• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 4: Bounty Hunted

As the spaceship still orbited the planet below and under repairs, inside five lights lit up one by one to reveal different figures. One has feet that are hooved in armor. He has purple pads covering his central joints, a belt, and four central lines on his helmet to provide outlines for his face, which are his eyes and mouth. The second one wears a suit of armor that looks similar to that of his brother beside him, albeit colored magenta with a black neck, waist, forearms, and thighs. The third one looked more female as she wore dark purple colored armor, which had a hoop feature at the end of her helmet. Compared to her two brothers, she is smaller in stature and mainly wields laser guns, instead of weaponry attached to her suit.

The fourth one resembled a fiddler crab with a goldish brown-colored armor, a sideways mouth, four scythe-like legs, and a large, powerful pincer for a left hand. Within the pincer was a power blaster combined with a chemical sprayer. And finally, the fifth one wore a shiny gray bodysuit that had a retractable black helmet resembling a pillbug, with a small green triangle visor on the front. Since he never took off the suit, he had no exposed back spikes, and only his head and arms were shown at most. The triangle shape of his visor was also on the center of his utility belt, and there were markings resembling it on either shoulder pad.

"Begin the audition." With that, the three in the similar armor charged forward as two of them flew off in jetpacks while the other showed off acrobatics when drones came down. They each took out blasters from their compartments of their suits and started firing at them. The female one ran across the wall as she took each one out while the other two showed precise aim and accuracy with air blasters as they destroyed each one before they used rocket launchers to destroy some more.

The crab-like alien then jumped down from the platform and used its claw to destroy more drones just showing off amazing strength. Soon a giant drone came down as the final one pulled out a disc which extended out to be a hoverboard he used to fly in front of the big drone. The big drone fired a laser right at the fifth one as it was covered in flames, but when the light died down, he was all right before he flew right at the drone and destroyed it by punching right through it. He then dropped down off his hoverboard before it folded back into a disc just as a projection of the injured alien appeared in front of them. "Impressive. All five of you are hired. Your objective is to achieve the Omnitrix." He told them as he pulled up an image of the watch. "The one who succeeds collects the reward. But be warned, who possesses the Omnitrix now is a formidable foe. Do not disappoint me." Then one by one, each of them were in pods as they were sent to Equestria below.

In the middle of the desert, Flash had finished up an obstacle training course for Helix to train his powers. “You ready?” He asked his cousin as Helix smirked and slammed down the watch as he transformed into Diamondhead.

“Oh yeah.” Diamondhead said with a smirk, sounding confident.

“Remember to think out there, Helix. Don’t just try and muscle it.” Twilight told him as she held onto two levers. “Might isn’t always right.”

“I know. But it’s always fun.” Diamondhead said as he ready his arms as some diamond blades appeared. Flash then pulled a lever as some cans of soda were ossed, which Diamond Head hit perfectly then hit targets as he then hit a cactus that looked like a monster and did a front flip as he hit some more targets. He blew his fingers at his skills while the others watched from the sideline.

“Show off.” Rainbow said with her hooves crossed.

“You’re one to talk to.” Applejack said with a smirk. “Jealous much?”

“No! Just saying!” Rainbow denied as she crossed her hooves.

"Although it is a great show to watch." Pinkie Pie mentioned while she had popcorn out.

“Focus, Helix! Think!” Flash called as Diamondhead looked at his muscles.

“Don’t worry! I know!” Diamondhead told him before he ducked under a tire and shot it down with projectiles. He then talking rolled when a bunch of dummies were put up before he shot them down, but while his back was turned a big tire was coming from behind out of nowhere.

He got hit by the tire as he fell to the floor, but he accidentally released some more diamonds, which caused them to go everywhere as Flash and Twilight duck for cover. “Incoming diamonds!” Sandbar yelled as they all dodged as the dimaonds hit the chariot while the others find cover. Once the incident stopped, they all came out of their hiding place as they looked at Diamondhead, who is giving a sheepish look.

“Uh, oops.” He said sheepishly at his mistake.

A little bit later, they all entered the chariot as they took off on the road. “You rock head, you almost turned us into swiss cheese,” Smolder retorted.

“I said I was sorry. What else do you want?” Helix questioned with his hoof crossed.

"What we want is for you to take that watch on your hoof more seriously." Twilight told him with a serious tone. "It's not a toy you can just play around with all the time."

"She's right, you have to think before you use it." Flash added. "Think of your surroundings then come up with a strategy."

“I know, but come one! You guys seen the action!” Helix pointed out. “I’m the baddest pony in Equestria. I’ve kicked so much alien butt, my hooves hurt.” He added as he crossed his hooves.

"Yeah well, one day you're going screw up and get your own butt kicked and I hope I'm there to see it." Smolder mentioned with a smug smile.

Helix gave a growl at her. “Dream on, orange head.” He taunted, which made Smolder growled at him from that.

“Hey, no fighting.” Applejack said firmly as she pushed the two apart.

"Besides, we're almost to the next destination." Twilight mentioned. "This is going to be a learning one as well."

Back at the obstacle course, one of the alien bounty hunters held up a scanner as he stood in front of it. "This is where the Omnitrix was last activated." He said to himself before he went on ahead, not knowing that the other bounty hunters were following behind.

"For the last of his species, he is very persistent." The tall armor one mentioned before his brother spoke in a language that sounded impossible to translate.

"You can say that again, Sixsix." The female one replied before they jumped down from the ledge.

"This is going to be interesting." The crab-like alien mentioned. "A rock pile like this is better off space dust."

The gray bounty hunter searched through the obstacle as he watched his scanner before looking down to see a can that got stabbed with one of Diamondhead’s shards, which made him stood there in shock as he reached down to grab it, but SixSix used his gear to take it, but the gray bounty hunter grabbed it and snapped it off him as SixSix spoke in his language while the gray bounty hunter ready his blaster.

“Whoa! Big talk for a gearhead,” The crab alien said in amusement.

"Enough!" The female one declared as she got between the two. "We have our objective, perhaps it's best if we stay out of our way. The first one to get the Omnitrix, get the reward."

"I couldn't agree more, Eighteight." The taller one agreed before the big gray Bounty Hunter went up to Sixsix.

"Get in my way again and I'll teach you how to say dismantled." He threatened him before they both put away their weapons. "That goes for the same for you, Sevenseven."

"Then all I can say to you is, see if you can keep up." Sevenseven said before he took off with his jetpack with Sixsix following as the crab drilled underground.

"You're welcome for not wasting your energy on my little brother, Tetrax." Eighteight told the gray bounty hunter, only for him not to respond as he turned to leave. "What, are you still upset about our last job together? You're not the only one who feels guilty about what happened, you know."

“But that still doesn’t change the fact that I lost so much already.” Textrax said as he continued on. “I’m not making that mistake again.” He said as he stepped on a line that caused some more targets to come up, which irritated him as he turned and used his gun and blasted the obsitcal course to bits.

“You didn’t have to do that you know.” Eighteight said with her arms crossed.

"Let's just find the Omnitrix already." Textrax said before he pulled out his hoverboard and flew away.

“Huh, he’s really dense. And not just his head.” Eighteight muttered as she followed after Textrax on her jetpack.

With the heroes, they all exited the chariot as they laid eyes on some sort of ghost town. “Huh, looks like nopony’s home.” Helix said.

“Looks like a ghost town.” Spike commented.

“I’ve read this is Slatterville.” Twilight said. “Incorporated in ancient times after the discovery of silver. Went bust in the late fifties when the mine ran out.” She explained.

"Why does every word that comes out of her mouth sound like a book report? Rainbow whispered to the others.

“I think she’s just trying to educate the students on the road.” Pinkie whispered, which made the group giggled.

"Now, I want each of you to go into town and see if you can learn anything from it." Twilight told the students as she levitated a few papers to them. “This place may not have any silver left, but it still has some history left behind."

“Seriously? Homework?” Helix questioned. “We’re suppose to be on summer vacation.” He complained.

“Yeah. Why did you suggested this?” Gallus questioned as well.

"It's never a wrong time to learn a valuable lesson." Twilight simply replied.

“Yeah, I am not doing that.” Helix said as he tossed the paper away, which Twilight gasped as he walked off. “I’ll just check this place out. Exploring is better than learning.” He said as he walked off.

“Uh, maybe one of us should go and keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t blow everything up?” Fash suggested.

“I’ll go.” Sandbar said as he walked off to follow after Helix.

"Wait for me!" Smolder called out as she followed behind him.

Somewhere in an amaband building, Helix entered it as he saw the many objects. “Talk about old school. Look at all this junk.” He said as he looked at the objects around. He picked up what look to be an older wrench before he heard a couple of familiar voices.

“Helix! Helix!” Sandbar’s voice called out.

“Hey dude! Where are you!” Smolder yelled as Helix saw them walking by before he smirked and activated his watch before he transformed, which got the two attention as they turned to the building.

Somewhere in the desert, Sixsix and Sevenseven looked at their tracker as a green light blimp. “Looks like we got something. Let’s go.” Sevenseven said as the two took off.

Sandbar and Smolder then walked up to the building where Helix is in. “Calling all colts!” Smolder yelled out.

“Do you have to be like that, Smolder?” Sandbar asked with a brow.

“What? You know that's just me.” Smolder said in defense as they ventured further into the building. Green slime seem to be falling behind them as they walked deeper into the building. Then a slime got them on their heads as Smolder groaned. “Ugh. Gross.

“What’s the matter, guys?” A pitch voice said as some slime started floating around. “You all looked like you seen a slime of… Goop.” He said as he formed into an alien noid slime with a device on his head as he gave a smile.

“Get over yourself, weirdo. You don’t scare us.” Smolder said with her arms crossed before the ground started shaking. Soon the crab-like bounty hunter burst out of the ground and landed in front of them. "But he kind of does…"

"Where'd he come from?!" Sandbar asked as they stepped back from him.

"Let me handle it." Goop said before his anti-gravity saucer went over to the crab with his goop following behind. "Oh man, you put the 'ug' in ugly."

“Hand over the Omnitrix and I promise you won’t suffer… much.” The crab-like hunter said as he pinched his metal claw.

“Dream on, Claw Boy.” Goop said as he then turned his head to his friends. “What’s he talking about?” He asked in confusion.

"Yeah and, what's an Omnitrix?" Sandbar added.

“I think he’s talking about your watch, Helix.” Smolder answered with a shrug.

"Well, at least we know what the watch is called." Goop said before he looked back at Crab. "Sorry to disappoint you, but the watch and I are kind of attached and won't come off."

"Not for long." Crab replied as his pincers snapped.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with here, pal." Goop mentioned as he took a fighting stance.

“I was just about to say the same thing.” Crab added with a challening stance.

“Oh, yeah? Do you know this one?” Goop asked as he liquidfided and spread out as Smolder and Sandbar gave nervous chuckles as they rushed off.

Crab looked around for any sign of Goop before said alien hero reformed behind him as he was about to strike him, but the Crab turned his head. “You’re as arrogant as you are dimwitted.” He said before his pincher sprayed some liquid at Goop causing him to stay in his morph position.

“What happened?” Goop asked in shock.

“You’re slime is now solidified, making it easier to do this!” Crab called as he realed back and punched Goop, which send him knocking into a wall as he rubbed his head and dodged a leg from the Crab, but then he was wacked and hit the wall as Sandbar and Smolder came to him.

“Oh man. Who is this guy?” Goop moaned while rubbing his head.

“Remember when I said I wanted to be there when you get your butt kicked?" Smolder asked with a nervous tone. "I take it all back."

"Can't you like spread apart and then goop them up or something?!" Sandbar asked him.

"I can't!" Goop replied before he looked at the orange liquid all over him. “Whatever that stuff is, it's keeping me together! I can’t even make a drop of slime!” He said as the Crab walking towards him as he stood up and faced him. “You better keep your claws to yourself!” He called, but then he was blasted back and crashed into the floor as Sandbar and Smolder watches as Crab walked up to him.

“Hardly worth the hunt.” Crab said as Sandbar then saw a lever next to Goop.

“Helix, give him a lift!” Sandbar yelled as Goop turned and saw the lever as he flipped it, causing the Crap to go up and crashed through the ceiling just before the Omnitrix timed out.

"Are you okay?!" Smolder asked in concern for him.

"Yeah, I just didn't see that stuff coming." He said as he shook the slime off of him.

"I say we get out of here before he decides to wake up." Sandbar suggested before all three of them ran out of the building, not knowing that both Textrax and Eighteight observed everything from above.

"It's just an equine youngling." Eighteight mentioned with a scoff.

“Yeah. Wonder how the Omnitrix got on his wrist.” Textrax wondered.

At the Chariot, the three regrouped with the others. “What happened?” Rarity asked when noticing their panicked expressions.

"We ran into some trouble!" Sandbar exclaimed as the three of them took a breather.

"What kind?" Ocellus asked.

"Oh you know, some alien crab thing came out of the ground and attacked Helix.” Smolder told them. “It was after the watch, only it kept calling it the Omnitrix."

“Who called a watch like that?” Fluttershy asked in wonder.

“Well, whatever it is, I at least we know what it is.” Ocellus said.

“Jet let me go Fourarms and I’ll turn him into a seafood special.” Helix said as he tried to get his watch to work, but it was still timed out.

"Uh you just timed out." Smolder reminded him. "And I do not want to be around when he wakes up for payback."

"Looks like we're going to have to cut this studying trip short and get on the road again.” Twilight mentioned before gesturing to the chariot. "Everyone back on, and fast!"

"Well, at least we don't have to study anymore." Gallus mentioned before the all got on and drove off.

Sadbar looked out the window. “No sign of crab guy yet.” He said nervously.

“Well, he better not show up if he knows what’s good for him.” Helix said with a prideful smile as he held up the Omnitrix, but the they looked up the ceiling when they heard a thud and saw a saw cutting through.

“I think we just picked up a hitchhiker!” Fluttershy cried out fearfully as cutting the hole was Sixsix and Sevensven, which made them all scream.

"Hand over the Omnitrix, now!" Sevenseven demanded as his hand transformed into a blaster and aimed right towards them. Twilight stopped athe chariot as they made the two hunters flew off and hit the floor, but then they heard a thud, which caused Twilight to stop as she turned and saw the wheels broke off and saw the two hunters getting up. “Do you really think that could stop us?” He questioned.

“Uh, Yona think we run.” Yona said nervously before Flash noticed a mine next to them.

“In there!” He called as they all rushed up to the mine while Sevenseven and Sixsix felt the ground shook as Crab appeared from the ground.

“Remember me?” Crab questioned tauntingly as the others all went into the mine and hide there as Helix looked at the entrance and saw no enemy coming in as he sighed in relief.

The group soon ran down a mine before Pinkie Pie looked around the corner to see if they were followed. “Whew. The coast is clear.” She said before rumbling sounds can be heard as Crab appeared on the ground beside them.

“Don’t you ever stop saying things like that, Pinkie?” Spike questioned nervously as Crab walked up to them.

“The Omnitrix. Give it to me!” Crab demanded.

Flash then took out a wall and threw at Crab, but hep pinched it to pieces as they all ran away with Crab following while Helix looked at the Omnitrix. “Come on. Do something. Anything!” He pleaded while trying to get it to work.

They then turn a corner as Crab hit a wall as they all ran into an opening as they saw many mines and in a crater. “We’re in the mine shaft!” Ocellus called.

“Now what do we do?!” Applejack questioned.

"I say we get in that Minecart!" Rainbow quickly suggested as she pointed one on a rail line.

They rushed up to the rail line as Rainbow quickly flipped the switch and they jumped on as the rail started moving while the others got onto the rail line as Rainbow flew to them as they were heading towards a tunnel. “What a pathetic excuse for a prey.” Crab said as he was about to cut the line, but he was blasted back by Sixsix and Sevenseven.

They're persistent, I'll give him that!" Flash shouted as all duck down the minecart.

"We need to find a way to get rid of them! We need a plan." Twilight mentioned before Helix noticed the Omnitrix was in the green.

"Yes! Who needs a plan when you have the watch? He asked rhetorically before he stood up and activated it. "I'll take care of these guys!" He then slammed it down and transformed in front of them.

"No, that's what they want you to do!" Applejack tried to warn him as Helix transformed into Diamondhead.

Diamondhead then jumped off the cart as he tackled Sixsix and SevenSeven down as they fall down as the others watched. “Helix!” Flash excliamed as he saw them flying back up as the cart went past them. “Helix, come on!”

“I’ll catch up.” Diamonhead said as he stood up. “First I’ve gotta put some dents on these walking soda machines.” He said as he made daggers. But then he was caught when Crab grabbed his arm and tossed him to a wall as he stood up as the three bountys advanced towards him as they started fighting him, but he was being overwhelmed as Crab tossed him to a wall.

Sevenseven and Sixsix were about to continue, but Crab blocked them. “Back off. That reward’s mine.” He said to them with a determined tone.

"We're the ones who tracked him down and stopped him from escaping, it should go to us!" Sevenseven told him as Sixsix told him in his alien language.

“Well, you two don’t have to get personal.” Crab said before a grenade threw down on them as a smoke appeared and then the three hunters fell to the floor unconscious. Eighteight and Textrax flew in and grabbed Diamondhead as they flew out of the mine. They then entered the abandoned town before Textrax threw Diamondhead to the ground.

"Well, I can honestly say that was embarrassing to watch." Eighteight said with her hands on her hips. "But what do we expect from a youngling?"

“Billions of beings on this planet, most are not of the same species, and the Omnitrix winds up on a fool hardy youth.” Tetrax added.

“Well, like I told your buddies this thing doesn’t come off. I’ve tried.” Diamondhead said as he stood up. “The first time it got to me, I couldn't even get it off with a stick.”

"Of course you couldn't." Eighteight spoke up. “The Omnitrix's power utilizes alien DNA from across the universe, which binds to the host's own genetic structure."

“So it cannot be simply be removed like taking off a hat.” Textrax said as Diamondhead charged at them, but Diamondhead was whacked away. “Your choice of warriors is based solely on brute strength without regard for any strategy.”

"Seriously, do you ever pause to consider your actions at all?" Eighteight questioned as he got up again.

"Hey, I kicked more than my share of alien butt." Diamondhead told them.

“Like what happened in the mine shaft with Crab and my brothers?” Eighteight questioned sarcastically.

“It was three against one!” Diamondhead retorted as he then started fighting them, but Textrax and Eighteight easily blocked him.

“You were moments away from losing your life and the Omnitrix.” Textrax said as he kept blocking his attacks. “Victory should have been swift and effortless.” He added as he knocked Diamondhead back down.

"The Omnitrix is not some toy for your amusement, you know." Eighteight told him as she kneeled down to face him. “It's the most powerful weapon in the universe, with every DNA from every alien that lives in it. It's the key to an epic battle between good and evil."

"Oh yeah, so which side are you two on?” He questioned the two.

“You’re still alive, aren’t you?” Textrax questioned.

“You two are good guys?” Diamondhead asked in surprise.

“Unlike my brothers and Crab, we don’t want the Omnitrix to be used as a weapon.” Eighteight started. "Plus, I was paid triple of who hired me to hunt it down to keep it safe.

“Our mission is to retrieve the Omnitrix at all costs. Since it is attached to you, we will bring you back for it’s removal.” Textrax added.

“Oh, no. I’m not going anywhere.” Diamondhead said firmly.

“It’s not your choice.” Textrax countered.

“It is now.” Diamondhead said as he tackled them to the ground, which made Textrax dropped his board as he grabbed Diamondhead and tossed him aside.

“It’s disturbing how little you know of this alien’s strengths or weaknesses.” Textrax said. “You barely scratched the surface of its potential.”

"And what makes you such an expert?" Diamondhead asked him.

"Show him." Eighteight told Textrax before his helmet went down and revealed himself to be the same species as Diamondhead.

“You’re… me.” Diamondhead said in surprise.

“Wrong. I am a noble warrior. You are an impulsive annoyance.” Textrax said.

“He’s also full of himself.” Eighteight siad in amusement before the Omnitrix deep red and he transformed back into Helix. "Well, we wasted enough time." She then picked up Helix by the tail as he squirmed to get free.

"Let me go!" He demanded before Eighteight noticed something.

"Where's your hoverboard?" Eighteight asked Textrax as he looked around for his board before Crab appeared.

“Looking for this?” Crab questioned as he held up Textrax’s board. “You two are not getting off this planet with the Omnitrix. And just to be sure…”

Sixsix and Sevenseven came around the corner as they held the Mane Six, Young Six, Flash and Spike hostage. "We overheard your little discussion with the Omnitrix Bearer, and we're very disappointed in you sister." Sevenseven told her with a head shake.

“At least I have honor!” Eighteight retorted.

“Well, we followed your example and decided to work together and split the reward.” Crab said as he aimed his pincher at the. “And you two in half.”

"Get down!" Eighteight explained as the three to cover into a building while crab started firing on them. Textrax shielded them with his body as they ran for cover in a building as Eighteight tossed Helix to the floor as the hunters kept firing while Sixsix spoke up.

“Don't blow gasket, metal mouth. I know what I'm doing!" Crab retorted as he continued firing on them.

“By what, shooting blindly?” Sevenseven questioned with annoyance.

Inside the building, Textrax blocked the incoming fire with his body as Helix stood up. "What are we doing?!" He asked the two. "We gotta save them!"

"No we don't." Eighteight told him as she made him sit down. "Right now they're only using them to get to you, which is a bad choice. Besides, you're not strong enough to face them."

"She's right, don't be foolish." Textrax spoke up. "Keeping the Omnitrix secure is the only priority here."

"Not to me, those are my friends out there!" Helix told them.

“You cannot save them.” Textrax said. “You will soon be overpowered and captured. The obvious choice is for us to retrieve my hoverboard so that we may leave the planet.”


“Stay here.” Eighteight said firmly to him before she pulled out a purple cube with purple lightlights and a white buttom part. “Time to bring out the heavy artillery.” She said.

“What’s that?” Helix asked in wonder.

“Something to even the odds against them.” Eighteight answered as she turned to Textrax. “Let’s go, partner.”

“Sure thing.” Textrax nodded as the two exited the building as they charged at the three hunters. Eighteight then pressed the button on the cube and suddenly got enveloped in it, slowly moving up her arm like it was merging with her. Sevenseven quickly fired something out of his cannon arm then looked like electromatic shockwaves that hit her and caused whatever substance that was moving up her arm to form back into a cube.

“No!” Eighteight exclaimed as she glared at her brother.

“Sorry, but no way we’re letting you used one of your toy on us.” Sevenseven said as Textrax grabbed Sixsix and smashed on the ground before he took his hoverboard back from Crab as he started flying around and Eighteight used her jetpack as the cube landed near Ocellus.

Textrax then leaped towards Crab as he dodged his claw and quickly grabbed his hoverboard. Ocellus quickly got up and accidentally stepped on the cube, which suddenly activated when it morphed into goo and traveled up her leg. “W-Whoa! What’s happening!?” She cried out as the goo traveled up her body.

“Don’t fight it! Embrace it!” Eighteight exclaimed as she and Textrax flew around as they then started fighting the Hunters.

Ocellus was then slowly confusmed by the goo as she was then have a back color on top with a white underbelly with purple likes on the black spot with a circle spot on her face. “U-Um? What’s this?” She asked while her voice sounds a bit mechanic.

“Hey, Ocellus, you look like one of Helix’s forms!” Sandbar called out.

"A metamorph armor?!" Sevenseven exclaimed before he looked at Eighteight. "Where'd get that?!"

“Let’s say I know someone who llend it to me!” Eighteight called as she blasted Sevenseven away as Textrax grabbed Crab and tossed him into the ground.

Helix watched the fight as he looked down at the Omnitrix as it flashed green. “Alright. Hero time.” He said before he saw that Crab saw him as he ran behind the building as he hid behind a furniture.

“Crab is going to get Helix!” Silverstream yelled in worry.

"And you won't stop him!" Sevenseven exclaimed as he started firing at Ocellus. Ocellus was then surprised as her body bent and stretched many ways to avoid each blast. Inside the house, Carb looked around for Helix as he hid behind a table. Helix then activated the Omnitrix as it was already programmed for Fourarms, but he took a moment to think about what the others had said before.

"Remember to think out there, Helix. Don't try to muscle it. Might isn't always right." He remembered Twilight telling him.

"Think of your surroundings then come up with a strategy." He remembered Flash telling him.

"Your choice of warriors is based solely on brute strength without regard for any strategy." He remembered what Textrax told him earlier.

"Seriously, do you ever pause to consider your actions at all?" He remembered what Eighteight asked him. Helix knew that they were all right as he decided to go for a different approach when he turned the ring for a different alien.

Crab searched before a flash was shown. Which he destroyed the table, but saw Helix wasn’t there. On the ceiling, Helix, who is now Greymatter, climbed up before he landed on Crab’s head, who was trying to get him off. “Get off me you tiny, little…!” He cried as Graymatter then started pulling on the wire.

"There must be a nerve cluster in here somewhere." He said to himself as he fiddled around with the wires. He then grabbed some wires and started pulling, which caused them to tear and made Crab malfunction. Once he pulled out all the wires, Crab's head spinned while smoking and fell to the ground. “One down.” Greymatter said as he hopped away.

With Sevenseven, he kept blasting at the heroes to keep them at bay while Ocellus looked at herself. “Uh, how could Helix control this form?” She asked nervously.

“Focus on your opponent! And then think of a weapon of defense and attack it!” Eighteight exclaimed while she was helping Textrax fight Sixsix. Ocellus looked at herself before she took in a deep breath and focused. Her whole body then began to shift as he became an hourglass figure that looked more like an armor with boots, gauntlets and a helmet.

“Wow! Now that is awesome!” Rainbow exclaimed in excitement.

“Ocellus just hit the armor jackpot!” Gallus exclaimed in awe.

“It’s called Mechamorph armor for a reason! Now use it and fight my brother!” Eighteight exclaimed while still fighting Sixsix.

Ocellus looked uncertain for a sec before her front hooves morphed into hands before they became blaster cannons. “Wow. These are pretty cool.” She said as she then aimed her cannons at Sevenseven, which they sent a shockwave at him. He screamed as he felt the shock coursing through his armor before falling to the ground with electric shocks. “Okay, if this is how Helix felt everyday, I can see why he’s so excited all the time.” She commented.

Sixsix then quickly grabbed Eighteight and Textrax as he flew them up and headbutted them to the ground as Greymatter gasped before Sixsix saw him and brought out his wrist missile to fire on him before Flash grabbed him by the back. “Helix, run!” Flash called before Sixsix flipped him to the ground.

Sixsix then took out a buzz saw and looked ready to finish off Flash. "No!" Twilight called out with so much worry before Greymatter jumped onto his jetpack.

"Guess who!" He exclaimed to get his attention before Sixsix tried to reach for him.

“We told you to stay out of our way.” Textrax said firmly.

“Uh, Textrax, he’s a Galvan, you know that?” Eighteight asked with a knowing tone.

"I wonder what would happen if I did this!" Greymatter then pulled some wires from Sixsix's jetpack and caused to take off uncontrollably. They flew around as Sixsix landed on the ground and slid across the dirt before he stopped next to Crab and Sevenseven as Graymatter turned and saw the water tower falling as he quickly moved out of the way.

“I hate this planet,” Crab muttered.

“Ditto, crabby.” Sevenseven grunted before the water tower fall on them and water spilled out.

“Only one way to beat the desert heat don’t you think?” Graymatter asked as the others walked up to him.

“Pretty smart… for an equine.” Textrax commented as Graymatter nodded. Eighteight then brought out a cube, which then floated towards the three soaked bounty hunters as they were consumed in the cube before it shrank down as Eighteight picked it up as the Omnitrix timed out as Helix returned to normal.

"I think we should go now." Eighteight mentioned.

"What about this?" Helix asked as he held up the Omnitrix on his hoof.

"And how do I get this thing off?" Ocellus asked as she gestured herself in the Mechamorph armor.

“Oh, that’s simple, just press the button on the center of your chest and the armor will retract.” Eighteight said as Ocellus pressed the button on her chest and then the armor retracted and reverted back to cube form. Ocellus then picked up the cube before offering it back to Eighteight. "Eh, you can keep it. With the bounty that's on my brothers’ and on Crab's head, plus the payment I got from who I got it from, I'll be able to buy myself a new one. I have a feeling you're going to need it if you want to help out your friend here."

“As for the Omnitrix, it's in good possession for now." Textrax mentioned before offering Helix his hoverboard. "This could be of some use for you in the meantime."

"Whoa, really?!" Helix asked excitedly as he took the board before he had a confused look on his face. "Wait, I thought you needed this to get off the planet."

“Selective disinformation.” Textrax said with a smirk.

“Huh?” Helix asked in confusion.

“He means he lied.” Fluttershy answered as Textrax and Eighteight walked forward as they turned to the others with a nod before Textrax's helmet was put up. They both then pressed a button as they glowed red and disappeared.

"Looks like you just got yourself a partner." Ocellus mentioned to Helix as she held up the Mechamorph cube.

“How come you two get the cool alien stuff?” Smolder questioned.

“Fits my style.” Helix said pridefully.

“I guess it’s fate?” Ocellus added with a shrug.

“Right." Smolder said with an eye roll.

“Well, let’s go everyone.” Twilight said as they walked off. “We got a Chariot to repair and a trip to continue.”

“And who knows, maybe something else might appear along the way.” Pinkie said with a cheerful smile.

“With how our trip is going, I think it’s only a matter of time.” Applejack commented as they walked back to their Chariot.

“Although it looks like we're going to be stuck here for a while.” Twilight mentioned as she remembered the damage done to the chariot. “So I guess that means you all will be able to do the assignment after all." They all groaned, except for Ocellus, as they were hoping to get out of doing a bit of homework.

“Oh, now I’m wishing I was taken by those bounty hunters.” Helix moaned as the others giggled at the young’s reaction.

In the space shuttle, the alien squid watches the monitor as a red flash left the planet and took off at lightspeed as he growled. “Betrayed.”

“Sensors indicate the Omnitrix is not with the merchenaries.” The drone informed.

“It would appear the creature who possesses the Omnitrix is as clever as it is fierce.” The alien squid said as he took deep breaths. “But I shall not be denied. How soon will the modifications I requested be complete?"

“Best estimate, about three, maybe four weeks until completion.” The drone answered.

“Make sure it is done. For I will obtain the Omnitrix myself, when the time is right.” The alien squid said as he took more deep breaths with a determined expression to get the Omnitrix, no matter the cost.

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