• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 27: The Darkness Returns

Author's Note:

Watch out, dark and bloody stuff ahead!

Sweetie Belle immediately told Gooey to go warn Kirby in case this Zero decided to visit Popstar. It was even almost certain that he was coming, Dark Matter's actions could be better explained this way. He destroyed the Rainbow Bridges which were a source of good emotions in Popstar, and spread terror and despair in the world, this way, Popstar would have been more vulnerable to an assault of the Dark Matters and their leader. They stopped Dark Matter, and Gooey was turned good, but now, how long they had before Zero came? It was over a month since Dark Matter's defeat, so he could come any day now.

And the day he will come, it will be ugly. But now that Kirby knew about Zero's existence, he could start to prepare. However, they first had to find a solution to fight Zero. Use the Star Rod? No... It would be too risky to take it and stop the fountain, the inhabitants will need to keep dreaming to keep hope. Recreate the Rainbow Sword? It may not be enough. The sword represented the good emotions of Popstar in general. Good emotions hurt the Dark Matters, but they would need the strongest of them to have all their chances against Zero.


Having passed the night thinking about it, she made sure to tell that to Kirby the next day, and just after that, Kirby took his Warp Star before flying in the direction of Rainbow Resort. Yeah, maybe the Fountain of Dreams could do something about that. Hopefully.

Before that, she told Dedede everything Gooey told her, and also about her fear. In answer, Dedede told her that they would go inside their secret fortress in Iceberg so they could hide from the Dark Matters and hopefully not being possessed.

"There is a secret fortress in Iceberg?" Sweetie Belle said at learning about its existence.

"Of course!" the king answered. "In the middle of the ice, and with the blizzards, it's a good hiding spot in time of crisis."

"But shouldn't we try to help Kirby?"

"We can't do anything to the Dark Matters, unless you can somehow shoot love beams from your horn. The better way to help him will be to make sure we don't become his enemies too. I don't know how many Dark Matters there will be, but I doubt I would be the only one being possessed this time. All we can do is hide... and hope."

Sweetie hadn't liked it, but he was right. The risk of being possessed would be too big. And so, the next day, after Sweetie told Kirby about her idea of using love to fight Zero and he went to the fountain, everyone living in the castle departed to Iceberg, and rapidly, they reached the island's secret fortress, which was nothing more than a big round tower large at the bottom and smaller at the top, blue with a yellow horizontal band in the middle, and surrounded by a red wall with yellow rims.

And now, one day later, Sweetie was at the top of the tower, on the roof, alongside Dedede, looking at the icy island all around the fortress with dread, knowing that anytime, Zero could come. She hoped that Dedede was right and that this fortress will hide them from the Dark Matters, but she couldn't help herself but fear the worse. She didn't think that this fortress was hidden enough. Also, a giant tower was not what she would call a well hidden fortress... A fortress carved in the ice would have been better. And the colors clashed with the ice and the snow around them. Curse Dedede's ego!

"What is that?" the penguin suddenly said, looking at the sky.

Looking up at the sky in the same direction as him, she could see that something black had appeared, and each second, it was becoming bigger, or rather, it was coming closer. Before long, she could identify a giant red eye in the middle of the black, and she gulped, understanding what it was.

It was him.

So I was right... I hope that Kirby is ready.

When the black thing, which they identified as a cloud of pure darkness, reached the space above Popstar, they could see how big it was. It must be about half the size of Nova! And then, it did something unbelievable: it broke the rings around Popstar! As if they were made of glass! Following that, the cloud started to spread all over the world, looking like a giant octopus, and one of the giant 'tentacles' was coming right toward them!

She could hear Dedede gulp. "M-maybe I should have made this fortress less visible from the sky."

"No, really?!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

The cloud rapidly reached the sky above the islands, and before long, countless Dark Matters appeared out of it and flew to the surface, some of them coming in their direction.

"Run..." Dedede said, stepping back, taking his hammer. "Run!" he shouted.

"No need to tell me this twice!" sweetie shouted back as she left the roof, entering the tower followed by Dedede.

"Alert!" the king screamed at his soldiers. "They are coming! We must escape!"

"Dedede! Behind us!" Sweetie yelled.

The Dark Matters had already reached the tower, and they entered by the roof, chasing them. They could see them approaching, at least a dozen, covering everything in darkness.

"My king!" a Waddle Dee coming in front of them shouted. "They are coming from the front door too!"

That stopped everyone in their escape attempt, Dedede saying, "So we are trapped..." He then turned around and prepared his hammer. Just as one of the Dark Matters reached them, he swung his hammer and hit the ball of darkness, sending it into a wall, forming a shadow on it. One second later, the ball reformed from the shadow, with no harm caused to it.

Sweetie shot a beam to another Dark Matter, sending it flying back before it came back.

It's no use... They seem weaker than the one I fought last time, but they are still invincible to our attacks. "What do we do Dedede?" Sweetie Belle asked in fear.

"We fight, and we try to pass them. Go on my head," he said, swinging his hammer again, sending another Dark Matter into a wall. After Sweetie climbed on Dedede's head, they resumed their escape alongside the soldiers that joined them, while others remained behind in the hope of gaining them time.

It didn't work...

Sweetie shot at the many Dark Matters still following them. If one of them got too close, then she warned Dedede who turned around and hit it with his hammer, or the soldiers used what they had to try to stop it. Sometime, one of them ended up possessed, either because of a Dark Matter charging at them, or they jumped in the way of a Dark Matter about to possess Dedede.

After going down a few floor, they found themselves facing more Dark Matters coming from before them, the ones that entered the fortress by the front door. They were followed by some of the possessed servants and soldiers, readying whatever they used to attack.

Dedede prepared his hammer and charged, swinging it left and right, knocking away possessed minions and Dark Matters alike. The remaining unpossessed however were falling one after another until, by the time they reached the next floor, there were only Dedede and Sweetie Belle remaining, totally surrounded.

Dedede jumped to avoid a charging Dark Matter, swung his hammer to knock another away, crushed a possessed Waddle Doo, and kicked a possessed Broom Hatter. Sweetie shot beams by dozens, and cracked her whip everywhere. She shot a Dark Matter coming from before, a Bronto Burt coming from the left, another Dark Matter from before, hit a third one with her whip, and hit the bomb of a Poppy, making it explode and hurting a few enemies with the explosion.

They were fighting with everything they had, each meters gained with great difficulty. But just as Dedede was hitting a Blade Knight and Sweetie shot at beam at a Dark Matter, another one was able to approach and hit Dedede from the back, making him fall on his belly and causing Sweetie to roll from his head. The Dark Matter disappeared into the penguin, and he immediately got back up, looking as if he was sleeping.

Like last time.

Sweetie tried to run away, scared to tears, only to see another Dark Matter charging at her...

And everything became black.

They were back on the roof of the fortress, now a giant red eye paint on it at the top, a few hours later, looking at their master, waiting. The Incarnation was coming, with the Traitor, and they already purged the majority of this world of their influence, stopping the master from turning this world of Dream into a world of Dark.

They looked down, and here they were, passing the front door with those animals and that cursed wand gathering love.

For the master.

For darkness.

They will kill them.

Angel was waiting in the last room before the roof for Kirby and the others to bring her her feathers. Those dreadful beasts of darkness plucked them out of her wing to make her miserable, but soon, she will get them back. Suddenly, something wrapped around her from behind, and she was dragged at the hooves of one of her persecutor. She looked at her eyes in fear, the eyes looking back at her, full of hate.

She should have followed Kirby...

They went everywhere they could, fighting many creatures possessed by the Dark Matters, including some friends. They helped all the unpossessed beings they found, using the wand given by the Fountain of Dreams to collect their love. With its help, the Dark Matters were almost chased from Popstar, only one place remaining. And after climbing this tower, fighting many enemies, collecting Angel's feathers, they finally reached the top floor, just before the roof.

Kirby and Gooey, respectively using the Needle Ability and the Fire Ability, followed by Rick, Coo, Kine, a pink octopus with a red bow named ChuChu, a big white cat with orange fur on his head, back, and tail, and with brown ears and some more brown on his back named Nago, and a small green bird with a white belly named Pitch, expected to see Angel to give her her feathers, only to stop in shock at what they were seeing.

Angel was here, but she was now heavily hurt, injured all over her body with some burns and frostbites, back against a cracked wall. The responsible of her state was just in front of them, blocking the way. A gray-furred filly with a mane and a tail made of dark purple and dark pink hairs, looking at them with an expression promising suffering, and a whip floating at her right, ready to hit.

Kirby easily recognized her, his fear getting true.

Sweetie Belle.

So she was possessed too... But not any longer! Kirby took a determined step forward, ready to fight his friend to save her. Gooey came at his right, puffing some fire. The animals were behind them, ChuChu jumping on Rick's head, and Coo and Pitch flying toward the ceiling.

Kirby then charged at Sweetie Belle, and the filly answered by shooting a fireball at him. He jumped to his left, avoiding the fireball that almost hit Nago, only for the cat lowering his head at the last second. Rick took Gooey and threw him at her, the blob ready to headbutt her, only for Sweetie to put a shield around her, stopping him. The blob stopped, she made the shield disappear while he was sliding down on it, and she hit him with a punch from above, crushing him between her hoof and the floor.

Kirby then came from her right and was able to hurt her with his needles, followed by Coo and Pitch approaching her, Coo attacking her with his claws while the smaller bird use his beak to poke her horn, understanding that it may be a weak point. Sweetie hit Pitch with her hoof as if he was a fly, causing him to be sent toward a wall, only for Nago to catch him with a jump that would make a goalkeeper proud. Gooey took the opening to breathe fire at Sweetie's face, making her step back and freeing him, before he slapped her a few times with his tongue until he was hit by a shockwave sent from one of her hoof, knocking him on his back.

Kirby hurt her again with his needles, only for him to be wrapped in her magic and being sent flying toward Coo, his needles hurting the owl. She was suddenly punched from her left by a pink tentacle from ChuChu, the octopus still being on Rick's head. The hamster had approached the filly from the left while she had been busy fighting the others, and they had taken the opportunity to attack. ChuChu unleashed a storm of punches at Sweetie followed by Rick charging at her, knocking her on her back. He was about to stomp on her belly only to be hit by a beam that forced him to take a step back.

Getting back up, Sweetie unleashed on them her Vulcan Jab followed by a Smash Punch, a powerful forward punch releasing a shockwave that sent Rick and ChuChu hitting a wall. Nago suddenly fell right on her, crushing her under his weight, before taking her left back hoof and using it to slam her on the floor one, two, three times. At the third time, he was stopped by a kick in the face from Sweetie's right back hoof, stopping her in midair where she was sent into a wall by a flaming comet that was actually Gooey. Kine used the opportunity to slap her with his tail a few times before jumping away, only for Sweetie to materialize a shield under him before sending it up, crushing the fish between it and the ceiling. She then sent another shield to fend off an approaching Gooey.

Coo, Kirby in his claws, released the puffball above Sweetie Belle, letting him fall head first on her, where he hit her back with his needles, poking her through her cape. Still upside down on her back, Kirby kicked the back of her head before jumping away only to be bucked, and as he flew away because of the hit, the whip wrapped itself around him, and he found himself used as a wrecking ball on his friends, hitting Nago, Kine, Coo, before knocking ChuChu out of Rick's head. He was saved by Rick taking the whip and stopping it, freeing him. Kirby then released the Needle Ability and ate the whip, getting an Ability he never got until now: the Whip Ability, gaining a whip similar to Sweetie's alongside a red stetson hat with blue stars all around it. He approached Sweetie as she was busy...

Wait, was she about to put Pitch in her mouth?

"Poyooo!" Kirby shouted in panic, running to get closer before wrapping his whip around the bird, saving him just in time. Releasing Pitch, he then wrapped the whip around Sweetie's neck and used it to send her flying around him for a few loops before throwing her in the path of Gooey charging again like a comet. Violently hit by the attack, she crashed head first into a wall, cracking it.

She didn't move after that.

That was not the end, Kirby knew it. The Dark Matter was still in her, and if she wakes up, hurt or not, she will restart the fight. They must purge the Dark Matter out of her, but for that, they still need to fight Dedede-it was obvious it was him waiting for them on the roof-, and they must not forget Angel.

Speaking of Angel, they must heal her.

Kirby waved at Coo and shouted, "Poyo!"


Kirby pointed at Angel, then at the door from where they entered the room. "Poyo poyo!"

"Coo!" the owl shouted back, saluting before passing the door.

Not even a minute later, he came back with two bottles of energy drink in his claws, and gave them to Kirby who nodded at him in thanks. Kirby then approached Angel and slowly moved her, hoping to wake her, not wanting to force her to drink while she was unconscious. Angel's eyes opened not long after, and she looked at Kirby, the puffball smiling and giving her a bottle.

Drinking the bottle, then the other, was enough to heal her. Once done, Kirby gave her the feathers, and soon, her wings were back like they were before.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she shouted, flying around in happiness.

Smiling, Kirby then took the wand given to him by the Fountain of Dreams, a cone with yellow and red parallels lines. Something suddenly got out of Angel, shifting back and forth between a star and a heart. The Heart Star flew to the wand, making it flash.

Hopefully, it will be enough to fight Zero, but before, they must get the Dark Matters out of this area. Looking back one last time at Sweetie Belle, Kirby and the others bid Angel farewell before taking the exit door leading to the roof, ready to fight the possessed king, again.

Consciousness came back to Sweetie Belle, her body hurting. Why was it hurting? She couldn't remem- No, wait, that's right. Zero and his Dark Matters came conquering the world or whatever, then she got possessed by one of them alongside Dedede and everybody else in the fortress. She... She could only look then, as the Dark Matter in her did horrible things with her body, hurting innocent people, destroying things...

Oh Celestia, what she did to that angel...

And then, she fought Kirby, Gooey, Rick, Coo, Kine, and three other animals, and... SHE ALMOST ATE THE BIRD ALIVE! Oh Celestia... It made her sick just thinking about it.

That was when she felt that she was in someone's arms, against their chest. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that the person was actually the big cat that she fought earlier, carrying her to the roof of the fortress. The cat saw her opening her eyes and smiled warmly at her.

And she understood that she was free.

Just then, they reached the roof, and she heard a familiar voice asking, "Are you alright?"

Turning her head, she saw Dedede looking at her worried. She could see that he was badly hurt too, probably fighting Kirby and the others, but he didn't seem to mind that much. This showed how much stronger than her he was.

And he was free too.

And the sky was not covered in darkness anymore.

And minions were starting to get on the roof too, bringing healing items, mainly bottles of energy drink.

They were free too.

They were all free.

Tears appeared in her eyes, both of relief, but also of pain. Seeing that, Dedede's expression became uncertain before he sighed and took Sweetie Belle in his arms, pressing her against his chest and petting her head. In return, Sweetie hugged him, putting her hooves around his neck and her head under his chin making sure to not poke him with her horn.

They remained like that for one minute, before someone said, "Excuse me..." When they looked, they saw a Waddle Dee, Sweetie's friend, approaching with two bottles of energy drink. They could see that he was also a little hurt, but not as badly as them. "Here are bottles to heal."

Dedede dropped Sweetie on the floor before taking one of the bottles, the filly taking the other, healing themselves, but not completely. At least it didn't hurt that much anymore.

"Thank you Waddle Dee," Sweetie Belle said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah don't worry, I got punched a couple of times, nothing more. Still, that cat has one heck of a punch."

Speaking of the cat, he was still watching them, sitting and chuckling a little at Waddle Dee's comment. That was when Sweetie saw that Kirby, still with the Whip Ability, Gooey, and the other animals were also here. When she saw him, Kirby immediately hugged her, happy to see her alright. He was followed by Gooey, Rick, Coo, and Kine, before being joined by the last three even if they didn't know her, and not wanting to be left out, Waddle Dee also joined them, leaving her in the middle of a giant group hug, making her giggle.

When the hug ended, Kirby presented the three new animals to her. When he said Pitch's name, she just had to say something.

"Sorry for almost eating you."

Pitch waved his left wing, as if to say "That's ok."

"Nice meeting you three."

"I think we should stop right there with the presentations," Dedede then said, looking at the sky. "Kirby has a job to finish and he has rested enough."

Sweetie followed his eyes and saw that there was still a giant dark cloud far in the sky. It was smaller than before, but she could see it growing back little by little.

"So Zero is still up there?" she asked, frowning, grinding her teeth.

"Yes," Dedede answered. "And he is not giving up. Kirby must somehow go up there and beat him to end this once and for all."

"But how will he go into that cloud?" Waddle Dee asked.

At that, Kirby took the wand and showed it at them.

"What is this wand?" Sweetie asked.

Kirby pointed at her.

"Me? Wait, that's right. After I told you about trying to find a way to use love to beat Zero, you went to the Fountain of Dreams to see if it could help. Is it a gift of the fountain?"

"Poyo!" Kirby confirmed with a nod. He then turned in the direction of the cloud with a determined expression and brandished the wand toward the sky. From the wand, dozens of Heart Stars got out, floated around, before fusing with the wand, now giving it a yellow heart at the top, on the biggest part of the cone.

Gooey went beside Kirby, and the two of them nodded, ready to go.

"Wait!" Sweetie Belle shouted, approaching them. "Let me come with you! Like last time!"

"Are you sure Sweetie Belle?" Dedede asked. "You aren't fully recovered from... that whole experience."

Sweetie sighed. "I know but..." She looked at Dedede in anger. "I wanna help Kirby, and fight Zero. This will make me feel better. Beside..." She smiled at him. "Don't you want someone to save the world in your name?"

Dedede looked at her with doubt before putting his hand between his eyes, rubbing and sighing. "Alright... Go on... Just... Be careful."

"I will," she said before turning back to Kirby and Gooey. "So, can I come?"

"Poyo," Kirby said, nodding, before jumping on Sweetie's back. That caused Sweetie's coat to turn pink, and the color of her mane and tail to turn... like Princess Cadance's? And now she had wings too.

Sweetie facehoofed. Of course the wand made of love would turn her into a filly version of the Princess of Love. She didn't have her Cutie Mark however. Bummer. The best part however was that the transformation healed her entirely.

Kirby then brandished the wand in the direction of the dark cloud, and Gooey wrapped his tongue around him, before the wand made them fly toward the cloud, and their enemy.

After a few minutes of flying, they finally reached the cloud and entered it, the wand opening a small tunnel to let them pass. At the heart of the cloud, they were in a pocket of emptiness totally surrounded by darkness, with oval-shaped agglomerations of darkness flying all around them in a maelstrom. They were really in the eye of the storm, but where was Zero?

Darkness suddenly conglomerated before them, forming a Dark Matter bigger than the others that possessed them, about the same size as the first one they fought above Dark Castle. The newly formed Dark Matter didn't lose time and attacked them by shooting the now familiar dark lightning that Sweetie blocked with her shield. Kirby and Gooey both counterattacked at the same time, Kirby using the wand to throw heart-shaped projectiles that seemed to heavily damage the Dark Matter.

"It works!" Sweetie Belle shouted in happiness. Thanks to this wand, this redoubtable enemy was now nothing more than a slightly more powerful minion of the same level than Dedede's lieutenants. But that didn't mean the Dark Matter was weak, so they must keep their guard up.

As for Gooey, making sure to keep contact with Kirby and the wand, he shot star-shaped projectiles, probably filled with the love of the wand, hurting the Dark Matter as much as the heart-shaped projectiles.

The Dark Matter charged at them, and Sweetie flew away to avoid being rammed, using more shields to protect themselves of more dark lightning. Eventually, the Dark Matter stopped and threw his small orbs toward them. Remembering that these orbs were explosive, Sweetie created another shield and expanded it like a balloon, forcing the orbs to explode before coming too close, but causing the shield to be damaged before she made it disappear. Not minding the slight aching in her horn, she shot back at the Dark Matter her own heart-shaped beams before flying away from another charge.

The Dark Matter still charging at her, shooting dark beams that Sweetie dodged with more or less success, she decided to stop, turn around, and prepare a jab that she filled with her energy. The energy itself being filled with the love of the wand, the resulting punch sent the Dark Matter flying back, hurting him a lot, probably doubled by the fact that she hit him in the eye. More projectiles from Kirby and Gooey eventually finished him, the Dark Matter exploding like the first one, expelling darkness all around him with a big screech of pain.

This fight had definitely been far more easier than the first Dark Matter. Either this one had been less powerful, or the wand was too powerful.

Suddenly, the cloud flashed, forcing Sweetie, Kirby, and Gooey to close their eyes. When they opened them after the flashes, they finally saw him.

A giant white sphere, with a single big eye in the color of blood, and a big, black pupil.

He stared at them, they stared back, Sweetie grinding her teeth. Here he was, the responsible of so much suffering in all Popstar. Because of him, she had been forced to hurt innocents and fight her friends, almost killing someone. The leader of the Dark Matters in person.


The fight started with them throwing what they had at Zero, the giant ball not even flinching at taking them as he started to charge at them at great speed despite his size. Sweetie didn't have time to get out of the way and took the full force of the charge, sending her flying in the darkness before she came back, Kirby and Gooey still on her back. Keeping her distance, they bombarded Zero again without stopping. He riposted by creating from his body a dozen of small Dark Matters that immediately flew toward them.

So he could create Dark Matters? Well... That sucked...

Sweetie flew away from the Dark Matters chasing her, Kirby and Gooey shooting at them to destroy them, then barely avoided Zero charging at her again, taking the occasion that she was so close to him to punch him, which didn't seem to do much. She immediately went away from him before he could ram her again, and she had to avoid more small Dark Matters flying around her, more and more numerous, to the point that she had to attack a few of them to diminish their number alongside Kirby and Gooey.

She saw Zero sending from holes in his body projectiles made of liquid red like his eye, and she used a shield to stop them, recognizing, to her disgust, what the projectiles were made of.

"B-b-blood?! He is shooting his blood at us?! What the buck?!"

Because of the blood on her shield, she didn't see Zero approaching, and she found herself hit by another charge destroying the shield, causing Gooey to be thrown out of her back, where he took his Dark Matter form and started to attack the other Dark Matters around him with his own lightning, much less effective than love. Zero was still creating more of them from his body, the Dark Matters flying everywhere in chaos. Before she was able to recover from being rammed by Zero, Sweetie was rammed by one of the Dark Matters, sending her flying into another one, then another one, before being saved by Kirby destroying the next Dark Matter about to ram her.

Sweetie used that to form a spherical shield filled with love around her body before expanding it, hitting and destroying dozens of the Dark Matters, clearing the area, before charging right toward Zero's eye, punching it with her right hoof filled with love energy, making the eye bleed. Kirby took this occasion to shoot the heart-shaped projectiles into it, hurting Zero more. The white ball decided to fly away in the darkness, and they could see him at the edge of the area, barely visible behind the agglomerations of darkness, where he shot his blood at them. Sweetie was able to avoid them, flying around the projectiles while shooting love beams back at Zero, the leader of the Dark Matter being able to dodge some of them thanks to the distance.

Gooey returned on her back and immediately started to use the love of the wand to destroy the Dark Matters that were coming back, helped by Kirby and Sweetie, until Zero came back, charging at them from above. Sweetie flew away at max speed, the giant white ball missing her from an inch. Looking at Zero, Sweetie flew a few more meters before doing an U-turn, charging at him, surrounding herself with another love filled shield, hitting Zero from the side like a comet. She flew away and started another charge, but Zero did the same, and the two collided. Zero being far stronger and bigger, Sweetie was the one losing the clash, and she was sent away, only for Zero to continue his charge and ram her, getting the filly lying on his head with his speed.

Rather than letting herself being sent into the darkness again, Sweetie ran on Zero, shooting love beams all the while, and she jumped from his back before turning around, shooting again her love beams alongside Kirby and Gooey. When Zero turned around to look at them, he shot more of his blood alongside creating more Dark Matters, still not giving up despite all the attacks he took. Sweetie created another shield around her and charged again at Zero, passing through blood and Dark Matter, until hitting him right in his eye, where she followed with a charged love beam at it. Then, she did a love-filled Vulcan Jab, heavily hurting the eye which bled even more, cracks forming in the white around it. Zero tried to fly backward to stop the filly from attacking his eye, but Sweetie didn't let him go, too determined to kill this monster there and then.

He shot his blood at her, but despite being hit, Sweetie didn't give up her attacks, only focusing on the eye with more jabs and beams, without interrupting, more and more cracks appearing around the eye. The Dark Matters around were however getting closer and more numerous, despite Kirby and Gooey attacking them to keep them away.

"Poyo!" Kirby shouted.

Sweetie looked back at all the Dark Matters and went a little away from Zero. She created another shield around her, and like earlier, expanded it, hitting both Zero and the Dark Matters, destroying all the black balls. The shield hitting Zero caused the cracks to grow even more, before the eye suddenly got out of the white body in a big explosion of blood, leaving behind a big bloody hole. As the eyeball continued to float, stopping bleeding, the white body eventually disappeared into the darkness. The eyeball then looked at them, much to Sweetie's surprise.

Sweetie gulped back some bile before saying, "He is still alive?"

The eyeball charged at them, not giving up the fight, and rammed Sweetie in the belly, throwing her backward. Clenching her teeth, she created a new shield around her and charged back at the eyeball, hitting it with force, making it bleed. She flew away, then came back, hitting it with another charge, then another, then another, not giving the eye any respite, because he must pay, for everything!

Who knew how many worlds he destroyed or plunged into darkness?


Who knew how many died because of him?


He only knew hate, anger and pain.


And with his Dark Matters, he spread them in the universe, causing untold suffering, like they did to her, and forced her to do.


Never again!

It! BAM! Must! BAM! End! BAM! NOW!

She gave one last charge, sharping her shield as much as she could at the front, like a spear.

And she pierced him.

The eyeball started to spiral, totally losing control. Blood was spewing of it in quantity far greater than it should possess for its size. And finally...

It exploded.

But that was not the end. Even with Zero beaten, there was still the cloud of darkness around them. While Sweetie recovered her breath, Kirby brandished the wand and, focusing on it, spread a giant wave of love all around them, destroying the whole cloud, ending the threat of the Dark Matters. They could see the wave spreading to the whole planet, reforming the destroyed rings, giving back the beauty of Popstar.

The world was saved.

But Sweetie didn't think about that. She was too busy looking at her hooves.

Her hooves covered in blood.

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