• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 79: Another Colorful Adventure Begins

Waking up back in her chamber in Dedede's castle? Check!

Waking up half turned into a mummy? Check!

Maxi Tomato ready for her to eat and heal? Check!

Grunting in pain, she slowly reaches out to the fruit on the nightstand beside her bed, and eats it. Just as she finishes it, she hears a party horn right beside her ear, making her bounce in surprise as the responsible, Dissy, starts laughing. Calming her breath, she glares at him.

Dissy then puts a party hat on his head and shouts "Good job in becoming the strongest warrior of Popstar -without counting Kirby-!"

Yin and Yarn are also here, standing on their pointy end, the two of them with a hat and Yin having a party horn too.

"Yeah! You totally got him!" says Yin.

"Even if he got you really bad too," adds Yarn.

Sadly, Spiky is still in his doll form, so he's not here with them. With all that happened yesterday, and the preparations for the fight against Meta Knight, she has preferred to leave him in this form.

Smiling, she says "Thank you guys." She then glares at Dissy again. "But could you not do that anymore?"

"No promise!"

"Thought so..."

"The others are already partying," informs Dissy. "For reasons that you will quickly discover, they couldn't wait." He blows in the horn before continuing. "And gosh! What a party it is! You should quickly join them!"

Now that he says it, she can hear music coming through the window. Surprised that Dedede has started partying without her, Sweetie Belle puts her clothes back, turns the doll back into his Spiky form, takes Yin and Yarn, and goes out of her chamber followed by the little dragon of yarn.

While walking in the hallways of the castle, she smiles thinking about actually winning a duel against Meta Knight. Well, it was a very close call, but she still won! She remembers when she first encountered Meta Knight all those months ago, he seemed invincible to her. He had that mask and cape and that sword and that seriousness... Dedede telling her that he fought Meta Knight in the past only to be defeated only strengthened this illusion. Then, they heard about Meta Knight's defeat against Kirby, totally breaking it. And later, she ended up fighting him with Kirby, and they won thanks to Kirby's experience and their teamwork, but it was still a tough fight. But the knight clearly wasn't invincible.

But he was still easily out of Sweetie Belle's league, made it worse by him constantly getting stronger, like Kirby, Dedede, and herself.

But now, she has been able to catch up to him, and she has won a duel! She can't believe it! She has won a duel against the strongest warrior of Popstar, making her the strongest warrior of Popstar!

She's closer than ever to defeat Kirby!

But now, the question: How long will it take for her to reach Kirby's level? The thing with Kirby is that it's hard to see if someone has gotten strong enough to defeat him, because he's so... versatile! Everyone is easily ten times more powerful than him, because Kirby is stuck with only one ability at a time while others like her can use the equivalent of many abilities without having to switch, and yet, Kirby is always able to adapt, and surpass anyone that get against him because he just knows how to dodge and attack at the right time, no matter what ability he uses. And if he can't dodge an attack, then he resists, analyses the attack, and learns how to dodge or counter it and even how to find an opening to strike his opponent.

To win against Kirby, she'll have to send EVERYTHING she has. And the more attacks she possesses, the better.

So she'll wait at least to master everything she's currently learning, giving life to paintings, gathering energy from the environment for her attacks, using all kind of weapons, self levitating, before she'll judge that she's ready.

It would be nice if they could deal with the Dark God before that. All that tension because of his shadow constantly planning over their heads would disappear, and they would be more lighthearted while fighting.

As she approaches the hall where Dedede usually holds his parties, she hears more and more the music as well as the voices of everyone. Wanting to join them, even if she knows that she will regret it, like each times Dedede does a banquet/party, she starts running, until she enters the hall, and gasps at what she's seeing.

Not only Dedede and his army are partying, but the Meta Knights are here too! The two armies that were booing each other this very morning are now having fun together, eating, drinking, exchanging jokes, singing, dancing, playing, and pretty much doing everything else that you can do in a party as if they were best friends since years! Dedede and Meta Knight are together, laughing around a drink, Dedede patting Meta Knight's back in fun. Vul and Cape Knight are talking together, probably exchanging words about their sword techniques she guesses, or about their roles as subleaders. Bandana Dee and Sailor Waddle Dee are on stage doing a rather ridiculous dance together, much to the amusement of the members of both armies watching them. And like always, she spots Kirby eating a whole buffet by himself. Count on him to be present when Dedede holds a banquet, even if he wasn't here to watch the fight. And...

Wait, is that Dark Meta Knight that she sees sitting near a corner of the room looking like he's pouting?

Oh, and Marx is also here, hidden behind a table, probably preparing some mischief.

"Hey! Sweetie!" She hears Dedede shout then. "Finally awake? Sorry, but we couldn't wait for you! As you can see, things just led to this with the Meta Knights!"

Broom Sunglasses walks to her. "They accepted their defeat, and they proposed to celebrate your victory over Meta Knight together. Fearing that telling them to wait for you to wake up would lead to a missed opportunity, Dedede accepted directly." He then tells her as quietly as he can with the music "He still hopes to recruit them under his banner."

She giggles. "Fat chance. They love their independence."

"Well, since you defeated their boss, he expects to get them to join him ahem with your help."

She sighs. "Dedede..." She then smirks. "Tell him that I can't help him."

"Oh? And why not?"

"Since he made me queen of Floralia, I'm not his second in command anymore. If I 'help' him recruit the Meta Knights the way he thinks, then they would join my army." Her smirk becomes evil. "And if he insists, then I will make sure to not only recruit Meta Knight, but I will also recruit him. At least, this way, they would work together like he desires. Mmh... And I suppose that this means that I would annex Dreamland, and that Dedede wouldn't be king anymore. Oh well, I would still assign him as... Uh... I think that it's a duke... Yes. Duke of Dreamland." She then lowers her voice, giggling. "Of course, I'm joking, but don't tell him that."

Broom Sunglasses burst into laughter before he starts to walk away. "I'll tell him! Oh, I already see his face!"

Sweetie Belle watches him go before she decides to solve one mystery: Dark Meta Knight's presence. She doubts greatly that he's the kind of guy that would want to go in a party. And looking at him, it's easy to guess that he's not enjoying himself. So, maybe she should go talk to him... Or try.

While she walks toward him, she takes the occasion to look through a window to see how late it is, and how much what she sees in this hall is just the tip of the iceberg, not thinking to do this in her chamber. First, the sun has not yet reached the horizon, but is about to. Second, both the Halberd and the Warhammer are here, at both sides of the mountain, and countless members of both armies are visible on them partying, turning the two battleships into party clubs.

Too bad Pinkie isn't here, she's missing something. To think that this last since noon...

Stopping looking, she continues walking toward Dark Meta Knight, who has spotted her approaching.

"Go away!" he shouts at her.

"Sorry. I'm just curious. Why are you here?"

Dark Meta Knight growls. "That clown dragged me here."

Following his gaze, Sweetie Belle looks at the stage, where a bunch of knights are in a triangle formation doing some really sick moves under Stayin' Alive, under the cheers of the others watching them. Suddenly, a giant ball comes from the front and strikes all of them.

"STRIKE!!!" shouts Marx, bouncing victoriously.

One of the knights, a Sword Knight, enraged, gets back up, takes his weapon, pointed it at the jester and yells "Get him!"

Thus starts a chase, Marx walking on a ball as he tries to escape the knights while laughing. Soon, they exit the hall, Marx' laughter and the shouts of the knights eventually disappearing in the hallways of the castle.

"And you don't try to escape?" asks Sweetie Belle.

"I've tried ten times, and ten times he dragged me back here," answers Dark Meta Knight before he groans, hitting his head against the table. "And I can't even resist against him... He's too powerful."

She giggles. "You tried to fight him and you lost."

Dark Meta Knight's groan confirms it.

"Sorry for you," she continues with another giggle.

"I don't need your pity."

Sweetie Belle sits beside the dark knight, deciding to leave an empty place between her and him just in case.

"Marx is easily one of the most powerful beings of this planet," she informs him. "His powers were boosted by the clockwork star Nova, and he could probably rivalise with Dedede, or even Meta Knight. Unless he trained himself since our fight all those months ago, but he's not the type to train. All he wants is to have fun and for others to have fun."

"I can't believe that I'm outmatched by a clown of all things..." says Dark Meta Knight before he looks at Sweetie Belle. "You can be sure that I will do everything to surpass him, as well as Meta Knight, and you."

"Good luck, I'm training hard to surpass Kirby, and also to face all those bad guys that appear every now and then. By the way, will you join us in protecting Popstar?"

"I will join nobody, and I have no reason to protect this planet."

"Then, how about to protect yourself?" they suddenly hear Meta Knight say. Turning their heads, they see that the knight is now at the other side of the table, in front of them. "If someone threatens to plunge Popstar in darkness, or to destroy it, or the whole universe, this means that everyone, you included, will be threatened."

"Then I will go fight those guys myself. I don't need your help."

Meta Knight slams a hand on the table. "The last two villains that threatened Popstar were so powerful that facing them alone would be suicidal! If you ended up fighting by yourself the Master Crown, or Flowered Sectonia, you would have been killed in a few minutes! You CAN'T face every threat by yourself! Even Kirby sometimes need our help! If a bad guy too powerful appears to destroy everything, and you want to save yourself, then you won't have any other choice but to ally yourself with us, or to stay alone not doing anything and hope that we will be enough to destroy them!"

"And this is what may happen one day," continues Sweetie Belle. "A being that we call the Dark God may appear anytime to destroy the whole universe. Do you see yourself facing a God alone? And I mean a real God, the kind that can create and destroy whole universes."


"Think about this, at least," says Sweetie Belle before she leaves her chair and walks away to participate in the fun of the party.

The two knights look at her for a moment before Meta Knight says "Us teaming up to fight bad guys and save Popstar is the reason why you even exist today." And as he walks away, he continues. "There's nothing bad in teaming up to fight a common threat. And it certainly doesn't mean that you're weak."

With this, Dark Meta Knight is left alone in his corner, with his thoughts.

As the hours pass, and the sun disappears beyond the horizon, the party continues, and when the night falls, it even gains in intensity, spreading to the whole castle. Colored lights are turned on, doing circles in the sky as the music becomes louder. It's only when the sun rises again that the calm reappears in the castle, with the Halberd returning to the Meta Knights' base, and the Warhammer returning to its hangar in the mountain.

And so, peace really returns to Dreamland, the days passing.

Magolor rapidly pays a visit to talk about the advancement of his project. Learning about what happened, he congratulates Sweetie about becoming a queen and defeating Meta Knight before he modifies the training room to include Sectonia, Kirby's new abilities that he discovered in this last adventure, which are Archer, Beetle, Bell, Circus, and Axe, Sweetie Belle's new moves, and even a new button for Taranza and Dark Meta Knight, just in case. For the fun, he has also added a fight against Sweetie Belle manipulated by Taranza.

After that, the dark knight would pass whole days in this room.

Sweetie Belle focus on the canvas in front of her, painting carefully a Blipper. With one last swing of the brush, she finishes the Blipper's orange belly. Almost as soon, the painted fish jumps out of the canvas and into the water of the lake at her right. Looking at the fish now swimming in the lake, the filly smiles before starting to paint another Blipper.

"You're getting really good at it!" says Bandana Dee from behind her. Waddle Dee is currently passing some good time fishing in the small lake beside which they are, using his spear like a fishing rod. When Bandana Dee has told her about what he was about to do, Sweetie Belle has decided to accompany him and take the occasion to train her painting.

Thanks to Adeleine, the filly has now become almost as good as her. Of course, her creations are still a little... weird compared to Adeleine's, but they are good enough that they can take life. However, they aren't as durable as Adeleine's. One advantage that Sweetie Belle possesses over the girl is that she has more magic, and so, she has less problems giving life to more powerful creations. Not as powerful as the time she was using the Magic Paintbrush, she certainly CAN'T paint Zero Two, but she can at least paint the majority of the powerful beings she has fought until now, from Whispy Woods to the Grand Doomer, passing by Kracko (a more powerful version than Adeleine's), Mr Bright and Mr Shine, or that apes that could fire energy beams with his hands. A good amount of them are not as powerful as the originals, but in a fight, they can do their job.

Thanks to the scrolls and books discovered in the Great Artist's house, it has been much easier to learn, both about giving life to her paintings, make sure they are strong enough to not be destroyed in one hit, or also to invoke paint and an easel anytime like Adeleine. She has also started to learn how to do the same with sculptures, but she has still a long way to go for this. First, she still has to learn to sculpt...

She finishes painting the Blipper, who jumps out to join the other in the lake. She's getting better and better at painting them.

"Maybe I should start training painting more complex things. Blippers are all round, so they're rather easy." With this, Sweetie Belle starts painty a Squishy. Those things are certainly harder to paint with all their tentacles, and it takes her longer to finish one, and the result is not as good as the Blippers. "If only my special talent was painting."

"Eheh. It's not as bad as my painting," replies Bandana with a chuckle.

At this moment, an apple falls in the lake, and before the two of them can wonder from where it comes from, Bandana is knocked from behind by Kirby, causing his bucket full of fish to fall in the lake along with the string attached to the spear fishing.

"Oh, hello Kirby," says Sweetie Belle, waving at the puffball.

"Poyo!" he replies with a wave.

Using her magic, Sweetie Belle levitates the apple from the lake and gives it back at Kirby while Bandana gets up.

And then, Bandana spots something in the sky.

A hole is appearing, and before his eyes, it shoots a ray of lights that start draining all the colors, even of the sky. To his horror, any living beings whose colors are drained become lifeless. And now, it comes right toward them!

He turns back to Sweetie Belle and Kirby, panicked. "Guys! We must run! Quick!"

The filly and the puffball, who haven't remarked what's going on because it has been happening behind their backs, only have time to look at him before the ray of light reaches them, draining everyone of their colors and making them as immobile as statues.

The holes continues draining all the colors of Popstar until nothing remains. The ray of light disappears, and the hole starts closing.

Only for a strange paintbrush to come out of it, followed by two giant pale gloved hands with a purple eye in their palm trying to catch it. The paintbrush tries to escape them, but the hands continue trying to grab it, not giving up, until they almost caught it, making it fall right between Sweetie Belle, Kirby, and Bandana Dee. Here, the paintbrush slightly changes form, now looking like a cross between a fairy and a paintbrush. Looking around in panic as the hands charge toward her, the fairy turns back into her paintbrush form and uses it to recolor the three heroes.

And just as the hands are about to catch her, Kirby jumps and catches her. Without asking questions about what's going on, Sweetie Belle and Bandana then attack the hands with their respective weapons, forcing them to retreat back toward the hole.

Once they're sure that the hands won't come back, the trio look around in sadness at the state of Dreamland.

"What happened?" asks Sweetie Belle.

"I'm sorry..." they then hear. They look back at the fairy who looked down in sadness. "I could do nothing to stop her..."

Kirby pats her on the back to comfort her while Bandana asks "Who are you?"

"My name is Elline. I... I'm so sorry for what happened! I don't understand why she did that! I tried talking to her but she wouldn't listen to me! And when I tried to stop her, she tried to capture me! But why?! She wasn't like that! Why did she become mean?! Why take all the colors?! Why-"

She's suddenly hugged by Sweetie Belle. "Hey. Shh. Calm down. Breathe." Elline follows what she says, taking big, slow breathes. Once she feels that the fairy has calmed down, Sweetie Belle stops hugging her. "Better?"

Elline nods. "Mmhmmh."

"Now, what happened?"

Elline takes one last breath before she starts talking. "Claycia... She was my friend..."

"Wait? Cousin Claycia?"

"She's a great sculptor! She would sculpt things and I would paint them! We were even starting to create a whole world with this! We were actually planning to create seven worlds, each for each colors of the rainbow, and we would have named them Seventopia! But... But then... I don't know... Claycia suddenly became all mean and left me. And when I saw she was about to take this world's colors for her worlds, I tried to stop her. I failed..." she finishes, looking down in sadness again. But then, she looks at them again, determined as she points at the hole still visible in the sky. "Claycia is probably using the colors of this world to create Seventopia as we talk! We have to stop her and restore the colors! Will you help me?"

The three heroes nod in determination, Bandana and Sweetie Belle both saying "Of course!" while Kirby says "Poyo!"

"Yay! Thank you! Here, let me help you join the hole!"

As she said this, Elline turns into a paintbrush and starts painting a rainbow colored rope in the sky leading toward the hole, remaining both Sweetie Belle and Kirby of the Magic Paintbrush. Not needing to be told what to do, the three heroes jump on the rope and run on it, soon enough reaching the hole.

Dissy looks at this, rubbing his head in relief. "Thank me that I saw that ray of light coming...! Welp! Time to warn the ponies!"

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