• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 92: Battle at the Halberd! Part 2-Clone Wars

Sweetie Belle stares at the small army, waiting to see how they will act after her fusing with the Heavy Lobster. They have seen her crushing one of them as if it was a simple bug, so they certainly understand that the fight won't be as easy as they probably first thought. The Heavy Lobster is already dangerous by itself, but with her in the command, and adding her powers to its, it has truly become something to be feared. The Meta Knights, who know better than the others about this, are actually sweating as they have their wings ready to fly out of the way of whatever she will do if she decides to act first.

But in the end, the clones are the ones acting first, by moving all around her before firing their projectiles, sword beams for the Dark Matters and Meta Knights, blood for the Zeros, hollow stars for the Nightmares, Dark Minds, and Dark Nebulae, electric balls for the Necrodeus, and lightning bolts for the Krackos. The Dededes don't have any projectiles, so they remain behind with the Whispys, hammers ready, while the Whispys just look.

Sweetie Belle smirks before surrounding the Sweetie Lobster with a mirror shield, reflecting ALL the projectiles back at the clones, already giving great damages to the bigger ones. The Meta Knights are able to dodge most of them, while the ones that can teleport do so to get out of the way.

She laughs. "Wow! No matter what you decide to do, you are screwed!"

One of the Meta Knights decided to try his luck by approaching her, and starts flying around the Lobster rapidly while attacking, thinking to be too fast to be hit. But then, a shield materializes just in front of him, and he slams right on it. While he is sliding down the shield, he is grabbed by one of the claws of the Lobster. Trapped in the claw, he can't do anything as energy is charging in that same claw, and in just a couple of seconds, he disappears inside a huge laser fired by it.

While the Meta Knight is being disintegrated, one of the Sectonias teleports right behind the Lobster and performs multiple slashes before teleporting again, slashing and teleporting without stopping. But the Lobster resists, and eventually catches her in its left claw by the head before Sweetie quickly grabs her lower body with the right claw. Then, Sweetie pulls with both claws, and rips the clone in two before throwing the two pieces.

Before more clones could attack, Sweetie uses the reactor of the Lobster to charge in the mass, but hitting nobody as all the clones get out of the way, only for Sweetie to create a giant beam sword out of the left claw before turning to her left with a slash, cutting one of the Dark Nebulas in two while firing a laser from the right claw at a Kracko charging at her, piercing his eye.

One of the Dededes is able to bonk the Lobster on the head, only for spikes of metal to form out of the head and turn the fake penguin into cheese. Sweetie Belle then thrusts the right claw a little up to her right, not only stopping the charge of one of the Zeros, but also grabbing its eye, before she tears it from his white body and crushes it in the claw. A big bomb then pops beside her, and she quickly kicks it at the Dark Mind that has invoked it. The Dark Mind teleports, avoiding the bomb that explodes in the sky not long after.

The three remaining Dark Matters turn their swords into Rainbow Sword lookalikes before charging at the Lobster at the same time, quickly followed by the Meta Knights. Sweetie Belle is able to slap away one of the Dark Matters before she jumps up. When she lands back, she punches the ground with a claw covered in ice, creating a ring of spikes of ice all around her that manages to impale another Dark Matter. The remaining one as well as the Meta Knights are however able to avoid it and attack her, the Rainbow Sword doing huge damage to the hull of the Lobster, and the dark Matter that has been slapped away is coming back with the Sectonias.

Thinking quickly, Sweetie Belle expulses all around her a fiery shockwave, forcing the clones to fly back, excepted the Dark Matters that are able to slash the fire and pass through without damages. But she grabs the two of them before jumping just as one of the Nightmares fires a charged laser from behind her with his two hands, and she throws the Dark Matters right into the laser, disintegrating the two of them. She lands just as the laser finishes, and she charges at the Nightmare before grabbing him on the head and slamming him on a Sectonia who has appeared beside her ready to slash. She slams him again, this time on a Meta Knight, before using him as a shield to protect herself from the blood projectiles of one of the Zeros while crushing the slammed Meta Knight under a foot. Finished with him, she crushes the Nightmare's head inside the claw.

But before she could do anything to the Sectonia she slammed, she sees another Nightmare firing a laser in front of her... only for the laser to miss, passing above her. But as she spots the Dark Nebulas passing in Fire Mode and the Necrodeus charging their lasers from their mouths, she is suddenly it from behind by this same laser that just missed her. Acting quickly as the laser causes her to lose balance, she uses the Lobster's reactor to charge forward, avoiding the streams of fire and lasers from the other clones, ramming one of the Dark Nebulas and impaling him with the horn of the Sweetie Lobster. She then turns around and spots that one of the Dark Minds was behind her with his mirrors, and Sweetie understands that the Nightmare has fired at one of his mirrors to take her by surprise.

Then, the five Whispy Woods suddenly start spinning before they rise from the ground and charge one by one toward her with their sharp roots stretched. Sweetie Belle simply jumps above the roots of the first one before kicking him, sending him slamming on the one behind him, and causing the three others to crash on them, hurting each other because of the roots, before they all land in a pile. The filly then quickly goes in front of them before firing streams of fire from the claws until the pile of Whispy Woods is turned into a pile of burning wood. She then turns the left claw to the air and does a rocket punch toward the Dark Mind who used his mirrors to deflect the Nightmare's laser at her. But the Dark Mind teleports, annoying Sweetie Belle. Because of this, she doesn't see the Sectonia teleporting before firing black lightning bolts at her, followed by one of the Necrodeus punching her.

She grabs the hand and throws it at the Sectonia, only for her to teleport, before she jumps toward the Necrodeus, grabs his head, and as she lands back on the ground, she slams the skull on it, breaking it partially. She then punches it, destroying the rest and killing him. She then turns the claw into a screwdriver head and drills the eye of another Zero charging at her, only to be rammed from another direction by another Zero. Lucky her, the Zero actually propels her right toward one of the Dark Minds, and she takes him by surprise as she suddenly sends at him her ten cannons turned beam swords, impaling him all over his eyeball-chest-that-is-actually-his-true-form before finishing him by turning the beam swords into actual beams that pierce him, and replacing those beams by ice from which form multiple spikes that pierce him from the inside.

While she has been busy killing the Dark Mind, she has charged toward a Dark Nebula in ice mode to grab him and use him as a shield against a stream of fire of another Dark Nebula in fire mode. To make sure that he doesn't survive, she also fires her own stream of fire from the claw grabbing the black star, and once the clone explodes in purple goo inside the fire, she replaces the fire by a high pressured stream of water that hits and propels the other Dark Nebula to crash into a Necrodeus. She then fires electricity into the stream of water, electrifying the two of them. It's not enough to kill them, but it paralyses them for her to assemble energy around her before firing it under the form of dozens of small lasers that rain all over their bodies until nothing remains of them.

She covers one of the claws in energy, and with a swing, deflect a lightning bolt from one of the Krackos at a Dedede about to attack her. She then grabs the Dedede by the beak, and fires water in it, starting the process of inflating him. While it happens, she uses a giant beam sword from the other claw to parry a Sectonia, and sprouts a beam spike from the beam sword, impaling the queen bee in the head. Once Sweetie sees that the Dedede has inflated into a big ball, she freezes the ice, turning him into a giant ice ball from which she sprouts spikes of ice all over the surface. From the frozen water coming out of his beak, she then forms a spiked chain of ice, finishing to turn the penguin into a giant wrecking spiked ball that she immediately uses to slam and impale the Kracko who attacked earlier. Then, she pulls down on the ball, crushing a Dedede.

After doing some circles with the ball, forcing the Meta Knights, the Sectonias, and the remaining Dedede to remain away, she jumps to avoid the laser of a Necrodeus and the blood of a Zero, and in the air, she throws the ball and starts spinning, making the ball do large circles around her while hitting two Necrodeus, one Zero, and one Kracko. The Necrodeus' heads simply explode against the ball while the Kracko has his eye slashed by one of the spikes, cutting it in two and killing him, but the Zero survives with a big injury in his side. But the white ball is now stuck with the spiked ice ball, and Sweetie Belle uses the reactors of the Lobster to approach another Zero and slam the first one into him. Landing back on the ground, she then surrounds the horn of the Sweetie Lobster with her ten cannons and fires her Ultimate Doom Laser at them before doing a quick spin to also catch a Nightmare in it.

The four remaining Dark Mind suddenly surround her with their mirrors before they fire lasers from their eyeballs at them, the mirror deflecting the lasers between each other to catch Sweetie Belle off guard. But the filly surprises them by including her own mirrors into them, making sure that they look like the clones' mirrors, and in the chaos of mirrors and lasers that follow, the Dark Minds lose track of which mirrors are theirs and which ones are Sweetie's, and this technique turns against them when Sweetie starts randomly using her mirrors to deflect the lasers at them and the other clones, managing to hit a Meta Knight charging at her. Because of the hit, the Meta Knight couldn't avoid the spiked ice ball sent at him, and he finishes splattered against it despite Sweetie also getting hit by some star projectiles from a Nightmare, followed by some lightning from the remaining Dark Nebula.

She stomps on the ground, and a spike of stone emerges from it right under the Dark Nebula before impaling him, then does another stomp to create a crack and open the ground right under the last Dedede's feet. When the Dedede falls in the crack, it closes on him. Meanwhile, the Dark Minds have stopped with their mirrors and have decided to drop their big bombs around Sweetie Belle, only for the filly to use her shields to propel them into the air where they explode. While the Dark Minds are annoyed, one of them suddenly gets impaled from behind by ten beam swords, and suffers the same fate as the first one.

Sweetie Belle then fires a laser at one of the Nightmare, only for her to miss him as the laser passes above him, making the Nightmare laugh. But with a smirk, Sweetie creates a mirror on the laser's path and deflects it back at the Nightmare, the laser hitting him from behind. Injured, the Nightmare isn't able to teleport in time to avoid being crushed by the spiked ice ball.

She spots the two last Sectonias approaching her each with a sharp ring circling them, and Sweetie looks at the two of them before getting an idea. She rocket punches one of the Sectonias before grabbing her ring and dragging it to her with the Sectonia in it. Getting the ring off of around the Sectonia, Sweetie Belle then throws it at the other like a frisbee, catching her off guard and cutting her in two. Then, before the first sectonia could teleport, she slams her on the ground, stunning her, then uses her as a shield to protect herself from a lightning bolt from a Kracko. Despite being hit by a lightning bolt from the other Kracko, Sweetie belle turns her ten cannons into a staff and impales the Sectonia vertically, from the head to the lower body, but making sure that it doesn't get out by the other side. Quickly, before the dead clone turns into a purple blob, Sweetie grabs the part of the staff that comes out of the head, pointes the dart at one of the Krackos, and throws her like a javelot, piercing the Kracko right in the eye.

She then side jumps to avoid tornadoes from the two remaining Meta Knight, quickly forms two giant beam swords from the claws of the Lobster, and points them at the Meta Knight. Before the clones could wonder what she's preparing, Sweetie Belle then uses her magic to levitate the two of them right into the swords to be impaled. Not minding the blood projectiles hitting her then, she pointes the sword at the remaining Zero and at one of the Dark Minds, only to suddenly target the two other Dark Minds just before doing 'rocket thrusts', taking the Dark Minds off guard and impaling the two of them while she forms a very long beam sword from the Lobster's horn and does a vertical swing with it, cutting the last Zero in two.

She is then grabbed by the hands of the last Necrodeus, immobilizing her to the lasers of both the remaining Nightmare and the remaining Dark Mind while the Necrodeus also charges one. But as they fire the lasers, Sweetie uses her magic to create a shield under her, moving her upward and avoiding them. The Necrodeus immediately charges another laser, only for Sweetie Belle to materialize a shield hand under his mouth and to use it to close it, stopping the charge. With that same shield hand, she then punches the Necrodeus in the teeth, knocking some of them away and making him release her. With the claws that have returned, she then grabs the two hands before exploding them with explosive balls at close range. In return, the Necrodeus spits some mines, but Sweetie Belle uses the shield hand to grab one of them before making him eat it, causing four lasers to come out of his skull and kill him while she dodges the others and lands back on the ground.

All the while, the Dark Mind hasn't spotted the spiked ice ball slowly floating in the air above him, and by the time he spots it, it is already too late as Sweetie releases it from her magic, and the ball falls on him. Sweetie then makes sure that the ball finishes him by punching it with a shield hand from above, giving it enough force to crush the clone, while it also destroys the ball, and the frozen Dedede clone by the same occasion. As for the remaining Nightmare and Kracko, the first ends up having his head crushed by a shield hand, while the last gets impaled by a shield spike from behind.

And so, Sweetie Belle has destroyed all the clones.

But one enemy remains, and the filly immediately turns to it.

Hal stares at the scene, taking a step back. For some reason, it has this terrible urge to run away, as far as possible of this... thing that just destroyed its whole army of clones. To go and hide in the deepest tunnel, never to come out.

This urge becomes stronger when it sees one of the claws turn into a giant screwdriver head pointed right at it.

It knows that it will be able to pierce its shield.

It will be destroyed.

It must run.

It must go warn the president.

It must go RIGHT NOW!

Hal turns around and starts flying toward the entrance of the Access Ark. But Sweetie will not let this one escape. Targeting the robot, the filly fires a Rocket Giga Drill Breaker at it. Hearing something approaching, Hal turns around and sees the giant screwdriver coming at it. And before it could move out of the way, the drill hits its shield, breaks it, and hits the robot. The next second, it explodes.

Hal's head lands just beside the Sweetie Lobster's foot, and Sweetie Belle crushes it.

Thus ends Haltmann's secret weapon.

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