• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 98: Darkness Incarnate: Gooey

Gooey took residence in Dark Castle in the Rainbow Islands, so this is no surprise for Sweetie Belle when Pitch indicates the direction of the archipelago where the filly lived her very first adventure in this world. The poor bird is exhausted, having flown all the way from the islands to Dedede's castle only to see that none of his friends were there. One of the Waddle Dees then told him that King Dedede was with Kirby in another land while Sweetie Belle was last seen flying toward Floralia. Since Floralia was closer, Pitch decided to go there first, but he still passed long minutes searching Sweetie Belle all over the islands before finding her. So, now, as the group of heroes flies toward the Rainbow Islands, Pitch remains on Sweetie's head, trying to explain the situation over there with body language and yes/no questions.

Gooey and the animals were having a little picnic at the top of Dark Castle, where they fought Dedede the first time, taking in the view, when one of those purple hearts fell from the sky right on Gooey. The corruption was immediate! In just a few seconds, Gooey absorbed the heart and turned back into a regular Dark Matter, but a powerful one, like the first Dark Matter that possessed Dedede, probably even more powerful because of the heart.

The animals immediately attacked him six to one, putting a good fight thanks to their teamwork, but Gooey defeated them, and they had to run away from Dark Castle along with the few members of Dedede's army still in it as Gooey started plunging the castle in darkness. Pitch, the only one who could still fly, Coo having taken a serious beating, then went to search for help while the other animals went to rest in Grass Land. When Pitch flew away from the islands, he could already see the darkness spreading slowly, even corrupting the Rainbow Bridge between Dark Castle and Cloudy Park.

Not destroying it, corrupting it. The negativity of the heart surpasses the positive Heart Matter of the bridges, that same positivity that formed the Rainbow Sword that was able to kill the first Dark Matter. It's that serious.

And thanks to the darkness, it's spreading. If nothing is done, it could corrupt everyone in the islands, and in the world.

With that in mind, Sweetie quickly threw a pink heart at Pitch, hoping that their positivity will be enough to protect them.

Now, they approach the Rainbow Islands, and to everyone's horror, the darkness has spread over the seven islands...

"Oh no! We're too late!" shouts Adeleine.

"Everyone there must be corrupted now," says Taranza. "At least the ones who couldn't fly away."

"What will we do?" asks Ribbon. "Even if we defeat Gooey, I fear that this won't be enough to destroy that cloud of darkness full of corruption."

Before anyone can answer, Coo flies toward them along with Pitch's mother, the owl now healed, probably after eating a Maxim Tomato. And thankfully, they don't seem corrupted, probably because they were able to fly away.

"Coo! Twitch! You're alright!" shouts Sweetie Belle happily as she stops the Warp Star with the help of her magic.

Pitch flies from Sweetie's head to rub his head against his mother while Coo happily flies around the Warp Star.

"What about the others? Are they alright?" she asks then.

"Coo coo!" says Coo as he points down at the ocean with one of his claws before he flies down.

Following him, they find the remaining of the animals. Kine and Mine being fishes, and ChuChu and Nyupun being octopus, it's obvious that they could escape by the ocean. Rick, Pick, Nago, and Shiro are clinging to the fishes.

They aren't the only ones, many inhabitants of the islands followed their example, clinging to fishes to escape the darkness by the ocean, or simply swimming.

"Thanks the stars, you all escaped!" shouts Sweetie Belle in relief.

"We thought for a moment that you got corrupted," says Elline.

The animals look happily at them in return, ChuChu waving a tentacle with an expression as if to say "We are alright, don't worry." After that, they turn to the cloud of darkness.

To everyone's discomfort, eyes have appeared in the darkness, looking directly at Sweetie Belle and her friends.

Dark Matter eyes.

"Okay, not creepy at all," says Yin-Yarn. "What's the plan?" he asks Sweetie Belle. "If we enter that cloud, we won't be able to see anything at all."

"Last time we entered a cloud of darkness like that, we could more or less see inside it," informs Adeleine. "It was all red, and there were even platforms created from the darkness."

Sweetie Belle rubs her chin. "But this was probably the influence of Zero Two. Kirby and I could also see inside the darkness in which we fought Zero the first time. Those clouds were more like cocoons. But here, I'm not sure that this will be the case."

"Maybe you could use your lighting spell to light the way," proposes Ribbon.

Sweetie nods. "That's what I was thinking, but I don't think it will light much. To avoid flying right into an obstacle, we will have to walk. Well, first, we will have to reach one of the islands by swimming."

"And then what?" asks Yin-Yarn.

"Then... Then..." Sweetie Belle thinks strongly of a plan to get rid of that cloud, but she's drawing blank. Until suddenly, she gets an idea. By her expression, you could almost see the lightbulb appear above her head. "I know! I'm not sure if this will work, but we could use the power of the pink hearts to get the Rainbow Bridges back to normal, and use the power of the bridges added to the power of the pink hearts to destroy the darkness! I'm sure we can find a way to use those powers to clean the whole cloud! And also to fight Gooey, because if he's back as a normal Dark Matter, then classic attacks won't work."

Everyone else around her looks at each other, wondering if this plan can work.

"It's better than nothing," says Claycia. "We should try."

They nod, and Rick, Coo, Kine, Nago, ChuChu, and Pitch approach Sweetie Belle, determined to join her and help. Of course, Twitch tries to stop her son, but after a few tweets, and the assurance that the others will watch over him, she accepts to let him go. At least, Pitch knows how to fight, contrary to her. The other animals' loved ones have less problems letting them go.

"I knew you would join us," says Sweetie Belle. "Thank you all. But before we go..." She and the others jump from the Warp Star into the water before they throw pink hearts at the animals. "Like this, you won't get corrupted once we enter the cloud, and our teamwork will be stronger."

As she said this, Sweetie Belle suddenly feels a pang of nostalgia as she looks at Rick, Coo, and Kine. Those three were with her in her first adventure, over one year ago. Feeling tears coming to her eyes, she hugs them.

"Together, like the first time... All we miss are Kirby and Gooey, and the old team would be back."

The three animals smile warmly at her, Rick patting her, before they break the hug and turn toward the cloud of darkness.

With this, they all start swimming or flying toward it, the Dark Matter eyes following them as they approach, the animals' loved ones waving at them, probably wishing them good luck.

As they are about to enter the cloud, Sweetie Belle prepares her lighting spell, only for all of them to feel the pink heart energy resonate. Looking at each other in wonder, they release the energy, and it gathers above them, forming a very big pink glowing heart inside a cube of glass, its glow pushing away the darkness far more effectively than Sweetie's light would have done! However, the cube is so big and heavy that they need to be four to hold it, so as they swim, Rick, Kine, Nago, and Claycia decide to be the carriers.

Enough of the cloud is pushed to let them see the edge of an island, which they quickly recognize is Grass Land. It doesn't take long for the group to accost, and Yin-Yarn knits the Spiky doll back into Spikezilla so he can carry the cube while Adeleine paints wings for the fish to fly and ChuChu moves on Sweetie Belle's head.

"So, we are on the island... But where do we go from here? In which direction is the bridge?" asks Taranza.

"Rick?" asks Claycia.

The hamster looks around at the limited land he can see thanks to the light of the pink heart, only to shake his head, not recognizing where they are. It's an island essentially made of grasslands with a few trees and hills here and there, there aren't many landmarks recognizable. Mainly the small lake at the center.

"Well, if in doubt, we can walk along the coast until we find the bridge," says Adeleine.

They all accept this plan and start their journey, making sure to not go too far from Spikezilla to not get lost in the darkness. However, rapidly, they're attacked by Dark Matters firing black lightning bolts from the cloud as well as by corrupt inhabitants of the islands who couldn't escape in time. Sweetie Belle quickly goes to stand on guard beside the dragon, protecting him and the cube from the lightning bolts and other projectiles with her mirrors while the others deal with the attackers.

Of course, since this is Grass Land, the path hasn't many obstacles outside of the enemies. Mainly blocks with a few pits here and there, and it only takes them a few minutes to find the Rainbow Bridge to Big Forest, the bridge now all different shades of black and grey.

Spikezilla then places the cube on the bridge, and it absorbs all its energy, a small Rainbow Drop now orbiting around the heart inside the cube while the bridge disappears. The dragon quickly takes the cube before it falls.

"Uh... Okay, but now, how will we go to Big Forest?" asks Yin-Yarn.


Spikezilla facepalms.

"Let's do the train!" proposes Sweetie Belle. "We can run on the water like this."

"Yay!" shouts Ribbon.

Yin-Yarn groans. "Come on..."

"The... train?" asks Adeleine.

The animals all tilt their heads at this.

"Just use the pink heart energy in you, and you will see," says Sweetie Belle.

They all nod and do as told, and soon, a chimney appears and drops on Sweetie's head while everyone gathers in a single file, Spikezilla being the last. Somehow, even Kine and ChuChu can participate.

Before long, they run on the water.

"W-w-w-what?!" shouts Adeleine.

"Don't ask," says Taranza.

"I guess we will have to get used to this," says Yin-Yarn.



"Twiiit twiiit!"

"You're right Pitch! Come on, everyone! Let's do this!" shouts Sweetie Belle with a laugh. "Chookackookachookachooka choo choo!" she then imitates, jumping to make choo choo with the chimney at the right time. Pitch and Ribbon join her just in time for it while the others all start laughing.

"It's so ridiculous!" shouts Yin-Yarn. "Bah, it's already ridiculous doing the train, so why not."

And so, everyone starts imitating the train.

Spikezilla doing the train was already weird to see, but hearing him doing "Choo choo!" is easily among the weirdest things ever.

The fun lasts all the way to Big Forest where they climb the small cliff.

But it stops when they approach a tree and remember that they don't know how to stop.


Sweetie Belle, being at the head of the train, is the first to hit the tree, quickly followed behind by the others, all of them finishing crushed between Spikezilla and the tree that is uprooted as a result. The dragon quickly gets back up to free the others trapped under his belly as they groan.

"Remind me to find a way to stop before we do the train again," says Sweetie Belle.

"Do the same for the circle thing," says Taranza.


One by one, they remove themselves from the formed pile and get up before looking around. They are now at the edge of the forest, which looks really eerie in the darkness. At least, the trees make perfect obstacles to protect them from the projectiles of the Dark Matters attacking them from the darkness.

Since they have gone in a straight line from Grass Land to Big Forest, then they should be where the Rainbow Bridge between the two islands connects with Big Forest. And having in mind the map of the Rainbow Islands, it means that the Rainbow Bridge between Big Forest and Ripple Field is at the left. From there, they can choose to walk along the coast like they did in Grass Land and remain at the edge of the forest, or go in a straight line and pass by the forest. The second path would be faster, but harder.

But since time is against them, they decide to pass by the forest.

At least, since they don't have to explore the islands in search of the Rainbow Drops, travelling each islands will be fast. However, because of Spikezilla's size, they can't use the black doors to move over long distances, so no shortcuts. They have to move through the forest the old way. And in some islands, it may even force them to do some detours.

Like with Grass Land, there aren't many obstacles blocking their way, mainly blocks with a few pits here and there. The main danger comes from the many enemies attacking them, the forest being perfect for ambushes. They particularly have to watch out for enemies jumping from the trees, along with many Drifters (the one eyed green parasols). Spikezilla is the one having the roughest time of the group. Because he's holding the cube, he can only use one of his claws to attack, in addition of his tail. He can't use his fire breath either, not wanting to start a fire and burn the whole forest.

And they already have enough problems fighting their way while avoiding the constant lightning bolts of the Dark Matters from the cloud, they don't need to have to deal with a fire as well.

After a small cliff followed by a pit, they reach the edge of Big Forest where the Rainbow Bridge to Ripple Field is, and this time, they traverse it before using the cube to absorb its energy, a second small Rainbow Drop now orbiting the heart inside.

And now, they are in Ripple Field. At least, the bridge leads directly to the main lake rather than to the smaller lake that's further down the cliff, and the bridge leading to Iceberg also starts from the main lake, at their right. A small swim through the lake and a few islands is all that it will take to reach it. They would prefer remaining on the cliff and walk around the lake, but again, time is against them.

So they jump in the lake where they are immediately assaulted by the corrupted aquatic fauna mainly consisting of Blippers. And when they climb on the islands, they have to be careful of the explosive coconuts. An island forming a wall in their way forces them to either find a tunnel to pass it or swim around it. Luckily, Ripple Field being Kine's home, he knows this island very well and has no problems guiding them to an underwater tunnel big enough for Spikezilla to pass.

Traversing the tunnel reveals to not be as easy as it should be. There's a big current in it, and Spikezilla is forced to go first, walking on the floor of the tunnel to resist it while using his body to shield the others behind. Every now and then, one or two Gordos are in the way, forcing him to contort his body to avoid them while also fighting the few fishes and Glunks they encounter.

When they exit the tunnel, it doesn't take long for them to reach the bridge to Iceberg, traverse it, and use the cube to absorb its energy.

In Iceberg, a tunnel through a cliff leads directly to the next Rainbow Bridge, but it reveals to be too small for Spikezilla, so they are instead forced to climb a slope to pass by above while fighting some penguins. At the top, a current pushes them from behind on icy floor, forcing them to time their jumps to not fall in pits. There's even a point where a good part of the floor is made of snow blocks disappearing when someone walks on them, and everyone who can float or fly does so while holding the ones who can't, leaving Spikezilla to run on the blocks.

They eventually reach the start of another slope going down a long way to the next Rainbow Bridge, doing some twists and turns along the way. Spikezilla smirks at Sweetie Belle before lying on his belly, signing for everyone to go on his back before giving the cube. Smiling widely, Sweetie Belle jumps on Spikezilla's head while the others all climb his back, Taranza, Rick, Nago, and Claycia holding the cube. Once everyone is settled, Spikezilla uses his claws to start sliding on the slope like a sled.

Sweetie Belle cheers as they slide down the slope, Spikezilla breathing fire at everything standing in his way or using his claws to jump above the few pits. To help him take the hardest turns, everyone on his back tilts to use their combined weight, making it easier for him to avoid falling beyond the edge during those.

After about one minute, they reach the bottom of the slope. From there, it's not long before they reach the Rainbow Bridge to Red Canyon.

In Red Canyon, they have to take a path along a cliffside that eventually enters a tunnel thankfully big enough for the dragon who's still forced to bend a little. However, this tunnels reveals to have many pits too big for Spikezilla to pass, the dragon not able to jump above them because of the ceiling being too low. Using the power of the pink heart, they form bridges, much bigger than the ones used in Adeleine's school, with ten of them forming two horizontal lengths while the last three form "bars" connecting them, forming something that looks more like a horizontal ladder. Like this, Spikezilla can slowly, carefully walk on them, one leg after another.

Thankfully, his body made of yarn makes him much lighter than a real dragon of his size.

They have to do this three times, and each time, they have to deal with falling boulders that the dragon easily destroys with a punch before they exit the tunnel. Back outside, they discover the path blocked by a really huge boulder, and even their combined strength isn't enough to push it. However, charging at it all together at the same time is enough to make it move. After a few more charges, they are able to push the boulder on a slope on which it rolls down until it falls beyond the edge at a turn.

It's not long after that that they reach the Rainbow Bridge to Cloudy Park.

For this last island before Dark Castle, they decide that it's preferable to take the long way around the volcano rather than traverse it, Sweetie Belle remembering how much of a pain it was. But taking the path of the clouds is not without its lot of hurdles, starting with many jumping between clouds, some of which are constituted of cloud blocks disappearing under them, quickly followed by a huge presence of Gordos.

But the main obstacle eventually reveals to be the big number of bigger enemies waiting for them. Every single ones that Sweetie and Kirby fought the first time as well as the ones Kirby encountered in his adventure to save Popstar from Zero and the Dark Matters: Blockys, Boboos (bigger version of the Bobos, walking balls of fire), Captain Stitchs (the big Gordos), Efreetis (the big, black hedgehog-like creatures), Habokis (big living brooms), Jumbershoots (the big brown parasols sticking out their tongue), Master Greens (the big squids), Mr Frostys, Waius, and Yukis (big living piles of snow).

They don't last long against the full power of the whole team, but they attack relentlessly the cube held by Spikezilla, and the dragon has to more than once take a hit to protect it, the Waius being the most dangerous of the bunch because of their speed.

The Ice Dragon, the real one, surrounded by one exemplary of all the previously named enemies, is the ultimate obstacle just before the Rainbow Bridge to Dark Castle. The Waiu is the first one to attack, jumping and throwing projectiles at the cube that are deflected by a shield from Sweetie Belle before Taranza is able to trap him inside his net and slams him on the ice dragon who has been charging at them. Pitch flies at the Jumbershoot and peck his eye, opening him to a charge from Rick while Nago grabs the Haboki by his handle and slams him on the Efreeti, and Spikezilla breath fire at the Ice Dragon who quickly counters by breathing ice.

Sweetie Belle creates a shield against which the Captain Stitch slams himself, getting him vulnerable, and as Spikezilla overpowers the other dragon and burns it, the filly punches the big Gordo into the Mr Frosty who has been about to throw a block of ice to Claycia. ChuChu knocks out the Yuki with a series of punches, Kine spits a stream of water at the Boboo, and Coo finishes the Waiu by grabbing him and letting him fall on the Yuki which are both crushed by a big weight sculpted and painted by Claycia and Elline. Adeleine paints her own Ice Dragon to finish the one already badly burned by Spikezilla, Ribbon uses the crystal gun on the Master Green, and Yin-Yarn knits himself the arms of a boxer before he punches the Rocky beyond the edge of the cloud they're on.

In the end, the enemies didn't stand a chance. The whole fight doesn't even last one minute. And now, they are free to go to Dark Castle.

When they traverse the Rainbow Bridge and reach the stone bridge leading to the entrance of the castle, the same one Sweetie Belle traversed with Kirby and the animals the first time, they use the cube to absorb the Rainbow Bridge's energy and to add it to the energy of the other Rainbow Bridges, completing their first objective.

When the energy of the bridge is absorbed, a sixth Rainbow Drop appearing and orbiting around the heart inside the cube, the cube starts glowing a strong rainbow light with some pink, pushing away more of the cloud of darkness, before it suddenly explodes in a huge rainbow and pink shockwave that spreads to the whole archipelago, destroying the whole cloud of darkness and saving everyone who has been corrupted. At the same time, they all can feel the energy fill them, giving them the power to hurt Dark Matters.

Except maybe one.

When the shockwave reaches Dark Castle, a terrible screech of agony is heard from the top.


They aren't sure that the shockwave has been enough to get the purple heart out of him, but it certainly weakened him a lot. But they have to hurry before he can recover and restart to spread darkness.

Yin-Yarn starts to knit Spikezilla back into his doll form, but before he finishes, Sweetie Belle tells him to simply give Spikezilla a size close to them so he can join them on their adventure without problems. Sweetie Belle is very worried for him, he can easily be killed, but if Adeleine or the animals can participate despite their lack of attack and/or defense (especially Pitch), then he can too.

Then, they use the power of the pink heart to create a winged star and fly to the top of the castle without having to climb it from inside. Thanks to it, it doesn't take them long to reach the top where they land, and spot Gooey.

Or rather, a small formless cloud of darkness with an eye.

When it spots them, the cloud of darkness then takes a familiar shape, the one of the swordsman form of the first Dark Matter, before pointing a sword at them.

Darkness Incarnate

Gooey starts by firing dark beams from his sword, and the heroes immediately separate to surround him before attacking him from all sides, only for Gooey to surprise them by getting his eye back in his 'belly' before turning it back into a mouth from which comes a tongue that he uses to sweep all around him, forcing the ones too close to move back or get hit, while he uses the sword to deflect some projectiles and moves around to avoid others.

Spikezilla is however eventually able to grab his tongue before slamming him on the floor, only for Gooey to fire dark beams from his reforming eye, hitting the yarn dragon with one of them while he slashes at Rick who charged at him. But he's surprised by Nago grabbing Sweetie Belle before throwing her like a spear, her horn impaling him right in the eye. Gooey quickly proves to her that it was a bad idea, because as he's impaled in the eye, he fires from it a dark lightning bolt, electrifying the filly who quickly jumps away. Gooey fires more lightning bolts all around him, and Sweetie Belle quickly puts mirror shields to protect the others, only for Gooey to surround his sword in a purplish rainbow energy exactly like the Dark Matter clone from the HWC, before he uses the sword to easily destroy one of the shields and almost cut in two Taranza. He gets hit by some energy balls from the spider in return as he floats away, and before Gooey could follow him, he gets hit from behind by various projectiles from Sweetie Belle before Coo slams on him from above, causing him to crash on the floor. While he's on the floor, Pitch charges at him while spiraling, Adeleine paints a Waiu on which she climbs, and Claycia sculpts a rocket that Elline paints in the colors of Kirby. Coo and Pitch quickly fly away before the Kirby Rocket lookalike explodes on Gooey.

Gooey quickly recovers and fires all around him both dark energy spheres and explosive orange balls at the same time, while charging at Sweetie Belle to headbutt her, forcing her to protect herself and stopping her from creating mirror shields. With him getting so close to her, Sweetie Belle takes her weapon and forms a staff with it, covering it in the rainbow energy so it can resist the slash of Gooey's sword, and quickly counterattacks by swinging it, both of them starting an exchange. Thanks to this, she's able to keep Gooey's attention, and he gets hit at many reprises by the projectiles from the others.

Until, suddenly, Gooey materializes a second sword, catching Sweetie Belle off-guard, and the filly barely manages parrying it, but she gets destabilized enough for Gooey's next swing to get her staff away. The six animals all charge at Gooey from behind to help Sweetie Belle, but then, Gooey's body turns into a pincushion, needles coming from it in all directions, and the animals are forced to back away. Thanks to Sweetie's quick thinking, she's also saved from being turned into cheese by turning her body into metal, the needles not hurting that much thanks to it, and she quickly creates an explosion of energy around her to force Gooey away.

Gooey then surrounds himself in fire and charges at Claycia as she's sculpting something, taking her by surprise as she's rammed and burned, only for Gooey to get hit by a stream of ice followed by some lightning bolts from a painted Ice Dragon and a painted Kracko before he gets kicked away by the painted Waiu. But as he's kicked by the Waiu, Gooey surrounds himself in a freezing aura of ice, freezing both the Waiu and Adeleine on him, the Waiu disappearing. Spikezilla quickly uses his fire breath to melt the ice and free the human girl.

Gooey then starts flying around while spinning his two swords around him, but he quickly has to stop as Taranza firings energy balls from above him. But again, Gooey surprises everyone by getting out his tongue with a parasol before using it to shield himself. He then puts the parasol upside down on the floor and clings to its handle before he starts spinning it like a top while moving randomly around, his two swords spinning around him again. To make it more effective, he even fires his dark beams from them.

His attack his stopped by Sweetie Belle lengthening her staff before bringing it down on Gooey, quickly followed by Taranza creating a copy of Sectonia with his magic and firing dark lightning bolts from one of her scepters, Spikezilla breathing fire, and Ribbon piercing him with her crystal gun before firing. Gooey's eye then turns into a mouth with sharp teeth, and he tries to eat the fairy who flies away in panic. Smirking as a memory comes back to her, Adeleine paints a Bomber and throws it into Gooey's mouth, causing huge damage to him from inside.

But then, Gooey gets surrounded by a familiar purple aura, and he turns back into a formless cloud of darkness that quickly grows in size before taking a new form.

To put it simply, his new form is pretty much a black version of Zero, without the bloody eye.

So, just a giant Dark Matter without the orange orbs at the back.

But like Zero, he produces Dark Matters from his body, which he does almost immediately after his transformation, the thankfully smaller and weaker Dark Matters attacking the heroes with either dark lightning bolts, dark beams, explosive orange blobs, tongue sweeps, tongue slaps, charges, or tentatives of biting or devour them. They are all easily destroyed in one or two hits.

Gooey himself uses the chaos of the battle between the heroes and the small Dark Matters to attack the heroes with those same attacks excepted the explosive orange blobs, but Sweetie Belle always remain focused on him and always manage to save her friends while dealing damage to the Zero lookalike, sometimes joined by one or more of her friends when they can.

But Gooey quickly joins those attacks with elemental ones, starting by firing fireballs towards the sky before they start raining all over the arena, followed by him flying above someone randomly before firing down at them a continuous ice beam, Gooey sweeping the arena with it while following his target. With those attacks, Sweetie isn't able to protect everyone, so she double her efforts to fight Gooey and defeat him as quickly as possible while using her cannons to destroy the smaller Dark Matters, giving everyone more occasions to focus on Gooey.

Gooey materializes his two swords again, but now, they're bigger, about the size of the swords Master Crowned Magolor used, before he envelops them in fire and cross-swings them, sending a cross-shaped fiery shockwave toward Sweetie Belle who quickly slides under it to go attack Gooey. But then, Gooey turns himself into a spherical boulder and starts rolling toward her, and the filly is barely saved by Coo grabbing her before flying away.

After rolling around a few seconds, not producing any Dark Matter in this time, Gooey returns to normal and raises his swords before covering them in dark electricity. Then, suddenly, he plants them in the floor, and electricity spreads all over the arena, everyone not flying or floating at this moment getting electrified. He follows this by surrounding himself in fire before bouncing around, finishing by doing two fiery charges. After the second charge, he flies high in the whole enveloping his body in fire, ice, and electricity, and he violently crashes in the center of the arena, expelling the three elements out of his body in the form of streams of fire, ice, and lightning bolts. He finishes this series of attack by stretching spikes from his body in all directions, looking like a giant version of Kirby's Needle ability.

After this formidable, powerful, and very potentially deadly series of attacks, some of the heroes are on the verge of losing consciousness, but when Gooey retracts the spikes, floats up, and starts throwing cutter blades all around him while sweeping the arena, they decide that enough is enough and they all attack him with everything they have, not minding taking some cuts from the blades.

A combo of Taranza and Sweetie Belle both throwing huge energy balls at the same time finally causes Gooey to start exploding while screeching in pain, the purple heart going out of him as he recovers his normal size. Seeing that he isn't stopping from exploding, and that he's dying like every Dark Matters, Sweetie Belle quickly throws a pink heart at him, and the others follow her example. This stops Gooey from exploding, and he drops on the floor, back to his normal, Gooeyish self.

After shaking his head to recover his senses, he opens his eyes and looks around at his friends before bouncing in joy.

He's tackle hugged by Sweetie Belle followed by the animals.

"Well, I think this moment calls for it," says Discord before he presses the start button of a music player.

Hello darkness my old friend.

"You were waiting for it, uh?" asks Twilight with a deadpan look.

"I couldn't pass this occasion."

The heroes are quickly joined by Twitch as they eat some food from Dark Castle to recover from the fight, and the remaining animals are probably on their way. After some talking, Twitch flies back to warn the others about Rick, Coo, Kile, Nago, ChuChu, and Pitch joining Sweetie's party to save the world from whatever threat is at the origin of those purple hearts. Of course, Gooey also joins them.

After eating a delicious shortcake that heals her wounds, Sweetie Belle takes her communication device and calls Dedede.

"Hello again, Dedede. Gooey's saved, and the Dark Matter invasion has been stopped. Where are you?"

«Good job, Sweetie! It must have not been easy. Right now, we just started traversing that hot place full of volcanoes called Nature's Navel. You think you can join us here?»

"If nothing happens, yes. Just tell me where this area is and we will come." But then, as Dedede starts telling her where to go to join them, Sweetie Belle sees the Squeak Squad's airship approaching Dark Castle, the ship a little damaged. Sighing, she says "Hold it, Dedede, I don't think I will be able to come..."

Author's Note:

I see Spikezilla as a glass cannon character. He's strong, but his body of yarn makes him as vulnerable as Adeleine.

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