• Published 18th Mar 2019
  • 6,793 Views, 2,282 Comments

A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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During the fight against Sweetie Belle, Void was briefly sent to a dimension entirely plunged in darkness.

A dimension... that was actually a prison to a being of light.

But because of what happened, the chains of darkness were weakened, giving the being of light the opportunity to slowly start to free himself of them.

The prison of darkness had a twin, this one of light, keeping prisoner a being of darkness. However, the prison of darkness had been using the being of darkness to sustain itself. With it weakening, the being of darkness was beginning to regain his strength, also weakening the prison of light which also helped the being of light.

One day, the two beings will be free.

In a space between spaces, a mottled, purple-black void laced by lightning with some rare purple ground, a supernatural entity of god-like powers felt the weakening of the prisons.

"The prisons are weakening... What happened? No matter... I will have to act!"

To be continued...

Comments ( 88 )

I can’t believe I fell for that.

And so Galeem and Dharkon are getting free.

Can we get a ranking of the strongest cmc to the weakest cmc with all 9 crusaders?

Mmh... From strongest to weakest, I would say:
1-A Sweetie Dreamland Sweetie Belle
3-Apple Bloom's Mansion Apple Bloom
4-Apple Bloom's Mansion Sweetie Belle
5-Apple Bloom's Mansion Scootaloo
6, 7, 8, 9-The others, who are still simple fillies.

Waiting for the sequel, just remember to tell everyone when is coming, even if I could not think another chapter soon

All i have to say is bravo this was quite a story

And how long will that last?

I have no idea.

I’m working on a Super Smash Bro ultimate story myself. However Sci-twi is going to be the first one but she’s been hit with a darkness curse and stuck as Midnight Sparkle

Damn, such a great story. I tried for the longest times to make a fanfiction novelization of the kirby games, without success. There was always things that didn't pleased me and the greatest difficulty was that I had to make it from Kirby POV, but how? as Kirby characterization is very hard. I even tried to maybe actually give him a personality but it wasn't Kirby anymore

You circumvent that by having a completely outside perspective to the Kirby cast that participate in all adventures. It's great, your fan theories that explain the lore are fantastic, you place even the one character that is so hard to place in the chronologies (Galacta Knight) seemingly in your story after building him and his father up for almost 80 chapters.

Great job, excellent writing, and perfect for a read

Thank you very much! If it can help you, Kirby does have a personality. He is depicted as a "jolly little boy" in one of the games, and he loves his friends, eating, and sleeping. And he is always ready to help, like when the Sun and the Moon are fighting each other, or when Dedede is kidnapped by Taranza. This story depicts Kirby's personality very well, I think. Or, at worst, you can take the one from the anime, without him trying to escape each time someone is after him.

When I talk about Kirby personality, I didn't meant the grand lines, the motivations, which you well described. I talked more about things like how would he see Dreamland other inhabitants, why would he eat them or not, how he discover his copy ability and learn of it, his though process, this kind of things.

I tried first to write him as chaotic good, but which chaotic good eat sentient peoples? I mean, you can try the 'not all sentients', but you can totally eat bandana dee in multiples games. After he is shown to be able to talk. Which is why I love your 'Kirby eating doesn't kill target'

Thanks for the recommendation, I go read that now.

Yeah. He is bad guy. .but not bad guy. Like Zangief said.

Hoooweee, this was a labor of love. So much was put into this, to make it such an engaging read. Tying so many aspects of Kirby lore together. Silly moments, sad ones, nail-biting clashes along with awkward times now and then. There were many times when reading this story was pure joy, such as when Twilight and the others are talking about the strange, weird and often funny things that Sweetie went through on her adventures. And in the end, more often than not, it wasn't a bad guy getting punched in the face or blown up by a super laser or whatever that helped save the day. (That is not to say that they didn't help, of course. Punching and lasers are cool!) But it was the friendship and bonds that Sweetie Belle and her friends made that helped them stand strong and find the strength to press on and prevail against those that would do her and her friends harm.

I just hope in the sequel that filly finally gets the chance to admit to herself that yes, she LIKE likes that pink puffball, and the awkwardness that might happen from it. Don't spoil it for me, just let me imagine how that may play out for now rather than confirming or denying my desire. :pinkiesmile:

You re very welcome! That was a pleasure. :twilightsmile: Kirby is really a perfect universe to use for crossovers with My Little Pony. The last few games really use the power of friendship. It's a wonder that there aren't many crossovers with Kirby despite this.

I hope Kirby becomes more powerful than sweetie Belle in the sequel to the smash bros story he is the God of Friendship after all

solid exceptionally excellent 9.2/10 story even with some minor grammar and spelling errors and some weird sentence structuring.

Thanks. I will have to do a rewriting one of these days. This story was my first story in English.

Magalor Soul does not survive his defeat/death in the semi-canonicity of the Extra Hard mode. Odd however how you kept switching between ex-mode and normal mode, sometimes merging the two.
Then again I'm a sucker for a happy end and its now time to read the Scootaloo story.

We know that there are several characters who can manipulate the 4 Matters. Would it be possible to remove the 4 Matters from another being, for example Sweetie Belle Soul, forcing her to go back to base form, even just temporarily?

Beings with great control over energies could do this, but it wouldn't work on Sweetie Belle Soul because she's too damn powerful. She would just out-power anyone attempting to block her access to energies unless they are Third Category Gods (Gods who are truly omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, like the Christian God. Because in this form, she's at that to be one). Or they would need the equivalent of a few dozens Void to out-power her.
But if they do manage to somehow block the energies from her, they would still need to weaken her enough for her to recover her senses, and even without the energies, she is still a strong, skilled fighter so this wouldn't be easy.

Didn't Stella Knight beat Sweetie Belle Soul or is Alicorn of the Void still Sweetie Belle Soul?

Ah, I thought that you were talking of Sweetie Belle Soul, Alicorn of the Void version. Yes, someone powerful enough and with enough control of the energies could do what you said to Sweetie Belle Soul, unicorn version, to weaken her and have an easier fight. After, they would still need to beat her up. Maybe Void could do it but he would still need to think about doing it and as great as he is, he isn't really the brightest fellow when it accounts to using his powers to fight.

And yes, Alicorn of the Void is still Sweetie Belle Soul. The difference is that before, it was while Sweetie Belle was just an unicorn, and now, it is the form of her Soul as an alicorn. So she will always take that second form from now on if she decides to unleash her Soul. Sooo you understand that this is something to avoid unless she wants to accidentally destroy some planets or even an universe or two.

He could, after learning how to do it.

Then your walking the very thin line of turning into the very things you have been fighting

True but he’s not dumb enough to pick a fight with sweetie she would kill him with cuteness being him back and kill him again in a fight making Shenron faceclaw at roshi’s antics while Goku would die from the cuteness wake up get beaten up then chill with sweetie start a rivalry and then she somehow blows up freeza by accident and goes Oops


while Goku would die from the cuteness

From what I remember, Goku is as impervious to cuteness as Voldemort is impervious to love so Sweetie Belle will have to think again about using her most dreaded weapon.

Post goblet of fire or philosopher stone Voldemort?

They was play nice or have sweetie be serious then play nice they choice option A so they don’t get beat up

True though sheesh are we sure she’s not becoming a villain at this point or is she more anti hero with a sadistic side

Well, against skull creatures, she has obviously no scruples. Mindless evil monsters don't really count as actual people.

Do you plan on doing anything for Forgotten Land?

True and makes u think if the dark gods a idiot as well making dumb bad guys with dumb minions

I don't know yet.
Well, as long as they caused a max of negative stuff, I guess that the Dark God didn't mind if his minions were dumb or not.

No probs man also hehe land of cookies and cake that’s just being mega mean to sunbutt and pinkie

Anime that has the protagonist unknowingly shoving a large metal rod up a female dragons butt who happens to be Dragonborn and thus has a human form and can talk

Ouch is a understatement trust me you don’t wanna see the scene without feeling weird

Why does that put a smile on my face along with the idea of the chief’s all arguing who’s the boss only to clunked on the head by the waddle Dees ladle before he gives out orders and stations for them

True but spikezilla deserves his time to rampage shine and why just why do I wish there’s was one scene with spikezilla or spikey chasing bandanna Dee around the castle trying to chomp his butt much to everyone’s amusement

Imaging slayer armour encased in space marine armour inside a mech piloted by sweetie and the entire powers of chaos and tryynids and the dark gods and the entire army goes nope nope nope I don’t wanna die

Suddenly broom sunglasses starts walking away whistling while trying to look nonchalant

Actually, the culprit is Knuckle Joe. :rainbowlaugh:

And who do you think convinced knuckle joe to show him

Nobody. He just loves to watch fighting sports.

AB’s works more effectively

Grumbles as you used logic to thwart my attempt to get broom sunglasses yeeted to the moon

True but the goal was to not kill just subdue so wouldn’t that mean she was disqualified?

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