to get to Equestria.

"Bingo Applejack," said Larry, " Bob and I have come here on a secret mission."

"Yes," said Bob, "and when we say secret, it's no exaggeration since we can't share the details here right now, but you will sooner or later. Since Larry and I last met you, we have heard about Twilight Sparkle becoming Princess of Equestria, and we would like to know if you could arrange a private meeting between the three of us.

"That ain't a problem, sugar cube," said Applejack. "I'll contact Princess Twilight Sparkle and send you over to the capital of Canterlot shortly. But before you go, I'd like to invite both of you for breakfast. Muh family and I were doing our morning chores, and I know the recipe for some of the meanest apple pancakes that anypony has ever tasted."

"Sounds delicious," said Larry, "Bob and I haven't touched our breakfast yet either. We would also like to apologize for startling your family."

"Don't feel ashamed," said Apple Bloom. "I can already tell you're the friendliest talking produce I've ever met—well, only talking produce, for that matter."

"Yes," said Granny Smith, "you came without expectations but also without harm."

"Eeeyup," said Big Mac, "looks like you've cleared up my confusion about you two."

So Bob and Larry joined the farm family of four at their house for breakfast.

Bob and Larry began to sit at the dining room table as Applejack placed the pancakes.

"Well, dig in with my family as I plan to get you two to Canterlot as soon as possible," said Applejack.

Applejack went up to her bedroom desk to write a letter saying:

"Dear Twilight Sparkle, Bob and Larry have come to Equestria via the portal we entered into their world. They are on some secret mission they have yet to disclose. Arrange transportation to Canterlot Castle ASAP. Sincerely, Applejack."

Applejack then took a newly invented blowtorch device powered by Spike's dragon fire, courtesy of Doctor Whooves, and carefully blasted the letter out of existence to its destination.

"Now that's very convenient," Applejack told herself, "I don't have to send mail at a snail's pace anymore."

Meanwhile, at the table, Larry asked Bob to say grace, "Bob, will you do the honors?"

"Of course," said Bob. "Dear God, bless this bountiful harvest we are about to indulge in and bless this family with whom we are privileged to socialize. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen."

"Wait a minute," said Apple Bloom, "what does it mean to say grace?"

"It is a prayer to the God I worship, Apple Bloom," said Bob. "It is customary to say a prayer before you eat."

"You two are quite the thankful type. I appreciate that in the both of you," said Granny Smith.

"Eeeyup," agreed Big Mac.

Applejack later joined her family along with the veggie duo. Bob and Larry told the Apple family about their beliefs, careers, and even their mechanism for grabbing without visible limbs. Afterward, Apple Bloom left for school as Big Mac and Granny Smith resumed their farm chores, and around the same time, a familiar griffin flew down to the porch to greet Applejack, who was waiting with Bob and Larry.

"Howdy Gabby, I'm glad you could show up," said Applejack.

"A perfect morning to you, Applejack," said Gabby in her usual perky mood, "and who are these two delightful vegetable fellows I'm psyched to meet."

Bob and Larry introduced themselves as Gabby did the same and later explained what she was doing there. "Princess Twilight Sparkle has summoned me and Derpy Hooves to transport you incognito towards Canterlot Castle. I'm just waiting for Derpy to arrive."

Derpy Hooves later flew to the ground wild and out of control as she crashed into a bail of hay; Applejack rushed to the bail of hay to help her. "Derpy, are yuh alright, sugar cube?"

"Never better," Derpy muttered sadly, "just the same stupid pegasus who can never make a proper landing."

Bob, Larry, and Gabby walked over to the crash site and overheard Derpy's statement as she noticed them walking over, "Oh, you must be the talking tomato and cucumber. Gabby and I are assigned to fly to Canterlot. You must be very disappointed in me."

"Now Derpy, don't beat yourself up," said Bob, "I believe in a God that loves you just as equally as anypony that can land like a pro."

"Yeah," said Larry, "Applejack told me you struggle with an optical disability. But regardless, you still persevere and deliver every letter and package to its destination. My God would be so proud of you for your resilience."

"Listen to them, Derpy," said Gabby. "Bob and Larry here have gotta be some of the most inspirational individuals, despite the fact that we have just met them."

"Alright," said Derpy, "that cheered me up, let's get Bob and Larry to Canterlot."

Applejack got a crate out of her barn, just big enough for Bob and Larry to enter, and went over some details, "Bob and Larry, to prevent further unwanted attention. Gabby and Derpy will fly you into Canterlot inside this crate as a secret package to Twilight."

"No problemo, Applejack," said Larry.

"Operation Airmail has now been launched," said Bob.

Bob and Larry squeezed into the crate as Gabby and Derpy wrapped a giant net around it. Derpy lifted the ropes connected to the net, and Gabby lifted the bottom of the crate. The mail pony and mail griffin then took off over yonder towards the Equestrian capital.

"Package for the Princess!" declared Gabby as she and Derpy arrived at the castle doors.

"What a relief," said Derpy, "I didn't crash this time."

"See, Bob and Larry, told you you were an excellent mail pony," said Gabby.

The castle doors opened, and Twilight Sparkle and Spike stood in the doorway. "Thank you, Gabby and Derpy, for that important delivery," said Twilight.

Gabby and Derpy bowed their heads and flew away. Twilight used her magic aura to open the crate as Bob and Larry poked their heads out.

"Twilight Sparkle!" declared Bob happily.

"Spike!" Larry declared in the same matter.

Bob and Larry leaped out of the crate and joined Equestria's newest alicorn ruler and her dragon adviser in a group hug.

"Bob and Larry, I never thought we would meet again!" said Twilight.

"How are my two vegetable pals doing?" said Spike.

"I'm feeling an utmost gratification seeing God's chosen ruler of Equestria!" said Bob.

"Along with God's chosen highest-ranked royal advisor of Equestria!" said Larry.

"Yes, there is nothing like a good reunion," said Spike.

"By the way," said Twilight, "let's get into my throne room. Applejack sent a letter telling me about your secret mission here in Equestria."

"How did she send that letter so fast?" asked Bob.

"Well, when Twilight was sending letters here when Princess Celestia was ruler," explained Spike. "I would transport them here post-haste with the magical properties of my fire breath. But a fellow pony we know invented a substitute device powered by my dragon fire to send them here instead."

"That's very neat," said Larry.

Inside the throne room, Bob and Larry talked about all the events, from entering the portal to arriving at the castle.

"That is why we are here today," said Bob. "It is time to reveal the details about our mission."

"Twilight and Spike," said Larry, "back at the studio in our conversation, we were discussing troubled children, and there was something you said about being a story for another time."

"Yes," said Bob, "that time has come, Larry and I have decided to learn more about Cozy Glow. We want to meet this juvenile delinquent and see if we can redeem her into becoming a new creation of God."

Twilight and Spike responded in stunned silence; their eyes widened, and their mouths opened agape. Then Twilight broke the silence that haunted the throne room.

"Look, Bob and Larry," said Twilight, "this is a highly complex matter, so tell you what. After completing my daily royal duties this evening, I will invite Princess Celestia and Luna to the castle to address this matter. Let's see if I can get you two settled in a guest room here at the castle."

Chapter.11: A Presentation of Pandemonium

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Bob and Larry settled into their guest rooms as Twilight Sparkle performed her royal duties. Spike accompanied them there and told Bob and Larry what was happening.

"Okay, so Twilight Sparkle is having a top-secret meeting today with diplomats from Vanhoover. It is so classified that I'm not even allowed to know the details. We will have dinner prepared this evening, and afterward, Princess Celestia and Luna will arrive to discuss your plans regarding Cozy Glow. Would you mind if I gave you a tour around the castle to pass the time?"

"Why not," said Larry, "I guess we have nothing else better to do."

"Sure thing, Spike," said Bob, "I would love to see more of this extravagant castle."

So Spike took Bob and Larry on the castle tour while Twilight performed her royal duties. That evening, the four of them had dinner and later went in front of the castle doors to await the arrival of the former rulers of Equestria.

Then, above and behold, Bob and Larry watched with awe as Princess Celestia and Luna flew down from the sky towards the castle sky.

"Holy TriStar!" exclaimed Larry, "those are two of the most magnificent creatures I have ever seen."

"Don't tell me you have a crush on them as well," whispered Bob.

"No, not like that, Bob," giggled Larry, "I mean magnificent in the sense of looking out over a view of the Grand Canyon."

"Oh," responded Bob, "I see what you mean, and I agree with you. It's no wonder why all of Equestria holds them in such high regard."

Princess Celestia and Luna landed before Twilight, Spike, Bob, and Larry. Twilight bowed before them and said, "Good evening, Your Royal Highnesses."

Celestia and Luna did the same towards Twilight, and Celestia said, "No, good evening to your royal highness. Remember, Twilight, Luna, and I are retired, and we no longer need to be addressed with royal titles."

"Yes," said Luna, "you are the current ruler of Equestria, and only you need to be addressed in that matter."

"I see we have acquainted with two talking vegetables, who, as I've heard, are on a secret mission," said Celestia.

"And we have heard they come from another dimension outside Equestria," said Luna.

"Hello, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna," said Bob. I am Bob the Tomato."

"And my name is Larry the Cucumber."

"Please, my dear veggies," said Celestia, "just call us Celestia and Luna. As I said, those royal titles aren't necessary."

"It is also easier and faster," said Luna, "I don't need to refer to you both as 'Bob the Tomato' and 'Larry the Cucumber' when Bob and Larry are more convenient."

"That makes sense," said Bob. "I've also heard you two are the most powerful beings anypony has ever known across Equestria."

"And yet," said Larry, "you are still not any gods to be worshipped."

"That is correct," said Celestia. "I may be thousands of years old, but I'm no god. Nopony, not even me, knows exactly how the world of Equestria came to fruition before I was born. I don't consider myself superior to other ponies, so I don't think I deserve to be worshipped."

"Besides," said Luna, "if we were gods, it would be an eternal career. We would never have time to retire. That doesn't sound like my cup of tea."

"Wow, you're both so powerful and yet so humble," said Bob.

"Hey, if we want to be respected, we should earn it," said Celestia.

"I also hear that some ponies use both of your names as casual interjections," said Larry, "so I guess it makes sense you are not elevated to the status of gods. Because in me and Bob's religious beliefs, it is offensive to use the name of our God in that matter."

"Right," said Luna, "Celestia and I have heard all about your religion from Princess Twilight Sparkle; it is quite the ideology. Anyway, why don't we get settled into this meeting regarding Cozy Glow?"

"Yes," said Twilight, "Bob and Larry, why don't you join Celestia and Luna in one of the castle's diplomacy chambers? Spike and I will join you two after the meeting."

Celestia and Luna were familiar with the castle's interior and led Bob and Larry into a small room with two couches, shelves, and a coffee table with a vase with a flower. Bob and Larry sat on a sofa on one side of the room as Celestia and Luna sat on the other.

"Now, Bob and Larry," said Celestia as she gave a deep breath, "this is going to be difficult to discuss, but..."

Suddenly, the two alicorns and two veggies startled when the vase flashed in a magical aura. The flower grew taller and more prominent, forming a giant, smirking, familiar face.

"What?" the flower said mischievously, "Am I not "grown" up enough to be invited to the meeting?"

The flower snapped one of the leaves on its stem and transformed back into Discord's regular appearance, which shocked Bob and Larry in wonder.

"Discord!" snapped Celestia, "this is a private affair, and you are not welcome here right now!"

"You better leave this very minute!" growled Luna, "or I will get Princess Twilight Sparkle to deal with you."

"Wow, what kind of creature are you?" asked Bob.

"Oh, please, to make you my acquaintance, veggie buddies. My name is Discord, and I am a draconequus. I am part mammal, part bird, part reptile, but 100% chaos. I see some questions regarding a certain filly, and I will happily answer them."

"Discord, I'm warning you!" yelled Celestia.

"Oh, it's fine, Celestia," said Larry, "I think this guy is quite entertaining, and I'd like to hear what he has to say."

"Thatta boy, my cucumber chum," said Discord. "You said so yourself, Princess Celestia, that this subject matter is hard to discuss. Why don't you let me do the honors?"

Celestia sighed, "All right, Discord, I admit you have information that Bob and Larry would want to hear. Just don't stir up too much trouble."

"Great!" said Discord, "you and Luna wait here for a little while as I take Bob and Larry on a field trip."

Discord snapped his talons and transported Bob and Larry into a tiny theater with two big seats where both the veggies sat.

"Woah!" exclaimed Bob, "where are we?"

"My fellow tomato," said Discord on a PA system, "you are going to watch a little presentation I put together in my chaos dimension, and the two of you will need some popcorn!"

Then suddenly, two large popcorns conjured in front of Bob and Larry, along with two large sodas in the cupholders and 3D glasses, appeared on both of their faces.

"Cool, Bob!" said Larry, "this Discord fellow is even more exciting than I thought."

"You're right, Larry; he is certainly unpredictable."

Then Bob and Larry heard the voice of an unseen announcer. "And now get ready for Animatronic Ancedotes with your host Discord."

Discord appeared in front of the curtains in a suit and top hat with a complementary cane as fanfare played in the background.

"Welcome, gentlemen, to the show. I will share everything I know about Cozy Glow, but first, let me tell you a little about myself."

Discord disappeared as the curtains moved side to side, revealing an animatronic version of Discord in place.

"Hmm," said Bob, "this reminds me of one of those attractions at Disney World."

Discord then began to narrate from the PA system as different animatronics depicted the events he mentioned. "Thousands of years ago, I plagued Equestria into chaos. The two royal sisters wouldn't have it, so they trapped me in stone so I could cause no further damage. I stayed a statue for a thousand years. When that millennium had passed, I could break free from my stone prison thanks to the argument caused by three fillies on a field trip. My chaotic dominance over Equestria had been re-awaken. I turned the clouds into cotton candy and made it rain chocolate milk. Draconequuses just want to have fun. But Celestia and Luna weren't alone this time. They were now in the company of six mares, including Celestia's number-one apprentice. I played a little game with Twilight Sparkle and cast a spell on her five friends to act in the opposite ways of their Elements of Harmony. But she was able to break the spell, empower the Elements of Harmony, and trap me back into my stone prison. Thankfully, Princess Celestia didn't think I was all that evil and wanted Twilight Sparkle and the gang to reform me. I thought the idea was nonsense and even mocked the Mane Six's attempt to reform a master of chaos like myself. Fluttershy was the only pony who offered to be my friend; she was, after all, the Element of Kindness. However, while trying to rehabilitate me, I played a prank by flooding Applejack's farm and freezing the waters. Fluttershy was so angry with me that she rejected our bond and I was heartbroken. I promised Fluttershy I would turn my life around, and she forgave me. I have relapsed several times, and Fluttershy still hasn't given up on me."

Discord reappeared on the front of the stage as curtains drew.

"Mindblowing," said Larry, "what was it like frozen as a stone statue that long."

"It drove my chaotic being crazy," said Discord. "Not being able to move yet still being able to hear and see. It was quite insufferable. But it was only one thousand years of my life, and I have thousands more to live."

"It is also heartwarming for Fluttershy to show you her hospitality," said Bob, "even if you didn't deserve it. I could tell she is sweet and innocent just from meeting her."

"Yes," said Discord, "there hasn't been a pony I've had a closer relationship than her."

"Does that mean you would date and marry her?" asked Larry.

"Oh no," said Discord, "our relationship is strictly platonic. I may be old enough to be her ancestor, but she is almost like a mother figure to me."

"Anyways," said Bob, "are we going to learn more about Cozy Glow."

"Yes," said Discord, "let's get back to the show." The curtains rose again as the animatronics resumed operation, and Discord disappeared and resumed narration.

"Nopony knows the origin of Cozy Glow, where she came from, or who any of her relatives were. She was a student at Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship. She seemingly was one of the most squeaky-clean fillies you could encounter, but she used the power of manipulation to carry out her fiendish schemes. One day, all of Equestria's magic disappeared suddenly, and the Mane Six went down into the underground prison of Tartarus to investigate the situation and interrogate the evil centaur known as Lord Tirek, who a thousand years ago attempted to steal all the magic of Equestria, and was sentenced to Tartarus to keep Equestria safe. Eventually, it was revealed that Cozy Glow was in cahoots with Tirek, and they were working together to take over Equestria. Cozy Glow stole magical artifacts on display at the school in an attempt to harness all of Equestria's magic. But a magical plant known as the Tree of Harmony, with the help of six other students, defeated Cozy Glow; she was captured and put into Tarturus in a cage next to Tirek. But that's not where the story ends. Cozy Glow and Tirek, along with evil Changeling Queen Chrysalis, were summoned by one of the most powerful villains of Equestria. An evil ram known as Grogar. Grogar planned a coup with Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. The trio of those villains called themselves the Legion of Doom. Grogar showed the location of a mighty bell that could steal magic and tasked the Legion of Doom to find this bell. But the Legion of Doom used Grogar's bell to steal his magical powers. In a giant plot twist, Grogar was none other than yours truly. I had unfortunately relapsed again and used the disguise of Grogar in an attempted planned takeover of Equestria. I was only doing it because Twilight Sparkle would soon succeed Celestia and Luna as Princess of Equestria, and I decided to give her one last challenge to boost her ego. But the plan went wrong, and the Legion of Doom was more powerful than ever with the bell, even Cozy Glow, who didn't even have magical powers in the first place. The Legion of Doom imprisoned the Mane Six in the middle of a field outside of Canterlot, and it looked like they would be finished for good. But creatures across Equestria, near and far, produced a rainbow that depowered the Legion of Doom; even Pinkie Pie borrowed my chaos magic to trap them in a giant cupcake. I used the bell to restore the magic of Celestia, Luna, and myself. Amid her wrath, Celestia believed there wasn't a punishment suitable for the Legion of Doom regarding their destruction. So, I gave Celestia and Luna an idea to punish them in the same way they punished me those years ago. We trapped the villainous trio in stone. Because they would be getting, what they would like the least: together forever. Now it is time to take you both to the second location of the field trip."

Bob and Larry were transported to the statue gardens on the grounds of Canterlot Castle, and they looked at the statue of the Legion of Doom.

"Behold," said Discord as he appeared before the statue, "the fate of the Legion of Doom."

Bob and Larry didn't care about Tirek and Chrysalis, but they felt tremendous, horrific empathy for Cozy Glow. Frozen in stone, she looked like she wanted to scream in pain but had no mouth to do so.

"So you're saying, Discord," Bob muttered sadly, "Cozy Glow is trapped in there fully conscious?"

"That she see can hear and see hear us right now?" asked Larry in the same tone.

"Correcto," declared Discord.

Discord then transported a distraught Bob and Larry back to the meeting room where Celestia and Luna were waiting.

"Ah, Bob and Larry, you're back," said Celestia, "how did Discord do in discussing the matter over..."

"SHUT UP!!!" Bob snapped loudly.

Celestia and Luna were stunned, as Bob and Larry glared at the two alicorn princesses.

"Now, now," said Discord, smirking and shaking his finger, "that is no way to..."

"I SAID SHUT UP!!!" Bob snapped loudly again as Larry glared at Discord.

"Oh ho ho," Discord giggled, "you are going get it."

Bob then began to rant about the revelations he had just heard. "From what Twilight Sparkle told me in those stories about you, Celestia, and Luna! Is that you, Luna, were about cloud Equestria in an evil sheet of darkness, that you, Celestia, forgave her and granted her a second chance. You even did the same to Discord here. Now, this poor filly Cozy Glow, of course, I won't defend her actions. But I'm not convinced that she is too deplorable. If Luna and Discord could be given a second chance knowing their magical powers, why reject that for Cozy Glow? That child has no magical powers, and only used manipulation to commit her evil deeds. Celestia and Luna, you could've given the poor filly a more suitable punishment like juvenile detention or community service; I'd be okay with that."

"But no," Larry began to rant. "You had to place Cozy Glow in one of the worst prisons of Equestria. I can understand Tirek knowing how much of a threat he is. But Cozy Glow? Come on! She was already easily defeated by being put in a cage alone. If that wasn't bad enough, you trapped her in stone and sentenced her to a fate worse than death. I'd think an actual execution would be more humane!"

"Celestia," Bob said as he resumed ranting, "I'd expect you to show a little more mercy as you did to your sister and Discord. As for you, Luna, I'd expect you to grant Cozy Glow a second chance like your sister did to you. As for you, Discord, you should be ashamed of yourself after Fluttershy treated you with the unearned humanity you received. That you would incite and manipulate a troubled child to stray further down the dark road by tempting her with that bell. And don't give me any bullcrap about how you did this to boost Twilight Sparkle's ego; you did this for your own ego! So how dare you encourage Celestia and Luna to give an excessive punishment for something that Cozy Glow wouldn't have done if you hadn't used her as a pawn in the first place!"

"Get this through your goat head, Discord." said Larry, "in the Bible, Jesus says that if you cause a child to stumble in sin, you should tie a millstone around your neck and jump into the sea. So why don't you drown yourself? The three of you are even worse than Cozy Glow."

"Oh my," said Celestia, "even though I stand by actions against Cozy Glow, I'm sorry you both were disturbed by that news. I can handle you two being angry with me, and I do respect your opinion."

Luna just put her head down in silent sadness as Discord had another mischievous plan up his sleeve. "Tsk, Tsk, Bob, and Larry," he said again, smirking with that snarky tone. "You naughty boys have disrespected Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and you both need a good spanking." Discord conjured up a bouquet of poison jokes and threw them onto Bob and Larry.

"Discord, don't you dare!" warned Celestia.

"What's this?" Larry said with a mocking giggle. "You plan to spank me and Bob by throwing blue flowers?"

"Nope," said Discord, "by doing THIS!!!" Discord threw a beaker of liquid catalyst onto Bob and Larry. Suddenly, the stem on top of Bob's head grew much longer that it covered his eyes. The leaves of his stem were so heavy it rendered him temporarily blind. As for Larry, the single tooth in his mouth grew so long it nearly touched the ground, rendering Larry unable to speak. Bob screamed in horror as Larry moaned in horror.

"Bob, you need a stem cut," taunted Discord, "Larry, you need to see a dentist to get that thing fixed."

"THAT IS IT!!!" Celestia yelled, "Discord if you want to defend my honor, leave NOW!!!

Discord disappeared as Celestia approached Bob and Larry gently. "Likely, both of you are still mad at me and Luna, and like I said, I can tolerate that. But I cannot tolerate any physical antics brought upon you with the poison joke plants. You both have the right to free speech."

"Well, that's good, I guess," said Bob with a sigh.

Twilight Sparkle and Spike opened the door and were shocked to see Bob and Larry in their deformed state.

"Oh my goodness, Bob and Larry, what happened to you?" asked Spike.

"Me and Larry got attacked with by a plant called poison joke from that Discord fellow."

"Grr," Twilight growled, "I told Discord that if he kept making trouble here in the castle, I would have to take drastic action."

"I'll tell all about what happened," said Bob, "but I think Larry and I would like to retire to our guest room and call it a night."

"Mmmhm," Larry said through his oversized tooth.

"Yes, I think it is best to leave Bob and Larry alone for now," said Celestia. "LuLu and I will return to Silver Shoals."

"Right, Tia," said Luna, "I think they both have much to process."

Celestia and Luna flew away from Canterlot as Twilight and Spike helped Bob and Larry back to their guest room. As Bob and Larry were ready for bed, she took a glass container of lotion and spread some of the lotion across Bob's stem and Larry's tooth.

"This is an antidote that will reverse the effects of the poison joke by tomorrow."

"Thanks, Twilight," said Bob as he began to cry. "Tonight, we learned all about Cozy Glow, and it breaks my heart to think about what that child is suffering right now."

Bob began to sob as Larry did the same despite being unable to speak. Twilight consoled them by gently shushing them and providing tissues.

"There there," she said, "I may disagree with you about Cozy Glow. But it hurts me to see you weeping. Get a good night's rest, and we will discuss this more tomorrow morning." Twilight gave Bob and Larry a comforting good-night hug, and the two veggies went under their covers and into dreamland.

Chapter.12: The Dramatic Dream

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Bob found himself on a rocky surface with craters all around and a dark, starry sky. "Huh?" he asked himself. The last thing I remember is lying in bed with my stem overgrown. But now I can see again. Where the heck am I?"

"Bob!, is that you over there?" called Larry from a distance.

Bob began to hop over to Larry but realized he was hopping far higher off the ground than usual. "Woah, why do I feel light all of a sudden?"

Larry hopped high off the ground over to Bob, "Look, Bob, my tooth shrank back to its proper size. I'm confused about where we are, and how we can hop so high."

"Of course," said Bob, "this must be the moon, one small step for veggies and one giant leap for veggie kind."

"The question is," said Larry, "is how did we get here and how come we can breathe without oxygen tanks?"

Then Bob and Larry saw Princess Luna flying down towards them.

"Luna!" said Bob, surprised.

"Hello, Bob and Larry. You are both still asleep. This is a dream that you are sharing."

"Huh?" asked Larry, "But how can this be a dream? It feels so real."

"Yeah," said Bob, "Are you telling me Larry here is the same Larry I've known all these years and not just a figment?"

"That is right," said Luna. "As the former ruler of the night, I can enter anypony's dream to advise them in daily life. Even after retiring, I still make an occasional visit. I also can enter the dream of any visitor of Equestria."

"Amazing," said Larry, "in that case, I would like to apologize to you, Celestia, and even Discord for losing my temper that evening. I should've never told Discord that he should drown himself."

"Same here," said Bob, "It is not how a Christian like myself should react. When we feel angry about something, we should use more self-control and civility."

"I forgive you," said Luna, "even though you're not proud of telling us off. You weren't wrong in what you said about Cozy Glow."

"I don't understand," said Bob.

"Yeah," said Larry, "didn't you trap Cozy Glow in stone along with your sister and Discord?"

"Right," said Luna as tears formed in her eyes, "but what you said about me getting a second chance and not giving Cozy Glow the same opportunity made me feel ashamed. When Cozy Glow used the Bell of Grogar to take my magic away, I felt humiliated; I wanted her to suffer as part of my vengeful desires. However, I thought about when I was the same age as Cozy Glow. As a child, I always felt jealous of the attention my older sister got. I became Nightmare Moon and wanted to take over Equestria, all because of my selfish, evil desires. I was banished to the moon, which looked just like this. It was lonely, depressing, and boring being cooped up here. It was wrong never to investigate Cozy Glow's background or even give her a fair trial. I have a feeling that Cozy Glow went through trauma that made my petty jealousy nothing. She also suffers far more from stone petrification than I was banished to the moon. So, I'm going to be a team player in your mission. I want to try to redeem Cozy Glow, which I should've done instead of pursuing revenge."

Bob and Larry went to embrace Luna, and they shared a hug.

"God bless you, Luna," said Larry.

"Yes," said Bob, "and since you've shown a more repenting attitude, we forgive you, Celestia, and even Discord for what you did to Cozy Glow."

"Wow," said Luna, "you're forgiving me this fast?"

"Yes, Luna," said Bob, "the Bible tells about how our God forgives us for our sins, and we also need to forgive others who have wronged us."

"Exactly," said Larry, "we need to practice what we preach. We don't want to be hypocrites."

"Yes, Bob and Larry, that is why I want to grant Cozy Glow mercy. So here are some of the plans that I have come up with. My sister may not have the same opinion I have about Cozy Glow, so convincing her might be quite a challenge. I will also ask Twilight for permission for my sister and five other ponies I know to discuss this further at the Canterlot Castle early this afternoon. If everyone is on board, we will plan a free convention in Canterlot for all residents of Equestria to discuss why or why not Cozy Glow should be released. Then we will have everypony there vote on it. It is not 100% guarantee that Cozy Glow will be granted a second chance; but I want to make sure that Cozy Glow got the due process she should've gotten."

"Okay, got it," said Larry, "thank you for all your help."

"Yes," said Bob, "I feel far more hopeful about our mission."

"No problem," said Luna, "goodbye and good morning."

Bob and Larry woke up in their beds feeling much better than the previous night when they heard a knock on their door.

"Hey Bob and Larry," said Spike, "are you both awake?"

"Yeah, Spike," said Larry, "what's up?"

"Twilight invited the rest of the Mane Six here this morning. They've already arrived, and Applejack's making her pancakes. They'd all love to see you again."

"Alright, Spike," said Bob, "Larry and I will join you all very shortly."

Bob and Larry went down to the castle's dining room, where they saw the smiling faces of Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. The four mares embraced Bob and Larry in a group hug.

"Sup veggie dudes, I hope you're having an awesome time here in Equestria."

"Bob and Larry darling, I find this reunion just exquisite."

"It's so sweet you two could visit our homeland; your presence just makes my day."

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I should celebrate; our favorite tomato and cucumber are back to see us!"

Pinkie Pie then took out her cannon and blasted out confetti. Larry felt like he could melt, reuniting with his pony crush. "It's wonderful to see you, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie." Larry then breathed a sigh of great pleasure.

"I couldn't agree more," said Bob. "Now, while we wait for Applejack to finish making her pancakes, I've got to get something off my chest. Larry and I are here to get Cozy Glow reformed."

"We all heard," said Fluttershy, "I'm also quite disappointed in how Discord treated you both with the poison joke. I'm going to have to give him a good talking to."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," said Larry. "We forgave Discord. Now, I will ask your thoughts on reforming Cozy Glow."

"We all learned about your mission," said Rainbow Dash. "I respect your opinion, but I'm going to have to be honest. Cozy Glow creeped me out. I have no idea how a filly could be so evil, so I don't support reforming her."

"I agree with Rainbow Dash," said Rarity, "if that filly could be so conniving at a young age, I'd hate to see what she could accomplish as a grown mare."

"However, Pinkie Pie and I have different views," said Fluttershy. "When the Legion of Doom were trapped in stone. Discord made a joke about them being "together forever." We all laughed; at that point, we felt relieved that they were no longer a threat. However, now that I think about it more, I realize that poor filly has been through many traumatic experiences that got her to be that way. If I could make Discord my friend, why not try the same with a much weaker child?"

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie, "Cozy Glow might be an evil brat. But if you think about it, she is no demon centaur or shape-shifting bug alicorn. Stone petrification might be a last-resort defense mechanism for Tirek and Chrysalis. But I think there are better alternatives to disciplining Cozy Glow. Who knows, I could throw a party for her like she never had, and it could change her perspective on life."

"You're right, Pinkie Pie," said Bob. "Tirek and Chrysalis are much more powerful and dangerous. They are also adults who should be treated with higher accountability. That is why I don't like comparing Cozy Glow to those two monsters."

"It looks like we've got two more team players," said Larry, "but don't worry, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Bob and I respect your opinion."

"Same here, Larry," said Rarity, "we should always agree to disagree."

"You got that right, Rarity," said Rainbow Dash.

Applejack entered the dining room with the pancakes; Twilight Sparkle and Spike also entered shortly afterward.

"Nice to see yuh both again for another consecutive pancake breakfast," said Applejack.

"Good morning, Bob and Larry," said Twilight, "Luna sent me a letter discussing the dream you shared with her. She and Celestia will arrive here this afternoon with my brother and sister-in-law. Along with the head mare, vice head stallion, and guidance counselor at the school I founded."

"Alright," said Bob, "I have some plans for the seven of you back at me and Larry's studio this morning. Do you all have the time?"

"Sure thing, sugar cube," said Applejack.

"Good," said Larry. I just gotta ask you two, along with Spike, a question: What are your thoughts about Cozy Glow's redemption?"

"All three of us have the same opinion," said Twilight, "or lack thereof."

"Eeeyup," said Applejack, "many different outcomes could happen if that filly is forgiven or not. Apple Bloom used to be friends with her or thought she was after being doublecrossed by the filly. I don't know how she'd react if I wanted to reform Cozy Glow; I'd have to ponder this issue further."

"Same here," said Spike, "I was entirely against giving Cozy Glow a second chance. But now that you two are on a mission to do so, combined with the fact I have great respect for you both. I'm just undecided."

"Well, don't worry," said Bob, "I respect your viewpoints. Now let's eat, and I will tell you more about the excursion Larry and I have planned for you."

Bob and Larry joined breakfast with the Mane Six and Spike and discussed their recent accomplishments.

"So," said Bob, "our first video, 'Where's God When I'm S-Scared,' sold thousands of copies this year. We were also lucky to get in contact with a Christian media company called Word Entertainment. They loved our video and distributed it to Christian bookstores nationwide."

"You two are quite the pair of entrepreneurs," admired Rarity, "I know how I felt when my boutique opened up two locations across Equestria."

"You said it, Rarity," replied Larry. "Even a music artist named Carman signed to Word Entertainment, used footage of our Daniel in the Lions Den segment in his music video."

"Neat," said Pinkie Pie, "that Carman fellow must be one of your biggest fans."

"There's no doubt about that, Pinkie Pie," said Bob. "After the success of our first video, we decided to make a second one, which was released just before Larry and I came here. It is titled "God Wants Me to Forgive Them?" and is appropriate considering the current situation. So, after breakfast, we will take you to the studio to experience our second video."

"Oh yeah!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash happily. "Well, come on, slowpokes, let's scarf down our pancakes. We've got another adventure to take."

The Mane Six, Spike, Bob, and Larry finished their breakfast, and huddled around to be teleported to the studio with Bob pushing the button.

The Equestrian gang followed Bob and Larry to the basement, where they entered the VR video simulator again as Bob and Larry entered the monitoring booth. As the six ponies and dragon got settled in, they heard the familiar voice of ADA, "Welcome back, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Spike."

"Back at you, ADA," said Pinkie Pie with excitement.

Then the simulator began flashing bright lights in the front, and the Equestrians felt the sensation of their eyes being pushed back into their skulls as they were launched into the realms of video land.

Chapter.13: The Foul Family of Four

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"Nice improvement to the theme song lyrics," admired Rarity.

"Correct, Rarity," said ADA. When VeggieTales began to be distributed by Word Entertainment, Bob and Larry released their first video with the new and improved theme song. So, they added the upgrade for this video. It's time to meet Bob and Larry at the countertop."

The scene faded to the countertop, where Bob and Larry greeted the viewers.

"Hey, Kids! Welcome to Veggietales! I'm Bob the Tomato."

"And I'm Larry the Cucumber."

"And we're here to answer your questions."

"Yep," responded Larry, turning his head to the Equestrian gang, "Ah, the Mane Six and Spike. Bob and I are happy to have you join us again for the second entry in our program."

"The pleasure is all ours," said Twilight Sparkle.

"Now, Larry and Equestrians," said Bob.

"Yeah, Bob," said Larry.

"We're all ears, Bob," said Applejack, "what's on yer mind?"

"The other day, I was walking home from my bowling league when I bumped into Marco, one of our T.V. friends."

"Oh, that...that's great," said Larry.

"T.V. friend?" wondered Pinkie Pie, "I thought this was a direct-to-video series."

"True Pinkie Pie," said Bob, "but when I refer to the term "T.V. friend." I'm referring to the children we had invited to a meet-and-greet session as part of an interview for our local talk show."

"Oh, that makes sense," said Pinkie Pie.

"Mmm-hmm. Now Marco has a question for us. He said that when his baby sister does something that makes him mad and then says she's sorry, Marco's mom says he needs to forgive her. Why does he have to forgive?"

"Oh, that's a good question," said Larry."

"Well," said Rarity, "I occasionally fight with Sweetie Belle; sometimes she can be quite the nuisance. But I always make up with her because otherwise, I'd always be miserable holding onto a grudge."

"That is an excellent answer, Rarity," said Bob, "but I'm stating this question more rhetorically to get our show started."

"Hmmm," Larry pondered as he moved his eyes from side to side. "Well, I know! I'll tell Marco the story of 'The Grapes of Wrath.' "

"Oh, that's a classic!" said Bob, "This will be good!"

"That's right, Bob," said Pinkie Pie, "John Steinbeck's 1939 novel about a low-income family of Oklahoma farmers who migrate to California to seek refuge during the Great Depression. Adapted a year later into a movie directed by John Ford and starring Henry Fonda."

"Wow, Pinkie Pie," said Larry, "I didn't think you had access to American Literature in Equestria."

"I don't," said Pinkie Pie, "after our experience with the first video. I went to Canterlot High School to meet with my human counterpart. There, we studied all about pop culture from this world. I wanted to brush up on my knowledge about the subject."

"It's Pinkie Pie," said Rainbow Dash, "don't ask or wonder how her mind works."

"I see," said Larry, "without further to do. It's time for me to tell the story and get the seven of you to explore inside."

"Alright," said Spike, "another adventure, here we come!"

"Once upon a time," began Larry, "there were some very cranky grapes."

"Oh," Pinkie Pie giggled, "it looks like this version is about literal wrathful grapes."

"Well, this a produce-themed show after all," said Twilight.

"Um," said Bob worried, "are you sure that's how 'The Grapes of Wrath' goes?"

"Oh, yeah," responded Larry.

"Oh, okay," answered Bob.

"Remember, Bob, this isn't the original story," said Pinkie Pie.

"Uh, Bob?" said Larry.

"Well, yeah, Larry?" responded Bob.

"Try not to interrupt," said Larry, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, sorry," said Bob, slightly embarrassed.

"Remember Bob," said Fluttershy politely with a smile, "the more you keep from interrupting, the sooner we can go on the adventure."

"Once upon a time, there were some very cranky grapes..." As Larry resumed narrating, the scenery faded from the countertop into a land of grassy hills covered with deciduous trees and a dirt road in the center.

"Lovely sunny weather out here today," said Twilight.

"Speaking of which," said Applejack, "there is a smiling sun in the sky. Princess Celestia would be proud of such a sight."

"Hi, Mr. Golden Sun," greeted Pinkie Pie, who jumped in the air waving her hoof.

The smiling sun looked down upon the Equestrian gang and winked, but then the sun's smile faded into worry as it saw something in the distance.

"What's dulling that sun's ray of natural light?" wondered Spike.

Then the Equestrians saw what was approaching: an old, noisy, black, shabby, roofless automobile rocking side to side with hood flapping up and down. The car was driven by an elderly mustachioed lavender-nosed grape wearing a black, worn-out top hat with a red stripe and ovular glasses over his invisible eyes that were topped with bushy eyebrows. His wife sat in the passenger seat; she had grey hair wrapped in a bun, grey eyeshadow, and semi-circular old lady glasses. Their two teenage freckled children sat in the back seat with wooden barriers on each side. Their son wore a big-brimmed brown hat with two grains of straw attached; the hat was so big it covered his eyes. Their daughter had orange hair tied into twin braids and a wide gap in her front teeth.

"So those are the notorious Grapes of Wrath," said Twilight as the car drove alongside the group, producing excessive exhaust fumes.

Rarity coughed and gagged, "My goodness, do they know how much pollution they're contributing to the environment? I can already see the nasty reputation they have earned."

"I'd hate to see what kind of impact it would have on the local animals in this area," said Fluttershy.

"I have to admit, though," said Pinkie Pie, "their engine sputtering makes a catchy rhythm, and is that hood ornament in the form of the spotted monster from the first video?"

"Correct, Pinkie Pie," said ADA, "another easter egg you have discovered."

"Their mode of transportation is so sluggish," said Rainbow Dash, "I can go twice as fast pulling a cart."

"In that case," said Twilight, "we should follow them to know how vile they are and see if they need a friendship lesson."

So the Mane Six and Spike tracked down the Grapes of Wrath as the bumpkin bunch sang their theme song.

Fluttershy ran after a terrorized tree that ran down a hill and jumped into the lake, "Wait, Mr. Tree, you don't have to hide in the lake; those grapes are now gone and won't pick on you any further."Fluttershy dived into the lake to get the tree back onto dry land.

"How sickening," said Rarity angrily, "first, that insolent grape boy spits into that poor tree's eye for no reason. Then, that insolent grape girl throws a snake into that other tree's beverage. Don't they know what germs and bacteria can be found on a snake?"

"You're telling me, Rarity," Rainbow Dash said with clenched teeth, rubbing her hooves together. "If I could have one minute with those sour grapes," she said.

Fluttershy then swam back up the lake's surface and helped bring the tree back onto the ground, but the frightened tree just ran away. "How dare they pick on those trees," she said in a calm but furious voice, "trees deserve our respect; they provided us with oxygen to breathe, after all."

"Come on guys, let's not lose those grapes out of our sight," said Spike.

Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy flew over the hill as Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity galloped up.

"You know Applejack," said Pinkie Pie, "did you relate to those grapes anyway?"

"Pinkie Pie, how could you?" scolded Rarity, "Applejack has more honor and integrity in a single hoof than those yucky yokels have in their whole body."

"No, not like that," said Pinkie Pie, "I strictly mean by the way they talk; all country ponies have the same accent, just like those grapes. Except for the father, who sounds more Yiddish."

"Pinkie Pie," said Applejack, "one pony's character is a more significant indicator of their culture than a mere accent. But I admit their accents remind me of the same ones my family shares. But I don't think that's relevant right now."

The two earth ponies and unicorns joined the rest of their friends on top of the hill with a little white house decorated with blue doors and windows. The windows were marked with yellow accents, and a red roof adorned the house's interior. In front of the home, they met a familiar face.

"Junior Asparagus!" exclaimed Twilight.

"Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike, good to see you guys again," said Junior, sharing a group hug with them as they all said their hellos. "What brings you all to my front yard?"

"Well," said Twilight, "we have come across a bunch of sour grapes wreaking havoc all over the place; in fact, here they come right now."

One day, the grapes were out riding around in their car when suddenly, they hit a bump.

The car crashed into a stump, throwing Tom and Rosie out and causing them to do multiple somersaults down the road in front.

"We must've hit a bump," said Pa, looking at the stump they crashed into just off the road.

"That is why seatbelts were invented," said Pinkie Pie.

"Ha," laughed Rainbow Dash, "serves those two brats right."

"Now Rainbow Dash," said Applejack, "as revolting as these grapes are, let's not stoop down to their level."

Tom and Rosie stood back up unharmed and began to argue with each other.

"Hey!" said Tom. "What'd you do that for?"

"I didn't do it!" said Rosie, "You did it, you big possum head!"

"Huh," said Applejack, "reminds me of when Big Mac and I argued as foals. We would drive Granny Smith crazy."

"I did not!" Tom shouted, "You taco salad rabbit nose!"

"Geez," said Spike, "are they just throwing out random words from the dictionary?"

"You did, too," Rosie shouted back. "You casserole head pimento loaf iguana boy!"

"Pa!" Tom whined, stunned by Rosie's insult.

"Wait," said Rarity, "how did that peculiar insult cross the line?"

"Now, Rose," chastised Pa as he hopped out of the car, "apologize to your brother."

"Huh?" wondered Rosie. "What for?"

"Well, you know he just turned eighteen years old."

Tom smirked as his father mentioned his age.

"Yeah, so?"

"So, that would make him a casserole head pimento loaf iguana man!"

"Physically, you might be a man," commented Rainbow Dash, "but you still act like a little boy."

"Ah, yeah, sorry about that," Rosie apologized half-heartedly, "cabbage-nose Elvis puppy."

"Yeah," responded Tom, "and don't you forget it!"

Rosie looked to her side and noticed Junior along with the Equestrian Gang. "Pa, there's someone, along with a group of critters, over there."

"Eh? Ooh. Oh, you're right!" Pa hopped forward to examine the group. "Uh, what kind of fellow and animals do you suppose those are, Ma?"

"Oh, let's see," Ma said as she squinted her eyes and got a better look. "Hm, they're no grapes, that's for sure."

The grapes muttered along themselves in agreement.

"That boy must be some kind of a bean or something," said Pa, "and it looks like a herd of donkeys and a chameleon accompanies him."

A second time, the grapes mumbled in agreement amongst themselves.

"Well, what's that thing that boy's got on his head?" wondered Tom.

"Well," said Ma, "it's yella."

"Um," pondered Rosie, "cheese is yella."

"Mm-hm," answered Ma.

"So that would make him a cheese-headed bean boy," said Pa.

"Oooh," responded his wife and children.

The Equestrian Gang felt confused and awkward as Junior cleared his throat and spoke confidently.

"I'm not a bean; I'm an asparagus."

"What'd the bean boy say?" asked Pa.

"Seriously?" mumbled Twilight, "he just said he was an asparagus, not a bean."

"He said he was an aspara-mawhoosit," answered Rosie.

"Huh?" asked Pa, confused.

"Wow," muttered Rainbow Dash, "they don't know what an asparagus is?"

"Asparagus!" Junior repeated for emphasis. "A plant of the Liliaceous genus. From the Greek: Aspharagos."

"And we're not donkeys," said Pinkie Pie, smiling, "we are ponies, a mammal from the Equus genus. From the Latin: Pullus.

"Oooh," the grapes said together.

"And I'm not a chameleon," Spike said proudly, "I am a dragon."

You know what I just realized," said Pa, trying to contain his laughter, "You've got to be some of the most colorful ponies I have ever seen. What did you do? Plan a terrorist attack in a paint factory and get stained all over."

The grapes erupted in laughter.

"No, Pa," said Tom, giggling. "Those ponies took an art class and were too dumb to know that paint goes on paper, not themselves."

"They're too bright and flashy," said Rosie, chuckling, "I bet they wouldn't be hired to work on the merry-go-round. They'd be too distracting and hypnotic."

The Mane Six and Spike began to glare at the grapes.

"Hey, watch your filthy tongues!" snapped Rainbow Dash.

"I beg your pardon!" growled Rarity. "I'll tell you these colors are our natural hair shades."

"Well, I admit," said Pa, "that orange one looks the most like the ponies I've seen in my day. Except why is it wearing a cowboy hat? Did its owner get fed up with it trying to play dress up with his hat?" The grapes erupted in laughter again.

"I'll have you know," Applejack retorted, "that I've always worn a hat on muh head, and I've never been the property of somepony! Also, muh pronoun is she and not it!"

"Alright, I take it back," said Tom. "That pink one isn't stained by paint. It's slowly turning into cotton candy. What happened? Did a cotton candy monster bite you on a full moon?"

"You meany pants!" yelled Pinkie Pie. "My mane and tail are all fluffed up like this to show how pleasant I can be— which is something you're lacking in that department!"

"Also," said Rosie. "What is Bean Boy doing hanging out with those girly ponies? You wouldn't catch me dead playing with Barbies. I prefer target practice with my B.B. gun. Bean Boy is better off playing with G.I. Joes."

"I'll let you know, little missy!" yelled Pinkie Pie. "That G.I. Joe is a franchise of Hasbro. We belong to a brand of the same company."

"Pinkie Pie," wondered Twilight, "what are you referring to?"

"Ugh," Pinkie Pie grumbled, "never mind, it's a long story."

"By the way," said Pa, "did that purple reptile just call himself a dragon? Well, let me just say that he doesn't have to worry about being slain by a knight in shining armor."

"What is that supposed to mean, you old kook?" asked Spike.

"No knight would want to fight a pansy little dragon like you. He would be too embarrassed for that. Why you look like a baby cousin of that dopey dinosaur on T.V."

"Gramps! I'm warning you!" Spike snapped, "I got a powerful fire breath that oughta be reckoned with."

"Please, Spike," Fluttershy pleaded, "let's not escalate. Still, that doesn't change the fact that these grapes are horrible. It just breaks my heart." Fluttershy put her head down sadly.

"You leave my pony and dragon friends alone!" yelled Junior. "Oh, and by the way, this is not cheese on my head! It is a hat, a yellow hat."

Junior flicked his baseball cap off for further emphasis, and the spear of his head expanded, causing the grapes to erupt with even more laughter.

"Look at that crazy hair!" taunted Pa.

"It looks like peas!" Tom insulted. "Hey Bean Boy? You been gluing peas to your noggin?"

No," Junior wistfully muttered as he began to cry.

Fluttershy put a comforting hoof on Junior, "It's okay, Junior. I get how hurtful those grapes are."


Rainbow Dash was about to fly over, but Applejack grabbed her tail in her teeth, "Please, Rainbow Dash, we can deal with these grapes in a more refined matter."

Well, that's just terrible. Don't those grapes know it's not nice to make fun of people?

Well, that's just it, Bob. They didn't know how bad it made Junior feel.

Well, jeepers, Larry. What happened next?

Luckily, Junior's dad heard them laughing and came outside to see what all the commotion was about.

Junior was wailing as tears sprayed out of his eyes. Fluttershy rubbed his back and gently shushed him.

"Hey, what's all the commotion out here?" Mike Asparagus asked sternly. "Oooh, grapes," Mike said with a smile, "as well as those six ponies and their dragon. I know you're not angels, but don't worry, Junior cleared up everything with me."

"Oh, Mr. Asparagus," said Twilight, "good to see you again. We just faced this mean family of grapes who had nothing better to do than insult the way we look, including your son!"

"They were calling me Bean Boy and telling me I had peas on my head!"

"They said I was uncooperative cowboy property!"

"They said I was a cotton candy mutant!"

"And they said I was the pansy baby cousin of a dopey dinosaur!"

"It is so not cool!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Is that true?" Mike asked as he glared at the grapes.

"Oh, no, no, no," Pa said. "We would not do such a thing as what you have said we would have done."

"Oh, don't be coy with us," said Rarity.

"Except for maybe we did that, I guess, now that you...oh...well, okay, we did that. Yep, that's what we did."

So, Junior's dad explained to the grapes that when we make fun of people and call them names, that makes them feel very bad inside. He also told them that God wants us to be kind to everybody, and that when we act mean, it makes God feel sad too.

"Good lecture, Mr. Asparagus," commended Twilight, "you know how to be a top-notch father."

"Thanks, Twilight," said Mike.

"Well, uh... gee..." said Pa, ashamed. "I guess we never really stopped to think about it, well, how it was making you feel and all."

"Yeah, we was just having some fun," said Rosie, "didn't mean nothing by it."

"Yeah, sorry," said Tom as the rest of the grapes also apologized.

"We'll never be mean again!" declared Pa.

"Very nice," responded Fluttershy.

"Okay, that's better," Mike said, smiling, "Now, Junior, is there anything you want to say to the grapes? The same goes for the rest of you Equestrians as well."

"Uh, like what?" asked Junior.

"Of course," said Pinkie Pie, "the lesson of this video!"

Junior's dad explained to him that when someone says they're sorry for hurting you, and they really mean it, we need to forgive them. That way, we all feel better.

"Oh, I get it!" said Junior, "Okay, I forgive you, grapes."

"We forgive you as well," said Twilight.

The grapes all sighed in relief.

"All right, now does everyone feel better?" asked Mike.

The grapes and even Equestrians agreed with that question.

"Yep," said Spike, "it looks like we solved another friendship lesson."

"It's almost time for supper," said Mike as he began to hop back into the house. "Come on inside, Junior."

While it was not the first time Rosie and Tom heard Junior's name, it was the first time they noticed something peculiar about it.

"Junior?" wondered Rosie.

"His name is Junior?" Tom wondered in the same matter.

As Junior walked back to the house, Tom and Rosie laughed loudly and even mentioned how Junior's name sounded funny.

Five of the ponies and Spike begin to glare at the grape offspring.

"Looks like I spoke too soon," growled Spike.

On the other hand, Junior was shaking like a volcano about to erupt with such tremendous fury.

Rainbow Dash was also seething and empathetic with that same rage. "THAT'S IT!" she screamed, "I'M GONNA CRUSH YOU INTO SOME CHARDONNAY!!!"

"Okay," growled Junior, "this is the last straw!"

"I got your back, Junior," said Rainbow Dash. "Let's mash these grapes into a pulp."

"Affirmative, Rainbow Dash!" responded Junior.

Applejack then grabbed Rainbow Dash's tail. "No, Rainbow Dash!" Applejack scolded, "We are not going to encourage Junior to act out in vengeful violence."

"Let go of my tail right now, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash pushed Applejack away with her hoof. Rainbow Dash fluttered above Junior as he marched towards Tom and Rosie. Suddenly, Junior stepped on a hoe that hit him and Rainbow Dash in the face. A stunned Junior fell backward into a toy dump truck barely smaller than him. Rainbow Dash was also knocked out and fell onto the top of the toy dump truck, which she barely fit on. The dump truck tumbled down the hillside and hit the rim of a sandbox. Junior and Rainbow Dash were flung up in the air, and Rainbow Dash's wings were all tangled up around Junior. The Grapes and the six other Equestrians watched in astonishment as Junior and Rainbow Dash fell into the sandbox. Junior and Rainbow Dash emerged from the sandbox, all dazed out and cross-eyed; they both let out a cough and passed out. Fluttershy flew down to help Junior and Rainbow Dash out, but Rainbow Dash was not in the mood.

"Please, Flutters," Rainbow Dash said, exhausted but still enraged. "I need some time to be alone."

Tom and Rosie erupted again into laughter, and it wasn't just Junior's name they began to make fun of.

"Isn't that blue pony's name Rainbow Dash?" said Rosie.

"More like Rainbow Crash!" insulted Tom.

"Rainbow Crash! Rainbow Crash! She falls to the ground like a piece of trash!" as they both taunted.

Rainbow Dash was so furious she could barely speak a word; it was even triggering some PTSD from her childhood.

"I think you were wrong, Applejack, about not using violence," Rarity growled as she lit her horn.

However, Ma and Pa Grape began to scowl at how their children went back to bullying.

"It's alright, Rarity," said Twilight, "I think Tom and Rosie are about to have a talk with their parents."

"Hey," Mike said as he came back out of the house, "I thought you said you weren't going to tease anymore."

"Well, that's exactly what we said," Pa began to scold as Tom and Rosie stopped laughing and began to look ashamed. "And we grapes always try to keep our promises. Isn't that right?"

"Sure, yes, that's right. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Sure," Tom and Rosie both shamefully mumbled as they nodded.

"They're lucky it wasn't a Pinkie Promise," said Pinkie Pie, "or else they would have to kiss their hides goodbye."

"Now, what do you kids have to say to Junior and Rainbow Dash?" instructed Ma.

Tom and Rosie repeatedly apologized as Junior and Rainbow Dash began to shake the sand off their bodies.

Pinkie Pie walked in front of Tom and Rosie, "good, now do you both Pinkie Promise not be mean?"

"What does Pinkie Promise mean?" asked Tom.

"Yeah," said Rosie.

"Just repeat after me, I cross my heart and hope to fly, stick cupcake in my eye. Now you say it."

Tom and Rosie repeated and Pinkie Pie commended them both.

Boy, I sure am glad they got that straightened out.

Yep, the grapes were really sorry this time, so once again, Junior forgave them.

"What!" exclaimed Junior as he addressed Bob and Larry from the hillside region to the countertop.

"What the hay," asked Twilight, "Bob? Larry? I thought you were narrating this story in the past tense."

"That's what makes this segment so unique, Twilight." said Larry, "it's more exciting than narrating the old-fashioned way."

"It's even more complicated than that," said Pinkie Pie, "another narrator is typing this story up as part of fan fiction. I haven't heard from him since the second chapter."

TMI, Pinkie Pie. Besides, I took a year-long hiatus from this fan fiction. I didn't even know I would finish. When I returned, the idea of my making my own comments in the paragraphs just... you know I'm rambling. Let's get back to the story.

"Anyways," resumed Larry, "I said Junior forgave them. And that goes for you to Rainbow Dash."

"Are you serious?" asked Junior.

"Well, I think so," said Larry, "Bob, am I serious?"

"Oh yeah, Larry, oh yeah. You- you're serious. Mm-hmm."

"You see."

"Rainbow Dash and I are supposed to forgive them again. After what they just did to us?"

"Yes," said Rainbow Dash, "those two grape delinquents just umped their cruelty to another level."

"Well, yeah," Larry responded.

"Sure, I forgave them for calling me 'Bean Boy' and saying I had cheese on my head. But now they're making fun of our names and laughed when the hoe almost smacked our faces clean off. Then, the truck picked us up and threw us in the sand."

"Also, using the term Rainbow Crash brought back a nasty memory. Back at flight school, when I was a filly, I accidentally landed in a garbage can there while failing to take off. I was picked on and called that very name."

"And you're telling me we're supposed to forgive them again?"

"Um, well," Larry addressed Tom and Rosie, "are you guys really sorry?"

"We're sorry," they both said in unison, "and we'll never do it again."

"That sounds like a heartfelt apology," said Fluttershy, "you two shouldn't hold a grudge."

"You see Junior and Rainbow Dash," said Larry, "when we do bad things, it hurts God's feelings too. God wants us to tell Him that we're sorry. The Bible says, when we tell God that we're sorry, He will always forgive us."

"No matter what?" asked Junior.

"No matter what," repeated Larry.

"Unconditionally?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Unconditionally," Larry repeated.

"Wow," said Junior, amazed.

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash, "I see what you mean by saying the Love of God is the most powerful and important of all."

"Correct," said Twilight Sparkle, "forgiveness is one the most critical components for the doctrine of Christian salvation. I learned that in the Bible Bob and Larry gave me."

"That's right," said Bob, "You know your Bible Twilight, and because God always forgives us, we need to forgive others when they hurt our feelings, too."

"Well, how many times am I supposed to forgive them?" asked Junior.

"Um," asked Larry, "Well, um, Bob?

"Gee, you know, I'm not sure."

"Perhaps I could be of assistance," said Pinkie Pie as she hopped back to the countertop from the hillside.

"Pinkie Pie!" said Larry excitedly. "Good to have your optimistic presence with us."

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie smiling, "just like Twilight, I studied the Bible with my human counterpart in Canterlot High, and Jesus is quite clear about how many times we should forgive. Wouldn't you and Bob know, having studied at Bible school?"

"Pinkie Pie," said ADA, "this version of Bob and Larry in the VR video simulation is not a 100% accurate depiction of them in real life. Their academic flaws are only for entertainment purposes."

"Oh, got it, ADA," said Pinkie Pie.

"Let's ask QWERTY," said Bob.

Bob, Larry, and Pinkie Pie walked over to QWERTY, who was playing Pong on his monitor.

"How's it going, QWERTY," said Pinkie Pie, "I see you're having fun playing a game of Pong. Atari's 1972 arcade hit that was later adapted into a home console for Sears three years later."

"Oh, Pinkie Pie," Larry said, admiring his crush, "you're full of new surprises every day."

"Hey, QWERTY," said Bob. "Can you help us?" QWERTY shut down the Pong program, faced its monitor towards the two veggies and pony, and nodded. "We need to know how many times we're supposed to forgive people, according to the Bible. Maybe um, seven times?"

"Seven is quite a significant number in the Bible," said Pinkie Pie.

QWERTY showed a GIF of a lightbulb shining and displayed the verse.

"Matthew 18:22," Bob began to read.

"That is when St. Peter was asking a question about forgiveness," said Pinkie Pie.

"Yep," said Bob, "Jesus answered, 'I tell you not seven times, but seventy times seven.'"

"Oh! Seventy times seven," said Larry.

"Seventy times seven. I see," said Bob.

"Um, do you know what seventy times seven is?" asked Larry.

"Um, nope, how about you?" asked Bob.

"Nope. What about you, Pinkie Pie."

With ADA's information, Pinkie Pie could understand Bob and Larry's lack of knowledge about a simple math question: "I've known the answer to that question since I was a filly. For fun, let's ask everyone else."

"Well," said Bob, addressing the hillside, which Pinkie Pie leaped back, "does anyone know what seventy times seven is?"

"Wait?" asked Twilight Sparkle to Pinkie Pie, "Bob and Larry don't know the answer to seventy times seven. Didn't they go to college?"

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie, "but ADA told me it was only for entertainment purposes, not a reflection of their real-life personas."

Meanwhile, the grape family began to guess the answers to the question.

"Nine?" Ma guessed.

"Let's see," Pa began to guess, "I remembered when, oh, I was in college. Oh, it was uh... pi r...boy, ooh.."

"Wait, Pa Grape went to college," Rainbow Dash whispered to Spike.

"I see what you mean, Rainbow Dash," Spike whispered back. "Hillbillies aren't known for their education." Spike snickered as Rainbow Dash followed suit.

"Now come on," Fluttershy reprimanded, calm but assertive. "Even though they made fun of us, there is no reason we can't be bigger individuals."

"Or is it two," guessed Tom, "or maybe seven?"

"490!" declared Rosie.

"Ooh," her parents and brother admired.

"That's one smart grape," said Mike.

"Congratulations, Rosie," said Twilight. "Although that is an easy math question—7x7=49—you add the zero and get 490. Here is a more challenging question, one of my favorites. What is the square root of 546?"

"23.3666 approximately," said Rosie. "I can also recite the first 100 digits of pi.

"Wow," said Rarity, "it looks like Twilight is not the only math whiz we know."

"Hey, aside from my B.B. Gun, I like to study mathematics; it's very relaxing," said Rosie.

"Well," said Larry, "there you have it, 490 times."

"Wow," said Junior. "So, I guess we need to forgive each other, even when we make the same mistakes more than once."

"That's right, Junior," said Mike as he hopped down the hill. "Now, do you have something to say to the grapes?"

"Yeah," said Junior, "I forgive you guys again."

"Same here," said Rainbow Dash. I have to say that the term "Crash" has actually been re-appropriated as my nickname at the Wonderbolts Academy."

The Grapes all thanked Junior and Rainbow Dash simultaneously.

"Well done, sugar cube," said Applejack to Junior, "it looks like you've learned a friendship lesson."

"You know," said Pa, "now that we're going to be nice and all, I don't think we should be called the Grapes of Wrath anymore."

His family responded in agreement.

"Well, what should we be called then," wondered Tom, "The Grapes of Nice?"

"No," responded Pa, "that's not it."

"Nice effort, Tom," said Rarity, "but I agree with your father. It doesn't have that certain ring to it. Nonetheless, I'm glad you and your family have repented from your old habits."

"Yep," said Spike, "you are no longer the Grapes of Wrath, and you likely will be starting to take a bath."

"That little girl of yours has quite a head for numbers," observed Mike. "Maybe you could be The Grapes of Math!"

"You nailed it, Mr. Asparagus!" said Fluttershy.

Well, everyone was very excited about their new name. But it was time for Junior to go inside and eat supper. So with the sun setting in the west and Rosie happily quoting a quadratic equation in the backseat, the Grapes of Wrath, I mean Math, drove off to share their niceness with the rest of the world. The End.

The Mane Six and Spike reappeared on the countertop as Larry concluded narrating.

"Wow! That was great, Larry," said Bob.

"Bravo Larry! Encore!" cheered Pinkie Pie, causing Larry to blush.

"But, um, are you sure that's how this story goes?" asked Bob confused.

"Oh, yeah," responded Larry.

"Remember Bob, it's a parody," said Spike.

Larry winked, admired by the Mane Six as a cherry on top of the first segment.

Chapter.14: An Idiotic Infomercial

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ADA introduced the Mane Six and Spike to the bonus segment, "it is now time for the middle break between the two main segments."

"Ooh," said Pinkie Pie, "another Silly Song? At the end of The Water Buffalo Song, I remember to tune in next time to hear Larry sing about baby kangaroos."

"Incorrect," said ADA, "that was just put in as part of a joke. It's not a foreshadowing of the next Silly Song. Bob and Larry decided to do something different. Back when Bob and Larry were in college, they did an infomercial skit with their improv group based on forgiveness. So unlike the Silly Song, this bonus segment does have to do with the video's lesson."

The Mane Six then found themselves on the countertop, reuniting with Bob, Larry, and Junior, who were in front of a giant screen TV set to the standby screen with color bars.

"Oh, hi, ponies and Spike," said Junior. I'm glad you could join us. Bob, Larry, and I are just preparing to watch an infomercial that will tie into today's lesson."

"It is being broadcast here at the Big Idea studio in another room," said Larry.

"I guess there are other uses for this studio besides the countertop," said Twilight.

The ponies gathered around, the TV went black, and an expanding circle transitioned into a studio with a white floor decorated with purple polka dots and red theater curtains in the background. In the foreground stood Scallion No. 1, dressed in a red and white striped suit with an oversized matching bowtie and daisy, topped with a yellow boater hat on his head.

"Hey, it's that rapscallion leader from Daniel and the Lion's Den," said Spike.

"Yes," said Bob, "we call him Scallion No. 1 and his two compatriots, Scallion No. 2 and Scallion No. 3, since we still don't know their names."

"That is one ridiculous outfit he is wearing," giggled Rarity.

"Hey kids," said Scallion No.1, "have you ever been bad?" A framed illustration of a ball breaking a vase was dropped on a spring in the infomercial studio. "Do you remember when you broke your mom's favorite vase and then stapled it back together and hoped she wouldn't notice? That was bad!"

"Oh yes," said Pinkie Pie, "when I was a filly, I got into an argument with my sister Limestone on the rock farm. It escalated to the point where I tried to throw a rock at her, but she ducked, and it broke my mom's beloved vase that was on our porch. Our argument ended because Limestone was happy to know how much trouble I would get into. Except I didn't use a stapler; I got some honey from the fridge and did my best to glue the pieces back together."

"Did you ever get caught?" asked Junior.

"Yep, it was only a few hours later when the honey wore off, and the vase's remains crashed around the porch. I got punished with extra chores on the farm."

Another illustration was dropped into the infomercial studio, depicting a screaming woman with a snake in her bed: "Do you remember when you put your pet snake in Aunt Millie's pajamas, and she ran 5 miles without ever getting out of bed? That was bad, too! "

"That's even more coincidental," said Rainbow Dash, "when I was a filly, my very paranoid Great Aunt Atmosphere came to stay at my family's house. She constantly worried about every little thing, believed in strange conspiracy theories, and had a lengthy list of some of the most irrational phobias, especially snakes. I thought it was funny, so I decided to play a prank on her. Early in the morning, I took a snake Fluttershy lent me before she woke up and placed it on her pillow. She woke up screaming at the top of her lungs, and she galloped in place on the bed. As a result, I got grounded for a month and wasn't even allowed to fly."

"I know," said Fluttershy, "I was mad because you said you were using that snake for a science project."

A third illustration dropped into the infomercial studio depicting a teddy bear inside a blender: "Do you remember when you stuffed your sister's teddy bear in the food processor and told her it got chewed up by a 'giant bear-eating lizard'? And she believed it? That was really bad!"

"That coincidence could not get any more strange," said Rarity, "when I was an older filly, and Sweetie Belle was a toddler. I was commissioned to design a dress for the daughter of one of my clients. Sweetie Belle wanted to try it on and play princess, but I strictly forbade her to wear or touch it. Then Sweetie Belle defied my orders and even spilled grape juice all over it. I was so angry that I took her favorite teddy bear without her noticing and ripped it to shreds using my sewing machine. I showed her the remains and told her a dragon came to chew it up to punish her for ruining the dress. Sweetie Belle told our parents about her teddy bear being attacked by a dragon, but they knew better. So, as a consequence, my parents made me use my earnings to buy her anything she wanted at our local toy store. It wasn't fair because I felt I was being double punished."

"Maybe," said Spike, "but you should've just let your parents deal with Sweetie Belle instead of taking matters into your own hands."

Scallion No. 1 explained more in the infomercial as the three illustrations were displayed: "The Bible calls the bad things we do 'sin.' And when we sin, we need to be forgiven. That's right! So I know what you're thinking: 'Jeepers, I've been bad! How do I get forgiven?' Am I right?"

The veggies, ponies, and Spike looked confused at how Scallion No. 1 could provide the answer for forgiveness. "I sense something fishy about this scallion salesman," said Applejack, glaring at the screen. "He reminds me of the Flim Flam Brothers."

"Who?" asked Junior.

"Muh archenemies and two of the most notorious con artists back in Equestria."

"Well, moms, dads, and kids of all ages, I have the thing for you! The new WrongCo Forgive-o-Matic." Scallion No. 1 then presented his product as the curtains revealed a tiny pink, yellow, and blue contraption that resembled a kitchen appliance on a spinning platform, pointed by four big animated yellow arrows.

"Of course," said Pinkie Pie, "a reference to Ronco's Veg-o-Matic, one of the most popular infomercials of all time."

"Yes, sir!" continued Scallion No.1, "The new WrongCo Forgive-o-Matic slices, dices, and purees your sins away."

"Grrr," growled Applejack, "I knew he was a no-good crook like the Flim Flam Brothers. I should teach this rapscallion a lesson. You cannot use that pathetic invention to be forgiven."

"Let's go together," said Junior, "we need to teach him the truth."

"I'm coming with you," said Twilight, "I've studied in the Bible how to be properly forgiven."

Twilight, Applejack, and Junior left the countertop as the rest of the gang looked at each other with even more confusion.

"It's as easy as this," continued Scallion No. 1. "Just dial up your sin here, press this button, and... bingo! God forgives you of your sin!" The crank on the side of the Forgive-o-Matic spun around as it completed its supposed function.

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash sarcastically, "because you can only communicate with God through that silly machine."

"But wait! There's more! Order now, and you will also receive a set of Gin-Sue steak knives, the strongest knives on earth." A set display of six knives with complimentary scissors dropped on a frame held up by springs.

"Ginsu steak knives," mentioned Pinkie Pie, "another popular infomercial brand."

"Just listen to this," said Scallion No. 1 as he introduced a potato wearing a mining helmet covering his eyes, popping out of the floor to give a testimony.

"Hi, I'm a miner from West Virginia," said the potato in a monotone voice. "In the last three weeks, we dug two miles through solid granite, all with one Gin-Sue steak knife, and it's still going strong." The potato then dropped back underground onto the floor.

"I'm sure there is much more advanced technology in mining than a simple kitchen knife," said Rarity.

"Awe," said Pinkie Pie, "what an adorable potato. He shares some of my sister Maud's personality traits and her boyfriend Mudbriar's physical traits. It's like seeing my future nephew; I got to meet him." Pinkie Pie rushed out of the countertop.

"That's right." continued Scallion No.1. "You get the Forgive-o-Matic and the steak knives all for one low price of just $19.95. You've never seen a deal like this before! Isn't that right?"

The potato popped back up. "That's right," he said before returning down.

"So don't delay; order today," Scallion No. 1 said as Junior, Twilight, and a scowling Applejack emerged from the background curtains and approached the shifty salesman.

"Operators are standing by," said Scallion No. 1. "Remember, you get the Forgive-o-Matic and the steak knives for just $19.95."

Junior cleared his throat as Applejack stared daggers at Scallion No. 1.

"Not now, kid and ladies, can't you see I'm busy," said Scallion No. 1.

"But," said Junior, "I know lots of people who've been forgiven for bad things they've done."

"We do as well," said Twilight, "I've granted forgiveness to many of my former enemies. It is not the same way God can forgive, but those I've forgiven have thanked me more for showing them the better way."

"Oh, yeah?" said Scallion No.1. "Well, they must have Forgive-o-Matics then, huh?"

"Nope," Junior said with a smirk.

"Alright, I've had it," said Applejack angrily, "you, sir, remind me of two of my worst enemies back at home. Two brothers that spoke charmingly, dressed in flashy outfits just like you. They all once tried to steal my apple farm after muh family lost a bet towards them. They would've gotten away with it had they not been caught cheating. You're going to need some forgiveness yourself, rapscallion, and your moronic product won't help you at all."

"Do you really mean that orange pony?" responded Scallion No.1, "Well, sure! can't be forgiven without a Forgive-o-Matic. Isn't that right?"

The potato miner popped out yet again, and the third time was no charm, "Stop yanking me up and down. I'm getting sick." The potato miner hopped off as the two veggies and two ponies watched every hop he took.

"Ha!" smirked Applejack, "even your potato pal won't back you up on this."

Then, one of the springs holding the frame with the knife set from the ceiling broke off.

"Get down, Junior!" Applejack shouted as she covered Junior up safely on the ground. Twilight produced a force field over the three of them. The thickest knife fell on the spinning platform as the frame completely fell on the ground, with one of the smaller knives briefly flipping in the air. Scallion No. 1 cringed in humiliation. Spike, Rainbow Dash, and Larry laughed hysterically, watching the television on the countertop.

"The Bible says," Junior said as he stood back up. "If we ask God to forgive us. Then he will."

"Yes," said Twilight, "God is omniscient. He can hear us from wherever we are. His forgiveness has no bounds."

" mean all you have to do is... ask?" Scallion No. 1 asked.

"Yep," answered Junior.

"That it doesn't matter our location?"

"That's correct," answered Twilight.

"But you don't need a Forgive-o-Matic?"

"Nope," Junior answered again.

"More like the Disappoint-o-Matic," mocked Applejack.

"Are you all sure about this?" Scallion No.1 asked, narrowing his eyes.

"We sure are," said Junior.

"Just admit it," Applejack said bluntly, "that mechanical utensil is a worthless dud, and you know it."

"All right," said Scallion No.1, his head downcast. "You got me. I didn't want to ruin your life like those two brothers. I just wanted to make a quick buck because I'm deeply in debt. Please forgive me. I'll try to sell something valuable."

"All is forgiven," said Applejack.

Scallion No.1 looked side to side and back at the camera and resumed his presentation, hoping his product could still sell. "Did I mention that they also make great Julienne fries? Well, just drop a potato in here, uh, push the button, and presto! Out come the best fries you've ever tasted!"

Applejack shook her head with a smirk.

"Hmm," wondered Spike, "potato fries. Those honestly sound like they taste better than hay fries."

"Oh look, it's time to go!" said Junior.

"I think you should cut this presentation short," said Twilight.

"But wait, there's more," said Scallion No. 1, who was desperate for a successful business deal and hopped off the infomercial to grab a cart with a plant sculpture in the shape of the Forgive-o-Matic and returned to explain further, "Just spread these seeds on here; and...and in a few weeks." Scallion No.1 placed the plant replica on the platform and knocked off the original Forgive-o-Matic. "Voila! Chia Forgive-o-Matic," Scallion No.1 said nervously, feeling hopeless it could sell, "isn't that cute."

"Aw yes," said Applejack sarcastically, "we're just fawning over that chia carbon copy."

"Hmm," wondered Fluttershy, "using chia plants to create art. I should recommend that to Tree Hugger."

Junior smirked and rolled his eyes. "Say goodnight, Gracie," he said as he hopped off the stage with Applejack and Twilight.

"Who's Gracie?" asked Twilight.

"It's just a joke from The George Burns Show," said Junior.

"Oh, Pinkie Pie might know about that," said Applejack.

"Good night Gracie," repeated a worried and frustrated Scallion No.1.

Pinkie Pie conversed with the potato miner off-set behind the curtains as the lights dimmed. "It was fun chatting with you, Henry. Maybe you can come to Equestria to visit my sister and her boyfriend."

"I enjoyed our small talk," said Henry with a small smile that sounded less monotone. "I hope to see you soon."

As the lights were out, Scallion No. 1 went to leave the studio but tripped over the fallen Forgive-o-Matic on the floor, letting out a scream.

"Oops," said Pinkie Pie, giggling, "looks like Scallion No. 1 had a nasty fall."

"Oh geez," said Henry, shaking his head, "I'll check up on him. See you later, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie Pie noticed the remaining slivers of light from the studio exit door faded. She transitioned back to the countertop, reuniting with the rest of the Equestrian gang getting ready for the second main segment.

"Oh man," said Spike, "my sides still hurt from laughing when that slimy scallion salesman tripped in the dark."

Chapter.15: Marooned Mayhem

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"Do you remember when we learned about forgiveness?" Bob asked Larry.

"Oh my goodness! How could I forget?" answered Larry.

"That sounds like the start of our next segment," said Twilight.

"Well, do you think the kids at home would like to hear about it?" Bob asked again.

"Oh, most definitely," Larry answered again.

"You would?" Larry asked the viewers as he turned his head towards the camera and began to nod rapidly, "Would ya?"

"Oh, I get it," said Fluttershy, "this is the part where the kids answer back home, how cute."

There was an awkward silence until Bob broke it. "What did they say?"

"Um, I don't know..." Larry answered, "I think they said yes."

"Okay..great," said Bob.

"Well, of course, they would," Rainbow Dash said, "the kids aren't going to want to just end the program abruptly in the middle."

"Well, should I tell them, or should you?" Bob asked Larry.

"Oh, go ahead," said Larry.

"Alright, Equestrians," said Bob, "get ready to be transported into your next adventure; remember very shortly into it, your memory will be affected temporarily, just like in Daniel and the Lion's Den. It will feel like you traveled normally without knowing you are in our story."

"Cool," said Spike, "we can't wait."

"Alright, well, it all happened one summer while Larry and I were running a tour boat service."

"Yeah, you see?" interrupted Larry. "We have this boat, and we take the people, then we put them on the boat, and we give up a ride way out on the ocean! You see?"

Bob cleared his throat as he gave Larry an annoyed glare.

"Sorry," muttered Larry.

"Remember Larry," reminded Fluttershy politely, "you got to tell the story about the grapes; now it's Bob's turn."

"Go ahead," Larry said as he let Bob continue.

"Thank you. As Larry said... we had a boat, and we would give people rides on the ocean."

At this moment, the Mane Six and Spike floated automatically to the countertop's kitchen light.

But I remember that day. That faithful trip

The Mane Six and Spike noticed the kitchen light transitioned into the sun, and they found themselves on a dock with a little red and white pleasure boat harbored next to it.

Why yes! It started from that tropical port, aboard our tiny ship.

"Amazing," said Pinkie Pie, "this segment is a parody of the popular 1960's sitcom Gilligan's Island."

Now Larry, he was a mighty sailor man.

Larry appeared in front of the group with a broad smile and a white bucket hat. "Hello, my fellow Equestrians. I'm glad I get the privilege to drive you on our boat."

"So Larry is supposed to be Gilligan, the first mate," observed Pinkie Pie.

And Bob, he was great and sure!

Bob then appeared similarly, wearing a captain's hat. "All aboard, my pony and dragon passengers. I'm your captain of today's boat excursion."

"And it looks like Bob is the skipper," observed Pinkie Pie.

"This reminds me of when we went on that boat trip," said Applejack as the gang got on board.

"Oh yes," said Rarity, "that was quite a disaster. Let's hope this turns out better."

Pinkie Pie giggled mischievously under her breath as she knew what was to come.

"This is going to be so fun," said Larry, hopping up and down excitedly.

"You bet," said Bob in the same matter, "now it's time for the rest of the passengers to show up."

And uh... Weren't there five passengers we brought along that day, on our three hour tour?

Ah yes! Our three-hour tour.

"Five more passengers?" asked Rainbow Dash. Let's hope it is manageable. I feel like we're packed tight as sardines."

Okay let's see...there was the professor.

"Hey, it's Mike Asparagus, Junior's dad," said Twilight. He's got a double role in this program. And this role is my type of character."

And we were there.

Well yeah. And, uh, the millionaire.

"How lovely," said Rarity, "Archibald Asparagus has returned, and his outfit is perfect for the occasion."

Um, and his wife.


"You're not jealous that Archibald has a wife, do you?" Spike asked Rarity.

"Oh, of course not," answered Rarity. "Archibald may be a handsome fellow, but he is better off with a mate of his species. I'm an animal, and he is a plant."

And wasn't there a movie star and, um, that other girl?

Yeah, but they canceled.

Oh, oh yeah.

Bob and Larry looked confused over the remaining two passengers' absences.

"I guess those two didn't show up since their outfits would be immodest for a children's video," said Pinkie Pie. "Oh well, we can pretend Rarity is Ginger and Fluttershy is Mary Ann."

"Who?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes," said Rarity, "what makes Fluttershy and I like those two?"

"Ginger is a glamorous fashionista, and Mary Ann is a humble sweetheart." Larry explained, " It's too bad they're not here right now."

"But that's okay," said Bob, "the cruise must go on."

Well, anyway, there we were on our three-hour tour, doing our best to entertain the passengers.

"Remember," said ADA as the story paused, "once Bob and Larry begin to sing, your memory will be affected. You will remember being brought here by Bob's narration and feel as if you came to the dock on your own. You will not recognize Mike and Archibald, but you will still recognize Bob and Larry."

The story resumed as Bob and Larry began to break out in song.

"Bravo, Bob and Larry," cheered Pinkie Pie, "next time you perform the song, we should clap our hooves together."

"Yes," said the millionaire with a deadpan expression, "that was just dandy. But isn't a time we left the dock?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea yet," said the professor, "the twelve of us are very crowded on the boat, and we could accidentally push one of us off."

"Don't worry," said Twilight, "I got you covered." Twilight then proceeded to use her magic to expand the size of the boat to an ideal size.

"Good pony," said the millionaire, "My wife Lovey and I can now have the cruise for which we paid good money."

"Oh yes," said Lovey, "I don't have to worry about being squished on the boat."

"That was some impressive renovation ability," the professor complimented.

"Thank you, professor," said Twilight, "I may be a master of magic. But just like you, science is also my specialty."

"Well, it's a pleasure to be your acquaintance," said the professor, "we sure seem to have a lot in common."

Rarity then approached the millionaire and his wife, "Those are the most extravagant outfits to wear while boating. Take my word for it; I'm a top-notch expert in fashion."

"Thank, ma'am," said Lovey, "you also look like you keep yourself in a very presentable state."

"I say," said the millionaire, "your etiquette couldn't make me more proud."

Rarity blushed, "Don't mention it; I sense we will all get well acquainted."

"Heheheh!" Bob laughed a little embarrassed over the stalling of getting the boat driven. "Okay, fire up the engine, first mate Larry!"

"Aye-aye, skipper!"

"Don't mind me," Spike said, yawning as the boat pulled away from the dock. I'm going to take a little nap."

"Go ahead, Spike," said Applejack, "it sure is a relaxing environment out here on the ocean."

"Oh yes," said Fluttershy, "I hope we see some sea creatures on our trip."

Larry was steering the boat as Bob sat on a stool next to them. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash also accompanied them.

"Lovely day, isn't it?" asked Larry.

"Oh yes," said Bob. "Why... just smell that salt air."

Larry took a deep breath and exhaled soothingly, "mighty nice."

"True," said Rainbow Dash. "I hope this boat tour gets more exciting. I want to see more action, not just the sea, like you sang."

"Don't worry, Rainbow Dash," said Pinkie Pie, "I bet this trip will be more exciting than you expect."

"I think I'll go back to see how the passengers are doing..." said Bob, "can you take over here?

"No problem-o, skipper," said Larry.

"Aye-aye, Captain Bob," Pinkie said, saluting her hoof, "me and Rainbow Dash can help First Mate Larry guide the ship."

"I guess there is nothing better to do," admitted Rainbow Dash.

"It's a big responsibility," responded Bob. "You three won't daydream, will ya?"

"Don't worry about a thing," assured Larry, "I got you covered."

"All hands on deck, Skipper," said Pinkie Pie.

"Okay!" said Bob. "Thanks, Larry, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash."

Larry steered the boat as the two ponies stared into the horizon along with him.

"Oh boy!" said Larry. "This is the life!"

"Really?" questioned Rainbow Dash, "you're telling me life can't get more satisfying than this?"

"Yep, Rainbow Dash," said Larry, "There's nothing I'd rather be than first mate Larry."

"Are you sure," asked Pinkie Pie, "wouldn't you rather drive a freighter across the Pacific? Or maybe an ocean liner in the Atlantic?"

"Well, Pinkie Pie," responded Larry, "nothing that is, except..."

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie found themselves amid Larry's fantasy and felt they had entirely new personas and identities. They were inside the engine room of a giant ship. Larry had a Russian fur trapper hat with a bear symbol. He also had thick eyebrows, a black goatee, and an intimidating expression. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie also found themselves with trapper hats, eyebrows in their respective mane and tail colors, and the same ferocious facial expressions.

"Captain Larry Romanov," said Larry with a thick accent, speaking in the third person, "world-famous Russian icebreaker pilot. Accompanied by first mates Rainbow Dashinski and Pinkie Piescow."

The icebreaker was cracking through ice sheets amid a polar region.

"Today, Captain Larry and his first mates must free whales, two great whales trapped in ice."

Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie saw the whales trapped in a thick ice sheet, flailing their tales around and groaning.

"First Mate Dashinski knows how she must act fast," Rainbow Dash said, speaking in the third person with a thick accent.

"First Mate Piescow knows that those whales have a limited amount of time before drowning in the ocean," Pinkie said in the same matter.

"But there is a problem," said Larry, "a large iceberg stands between Captain Larry and whales."

An iceberg then drifted in front of the area the whales were stuck in.

"Knowing the fate of the Titanic, the iceberg proves very troublesome," said Pinkie Pie.

"Has all hope been lost in this whale rescue mission?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"There may not be enough time to go around it!" said Larry. "But surely even Captain Larry is not brave enough to smash through the iceberg! No one has ever done such a thing!

Larry glanced at the iceberg and then stared hard at this speedometer, putting his plan into action.

"Yes! This is no time for cowards!" exclaimed Larry as he steered in front of the iceberg. "Captain Larry will smash the iceberg and free the whales!"

"First Mate Dashinski will assist by using her hooves to break the ice around the whales with her hooves," said Rainbow Dash.

"First Mate Piescow will use butter as a lubricant on their tales," said Pinkie Pie. "This is undoubtedly a whale of a tale."

Bob opened the engine room, wearing the same hat, eyebrows, and facial hair. Applejack was also there, substituting her cowboy hat for a trapper hat and having thick blonde eyebrows.

"Ah-ha!" said Larry, "Commander Boblov and Lieutenant Applejackinski are here to congratulate Captain Larry and his first mates Dashinski and Piescow for their bravery."

The fantasy ended as Bob and Applejack resumed regular appearances on the pleasure boat.

"Hey, Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie," said Bob. "Applejack and I are making snowcones back there. Do you want peach or strawberry?"

"I also got some apple cider as a third flavor option," said Applejack.

"Um, not now, Bob and Applejack," said Larry, "first, the three of us have to smash through this iceberg and free some whales."

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash, "I'm gonna use my bare hooves to assist."

"Along with my butter!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"There are no icebergs around here," Bob said, confused, as he hopped back on the stool.

"We don't even have the proper weather for icebergs," said Applejack.

"Yeah," answered Larry, "well, what do you call that?"

"Just up ahead in the distance," said Rainbow Dash.

At that moment, as Larry was speeding by, he and Bob, along with the three ponies, noticed they were approaching a deserted tropical island. The whales turned out to be palm trees, and the iceberg was revealed to be a large, crooked rock. Bob, Larry, and Applejack screamed in horror as their pupils shrunk to pinpricks; however, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash looked excited.

As the boat struck the rock, it flung the two crew members and ten passengers onto the shore.

"Awesome," said Rainbow Dash, "that was fun; maybe we can do that again. You're right, Pinkie Pie. This boat trip produced unexpected amusement."

"Hey," said Pinkie Pie, "what's a Gilligan's Island theme without becoming castaways."

"Oh," said Lovey as she stood back up again, "the brochure didn't say anything about layovers."

"My goodness," said Rarity, "if this were a layover, we would depart the boat in a more fashionable style."

"Well, you see, Lovey," said the millionaire. "I believe we had some sort of accident. Skipper?"

Spike woke up and looked around, "Huh, how did we get up on this beach?"

"Yes, we most certainly had an accident," said Bob, who then turned around and glared furiously at Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie. "And I think someone has some explaining to do!"

"How could you?" said Applejack, also glaring. "Larry, you said you would not daydream. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, I expected both of you to be better navigators."

"Now you have stranded us on this island without proper accommodation," growled Rarity.

"Well, um," muttered Larry," you see, there were these whales, and they were stuck in the ice."

"We went into the land of daydreams," said Rainbow Dash.

"We saw ourselves as Russian ice breaker pilots in the middle of either the Arctic or Antarctica, perhaps," said Pinkie Pie.

"The only way to get 'em out was to smash right through that iceberg over there," Larry explained further. "Except it turned out to be a rock, and rocks are a lot harder than icebergs."

"It just so happens that the nearest iceberg is 2,640 miles away." explained the professor. "What were you thinking?!"

"Exactly," said Twilight, "an iceberg would melt at least 33 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is least 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Are you three honestly that daft?"

"You smashed our boat!" said Bob angrily, "now what are we gonna do?!"

"Who knows how long we can survive here?!" said Fluttershy, worried.

"You have ruined our vacation," said Lovey, "what do you three have to say for yourselves?"

"Um, I'm sorry," said Larry.

"Me too," said Rainbow Dash.

"Me three," said Pinkie Pie.

"At least the boat is still floating," said Larry optimistically.

"Yeah," said Pinkie Pie, "maybe we can fix it even better."

The boat then sank and submerged in the ocean as bubbles formed on top of the surface.

"Oh," muttered Larry sadly.

"Looks like you spoke too soon, Pinkie and Larry," said Rainbow Dash. "We can still fly back," she said as she flew up in the sky, only to be pushed back by a strong gust of wind. She crashed on the beach and landed on the beach, and Pinkie Pie helped her up. "Looks like I spoke too soon this time. The wind is too strong for me or anyone with wings to fly back."

"Hey," said the millionaire, " I need to call my broker. I'm going to look for a phone."

"You can forget about that," said Rarity, "this island seems uninhabited, let alone any communication technology."

"I never," said Lovey in a huff as the twelve castaways prepared for their stay on the island.

That evening, we all worked together to build some huts to sleep in, But we were still pretty mad at Larry.

Five huts were built that night, along with torches lit up by Spike's dragon fire. Bob and Larry slept in one hut, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy with each other, Rainbow Dash and Applejack with each other, the professor with Twilight and Spike, and Rarity joined the millionaire and his wife.

Larry rocked side to side on his hammock above Bob's. Pinkie Pie did the same with Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash did the same above Applejack.

"Geez," said Larry, "it's kind of nice out here. Maybe this isn't so bad after all, huh, Bob?"

"Oh, Fluttershy," said Pinkie Pie joyfully, "we're relaxing in the tropical wilderness, and you can hear the birds and the bugs play a song for us."

"I have to say Applejack," said Rainbow Dash. "The soothing atmosphere has grown on me. Don't you like laid-back getaways where you can enjoy the beauty of nature?"

"Not so bad?" responded Bob. "What do you mean 'Not so bad'?! Our boat is at the bottom of the ocean, and we're stuck on this island, in the middle of nowhere, with no way to get home!"

"That has been a huge disappointment, Pinkie Pie," responded Fluttershy, "the fauna on this island doesn't even want to see me. They run away afraid, not knowing how close I am with my animals back home."

"Sure, I enjoy nature trips, Rainbow Dash," Applejack responded, "but who knows wut will happen to us on this island? Yes, Pinkie Pie did alright making the coconut meals for us this evening. But we can't survive on coconut alone; we need protein."

"I said I was sorry," Larry said sadly. At least you could forgive me."

"I'm sorry about the boat," said Pinkie Pie, "but where is the Fluttershy of kindness I'm familiar with? Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?"

"I apologized for crashing us here," said Rainbow Dash, "wouldn't we all feel better if you could forgive."

"Well, it's just that we're--" growled Bob. "Well, can't you see we're-- I just-- I just can't! Oh!"

"I'm not in the mood to forgive you for putting us in danger!" angrily said Fluttershy.

"You oughta think about wut you've done first, and maybe I'll forgive you!" snarled Applejack.

"I said I was sorry," said Larry.

"I can only say sorry so many times," said Pinkie Pie.

"I've already apologized," said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, that's not good enough," said Bob, "good night."

"Sorry isn't going to save us," said Fluttershy, "sweet dreams."

"Yuh need to try harder than that," said Applejack. "Have a good night's rest."

"Not good enough, Not good enough?!" Larry said to himself, worried. "He means...he means I'm not good enough. They all think I'm not good enough. I bet they'd be happier if I just left. So that's what I'll do." Larry began to climb out of his bed and leave the hut. "I'm just gonna...gonna take my things and go away, yeah. I don't have anything, so I'll go...with just my hat." Larry hopped to the exit and turned around to say bye one last time while on the verge of tears. "Goodbye, Bob; I hope you find a first mate that's good enough." Larry hopped out of the hut with his head down and approached Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, who looked sad.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, hey Rainbow Dash," said Larry, "been denied forgiveness as well?"

"Yes," said Rainbow Dash, "I can't believe we were too stupid to navigate the boat away from hazards."

"You can say that again," said Pinkie Pie, "if everyone else is going to be miserable on this island. It's best to leave them here without the fools that brought them here."

"Don't beat yourselves up," said Spike, who was still awake gathering firewood, who the two ponies and cucumber had just noticed. "If there is one who forgives you three, it's me. Sure, we don't know our futures on this island. But at least you didn't mean to crash the boat. I could see myself making a similar mistake."

"Thank you, Spike," said Larry, "but eight others won't forgive us."

"Which is why we should leave," said Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash, "don't want to see how we can tick off anyone else further."

Larry, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash left as Spike scratched his head, wondering how to help the situation.

The following day, the millionaire and his wife left their hut as Rarity slept in further with her sleeping mask. The entrance to their hut was decked out with doorway beads.

"I wonder where the skipper is," said the millionaire.

"Who?" asked Lovey.

"Oh, you know, dear, the bright red round fellow," answered her husband.

"Oh yes, where is he anyway?"

"I don't know. That's what I was wondering."

"Oh, I see."

"Has anyone seen Larry?" Bob asked who was not seen.

"As well as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy also asked, out of sight.

"Did you say something?" asked the millionaire to his wife.

"No, it was that tree over there," said Lovey, "it sounded like it had both a male and a female voice."

"Really, well, what did it say?"

"I believe it's looking for Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Who are those three?"

"Oh, you remember. They're the chap and two dames who smashed the boat."

"Oh, and ruined our vacation."

"That's the trio."

"Oh. Well, I hope that tree gets them, serves them right."

"Here, here."

"Hello, people!" Bob shouted, revealed to be on top of a tree with Fluttershy hovering close above, "Has anyone seen Larry?!"

"I've also flown high above the island looking for Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie!" Fluttershy shouted.

The millionaire and wife finally noticed that the tree wasn't talking but had Bob on top and Fluttershy above.

"Oh look, Lovey," said the millionaire, "it's the skipper with that yellow pony: Fluttershy, if I'm not mistaken."

"Oh," responded Lovey. "I didn't know tomatoes were grown on trees, with ponies bred to harvest them."

"Well, actually..." said the millionaire, "oh never mind."

"Tomatoes grow on smaller plants, ma'am," said Applejack, who walked over to the tree. "And we ponies are the farmers; farmers didn't breed us." Applejack then grabbed the tree and lifted it in the air slightly. "Alright, Bob," she grunted, "tell me when you can see them."

"That is one strong pony," commented Lovey.

"Skipper, Fluttershy," the millionaire called out, "what are you two doing up there?"

"We're looking for Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie," said Bob, "when I woke up this morning, they were gone."

"I hope they're safe," said Fluttershy.

Bob and Fluttershy then looked to their sides and heard rustling in the jungle foliage.

"We got it!" said the professor, pushing a bamboo catapult with Twilight's assistance.

"Got what?" asked the millionaire.

"Our ticket out of here," responded the professor.

"Yes," said Twilight, "it's amazing what you can build out of bamboo."

"We'll use this giant catapult to fling us back home," said the professor. "Here, Twilight and I will demonstrate this working model." The professor explained the mechanisms as Twilight got it ready. "You wind it up and place somebody here, say, Bob, for example." Twilight dropped in a coconut with a painted face. "Now just pull this cord and...okay, Twilight."

The coconut was flung high in the air but didn't go very far. It knocked Fluttershy slightly, then dropped on Bob's head. The tomato and pegusus then fell onto the hut Rarity was sleeping in and demolished it. The coconut then proceeded to drop and hit Applejack much more directly on the head, knocking her out.

"What the hay?" said Rarity as she woke up knocked out of her hammock and covered in rubble. "Bob and Fluttershy," she interrogated, "what is the meaning of this disturbance?"

"Our house!" exclaimed Lovey.

"Ow," moaned Bob.

"My aching head," moaned Fluttershy.

"Oh dear," said the professor worried.

Twilight then proceeded to attend to Applejack at the base of the tree.

"Look what you've done to our house," said the millionaire with a glare.

"You bonked us on the head with a coconut!" yelled Bob.

"You seriously couldn't be more careful?" said Fluttershy angrily.

"Wow, we did not mean to do that," said the professor. "I am so sorry."

"Me too," said Twilight, trying to soothe Applejack, who was not entirely unconscious.

"Could you ever forgive us?" asked the professor.

"Well, I guess it was an accident," said Bob, "you both said you were sorry, so I forgive you two."

"Same here," said Fluttershy, "there is no reason not to, after that sincere heartfelt apology."

"Thanks," said the professor.

Applejack then regained full consciousness, "wut just happened?"

"A coconut accidentally bonked you on the head, Applejack," said Twilight, "me and the professor are to blame. Do you think you could forgive us?"

"Why not sugarcube?" said Applejack. "I've forgiven Big Mac and Apple Bloom after they accidentally knocked me out with apples. You are no exception."

"I'm sorry about your house," Bob apologized to the millionaire, his wife, and Rarity. "I'd be glad to fix it if you want me to. Do you think you can ever forgive us?" Bob showed an awkward smile.

"We could rebuild it to the same way it was before, if not better," said Fluttershy.

"We know you both didn't mean to do it, so we forgive you," the millionaire said.

"Yes," said Rarity, "it took less than a day to construct. There is no reason to hold a grudge."

"Oh, thanks," said Bob, relieved.

"I second that," said Fluttershy.

"Gee," said the professor, "it sure does feel good to be forgiven when you make mistakes."

"It feels like a heavy load has been lifted off you," said Rarity.

"Yes, sir!" said Bob. "Boy, if I said I was sorry for doing something wrong and really meant it, and people still wouldn't forgive me, I'd feel terrible!"

"Oh yeah!" said the professor, "definitely."

"Without forgiveness," said Twilight, "everyone would be miserable daily."

The four vegetables and ponies then felt ashamed over their earlier lack of forgiveness.

"You know," said Bob. "Larry, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash said they were sorry for smashing the boat."

"And that was just an accident too..." said the professor. "Just like when Twilight and I hit the three of you with that coconut or when you both fell through their roof."

"And we wouldn't forgive Larry, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash at all," said Lovey.

"I can't believe how mean and stubborn we were all acting," said Applejack.

"So that's why they ran away," said Bob. "They must feel terrible! We gotta find them. Well, come on, everybody! I think they're over here, maybe."

"I should've looked harder the first time," said Fluttershy.

Bob called out for Larry while dashing through the jungle. Applejack did the same for Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy shouted for Pinkie Pie.

When Bob, Applejack, and Fluttershy reached the shore on the other side of the island, they discovered Larry on a bamboo raft blowing into a sail. Rainbow Dash pushed the raft forward by flapping her wings on top of the mass, and Pinkie Pie was hanging on to the bottom of the raft, paddling with her hind hooves.

"Hey, little buddies," called out Bob, "we have something to say to you all."

"Please don't sail away," Applejack pleaded.

"You don't know what hazards are in the ocean," Fluttershy said.

Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie called out something hard to make out in the distance.

"What?" asked Bob.

Larry blew back to shore as Rainbow Dash flapped and Pinkie Pie paddled.

"I said," Larry repeated. "You guys don't even like us anymore, so we're just going to leave."

"You don't seem comfortable on this island," said Rainbow Dash.

"So we thought we might as well leave to make it more tolerable," Pinkie Pie said.

"We do like you, Larry, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie," said the millionaire.

"We can always learn to adapt here on the island," said Rarity.

"Yes," said Lovey, "and we forgive you three for smashing the boat."

"You do?" asked Larry as the raft returned to shore.

"You mean it," asked Rainbow Dash.

"You're serious," asked Pinkie Pie.

"We realized that everyone makes mistakes sometimes," said Bob, "and it was wrong for us not to forgive you all when you said you were sorry."

"Yeah?" asked Larry.

"Yeah," repeated Bob.

"We learned we're not perfect, and we all need forgiveness," said Applejack.

"That we can't enjoy life further unless we grant forgiveness," said Fluttershy.

"Can you forgive us for not forgiving you?" said Bob.

"Um, okay, I forgive you guys," said Larry.

"Why not?" said Rainbow Dash. "It would be hypocritical at this point to deny forgiveness."

"Let the cycle of forgiveness be completed," said Pinkie Pie.

This made everyone very relieved, now that everyone was forgiven.

Spike was watching this all play out in the jungle with a new friend he had made. " Look at that Palmy. It seems that everybody had made up."

"Ya Spike man," said Palmy, "you were the first to forgive, and everybody else has followed suit. I must congratulate them all. Hello!"

"Did you say something?" the millionaire asked his wife.

"No, it was that tree again," said Lovey. "That dragon child accompanies him."

The millionaire looked slightly surprised at seeing a talking palm tree with a Jamaican accent.

"The animals may not have approached me," said Fluttershy. "But that must be the next best living organism."

"I guess I was wrong about this island being uninhabited," said Rarity.

"Hey Spike," said Applejack, "who is this tree fellow?"

"Just the friendliest tree I've ever met," said Spike. "I'm glad you have finally all made up, and he would like to congratulate everyone."

"I'm so happy to see you forgiving each other," said Palmy. "It makes me want to sing. Do you mind?"

"No," said everyone else in unison.

(Pause at 0:32)

"Oh, summer, right!" Bob and Larry said, realizing it was the season to be happier with the extra sun.

"That palm tree and his backup coconut singers are calypso muses," admired Pinkie Pie.

"Yes," responded Lovey. "Now, if only there was a way for us to get back home."

"I'll feel so relieved to return to indoor plumbing with all the proper cosmetics," said Rarity.

"Yeah," said Bob, "at least we're all friends again. Hey, has anyone seen the professor?"

"Nope," answered Larry.

"Come think of it, I haven't seen Twilight either," said Applejack.

However, a giant flying shadow was cast below the group on the beach.

"What's that?" asked the millionaire.

It was revealed to be a bamboo helicopter piloted by the professor and Twilight, both wearing flying goggles.

"Awesome!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "Now that's what I call aircraft!"

"Hey!" greeted the professor, "Twilight and I made it entirely out of bamboo and coconut. Pretty good, huh?"

"Those wind cycles don't have a chance with this whimsical whirlybird," said Twilight.

"Well, climb aboard," said the professor as Twilight lowered the vine ladder.

"Hey Bob," said Larry as they climbed up to the helicopter.

"Yeah, Larry."

"Um, next summer, let's just sell lemonade. Like everyone else."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Not to mention safer," said Fluttershy.

(Resume music at 1:10)

The Mane Six and Spike returned to the countertop with a smiling Bob and Larry waiting.

"We sure learned a lot about forgiveness on that island," said Bob.

"You can say that again, Bob," said Twilight. What started as a vacation gone wrong turned into a hands-on life lesson."

"Yeah," said Larry, "well, we also learned how many things you can make with bamboo."

"Don't forget coconuts, Larry," said Pinkie Pie.

"We made a bamboo raft, a bamboo hut, a bamboo catapult, a bamboo helicopter..." rambled Larry as Pinkie Pie began her share.

"I made coconut salad, coconut milk, and coconut cake, not to mention the coconuts used to make the helicopter and the coconut backup singers. I could've also made coconut candy, coconut pie, coconut bread, coconut muffins, coconut oil, coconut chimichangas..."

"Ahem, we get the point," said Bob and Rainbow Dash in sync.

"Bamboo," said Larry, smiling.

"Coconut," said Pinkie Pie the same way.

"It's time to talk about what we learned today.

(Pause at 0:08)

Bob tried to say something but was interrupted by Larry and Pinkie Pie.



Bob made a grumpy expression as Larry and Pinkie Pie looked nervous as the song resumed.

"Best not to interrupt Bob," said Fluttershy politely.

(Resume Music)

Bob smiled again as he explained today's lesson: "Junior Asparagus learned that it is easier to forgive others when we remember that God always forgives us, no matter what we do."

"I think we also learned not to put hoes and toy trucks next to each other, in risk of being flung into sandboxes," said Rainbow Dash.

"Yep!" said Larry. "And on the island, we learned that everybody makes mistakes sometimes, and when we forgive each other, we all feel better inside! And about bamboo."

"We also learned not to fantasize you're a Russian icebreaker pilot while steering a smaller boat. And about coconuts," said Pinkie Pie.

"Let's see if QWERTY has a verse for us," said Bob.

QWERTY displayed a memory verse on its screen.

"Colossians 3:13b," read Bob.

"Yes," said Twilight, "this is the letter the Apostle Paul sent to the Church of Colassae while in prison."

"Yep," said Bob, "and it says: forgive others the way the Lord forgave you. Hmm, that's why we need to forgive. Well, we're out of time for today, but remember."

"God made you special," said Larry, "and he loves you very much."

"Goodbye," said Bob.

"Bamboo," said Larry.

"Coconut," Pinkie Pie responded, which caused the rest of the group to laugh as the VHS adventure ended.

The Mane Six and Spike left the VR simulator as Bob addressed the situation to the group.

"Just to let you know," said Bob, "we wish to return to Equestria with you all to check out on that meeting Luna arranged."

Bob, Larry, the Mane Six, and Spike returned to the countertop and found Borlaug and Mendel.

"Professor Borlaug, Dr. Mendel," greeted Twilight, "good to see you veggie scientists again. I will contact our local inventor, Doctor Whooves, to see if you can create an easier portal from here to my castle."

"The pleasure is all ours, Twilight Sparkle," said Dr. Mendel.

"Yes," said Professor Borlaug, "this Doctor Whooves sounds like my kind of pony."

The four veggies, six ponies, and one dragon entered QWERTY to resume their business in Equestria.

Chapter.16: Arguments, Tours and a Big Birthday Party

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As the group of eleven stepped through the portal, they all held their breath in anticipation. They were unsure where they would land this time, but to their surprise, they found themselves back in the familiar surroundings of the dining hall of Canterlot Castle. Larry sighed in relief, "I'm glad we don't have to go through the trouble of being delivered as air mail a second time."

Twilight, being the efficient leader she was, quickly got everyone organized. "Professor Borlaug and Dr. Mendel, I will contact Dr. Whooves, an expert in traveling across different dimensions. Bob and Larry, you can go to the throne room to see how Luna's meeting about Cozy Glow is turning out. Spike, you and the other ponies can arrange transportation with the hot air balloon to Ponyville."

Twilight turned to Bob and Larry, "I want you to get acquainted with the town gradually so I don't have to hide you away from Equestria. We don't want to arouse suspicion."

"Thank you, Princess Twilight Sparkle," said Dr. Mendel, appreciative of her direction and guidance.

Professor Borlaug suggested, "We could build a portal here and another wherever Ponyville is located. That way, we can easily travel between the two locations without mishaps."

"That's exactly what I was hoping for," replied Twilight. "So Bob and Larry don't accidentally end up in a vegetable patch again." The group laughed at her statement, relieved to have a plan to avoid future mishaps.

Bob and Larry entered the throne room of Canterlot Castle, where the meeting was taking place.

"Geez," said Larry, "that is a loud, argumentative discussion."

"Yes," said Bob, "this is the epicenter of Equestria's politics after all."

The council meeting in the grand hall of Canterlot Castle had reached a boiling point as the debate over Cozy Glow's redemption continued to escalate. Luna, Celestia, Shining Armor, Cadance, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, and Sunburst sat around the ornate table, their voices filled with tension and passion.

"I believe in giving everypony a chance to change for the better," Luna stated firmly, her sapphire eyes glowing with determination.

Celestia, ever the voice of reason, countered, "We must also consider the safety and well-being of Equestria. We cannot risk putting our citizens in danger."

Shining Armor nodded in agreement as he shifted in his seat. "We cannot ignore the wrongs that have been done. It's our duty to protect our kingdom."

Cadence put forth an argument, "Imagine for a moment that our daughter found herself in the same situation as Cozy Glow. What would we do then?"

Starlight Glimmer interjected, her voice filled with empathy. "Yes, everyone deserves a second chance. We have seen firsthand how redemption is possible, including myself. That includes you, too, Trixie!"

Trixie, known for her bravado and pride, raised an eyebrow skeptically. "I'm all for forgiveness, but we must also be cautious. We cannot afford to be naive."

Feeling overwhelmed by the arguing, Sunburst finally spoke up, his voice tinged with frustration. "Can we not find a middle ground? There must be a way to balance forgiveness with prudence."

Bob let out a high-pitched whistle to get the group's attention.

"Oh, Bob and Larry, it's nice to see you again," said Celestia.

"Yes," said Bob, "I'm sorry, Larry and I lost our tempers last night; I should've acted more civilly."

"All is forgiven," said Celestia, "in fact, you could say that the lot of us have been losing our tempers with each other recently."

"By the way," said Luna. "I'd like to introduce you to Princess Cadence, my adoptive niece, ruler of the Crystal Empire and Princess of Love. Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle's brother and husband of Cadence. Starlight Glimmer, the headmare of the School of Friendship. Sunburst is the vice headstallion of said school. And Trixie, the guidance counselor of said school."

The five ponies introduced themselves to Bob and Larry, and they did the same.

Bob cleared his throat, recognizing the need for a message of faith and compassion. "In times of doubt and disagreement, we must remember the wisdom of Jesus' parable of the unforgiving servant. Let us not be quick to judge, but rather seek understanding and forgiveness."

His words brought a moment of contemplative silence to the room as the council members absorbed the gravity of the situation. Bob's gentle presence and message of hope seemed to resonate with them, offering a new perspective on the thorny issue at hand.

Bob cleared his throat and began to tell the whole parable:

"There was once a servant who owed his king a great debt beyond his means to repay. The servant fell to his knees, pleading for mercy and patience. Touched by his servant's sincerity, the king was moved with compassion and completely forgave the servant's debt."

"The servant, freed from his burden, left the king's presence with a heart full of gratitude. But soon after, he encountered a fellow servant who owed him a small sum. Despite the mercy he had just received, the servant grabbed his fellow servant by the throat and demanded immediate payment."

Celestia's expression turned somber as she listened to the unfolding story. "How quickly one can forget the mercy they have received," she mused, a note of disappointment in her voice.

Shining Armor, ever mindful of justice and fairness, nodded in agreement. "It is a cautionary tale on the importance of extending the kindness we receive to others."

Bob continued, "The king, upon hearing of the servant's harsh treatment of his fellow servant, summoned him back to the palace. In a swift and decisive judgment, the king condemned the unforgiving servant for his lack of mercy and threw him into jail until he could repay the entire debt."

Trixie raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "So, the unforgiving servant faced the consequences for his actions in the end, despite the king's initial forgiveness?"

Bob nodded solemnly. "Indeed, the parable serves as a reminder that forgiveness is about receiving grace and extending it to others. Those who fail to show compassion and forgiveness risk facing the consequences of their unforgiving hearts."

His words resonated in the grand hall, sparking a contemplative silence among the council members. Bob's retelling of the parable reminded them of the power of forgiveness and the importance of genuine compassion in their interactions with others.

Luna was impressed by the parable she had just heard, "Wow, that is a powerful parable," she said. "We're going to have to discuss this matter further with that in mind." She then informed Bob and Larry. "We will head to the School of Friendship in Ponyville after the meeting. There's a birthday party happening there later that evening for a colt named Pipsqueak, who is not a student at the school. However, Starlight Glimmer has agreed to let the campus be used for the event, and Pipsqueak has allowed me to speak there since I'm one of his biggest fans. "

Larry couldn't contain his excitement, "Oh boy, sounds like fun; I can't wait," he said.

Suddenly, Spike appeared in the throne room, "Hey Bob and Larry, the hot air balloon is ready to take you to Ponyville," he announced. "I'll stay behind with Twilight. You go with the rest of the ponies to tour Ponyville. I'll see you at the birthday party later on."

So, Bob and Larry joined Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie on the hot air balloon to Ponyville. The balloon dropped off Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity, who returned to their homes. Rainbow Dash then took the balloon to her house to give Bob and Larry a tour of her home.

Rainbow Dash led Bob and Larry through the wispy corridors of her magnificent Cloudominium, proudly showcasing her home in the sky. "Welcome to my humble abode!" she exclaimed, a twinkle of pride in her eyes. "Check out this view!" Bob and Larry marveled at the breathtaking sight of Equestria below, the fluffy clouds floating by like gentle giants.

As they explored further, they stumbled upon Scootaloo diligently dusting a row of colorful cloud shelves. Rainbow Dash beamed with admiration for her hardworking friend. "Meet Scootaloo, my awesome assistant and the best cloud cleaner in Equestria!" she introduced with a playful nudge towards the orange pegasus.

"Greetings, Scootaloo," said Bob.

Scootaloo looked up with a surprised grin. "Hey there! Nice to meet you two! Apple Bloom told me all about you both," she chirped, setting down her dusting cloth. "I keep this place sparkling clean for Rainbow Dash in exchange for bits!" Her eyes sparkled with determination and gratitude.

"Wait, what are bits?" asked Larry.

"That is our form of currency," answered Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, I see," said Larry. "Our form of currency back home is called dollars."

Bob and Larry couldn't help but admire the bond between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo and the sense of community and friendship that thrived in the Cloudominium. The warm atmosphere and the joy of discovery made their visit an unforgettable experience in the sky realm of Equestria.

Rainbow Dash then took the hot air balloon down to Ponyville, where Bob and Larry walked to their next destination, following the directions she had provided.

As they walked across Ponville, many residents gave them looks combined with confusion and bewilderment.

"Hmm," wondered Larry, "I guess these ponies have never seen a talking cucumber and tomato."

"Remember," said Bob, "Twilight said we can't be hiding away forever. We need the residents of Equestria to adapt to our presence."

As Bob and Larry stepped into the Carousel Boutique, they were greeted by the melodious voice of Rarity. "Welcome, darlings! I am thrilled to have you here to explore my fabulous creations," she greeted them with a graceful smile, her horn shimmering with magic as she showcased her latest designs.

Rarity led the way through the boutique, showcasing racks of exquisite dresses and shelves filled with sparkling accessories. "Behold, the essence of beauty and style, crafted with love and attention to detail," she mused, her eyes gleaming with passion for her craft.

Midway through the tour, they encountered Sweetie Belle, who was organizing a display of colorful ribbons. "Oh, hello there! Apple Bloom shared with me about meeting you two. I'm Sweetie Belle, and I'm helping Rarity with the ribbon collection today," she explained with a cheerful grin, her eyes lit up with creativity and wonder.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sweetie Belle," said Bob.

"Same here," said Larry, "you and Rarity were made for each other."

Rarity beamed with sisterly pride as she introduced Sweetie Belle to Bob and Larry. "This is my dear sister, Sweetie Belle, a budding designer in her own right," she praised, her voice filled with affection for her sibling. "She has a keen eye for fashion and a talent for adding a touch of magic to every creation."

As the tour continued, Bob and Larry were captivated by the artistry and camaraderie that infused Carousel Boutique. The bond between Rarity and Sweetie Belle and the creative energy surrounding them made their visit a truly enchanting experience in the heart of Ponyville.

Bob and Larry then left to go to Sugarcube Corner.

"Oh boy!" exclaimed Larry. "This will probably be my favorite part of the tour!"

"Now, Larry," said Bob, "we need to act professionally to positively impact Equestria."

As Bob and Larry walked through the cheerful doors of Sugarcube Corner, they were met with the exuberant presence of Pinkie Pie, the resident party planner extraordinaire. "Hey there, welcome to the most fun-tastic bakery in Ponyville! It's party time!" she exclaimed, bouncing excitedly as she welcomed them with open hooves.

Pinkie Pie led the way through the bustling bakery, pointing out the colorful displays of cupcakes, cookies, and confections. "Check out all these yummy treats just waiting to be devoured! It's like a sweet symphony for your taste buds," she declared with a grin, her pink mane bouncing along in tune with her jubilant voice.

As they ventured further into Sugarcube Corner, they came upon Mr. and Mrs. Cake and Sugar Belle.

"Mr. Cake, Mrs. Cake, Sugar Belle," said Pinkie Pie, "meet Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber. Bob and Larry meet Mr. and Mrs. Cake, the owners of Sugarcube Corner. And Sugar Belle dessert expert and Big Mac's wife."

The three bakers were a little shocked seeing the veggie duo.

"Don't be shy," said Larry, "we don't bite."

"Yep," said Bob, "you may have never seen two talking vegetables. But rest assured, we are friendly, loving, and peaceful."

"Hello there, dearies! We're in the midst of a big baking project today," Mrs. Cake greeted them with a warm smile, her flour-dusted apron bearing witness to the busy day ahead.

Mr. Cake nodded in agreement as he shared details of the task. "Sugar Belle and I are teaming up to create a magnificent birthday cake for an upcoming party. It's going to be a masterpiece," he explained with pride, his baking expertise evident in the precision of his movements.

Meanwhile, Sugar Belle carefully measured ingredients and mixed batter with a focused determination. "We want this cake to be the talk of the town! It's got to be perfect for the celebration tonight," she remarked, her eyes shining with determination and a hint of excitement.

Amidst the whirlwind of activity and the delightful aromas wafting through the air, Bob and Larry couldn't help but be swept up in the festive spirit of Sugarcube Corner. The camaraderie among the bakers and the sense of joy infused in every baked creation made their visit a delectable experience in the heart of Ponyville.

Bob and Larry exited and went to Fluttershy's cottage, where she gave them a tour.

As Bob and Larry approached Fluttershy's cottage, they were greeted by the gentle rustling of leaves and the sweet melodies of chirping birds. The door opened slowly, revealing Fluttershy's soft smile and welcoming aura. "Hello, welcome to my humble abode. I'm so glad you're here to visit," she greeted them soothingly, her kind eyes twinkling with warmth.

"Wow, Fluttershy, your cottage is truly enchanting," Bob remarked, his eyes wandering over the cozy surroundings.

"It's so peaceful here. I feel like all my worries melt away," Larry added, taking in the tranquil atmosphere.

Fluttershy guided them through her cottage, explaining the purpose of each area with care and passion. "This is where my animal friends come to rest and play. It's a peaceful sanctuary for all creatures, great and small," she said, leading them to the cozy nooks and crannies where her friends found solace.

"I've never seen a garden so vibrant and full of life," Bob exclaimed as they strolled through the blooming flowers and fluttering butterflies.

"It's like a symphony of nature's beauty," Larry agreed, marveling at the colorful display before them.

They met Fluttershy's animal friends inside the cottage, each adding their unique charm to the cozy space. "These are my precious companions. They bring so much joy and companionship into my life," Fluttershy explained as Bob and Larry watched in awe.

"It's amazing how you've created such a harmonious bond with these animals," Bob said, admiration evident in his voice.

"You truly have a gift for connecting with nature," Larry added, smiling at the peaceful scene before them.

Fluttershy invited them to sit down for tea and treats as the tour concluded. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. It's always nice to share moments of stillness and camaraderie with friends, don't you think?" she said with a smile, pouring tea into delicate cups.

In Fluttershy's tranquil cottage, Bob and Larry found a haven of serenity and compassion, a deeper appreciation for the beauty of nature, and the power of genuine connections.

Bob and Larry left the cottage for a nature walk in the Everfree Forest.

As Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber entered the mysterious Everfree Forest, they scanned the lush surroundings. They unexpectedly found the familiar faces of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The trio of young ponies and the Young Six, consisting of Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Yona, Smolder, and Ocellus, were volunteering to collect rare plants for Zecora's special bath bombs for the birthday party.

"Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo!" Bob called out, his voice echoing through the dense forest. It wasn't long before the nine enthusiastic youngsters emerged from a clearing, their hooves and claws stained with dirt, carrying baskets full of colorful plants.

"Bob! Larry! What are you doing here?" Apple Bloom exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise as she recognized the veggie duo.

"Fancy running into you three again," said Larry, "and I see you have six other friends for us to meet."

The Young Six introduced themselves to Bob and Larry, and they did the same.

"I have a question," said Bob. "What do you nine know about Cozy Glow?"

The nine children's eyes widened in shock; they then continued to answer Bob's question.

Scootaloo, with a furrowed brow, somberly shared, "Cozy Glow's actions showed that even those we trust the most can turn against us."

Gallus said, "It was a harsh reminder that appearances can be deceiving. She almost tore apart everything we cared about."

Sweetie Belle added with a touch of sadness, "It was a tough lesson, but it taught us to be more cautious about who we place our trust in."

With a determined expression, Smolder declared, "Cozy Glow taught us that even the sweetest appearances can hide the most sinister intentions. It's important to stay vigilant and trust our instincts."

Silverstream nodded in agreement, "She tried to turn us against each other, but we stayed united. Our friendship is stronger than any lies she tried to weave."

Sandbar chimed in, "Cozy Glow's actions may have caused confusion and distrust, but they also strengthened our bond as friends. We are more resilient because of what we went through."

Seeing the children's discomfort, Bob and Larry decided to lighten the mood. "What are you doing here today, gathering all these plants?" Larry inquired, hoping to shift the focus to a more positive topic.

Ocellus eagerly explained, "We're helping Zecora gather ingredients for her special bath bombs. She's creating them for a grand birthday party in Equestria later today. It's going to be a magical celebration!"

Yona nodded appreciatively. "Yona thinks Zecora's skills are remarkable. Yona is sure bath bombs will be hit at party."

"You are all a remarkable trio and sextet." Bob admired, "Maybe you can all join to become a supergroup of nine."

Bob and Larry walked with nine Equestrian youth to Zecora's hut, where they presented the ingredients to the zebra herbalist.

"Thank you for your help, young friends," said Zecora. "I sure can trust you from beginning to end. Who are these talking vegetables in my sight? I don't suppose ever seeing such produce, am I right?"

"Hello," said Larry nervously, "you're not a witch, are you?"

"We mean no offense," said Bob, "but we believe that witchcraft is a gateway to a very dark and disturbing path."

"Rest assured, I consult no demonic form," said Zecora, "inviting spirits such as that can raise a frightening storm. I use magic like the unicorns you have met; our forms alone are our only asset."

"I see," said Larry. "It also sounds like you're a poet and don't even know it."

"I'm aware that the statements I say are in rhyme," responded Zecora. "That is what makes me so prime."

"Cool," said Bob, "so when does this birthday party begin?"

"You will all celebrate in just a few hours when I finish making my magical bath bombs from these flowers," said Zecora.

"Unlike the Young Six," said Apple Bloom, "we don't go to the School of Friendship. But everypony in Ponyville is invited there."

"Yes," said Sweetie Belle, "it is hosted by a party planner pony named Cheese Sandwich."

"Who is Cheese Sandwich?" asked Larry.

"He is pretty much the stallion version of Pinkie Pie," said Scootaloo. "He is her stallion friend."

"You mean they're dating?" asked Larry, worried.

"Correct," answered Scootaloo.

"WHAT!" shouted Larry.

"Uh Larry," asked Gallus, "is there something shocking about that?"

"Nope," said Larry, smiling widely and awkwardly with his tooth flashing, "not at all."

Bob and Larry then made their way out of the Everfree Forest and back to Ponyville.

"Look, Larry," said Bob firmly. "I know you are in love with Pinkie Pie, but you need to remember to control your outbursts."

"I'm sorry, Bob," said Larry. "I need to remember what the Tenth Commandment says about not coveting another man's wife."

As they were walking down the street, they ran into Rarity. "Larry darling, what seems to be the matter?"

"Oh," said Larry, "I just learned that Pinkie Pie is dating another pony, and I guess I got a little jealous because I had a crush on her."

"Now Larry," said Rarity, "I will confess I also had a crush on your asparagus friend Archibald. But I would never pursue a relationship with him."

"Right," said Bob, "Archibald already has a girlfriend named Lovey."

"Yes," said Rarity, "Archibald is better off with his species. Even Spike has a crush on me but is way too young for me."

"That's right," said Bob, "it is quite taboo for a minor like Spike to have a relationship with an adult like you, Rarity."

"What Bob and I are trying to say, Larry," said Rarity. "Is that before you can pursue a relationship with somepony. You need to make sure it is proper and appropriate. Pinkie Pie is better off with another pony than a vegetable like you. But don't worry, likely you'll find a lovely cucumber companion in the future."

"Thanks for that advice, Rarity," said Larry, "I can see why you're the Element of Generosity."

The hours passed, and Bob and Larry headed to the School of Friendship for Pipsqueak's bath-themed birthday party. All the guests were required to wear bathing caps. Before the School of Friendship, the pond was warmed up with oodles of suds and soap flowing around for the guests to wade in. In addition, the guests threw Zecora's bath bombs into the pond to create unique chemical reactions. There was also a giant bounce house shaped like a toy boat and a rubber duck carnival game. Fluttershy even provided a petting zoo with ducks, frogs, and turtles.

"Wow," said Larry, "this will get our minds off the trials and tribulations we have yet to face."

"You said it, Larry," responded Bob, "I've never been to a birthday party like this."

Bob and Larry then ran into Pipsqueak, who was a little confused.

"How peculiar," Pipsqueak observed. "I don't know why a tomato and cucumber are selected as the mascots for my bath party."

"We're not mascots, son," said Bob. "We're guests just like every other pony here."

"Yep," said Larry, "and these are not costumes; this is how we appear, birthday boy."

"Oh my!" exclaimed Pipsqueak, "well, the more the merrier, including the presence of sentient produce."

Bob and Larry then ran into the party planner: "Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber!"

"Wait, are you Cheese Sandwich?" asked Bob.

"In the flesh!" Cheese Sandwich responded, smiling. "I recently had a conversation with Pinkie Pie, and she shared with me about the exciting adventures you two have gone on together. Hearing about all the fun times and challenges you've faced was fascinating. I felt relieved that my mare friend shared my opinions about Cozy Glow. I was deeply saddened when that poor filly got petrified in stone, and it broke my heart. However, after hearing Pinkie Pie's perspective on the situation, I found comfort in knowing she could understand and empathize with Cozy Glow's struggles. Seeing such kindness and compassion in friends like you."

"Thanks for your support, Cheese Sandwich," said Larry, who was no longer jealous of Pinkie Pie. "You and Pinkie Pie surely deserve each other."

"By the way," said Cheese Sandwich. "Pinkie Pie told me, Larry, that you play the sousaphone. I invite you to jam out some bath tunes with me. I'll play on my accordion, and we can also have two other musical ponies join us: Octavia Melody on cello and DJ PON-3 on turntable."

"Of course, I'd love to perform with you," said Larry.

"And Bob," said Cheese Sandwich, "before Larry and I play some songs. Trixie would like you to be her assistant for her magic show."

"Alright," said Bob, "sounds interesting."

"Yep," responded Cheese Sandwich, "it's no illusion but genuine magic. She has been practicing on tomatoes."

Bob raised an eyebrow, wondering what that could be.

Later in the party, Trixie set up her magic show and presented it to the audience.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie welcomes you to my marvelous magic show."

As Trixie took center stage at the bath-themed birthday party, she beckoned Bob the Tomato to stand beside her, a nervous yet curious expression on his face. With a mischievous glint, Trixie turned to the audience and declared, "Behold, ladies and gentlemen, I shall transform this talking tomato into a rubber duck before your very eyes!"

Bob's eyes widened in surprise as Trixie's horn shimmered with sparkling light, casting a magical aura around him. A wave of transformation swept over Bob, causing his familiar red skin to morph and reshape into the vibrant yellow of a rubber duck. Bob blinked in astonishment, feeling his body altering into a completely different form.

As the audience gasped in amazement and anticipation, Trixie continued to channel her magic, weaving spells with precision and flair. With a final flourish, she reversed the spell, her horn glowing with renewed brilliance. The magic dissipated, and Bob stood again in his original tomato form, blinking and taking in the wondrous spectacle that had transpired.

The onlookers erupted into applause and cheers, their excitement palpable in the air. Bob, still tingling with the residual magic of the transformation, found himself at a loss for words. "That... that was incredible, Trixie," he managed to utter, a mix of awe and delight in his voice.

Trixie beamed with satisfaction at the success of her magical feat, basking in the crowd's admiration. She turned to Bob with a knowing smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "See, Bob? With a bit of magic, anything is possible!" she exclaimed, her confidence shining through.

Bob nodded in agreement, a newfound appreciation for the wonder of magic lighting up his features.

Backstage Cheese Sandwich introduced Larry to Octavia Melody and DJ PON-3.

"Nice to meet you two pony performers," said Larry.

"Same here," said Octavia, "you are quite the charming cucumber, and I heard you play a mean sousaphone."

DJ PON-3 nodded in agreement.

Cheese Sandwich then went up on stage. "Alright, pony partygoers, give it up for Octavia Melody, DJ PON-3, and making his stage debut: Larry the Cucumber!"

So the three ponies and cucumber performed a selection of rub-a-dub ditties on stage.

Shortly afterward, Larry asked, "Hey, Cheese Sandwich, can Bob and I perform a song together that fits the party theme?"

"I don't see why not," said Cheese Sandwich.

Larry invited Bob onstage, and Bob explained the song they were about to perform to the audience.

"This song you are about to hear next ties in with the bath theme and the sacred beliefs me and Larry follow."

Bob sang the verses first as Larry repeated them in harmony.

(Play from 0:17-2:26)

The audience cheered loudly as Cheese Sandwich congratulated them both: "That was entertaining and funny, but also heartfelt and inspiring."

Then Luna flew onto the stage and addressed everypony at the party.

"Aren't we blessed with these two vegetables?" asked Luna.

The audience cheered yet again.

"Now I have something important to address to every one of you. Pipsqueak has given me the privilege of attending this party and speaking here about it. Bob and Larry also inspired me to bring this topic up."

Princess Luna stood tall on the stage, her regal form illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight. Her voice carried authority and grace as she addressed the assembled ponies, her words imbued with a sense of solemnity and purpose.

"Dear citizens of Equestria," Luna began, her voice resonating with a quiet power that demanded attention. "I must speak to you all today about the upcoming trial convention that will decide the fate of Cozy Glow." Her eyes held a steely resolve, reflecting her undying dedication to upholding justice and order.

Luna's words carried weight and significance as she spoke, each syllable chosen with care and intention. "It is imperative that we approach this trial with fairness and impartiality," she continued, her gaze sweeping across the attentive faces of the audience. "We must ensure that justice prevails and that the truth is revealed through a thorough and transparent process."

The ponies in the crowd listened intently, a hush falling over the hall as Luna's words resonated with a solemn clarity. She emphasized the importance of upholding the principles of Equestrian law and emphasized the need for unity and cooperation in the face of adversity.

"As we gather to witness this trial convention, let us remember that it is not only the fate of Cozy Glow that hangs in the balance, but the very fabric of our society," Luna declared, her voice carrying a note of urgency and determination. "We must stand together in the pursuit of justice and truth, holding fast to the values that define us as a nation."

With her impassioned speech drawing to a close, Luna's gaze softened slightly, her expression conveying a deep sense of empathy and understanding. "Together, united in purpose and resolve, we shall navigate the challenges ahead and emerge stronger for having faced them," she concluded, her words infused with a message of hope and solidarity.

As the crowd erupted into respectful applause, Luna stood resolute upon the stage, a beacon of guidance and wisdom in the tumultuous times ahead. Her unwavering dedication to justice and righteousness was a source of inspiration to all who had the privilege of bearing witness to her commanding presence.

Chapter.17: Preceding Preparations

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A week had passed since Luna's announcement, and now the trial was ready to begin. It was held at a newly constructed arena built during Canterlot's reparations since the battle against the Legion of Doom. However, this trial would follow different rules; after all, the defendant would not be present, and it was to decide whether to pardon instead of convict. Twilight Sparkle herself would oversee the trial in a way a judge would typically since she was Princess of Equestria by sitting in a booth above the center of the stage, but obviously without any decision regarding Cozy Glow's fate. In place of a jury was something similar; twelve of Twilight's closest colleagues and mentors were in an advisory council: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, and Trixie. Six advisory council members sat beside Twilight in a booth on her left and the other half on her right, facing the spectators. All the advisory council members had mixed views on Cozy Glow and would try to stay neutral during the trial, as they helped Twilight oversee the trial. After the trial, instead of voting on the verdict, the advisory council would set up a station to monitor whether Equestria's citizens would vote to pardon Cozy Glow. Then, there was the defense council at a table on the stage right and the offense council on the stage left. Each council would have four members, and during the trial, Equestrian citizens could register with the defense council or offense council to testify for or against Cozy Glow.

Bob and Larry went to their sides of the stage, where they found none other than Cheese Sandwich, dressed in a brown and yellow two-piece suit. With glasses perched on his nose, and his usually wild mane was neatly tied up, giving him a more serious and professional look.

"Nice outfit, Cheese Sandwich," complimented Larry.

"I am not Cheese Sandwich for the day, Larry," Cheese Sandwich responded jokingly. "But you may call me Munster Monte Cristo Esq."

"That's quite a mouthful," giggled Bob.

"Oh, just trying to lighten the mood before this court case progresses. I wanted to look more seriously since I'm better known for novelty items than legal battles, so I commissioned Rarity to make this suit."

Cheese Sandwich then addressed the unicorn pony beside him, deep into her studies. "By the way, say hello to Moon Dancer; together, we four make the defense council of this trial."

"Hi, Bob and Larry," said Moon Dancer. "I live here in Canterlot and went to school with Twilight Sparkle at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I love studying even in my spare time, so I was appointed to this position. Like Cheese Sandwich, I was traumatized by Cozy Glow's fate and was afraid to admit my sympathy to anypony. So I'm happy you two made me more confident about publicizing this situation, primarily since I'm not known for socializing."

"Well, we're happy to have you on Moon Dancer," said Larry.

"Yep," said Bob, "we sure make quite the quartet." Bob then noticed the offense council, comprised of Chancellor Neighsay, Grampa Gruff, and the Flim Flam Brothers, take their seats. "Who are those four we're up against?"

"Let's just say they're not the most liked individuals of Equestria," explained Cheese Sandwich, "which is why I have more confidence in this affair. First, we have Chancellor Neighsay, the head of the Equestrian Education Association. When Twilight Sparkle wanted to create the School of Friendship, Neighsay wouldn't allow her; he didn't believe that ponies could integrate with dragons, yaks, griffons, hippogriffs, and changelings."

"How abhorrent," said Bob, steaming, "it reminds me of when school boards wouldn't allow white and black children to learn together."

"Well," Cheese Sandwich continued, "Twilight Sparkle opened the school anyway against Neighsay's wishes and even had Princess Celestia to back her up. Then, one day, when all the magic of Equestria disappeared, Neighsay quickly concluded that non-ponies were responsible and had the five non-pony students tied up and locked in a dorm room, along with Sandbar, who was accused of being a traitor to the species."

"Oh yes," said Larry, "the Young Six. Such wonderful children; it's a shame that Neighsay didn't show more dignity towards them."

"Later," Cheese Sandwich continued, "it was revealed that our very defendant was responsible for the disappearance of Equestria's magic and used Neighsay's suspicions as the opportunity to carry out her deed and had the rest of the students rise against him because he had installed himself as the head of the school. Ironically, the Young Six came to his rescue, and he apologized for his actions and bigotry. You could say Neighsay was easily forgiven, thanks to Cozy Glow being his scapegoat."

"Yes," said Bob, "obviously what Cozy Glow did was wrong. But the fact that he was forgiven that easy without punishment, and yet still denies Cozy Glow a second chance?"

"Not to mention he is an adult; his brain has developed more fully," said Larry.

"Second, we have Grampa Gruff—the ruler and patriarch of Griffonstone. He is no one's grandfather; it is just a name to show his status. Grampa Gruff is notorious for his greedy, unfriendly, and possibly abusive demeanor, which is why the griffons do not have a reputation for acting likable."

"Are you kidding me?" Bob asked. "The two griffons I know are Gabby and Gallus, and they don't act like that. Gabby is such a sweetheart, and Gallus can be a bit snarky, but he is not a jerk."

"Well," continued Cheese Sandwich, "those two griffons are significant exceptions. Gallus is Grampa Gruff's ward and has yet to show proper love and affection towards the griffon student."

"That's sickening," said Larry indignantly, "Gallus deserves to be treated properly. If he and Gabby struggle with forgiving him, he should also act a little more forgiving."

"Finally, we have Flim and Flam. And together, they are known as the Flim Flam Brothers."

"Oh yes," said Bob, "I remember hearing from Applejack that they are Equestria's most notorious pair of swindlers."

"Correct," continued Cheese Sandwich, "their schemes include industrializing apple cider squeezing, health tonics, selling tickets, opening their friendship school, and selling defective dolls around the holidays."

"Have they ever faced any legal repercussions?" asked Larry.

"Nope," said Cheese Sandwich, "whenever their scams got exposed, they always fled their areas of operation."

"And to think," growled Bob, "here they are trying to indict a child while they've cowardly avoided an indictment themselves."

"Can't agree with you more, Bob," said Cheese Sandwich.

"Well, I think we should pray before this trial gets started," said Larry, "care to do the honors, Bob?"

Bob bowed his head and closed his eyes as Larry followed suit. "Dear God, we do not know how this trial will affect the future. Please give us strength, faith, and comfort during this tumultuous time. I also pray that you provide the same to Cozy Glow and that she may see the light as she is stuck in the dark. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen."

Bob and Larry opened their eyes and noticed they were face-to-face with Neighsay, Gruff, and the Flim Flam Brothers.

"Well, look here," said Neighsay mockingly, "the silly salad ingredients are communicating with their invisible sky daddy."

"Chancellor Neighsay," said Bob with a hint of disgust, "I've learned how you lacked respect for different species. Now you go and disrespect different beliefs."

"Well, where is your god?" Neighsay asked pridefully. "If he is real, why don't you have him smite me and break Cozy Glow from her stone prison?"

"It doesn't work like that," defended Larry, "our God is not just some wishing well. His will is not our will."

"Well," continued Neighsay, "if your god is real, maybe he wouldn't want an evil brat like Cozy Glow to be forgiven. That filly caused enough damage, she even manipulated a bunch of students to tie me up and be held captive."

"Oh, don't act so holy," confronted Moon Dancer. "Let's not forget the type of prejudice you embodied before that happened and how you blamed five students for simply not being a pony and another student for being a species traitor. You should be thankful you got reformed without penalty."

"I'm very disappointed in you, Moon Dancer," said Neighsay, "you should be joining us and not this cheese-loving clown and his produce pals."

"Excuse me!" Cheese Sandwich snapped, "I may not be a professional lawyer, but I did as much research as possible before today. Speak for yourself; you're a bigoted bureaucrat accompanied by a neglectful royal and two crooked con artists."

Grampa Gruff let out a heavy cough before speaking, "I admit Neighsay and I were significant adversaries in the past. But Neighsay has put his old ways behind him, and we can team up to keep this fiendish filly in stone. At Griffonstone, we lost an essential artifact for our community that fell into an abyss. I've heard Cozy Glow had used Equestrian artifacts for world domination. If that were one of my griffon subjects, I'd never forgive them."

"Oh, you think you're so morally superior," confronted Bob. "Gabby and Gallus are among your subjects, and I've learned how you've treated those lovely griffons."

"Gabby and Gallus, ha!" scoffed Gruff. "Those two are just pathetic! They never stop babbling about the wonders of friendship and all that mush."

"Well, it looks like my point is proven," muttered Bob.

"Besides," said Gruff after letting out another cough. "Neighsay and I must thank Flim and Flam for getting us together. Their idea was for us to prosecute Cozy Glow, and they promised us a share of gold bars for our assistance. We griffons do love our gold."

"Seriously," said Larry skeptically, "how could you trust these two crooks?"

"We have the gold right here," said Flim, opening a briefcase containing many shiny gold bars.

"Once this trial is over, it will be paid in full to Chancellor Neighsay and Grampa Gruff," said Flam.

"You two have some nerve," confronted Bob. "You have pulled several scams across Equestria without consequence, and now you are here trying to convince Equestria that this child doesn't deserve the same mercy."

"I admit we've pulled a hustle here and there in our slightly younger days," said Flim.

"But now we have the chance to make history," said Flam, "we will teach fillies and colts across Equestria what happens when you engage in criminal activity."

"You mean like you two hypocrites?" asked Larry.

"Not everypony is perfect," said Flim.

"But I would say we are closer to perfect than that nasty Cozy Glow," said Flam.

"Well, I can't defend Cozy Glow's actions," said Bob. "But I do know that she is suffering a horrible punishment. You two have never even paid a small fine."

"Whatever," said Neighsay, "regardless of Flim and Flam's flaws, they did create a lovely friendship school, and they will be appreciated even further to keep this juvenile delinquent where she is now and where she shall remain. Good luck to the four of you, because we don't even need luck to win this trial."

Neighsay, Gruff, and the Flim Flam Brothers returned to their seats.

"Well, you know what they say," said Cheese Sandwich, "pride becomes before a fall."

"Yep," said Bob, "pride is also one of the seven deadly sins. Neighsay and gang might have learned that the hard way."

Larry then noticed a fly buzzing beside his face as he said, "Shoo fly, don't bother me."

"Hey, I just wanted to get the buzz about the trial," said the fly in a squeaky voice. Bob and Larry noticed that the fly had the familiar smirking face of Discord.

"Discord, is that you?" asked Larry.

"Discord," said Bob, annoyed, "this trial is a serious situation, and we don't have any time for your shenanigans. By the way, remember I said Cozy Glow's fate was your fault? Why aren't you helping us?"

"Look," said Discord, "Celestia and Luna have also grilled me about my lack of cooperation, and I thought it was best to recuse myself from this trial until further notice. So I haven't abandoned you, I'm just avoiding becoming a burden."

"Well, I guess that's a wise decision," said Bob.

"Yep," said Larry, "just don't get squashed or swatted."

"I'm not worried; you won't see me stuck in a spider's web, and you won't hear me yell, 'Help me! Help me!'. Nope, Fluttershy is here in the arena, and no pony would even dare harm me in this form."

"I see," Bob said, giggling, "Fluttershy wouldn't harm a fly. Well, buzz off so we can begin the trial."

"Your wish is my command," said Discord as he flew off.

As the audience filled the arena, the advisory council took their seats. Spike flew onto the stage and blew his bugle to get everypony's attention.

"Mares and stallions, colts and fillies, all different creatures big and small of Equestria. All rise for the honorable Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Chapter.18: Tactics of a Trial

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Spike took his seat in the smaller booth just below Twilight Sparkle as she began to address the audience in the arena. "Everypony, please listen carefully," Twilight Sparkle started to, her voice filling the grand courtroom with authority. "The rules of this trial are of utmost importance, as they will determine the outcome of this case." Her eyes swept across the room, ensuring that everypony was focused on her words.

Twilight paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "The procedures that we will follow must be strictly adhered to in order to ensure a fair and just trial for all involved," she stated firmly. "The integrity of these proceedings depends on each of us upholding these rules with the utmost respect."

Addressing the defense and offense councils directly, Twilight's tone was resolute. "You both have a critical role to play in this trial. Your dedication to representing your respective sides with honesty and integrity is paramount to pursuing justice." She emphasized the gravity of their responsibilities, leaving no room for ambiguity.

Turning her attention to the potential witnesses, Twilight's gaze softened slightly. "If you wish to present testimony, I urge you to come forward and register your intent with the appropriate legal team," she implored, her sincerity evident in her voice. "Your voices hold the key to unraveling the truth, and your participation is integral to the search for justice in this trial."

Twilight addressed the advisory council solemnly, emphasizing their crucial role in the proceedings. "Your task is to ensure that the trial adheres to the highest standards of fairness and transparency," she said, her words carrying the weight of the responsibility placed upon them. Your careful observations and deliberations will guide us towards a just resolution in this case."

As Twilight concluded her address, the courtroom was filled with a lingering silence, punctuated only by the rustling of ponies and other creatures shifting in their seats. Her commitment to upholding the principles of law and order shone brightly in her eyes, a beacon of unwavering dedication to truth and justice.

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Many residents of Equestria began to register with both the defense and offense councils to testify. Most of the more significant Equestrian figures decided to defend Cozy Glow. One of the highlights was Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan. "A while ago, yaks were invited by ponies to gathering at pony village. Ponies tried to copy yak culture, making yaks very angry. Yaks throw nasty tantrums, when yaks didn't get way. Ponies just trying to be good hosts, but yaks were rotten guests. Ponies could've demanded that yaks leave, never return, and reject yaks for good. But ponies still acted kind, and then throw party in form of pony culture. Yaks repented of belligerent behavior, and yaks gave respect that ponies deserve. Yaks even send Yona to School of Friendship, to improve relations. Yaks think Cozy Glow could repent, if Cozy Glow got same forgiveness that yaks recieved." The audience applauded as Prince Rutherford left the stage.

Princess Ember of the Dragonlands was next to testify. With a regal aura, she addressed the assembly with a powerful voice that resonated with authority. "The bond between ponies and dragons has grown stronger over the years," she declared, her eyes reflecting her pride in recounting their shared successes. We have worked tirelessly to foster understanding and cooperation, paving the way for a brighter future for all."

An expression of warmth crossed Ember's face as she turned her attention to Smolder, a beacon of progress and hope. "I am immensely proud of Smolder for taking the initiative to attend the School of Friendship," she pronounced, her voice tinged with admiration. "Her dedication to learning and building bridges between our two species serves as an inspiration to us all."

In a moment of empathy and wisdom, Princess Ember spoke of forgiveness and redemption, her words carrying the weight of experience and understanding. "We must remember that even those who have strayed from the path are capable of change and growth," she asserted with unwavering conviction. "Cozy Glow, too, deserves a chance at redemption, for only through compassion and understanding can we truly move forward as a united community."

Princess Ember's gaze swept across the audience as she concluded her address, her words resonating with a sense of unity and determination. "Let us continue to work together, ponies and dragons, in harmony and cooperation," she proclaimed. "For it is through our shared efforts and mutual respect that we will forge a future filled with friendship, understanding, and acceptance for all."

King Thorax of the Changelings was next to testify: Thorax stood tall and resolute as he addressed the gathered assembly, his words carrying the weight of history and transformation. "I was once the first changeling to embrace goodness and turn away from the darkness that consumed us," he proclaimed, his eyes reflecting the journey he had undertaken with unwavering resolve. "With the help of ponies and the power of friendship, we freed the changelings from Queen Chrysalis's tyrannical rule and embarked on a path of redemption and renewal."

Thorax radiated a sense of paternal pride as he spoke of Ocellus, a shining example of hope and unity. "I am filled with pride to see Ocellus attending the School of Friendship," he declared, his voice resonating with genuine admiration. "Her courage and dedication to learning and embracing harmony represent the best of what our changeling kin have to offer."

In a moment of compassion and understanding, King Thorax extended his thoughts on forgiveness, his words wrapped in empathy and wisdom. "We must remember that even those who have strayed can find their way back to the light," he affirmed, his conviction unwavering. "Cozy Glow, too, deserves a chance at redemption, for forgiveness, and second chances are the cornerstones of true transformation and growth."

Thorax's gaze swept over the assembly as he concluded his testimony, his words ringing with a call to unity and cooperation. "Let us continue to stand together, ponies and changelings, in a bond of friendship and understanding," he urged. "Only through our shared efforts and collective compassion can we build a future filled with harmony, acceptance, and respect for all."

Queen Novo of Hippogriffia was next: Queen Novo stood before the assembly, her regal demeanor tinged with sadness as tears glistened in her eyes. "I made a difficult choice to ground my daughter Skystar for her part in helping liberate Equestria from the Storm King," she shared, her voice bearing the weight of a mother's heartache. "I believed I was protecting her, but it only drove us apart."

Recalling the painful exchange with Skystar, Queen Novo's voice trembled with emotion. "Skystar was so angry; she told me she hated me and never wanted to see me again," she recounted, the memory etched with regret. "And in her anger, she ran away from home, leaving me shattered and filled with guilt."

A tender smile crossed Queen Novo's face as she narrated the heartwarming reconciliation with her daughter. "In the depths of our strife, we found the strength to forgive and embrace each other anew," she shared, her voice filled with gratitude and love. "Our bond was mended, stronger, and more resilient than before, a testament to the power of understanding and forgiveness."

Turning her attention to a more hopeful note, Queen Novo expressed her pride in Silverstream's attendance at the School of Friendship. "I am immensely proud of Silverstream for her dedication to learning and her courage in venturing beyond the boundaries of our home," she declared, her eyes alight with maternal pride. "She embodies the spirit of unity and friendship, spreading her wings to soar to new heights of understanding and empathy."

With a generous spirit, Queen Novo extended her thoughts on forgiveness towards Cozy Glow, her words carrying a message of compassion and redemption. "Even in the face of betrayal and deceit, we must strive to see the potential for growth and transformation in every being," she affirmed, her voice unwavering. "Cozy Glow, too, deserves a chance at renewal and a path towards forgiveness, for in forgiveness lies the foundation for healing and reconciliation."

As Queen Novo concluded her testimony, a sense of unity and empathy permeated the room. Her words resonated with the timeless truths of love, forgiveness, and the unbreakable bonds that bind us all. Even Skystar was weeping in the audience.

Gilda was next. She stood before the assembly, her gaze introspective as she recounted her past actions with a tinge of regret. "I must admit, when I first came to Equestria, I was not the kindest or most understanding individual," she began, her tone laced with a hint of remorse. "I bullied the residents there, causing hurt and pain in my wake."

Reflecting on her journey of growth and redemption, Gilda spoke of the pivotal moment when the ponies forgave her, allowing her a chance at redemption. "The ponies showed me grace and forgiveness when I least deserved it," she revealed, a glimmer of gratitude in her eyes. "Their kindness and understanding opened my eyes to the error of my ways and prompted me to change for the better."

A genuine smile graced Gilda's features as she expressed her pride in Gabby's influence on her transformation. "Gabby taught me the value of friendship and the joy that comes from showing kindness and compassion to others," she shared, her voice brimming with admiration. "Her unwavering support and encouragement helped me shed my tough exterior and embrace a more friendly demeanor."

Turning her attention to Gallus and his enrollment at the School of Friendship, Gilda's eyes shone with pride. "Gallus' decision to attend the School of Friendship is a testament to his strength and willingness to learn and grow," she remarked, her voice tinged with maternal pride. "I applaud his courage to step outside his comfort zone and embrace new opportunities for personal development and understanding."

With a sense of empathy and forgiveness, Gilda spoke of her belief in offering Cozy Glow a chance at redemption. "Despite the mistakes Cozy Glow has made, we must believe in the transformative power of forgiveness and second chances," she declared, her words resonating with empathy and compassion. "Forgiveness benefits the forgiven and allows for healing and growth in the forgiver."

As Gilda concluded her testimony, her expression turned serious as she addressed Grampa Gruff's opposing views. "I am disappointed in Grampa Gruff's resistance to Cozy Glow's redemption, especially when I continue to show genuine effort in granting forgiveness," she shared, her disappointment evident. "I hope he will someday see the value of forgiveness and embrace the opportunity for healing and reconciliation."

"Geez, Gilda," Grampa Gruff whispered to himself. "Don't tell me you've gotten weak like Gabby and Gallus."

Tempest Shadow was next: Tempest Shadow approached the stand, her presence commanding yet vulnerable as she recounted the harrowing events of her past. "As a child, an Ursa Minor viciously ripped off my horn, leaving me isolated and without friends," she began, her voice tinged with lingering pain and sorrow. "That moment marked the beginning of my descent into darkness and despair."

Describing the manipulation she endured at the hands of the Storm King, Tempest revealed how his offer of power and belonging had seized upon her vulnerability. "The Storm King exploited my loneliness and offered me a sense of purpose and belonging that I had longed for," she shared, a shiver of regret coursing through her. "I allowed myself to be swayed by his promises, blinded by my pain and desperation."

With a newfound strength in her voice, Tempest recounted the pivotal encounter with Twilight Sparkle, the moment that shifted her perspective and gave her hope for redemption. "Twilight Sparkle showed me a different path, one filled with friendship, understanding, and the possibility of redemption," she expressed, her eyes reflecting gratitude and admiration. "Her unwavering faith in me and belief in my potential gave me the courage to defect from the Storm King and stand against his tyranny."

As she delved into her journey of healing and growth, Tempest passionately argued for Cozy Glow's forgiveness, drawing parallels between their struggles. "Just as Twilight saw the good in me and extended a hand of kindness, we must also offer Cozy Glow a chance at redemption," she declared, her conviction unwavering. "Forgiveness is a powerful force that has the potential to transform even the darkest hearts and lead to redemption and reconciliation."

Tempest concluded her testimony with relentless determination and a message of understanding and empathy. "We all make mistakes and bear our scars, but it is through forgiveness and compassion that we can truly find healing and redemption," she imparted, her words resonating with wisdom and experience. "May we learn from our past and embrace a future built on understanding, forgiveness, and second chances for all."

Stygian was next to testify: Stygian approached the stand, his demeanor somber yet resolute as he embarked on a journey through his past mistakes and redemption. "I once grappled with envy and insecurity, feeling overshadowed by the fame and acclaim bestowed upon the Pillars of Equestria that I had worked alongside," he began, his voice tinged with regret and introspection. "In a misguided attempt to prove myself, I sought to aid them by appropriating powerful artifacts, but my actions led me down a dark and destructive path."

Describing the transformative moment when he succumbed to the darkness within and became the Pony of Shadows, Stygian recounted the tumultuous events that unfolded. "My longing for recognition and validation mutated into a consuming darkness, engulfing me in its malevolent embrace and transforming me into a being of shadow and despair," he confessed, a poignant sense of sorrow evident in his words. "Trapped in limbo for a millennium alongside the Pillars of Equestria, I bore the weight of my transgressions and the consequences of my actions."

With a note of resilience in his voice, Stygian recounted the pivotal turning point in his narrative when he was liberated from the grip of the Pony of Shadows with the compassionate aid of Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer. "Through their unwavering belief in my intrinsic worth and capacity for redemption, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer helped me reclaim my identity and confront the shadows of my past," he affirmed, gratitude shimmering in his eyes. "Their kindness and understanding illuminated a path of hope and healing that I never thought possible."

Reflecting on the moment of forgiveness he received from the Pillars of Equestria, Stygian passionately argued for extending the same compassion and opportunity for redemption to Cozy Glow. "Just as the Pillars of Equestria embraced me with forgiveness and understanding, we must also afford Cozy Glow the chance to seek redemption and reconcile with her past actions," he proclaimed, his voice resolute with conviction. "Forgiveness can transcend darkness and nurture growth, paving the way for a future founded on empathy, understanding, and second chances for all beings."

As he concluded his testimony with a message of compassion and hope, Stygian sought to inspire understanding and empathy among those present. "Our past deeds may cast shadows upon our present, but it is through forgiveness and second chances that we can illuminate a path toward redemption and renewal," he imparted, his words echoing with the wisdom borne from his journey of transformation and growth. "May we extend the same grace and compassion to others as was once extended to me, fostering a future built on unity, forgiveness, and the power of redemption."

The Pillars of Equestria were next: Starswirl the Bearded, a figure of great wisdom and gravitas, shared his perspective on forgiveness with stoic grace. "In the face of darkness and turmoil, we must strive to see the light within each being, for redemption is a journey that all can embark upon," he intoned, his words carrying the weight of ages past and the hope for a brighter future. "Stygian's path to forgiveness was arduous and transformative, yet through our collective understanding and compassion, he found his way back to the light."

Rockhoof, with his rugged demeanor and heartfelt sincerity, recounted the resilience and inner strength he witnessed in Stygian's journey of redemption. "Forgiveness is a beacon of hope in even the darkest of times, illuminating a path toward renewal and growth for all who seek it," he affirmed, his voice resonating with the sound of distant thunder and unwavering loyalty. "Stygian's courage and determination to confront his shadowy past inspire us to believe in the power of second chances and the boundless capacity for growth within every soul."

Flash Magnus, the valiant and daring warrior of legend, spoke of the transformative power of forgiveness with a sense of unwavering resolve. "In the crucible of adversity and redemption, true character is forged, and the bonds of forgiveness are woven ever stronger," he declared, his words infused with the fiery spirit of courage and camaraderie. "Stygian's journey toward forgiveness is a testament to the enduring power of empathy and understanding, guiding us to embrace the light within each other and strive for a future built on unity and compassion."

Mistmane, the embodiment of grace and beauty, offered her perspective on forgiveness with a touch of ethereal wisdom. "Within the depths of despair and regret, forgiveness blooms like a delicate flower, offering solace and renewal to all who seek it," she expressed, her voice saturated with the serene melodies of nature's embrace. "Stygian's transformation from the shadows of his past to the brilliance of his redemption exemplifies the profound healing power of forgiveness, guiding us to see the beauty and potential within every being."

With her practical wisdom and unwavering determination, Mage Meadowbrook spoke of forgiveness's enduring impact on the journey of self-discovery and growth. "Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door to inner peace and reconciliation, paving the way for healing and renewal in the hearts of all," she stated, her voice resonating with the quiet strength of resilience and wisdom. "Stygian's quest for redemption serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of forgiveness, inspiring us to approach each being with empathy and understanding on the path toward unity and harmony."

Somnambula, the radiant Equestrian Pillar of Hope, shared her profound insights on forgiveness as a beacon of light and transformation. "In the tapestry of friendship and harmony, forgiveness threads a path of healing and understanding for all who seek redemption," she reflected, her voice carrying the gentle warmth of the desert sun and the enduring strength of hope. "Stygian's journey toward forgiveness serves as a testament to the power of second chances and the boundless potential for growth within every soul, guiding us to embrace empathy and unity in our quest for inner peace and reconciliation. Just as Stygian found his way back to the light through forgiveness and understanding, so too can Cozy Glow be guided towards a path of redemption and growth," she expressed, her voice filled with compassion and unwavering belief in the capacity for change. "By extending the olive branch of forgiveness and compassion to Cozy Glow, we offer her the chance to learn from her mistakes and forge a new path built on harmony and understanding, fostering a future where forgiveness and second chances reign supreme."

The next to testify was a not-so-significant resident of Equestria: "Hello, my name is Rusty Bucket; I encountered Cozy Glow at the base of Mt. Everhoof. She pretended to be lonely and lost and asked if I could take her to the top of the mountain. But Twilight Sparkle's published journal forbade me from doing so, as it was too dangerous. The poor filly then lost her temper, revealing her true character. I tried kindly pleading with her to calm down, but a mini avalanche knocked her away, and honestly, I didn't care what happened to her; she seemed like a total psycho. I originally came here to the trial to testify against her. But I realized her vulnerability and helplessness after giving her a simple no. Since we've forgiven villains who were far more powerful and dangerous, there is no reason we can't forgive this mere child who was no match for me."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders went up on stage to recite a poem:

Apple Bloom stepped forward, her voice steady yet tinged with a hint of sadness. "Cozy Glow, once a friend so dear, was led astray by doubts and fear. Betrayal stung, and trust was lost, but in forgiveness, we find the cost." Her words echoed with a sense of resilience and understanding, bridging the gap between hurt and healing.

Sweetie Belle followed, her voice gentle yet firm. "Through trials, dark, and challenges faced, our friendship's bond can't be erased. Though shadows linger, light shines through, forgiveness blooms, our hearts renew." Her words carried a melody of hope and renewal, emphasizing the enduring strength of their friendship.

Lastly, Scootaloo stepped up, her voice filled with determination and forgiveness. "Cozy Glow, we offer our hand, let unity and harmony expand. Despite the pain and lessons learned, forgiveness is the bridge we yearn for." Her words resonated with unwavering belief in the power of forgiveness to mend wounds and pave the way for a brighter future.

Together, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stood united in their resolve. Their shared poem was a testament to the transformative power of forgiveness and the enduring strength of their friendship. They were ready to embrace Cozy Glow with open hearts and open minds.

The Young Six made their way onto the stage and explained their planned skit and song.

"Bob and Larry helped the six of us with this song," said Sandbar, dressed as a king.

"We also decided to put on a skit," said Smolder, dressed as a guard.

"We thought it was appropriate for today's trial," said Gallus, who was also dressed as a guard.

"Tomato and cucumber teach Yona the importance of forgiveness," said Yona, dressed in a servant's robe.

"But first," said Ocellus, "I need to get into costume." Ocellus then proceeded to change her form into that of Chancellor Neighsay and even crossed her eyes, wiggled her tongue, and shook her flank.

The arena erupted into laughter. Neighsay was quite embarrassed and noticed Grampa Gruff laughing through wheezing coughs.

"What are you laughing at?" Chancellor Neighsay said, glaring.

"Oh, come on, Chancellor," said Gruff. "Just because they're not on our side doesn't mean we can't share a giggle."

Silverstream then addressed the audience as the rest of the children got into place. "I will be narrating this song skit. We decided to have Chancellor Neighsay in the role of The Unforgiving Servant because we feel we went through a similar situation with him. We think it is wrong to be forgiven, yet not show forgiveness to someone else."

The Young Six performed the skit with a throne and a jail cell on stage.

Ocellus transformed into her usual appearance and bowed with the rest of the Young Six as the audience cheered.

After hours of hundreds of testimonies, the offense council was starting to feel worried.

"The indignity, the humiliation, the peril," growled Neighsay, "most of Equestria's famous residents favor forgiving that little brat."

"You said it," said Gruff as he coughed, "Equestria will be too lenient towards the danger it encounters."

"Not to worry, my dear, my friends," said Flam.

"Remember when we bargained with you to join us in this prosecution? We also did the same with Prince Blueblood, who is the last to testify," said Flim.

Prince Blueblood got up on stage as Bob asked Cheese Sandwich a question. "Who is that stallion?"

"That is Prince Blueblood, a distant nephew of Celestia and Luna. He may be handsome and charming on the outside, but he is vain and selfish on the inside. Rarity met him at the Grand Galloping Gala, and she had to learn that hard way."

"Poor Rarity," said Larry, "I can see how looks like that can deceive."

Prince Blueblood looked nervous in front of the microphone. "Hello, my Equestrian subjects. Remember that fateful day Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis attacked this city? Remember the damage the town suffered? Suffice it to say, I was heartbroken; what is a lovely prince without his beautiful city? What is a kingdom like Equestria without a sweet prince and magnificent city?"

Bob rolled his eyes, "Is this seriously the best the offense council has to offer?"

"Yeah," chuckled Larry, "talk about an incompetent narcissist."

"Why isn't he speaking more conveniently?" Neighsay ranted, "For a prince, I'd expect he'd present more eloquently."

"So tell me, my humble subjects," Blueblood continued, "spare the rod and spoil the child."

"Speak for yourself, you entitled brat," said Moon Dancer.

"Could you imagine if Cozy Glow was given the chance to put our beloved kingdom in danger?" Prince Blueblood continued. "I'd advise against taking that risk. Thank you. Prince Blueblood has left the building."

Prince Blueblood approached the offense council's table and asked, "Can I please have my share of gold?"

The Flim Flam Brothers got their briefcase with gold bars opened as Neighsay berated Blueblood.

"What was that lousy effort I saw out there!?" Neighsay asked.

"Hey, I did this for the gold," said Blueblood, "I don't care what happens to Cozy Glow."

"Well, a deal is a deal," said Flim.

"Yep," said Flam, "a poor testimony is better than no testimony. Here is your share of the gold."

"Alright," said Blueblood as he picked up a gold bar and bit into it when he realized something peculiar.

"HEY!!" Blueblood snapped loudly, and the entire arena noticed the commotion. "This isn't real gold; it's fool's gold I couldn't bite a dent into!"

"Let me see that," growled Gruff as he began to take a bite. The Flim Flam Brothers grinned nervously. Gruff then threw the fool's gold bar behind him. "Grrr, the pony prince is right; this is only a bunch of lousy pyrite, the most useless metal known to griffons."

"So," ranted Neighsay, "what you two said about putting behind your scandalous days was just an outright fib!"

"Uhhh," said Flim, gritting his teeth, "we gotta go mine for real gold."

"Yeah," said Flam in the same matter, "promise to share at least 80% of our findings; bye!"

Flim and Flam raced out of the arena.

"Hey, come back here, you corrupt con artists!" yelled Neighsay.

"I'm going tackle you two with my talons if you don't give me some genuine gold!" shouted Gruff.

"You made me a laughing stock to the entire royalty of Equestria!" exclaimed Blueblood.

The two high-ranking unicorns and griffon then chased Flim and Flam out of the arena, causing the audience to laugh more.

"See," said Cheese Sandwich, "I told you that offense council was precariously put together."

"Yep," said Larry, "the inevitable fall has occurred. What goes around comes around."

"Well," said Bob, "I think Twilight is ready to announce the next part of this trial."

Twilight Sparkle's voice rang out through the bustling arena, commanding attention and respect. "Everypony, it is time to determine the fate of Cozy Glow. Please make your way to the voting booths around the arena," she announced, her tone severe yet reassuring. The ponies glanced at each other with anticipation and contemplation as they prepared to cast their votes.

Twilight continued as the ponies filed towards the voting booths, "The advisory council will be overseeing the voting process to ensure fairness and impartiality." Her words instilled confidence in the ponies, who knew that their voices would be heard and their decisions respected. The council members stood by each voting booth, their expressions neutral yet attentive, ready to uphold the integrity of the voting process.

With determination in their hearts, the ponies approached the voting booths, each casting their ballot with conviction and solemnity. The fate of Cozy Glow hung in the balance, their votes carrying the weight of justice and mercy. Twilight stood at the center of it all, a beacon of leadership and guidance, overseeing the democratic process unfolding with determination and grace.

Chapter.19: The Virtuous Verdict

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Everypony re-entered the arena as the advisory council, along with Twilight Sparkle, returned to their seats. The defense council, their faces etched with the strain of their efforts, also sat back down in their positions. "Well, this is it," said Larry. "I hope this tireless effort we pulled off wasn't in vain."

"Don't worry, Larry," said Bob, "I think we did an excellent job for Cozy Glow's sake, and unlike the offense council, we're still present inside here."

With a steady voice that resonated throughout the arena, Twilight Sparkle declared, "The verdict is in. The majority has spoken. With 93% in favor of a pardon, Cozy Glow shall be given a second chance." The crowd erupted into a mixture of relieved sighs and hopeful cheers, the weight of their decision palpable in the air.

"Thank you, Lord," Bob declared.

"Yes, we owe you God all the gratitude," Larry proclaimed.

"I will now have the petrified body appear on stage," said Twilight. It shall be present here at any moment."

Discord then appeared on stage, holding Cozy Glow's stone body. Discord looked very somber and humble, an expression that was not common to the mischievous draconequus.

With a solemn tone tinged with regret, Discord confessed, "I am deeply ashamed of my actions in manipulating Cozy Glow to commit further evil acts. I realize now the harm I have caused and the lessons I have yet to learn." His words carried a weight of sincerity, a poignant acknowledgment of his past misdeeds and the journey towards redemption.

Discord expressed his gratitude to Bob and Larry, saying, "I am thankful for Bob and Larry for confronting me with the truth and helping me see the error of my ways. Their guidance and support have opened my eyes to the impact of my actions and the importance of making amends." His voice held a hint of humility, a newfound humility that spoke of growth and self-awareness.

As Discord reflected on his role in reforming Cozy Glow, a sense of fulfillment and hope shone in his eyes. "I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of Cozy Glow's transformation and to contribute to her journey towards redemption. It is a privilege to witness the power of friendship and forgiveness in action," he remarked, his words resonating with a sense of newfound wisdom and empathy.

In that moment of introspection and reflection, Discord embraced the complexities of his past and embraced the possibilities of his future, embodying the spirit of growth and change that defined the magical world of Equestria.

"Wow, I did not expect that from Discord," said Larry.

"Yeah," said Bob, "maybe this moment will also be when Discord is fully and genuinely redeemed."

"Before we free Cozy Glow from her stone prison," said Twilight, "I will have my dear and close friend Sunset Shimmer investigate Cozy Glow's background using her unique magical abilities. This is so we can better understand what made Cozy Glow go down this dark and disturbing path. It will also give us an even more powerful sympathy for her."

Sunset Shimmer stood before the audience, her unicorn form radiating an aura of humility and redemption. Reflecting on her past, she shared, "I was once a proud student of Princess Celestia, but my heart was clouded by jealousy when Twilight Sparkle entered the picture. It led me to make choices I now deeply regret."

As she spoke of her misguided actions, Sunset Shimmer recounted, "I stole a magical crown and crossed into the human world of Canterlot High, intent on using its power to dominate Equestria. My ambition blinded me to the consequences of my actions, and I failed to see the harm I was causing."

Recalling the fateful encounter with Twilight and her friends, Sunset Shimmer recounted, "It was through their courage and the power of the Elements of Harmony that I was defeated. Twilight's unwavering belief in the magic of friendship showed me the error of my ways, leading me down the path of redemption and self-discovery."

Sunset Shimmer spoke of her journey towards understanding friendship with a sense of gratitude and humility, saying, "Twilight offered me a second chance, guiding me towards a deeper understanding of camaraderie and compassion. Her forgiveness and support have been instrumental in shaping the pony I am today."

Looking towards Cozy Glow, Sunset Shimmer expressed her belief in the power of forgiveness, stating, "I have always advocated for the ability to change and grow, and I am glad to see Cozy Glow given the same opportunity. Forgiveness is a transformative force that can open the doors to new beginnings and brighter futures."

Her words echoed the wisdom of a reformed soul who had learned from the past and embraced the potential of tomorrow. Sunset Shimmer, once a villain, stood now as a beacon of hope and understanding, a testament to the power of redemption in the magical realm of Equestria.

Sunset Shimmer's horn glowed with a soft, ethereal light as she delved deep into the recesses of Cozy Glow's past. In a shimmering display of magic, she was transported to a remote village nestled in the heart of Equestria. The air was heavy with an aura of secrecy, whispered only in hushed tones by the villagers who lived there. To her surprise and dismay, Sunset Shimmer beheld a scene unlike any other she had encountered before. The village was shrouded in a veil of isolation, its inhabitants bound together by a twisted devotion to a charismatic figure - Cozy Glow's father. His spellbinding presence held them in thrall, his words weaving a tapestry of deceit and manipulation that painted a distorted image of reality. The cult-like atmosphere of the village was palpable, with rituals and ceremonies reinforcing the leader's authority and control. Even the mares within the community were not immune to his influence, their submissive gazes reflecting a complex web of power dynamics and submission. As Sunset Shimmer peered deeper into this unsettling world, she felt a chill run down her spine. The shadows whispered untold secrets and hidden truths, urging her to unravel the enigma surrounding Cozy Glow's upbringing. With a resolve born of empathy and understanding, she uncovered the mysteries buried in the dark recesses of Cozy Glow's past.

The night Cozy Glow's life changed forever was etched in her memory with harrowing clarity. Her existence unfolded in a web of despair and terror, her father's malevolent shadow looming over her fragile form. She was a child borne of tragedy, her birth heralding grief and sorrow, her mother's untimely demise casting a permanent pall over her upbringing.

Cozy Glow's father ruled with an iron fist and a twisted mind, his cruelty seeping into every facet of their secluded world. The once-adoring followers cowered under his tyranny; their devotion twisted into fear and submission. Cozy Glow bore the brunt of his iniquity, innocent eyes witnessing unspeakable horrors that scarred her soul and shattered her innocence. The night of reckoning arrived like a storm, violent and unforgiving. Her father's madness reached a breaking point, his twisted desires driving him to unspeakable acts of violence against his flesh and blood. In a moment of desperate survival, Cozy Glow found herself facing the ultimate choice - to succumb to her father's brutality or to fight back with all the strength she could muster. With a courage born of desperation and sheer will to live, Cozy Glow's hooves trembled as she grasped for a weapon, heart pounding in her chest as she made the fateful decision that would forever alter the course of her life. The searing pain of betrayal and liberation mingled as the blade found its mark, her father's strangled cries ringing in her ears as she broke free from his suffocating grasp. Bloodied and breathless, Cozy Glow fled into the night, leaving behind a trail of dread and uncertainty in her wake. Fear clenched at her heart, mingling with the bittersweet taste of freedom and the weight of her actions. The road ahead loomed uncertain and perilous, a winding path of redemption and self-discovery waiting to unfold.

The visions swept through Sunset Shimmer's mind like a raging inferno, consuming her senses with their vivid intensity. Each detail was etched with fiery clarity, every emotion palpable and raw. The memories unfolded like a tapestry of light and shadow, painting a vivid portrait of anguish and redemption.

As Sunset Shimmer grappled with the torrent of images, her essence pulsed with fierce energy, a kaleidoscope of colors swirling around her in a dazzling display. The power within her simmered and surged, a storm waiting to be unleashed.

And then, in a moment of overwhelming emotion and unyielding force, Sunset Shimmer channeled all that potent energy into a searing burst of pure light. The aura radiated from her in brilliant waves, cascading outwards in a radiant explosion that enveloped everyone in the arena and beyond.

For those caught in the shimmering tide of her aura, the visions became their reality, a shared journey through the depths of Cozy Glow's past and the echoes of her soul. Each individual was swept up in the maelstrom of memories, experiencing the tumultuous highs and lows of her turbulent journey firsthand.

The air crackled with magic and emotion, a palpable energy that intertwined the fates of all who witnessed the dazzling spectacle. The visions took on their own life, weaving a tapestry of connection and understanding that transcended words or actions.

Then, many spectators in the arena began to sob uncontrollably; some even vomited, and others left the arena because they were beyond disturbed and saddened by the visions of Cozy Glow's past implanted in their memories.

"How could we," wept Celestia, "we should've never stuck Cozy Glow in Tarturus or petrified her in stone. We should've known about this earlier."

"There, there," Luna comforted her sister, "I knew we were blind about our judgment then, and we are making it right, this very moment."

"You're right, Luna," said Celestia, "well, let's get that filly freed."

Discord blew loudly into a tissue he carried. "Okay, let's prevent Cozy Glow from suffering the same punishment I did."

The three powerful figures of Celestia, Luna, and Discord stood together, their auras intermingling in a harmonious display of unity and purpose. With a focused intensity, they channeled their magic, weaving intricate threads of light and energy that reached out toward Cozy Glow's petrified form.

As their magic enveloped the stone prison, a soft murmuring hum filled the air, resonating with a deep and ancient power. The bonds of imprisonment began to unravel, the stony tendrils loosening their grip as the magic wove its way through every crack and crevice.

And then, with a final surge of combined effort, the stone shell shattered into a shower of shards, revealing Cozy Glow within. She tumbled to the stage floor, her fragile form trembling with emotion as tears streamed down her face in a torrent of release.

Her cries of sorrow echoed through the arena, a haunting melody of despair and longing that tugged at the heartstrings of all who bore witness. The raw vulnerability in her voice spoke of a soul burdened by guilt and loneliness, yearning for a chance at redemption.

But amidst the tears and sobs, hope shone through the darkness. The audience watched with bated breath, their hearts filled with compassion and uncertainty, unsure of the future of this troubled young soul.

Yet as Cozy Glow's cries subsided into soft whimpers, a sense of peace settled over the arena. The gentle touch of Celestia, Luna, and Discord's magic lingered in the air, wrapping around Cozy Glow like a comforting embrace. And in that moment, a spark of light flickered in her tear-filled eyes, hinting at a newfound resilience and strength waiting to bloom.

"I'm so sorry!" Cozy Glow wailed, "with all that time in stone. It gave me enough time to reflect on my actions. I will never put Equestria in danger for as long as I live!"

With a soft expression of regret, Celestia approached Cozy Glow, kneeling beside her. "I am truly sorry, my dear. We should have taken the time to understand your motivations before resorting to drastic measures." Luna and Discord joined her, their presence offering a sense of solidarity and understanding.

Luna, her voice gentle yet firm, spoke next. "You have endured much hardship, Cozy Glow. But know that we are here for you now, ready to help you find your way towards a brighter future." Her words carried a soothing cadence, a beacon of hope in the darkness that had clouded Cozy Glow's heart for so long.

Discord, known for his chaotic nature but showing a surprising depth of empathy, added his reassurance. "You may have made mistakes, but that does not define who you are. We believe goodness is within you, waiting to be nurtured and allowed to shine." His words held a comforting undertone, a reminder that redemption was still within reach for Cozy Glow.

Cozy Glow, her tear-streaked face turning towards the trio of powerful beings who had shown her such unexpected kindness, was enveloped in the warmth and understanding she had never experienced. Their words of forgiveness and support echoed in her ears, planting seeds of hope in the barren soil of her heart.

It was then time for other Equestria residents to come and offer gentle forgiveness of Cozy Glow.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders came up to Cozy Glow, forgave her, and offered her to be their friend again.

Apple Bloom stepped forward, her voice filled with empathy and understanding. "Cozy Glow, we know things got all messed up, but everypony deserves a second chance. We want to forgive you and start fresh."

Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting kindness and compassion. "You may have gone down the wrong path, but we believe in your capacity to change for the better. We'd be honored to have you as our friend again."

Scootaloo, with a resolute expression, added, "We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and that means we're all about helping ponies figure things out and finding their true selves. You're not alone in this Cozy Glow. We'll stick by your side and support you every step of the way."

Cozy Glow, touched by the sincerity and generosity of her three former friends, felt a wave of relief wash over her. The olive branches they extended to her filled her heart with hope and gratitude, signaling a new beginning where forgiveness and friendship could flourish once more. With tears of gratitude in her eyes, she accepted their offer and embraced the possibility of a brighter future together.

Next, the Young Six went up on stage, forgiving Cozy Glow, and offered her to be their friend again as well.

Sandbar stepped up first, his voice filled with sincerity. "We know you made mistakes, Cozy Glow, but we believe in redemption. Let's move past this and start anew as friends."

Gallus, with a hint of skepticism in his tone, spoke up next. "I never thought I'd be saying this, but I think everyone deserves a second chance. Even you, Cozy Glow. Let's put the past behind us."

Silverstream, her eyes sparkling with hope, chimed in. "Friendship is about forgiveness and understanding. Cozy Glow, we can make things right and be friends again. We're all in this together."

Yona, in her usual direct manner, boomed, "Yona forgive. Cozy Glow, we give second chance. Yona friends with Cozy Glow again, yes!"

Smolder, crossing her arms, added with a smirk, "I'll admit, I didn't see this coming. But we're all about loyalty, Cozy Glow. Stick with us, and we'll have your back."

Ocellus, her voice gentle yet firm, concluded, "Friendship means supporting each other through ups and downs. Cozy Glow, we want to show you kindness and understanding. Let's give friendship another try."

Cozy Glow, moved by the Young Six's display of forgiveness and acceptance, felt a weight lift off her shoulders. Their willingness to look past her past mistakes and embrace her with open hearts reignited a glimmer of hope within her. With tears of gratitude glistening in her eyes, she expressed her heartfelt appreciation. She accepted their offer of friendship, eager to embark on a new chapter filled with camaraderie and understanding.

Then, the rest of the advisory council, the defense council, and anybody left on stage began to show forgiveness and comfort to Cozy Glow.

Shining Armor placed a comforting hoof on Cozy Glow's shoulder, his expression a mix of understanding and compassion. "We know you've made some serious mistakes, Cozy Glow, but we also believe in giving second chances. If you're willing to learn from your past, we will forgive and move forward."

Princess Cadance, her gaze soft and empathetic, spoke gently to Cozy Glow. "Friendship and forgiveness are fundamental aspects of our kingdom, Cozy Glow. We're willing to extend our forgiveness to you and offer you the opportunity to visit the Crystal Empire. Perhaps there's a chance for new beginnings and understanding."

With a thoughtful expression, Sunburst spoke to Cozy Glow, "We understand that you made some mistakes, but we believe that everyone deserves a chance to learn and grow. We forgive you, Cozy Glow, and we hope you can use this opportunity to make better choices in the future."

In a gentle yet firm voice, Trixie added, "Friendship is about understanding and forgiveness. We choose to forgive you, Cozy Glow, and welcome you back to the School of Friendship with open hearts."

Looking at Cozy Glow compassionately, Starlight Glimmer said, "We believe in the power of redemption and second chances. It's never too late to change, and we're here to support you on your journey toward becoming a better pony."

Cheese Sandwich, with his trademark enthusiasm, clasped Cozy Glow's hoof and exclaimed, "Hey, everypony makes mistakes, and it's all about how we bounce back from them! I forgive you, Cozy Glow, and believe in your potential to improve."

Moon Dancer, her usual reserved demeanor softening, looked at Cozy Glow kindly and said, "Forgiveness is a powerful gift we give to others and ourselves. I forgive you, Cozy Glow, and I hope we can move forward with understanding and empathy."

Sunset Shimmer, with a warm smile and a reassuring tone, reassured Cozy Glow, "We all have our moments of darkness, but what defines us is how we rise above them. I forgive you, Cozy Glow, and I'm here to support you as you continue your journey of growth and redemption."

Spike looked into Cozy Glow's eyes, seeing a mixture of regret and sadness. With a heavy sigh, he clapped her shoulder and said, "I know you made some wrong choices, but I believe everyone deserves a second chance. I forgive you, Cozy Glow. Let's work together to make things right."

Applejack spoke first of the Mane Six, her voice resolved, "Everypony makes mistakes, but I reckon we can all learn from them. It's important to acknowledge our errors and strive to do better in the future."

Rainbow Dash chimed in, her magenta eyes softening, "You may have messed up big time, but we're not ones to hold a grudge forever. We've all had slip-ups and moments we regret, but the key is showing remorse and working towards making amends."

Rarity adjusted her mane elegantly as she stated, "Darling, forgiveness is a virtue. Let's move forward together with a clean slate. Embracing forgiveness allows us to let go of past resentments and foster positive relationships built on trust and understanding."

Fluttershy's gentle voice added, "I-I know you didn't mean to hurt anypony. We can try to understand and help you make amends. Empathy and compassion are essential in times of conflict, and together, we can navigate through these challenges with kindness and patience."

Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, her pink curls swirling, "Forgiveness is super-duper important! Let's throw a party to celebrate new beginnings! Turning a new leaf and starting afresh should be celebrated with joy and excitement, spreading positivity and hope to all around us."

Finally, Twilight Sparkle spoke with wisdom: "Cozy Glow, we believe in redemption and second chances. Let's work together to make Equestria a better place for all. Every pony deserves a chance to learn and grow, and with unity and cooperation, we can create a brighter future for everyone in our community. Now, there are two fellows I would like you to meet."

Bob and Larry hopped over to Cozy Glow, to show her love and affection for the the first time.

Bob looked into Cozy Glow's eyes with a sincere expression, his voice filled with compassion. "Cozy Glow, we felt your pain even when you were trapped in stone. We knew deep down that you were not beyond redemption, that there was still goodness within you waiting to shine through."

Larry nodded in agreement, his eyes glistening with tears of relief. "We decided to give you a second chance, and we are so grateful that you embraced the opportunity to learn and grow. We're proud of your progress and the effort you've put into bettering yourself."

Bob and Larry enveloped Cozy Glow in a comforting hug, conveying their genuine affection and support for her.

"We're here to help you navigate the challenges ahead," said Bob, "to guide you on the path of self-improvement and personal growth."

"You're not alone in this journey, Cozy Glow." said Larry, "We believe in you, and we'll stand by your side every step of the way."

"Golly," Cozy Glow muttered softly, "I never thought that a talking tomato and cucumber would lead to my redemption. I didn't think I'd ever be redeemed; I don't deserve to be forgiven for the crimes that I've committed."

"Well, forgiveness is often something that is unconditionally granted," said Larry, "not earned based on merit."

"Yes," said Bob, "when you don't get something horrible you deserve, that is mercy. When you receive something extraordinary, you don't deserve it; that is grace. After all, you suffered nearly a year in stone petrification; I'd say you've more than paid your debt to society. The most potent mercy and grace come from my God; he has a plan and purpose for your life, Cozy Glow."

"Yep," said Larry, "I see you have a chess piece as your cutie mark; if you don't mind, would you care to share how you got it?"

Cozy Glow began to share further into the past: "After I escaped from my village, I wandered on the hoof to Manehattan, where I scrounged for every scrap of food I could survive on as I walked the streets as an orphan. There, I regretfully became a pen pal with Lord Tirek, where I sent letters to him in the mailboxes. I did it because I related to him; he had family issues and felt so isolated that no one would ever care for him. Amid my misery, I had vengeful desires toward Celestia, Luna, and Twilight Sparkle. I hated when they brought up the healing power of friendship; it felt like they were ignorant and sentimental, that having a friend was an answer to your problems and the most critical priority in your life. I mean, after all, I just suffered at the hands of a deadly and destructive cult; didn't they have more important issues to take care of? But I knew there was no way a mere filly like me could take over Equestria by entering Canterlot Castle alone. Then, flyers were distributed over Manehattan, advertising the newly founded School of Friendship. This was my chance to get Tirek to help me; I forged the consent forms and was accepted into the school. But I needed fast transportation to Ponyville, so I did what I loved doing to pass the time. I would go into the Manehattan park and play chess rounds with old stallions there. When I was still suffering in the cult, I'd get my mind off my problems by playing board games with the other foals there. It was a refuge during the worst times of my life. This time, I decided to bet all my bits during a chess round, and when I won, I had more than enough to buy a train ticket to Ponyville. And I also received my cutie mark that day, but I felt that was the least of my concerns. So I guess you know that whole story."

"Wow," said Larry, "maybe your destiny is related to board games."

"Yes," said Bob, "back in the world where Larry and I live. We have an abundance of board games that you can play to your heart's content."

"Golly," said Cozy Glow, "how could I ever stop thanking you two for showing me a better way forward."

"No problem," said Bob. "We also have many other entertainment options you can't find in Equestria. But there is someone who deserves your thanks the most."

"You mean your God?" asked Cozy Glow.

"Correct," said Bob, "I've heard about how your father was abusive and treated you like trash. But my God is the best father, he loves you with an everlasting heart. He knows how you've sinned, and despite that, he still sees you as his child." Bob then took out a 20-dollar bill. "This here is 20 dollars, the form of currency in our world."

"Yes," said Cozy Glow, "how does that relate to this?"

"Do you remember how much I said it was worth?" asked Bob.

"Of course, 20 dollars," responded Cozy Glow.

Larry then took the bill and crumpled it up, "is it still worth 20 dollars?"

"I guess so," said Cozy Glow with a sense of relief.

Larry then threw the bill on the ground and stomped on it, "Is it still worth 20 dollars?"

Cozy Glow's eyes watered with tears of joy. "Yes, I get the illustration you're trying to make."

"You see Cozy Glow," said Larry. "No matter what you did or where you were, God still loves you and will never leave or forsake you."

"That's right," said Bob, "God sent his only son Jesus to die for our sins. Before Jesus did that, he taught lessons that we should all put to heart. One time, he witnessed a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. That was a sin punishable by death in those days. A mob was getting ready to stone her to death. Jesus, however, tamed the mob by saying: Ye without sin may cast the first stone. The mob then dropped their stones one by one, because all of us have sinned and fallen from God's grace. Then Jesus approached the woman and said he did not condemn her: he forgave her and told her to sin no more."

"So Cozy Glow," said Larry, "God has given you this chance to repent from your old ways and embrace a new life pleasing to him."

"Wow!" exclaimed Cozy Glow, "I would like to learn more about this God of yours."

"Well done, Cozy Glow," said Bob, "I knew I could count on you to become a new creation in Christ."

Then Starlight Glimmer approached Cozy Glow. "Good job Cozy Glow. Now I've come with even more great news since you've shown that we can trust you again. I will allow you back into the School of Friendship and hire you as my assistant, just like you did with Twilight Sparkle. I will also adopt you and give you a place to call home."

"You shouldn't have Starlight," said Cozy Glow, "remember when I trapped you in the giant orb?"

"I know Cozy Glow," said Starlight Glimmer, "but I also have a past where I committed evil deeds. If you suffered in stone for nearly a year, then I deserve the same punishment, if not longer. But just like Bob and Larry said, mercy and grace are given to those who don't deserve it, making the whole world much more happy and peaceful."

"Thank you, Starlight," said Cozy Glow as the pegasus filly gave the unicorn mare a warm and massive hug, which she returned. "But can I still visit Bob and Larry in their world?"

"Of course," said Starlight Glimmer, "spend as much time you need with those two vegetables. They've advocated a second chance for you, and you should return the favor by spending time with them."

"Oh, Bob," said Larry, filled with sentimental emotion. "I may have never been married, but I already feel like a father and have a daughter. Don't you feel like a father as well, Bob?"

"Be careful how you say that, Larry," said Bob, "she already has Starlight Glimmer for a new adoptive mother, and we can't both be Cozy Glow's father. After all, we're not gay."

"Not like that, Bob," said Larry, "I mean, like two father figures."

"Oh, I see what you mean, Larry," said Bob. "But we can be like two uncles for Cozy Glow; after all, God is her father."

"Now, do you think it's time, Bob?" asked Larry.

"Oh yes," said Bob, "Excuse me. Larry and I would like to sing a song now that Cozy Glow has made an essential life-affecting decision, which also relates to how she wants to know more about our God."

So Bob and Larry went to embrace Cozy Glow once more.

Bob and Larry bowed their heads in reverence as they began to offer a heartfelt prayer to God for Cozy Glow.

"Dear Heavenly Father," Bob's voice quivered with emotion, his words sincere and earnest. "We come before you today with gratitude for guiding us to Cozy Glow and showing us the power of redemption. We ask for your continued blessings upon her as she embarks on this journey of self-discovery and growth."

Larry's voice joined in, filled with faith and hope. "Lord, we thank you for the transformation we've witnessed in Cozy Glow's heart and spirit. We pray that you continue to grant her strength and wisdom, that she may overcome the challenges ahead and embrace the beauty of a life filled with love and compassion."

Tears sparkled in their eyes as they lifted their voices in unison, seeking divine intervention for their beloved friend. "May your light shine upon Cozy Glow, guiding her path and illuminating her soul with grace and mercy. May she always find solace in your presence, knowing she is cherished and forgiven. Amen."