• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 91: Battle at the Halberd! Part 1

Everypony (or almost) yells in joy at Sweetie destroying the tower before flying away victorious on her Sweetie Kracko Armor. Discord has even materialized some Sweetie goodies as if he was a supporter in a hoofball match.

"Yeah! Show them!"

"Those aliens'll learn not t'mess with nature!"

"That's my sister!"

"Go Sweetie, go!"

"That filly is incredible!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Let's see the reaction of Miss Secretary!" shouts Discord before slapping his fingers.

The portal now shows Susie flying away from the third foot with her propeller, looking upset.

"What is it with this planet? How can I be defeated two times by two different primitives?"

"Oh, Kirby beat her," says Apple Bloom.

"Of course Kirby beat her!" replies Scootaloo.

A little Dililing! is heard from the portal, and Susie takes her little tablette thingy. She reads something, and her eyes suddenly grow wide.

"What?! How could she destroy the tower?! No no no no no! How is this possible? How can we suffer so many defeats despite our superiority?"

"Ah! That's because your technology is nothing!" shouts Rainbow Dash.

"Bwahahahahaha! Look at her panicking!" shouts Discord.

Susie starts looking back and forth between the fourth foot and the entrance of the alien mothership in worry, thinking what to do.

"The two of them must be stopped, but... No choice then, I will have to send him while I try to stop that pink ball."

"Him?" asks Fluttershy. "Who?"

"Probably someone or something really powerful," guesses Spike.

Celestia nods. "They are getting desperate, so they will certainly send the most powerful being in their company."

"Whatever it is, Sweetie Belle will destroy him like she destroyed everything else!" shouts Luna excitedly.

Sweetie Belle is soaring in the sky of Popstar, piloting her Sweetie Kracko Armor, approaching dangerously the entrance of the Access Ark.

As a result, countless flying enemies and cannons that can fire toward the sky are trying to stop her, only to be shot down by Kracko's laser or avoided/deflected.

This starts with some waves of Bronto Burts interspaced by waves of Birdons, but this quickly evolved into waves of propelled Invader Armors equipped with laser cannons supported by those giant green or purple robots. Waddle Dees piloting some kind of fighter jet also joined them. And like said, all kinds of Shotzos and other anti-air laser cannons regularly fire at them.

But Sweetie easily passes all those obstacles. Constantly moving up, down, left, and right to avoid the projectiles or being rammed, she fires non-stop her own projectiles, clearing the sky of all enemies in a matter of seconds, only for those enemies to quickly be replaced by new ones.

Things become a little more serious when the HWC starts sending robotic copies of Kabula heavily armed and armored. Well, compared to the rest. But against the Sweetie Kracko Armor, it doesn't mean much. It just forces Sweetie to be more cautious while dodging the huge lasers those robot Kabulas fire, and they last a little longer against Sweetie's projectiles, unless she decides to use the big guns.

But eventually, probably having enough to have their army being wiped and losing money uselessly, the HWC sends, of all things, a giant robotic version of her! It flies with reactors in her hooves, it fires lasers from its eyes, it also has a giant laser cannon inside its mouth, two rocket launchers on its back, and it is surrounded by ten cannons flying around.

Of course, classic of technologically advanced bad guys. They're threatened? They do a robotic copy of the threat to fight it!

And of course, copies are rarely at the level of the originals!

But at least, Sweetie must admit, they have done a good try. While the ten cannons are easily destroyed, the robot itself is really resistant. Maybe as resistant as Bastron. But it's visible that this robot has been created in desperation, in a hurry. It doesn't even use its hooves for anything else other than flying backward while firing at her! It could try to punch her with them, or to do maneuvers to avoid her projectiles and even surprise her, change tactic! But no, it just remains here, in front of her, taking damage while firing back.

So, after a couple of minutes of firing at it, the giant robot is destroyed.

Too bad, it could have been nice to fight a robotic Sweetie that could actually use all her moves, or at least the majority of them.

Oh well...

Not long after destroying the giant Sweetie Bot, Sweetie Belle finally spots the Halberd right between two cliffs, and to her surprise, she can spot the Meta Knights repairing it without being bothered by the aliens. Cautiously, she approaches them, hoping that they haven't been brainwashed too.

But when some of them eventually spot her approaching, they are at first scared by the Robot Kracko, but then, they see her piloting it, and they wave at her happily. Smiling, Sweetie lands on the ship in front of the Main Cannon 2 where she is quickly joined by some Meta Knights. She then demerges from Kracko, and as Sweetie hoped, it returns Kracko to his normal self.

Kracko looks around in confusion for a moment before remembering what happened. He then looks down at Sweetie Belle who smiles at him.

"You're free now. Go do whatever you want. You can go fight the aliens, or you can go hide, it's your choice."

Giving her a determined look, Kracko flies to the sky, thunder roaring inside him. Seems like he's ready to roast some aliens. The sound of lightning striking something a few seconds later confirms it.

"So, Her Majesty is joining us," she then hears. Looking at the origin of the voice, she sees Captain Vul approaching her followed by Sailor Waddle Dee.

She smiles at them. "I was worried about you after the Halberd was shot down, and even more after I heard that girl said that she was able to stop Meta Knight."

"Oh... Not good..." says Vul as he lowers his cap to cover his eyes. "So they've been able to stop him..." He then looks back at the filly. "Well, as you can see, we are alright. After we crashed, Lord Meta Knight let us repair the Halberd while he went to try and stop those aliens by himself. We haven't been attacked since then. Either the aliens think that we've all gone down with the ship, or they think we aren't a menace." He looks down again, depressed. "And with how they were able to sink us with just one shot, I wouldn't be surprised if they think that. And now that they probably captured Lord Meta Knight... Or worse..."

Sweetie Belle shakes her head. "No, I don't think they killed him. It is more likely that..." She bits her lips. "That he was robotized and brainwashed, like the majority of the inhabitants of Popstar."

"You think so?" asks Sailor Waddle Dee.

"Yes, I think so..." answers Sweetie with a nod.

At this, all the Meta Knights are invaded by pure rage. Their leader, made into a mindless robotic slave?

"Don't worry!" continues Sweetie Belle seeing their expressions. "We will save him! Either me or Kirby!"

"Speaking of, what is doing the pink ball? That's the first time I see you without him, without counting the time you fought Lord Meta Knight."

"He is destroying the feet of the alien mothership one by one. He must be in his way to destroy the fourth. As for me..." She smirks. "I made them understand that they invaded the wrong planet. I must have by now destroyed the majority of their army, beaten and traumatized their secretary, and destroyed many of their installations in my way to here, including a mine and a tower that manipulated the weather."

Vul bursts into laughter at this, slapping Sweetie on her back. "That's you alright! You're a real wrecking ball that nothing can stop!" He looks at the Sweetie Bot Armor. "And I suppose you were greatly helped by this thing. It looks like one of those robots they sent everywhere, but it looks like you."

Sweetie Belle gives a big smiles as she answers. "It's the Sweetie Bot Armor! Or Sweetie Bot for short! She's like an extension of me! She can do everything I can do, but more powerful! And she can even fuse with other robots!"

Sailor Waddle Dee raises an eyebrow. "But Kracko isn't a robot."

"He was robotized."


Vul takes a huge breathe. "Please, tell me we aren't the last non-robotized people of this world, besides Kirby."

"Nope, don't worry. There're the few ones that decided to follow the aliens' orders to not be robotized. And last I heard, Dedede and his army, Taranza, Adeleine, Claycia, Elline, Marx, Dark Meta Knight, the Squeak Squad, and Gooey were causing problems." She says that last part with a laugh. "Of course, I helped with Dedede."

Everyone around sighs in relief.

Sweetie Belle then continues, looking around. "So, it seems that everything is ok here. Do you need any help?"

"Unless you know how to repair a battleship, I doubt," answers Vul.

"Alright. Then I will go. You see, I'm doing diversion so they don't send everything against Kirby, and if I manage to enter the mothership before him, then I will go fight their leader. If I have to, I will send this giant metallic ball in space before destroying it. This is probably what Kirby is planning, which would explain why he's targeting the feet."

"Then good rampage. I'm saddened we can't help you."

Before Sweetie could reply, one of the knights suddenly shouts "A robot is approaching!" while pointing in the sky. Everyone looks up, spotting the robot in question.

Immediately, not wanting to start a potential fight on the Halberd, Sweetie Belle starts running toward the edge of the Battleship before she jumps down, landing in front of the Meta Knight-like head. She advances a little until the robot lands in front of her.

It is a rather tall robot, about two times the size of the armor, but not bulky at all, looking more lanky, its purple body wrapped in a blue cloak with the symbol of the HWC. The black head is simply cubic-shaped, with a single big eye that is black at the edge before transitioning to red with a yellow center.

And then, the robot speaks in a smooth voice. "Greetings, primitive organic lifeform identified as Sweetie Belle. I am HAL O.V.E.R.9000, but you can call me Hal. I have been sent here by executive assistant Susie to end your existence."

"You... are different from the other robots that tried to stop me."

"President Haltmann used a fortune to create a robot he calls 'his secret weapon'. That robot is me."

Sweetie Belle starts sweating. "So, you are more powerful than the others? You have weapons hidden all over your body? You can destroy a mountain with just one punch?"

"No," answers matter of factly Hal. "I have none of that. I, however, possess something else." Revealing a pincer-like hand, it takes some flask with a purple blob from inside its cloak, and shows it to Sweetie Belle. "We found this DNA on the Moon, at the center of a giant crater seemingly caused by an explosion of great proportions. Be ready to face a being who could give nightmares to anyone. A wizard of the night, who lived to terrorise people, and gained power from this. This power will be your downfall."

Sweetie Belle widens her eyes at who Hal is describing, understanding who he's talking about. No way... And then, Hal breaks the flask, and the purple blob starts shifting, slowly taking the shape of a being she recognizes rapidly. Only, last time, she had only seen his head and his hands coming out of a black mist, and some kind of ball form. But now, she could see his full body.

The dark blue head with the long chin, the flashing dark shades, the helmet with the gold jewels and the long, yellow horns, the hands with the long, sharp fingers. But now, she could see silver pauldrons on his shoulders, and his tornado-like body is surrounded by a dark purple robe with stars all over it, and the inside of it is literally the night sky.

Giving his familiar cackle, his hands as if he was about to grab her, Nightmare is now floating in front of Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle looks at the dark wizard in shock with a "How...?" before quickly recovering. She then jumps back with Sweetie Bot, and climbs down from her before advancing back toward Nightmare, cracking her neck before taking her whip.

She stops thinking about the fact that if he's the real Nightmare, then she won't be able to hurt him unless she uses the power of Dream Matter like the Star Rod, and fires a magical beam at him.

Nightmare teleports, avoiding the beam. The beam almost reaches Hal who's just behind, but then the robot side steps, easily dodging it, before it decides to move back. Nightmare then wraps himself in his robe, the robe starting to spin like his body under it, and starts flying around above Sweetie Belle before he points a finger at her and fires a barrage of his infamous star-shaped blue projectiles.

Key word: projectiles. Sweetie Belle quickly puts a mirror shield to reflect them back, the empty stars actually hurting him. When the stars stop coming, Sweetie Belle then jumps at him and punches him in the face before firing a charged beam at close range.

So yes, she can actually hurt him without using Dream Matter, and this means that this guy is nothing more than an imperfect clone. But the fact that they have been able to actually clone him is impressive, and actually worries Sweetie Belle. If they cloned Nightmare, then who could they clone too? The list of all the villains who were killed on and around Popstar pops in her mind, as well as the list of powerful warriors like her, Dedede, or Meta Knight, and the list of beings that are simply powerful like Kracko or Whispy.

Ok, now those guys have gained at least ten levels of dangerousness. If they can create an army of powerful clones, even imperfect, made of the powerful warriors, villains, and other beings of Popstar, this would be the hardest battle so far.

Especially if they manage to clone her or, star forbid, Kirby. Hopefully, they haven't gotten their hands on their DNA.

Whatever DNA is. It seems to be advanced science stuff. Sweetie will have to ask Magolor next time. Is this what those guys took from Dedede?

And if this robot has more of those flasks in its cloak... Yeah, 'secret weapon' alright. A robot that can literally spawn a whole army if it wants. As soon as she defeats this Fake Nightmare, she will destroy it!

At least, it's Nightmare. Kirby's first real bad guy. Compared to the likes of Master Crowned Magolor, Flowered Sectonia, or Dark Claycrafter, he's small fry.

Nightmare's robe starts spinning around him like a saw, fully revealing his tornado body, and he charges toward her to cut her into shreds. The filly avoids him with one big jump to her right, waiting for him to pass beside her before she charges back at his body, giving a strong headbutt that seems to hurt him badly judging by his scream of pain.

Ah! His weak point is his body under the cloak!

But before she can do more, Nightmare teleports, then drops down on her with his robe spinning like a saw again. She jumps back to avoid him, only for him to fly back up and drop on her again. This time, Sweetie doesn't dodge, and directly does Soul powered uppercut on his face, propelling him back up, only for her to jump after him, grab his head, and piledrive him! And while he has his head planted in the ground, she jumps back and fires a beam charged with magic, Dream Matter, and Soul Matter at his body, causing huge damages to him!

Nightmare teleports around a few times, looking very angry, before he teleports just above her, finger pointed down. She immediately runs, avoiding a huge laser that he fires from it! While firing the laser, Nightmare follows her, sweeping the floor with it. He then teleports just in front of her and fires a laser from his other hand, leaving no time for Sweetie to dodge! So she puts a mirror shield between her and the laser, but it still manage to throw her backward. As she lands on her hooves, Nightmare teleports behind her, a huge quantity of energy charging in his hands. Sweetie rapidly ascends using a shield just under her, barely avoiding the huge laser that he fires! While he fires it, she jumps from the shield and stomps him on the head, turning her body into metal for more effect! While on his head, she grabs it, jumps, flips in the air, and slams him on the ground! She then jumps from his face, takes her whip, turns it into staff mode, and makes a single beam sword come from its extremity, turning it into a spear, before she pointes it down as she falls back toward Nightmare.

Panicked, Nightmare teleports, avoiding being impaled, appears beside her, and grabs her in his hand before slamming her. But as she is slammed, she uses her magic to create a shockwave around her and push back his hand, freeing herself, before she propels herself from the ground and headbutts Nightmare on the body. While headbutting him, she changes her spear into her ten cannons, places them right against his body, and turns the ten of them into beam swords, turning his body into a pincushion. Then, with a sharp pull of her magic at the ten swords, she moves them to the left or the right, slicing his body.

With a deafening scream of pain, Nightmare's body takes back its original purple blob-like appearance, loses shapes, twists, briefly takes his ball form, and explodes.

Sweetie Belle immediately turns to Hal as he starts speaking. "Impressive. You are stronger than you look."

Without giving it more time, Sweetie fires a beam at it, only for it to side step it like before. Annoyed, she charges energy into a ball until it explodes into a barrage of beams that home in at Hal. But a shield appears all around it, protecting it totally.

"You are smart too. You know that destroying me will stop me from sending more clones. But President Haltmann thought about this, and integrated me with the most powerful shield generator of the company beside the Mother Computer. This way, my enemies can't destroy me, and I can continue sending the clones until their existence finally ends."

Despite this, Sweetie continues trying to destroy the shield with her strongest attacks, failing each time. Meanwhile, Hal takes another flask from his cloak.

"The next one was found in the atmosphere of the planet. A mysterious being of darkness who was also a strong swordsman. He lived to spread pain and hate, because that was all he knew. Be ready to face his hate, and to suffer."

He breaks the flask, freeing the purple inside it which slowly takes the form of Sweetie's first villain: Dark Matter. The clone of the dark being appears in his swordsman form, with his speaky haired head and his knight-like clothes.

And when he spots Sweetie Belle, hate fills his eye!

Jumping back from Hal and Dark Matter, Sweetie Belle turns her ten cannons into her double beam swords.

"A little warning," then says Hal. "The clones have the memories of the originals. If you are the one who killed them, they will remember it, and will want to return the favor."

Sweetie Belle rolls her eyes. "Lucky me, I'm not the one who killed Dark Matter. But... I kinda helped, so I suppose it counts." She then stares at Dark Matter, readying herself. "So, Darky, remember me? I certainly remember you. After all, you are the one thanks to who I really started to become who I am today." She twirls the swords, smirking. "So, you want to see the result of your actions?"

Dark Matter points his sword at her and fires his dark beams from it. Sweetie Belle deflects them with her swords, then charges toward him with all of them. Dark Matter, in return, flies backward while withdrawing his eye back to his main body, and firing his black lightning bolts. Sweetie Belle jumps left and right, avoiding them, before jumping toward him, ready to do to him what she has done to Nightmare. But to her surprise, Dark Matter's sword takes into the colors of the rainbow, and with a rapid slash, manages to cut one of the swords about to slash him temporarily, the sword disappearing the time of one second as a result before it extends again. Using her shock, he thrusts the word at her, and she uses a shield to protect herself, only for the sword to pass through it like through butter! Thinking quickly, she jumps back, only getting a little cut on the muzzle thanks to this.

"Si... Since when can Dark Matter turn his sword into something similar to the Rainbow Sword?!"

The only explanation she could find in the following moments as she continues dodging Dark Matter's slashes while attacking him is that Dark Matter has somehow learned to use his Heart Matter, normally only limited to negative emotions to him, to form a rainbow around his sword to turn it like that. And since he's not the real Dark Matter, this doesn't hurt him like it should.

She really should start to better train using her Heart Matter! At her level right now, she can't hope to counter that! Not without a real sword! And she doesn't want to risk her weapon being destroyed!

At this moment, the fourth foot of the Access Ark explodes, but Sweetie Belle doesn't pay attention to this.

Dark Matter rises his swords and fires dark energy spheres at her that she easily deflects. She then decides to surprise him as she points her left forehoof at him. After some focus as the dark being charges at her, she fires a black lightning bolt from it at him, actually surprising him! Smirking, she continues firing more black lightning bolts, as well as dark beams from her cannons, all the while keeping her distance. However, Dark Matter answers this by sending his orange explosive spheres, not directly targeting her, but the ground around her, forcing her to away. Dark Matter doesn't stop throwing the orange balls, all the while charging at her with his sword, using their explosion to cut her way and force her to change direction or stop and leave her to the mercy of his sword.

As he approaches, Sweetie Belle grabs a chunk of ground and places it between her and him just as he thrusts his sword. The sword cuts through the chunk of ground, but then, Sweetie Belle places the chunk back where she has taken it, moving down the sword with it, opening Dark Matter's defense. The being of darkness then prepares himself to fire more lightning bolts, only for Sweetie to thrust her staff into his eye, stopping him. She follows it by separating her staff in two and doing a series of fast thrusts with both parts, all the while charging energy in them. She then assembles again the two parts, places the extremity right on Dark Matter's eye, opens it, and fires a huge beam that pierces him, leaving a big hole where the eye has been.

Like Nightmare, Dark Matter's body dissolves into a purple blob, briefly turns back into his true form, and explodes.

Hal immediately takes a new flask, seemingly getting annoyed. "You are very powerful, indeed. You have easily defeated those two clones. Too easily... But the next one is among the more powerful of the clones. Her DNA was found in a giant flower."

"Oh no... Not her..."

"A queen whose power rivals her beauty and cruelty. Skillful in both magic and swordplay, she will leave you no respite. Now, as it is her duty, she will personally execute you."

It breaks the flask, and soon, the purple blob inside it takes the form of Queen Sectonia herself.

"How many of them do you have?!" screams Sweetie Belle annoyed.

"Many," simply answers Hal.

Queen Sectonia immediately starts the fight by surrounding herself with a sharp ring before charging at Sweetie. The filly simply jumps above the ring to go directly punch her face, only for the queen to parry her with her rapiers. She pushes Sweetie back, and the filly land on a forming shield before the queen starts to thrust rapidly her rapiers at her. Sweetie quickly counter with her own barrage of thrusts by doing like she has done to Dark Matter just a few minutes ago, separating her staff into two, only this time, beam swords come from one of the extremities.

The two clash for a few seconds until the queen is able to pass one of her rapiers beyond Sweetie's weapons, only for Sweetie to move her head to the left, avoiding being impaled, before she pierces the bee in her right shoulder. Purple goo start flowing from the wound as the two separate, until it closes. With this, Sectonia grows the sharp ring still around her and throws it at Sweetie Belle.

As Sweetie easily avoids the ring by moving up, Sectonia teleports, and reappears directly behind Sweetie, ready to slash her. The filly quickly forms a shield, saving herself from being cut in the back. But Sectonia teleports again, this time appearing at her left, slashing again. this time, Sweetie parry her, only for the queen to teleport again behind her. Sweetie quickly moves forward to avoid the attack, but then, the queen teleports just in front of her. By reflex, Sweetie parries her again, but is pushed back from her floating shield and she lands on the ground, and Sectonia teleports another time, appearing right above the filly, rapiers turned back into her scepters, the bee ready to smash them on her like she smashed the giant crystal back then. So Sweetie rolls out of the way, and the queen smashes the ground instead. And to Sweetie's surprise, this creates a ring of crystals spreading out all around the queen, and Sweetie can't move in time to avoid being propelled in the air by the crystals coming out of the ground.

As she's in the air, Sectonia then creates two of her small sharp rings and throws them at the filly, only for her to send two mirror shields at them, sending them back at the queen bee, the rings slashing her and forming an X on her chest. Taking the occasion, Sweetie air-jumps toward the queen, forming her ten double beam swords. But then, despite the wound, Sectonia rises one of her scepters and fires a storm of black lightning at Sweetie Belle, electrifying her. Despite this, Sweetie continues through the lightning, forms two swords from the lightning around her, and cross-slashes the queen right on the X formed by the rings earlier. Her double swords follow quickly, cutting the queen all over her body. Sweetie Belle then finishes by impaling Sectonia in the chest with her two lightning swords, electrifying her badly by the same occasion.

And so, Sectonia's body turns back to the purple blob, then briefly takes her original appearance, the one she had before she was corrupted by the mirror, really looking like Taranza, before she explodes.

Sweetie Belle turns back toward Hal, all the beam swords pointed at it. "Send the next one! I will destroy all of them until I find a way to pass this shield, or until you don't have anymore clones under your cloak!"

Then, Hal grabs from under his cloak a dozen flasks and throws them all around. He then grabs another dozen and throws them. And again, and again, and again. Before Sweetie's eyes, and to her horror, what she feared is happening. In less than one minute, she finds herself facing clones of Nightmare, Dark Matter (swordsman form), Zero, Dark Mind*, Dark Nebula, Necrodeus, Sectonia, Dedede**, Meta Knight, Whispy Woods, and Kracko. And the worst is that there are five exemplaries of each of them, except Nightmare, Dark Matter, and Sectonia who are only four for obvious reasons. The Dedede clones too, but she doesn't know why. But she can guess that the HWC has prepared a Dedede clone to fight Kirby.

But it doesn't really matter, because she still has 51 more or less powerful clones in front of her, plus Hal.

She runs back to Sweetie Bot and climbs inside the cockpit. But even with Sweetie Bot, she isn't sure that she will be able to fight all those clones at the same time.

But then, something lands just beside her. When she looks, her jaw drops.

That something is none other than the Heavy Lobster! A modified version of the same color as Meta Knight, with a metallic colored head, and Meta Knight's symbol on the claws and under the now bat-like wings.

"SWEETIE BELLE!!!" she then hears. Looking at the Halberd, she sees the Meta Knights, all of them watching the fight, encouraging her the same way they encouraged Meta Knight in their fight. Vul is just at the edge above the head, in front of everyone else, using a megaphone to talk to her. "YOU SAID EARLIER THAT YOU CAN FUSE WITH THE ROBOTS, RIGHT?! THEN FUSE WITH THE HEAVY LOBSTER, AND USE ITS POWER TO KICK THEIR SORRY ASS INTO THE ABYSS!!! COME ON!! WE COUNT ON YOU!!!"

He's followed by all the Meta Knights giving her a big cheer.

Nodding, Sweetie Belle uses her magic, and the Sweetie Bot Armor flashes before she separates into pieces that merge with the now glowing Heavy Lobster. As the fusion process is happening, one of the Dark Matters charge, Rainbow Sword ready to slash, only for the Heavy Lobster to jump as the process finishes. The Lobster then lands right on the Dark Matter clone, crushing him under its feet as it stops glowing, revealing its new, white form with some pink and purple, two green eyes, and a white horn. Inside it, in a newly made cockpit, Sweetie belle looks through a screen as she raises one of the feet of the Lobster to watch at the purple goo that remains of the crushed Dark Matter Clone, a big smile forming on her muzzle.

She then looks at the army of clones, placing the foot back on the ground, in front of the other, spreading the Lobster's claws, before she screams "A machine of destruction originating from another world! Fused with a sentient mecha piloted by the most powerful warrior of this world! Armed from claws to feet, it will crush everything that stands in its way to do its duty: protect! Now, be ready to face..."

She makes the Lobster roar.


Author's Note:

*I imagine that the HWC would have no problems finding the mirror to the Mirror World, and so, finding Dark Mind's DNA.

**They look like normal Dedede because I thought "Why was the Dedede clone so special compared to the other clones?" then I got the idea that Susie probably modified it to make it more powerful and harder to destroy.

Thanks kelduo647 for the drawing of H.A.L.

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