• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 93: Crazy Rolling in Money

Some ponies look in silent awe at the great show of power and destruction they have just witnessed from Sweetie Belle and her Sweetie Lobster Armor, others are cheering, either at seeing such an exciting battle, or at seeing Sweetie Belle showing those aliens who's the boss here in Popstar (even if Kirby is still kinda the real boss). If this robot, Hal, had a face, they would have certainly loved seeing its smug smile being replaced by horror. The almighty army of clones of the Haltmann Works Company, trashed by a filly piloting a robot.

It's a wonder by now why the mothership hasn't just taken off to escape Popstar. Are the aliens still confident despite losing their secret weapon? Or... Do they have an even more secret, ultimate weapon? Something hidden in that mothership that is waiting to be turned on to hit?

They will discover soon enough.

And after what they have just seen, they can't wait to see what will happen next. What will top an army of clones like that?

They will need more popcorn.

Sweetie Belle emerges from the Heavy Lobster, the big robot's claws dropping on the ground, some smoke coming out of it. Now inside her good old Sweetie Bot Armor, the filly sighs in both relief and tiredness. Seeing the Meta Knights approaching her from the Halberd, all of them looking at her in admiration with Vul holding a Maxim Tomato, she then jumps out of the armor, clenching her teeth in pain. Even if she was inside the armor while fighting, some of the attacks still caused her to get hurt, like all those attacks that jerked her body, causing her body to slam violently against the walls of the cockpit, or that mirror deflected laser heating the back of the armor until burning her own back a little, without forgetting the electricity that reached her through the armor. At this, she adds the few hits she got while fighting the first three clones.

Yeah, she needs some healing.

So when Captain Vul proposes the Maxim Tomato to her, she immediately takes it with a "Thank you," and eats it.

"Impressive battle," says Vul. "I didn't expect to see the Heavy Lobster becoming that powerful under your command. Would you and your armor like to join us? With your Sweetie Lobster Armor protecting the Halberd, we would be invincible!"

"Uh... Captain? You remember she's now a queen, right?" asks Sailor Waddle Dee.


Sweetie Belle giggles. "I would have said no anyway." A Sword Knight suddenly shows his sword at her. "Uh?"

"Would you sign my sword, please?" asks the knight.

Following his words, every other Meta Knights excepted Vul also present something, generally a weapon, for her to sign.

Sweetie Belle looks at them in disbelief before laughing. "Ok. Just give me something to write."

But then, a few dozen signatures later, the fifth foot of the Access Ark explodes, and the whole mothership crashes down above them. Thankfully, thanks to the two cliffs surrounding the Halberd, they aren't crushed. And now, the entrance is right above their heads.

Sweetie Belle, looking up at the ship, smiles widely. "Good job Kirby." She turns to the Meta Knights. "Sorry, but I have to go. I will finish signing once those aliens are gone."

She is answered by encouraging cheers from the knights as she climbs back inside the Sweetie Bot Armor. Invoking her Warp Star, she then waves at the Meta Knights wishing her good luck and cheering for her to kick some alien's butt before she jumps on it and takes off, the star supporting the armor without problems.

As she approaches the entrance of the Access Ark, it starts closing, so she hurries up. On her way, she spots Kirby also approaching the entrance, the puffball seemingly possessing a new ability if his hat made of what seems to be poison is any indication. Their eyes meet, and they both smile and nod in resolution before they pass the entrance just before it closes.

They both land in some hallway decorated with red carpets, everything made of metal with linings forming simple symbols like circles.

Here, Sweetie turns to Kirby and says "Hi Kirby! Good job with the feet! I hope you didn't have too much problem!"

Kirby just shrugs with a "Poyo."

Sweetie Belle takes a proud pose. "You can thank me for this. I took the full blow of the majority of their army to ensure that they would leave you mostly alone in your quest." She giggles. "You have no idea what I've gone through."

Kirby chuckles before rising an arm and saying "Poyo!" to thank her. He then looks at the Sweetie Bot Armor and waves an arm, saying "Hiiii!"

Sweetie Belle rubs the hull of the armor. "Her name is Sweetie Bot Armor, and she really helped me fighting the aliens." She looks back at Kirby. "Do you have an armor too?"

Kirby nods.

"I can't wait to see him. Too bad you couldn't come with him."

Again, Kirby shrugs.

"Maybe we will find an armor for you while we explore this ship. Speaking of, we should go. I have enough of those guys ruining the landscape."

"Poyo!" agrees Kirby with a nod.

They both start advancing, walking down some stairs before they reach some pillars where the hallway becomes more narrow. Passing more pillars, they then pass beside the portrait of a pale egg-shaped man in a suit possessing disembodied hands and feet, well groomed purple hair with some device on the right ear, and a purple mustache. The guy is sitting on a golden, red cushioned stair, staring professionally at the painter with his eyes entirely blue, like Susie's. More painting of this guy follow, taking different poses, as the hallway becomes large again.

After defeating some cloaked floating beings using psychic attacks named NESPs, Sweetie looks at one of the portraits with a frown.

"You know, Kirby? I'm ready to bet that this guy is the big boss of those aliens, President Haltmann.

Kirby nods, looking at the man in the painting.

"I never thought I would end up facing the CEO of a company to save Popstar. Life is sure full of surprises."

They continue, climbing some stairs before they reach a black door between two giant statues of Haltmann pointing a finger to tomorrow.

Bad news, the door is too small for the Sweetie Bot Armor.

"Aww... Now I have to leave her behind. Well, until I find another armor to take over, which shouldn't take long in this place." She climbs down and waves at the armor. "See you quickly, Sweetie Bot!"

They pass the door, entering another, similar hallway with more portraits and statues of Haltmann, this one full of Bombers falling from platforms above them. Sweetie Belle easily knock them away with some magical beams, and they are able to reach another door to another hallway.

Here, after advancing a little, an alarm starts blaring, and Sweetie and Kirby's surprise, a robot looking exactly like the Metal General activates in front of them, except that it is grey with a big red H on the head.

"They have copies of the Metal General?!"

They don't have time to ponder more on the reason of the HWC possessing copies of the powerful robot fought in Halcandra because of the copy starting to twirl its beam blade in front of itself before charging forward, like Metal General in its time.

They avoid the robot with some side jumps, and they both start attacking it, Sweetie using explosive balls while Kirby spits some corrosive poison. The copy then sends some mines here and there in the area before it fires some missiles, all of which are easily destroyed.

After more damage, the robot starts spasming with electricity while steam comes out of it, signifying that it's already coming close to the breaking point.

At least, it isn't as solid as the Metal General, thinks Sweetie Belle.

The copy still has time to attack them a few more times with its sword before it finally takes too much damage and falls on the floor. But then, it takes out some red button and slams it. The robot then starts floating, the button revealing to start a self-destruct process. So the two heroes quickly run away from it before it explodes, the explosion covering the floor under it in fire for a few seconds.

When the fire disappears, Sweetie Belle and Kirby looked at each other in wonder. Yes, it was a weak rip-off of the Metal General, but it was still a rip-off of the Metal General! How could the HWC have one, and maybe even more? Now, Sweetie Belle is fearing for Halcandra. What if the company somehow was able to go to Halcandra? It's the only explanation for them having copies of Metal General, but then, it would mean that they probably mechanized Halcandra! Well, even more mechanized that it already was before. What does it mean for Landia? Was he captured? Robotized? Or did he escape?

They hope they will find an answer.

At worst, they will ask Magolor to investigate with the Lor Starcutter next time he returns to Popstar.

Continuing advancing in the hallway, they eventually destroy a bomb block that causes a chest to drop. Inside it, they find some weird blue cube with circuit board patterns. When Kirby takes it, she asks "What is it?"

"Poyo poyo poyo, popoyo poyo poyopoyopoyo," answers Kirby, doing some signs.

Sweetie Belle doesn't understand much, but she can at least understand something. "It's important?"

Kirby nods. He then mimes of placing the cube inside something, and mimes something expanding or opening. Sweetie judges that he means opening. "It will open a door?"

"Poyo!" confirms Kirby.

"So we have to find as much as possible?" Sweetie guesses from there.

Again, Kirby confirms with another "Poyo."

"Alright. I was starting to miss collecting objects."

Kirby stores the cube in his stomach, and they pass the door not long after, entering a hallway with fans blowing strong air currents pushing them forward. With the quantity of enemies in this area, it is quite annoying, but in the end, they reach the next door rather rapidly, helped by an Invincibility Candy found in a crate, and they enter another hallway where they have to fight another copy of the Metal General.

Thanks to the Candy, this one hasn't even time to activate before they destroy it, and not long after, they pull down a lever, dropping a chest containing another blue cube.

Just after is another black door to an area where they have to use pipes to pass walls and advance, many of those pipes being protected by enemies using projectiles, like the grunts of the company using energy guns, among others. By the way, Kirby decides to give up the Poison ability to eat a NESP, gaining a blue cap with a red bill tilted to the side.

An ability to use psy attacks? This may be very useful.

Once they return to a more normal hallway, Sweetie asks "Can I test this ability, please?"

Kirby looks at her, smiles, and nods before jumping on her back. To her surprise, a blindfold appears on her eyes, blinding her totally, only... This blindness disappears, the filly now able to see the world without her eyes. The more extraordinary is that she now sees the world around her, at 360°! And she can even see what is behind the pillars! She has absolutely no problems seeing that Simirror approaching them!

Instinctively, she points her hoof at the Simirror, and pulls with her mind. The next instant, the Simirror is sent backwards by an invisible force! Smiling, Sweetie Belle tests something else with her mind, and in a few seconds, she starts floating in the air without any magic or anything!

Giggling, she floats forward, seeing a Whippy now approaching. Pointing her hoof at him, Sweetie Belle manages to levitate him without even using her magic, just with the power of her mind! She then surrounds the Whippy by a field of psychic energy. It doesn't do any physical damage, but its effects on the mind are devastating! In less than a second, the Whippy is unconscious.

It's scary, she has just used a small fraction of this power! If she uses more, she could break someone's mind, read it, control it, brainwash it... She could even kill!

Advancing while testing something else, she discovers that she can even teleport! And when she reaches another copy of the Metal General, she even discovers that she can use her mind to create shields (both against physical attacks and energy attacks), heal, and create fire The robot absolutely could not do anything to her before it Sweetie simply decides to levitate it and... crush it into a metallic ball. Just like that.

This ability is broken. If Sweetie could master psychic powers without having Kirby on her back...

But she doesn't know if she may be able to use them, even after testing them. It's not as easy to learn as firing fire, ice, or lightning. From the little she knows about psychic capabilities, you are born with them, or you aren't. And if you aren't, then you can try as much as you want, unless a miracle happens to unlock them, you can't use them.

Maybe Kirby getting on her back with this ability is the miracle she needs to unlock them.

Landing back on the floor, she lets Kirby go from her back, causing the blindfold to disappear. Sweetie Belle immediately closes her eyes to see if she still can see without them. After some focus, however, she discovers than no, she can't anymore. She then rise her hoof to the ball of metal and tries to send it backward with her mind like she did to the Simirror, without success.

Sighing at this, she still keeps some small hope that she will be able to use them later, maybe after some very hard training with her mind. She will probably try that thing with the spoon once they've dealt with the HWC.

Near the next door, they in a small hole in the floor, they find a switch that they press, causing a chess with another blue cube to drop. Taking the cube, they pass the door.

They reach a whole new area, with plugs in the walls, multicolored cubes floating around, tubes filled with weird liquids and a giant tube with... Uh... Sweetie isn't sure what it is, but it reminds her of an image she saw once briefly in a science book. And it's certainly more bright and colorful than those rather dark hallways!

Sweetie's amazement at this area quickly turns to annoyance when she discovers that they have to traverse a path full of lasers projected by some weird cannons that she quickly destroys, letting them pass and reach the next black door without problems, the enemies on the path not being much to even slow them.

They appear before some kind of mechanical gondola that Sweetie lets Kirby use as she floats beside him with a shield while she uses water to destroy the with balls producing electricity that are floating around on the way. As Kirby has to leave the gondola to take another, then another, Sweetie has to destroy more of those balls before they reach another door.

In the next area, they have to pass something similar to what they have gone through in Purple Fortress: two hallways separated by a transparent wall. But this time, no clones. Instead, there's some weird robot that strangely looks like Kirby, and when Kirby takes some kind of device that drops after pressing a switch, the robot starts to repeat all of Kirby's movements. Using this, Kirby has to use the robot to press switches to be able to continue while making sure that the robot survive by not making it fall into pits. Sweetie Belle helps him by activating some switches, making the journey easier. The robot proves its usefulness when Kirby makes it he press a switch that destroys some blocks under a copy of Metal General as it has been activating, causing the copy to fall in the pit. However, it also causes some blocks to be destroyed under the robot, and it falls in a pit too. So Kirby throws the no useless device.

After the robot, they find a black door where they have to activate some switches in the middle of pits to open doors, but the last switch being a red one opening the door for only a couple of seconds, Sweetie has to fire a magical beam at it while remaining beside the door so they can pass. After this last door, they find a chest with another cube, before they pass a black door that returns them to where they fought the Fake General, only for them to quickly pass another door.

They appear in front of a pipe that they take, entering a room with strange green panels on the floor. When they enter it, some of the panels then start turning red with skull symbols, starting with the panels at the back and moving at the panels under them. So they quickly take the battery on one of the panels, walks on them while avoiding the ones about to become skulls, and exit this place. They then reach some weird machine with a Gordo trapped in it, with a similar machine on a different platform with a Maxim Tomato trapped in it.. When they put the battery in the slot for it, the Gordo and the Maxim Tomato exchanges place between the two machines before the machine opens, letting them take the fruit.

"Those teleporting machines would be nice," comments Sweetie Belle.

They have to traverse two more places with those green panels, each harder to traverse than the previous one, and each with a battery to use a teleporter and get another Maxim Tomato, then a cube, before they pass the next black door to a path with many switches opening doors in another path at the other side of a transparent wall. At the end of the first path, a pipe lets them reach the other path, where all the opened doors lead them to yet another cube before they pass a black door.

Just after appearing in the next area, they find an Invader Armor inside a crate. They look at each other and, with a smile, Kirby points at the armor and nods with a "Poyo."

"You let me take it? It's ok, I don't mind if you take it."

Kirby shakes his head and points again at the armor. "Poyo! Poyo!"

"You won't change your mind, uh?"

Kirby shakes his head again.

Sweetie giggles. "Very well, thank you. But the next one will be for you."


So Sweetie climbs in the armor, turning it into the Sweetie Bot, and spotting the screw-like mechanism in the floor, she turns one of the arms into a screwdriver and use it on said mechanism to turn the floor and open the way. She has to move to another platform, then unscrew another one, before reaching an artificial door, thankfully big enough for the armor.

After it, they have to climb a few ladders before they reach a point where Sweetie Belle has to use the Bomb Mode of the Sweetie Bot armor to send walking bombs climb walls and activate switches to open the way to a new cube. After the destruction of a block bomb, they reach a door and enter an area with fans, accepted that those fans are in square formations, creating circling air currents. This wouldn't be problematic if there weren't toxic clouds inside those currents. But she quickly discovers that she can get rid of those clouds thanks to the Ice Mode, the wind created by the fans of the armor blowing them away.

Thanks to this, they are able to reach a secondary passage where Sweetie has to turn a bolt to activate some geysers of water. Then, after destroying a bomb block to open the passage to both her and a helping Key Dee, she has to use the Ice Mode again to freeze the water and create a path for the Dee to reach a teleporting machine with his battery. Putting the battery in its place turns the machine o, and it teleports the cube trapped inside it to the other machine at the entrance of the room, where Sweetie and Kirby can take it.

Back in the area with the fans and the toxic fog, following the path, they quickly find another door. Almost as soon as they appear after taking it, Sweetie has to use the screwdriver to unscrew a platform and open the way toward a screen turned off. To turn it on, Sweetie has to turn into Spark Mode and place the prods of the Sweetie Bot into the batteries. When it's on, it indicates a series of three symboles: ice, fire, and thunder.

Noting that in her mind, Sweetie then climbs a near ladder and finds herself between some metallic head looking sad and a big metal block. Kirby shows her head, and Sweetie Belle quickly understands what she must do. Turning to Ice Mode again, she fires a stream of ice at the head, getting it, somehow, covered in snow, the head now smiling. Following Kirby's instructions, she then lifts the head and starts making her way through the path, hurrying up to pass the parts with fire causing the snow to melt, she quickly reforms after said parts. She has to drop the head and unscrew a screw to destroy some blocks impeding her from dropping the head on its body and form a snowman.

A snowman that somehow becomes alive, grabs Sweetie, and throws her at another path.

"Did I just got thrown by a snowman?" asks the filly in disbelief as Kirby joins her by flying. She sighs and shakes her head. "Nevermind..."

They pass the door next to where she has been thrown, and after climbing a ladder, Sweetie now finds herself between another snowman head and a cannon. Remembering the fire symbol, she lifts the cannon, and after some platforming, she reaches the place where she must drop it. With the cannon in its place, she uses a simple fireball from her horn to light the fuse, only for the cannon to expel her to a dead end. In the end, the right place to drop the cannon is at the third fuse.

After another door and another ladder, she is now with a metal block, a snowman head, and a bigger metal block with the part of a circuit. Remembering that the last symbol involved Spark, she lifts the big metal block, then drops it on some yellow blocks that get destroyed by its weight, dropping it in a hole where it connects a circuit. Using Spark Mode at the start of the circuit, she then has to wait for the energy to pass the block before having to use the screwdriver to unscrew and destroy some blocks, and cause the big metal block to drop in the level below where it let the energy reach the next part of the circuit again. Having to do this a few more times, Sweetie Belle eventually reaches the end, where the energy causes the destruction of a wall of blocks and reveal a secret door that leads to a chest containing a cube, with some food around it.

Passing another door, she now has to use the Sword Mode to cut a chain and use a catapult after turning a bolt to choose how far the projectile, a giant Gordo, will be sent. Deciding to go full out, she charges the catapult to maximum, then cuts the chain, and the Gordo destroys the blocks at the top, revealing a door.

A door sadly too small.

Looks like the fun ends here for now.

After climbing down from Sweetie Bot, they pass the door, then climb a staircase toward a room where they fight another Fake General. At least, this one has time to show some different attacks, like jumping, surrounding itself in a field of electricity, and charging at the heroes, or jumping and firing energy projectiles all around itself, which are more attacks from the Metal General.

When the robot is destroyed, some weird window that seems to be an artificial portal looking more like the screen of a bugged computer appears, and having no other choice, they pass it and arrive in...

Woah... What the heck?

It's... as if they are now inside a computer, everything looking artificial, pixelated, blocky, and gridded, with crystalline structures of various forms, mostly star-shaped while others more ball shaped have plugs. Oh, and the background is spinning, as if the whole universe is spinning excepted the part that compose the path.

"I didn't think that I would see something weirder than the other dimension," comments Sweetie, almost becoming dizzy because of the spinning and the grids seemingly going to the infinite. If everypony is watching at home, they must be even more weirded out. I can't imagine what Twilight must be thinking.

Twilight Sparkle is leaning against Fluttershy, the yellow pegasus patting her back as the poor lavender mare is sobbing. "I can't take it anymore... This universe... It wants my death..."

"Shhh... It will be alright. Don't think about this," says Fluttershy as she tries to calm her.

As the heroes advance, a line appears beside the path and starts to draw a blocky form. When it completes, the four formed blocks suddenly come out, forming a platform, but also and above all, almost hitting the heroes and propelling them beyond the edge of the path. Another line appear almost just after, forming a small stair of three blocks.

Now paying attention to those lines, the heroes continue, stopping or accelerating to avoid the then forming platform until reaching a black door. After it, they wait for lines to form a path until reaching the next door, only to spot more lines forming a path toward another door. Not sure which one to take, they take the first door.

They appear in a small room on a floor made of indestructible blocks, and two lines appear, drawing each a single block at both sides of the room, leaving just one block wide of space for the heroes to avoid being pushed. Once the two blocks are formed, the floor of indestructible blocks disappear, and they drop in another level of the room. More levels follow, each with lines forming groups of blocks to avoid, Sweetie quickly taking a cube at the last one before it could be expelled by the forming blocks. Reaching a normal floor, they then have to move closer to where the lines are forming to go on other indestructible blocks that eventually disappear, dropping them in front of a black door.

In the next area, they fight yet another Fake General, and after a quick fight, pass another door to a vertical room that they have to climb. They could use the forming blocks as platform, but they decide to fly, finding another cube in a secondary path where they have to hurry before it is closed by the blocks. Almost just after, they pass another door.

Almost immediately after they appear, they are attacked by a Fake General leading a group of a dozen Invader Armor.

A dozen Invader Armor.

The aliens have just done a big error!

Grinning, the heroes don't mind the Fake General and directly charge at the two closest armors, knocking away their pilots before climbing in the cockpits. Sweetie's armor turn into the Sweetie Bot Armor while Kirby's armor has its color turning pink with some white, and red at the feet, while having two yellow eyes.

Sweetie belle looks at Kirby's armor. "What's his name?"

"Obobo Amo!"

"Robobot Armor?"


Sweetie Belle nods and looks around as more enemies are joining the ones present, the two transformed armors getting back to back.

"Nice to meet you Roboby! I'm Sweetie Belle, and this is my armor Sweetie Bot! I'm sure you two will become great friends!" She chuckles. "How about some friendship bonding while kicking some armored butts?"


They both take a fighting pose as the Fake General fires some missiles.

"Then let's go!"

The Sweetie Bot fires a few beams to destroy the missiles before it punches an attacking armor, the Robobot Armor doing the same at his side. Then, Sweetie Bot starts charging a beam, and Robobot grabs her hand before spinning her around him, Sweetie Bot firing a continuous laser that destroys many enemies. Robobot then throws her at the Fake General who has its sword ready. Sweetie Bot turns into Sword Mode and cuts both the beam sword and the Fake General in two in just one swing. Sweetie Bot then turns back toward Robobot and, thinking that it probably possesses the same ability than Kirby, creates and sends a block of ice at him. Robobot sees it coming and the ice block is immobilised in the air as a scan appears around it. The block then disappears, and the Robobot takes on the Ice Mode, immediately using it to freeze the enemies around him while Sweetie Bot turns into Spark Mode and electrify the remaining ones. In just a few seconds, the twenty or so enemies armor are destroyed, and the armors give each other a high five.

"We continue?"


Starting their advance, the Robobot Armor rapidly gives up the Ice Mode to absorb a Sir Kibble and gains the Cutter Mode, giving the armor two saw blades at the place of the hands as it becomes yellow. The Robobot Armor can throw the blades to cut the enemies from a distance, their size doing huge damage to big groups of enemies.

After some platforming, they pass an artificial portal like the one they took to come to this area, entering a room made of artificial hexagonal pillars, where they encounter...

Wait a minute, is that an octahedron like they encountered and fought in that alien spaceship in that desert world back in their adventure to save Ripple Star? The difference is that this one is half red and half blue, and is surrounded by a ring of little floating plates.

"They also have copies of them?" asks Sweetie in surprise.

But then, the octahedron opens in two, revealing a smaller one inside it, and out of it come two beams of light that forms two holograms of... Doomers?

Of all the things, Doomers?!

"I have so many questions..." She looks at Kirby. "But I suppose they aren't simple holograms, uh?"

Kirby nods.

One of the Holo-Doomers charges at them while the other starts dropping balls. Kirby decides to face the one dropping the balls, using the saw to attack it, while Sweetie takes on the other, giving it a big punch that sends it flying before destroying it with a laser. The other Doomer quickly is destroyed too by the saws, and as a result of the destruction of the holograms, the octahedron explodes, and another portal opens.

Following the path, fighting many enemies on the way, half of them deciding to run away upon seeing that they stand no chance, they pass another portal and face another octahedron, this one cyan and green and creating a hologram of the Ice Dragon.

"Woah, it's been a long time since we fought it."

Almost as soon as the dragon starts charging at them, the two armors fire at it with saws and streams of fire, destroying it just before it could reach them, and destroying the octahedron by the same occasion. Another portal appears, and they pass it. As they follow the path again, not much happening beside the habitual enemies, they eventually use a giant metal block to destroy some yellow blocks and obtain a new cube.

Passing yet another portal, they face this time a yellow and white octahedron creating a hologram of Kracko.

Sweetie huffs. "I already fought a Kracko Cyborg and five Kracko Clones, do they really expect to defeat us with a simple hologram?"

As expected, the Holo-Kracko doesn't last long against the both of them, the cloud having just the time for fire some lightning bolts at them before it is destroyed, and the next portal appears.

In the next path, they spot a trap door in the ceiling above a pit, and understanding what will happen once they open it, they drop a metal block in the pit to block it, and they they press the switch that opens the trapdoor, a chest containing a cube drops from it and falls on the block.

Then, not long after, they arrive at a conduit that expels Capsules J3, improved versions of the previous Capsule Js, and Robobot absorbs it (releasing by the way the Sir Kibble he used to gain the Cutter Mode), and turns into Jet Mode, which is pretty much the Robobot with the form of a jet, with a gatling cannon under the nose. Following him, Sweetie bot turns into Jet Mode too.

Taking off, they fly their way through some obstacles and a small army composed of Fake Generals, Blockys, Bonkers, Dubiors, Kibble Blades, King Doos, Miasmoros, and weird creatures with horseshoes-shaped floating bodies with pulsating lines using psychic attacks named Telepathos, without forgetting all the smaller enemies like Capsule Js, HWC grunts, Waddle Dees piloting flying machines, and more.

But with the power of their armors in Jet Mode, this army is quickly destroyed, and they even find another cube. After that, it mainly consists of avoiding forming blocks until they land when they spot a portal, the armors returning to Normal Mode. Using some cannons, they reach and pass the portal. After more platforming, they encounter, and destroy, another Fate General before they unscrew a platform that it has been guarding, opening the way.

And it leads them right into an ambush, where they are attacked by one of those giant purple robots.

Just this one.

Rolling her eyes, Sweetie Belle decides to use the Fusion Capacity of her Sweetie Bot to take control of the robot, surprising Kirby. Then, once in control of the purple robot, she turns its right hand into a screwdriver and uses it to pierce a hole in its own chest. Once the robot has taken enough damage, she unfuses, and the purple robot is destroyed.

A door, too small for the armors, appears, forcing them to leave the armor.

Sweetie Belle looks at the Robobot Armor, saying "See you soon, I hope," before they pass the door, not seeing the Robobot Armor and the Sweetie Bot taking each other's hand.

The heroes appear in a small path leading to a big red locked door with a hole in it. Knowing what he must do, Kirby starts placing the cubes in the hole. After placing just seven cubes, the door opens, and Kirby spits away the remaining cubes, not needing them anymore.

When they pass the door, they appear on an elevator, and as they ascend, everything around them suddenly starts flashing before disappearing, letting place to simple black walls with some familiar blocks, revealing that, apparently, this whole area was just an illusion.

Then, some black cubes looking like the blue ones, with two orange, more normal looking cube, appear and create a portal door to a room that they can see through it. From what they can see, it is a huge room with a red carpet and a single desk in front of a window showing the surface of Popstar.

There's no doubt, this is President Haltmann's office.

Advancing, they traverse the portal, and enter the room, the portal disappearing behind them.

There, they encounter none other than Susie herself.

"I... just can't believe that you were able to destroy Hal and his whole army of clones. He was our trump card to stop you. I don't understand. How did you do it? A primitive like you?"

Sweetie Belle giggles. "I was helped."

Susie then turns to Kirby. "And you, you managed to destroy everything that I sent after you, Mecha Knight, that upgraded clone..." She looks at the two of them. "And now, the two of you climbed your way through all our defenses and reached this very room, the Haltmann Works Company head office. Even the Mother Computer's best creations couldn't stop you. But... I can't stand it. I can't let you enter the head office and bother the President just like that."

"So, you will fight us?"

Susie shakes her head. "I wouldn't stand a chance. I know it. But instead..." She takes a remote control and presses a button, and from the ceiling, a robotized Meta Knight is dropped, to Sweetie's horror. "He will fight you. Let me present you our latest produce, hot off the production line. A new version of the Mecha Knight upgraded with the newest technologies who can work for 24 hours without recharging, programmed to be a merciless fighting machine. We call it Mecha Knight+." Susie starts walking backward, giggling. "I hope you like it. have a nice day! Buh-bye!" she finishes with a wave as the named Mecha Knight+ activates, the red light between its eyes, apparently a bionic eye, turning on.

Sweetie Belle looks at the warrior turned robot in rage. She knew that it was probably Meta Knight's fate the instant she discovered about him being captured, but it still enrages her to see such a strong and prideful warrior, also a great friend, turned into a robotic slave! They have even installed rocket launchers on his arms! Meta Knight! With rocket launchers! And then, there's the fact that said rocket launchers are totally covering his arms. How do they expect him to swing his sword rapidly and effectively with those things covering his arms?! Speaking of the sword, why does it only possess the guard?

Oh, it's actually an energy sword made to look like Meta Knight's sword. And apparently, he can perfectly move his arms despite them. And his wings, also artificial, possess reactors to fly.

And then, Mecha Knight raises his sword, and it grows two to three times its size.

Okay, this robotized Meta Knight may actually be a problem.

Sweetie Belle forms her own ten double beam swords, and quickly uses five of them to parry Mecha Knight's first swing, the clash creating sparks. Kirby uses his PSY ability to teleport behind Mecha Knight, probably to attack him by surprise while he's busy with Sweetie Belle, but to his surprise, Mecha Knight slashes at him, and Kirby quickly teleports again while Sweetie attacks him. The robotized knight then attacks Sweetie Belle again, and she parries him a second time while Kirby is finally able to attack him with his psychic powers.

Mecha Knight then starts flying around before charging at them with his sword and planting it in the floor, creating a small shockwave. With it not working, and even leaving him vulnerable to the heroes' attacks, he decides to simply fly around before charging and slashing at them. Again, Sweetie tries her best to parry him, but his attacks are well calculated. When she parries him the first time, he immediately attacks her where he has the most chance to break her defense, only for Sweetie to use her five other beam swords to parry him. And so, she uses those two groups of five beam swords to parry him continuously as he attacks too rapidly for her to do anything else.

But suddenly, as Mecha Knight seems to focus on Sweetie Belle, letting Kirby attack him, the knight turns toward Kirby flies a little toward him, and prepares to send one of his sharp sword beams. Of course, Kirby teleports behind him, beside Sweetie Belle. But they then discover that Mecha Knight has been faking his attack, and instead does a powerful spin attack that releases energy in the form of electricity. When Sweetie tries to block it and save both her and Kirby, the power of the attack sends her swords away after not even one second of clashing. But this gives Kirby enough time to teleport the both of them away. When the attack ends, the sword returns to a more normal size.

Soon, they attack him, avoiding lasers fired by his bionic eye before Sweetie clashes with him with her ten swords while Kirby uses his psychics powers. Mecha Knight even fires missiles, but they are easily destroyed by the puffball before he's hit by a strong buck right on the eye, causing the mask to crack a little.

To this, Mecha Knight flies away, and the apparatus on his back extends into a giant clawed tail.

"What?!" shouts Sweetie Belle. "After the rocket launchers, this?! They didn't even try to respect his style of fighting! This is an insult to his swordsmanship!" she says in anger.

Mecha Knight starts attacking them with his tail, trying to punch them, to claw them, to crush them, and even to grab them, but while Kirby continues teleporting behind him to remain out of the way, Sweetie Belle simply remains far enough to dodge the attacks and counter. Eventually, Mecha Knight grounds the claw, using it to lift himself and to move around in the air while sending sharp shockwaves or slashing at them.

With the speed at which it moves in the air, it's hard to hit him, and he still manage to parry and deflect attacks, attacking when he has the occasion. Having enough of this masquerade, Sweetie Belle runs to the claw and grabs it, covering her whole body in Soul Energy before she lift it from the ground with difficulty. Using all her boosted strength, she then slams Mecha Knight on the floor before she runs at the base of the tail, grabs it, and rips it from Mecha Knight's back. She then uses it as a bat to hit Mecha Knight and send him toward Kirby who, in return, uses his mind to violently send the knight back at Sweetie Belle. The filly prepare her hoof, and hit the mask with the most powerful punch she could give, totally breaking the mask and sending him flying to the ceiling.

He falls back on the floor, and Kirby and Sweetie Belle prepare themselves as he slowly gets back up, groaning. Once up, Meta Knight blinks, looks at them, finds out that he doesn't possess a mask anymore, and flies away, breaking a window.

"Improbable..." they then hear Susie say as she approaches, looking at the window through which Meta Knight has escaped. "No... Impossible! How could you defeat the most recent creation of the Mother Computer... so easily?!"

"Your Mother Computer must be bugged! Despite all his upgrades, this robotized version of Meta Knight couldn't compare to the real one! Was your computer trying to upgrade Meta Knight, or downgrade him?"

"How dare you?!" shouts Susie in anger. "The Mother Computer is perfect! It can't make errors like that!"

"And yet, as you said, and just saw, we, simple 'primitives', defeated its perfect creations. Not as perfect, if you want my opinion."

"Ugh..." Susie steps back at Sweetie's words, having a hard time to admit that she's right.

But then, before she could find anything to reply to her words, someone says "That's enough, Susie."

Following the voice, everyone looks at the desk. Because of all this, Sweetie Belle hadn't spotted until now that there was someone here, his chair turned to the window, the person on it looking at the surface of Popstar. The chair then turns around, revealing the familiar figure of the portraits, hand in hand in front of his mouth.

"M-Mr. Haltmann! Sir!" shouts Susie in surprise.

"Hello," says Haltmann directly to Sweetie Belle and Kirby, speaking as if a battle hasn't just happened in this very room, more like a CEO talking to a guest. While he talks, his chair, which is floating thanks to small reactors, moves around the dest and approaches them. "I must thank you for looking after my secretary." He then looks at Susie. "Susie, dismissed. You're done here. You may step down now."

The secretary reluctantly bows while saying "...Yes, sir" before walking away, leaving her boss to talk with Sweetie and Kirby.

The filly frowns at him, the man responsible for all this. "President Haltmann."

"Nice to see that I don't need to present myself. And you don't need to present yourself to me either. You made quite a show down there. I personally saw your battle with Hal. I must say, I was impressed. I didn't expect to see a furry little native destroying the totality of my army. Without forgetting your pink friend who was able to destroy the feet of the Access Ark. Really, this planet was full of surprise. And I thought that it would just be another planet like we visited so many others until now." He chuckles. "Now, I suppose that you are here to convince me to stop?"

They both nod. "And we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I hope that you will accept the easy way."

He chuckles. "Why take the easy way? I didn't become CEO of such a prosperous company just by taking the easy way. I would even say that I love doing things the hard way. It spices the monotonie. Why do you think I let my secretary deal with you until now rather than taking matters in my own hands? If I wanted to use the easy way, I would have simply sent the Mother Computer to attack you, and you wouldn't be here talking to me." He taps his hand. "Take a look..." Suddenly, the floor of the room opens in two, and a big, sorta circular platform made of the same cubes that opened the portal to this room is rising to take its place, forcing everyone to go on it as something else is rising of the pit below.

And Sweetie gasps in horror, recognizing what is that thing.

A white cylindrical body with a screw head, with pink lights forming a broken heart, and wings at the sides.

The corrupted prototype of Clockwork Star that Queen Ripple showed to her!

With a laugh, Haltmann continues talking. "Absolutely incredible. Indeed. It's truly marvelous! We've analyzed the most advanced civilizations in the known universe. And with that knowledge, we have reactivated this... The Mother Computer... Star Dream."

Sweetie Belle remembers Queen Ripple's warning, and looks at Haltmann with that same look of horror. "And... You used it?"

Haltmann raises an eyebrow at her strange question. "Of course."

Oh, drat... Don't tell me it's Sectonia all over again...

"But..." continues Haltmann, forgetting about Sweetie's question. "Now that you are here... In compliance with the business plan drafted by Star Dream..." He taps his hands again, and a golden armor encrusted with many gems suddenly drops from nowhere behind him, right at the center of the platform. "effective today, you are..." His chair flies inside the cockpit of the armor, and he presses a few buttons, activating it. He then presses the strange device on his head, and weird glasses appear on his eye. "terminated!" he then finishes with a shout and a small laugh.

Sweetie Belle and Kirby immediately prepare themselves.

Violently, Haltmann grabs the ground with the disembodied hands of the armor, and the central part of the platform rises in the air. With those same hands, he then creates four Susie-shaped drones while laughing, before he jumps from the platform at the opposite side from the heroes.

He sends the drones to home in Kirby and Sweetie Belle who are easily able to dodge them, the drones exploding on the floor and creating small areas of electricity that quickly disappear. As Haltmann create more drones, Kirby starts attacking him with the ESP ability, and Sweetie Belle sends her ten swords after him. Seeing the swords approaching, Haltmann creates even more drones, and sends them at the metallic base of the swords, their explosions knocking the swords away, but it leaves him open to some laser beams from the filly.

Creating more drones, a wall made of circuit patterns appear around the central platform, and Haltmann attaches his armor to it, the drones doing the same at the opposite side. He and the drones then starts rapidly spinning around it while also spinning the arms of the armor around him, slowly approaching the ground. Like against Mecha Knight, Kirby quickly runs toward Sweetie Belle and uses the ESP ability to teleport with her and avoid the attack. But when they reappear, the drones suddenly home in at them, and they are both hit by one, Kirby losing his ability. When he recovers, he quickly runs to inhale back the ability while Sweetie returns to fight Haltmann, this time trying to punch him directly.

Haltmann protects himself by placing an arm from the armor in the way, intercepting her punch, then himself tries to punch her in return, only for the filly to use a shield fist to punch the armor away, right in a psychic field from Kirby, where Sweetie continues attacking him with lightning bolts.

Recovering from the assault, Haltmann jumps on the central platform and lowers it back at its place before he starts flying in the air. The next instant, a group of five golden robots appear, the robots looking like bodyguards, and they start attacking the two heroes with their strong fists. They prove to be particularly durable, only Sweetie's strongest attacks being truly effective against them, and while they are busy dealing with the robots, Haltmann starts firing the giant ruby at the bottom of his armor at them, the gems exploding and leaving fire at the impact, a new ruby appearing to replace the previous one each time. When one robot remains, Haltmann then does a signal to him, and the robot starts self-destructing. Sweetie and Kirby quickly run from it to avoid the explosion as Haltmann lands back on the platform.

Then, with an impressive speed, he spin dashes toward Kirby who, again, teleports away. Haltmann then suddenly turns around and spin dashes toward Sweetie Belle who air-jumps to avoid him. However, while she air-jumps, Haltmann also jumps, and with an "Eep!" Sweetie quickly forms a shield to protect herself, but the spinning arms of the armor are able to break it and to slap her away. But as she's slapped, she's still able to leave a little gift: an explosive balls that flies at Haltmann and explodes on his face, causing his mustache and his hair to lose their grooming. Quickly recovering from the explosion, he doesn't take time to groom them again before charging back at Kirby who yet again teleports.

Only, this time, when Haltmann spots where he appears, he sends some drone at him. Kirby teleports another time, but is surprised by Haltmann spin dashing him, ramming him with the strength of a big Nruff, knocking away his ability. Kirby could barely recover before Haltmann charges at him again, and without the ESP ability, he can only do a roll to dodge the attack. As Haltmann passes beside him, he leaves behind him a yellow star that Kirby inhales and spits back at him before he starts running toward his ability, hoping to get it back before it disappears as Haltmann continues charging at him.

But then his armor suddenly gets rammed from the side by Sweetie's Giant Fiery Comet, stopping his charge, which lets Kirby inhales the ESP ability again right before it disappears.

Recovering from the fiery comet, Haltmann suddenly jumps, and crashes at the center of the arena, creating a hole. He flies back up above the newly formed hole, and with a laugh, he fires dozens of drones that bombard the whole area, Sweetie Belle using a shield to protect both herself and Kirby from the rain. But then, Haltmann jumps in front of them, and his arms open, turning into cannons, before he fires from them directly at Sweetie and Kirby... bills. Bills that cover their eyes and break their focus.


Before Sweetie could say more, she his grabbed and slammed on the floor while Kirby is punched, knocking the ESP ability again, and this time, it falls in the hole at the center of the arena, making it impossible for him to recover. Haltmann then jumps above Sweetie Belle, trying to impale her with the ruby, and she quickly rolls to the side, avoiding the ruby, before she gets back up and jumps away, only for Haltmann to jump at her again, forcing her to jump back again.

Only to get more bills on the face from Haltmann before he spin dashes her, sending her above the pit around the platform. She quickly recovers with some air-jumps, and looks as Kirby tries to escape him by running away, only for Haltmann to catch him and ram him, sending him too above the pit. Kirby quickly inflates to avoid the fall, but his eyes widen in fear when he sees Haltmann firing drones at him. Sweetie Belle saves him by destroying the drones with some beams, and she then uses her ten cannons to fire at Haltmann while remaining on a shield above the pit.

To her surprise, however, one of Haltmann's robots from earlier appear, only to directly turn into self-destruct mode. Haltmann then grabs it, and throws it right at Sweetie Belle, followed by some drones. Sweetie quickly flies away from the path of the robot, avoiding its explosion, then destroys the drones, only to get a face full of bills, again! But this time, she doesn't let it gets her, and she creates a shield around herself, saving herself from some more drones.

While inside the shield, Sweetie Belle gets rid of the bills blinding her, then grabs one and looks at it before gasping.

"O-o-o-o-one hundred thousand?! You are firing bills worth one hundred thousand at us, just like that?!"

Haltmann laughs. "A little sacrifice against you. And I have millions of those, so a few dozen destroyed will not change much."

Millions?! This guy is even richer than Celestia!

With Haltmann focused on Sweetie Belle, he doesn't see Kirby jumping on the armor behind him, and he finds himself punched on the back of the head by him, causing his face to slam on the buttons in front of him, getting the armor to move erratically until he moves his face away from the buttons. Sweetie Belle takes this occasion to send lightning bolts at the armor, Kirby jumping away to not be shocked. Despite being electrified, Haltmann is able to send one of the armor's arms to grab Sweetie Belle before she punches her on the face again and again with the other arm. But again, Kirby jumps on the armor and punches the back of Haltmann's head, slamming his head again on the buttons. As the armor is jerking around as a result, Sweetie is able to free herself from the arm, grabs it with her magic, and as Haltmann recovers from the punch, Sweetie Belle throws the arm on his face. While he recovers from this, Sweetie Belle sends a lightning bolt at Kirby, and the puffball inhales it, gaining the Spark ability. He immediately uses it to throw a big ball of electricity at the armor while Sweetie does the same with lightning bolts.

Groaning in rage, Haltmann presses a button, and suddenly, from the hole at the center of the arena, a large square platform appears, and holes appear in it, only leaving the top and bottom face and the edges. Two robots are then conjured at both sides of the arena, and Haltmann flies inside the cube, the holes getting blocked by force fields. The president then starts spinning inside it, and two opposite sides of the cube start glowing as he gives a maniacal laughter. Forgetting about the robots, Kirby and Sweetie quickly run away from the glowing sides of the cube just in time to avoid large beams fired by them, the beams easily destroying the robots. With another maniacal laugh, the two other sides of the cube start glowing, and they again run away from them to avoid the beams. The cube then starts spinning, its four sides starting to glow as Haltmann laughs again, and Sweetie and Kirby make sure to remain in front of the edges of the cube to avoid the beams.

Haltmann exits the cube, only to star floating in front of one of the sides as a purple energy appear inside the cube. The heroes can barely attack him before he fires his armor inside the cube, warping when touching the purple energy and reappearing around the arena. He repeats this a couple of times, but then as he does that a fourth time, instead of teleporting, his armor gets surrounded in energy and he slams on the floor of the arena, creating a tall shockwave that goes all the way to the other side of the arena, taking the heroes in surprise and hitting them, knocking Kirby's ability away. Kirby quickly inhales it back while Sweetie approaches Haltmann and attacks him with lightning bolts as the president starts firing drones by dozens like earlier, bombarding the whole arena.

Kirby surrounds himself in electricity to destroy the drones before they could hit him, and Sweetie uses a shield to protect herself. But Haltmann then jumps at her, and she quickly jumps away before firing a stream of fire, burning the bills that he is then firing at her, along with his armor, which also gets hit by an electric ball from Kirby. Dozens of lightning bolts are then fired at him from Sweetie's cannon, and as Haltmann is about to attack again, his armor suddenly short-circuits. Haltmann looks left and right as electricity appear all over the armor, an expression of horror appearing on his face.

And his armor explodes, expelling his chair, and him with it, right up before it falls back, Haltmann now half unconscious, and the cube disappearing to reform the platform as it was before the start of the fight.

But the man reveals to be really resistant, and recovers from the explosion, more angry than ever as he starts pounding his chair in rage, his face becoming red and shouting, "You ungrateful native! You need to be taught your place! Savages! Savages! Savages! Savages! You're all wild savages!"

"Says the invader!" shouts Sweetie.

"Enough!" yells Haltmann before his chair starts flying toward Star Dream. "Your insolence must be punished! Watch me activate Star Dream, the most powerful machine in existence."

"No wait!" shouts Sweetie. "Don't!"

But Haltmann doesn't listen to her. "And you filthy natives will be..." He jumps in the siege above Star Dream's yellow eye. "eradicated!"


Again, Haltmann doesn't listen, and after pushing some buttons, and the control device appears above him, slowly floating down as the president is rubbing his hands together in delight.

But then, as he's putting the device on his head, someone suddenly comes from nowhere and snatches the device, this someone revealing to be none other than Susie!

"What?! You! Susie! What did you...?!" screams Haltmann, putting his hands to his head in pain.

Sweetie Belle can only watch in horror at what's happening.

"I... I can't... cont...rol..." are Haltman's last words before he passes out.

Susie looks happily at Haltmann's unconscious body and screams "Yippee! I thought this day would never come!"

"What have you done?!" Sweetie Belle shouts angrily at her.

Susie turns toward her, tilting her head in confusion. "What's the problem? I stopped Haltmann from activating Star Dream, and saved everyone on your world by the same occasion. Why do you look angry?"

Sweetie Belle walks toward her, almost getting muzzle to nose (or where Susie's nose should be if she had one). "The problem is that this machine, Star Dream, must not be used without this device! It's too dangerous! It may even have killed Haltmann!"

Susie looks at her in worry. "What... do you mean?"

"I learned that from Queen Ripple, from Ripple Star. She possesses a book giving some infos about Star Dream, and she explicitly said that it must absolutely not be used without the control device! The book didn't say what it would cause, but there was no doubt that it was very serious when using Star Dream WITH the device caused the user to be corrupted!"

Susie steps back in surprise. "C-corrupted?"

But before more could be said, Star Dream suddenly turns on by itself and starts firing lightning bolts around. Sweetie Belle quickly grabs Susie and she jumps away just before a lightning bolt strikes at where they've been. However, in her surprise, Susie drops the device, and the lightning bolt destroys it.

When Star Dream stops attacking, they all look up as they suddenly hear a "Beep beep boop..." from the siege. Then, before their eyes, Haltmann's body starts moving. "I...this...am...is...infinite... operating...sys... Star Dream..." The body then rises up, revealing his eyes now yellow, and lifeless. "Syntax error... I am...Haltmann...? Overwriting irrelevant error... Please wait..."

"What...?" says Sweetie in worry.

Haltmann looks at his hand expressionless. "Beep boop... A...hem." He now looks at the three of them. "Through... this organic body... I have studied... all forms of life. The goal of this company has always been prosperity. Unfortunately, you imperfect, fragile life-forms were a liability. So you are invited to witness the end of history. A new age shall begin, an age of infinite prosperity. Enjoy your destruction."

At this, Star Dream rises from its socle and flies through a hole in the roof into space.

Susie falls on her knees. "I didn't want this. I... only wanted to give him a lesson, and get him to recover his mind... To remember me..."

Sweetie Belle and Kirby look at her. "What do you mean?"

Susie looks down for a moment before saying "President Haltmann's full name is Max Profitt Haltmann..." She then looks at Sweetie Belle. "My full name is Susanna Patrya Haltmann..." Sweetie Belle and Kirby's eyes become wide. "I am his daughter." She looks back down. "Long ago, we found Star Dream, and started experiments to reactivate it. But in one of those experiments, I was warped to another dimension where I remained trapped for a few years. While in this other dimension, I collected data about some local monsters and found some plans about various robots and other technologies before I was able to use said technologies to open a portal back to this universe. But when I found father, after all this time... he didn't recognize me. Now, he had only two things in mind: the prosperity of the company, and Star Dream. He was treating Star Dream like a god. Everything it said, he would follow, in the goal of reaching prosperity. But he still hired me as his secretary, so I remained at his side, a plan forming in my mind: recover the control device and sell Star Dream. Hopefully, without it, Haltmann would have recovered his mind, stopped idolizing this machine, and finally recognized me.

While being his secretary, I also did some snooping and found out, thanks to some entries in his computer, that he thought that I died in the incident, so he finished Star Dream and wished it to bring me back to life. Of course, it didn't work, since I was still alive. But he persisted and... somehow... he got from wishing to bring me back to life to wishing for eternal prosperity of the company, and the more recent the entries, the more I could see he was becoming obsessed with Star Dream. I didn't understand. What happened to turn him like that?" She looks back at Sweetie Belle. "You said something about corruption?"

Sweetie Belle looks at Susie in sadness, nodding. "This is what Queen Ripple told me about Star Dream. It was corrupted by an ancient powerful being named the Dark God, and in return, Star Dream would corrupt anybody using it." She sighs. "There's no doubt that, as Haltmann tried to use Star Dream again and again to bring you back, Star Dream slowly twisted his mind, made him forget about you, and gave him instead that obsession about prosperity." She clenches her teeth. "And now, Star Dream somehow fused with Haltmann, and will use that wish for eternal prosperity to kill everyone!" She looks at Kirby. "What can we do?"

Kirby rubs his head, not finding any solution. "Poyo..."

Susie looks at the two of them before taking her remote and pressing a button. Two Invader Armors are then brought here. "I'm not sure how, but I am certain they will be helpful."

Sweetie Belle grins. "The Jet Mode!"


The two of them climb in the armors, turning them into the Sweetie Bot Armor and the Robobot Armor. But before they could do more, they suddenly spot the Halberd approaching the windows, Meta Knight, back to normal, on it, nodding at them! And then, at the opposite side, they also spot the Warhammer, with Dedede waving at them to come!

Sweetie Belle and Kirby look at each other, grin, nod, and both jump through the windows, Kirby going toward the Halberd while Sweetie goes toward the Warhammer. Kirby then Scans the whole Halberd while Sweetie Fuses with the Warhammer!

Thus, the Robobot turns into a pink and white version of the Halberd with his face at the front and bird wings instead of bat wings! And the Warhammer becomes white with some pink and purple, with Sweetie Bot's face at the front, horn included!

In the cockpit of the Warhammer, at the front, Sweetie Belle has the biggest grin of her life as she starts piloting the battleship, not paying attention to the shouts of astonishment from Dedede and the others inside the ship that she can hear through a speaker. She turns the ship toward the window, Kirby doing the same at his side, and they both make the ships nod at the very amazed Susie, saying to her that they have the matter in hand, before they give chase to Star Dream.

Author's Note:

Everybody aboard the hype train! Time for an epic space battle!

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