• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 7: For Better or For Worse

The planet that orbits Equus opened up the airlock and sent down a couple of drones. "The drones have launched." The robot told the alien that the cylinder he was in was sealed up and only a visor to see through. "Equipped with improved eternal tracking system, they should be able to find and receive the Omnitrix."

"They may find it, but retrieving it will not be easy." The alien wheezed inside of the containment unit. "Whoever possesses the Omnitrix continues to be an opponent of extreme danger and inspiring brilliance. Once my modifications have been completed, I will see to it personally that I will retrieve my Omnitrix."

In a store, Helix is walking around while feeling his stomach growling. “Man, I’m starved.” He said before he saw some stacks of cookies beside him. He grabbed a box before they tumbled down and hit Smolder, who got up as she leared at him.

“Smooth move, Watch.” Smolder muttered as Helix shrugged innocently.

Outside, the group was at a store stacking up for the trip as Flash saw a word that said ‘Wash me’ with a smiling face. “Oh, nice artwork, Helix.” He said to his cousin with a smile as he and Twilight started cleaning.

“You know, makes a statement.” Helix said with a shrug, and then a money wagon blew up beside them.

“No! That’s a statement!” Rainbow exclaimed in shock. When the smoke cleared, they saw three griffins wearing helmets and leather jackets while one of them was holding some sort of high-tech blaster.

"Told you this thing would work, now get the money!" The red one ordered the other ones while its voice sounded disoriented before it noticed the group. "What are you looking at?!"

"Kids, take cover!" Twilight ordered as the red griffin aimed the blaster at them and fired. The adults quickly pushed the kids out of the way as the blast destroyed the a pillar behind them when the grown-ups quickly duck out of the way.

“Gotta get them out of there!” Helix said as he activated the Omnitrix and was covered in a green light as a transformed. As the griffins got the bags of money, Fourarms appeared beside the group and slammed his fists down, causing the three griffins to be lifted up and fall to the ground as he turned to the others. “Go!” He called as they nodded and rushed off as Fourarms saw the driver exiting the wagon. “You okay?” He asked. But once the stallion saw him, he screamed and ran away.

"Uh, I'll take that as a yes." He said before he got blasted in the back, which caused him to fly into another pillar just as the leader Griffin fired another blast at him. This time he moved out of the way from the laser, only for it to hit the pillar, causing the ceiling to fall on him.

“Helix!” Helen called as a fire spread. But then Fourarms jumped from the rumble as he slammed down, causing the three griffins flying as the leader hit the floor while the other two hit the remains of the wagon as Fourarms picked them up and removed their helmets, revealing that they were female griffins.

“Huh? You’re all girls.” Fourarms said in surprise. “Look. Uh, I don’t wanna hurt you--” He was cut off when he was blasted from behind and fell down as the leader griffin was behind him with her blaster while her helmet was off to reveal she had a black beak and dark black feathers on her head.

“Well, isn’t that sweet.” She said with a smirk as the others watched from behind.

“What are you doing?! Get up and clobber them!” Smolder yelled out as the griffins surrounded him, but then the dragons appeared and started firing as they moved out of the way and blasted the remains of the wagon as bits went flying.

“Hey! This is my heist!” The leader exclaimed as she clutched some bits.

“You can have it!” One of her partners called as the two griffiins ran away as the leader gritted and held her blaster.

“Not these things again!” Gallus exclaimed in annoyance.

“You guys face these machines before?!” Manny asked in shock.

“Yep. And they are not friendly.” Pinkie said.

“They’re after Helix’s watch since day one!” Twilight exclaimed. “They were the first enemies Helix have to fight!”

"You'll get yours, princess!" The griffin growled as she aimed the blaster at Twilight. Just as she fired, Flash quickly pushed Twilight out of the way only for him to get hit instead.

“Flash!” Twilight exclaimed in horror.

“No!” Fourarms yelled as he glared and quickly grabbed the drones with his hands. “Nice try!” He called as he then smashed them and tossed them at the griffin, knocking her out as Fourarms rushed up to the others.

“We need to get him to a hospital!” Ocellus called as Fourarms dug his cousin out of the rumble.

“I’ll send a letter to…” Spike tried to say before Helix grabbed Flash, Applejack, Pinkie, Sandbar, Yona, and Rarity.

“No time! There's a hospital up the street.” Fourarms said firmly as he super-jumped ahead to the hospital. The others soon followed behind as the female griffin rubbed her head as she looked at the drones.

“Who were you freaks?” She questioned as she picked up the head of the drone, but it glowed as one of its cables latched onto her neck. This caused her to scream in pain as she felt something surging through her body. Soon the fur and the feathers turned to metal while her claws became sharper and her wings became blades. Alien blasters soon formed on her shoulders and at the end of her tail while her eyes became dark red with no pupils.

Soon some Pegasi cops came in. “Freeze!” They called, but then they saw her appearance as they flinched back.

“Ha! I already did my time. It’s time you ponies pay.” She said as her shoulders took out some blasters and zapped them away as she grabbed the bag of bits on the floor as laughed gleefully. “This is gonna be a blast! And I mean that literally!”

At the hospital, the others are all in a room with Flash laying on a hospital bed with his head and left wing bandaged while wearing hospital gowns. “Your friend has suffered a severe concussion. He’ll be out for several more hours. He’ll be fine after some rest.” The doctor explains. “Now it says on his admittance form he was hit by a wagon bumper. Did someone back into him?” He asked.

“Actually, the bumper flew through the air after this robot drone blew up the wagon.” Helix said to him as the doctor looked at him.

“Vivid imaginations are good coping mechanisms in situations like these.” The doctor said with a small smile while patting Helix on the shoulder as he gave a small smile before he frowned and looked at his cousin in concern.

Back in space, the Drone walked up to the containment unit as it held a high-tech tablet. "The drones were destroyed, master." He informed the alien inside.

“Send out more now.” The alien ordered.

“We may not need to.” The drone said as he looked at his controller. “It seems the drones have somehow merged with one of the beings on the planet below. I’m receiving one combined signal and that signal is on the move as we speak.”

“Mmm. Perhaps one head is better than two.” The alien said in interest.

In a jewelry store, many ponies ran out in fear as the griffin that merged with the drones was scaring them off. She then walked up to a display case and used the laser that was on her tail to cut it open. But once she grabbed them, some dust fell. “What?!” She opened her arms as she saw that they were turned to dust. “No! They’re worthless now!” She exclaimed angrily as she tossed the dust aside.

She then noticed a unicorn mare was still in the store and decided to take her anger out on her before she felt pain coursing through her head. She clenched her head as the unicorn ran away before she heard a voice. "Whoever you are, listen very closely to what I'm about to tell you."

"Wh-Who are you? Where are you and how did you get in my head?!" The griffin questioned.

"No questions! You are here to serve me and do as you're told."

"Guess again, weirdo!" The griffin growled. "The name's Winvo, and I work for no one but myself!” Just then, she felt some static shocks as she then fell into some kind of void.

You now possess power you could have never imagined, but unless you find a way to use it, it will be worthless.” The alien said as he appeared in front of her. “Fulfill my command, and I will teach you. Fail me, and I will turn you into dust!” He threatened.

“So what do you want?” Winvo questioned.

Only one thing. A piece of valuable technology missing from my possession and lucky, you are already programmed to find it.” He said as Winvo was brought back into reality.

At the hospital, the others are sitting beside Flash while Twilight rubs his face carefully in worry while Helix looks on in concern as well. “Guys, relax. You heard the doctor. He’s going to be fine.” Smolder said.

“Yeah. He’s Flash Sentry.” Rainbow said in agreement.

"I'm just… really worried about him." Helix mentioned as his ears dropped back.

"Me too." Twilight said in a sad tone. "He got hurt protecting me…"

“I'm more worried about the fancy weapon that griffin crook had." Applejack mentioned with a confused look. "Where did she even get something like that?"

“I’d worry more about how some girl kicked Fourarms’ butt.” Manny playfully mentioned.

"Hey, heroes don't hurt females, they respect them." Helix retorted.

"Good to know." Smolder said before she punched Helix on the shoulder. He rubbed his shoulder in pain before he punched her back. "Ow! Hey, you said--"

“I'm not in hero mode right now.” Helix said firmly as Smoler was about to punch him back, but stopped when she saw Helix looking away in thought before he then walked out of the room as the others watched in concern.

“You okay? Normally, slugging Smolder in the arm would make you feel much better.” Gallus stated as they entered the hallway.

“You know, maybe if I went Upgrade, I could get in those machines he’s hooked up to and see if I can make him better.” Helix said as he was about to use the watch.

“Helix, that won’t work.” Helen told him solemnly.

"Okay, what if I went Greymatter and upgraded those things to make him heal faster?” He guessed with a shrug. "I don't know, I just want to help him." He pressed the two buttons on the face plate to make the hollow ring appear, not knowing that he sent out a single to Winvo that narrowed down the location of the Omnitrix.

“There you are.” Winvo said with a smirk.

A bit later, Helix and Twilight are still watching Flash rest as they are waiting in the hallway before Helix walks up to a trashcan and kicks it down. “Just relax.” Applejack said. “Everything’s gonna be okay.”

"We're all worried for him.“ Fluttershy added before they heard something coming their way. They then gasped when Winvo crashed through the windows and landed in front of them.

“Give me the Omnitrix or else!” Winvo demanded.

Helix gave a serious look. “You want it? Come and get it!” He called as he and the others rushed down the hall with the others following. They managed to avoid the laser shots from Winvo as Helix found some stairs. “Stairs!” He said to the others as they all ran down the stairs.

“Who was that?! She looked familiar!” Pinkie exclaimed in shock.

“Guys, that thing is the girl from the armored wagon robber!” Ocellus exclaimed.

“You’re right.” Twilight said in realization. “It’s like she merged with those--”

“Robot drones!" Helix finished with realization before they heard a blast coming from upstairs.

"This way!" Helen called out before they rushed out of the building.

“Okay, radical thought. But right now could be the time to go hero.” Rainbow said as they all hid behind some wagons before Winvo came out after blasting the door as she searched for them.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Winvo said as she aimed her blasters and shot the top of the mountain as boulders came rolling down as the others gasped. "That should get their attention."

“Time to go Fourarms again.” Helix said as he activated the watch and transformed, but instead of Fourarms, he was heatblast. “Oh, great. I need muscle and I get an alien candle instead.”

“You should really check that thing.” Spike commented as the boulders came down even further.

“If scissors cut paper, fire metals rock, right?” Silverstream asked them as they all shrugged in confusion.

“Well, let’s find out.” Heatblast said as he shot a fire beam at the boulders, but they caught on fire as they kept rolling. “Okay. Definitely not what I had in mine.” He said as Ocellus quickly put on her Upgrade Armor.

"Now what?!" Fluttershy asked with worry.

"I have an idea, get out of the way!" He told them as they moved aside before he used his flames to melt the Chariots. He then quickly got out of the way when the boulders came down and the melted chariots blocked the boulders from hitting the hospital. "Hospital is now safe."

“But there are creatures at the bottom of that canyon!” Spike called as they saw the boulders heading straight towards a bridge that leads to town.

“Oh, man. I hate it when you point out the obvious.” Heatblast muttered as he ran off, but before Winvo was about to tackle him. Manny steps in and punches her back, only for her to use her claws to halt herself from going far.

“Helix, go! We’ll keep her busy!” Manny called as Helen and Ocellus came to his side.

“Okay!” Heatblast called as he jumped down the mountain and saw the rocks coming closer as the creatures on the bridge screamed. Then Heatbleast shot a fire beam at them and destroying the bridge as the boulders fall into the water. But then Winvo came flying by and grabbed him and tossed him into a truck as she fired repeatedly. After a few moments, she stopped as she checked he rsurroundings as Heatblast came out from a hole. “You want me? I’m right here!” He called as he gave a taunting bow.

She then flew at high speed right towards him as both Manny and Helen were getting up from the beatdown they just got. "Helix!" Helen called out in worry before he quickly used the smoke behind him to duck down and let her crash into some oil. He then snapped his fingers to release a spark that traveled to where the oil barrel is as it exploded and send Winvo flying.

“See ya!” Heatblast saluted as he turned to the others. “You guys okay?”

“We’re fine. Just a few bruises from the beatdown.” Manny said while rubbing his arms.

“Come on, we gotta go before the press shows.” Helen said.

“Agreed.” Heatblast said as they walked off.

They then returned to the hospital as the sun was setting and they were with Flash in a new room as he was awake. "When I was messing with the watch, I must have let out a signal that led her straight to us." Helix finished explaining.

“Since they’ve moved me into a new room and you haven’t gone alien since then, we’re safe.” Flash said with a smile.

“Yeah. Just for this second.” Helix said in guilt. “But what about tomorrow? It’s getting way too dangerous for you guys to be around me. If I didn’t have this watch, none of this weird stuff would be happening.”

“Yeah, but since it won’t come off, there’s nothing we can do about it.” Silverstream pointed out.

“Maybe. Maybe not.” Helix said in thought.

Meanwhile, Winvo was getting up from her crash landing as a bunch of ponies ran away in fear of her. Soon her head started hurting yet again before a vision of the alien from before appeared before her. "The Omnitrix, where is it?" He asked her as she glared at him.

"I couldn't get it.” She said with a tone. "And how nice that you didn't tell me I'd be finding a superhero with his own team! I quit." But that made the alien chomped and ate her.

You’ll get me the Omnitrix, and if you fail again, your meaningless criminal life will be over. Now this time, make him come to you and on his own.” He demanded as Winvo fell into the void with a scream.

Back in the hospital, everyone is alseep except for Helix as he placed a note down on Flash’s bed. “I’m doing this for you, cousin.” He whispered sadly as he rushed out of the hospital.

At the park, Helix is sitting alone on a bench as he saw a colt and a stallion playing ball together. “I’m glad we can spend the summer together, cousin.” The colt said as he and his cousin hugged each other as Helix watched sadly.

Reports say the armed assailant has incredible firepower and has blown up several police barricades before arriving at the royal guard academy training center just outside of Albuquerque.” A stallion on a radio said as Helix turned to the speaker next to mare. "She had demanded that somepony with, am I reading this right? With a green watch comes to the academy alone or else she'll tear it down with many trainees inside."

Helix gave a serious look as he stood up and walked off.

At night in the hospital, Helen woke up as she rubbed her eyes. “Helix?” She asked before seeing that he’s not there. “Helix?” She then saw a note on the bed as she opened it. “‘Dear cousin and friends, I care about you all too much to keep putting you all in danger. This is for the better or for the worse. Love, Helix Watch.'" She looked at the empty seat with a sad look.

“Helen, what is it?” Flash asked as he woke up while the others did the same thing.

“Where’s Helix?” Fluttershy asked, but before she could answer, the radio went off.

The siege at the royal guard academy center continues. Early reports say several officers have been injured.

“Helix’s gone, but I think I know where he went.” Helen said as she showed them the letter. "I'm going after him."

"I'll go too." Flash mentioned as he set up in the bed before Twilight stopped him.

"No, you're still injured. You can't go anywhere." She reminded him.

"But she can't go alone." Flash pointed out before Ocellus got up.

"She won't be." She said as she pulled out her Upgrade Cube.

“I’m going with too.” Manny said before Helen raised her hand.

“No, Manny. You need to stay and protect the others incase they come back here.” Helen said.

“But I can help.” Manny insisted.

“You can, but protecting Flash and our friends is just as important.” Helen said as she grabbed Ocellus. “We’ll help Helix. We’ll make sure he’s safe.”

"Come back safe, y'all." Applejack told the two as they nodded in response before they left as Helen superspeed out of the hospital and to where Helix would be.

At the academy, some chariots were tossed as Winvo started blasting everything in sight before she was hit many times by a blur. She fell to her knees as XLR8 appeared. “Looks like you got this party started without me.” He quipped when his visor went up. Just when it went down, she quickly grabbed his leg and hit him on the ground before kicking him back into a chariot. He got up and shook his head before he looked towards her.

"If he wants the Omnitrix, he can have it." Winvo said when she readied her blasters. "This is getting fun for me."

“Who’s he?” XLR8 questioned as he charged at her and started kicking her at rapid speed. “One good kick deserves another!” He called as he kicked her back and they faced at each other before a tank came up beside them and aimed at them as Helix quickly ran out of the way before the tank fired on Winvo.

And then when the smoke clears, she was gone, but then she lifted the tank from underneath. “Nice try, but speedy’s all mine.” She said as the stallions screamed and got off before Winvo tossed the tank at XLR8, who quickly sped out and went behind her as she tried to punch him, but he dodged again and sent mighty punches at her as she went flying and hit the floor.

She got up as she then fired on him, which sent XLR8 back as he crashed across the floor as Helen and Ocellus came. “Where’s Helix?” Helen asked in concern.

They then saw XLR8 come crashing from the sky before Winvo landed next to him and picked him up by the throat. "Found him." Ocellus said before she activated the armor.

Winvo dropped XLR8 as she saw the two. “I see you brought some backup.” She said as she activated her blasters and walked towards them.

XLR8 got up when he saw his two friends. “Helen? Ocellus?” He asked in shock as he superspeed to them and quickly grabbed them as they hid behind the alley. “What are you two doing here?”

“It’s for better or for worse.” Helen recited. “Sounds familiar?” She asked as the Omnitrix started beeping.

“So does that beeping!” XLR8 called as the Omnitrix timed out as he transformed back. “Ah, just great!”

"Don't worry, we got your--" Ocellus tried to answer before she was blasted back by Winvo while she flew in the air.

“Ocellus!” Helix called as Helen quickly grabbed Helix and speed off with Winvo following as they avoid the shots as they hid in a training area.

“Helix, you can’t just run away from us!” Helen said to him.

“Don’t tell me what I can or can’t do!” Helix retorted. “This is my fight, my weird watch, my responsibility, not yours!” He exclaimed while also gesturing to the Omnitrix on his hoof.

“Yeah, but you’re my weird friend.” Helen said with a small smile. “I mean, I’m weird, Ocellus is weird, as a matter of fact, all of our friends are weird. The point is, you don’t have to do this alone.” She told him as she placed a hand on his shoulder. Then Winvo started firing as they saw her fighting Ocellus as they fired on each other. “Ocellus can’t hold out much longer. Come on, in here!” She called as they entered the gym.

All of a sudden, the Omnitrix started letting out a weird noise, a ringing of some sort as the center of it glowed each time it rang. "Now what's it doing?" Helix questioned as he looked at it when they stopped.

"I don't know, but can you turn it off before she hears it?" Helen asked him as he looked it over and pressed the center.

"About time you picked up." A young female voice spoke through the watch with an Brooklyn accent. "But I guess you don't know how the communication works on the Omnitrix."

“What? Who is this?” Helix asked in confusion. “And this watch has a communication device inside?”

The name's Attea, and I've got a message for ya." She told him. They know you ran away from your cousin and your friends and they wanted to let you know that even heroes can't do things on their own. They need to have a plan and to have a team by their side."

"That's good advice, don't know who asked you to send me that message, but I'm dealing with a high-tech power griffin that none of my aliens can take out." Helix told Attea.

"If I learned anything from my training, it is that when an opponent is hard to beat on the outside, it's easier to beat them on the inside."

"Hey, that's it!” Helix said with realization. “Thanks for the tip."

"No problem, and I'll tell them you said hello." Attea replied before the communication ended.

"Looks like you'll always get help no matter where you go, or if you don't even know them." Helen mentioned with a smile. Helix then activated the Omnitrix, which got Winvo’s attention as he turned to the gym and started firing on it.

“Oh no you don’t!” Ocellus called as she tackled her as Helix and Helen ducked for cover as Helix switched the Omnitrix to Upgrade and transformed as Winvo and Ocellus crashed into the room.

“Get off of me!” Winvo called as she tossed Ocellus away to a nearby wall. She then crashed on the floor as Winvo stood tall in front of her and looked ready to end her. Luckily, Upgrade climbed up on the ceiling before landing right on top of her and began to merge onto her body. Winvo grunted as she tried to pull him off of her before they both felt pain in their heads before Upgrade got a vision of himself floating in space with an alien in front of him. The alien himself looked down at Upgrade with a dark look.

Listen to every word I tell you. Be very afraid. You cannot run. You cannot hide from me. I will find you and when I do, I will retrieve my Omnitrix and destroy you! And then I will conquer your miserable planet!” He declared before Winvo managed to pull Upgrade off her as he hit a support beam with a groan before Winvo started firing at him as Upgrade moved out of the way and possessed a lifting machine.

“Time to work out!” Upgrade called as he grabbed Winvo and slammed her on many times before tossing her to a treadmill, which he possessed and made her crash into the lift. She stood up and started firing at him. Upgrade dodged while Helen and Ocellus watched and saw the support beams being blasted and the ceiling started crumbling before seeing some of the police coming in.

“Get back! The roof is about to collapse!” Ocellus yelled as the police ducked from a laser shot as they started firing on Winvo, but Upgrade quickly jumped at her and tackled her to the ground.

“Now this won’t hurt a bit.” Upgrade said as he then merged with Winvo again as electricity surged over them as everyone watched before Upgrade exited her.

“Get out of me!” Winvo yelled as Upgrade came off her.

“Okay. I lied.” Upgrade said as Winvo got up and ready to attack him, only for all the alien tech to fall apart off of her.

"I'm…I'm normal…" She said in surprise when she was back to her old self.

“Abnormal’s way more like it.” Upgrade corrected.

“Look, I-I don’t know what came over me.” Winvo said to him. “Come on, please. You gotta help me.” She said before she looked and saw her blaster reverted back to normal on the floor. “I’m just a girl.” She said as she quickly picked up her blaster and aimed it at him.

“Guess what?” Ocellus started.

"So are we!" Helen finished as the two of them threw a punch at her that knocked her out. They didn't have time to celebrate however as the ceiling began to crumble without the support beams.

“The fight took out the support beams! This whole place is about to collapse!” Ocellus exclaimed.

“Then it’s time to go!” Upgrade called as he picked up Winvo and they ran out before the gym d as he gave Winvo to the officer. “She’s all yours.” He told them as they waved to them and walked off.

The next day after the three returned to the hospital, the group exited the building with Flash in a wheelchair as he took in a deep breath of fresh air. “Ah, it’s good to get out of here and get back on the road.” He said.

“And it’s great you’re feeling better, Flash.” Twilight said with a joyful smile. “The doctors said to keep off her hooves and wings for a few days. But after that, you’ll fly again.” She explained.

“Which I’m glad to hear.” Flash said as Twilight pushed him to the Chariot while the others followed.

Helen then turned to Helix. “So, Helix, what happened back there in the gym?” She asked.

“Yeah, it looked like you were possessed or something when you froze up.” Ocellus added.

“I-I don’t know.” Helix said with a thoughtful look. “It was like when I went Upgrade, I saw this alien. We were both floating through space, and he was talking to me. He looked kind of like he had this octopus on his head. He said I should be afraid.” He said as he looked at the others.

“That doesn’t sound nice.” Fluttershy said nervously.

"Yeah, and what's freakier is that he said he would conquer our planet after he gets the Omnitrix." Helix added with a worried look. "And it all felt so real."

"You think Attea might know something about it?" Helen asked with curiosity.

"Who's Attea?" Manny asked.

"She's just who called me on the watch and gave me the advice." Helix answered before he held up his hoof with the Omnitrix on it. "Oh yeah, and we just found out that the watch can communicate with someone."

"Okay, but what are we going to do about this alien that wants to conquer Equestria?" Spike questioned.

“Who knows? But whoever this creep is, we’re gonna make sure that never happens.” Twilight said with determination.

“And we’ll make sure no harm will come to you, Helix.” Flash assured while placing a hoof on his cousin’s shoulder. “As long as we stay together.”

“Sounds good to me.” Helix said with a smile as they entered the Chariot.

“Who do you think talked to Helix about being afraid?” Applejack questioned.

“Yeah, and who’s this Attea?” Spike asked.

“Don’t know. But what I do know, is that this is bigger than we thought.” Twilight said as they all looked up in the sky.

In the planet’s orbit in the alien’s ship, his eyes glowed in his tube as he was determined to get the Omnitrix no matter the cost as he was near his healing completion.

In an unknown location, an alien girl that had green skin and some kind of symbol on her forehead was sitting in a chair while looking at some monitors that had Helix and the group on it. She was wearing a purple outfit with a matching cap with goggles on top and silver boots and gloves. "Attea, did he get the message?" A grown-up male voice questioned as she turned around in the chair.

"Yup, and I gotta say he's cute for an Equine." Attea mentioned with a smile.

"That's good." A mare's voice said with relief.

"But there's two things you should know and something I should know." Attea told whoever she was talking to. “One thing is that he got a vision when he merged with this Winvo gal of an alien that told him to be afraid and he's going to conquer the planet once he gets the Omnitrix. And what I want to know is why you wanted me to tell him, when he is your son after all." Two ponies then stepped out of the shadows and over to her. One was an Earth Pony stallion with a light green coat and a blue mane. The other was a unicorn mare with a pure white coat and a brown mane.

"Because…I don't think we're ready to talk to him just yet." The mare mentioned in a sad tone.

"But now we know that he's in more danger than we thought, and so is Equestria, we need to be prepared more than ever." The stallion added with a determined tone. "All right Attea, let's get back to your training."

“Okay.” Attea said as she got up and walked off with the stallion before looking back toward the monitors that had Helix on it. “I hope it won’t be too late.” She said before she went off to continue her training.

Author's Note:

Now the Incurseans in this universe I like the ones in the Ben 10 reboot series. Hope you all enjoy this chapter

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