• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 43: I Wanna Play a Game

Author's Note:

Just a little warning about what I have planned with the bosses of Canvas Curse. If you don't know, in Canvas Curse, without counting Drawcia herself, there is only three different bosses, that we each fight two times. And those are not even real fights, but mini-games. Without revealing what I prepared for them, just know that each boss will be fought only once, every two worlds. I thought that doing two times the same mini-games with the same bosses would be repetitive.

Discord appeared behind Twilight in her bedroom, the mare too focused reading a book on her bed to notice him. He stifled a laugh before taking two cymbals and smashing them together above her head. The sudden violent noise made her fly up, right through the ceiling, leaving Discord bending in laughter.


Twilight's head poked through the hole in the ceiling, and she glared at him. "Sometimes, I hate you."

"Oh, excuuuuse me, princess! I just had to do it! You are just so easy to surprise!"

She flew back, clenching her teeth. "Now, I will have to deal with that hole. Thank you Discord."

Discord snapped his fingers, and the hole disappeared before he smiled smugly. "You are welcome."

She sighed. "Are you here just to mess with me, or do you have something to say to me?"

"Yes, I'm here to warn you that Sweetie is on another adventure."

She raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Already? It has been barely a week since the last one."

"You can't choose when the next bad guy will appear. But that's why I wanted to warn you first. As nice as it is to watch Sweetie Belle and her friends dominating monsters that would put the likes of Chrysalis or Nightmare Moon to shame, I know full well that some ponies have better things to do."

"You? Taking into consideration what others are doing? Is that really you Discord?"

"Hardy har har. You can thank Fluttershy for this. So, warn your friends, and see if they can all come. But be quick, it has already started. Mini-me told me that they were chasing the bad guy."

"Alright. Give me a minute."

She made a paper and a feather appear in front of her with her magic, and wrote.

Sweetie Belle is on another adventure. Can you come? If yes, then say 'yes' while holding the letter, and it will teleport you to me.

She then duplicated the letter into five copies, gave them the spell to bring her friend if they say yes, and teleported them. Five seconds later, and Rarity appeared, quickly followed by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy came next half a minute later, and after another half, Applejack appeared too.

"So you could all come? I'm glad," Twilight said.

"I warned Big Mac before coming."

"I was finishing preparing Angel's food."

"I couldn't say no at seeing my little sister again."

"And I couldn't say no to more awesome fights!"

"I can't wait to see what is the new bad guy! Will this be another giant eyeball?"

"Please, Pinkie, no! Not all bad guys are eyeballs!" Rarity said.

Pinkie looked around. "Where is Spike?"

"Probably reading his comic books in his chamber," Twilight answered.

Discord snapped his fingers, and Spikes appeared in the middle of the group, reading, indeed, a comic book of the Powerponies.

Feeling that he was not on his bed anymore, he looked up in confusion. "Uh?" He saw everypony united, along with Discord. "More of Sweetie Belle's bizarre adventures?"

"Yup!" Pinkie Pie answered. "Sadly, I don't think we will see her doing 'ora ora'."

"Or 'muda muda'," Discord continued.

"What?" they all asked in confusion.

"Forget it. Let's just watch what is going on," Discord said with a wave of his paw before he opened a portal and made chairs appear for the ponies.

When the portal appeared, they saw Sweetie Belle walking alongside Kirby, with a paintbrush floating at her left. They were in a place that seemed to come right out of a painting, confusing greatly the ponies. But what was more confusing was that Kirby was now just a ball without any limbs, and Rarity quickly spotted that Sweetie Belle didn't have her horn anymore.

"Alright. What the heck happened?" Applejack asked.

"We seem to have missed something important," Discord said.

"You sure missed!" they heard from the portal. At this instant, the mini-Discord appeared at the other side of it, looking at them.

"Report, soldier!" Discord shouted.

Before mini-Discord could say anything, they saw Sweetie Belle punching a Waddle Dee that had been charging at her. When the Waddle Dee fell KO, he disappeared in a puddle of paint, to everyone's surprise, including both Sweetie Belle and Kirby.

"Oh? Enemies are creations of Drawcia here?" She looked at the enemies that followed, and more precisely, at a Waddle Dee at the front, and smirked toward him, making him sweat in panic. "So, that means that I don't have to hold back?"

She swung the paintbrush from her to the Waddle Dee, creating a direct rainbow line. She quickly jumped on the line, gliding on it with just her hind hooves, and prepared a punch, enveloping her hoof with energy. As she rapidly approached the Waddle Dee, the terrified enemy turned around to run away. But too late, and Sweetie Belle was able to hit him on the back. The power of the energy boosted punch added with the momentum of the fast gliding provoked the creation of a small shockwave as the hoof connected with the back of the Waddle Dee, and the poor guy found himself flying so fast that everyone could barely see him. The flying Waddle Dee hit in the way some of his comrades alongside a few Star Blocks before he finally crashed into a wall where he exploded, scattering paint all around the impact area.

The remaining enemies that hadn't been hit, a few Waddle Dees and Bronto Burts, looked at the remains of the punched Waddle Dee in horror, before turning to look at the filly now smirking toward them.

"Still wanna try your luck?"

Drawcia's minions then took a determined expression and all charged at her at the same time. At that, she huffed, and she threw the paintbrush at one of the Bronto Burts, hitting him between the eyes and stunning him, before she bounced at the paintbrush, grabbed it, and with a swing, clobbered a Waddle Dee about to punch her. She then grabbed the stunned Waddle Dee and used him like a club to hit the other Waddle Dees around her before throwing him at another Bronto Burt. She then saw the first Bronto Burt waking up and she prepared to attack him, but the Bronto Burt found himself attracted by a vortex, and his life ended in Kirby's stomach. With one quick charge, Kirby then headbutted a Waddle Dee and bounced on him to hit another Bronto Burt. Using the paintbrush, Sweetie drew a line that Kirby used to go from one Bronto Burt to another, and eliminated them one by one. Sweetie ended the small battle by wrapping her whip around the last Waddle Dee that had remained a little too far and forced him to come closer before she used the paintbrush as a baseball bat and sent the Waddle Dee flying high in the sky where he collided with a flying platform, leaving a paint stain under it.

"There. If Drawcia saw this, I hope that she now understands that she shouldn't have taken my horn, and that she is doomed. Let's go Kirby."

Kirby looked at Sweetie Belle, sweat visible on his head, before he nodded. And so, the two continued, and rapidly passed a door.

Discord waved his paw. "Ouch. She seems pissed. I wouldn't like to be at the place of her enemies."

"I certainly don't want to take the punch she gave to that Waddle Dee," Rainbow Dash said. "It seemed to hurt a lot."

"Yeah. She could destroy my trees," Applejack said.

"So what happened?" Rarity asked. "Why doesn't she have her horn?"

As they saw Sweetie Belle and Kirby fight their way, and even inhale a Waddle Doo to gain an Ability, mini-Discord spoke.

"A painting witch appeared and made as if a foal had painted Dream Land. Sweetie Belle and Kirby fought her, but she used this paintbrush to take Kirby's limbs and Sweetie's horn before fleeing. But Sweetie has been able to take the paintbrush from the witch, and now, they are chasing her."

"A magic user that can change the colors of a whole kingdom and remove body parts?" Twilight asked. "A cousin of you Discord?"

They saw Kirby eating a Wheelie before jumping on Sweetie's back, changing her hooves into wheels, and they both went down a succession of slopes, ramming many enemies in the way.

"Not at all. She had those powers thanks to this paintbrush. Now that she lost it, she may be just as powerful as you when you were an unicorn," mini-Discord answered.

Sweetie Belle and Kirby passed a rainbow-framed portal, and they saw them appear in a new area that was actually a really weird town where the buildings were made of all shapes and colors. There were even pipes in the sky along with floating structures. And the whole place seemed really cartoonish, as if it had been drawn by a filly or a colt.

They all looked at this town before looking at Discord. "Are you sure that this witch is not your cousin? This town looks like your work," Applejack said.

Discord frowned, and a paper appeared in his claw. He looked at it and said, "Nope. No cousin witch." He looked at mini-Discord. "What was her name?"


He looked back at the paper. "Nope. I have a cousin Jevil, but no cousin Drawcia. Gosh, it has been a long time since I saw cousin Jevil. I wonder if he is doing well." He then raised an eyebrow. "Wait. Bill is dead? Bah! I didn't like him!"

The ponies exchanged looks, not sure what to think about Discord actually having a family.

Except Pinkie. "You have a family? Could you invite them? We could have a big chaotic party together!"

"It would be best to avoid. Some of them aren't the kind of folks that you want to encounter. Trust me."

Sweetie Belle had seen many weird and incredible things since appearing in Dream Land, and this town easily entered the top 10. Really. It looked like a town that a foal would imagine if a pony asked them what would be a city in the future. She could see that the city was even inside a giant dome with the sky painted in it! She knew because she could see the real sky through holes in the dome. Moreover, this town seemed to be full of conduits that Sweetie and Kirby had to use to continue their way at some points.

After taking a door and going through a conduit, they entered a building. The inside of the building was revealed to be full of iron blocks that they couldn't destroy, and they were forced to take a second conduit that led them to a series of cannons in a big room with spikes on the ceiling. After the cannons, they reached a room with three conduits, two of them leading to the same empty room. So they took the third one, passed a room with some Waddle Dees, took another conduit, and entered a similar room where they had to walk on some blocks to make them disappear and reach the next conduit, Kirby eating a Waddle Doo in the room to take back the Beam Ability.

In the next room, they were ambushed by a group of Spear Waddle Dees, the enemies throwing their spears at Sweetie and Kirby from platforms further up. Because she didn't have her horn anymore, Sweetie Belle couldn't create shields to protect the two of them, so they were forced to dodge the spears. Sweetie Belle used the paintbrush to draw two lines, one for Kirby, and one for her, and they used them to rapidly approach the Waddle Dees and attack them, Kirby shooting a whip-like beam that turned around him while Sweetie used both the paintbrush and her hooves. The enemies were rapidly eliminated, and a cannon appeared at the center of the room. Jumping in it, they were propelled up, and they reached the top of the building, destroying the iron blocks in the way, and entered the door.

They were now in the sky above the town, in a UFO-like purple structure. From here, they simply had to continue through a succession of conduits linking a few more similar structures of various colors, each with enemies waiting for them, and even with spikes, before reaching a portal.

The area after the portal was not as crazy as the town, consisting of a ravine in a mountainous place with a big red sun setting. The road was rather straightforward here. All they had to do was to follow the path while eliminating all the minions trying to stop them. With the lines of the paintbrush, they easily passed above holes with air currents and reached the door in just one minute.

The area after the door was a little more complex, because there was no actual floor, only platforms above a big gulf with more air currents. Just as they reached the first platforms, they were attacked by a rocket-like enemy. Kirby seemed to recognize this enemy because he dropped his actual Ability before inhaling the rocket. The next instant, Kirby turned into a pink rocket with a star symbol, and he flew further in the area, leaving a surprised sweetie Belle behind. She shook her head to regain her senses, drew a line, and glided beside Kirby.

"You can turn into a rocket?"

Kirby turned back to normal and landed on a platform before nodding. "Poyo."

Sweetie Belle landed beside him. "You really can turn into anything, uh?"

He laughed at her remark. It seemed like it. Kirby then jumped on her back, and she gained a strange feeling in her hooves. With one thought, her hooves then turned into rocket reactors, and she was propelled up.


This caused Kirby to almost fall from Sweetie's back, and without limbs to help him, he was forced to bite Sweetie's mane to not fall. Just in time, because Sweetie Belle started to move her hooves to try to gain control of this new Ability, and the same ordeal than with the Jet Ability happened all over again. Before long, she was able to learn enough to be able to fly without losing control, and a few minutes later, she was able to change direction. Now with her fore hooves at both sides of her body, and her back hooves pointing behind, she flew rapidly around the area and found the door in record time. The only problem...

She hadn't learned to land.

"Uuuh... How do I land? HOW DO I LAND?! AAAAHHHHH!!!"

When the dust settled, Sweetie Belle had her face half in the floor and had left a big trail in the earth behind her. Kirby was bouncing a little further.

"Uuuugh... Note to self..." She spat earth. "Learn to land with the rocket hooves... Reminder... Learn to land with the Warp Star too..."

Discord exploded in laughter, to the point of toppling his chair. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were laughing too, but not as much.

"Oh my," Fluttershy said. "I hope that they are alright."

"It seems like she is more annoyed than hurt," Spike replied. "Still. Those rocket hooves were sick! I want the same!"

"Absolutely not, Spike!" Twilight shouted. "You would crash and create holes everywhere in the castle!"

He pouted. "After some training, it would be alright."

As awesome as the Missile Ability was, Kirby decided to eat a Wheelie in the next area to not risk another accident like this one. Beside, thanks to platforms and bubble blocks forming a path, the Wheel Ability was perfect for this part, and they reached a new portal in a few seconds.

The new area was a gloomy one. They were now in a forest made of dead trees, and were not far from a graveyard beside water. Sweetie also spotted a really spooky town, and the clouds looked like ghosts, with a moon glowing a ghostly yellow. She was not as scared of this area than she would have been at first, but the sinister atmosphere still made her shiver, and she got closer to Kirby.

They decided to pass this area as quickly as possible, and so, Sweetie Belle drew a line that they used to climb a small wall. On it, they discovered a propeller creating strong air currents, and they used it to reach a floating platform. A second propeller propelled them to a higher platform where Kirby ate a Bobo to gain the Fire Ability, better adapted to this area than the Wheel. After two more propellers, they entered a big hollow tree full of small cannons that propelled them at the base. After the tree, thanks to the paintbrush, and the Fire Ability that gave Kirby the possibility to charge forward like a comet, they passed above a succession of gulfs before reaching a door.

The door led them closer to the spooky town, in a maze-like vertical area where they had to go up, passing platforms and using cannons. Some of the passages were blocked by blocks with a lightning symbol on them, making Sweetie suspect that they were only vulnerable to electricity, making her miss her horn. Because of that, they were forced to do a few detours. Because of these blocks, when they found a Sparky in the way, Kirby decided to give up Fire to obtain Spark, thus now being able to destroy the blocks. That was only to discover that there were no more of these blocks before reaching the door, much to their frustration.

Now they really were in the spooky town, and they quickly reached a fork with three ways once they destroyed a few bubble blocks. However, one of the ways was blocked by iron blocks, and another was full of spikes. They decided to take the third path, where there were no mortal dangers, to see if it led somewhere interesting, and they indeed found a cannon that propelled them through the path with the spikes and through the iron blocks. After crashing against a wall, they followed a path further down until they reached a section above a gulf with many platforms with cannons on them. Using both the cannons and the paintbrush, they reached the next section where they had to destroy many Star Blocks and fight a great number of Bronto Burts to reach the portal and exit the area.

And now, they seemed to be back to the first area, with the hills.

"I hope we haven't come back at the start of our journey," Sweetie Belle said as she swung the paintbrush and created a line that they used to continue. "You know, Kirby, I'm surprised that we haven't fought ghosts in this spooky area, not that I'm complaining."

Turned out this path was a succession of platforms above a giant gulf, with some platforms having some green paint hampering them. Thanks to the paintbrush, they had no problem going from platforms to platforms before reaching the door.

The next section was rather familiar for them, consisting of a succession of big platforms and ground parts forming slopes, where they had to go down. Too bad there weren't any Rockys to gain the Stone Ability. Instead, they just used the lines of the paintbrush to rapidly go down, and Sweetie swatted away clouds hindering the path. When Bronto Burts came in great number to try to stop them, Sweetie sent Kirby to deal with them with Spark while she continued destroying the clouds, until they entered some room that was a dead end full of floating bombs with a skull drawn on them. Sweetie dealt with them easily by sending the paintbrush, making them explode and making a door appear.

In the next section, they ended up in front of an unknown static area, and Kirby and Sweetie were not sure what it was, or what it caused. Taking a risk, Kirby rolled into the area, only to have nothing happening to him. Seeing that, Sweetie Belle followed him, but when she entered the area, the brush suddenly lost its colors to their surprise. Sweetie quickly made the paintbrush float out of the area, and the colors returned.

"No way. An area that makes you lose your colors? That's possible?"

The paintbrush bounced up and down to nod.

"Well, darn. This may complicate things. It doesn't hurt you, at least?"

It went left and right.

So the paintbrush returned in the static area, losing its colors again. Sweetie Belle still did a test and swung the paintbrush, only to not being able to create a line.

"Yep. I will hate those areas."

At that, she exited the area, Kirby having eliminated a few Bouncys that had been waiting. Not long after, they entered a section where big bubbles were floating up. Smiling at that, Kirby entered into one and started to float with the bubble, only for the bubble to pop at hitting a big Star Block blocking the way. Sweetie Belle quickly used the paintbrush to catch Kirby before he fell in the gulf below. She then sent the paintbrush to destroy the Star Blocks. The path open, they both entered a bubble and slowly floated up, both of them laughing. Kirby used the Spark to destroy some more blocks blocking the way before they exited the bubbles to continue.

Sweetie Belle giggled again. "I hope there will be more bubbles."


The fun didn't last, because they quickly reached another static area along a slope. Thankfully, nothing happened while they were in it, and it was rather small, so the paintbrush could float above it without losing its colors. After a section above a gulf full of blocks with enemies, they reached another static area where Kirby ate a Twister just before. Twisters were top-like yellow-orange enemies with floating round arms that turned around themselves at great speed, granting Kirby the Tornado Ability, the same one that one of the Kirbys had used against Dark Meta Knight. With the Tornado, Kirby was able to turn around himself to become a tornado and to fly erratically for a small period of time. It may be useful in those static areas where they couldn't use the paintbrush to go in the air.

It was in this area that they found the portal, leading them to a new area full of volcanoes.

Sweetie Belle groaned. "Yay... Volcanoes..."

Thankfully, thanks to the paintbrush, they were able to glide/roll above the lava, advancing greatly. The last stretch before the first door was a little harder, because there was lava both above and below, forcing Sweetie to be careful where she drew the line.

The next section after the door was even harder. There was very little space, so she had to go slowly to avoid drawing too high, making her remember those games where you must not touch the edges. Luckily, there were cannons in the way making their path easier. They had to watch out for a moment, when they were forced to remain on a moving platform with green paint, to avoid a Gordo in the way, the green paint making dodging it harder. Sweetie was actually forced to take Kirby out of the way, and got hit at his place.


"Don't worry. I'm alright. Darn those Gordos."

Jumping from the platform, they had to run to pass a rotating stream of fire in the way, before reaching a series of cannons propelling them up. From here, they just had to take a small path made of stone blocks, with a bridge made of small stone blocks in the way where they found a Maxim Tomato under it. Not being able to levitate it, she had to jump beside the bridge before taking the tomato. She split it in half, and gave one to Kirby before eating the other, healing her earlier wound.

Not long after, they passed a door, entering a section where they had to go up. Barely they started climbing that they saw below them a sea of lava rising.

As they started running, Sweetie Belle shouts, "Again?!"

They climbed, they ran, they climbed, they ran, and they barely payed the enemies in the way any mind. Sweetie Belle abused of the paintbrush to make them go faster, and they were able to remain far enough above the lava despite the many obstacles like a stream of fire. Soon, they reached the portal and entered it before the whole room was filled with lava.

They appeared inside a building, the floor, walls, and ceiling all white. They could see a glass-tube above them, the tube going all the way out of the room, above a door. The tube was also linked to a big white board.

"What is this place?"

Before Kirby could answer anything, he was suddenly grabbed by someone really fast, the only warning being the sound of wheels rolling. Sweetie Belle quickly turned around to see that whoever had grabbed Kirby was now jumping and landed beside the start of the tube where they dropped Kirby inside. She was able to identify at this moment who was this guy: round orange body, two round eyes but no mouth, a cap, rollers, a paintbrush. No doubt, she recognized Paint Roller as he had been described by Dedede. His left hand had also two fingers folded down for some reason, making some kind of sign that Sweetie didn't recognize. He was probably another creation of Drawcia, the real one being an ally of Dedede and having no reason to attack them.

Paint Roller then took a canvas and painted a Bomber in it. The Bomber become alive and fell in the tube behind Kirby. Paint Roller then painted three other Bombers, all going in the tube. To avoid the Bombers that started walking toward him, Kirby rolled away, only to be stopped by a metallic door above the white board.

Sweetie Belle sent her paintbrush toward Paint Roller, but he bounced away, dodging it, and landed beside the white board.

"Release Kirby!" she screamed at him.

"Nope! And you should avoid attacking me!"


"Because I wanna play a game. And you can guess that if you eliminate me, then you will not be able to save your friend."

She ground her teeth, before looking at Kirby, the puffball watching the Bombers coming closer in panic. She said, "Alright, I'm listening."

"Cool! It's actually really easy." He pointed at the board. "I will paint dots on this board. With your paintbrush, you will have to connect the dots correctly to form a picture. Do it correctly, and it will open the door in the tube, and let your friend escape until the next room. Connect all the dots of all the pictures in all the rooms, and you win! Easy peasy! Of course..." He pointed at the Bombers. "It's limited in time. So, be quick."

Sweetie Belle smiled. "Connect-the-dots? I like those! Alright, I accept your challenge!"

"Cool! Then, let's start!"

Paint Roller then took his paintbrush and rapidly drew a series of dots on the board in a swirl pattern. He moved away, and Sweetie Belle took his place, quickly connecting the dots to form a swirl. Once all the dots were connected, the door blocking Kirby opened, and they all went to the next room where Kirby was blocked by another door, with another board. On the board, Paint Roller painted dots in a heart pattern that Sweetie quickly connected, opening the door.

"You weren't kidding, you are good."


In the third room, Paint Roller painted the dots in a zigzag pattern, easily passed. For the fourth, it was a sword. The fifth, some kind of shoe for humans that Sweetie had never seen before. The sixth, a car.

"Wow, this one was actually harder," Sweetie Belle said. "I should ask the real Paint Roller if he will wanna play with me."

The seventh drawing was also a little hard, but Sweetie was able to form an eagle.

"How many pictures remain?"

"I will not say!"

The eighth was easier, the picture forming three spikes. The next one was a little more complex, but the dots were connected to form a Maxim Tomato. For the tenth, she had to think a little for the last dot, but once she recognized the shape, she formed a parasol. The eleventh was the hardest so far, where she had to understand that the four dots in the center weren't to be connected. She lost some time, the Bombers almost reaching Kirby, but in the end, she formed lips.

The next one was thankfully easier, the picture being the one of an open door. But the next one, while not being hard, was rather time consuming, because she had to draw a Gordo, and the next one, a Poppy. The next one was probably the hardest of all. There were so many dots to connect, it took time for her to understand how to connect them. But rapidly, she recognized who she was painting, and from there, she had no problem. In the end, she left the room with the completed picture of Dedede.

But the next room had a bad surprise. There wasn't a board, but Kirby was reaching the end of the tube. However, there was no exit. Instead, there was a big spike at the very end. And no apparent way to get him out of there.

She turned toward Paint Roller. "Hey! What the heck!"

Paint Roller laughed. "Wahahaha! Did you really think that I would let you save him?! You won, so you can go, but you have to say 'bye bye' to your pink friend!"

Sweetie Belles looked at Paint Roller in shock, before her shock turned into anger. She then drew a line going from her to him, before jumping on it. Paint Roller tried to run away, but she threw her paintbrush, hitting him at the back of his head and stunning him on the floor. Before he was able to go back up, Sweetie reached the end of the line, jumped, and fell back on him with a powerful energy-boosted kick on his back, almost making him bend in two despite being a ball. The violence of the attack made him drop his paintbrush and his canvas.

Sweetie looked at the canvas, then at her paintbrush, and got a wonderful idea, making her laugh sneakily. She took the canvas with her hooves, went in front of Paint Roller, and said with the most evil smirk ever, "I wanna play a game."

This made Paint Roller gulp.

Sweetie Belle then used her paintbrush to paint something on the canvas. Eventually, she finished drawing, and out of the canvas, a giant bomb a little over the size of Paint Roller dropped, with two parts protruding from it at the sides. However, the bomb was not lit. Sweetie Belle quickly painted something else, and before long, she had two ropes.

"I don't think I wanna play your game..." Paint Roller said in fear.

But Sweetie Belle didn't listen to him, and before long, Paint Roller found himself attached to the bomb, his arms attached to the parts protruding from it with the ropes. Sweetie Belle was now standing beside the end of the wick of the bomb, holding a torch, still with that evil smirk.

"Here are the rules: escape the bomb before it explodes. If you escape, you live. If you don't escape, you die. In both cases, the bomb will destroy the tube and Kirby will be saved." She smiled sweetly at him. "Easy peasy."

She lit the wick, and ran out of the room.

Paint Roller looked at the fire getting closer.


The fire got closer.

"Mistress Drawcia please! Save me!"


"Someone! Anyone! Help!"



Sweetie Belle, hidden in the previous room, heard him screaming, and then...


The whole building shook, and Sweetie could see the explosion passing the door, while hearing the sound of the glass of the tube being broken. Once everything calmed down, Sweetie Belle returned in the room. Judging by the paint spread, Paint Roller hadn't been able to escape in time.

She laughed. "You lost." She then saw Kirby rolling toward her, a little burned, but nothing bad. "Are you alright?"

He nodded. "Poyo."

She hugged him. "I'm glad." She released him and looked at the portal at the end of the destroyed room. "Let's go."

Kirby looked at her, then at the destroyed room, sweating, and nodded.

That filly could really be scary sometimes. Dedede was a REALLY BAD influence on her.

In Twilight's room, silence reigned after what they witnessed.

"Note to self:" Discord said. "never piss off Sweetie Belle."

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