• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 25: The First Thinker's Story

A familiar ship is seen flying through space as it flies by some asteroids and a few chunks of ice. It had some searchlights on the bottom of it until one searchlight spotted a chunk of ice that held a familiar large figure within it. A claw shot out and grabbed hold of the trunk of ice before reeling it back inside the ship. Inside the ship, aliens were reeling in the chunk of ice as some of them moved crates while others pressed a few buttons or pulled levers as the chunk of ice was brought in. "Finally, I found you." A familiar voice said before a familiar figure jumped down from a railing and walked up to the chunk of ice. "Wherever I went in the universe, no matter who I beat, one name kept coming up over and over, saying he was the strongest and most dangerous in the universe." Soon a reflection of Powers was reflected on the chunk of ice before he brought up his Heatblast arm to melt the front of it to reveal a familiar squid headed alien inside. "Vilgax…" the other aliens gasp when they see him and step back out of fear, except for Powers.

“Guess we have a lot in common, you and I.” Powers said to him. “We both got a beef with a little snot colt named Helix Watch. And if you’re as bad as they say you are, then you’re just what I need to take him and his buddies out for good.”

Back in Equestria, the group was on a Airship above a large lake with other passengers as they were near Rainbow Falls. Twilight took in a deep breath and let out a sigh. "Now this is what we need." She mentioned with a smile. “No villains to find, no crooks to capture, just nice scenery to relax."

"You said it, Twi." Hope agreed. "I mean who could ignore the beautiful and raw power of nature?"

"Uh, how about Helix?" Misty spoke up as she gestured to him sitting on a bench while turning the hourglass symbol on the Omnitrix.

“Son, would you please pay attention to something other than the Omnitrix?” Delta questioned.

“I’m just trying to figure out how to control it better. That’s all dad.” Helix explained as he continued to turn the dial.

“Get real, there must be, like a billion command combinations on that thing.” Misty pointed out.

"We know you want to get control of that Master Control Twilight 22 has, but who knows how many combinations she had to go through before she finally got it." Helen told him.

“Yeah, so what? It makes it more interesting to figure out.” Helix said with a look before the Omnitrix beeped and it glowed right before the faceplate went back up and the hollow ring suddenly appeared. It started cycling through the different forms on its own as Helix had a concerned look on his face. "Oh boy, please tell me I didn't break this thing again…"

"Doesn't look like it's broken to me." Manny mentioned.

“You think it’s some kind of upgrade?” Attea asked with a brow.

“If it’s an upgrade…” Helix was cut off when a flash of light blind them, and then Helix was turned into Upgrade. “Whoa! What happened!? I didn’t even touch it.” He said in surprise while the others looked in shock.

“Helix, you must've unlocked the Master Control!” Flash said in shock.

“Wait, so that would mean…” Upgrade said as he rubbed his chin. “Greymatter!” In a flash of light, he transformed into the alien he called out as he was under the raincoat he was wearing. "Spidermonkey!" Once again, he transformed into the alien he called out as he had an excited look on his face. "Awesome, this rocks!" He soon transformed into Diamondhead as he looked himself over. "So this is what it feels like to have Master Control. Now I know how Twilight 22 feels when she uses it!" He then switched to Swampfire as he clenched his fist. "Now I can go alien…" He then switched to Fourarms. "...just by thinking of the one I want." He said before he transformed into Ghostfreak.

Just then, a stallion turned to the others. “Excuse me. Could one of you mind taking a picture of me and my wife?” He asked before he then saw Ghostfreak and freaked out as he screamed and backed away before he fell over the boat and into the water as he struggled to swim as Ghostfreak then turned into Overflow.

“Don’t worry. Overflow is in the house!” Overflow called as he jumped down and grabbed the stallion before jumping back up and turning into Jetray as he flew back to the boat.

“Helix learned how to control the Master Control fast.” Sandbar commented.

“And you say it would take him a billion combinations to know how to use it.” Attea said at Misty with a smirk, who gave a scowl look.

“Okay, okay! I get it.” Misty said in annoyance.

“You got your words eaten, cous!” Jetray called while the stallion felt dizzy.

“I am grateful you saved me, but I’m starting to get sick.” The stallion said.

“Oh, right. Sorry.” Jetray said before he put the stallion back down next to his wife as he flew off.

Back in the space arena, Powers was circling around the frozen Vilgax and looked him over. “So you're the legendary Vilgax I've been hearing so much about?" He questioned before looking at him in the face. "You don't look so tough to me." Suddenly, Vilgax clenched his fist before breaking free of the ice and Punching powers back.

The aliens around him ran off in fear when he stood up. “Underestimating me is a grave mistake.” He said as his muscles expanded. “The last you’ll ever make!” He called as he lifted up a heavy object and tossed it at Powers, who dodged it as it smashed through a window as Powers shot diamond shards at him, but Vilgax waved them aside as he tackled Powers and punched him repeatedly through the window as they fell into the arena. Vilgax then grabbed Powers by the tail as he was swinging him around before throwing him through a wall. Powers then flew up before flying down and kicking Vilgax in the face.

"Hey, I just saved your sorry alien butt, you should be thanking me!" Powers told Vilgax.

"I owe allegiance to no one!" Vilgax declared before his eyes glowed and he shot lasers right at Powers, pushing him back as Powers skid to the ground. “Especially not some misshapen chaotic amalgam of creatures from the Omnitrix…. What do you know of the Omnitrix?” HE questioned as his eyes glowed again.

“If you mean the watch thingy that turns Helix into those alien heroes… plenty.” Powers said as he stepped up. “Now back off!”

"Mmm, perhaps you could be of some use to me after all." Vilgax mentioned with interest.

"You took the words right out of my own mouth, squid head." Powers growled.

Back on Equestria, the group was having a nice ice cream break as Misty brought a bowl over to a table and sat down. Before she could enjoy her ice cream, however, a ball of goop suddenly came down and ruined it for her as she gasped in disgust. "Helix!" She called out as she looked up and saw Goop in the tree laughing at her. Goop then transformed into Jetray and flew around. “You’ve been changing alien forms for hours. Give it a rest, dweeb.” She said with a look.

“No way!” Jetray called as he flew around. “Now that I can stay alien for as long as I want, it’s time to cash in on the fun!” He then held up a big bag before throwing it down on the table. "Check out how much bits I made just by giving rides to tourists!"

"You know I never thought I'd be saying this in my life, but I would rather see your dorky self again." Misty admitted.

"Your cousin is right, my interdimensional counterpart also has the master control, but she didn't stay an alien as long as she wanted." Twilight told Jetray. "After, just because you can stay an alien as long as you want doesn't mean you should stay an alien as long as you want. Plus we don't know if there's any hidden consequences with this."

"Pony should be pony again and have ice cream." Yona spoke up.

“Maybe try and be just you for a bit. Because changing is more of Ocellus thing over here.” Smolder joked.

“Ye--Hey!” Ocellus called out with a brow.

“Well, okay, guys. I’ll take it easy.” Jetray said before he flew off, but then a second later, he came back as XLR8. “...for a millisecond. Time’s up!” He then grabbed Smolder’s Ice Cream. “Hey, Helen, wanna play tag for some ice cream?" He asked with a grin.

“Oh, you are so on, Helix!” Helen called out with a smirk as she stood up as she and XLR8 took off at high speed.

"Well, nice conversation we had.” Rainbow said sarcastically. “He's going to enjoy this way too much, isn't he?"

“It’s Helix, what do you expect?” Delta told her.

In the ship, Powers sat while Vilgax scanned him. “Interesting. Your DNA has clearly merged with the Omnitrix, just like young Watch’s.”

“Yeah. Thanks for the lesson, professor.” Powers sarcastically said. “Now when do I merge my fist with Helix’s face?”

"After the Omnitrix has been removed." Vilgax replied as Powers let out an annoyed grunt.

"Fat chance of that happening, I already tried it and it wouldn't come off him."

"As have I, but together with my expertise and the DNA you share with Watch, we can succeed where we both have failed." Vilgax told him as Powers stood up.

"Listen to me and listen well, I take orders from no one!" He told him. "And I can care less about some dumb watch, all I care about is getting payback on the little twerp who's wearing it."

"Which you stand a far better chance of achieving if he is not wearing the Omnitrix.” Vilgax pointed out.

“So what are we waiting for?” Powers questioned. "Let's head back to Equestria and take him down already!"

"Be patient, we can only track him if the Omnitrix is in use." Vilgax informed him. "And besides, we are going to need a bit more power if we are to wear him down so that we may remove the Omnitrix. That is why I had this ship plot of course to a planet where an alien artifact can be found. Have you heard of the Fulmini?"

“Not exactly. I may have been in space for a while, but not much info or rumors these days.” Powers said.

"They are an energy-based species, and their main goal is to conquer any Planet they come across." Vilgax informed him. "Long ago, a warrior stole a powerful sword in order to combat the Fulmini when they invaded his home planet, but the power of the sword ended up destroying his own home instead. The Fulmini were so intrigued by this sword that they agreed to create a weapon with similar abilities. If we had such an artifact in our possession and used it against Helix Watch, succeeding will be much easier."

Back in Equestria, Helix was having a fun time with the Master Control as he jumped over the dam and used Spidermonkey to keep himself attached as he touched the water before bunging back up before the picture was taken. Sooner a montage of pictures being taken was shown as the next photo showed the group as Helix as he was before another photo was taken of him as Fourarms making bunny ears behind four of the group. Jetray flying above them. Gax up closed. And Greymatter in front of the camera lenses.

And then another picture montage was taken as Misty got some ice cream from a stand, but Heatblast came up behind her and melted the ice cream. And then Helix turned back to normal as he laughed at his cousin before running away from her when she started chasing him.

A bit later, the group were on a treadmill as they were looking down at a creak. “As you look below, you’ll see a steel barge that has been marooned in the upper rapids since ancient times.” A stallion’s voice said through the speaker.

"Fascinating." Twilight said before they heard Diamondhead letting out a spit. "Now what are you doing?"

"Just a little science experiment, I'm trying to see which alien can hock the best and coolest loogie." He replied before he switched to Heatblast and let out a spit down below which caused a small puff of smoke when it hit the water. "That's one for Heatblast." He said before switching it to Goop and letting out another spit which caused a big splash when it hit the water. "And we have a winner."

Just then, a group of ponies saw him in another treadmill passing them with Goop’s face dripping as he retracted it as he gave an embarrassing wave. “I don’t know him.” Misty said to them before something crashed into their treadmill before they looked up and saw the roof was torn out before they saw Powers, with some sort of rock that was letting out some sort of blue energy on his right shoulder.

“But we do!” Powers called before Vilgax, with the same type of rock on his left shoulder but with a sword on his back as its blade was made out of the blue energy as well, came in and pulled Goop’s gravity projector to pull him up and pressed on the Omnitrix.

“And we know all his secrets.” Vilgax said as Helix transformed back as he gasped at his two worst enemies.

“Powers?! Vilgax?!” Helix exclaimed as he let out a gasp of shock at the two. "You both are…"

“Alive.” Powers finished with a smirk. “And about to kick your flank!”

“Never figured you were the type to take on an apprentice, Vilgax.” Delta said with a look.

"And I see you decided to pick up some fashion on the way here by that rock armor." Dust added.

“Silence!” Vilgax yelled. “Once this containment field neutralizes the Omnitrix energy, grab it." He ordered Powers.

"I told you never tell me what to--" Powers was scolding Vilgax before he noticed something off. "Hey wait a minute, where'd Helix go?"

Vilgax noticed he wasn't holding on to him anymore before he looked around and looked down as he saw Greymatter trying to run back to the hole, but Vilgax grabbed him. “You can’t escape me that easily.” He said before the green flash came out of his hands as Greymatter transformed into Diamondhead as he pushed Vilgax back.

“Guess again!” Diamondhead called out as Vilgax was dangling on the treadmill before he started fighting Prowers. Vilgax climbed back up and looked in shock. Neither of them noticed the blue energy from the armor was surging a little into the Omnitrix as they fought. Diamondhead dodged an attack from Powers before punching him in the gut and kicking him back.

“Impossible, the child has gained new control over the Omnitrix?!" Vilgax exclaimed before drawing out the sword.

Diamondhead saw the sword and quickly dodged it with his own blade as he blocked its strike, but sent a shock through him as it went into the Omnitrix again before Powers tripped and grabbed Diamondhead by the leg with his tail as they were sent falling. But Diamondhead then transformed into Jetray and flew up before Powers crashed into the abandoned ship

"Helix!" Zs'spoocy, Helen, and Attea called out with concern before they felt the tram they were on starting to shake.

“Oh, the pattle knocked the support lift.” Twilight said with a nervous look. “We’re about to hit the water soon.” She said before Vilgax jumped down.

Vilgax then tackled Jetray into the boat as it went off the stone before going near the waterfall as the treadmill began to trip before Jetray turned into Gax as he tossed Vilgax onto Powers before he gasped when he looked up and saw that his family and friends were about to fall as he quickly got off the boat and turned into XLR8 and ran over the water as fast as he could.

The treadmill then broke from the line completely as the group all started screaming, but then XLR8 turned into Gravattack as he floated up and caught the others in his gravitational field. “Gotcha!” He called as they flew away before the treadmill fell and Powers and Vilgax saw they were at the waterfall's edge as they screamed and went over.

Soon Gravattack took the group over to the mobile base before sending them down and transforming back into Helix, not even noticing the blue sparks coming off of the Omnitrix. "I'm going after Vilgax and Powers, alone." He told the group with determination.

“Helix, you can’t beat them both.” Dust said to her son.

“She’s right, son. Together, they are too powerful.” Delta said as Helix transformed back into XLR8.

“Oh, yeah? Just watch me.” XLR8 said as his visor lowered and he sped off at high speed.

"He sounds really confident." Helen mentioned with worry. "A bit too confident if he's not letting us help fight them."

"But did any of you guys see that weird energy going into the Omnitrix when he fought them?" Sandbar asked them. "And the Omnitrix was sparking that same energy when he transformed back."

“Y-Yeah. And they were made from the same energy that Vilgax and Powers were wearing.” Spike added with a nervous look. “And uh, where did they score the upgrades?”

“I don’t know, but let’s not wait around and find out.” Delta said with a serious tone. “Everyone back to the mobile base! I have something that might help us!”

Back with Vilgax and Powers, the two stood up as Vilgax looked at the tracker. “We should be right on top of him.” Powers said.

“Or, he’s upon us!” Vilgax called as he looked up and saw Gax jumping down at them as he slammed his fist down, creating a dust of smoke with him in a crater.

Inside at the mobile base, Delta was typing something in as some sort of device was being powered up. "I'm bringing something here that will take care of both Vilgax and Powers." He said before a familiar device was transported to them.

"Isn't that the null void projector?" Attea asked him when they saw it.

“The null what?” Misty asked in confusion.

“Didn’t we left that back in the Plumber’s bunker in Mount Alicorns.” Fluttershy said in confusion.

“We decided it might come in handy again someday.” Dust said seriously. “Unfortunately, we were right.”

Back at the waterfall, Gax was hiding behind some rocks while Powers and Vilgax was searching for him while Powers made a chicken noise and a little dance. “Come on out, Watch, you chicken.” He said.

"Enough of this foolishness!" Vilgax exclaimed as he saw the rest of the group coming out of the mobile phase on a bridge. "His allies and family are the key. If we go after them, the youngling will come after us." Gax overheard that plan as the two villains decided to go after his friends and family.

After a moment, Vilgax and Powers came up next to them. “Guys, we got company!” Manny called out as they turned to them.

“When I have the Omnitrix, I shall enjoy tearing you apart, Delta and Dust!” Vilgax said while clenching his fists.

“Why wait? Come and get us!” Delta called as he aimed the null void projector at them and blasted at them, which created a portal behind them.

"I got them!" Fourarms told them as he raced by them and charged at the two villains.

"Helix, stay away from them!" Dust tried to warn him as the two villains were getting sucked into the portal.

"W-What's happening, what is this?!" Powers questioned before he was pulled into the null void.

“The null void! No!” Vilgax yelled as he was pushed in as well. Fourarms saw this as he tried to stop, but Vilgax reached out and grabbed Fourarms head and pulled him into the portal.

“Helix!” They all yelled before the portal closed.

On the other side of the portal before it closed, both Vilgax and Fourarms came through as they fell on a giant loading rock in a big empty space next to Powers. "Okay… maybe I should have thought that through." Fourarms told himself as Powers stood up and looked around the place.

"Where the hay are we?" He questioned as Vilgax stood up.

“The null void. An alternate dimension where the galaxy’s worst of the worst are banished.” Vilgax explained.

“Well, I’m the badest of the bad!” Powers said with a smile.

“Oh, yeah? Try telling that to those things.” Fourarms said while pointing at Null-Guardians as they flew towards them, which Vilgax and Powers started fighting before Fourarms turned into XLR8 and rushed off.

“No!” Vilgax yelled as he saw XLR8 rush off while wrestling the creature before he got on it and pinched his claws in it, which made it scream in pain as Powers watched and saw Vilgax managed to tame the creature while the others stopped fighting him.

“What was that all about?” Powers questioned in confusion.

“Respect. I command it, even here.” Vilgax answered.

"That's great and all, what about Helix? Powers questioned. "He ran off."

"There's only one way out of this place, and his parents will mount a rescue mission.” Vilgax told him. "We must retrieve the Omnitrix before that happens or we'll be trapped in here forever!"

Meanwhile somewhere deep in the null void, a computer was beeping as a small figure walked up to it and saw a familiar signal the computer was detecting. "It can't be." The figure said with a bit of an elderly voice. "She really did make the Omnitrix while I was here. But it seems to be in danger if it's here." He said before he clenched his fist. “I better retrieve it before it falls into the wrong hands.”

Back in Equestria, the others are waiting for Helix’s parents to prepare something while they all look worried while Attea, Helen, and Zs’spoocy give nervous expressions. “When will they come out?! Helix could be in danger!” Helen cried out.

"You won't have to worry long." Dust told her as she and Delta stepped out with some gear and jetpacks on. "Because we're going in after Helix before Vilgax could get his claws on the Omnitrix."

"You can't!" Attea told them.

“We have to.” Delta replied to her.

“No, I mean, you two are the only ones who really know how to work the null void projector and if you went in there, Vilgax would get his claws on it and leave all three of you in there." Attea explained before she looked at them with a determined look. "I'll go."

"Me too." Helen spoke up with determination.

"Me three." Zs'spoocy spoke next.

“Don’t count me out.” Manny added as he stepped in next.

“I’ll go with them.” Venus added next.

“Helix’s my friend. And I would never abandon my friends.” Ocellus said as she armored up.

“No! It’s too dangerous!” Delta said firmly.

“It’s our best chance of getting Helix out of there and you all know it.” Manny said firmly as the others thought for a moment and nodded in understanding.

Meanwhile, in the null void, XLR8 continued to run over some rocks and jumped over big gaps as he was trying to get as much distance away from Vilgax and Powers as possible. He soon came to a stop as he realized he has no idea where he was going or how to get out of the null void. "I really should have listened to my mom and dad." He said to himself after his visor went up. “This place is like an infinite void of nothing. No wonder it’s called the null void.” He said as he looked around. “How am I supposed to get out of here? Where’s the exit?”

"You won't find a way to your home here." An unfamiliar voice spoke up before he turned to see an eye looking at him before multiple eyes opened up and an alien stepped out of the shadows. XLR8 thought that this alien had eyes all over its body except for its head.

“Ah! What are you, some kind an eye guy?” XLR8 questioned as he got into ready stances.

"Funny, you are a very funny guy." The alien said sarcastically before his eyes caught a glimpse of the Omnitrix symbol on his chest. “You’re the one. The bearer of the Omnitrix the creator made.”

“Creator?” XLR8 questioned, but before he could continue any further, some more aliens, one of the is like a fish alien, one that is like a dog with no eyes and gills, and the last one is like a flying bug.

“You’re coming with us.” The bug-like alien said.

"I don't think so." XLR8 replied before he quickly switched to Gravattack and used his gravitation powers to lift up some rocks and throw them at his enemies. The aliens quickly dodged them as they charged at Gravattack, who then transformed into Gax as the bug alien shot some sort of Goo at him which made him gag when he caught a width of it. “Peeyu! This stuff is worse than Goop!” He called before Gax was then blasted back by the eye alien.

“Just give up. Don’t make this hard on yourself.” The eye alien said as Gax flew up before he transformed into Fourarms and grabbed the caine alien with no eyes and slammed it down.

“You’re not taking the Omnitrix!” Fourarms called before the eye alien grabbed him and blasted him up before the bug alien flew and swatted him before the fish alien slammed him down as the aliens surrounded him. "We can do this the easy way fellas, or the hard way."

"Enough!” A voice yelled out as they all turned and saw an old male Galvan wearing rags and bandages as he faced down at them.

“Yes, Azmuth.” The three aliens said as Fourarms looked at them in surprise.

“Wait, what?” Fourarms questioned in confusion. “What’s going on? Are we done fighting?”

"We don't want to mess with a planet destroyer like him, and if you're smart you do the same!" The multiple-eyed alien told him before he and the other aliens backed off.

“What you guys are afraid of this little guy?” Fourarms asked before he saw the galvan’s appearance. “Wait, is that Greymatter?”

“Stand down, boy. No need for struggle.” The male galvan said.

“If Vilgax or Powers wants it, they’ll have to take it by my dead body!” Fourarms called as he charged at the galvan, but he calmly stood there until the Omnitrix symbol was in front of him before he simply pressed it and Helix transformed back. “What?! Again like with Vilgax?!”

"An equine youngling?" The Galvan said with a brow. "The Omnitrix chose an equine youngling?"

“Hey, look who’s talking you shriveled Galvan.” Helix said before he then transformed into Heatblast. “And if you want to take the Omnitrix, come and get it!” He called as he ready his fireball before the galvan calmly walked up to him.

“I am impressed that you were able to access the Omnitrix’s Master Control at such a young age.” The galvan said to him before he flicked his finger and he transformed back again.

“Okay seriously, how are you able to do that?!" Helix questioned before the Galvan jumped onto his hoof and pressed a few buttons on the Omnitrix before taking it off his hoof. "Hey, what are you doing?!"

"Now's not the time for explanations." The Galvan told him before jumping off his hoof. “Right now we need to go somewhere before Vilgax and his accomplice, you said his name was Powers, find you. Luckily, my laboratory can isolate the Omnitrix signal so we should be safe there, and after that I would like you to answer a few questions."

“Uh, well, okay.” Helix said in confusion as he followed after the galvan.

Back in Equestria, Helen, Attea, Venus, Manny, and Ocellus were giving plumber suits that fit their sizes while giving some gear and a watch on. “Hey, do these suits look a bit much?” Helen asked while looking at her suit.

“Plumber standards. More maneuverable and gives more agility.” Attea said while adjusting her suit. “Works for every alien spiece in the galaxy.”

“Remember, your watches are a homing beacon. As soon as you find Helix, you could use it to lead you back to the portal.” Delta explained.

“Well, how much time do we have.” Zs’spoocy asked, while feeling a bit jealous since she’s not suitable for a plumber suit.

“From my calculations, the portal could just be open for about say… about ten minutes tops.” Twilight caculated.

“Once the gauge in the watches hits the red zone, you all need to get out, no matter what.” Dust said firmly before giving Manny, Venus, Attea, and Helen some blasters.

“What’re these for?” Manny asked.

“Anything that’s not Helix.” Dust answered.

"Okay, let's do this." Ocellus said before each of them entered through the portal and entered the null void. However they've entered the null void with no ground beneath them as they fell before those who have jetpacks or just fly naturally started to fly up.

“This place looks like it goes on forever.” Ocellus commented.

It does. That’s why it is called the null void.” Dust said through the comms.

Keep your eyes open. We’re not even sure what’s inside in that pocket.” Delta added before they spotted a bunch of small blue aliens with sharp teeth when they flew up next to a rock. These aliens quickly jumped onto them and started to pull them down. “What’s wrong?!” He called out.

“We’re being attack by hyvex beasts!” Attea called out as they started blasting them off them.

Keep them away from your rocket packs! They’ll chew them to bits!” Dust exclaimed.

"Too late for me!" Manny called out as he saw a few of them on his rocket pack. “Get off!” Manny called as he flew around with the others following before he took out a grenade. “Bite this!” He called as he tossed it away, which the hyvex beasts followed before it went off when there was an explosion as the group continued on.

“Now to find Helix!” Zs’spoocy said as they kept going.

Helix followed the elderly Galvan to a cave where he saw it was filled with many alien technology and a bunch of monitors as well. "Do you live here?" He questioned him as he looked around.

“I do. Gotta be prepare to survive in a place this harsh.” The galvan said as he walked. “Though, with how you managed to survive Vilgax and other aliens for so long is impressive.”

"Well, I do have half a summer of experience of using the watch." Helix bragged before he glanced at the small alien. "Now who exactly are you and why do you care so much about the Omnitrix?"

“Because the Omnitrix is my design. I am it’s creator.” The Galvan answered, which shocked Helix from that.

“Wait, you’re it’s designer? I thought Zenuth was…” Helix tried to say.

“She may have finished it, but I am the official creatore of the Omnitrix.” The Galvan said to him. “My name is Azmuth. The smarted being in three maybe five galaxies.”

“Really? Wow, you are very smart if you are known in that many galaxies.” Helix complimented.

"I might as well be called the destroyer of planets." Azmuth said with a guilty tone. "To understand why I'm here in the first place, I might as well show you the beginning. But first off, close your eyes and wait for me to tell you to open them."

“Uh, okay?” Helix said as he then closed his eyes like how Amzuth told him.

“Okay, now.” Azmuth said as Helix then opened his eyes, he found himself no longer in the null void but on a planet with trees with purple leaves.

"Uh, how did--" He was going to question before he heard an explosion behind him as he looked up and saw a volcano erupting. "Oh no, not good!"

He tried to run, but the lava kept getting close to him, but then when it touched him, he was unharmed as he looked at himself. “Huh? How did…? How is it not burning me? And why can’t I feel it?”

“Relax, youngling.” Azmuth said as Helix turned to him. “It’s not hurting you because we’re not really here.”

“Uh, what is this place?” Helix asked in wonder.

“It’s Primus. A world I built several thousand years ago. Which is work in progress, where all works in progress.” Azmuth explained. “You are seeing images where I have put you, but you are like ghost, unable to interfere. The concept maybe too much for your young mind to grasp.”

“Not if you seen a Heartswarming Carol.” Helix said.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Azmuth said to him. “So keep quiet and pay attention.”

“Well, okay.” Helix said before Azmuth snapped his fingers and he appeared in a lab. “Well, that was kinda sudden.” He commented before he saw Azmuth looking through a high-tech microscope. "So what exactly is this place?" He asked but got no response. "Hello?"

"I'm over here." Azmuth called out next to him which surprised Helix to see two of him.

“Oh, it’s the ghost of your past.” Helix said in realization as he saw that the other Azmuth is much younger than the other.

“Yes. And you cannot change the past no matter how much one want to.” Azmuth said with a sad look.

“Would you, if you could?” Helix asked him before he then saw a familiar face that he recognized, but much younger.

“Still at work, Azmuth.” Zennith said as she walked up to Azmuth. “If I’ve know you’ve become obsess with it, I’d never have created that subatonic viewer view.”

“It enables us to gaze against the primal forces of the universe, Zennith.” Young Azmuth said as he turned to her. “How can you not want to harness it?”

“We had this discussing.” Zennith said to him before she gave a small smile. “And you’ve promised me an evening away from the lab.”

Young Azmuth sighed as he gave a smile in return. “You’re right, my love.” He said.

"The Zennith I met in dimension 22 said that you passed away, but she never mentioned that you both were lovers.” Helix mentioned to Azmuth. "And it really seems like you both were really close. What happened?"

“Let’s say, there was a bit of… disagreement with each other.” Amzuth said as the scene changed to where he and Zennith were having a picnic over Primus.

“Zennith, I still don’t know why you can’t see the possibility into tapping into the fondamental forces.” Young Azmuth said as he ate some berries.

"I'm just as intrigued as you are, but there are more important things than just tapping into forces that are beyond our control." Zennith replied.

“But we don’t control something, we don’t trully understand it.” Young Azmuth said with a frown.

“I understand you, Azmuth.” Zennith said with a small smile as she lifted Azmuth by the chin. “And I’m sure you’re beyond anyones control.” She added as she gave him a kiss on the cheeks, which made Azmuth smiled as the two laid on the blanket and watched the stars.

“Alright, Zennith. I’ll try things your way. Promise.” Young Azmuth promised as the two galvans smiled warmly at each other while Helix and Azmuth watches.

"I'm guessing you broke that promise, didn't you?" Helix asked him as Azmuth looked away in shame. "But why?"

"Oh look, those planets are in perfect synergy!" Zennith called out as she pointed to some planets in a straight line in the sky.

"Syner-what?" Helix questioned in confusion.

“It means alinment, all in a row.” Azmuth translated. “And I looked to the heavens, gazing at those glowing planets shimmering in a straight line, and all I could see was…” Then the scene changed back to the lab where there’s a floating sword.

“A sword?” Zennith asked in stunt.

“It’s perfect!” Young Azmuth said with a smile. “It could cleave right through reality, tap into the primal energies!”

"But Azmuth, you said you try things my way." Zennith reminded him. “And something like this is just too dangerous to even be used."

“I am trying things your way, Zennith.” Young Azimuth said. “I have created something that would have change the world for the better. To new point of views.”

“Azmuth, this isn’t what I meant.” Zennith said to him. “In the wrong hands, it could be perial to everyone.”

"Why can't you see the potential of what I saw?" Young Azimuth questioned her as he turned away from her while Zennith gave a sad look as she turned away.

“Well, that was stupid.” Helix commented before he realizes what he said. “Uh, no offense.” He quickly said.

“No. It’s okay, it’s the point to this whole thing. I was young and stupid to this very moment.” Azmuth said as he snapped his fingers to show him working on the sword.

“Zennith, it’s finally finished! Come see!” Young Azmuth said excitedly before he turned and saw that Zennith wasn’t there. “Zennith? Oh, I guess she must’ve left.” He said with a concern look befoe he shrug. “I’m sure she’ll be back.” He said as he went back to the sword.

“She didn’t come back, did she?” Helix asked with a sad look.

“No, she didn’t.” Azmuth said sadly.

“But I don’t get it, so you made a sword that could help others. Couldn’t she see that you were trying to make something to save lives?” Helix asked in confusion.

"I wish I could agree with you, but my invention ended up destroying lives." Azmuth told him. "And it started with the Fulmini."

"What's that, some sort of alien Italian dinner?" Helix questioned.

"The Fulmini are a race of aliens that have one goal in mind, to conquer other planets.” Azmuth told him. "You see, a warrior had learned about my sword and stole it in order to combat the Fulmini when they invaded his home planet. However, there was an unforeseen consequence when this Warrior fought them with my sword and the cosmic power of the sword with the energy of the Fulmini… perhaps it's best if I just show you.” He snapped his fingers and the two of them floated in space in front of two planets, one was bright yellow with tiny spots of green while the other was admitting blue energy.

“Whoa. Two planets side by side this close, Twilight would have a field day with this discovery.” Helix commented.

“Pay attention and watch what happens with the cosmic power of the sword mixed with Fulmini energy.” Azmuth said to him as Helix watches for a moment, but then afer a few minute, one of the plants exploded into million of pieces, which shocked Helix as he saw the sword was flying by ion the debris before it was caught by Young Azmuth in his ship.

“What have I done? How could I have done this?” Young Azmuth said to himself as he place his sword back into the ship.

“Zennith was right all along.” Azmuth said remorsefully. “After what I had witnessed, it only got worse from there. The Fulmini saw the potential of my sword and created weapons similar to it. They then started conquering more planets and it felt like the whole universe was going to come to an end. But I knew I had to do something, so after I turned myself into the plumbers, I gave them a way to stop the Fulmini and halt their conquering of the universe." He then snapped his fingers to show his younger self in front of two plumbers while a portal to the null void was opened.

"For assisting a dangerous race in conquering the universe and destroying an entire planet, Azmuth of the Galvan species, you are hereby sentence to banishment into the null void." One of the two plumbers told young Azmuth as he hung his head down in shame. “Do you have any final requests before your departure?"

"I do." Young Azmuth replied before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device. “Please find and give this to a female Galvan who goes by the name Zennith. She'll understand what's on it." Azmuth then snapped his fingers again before the two were back in his laboratory in the null void.

"They were the blueprints for the Omnitrix, weren't they?” Helix asked him as Azmuth went over to his computer and pulled up said blueprints for the Omnitrix, only it looked like the Omnitrix that Twilight 22 showed him before her Omnitrix was recalibrated. “Wait, in another dimenison, another Omnitrix user showed me something similar to how her Omnitrix used to look like? How is it that this one is much different than the others?”

“This was one of my earlier prototypes of the Omnitrix.” Azmuth answered. “What you’re wearing seemed to be a finished version. Looks like my love have done some magic of her own to create it.” He said with a small smile. "I gave her the blueprints in hopes of one day she'll forgive me. For you see, the Omnitrix is meant to bring the universe together, allowing the user to walk a mile in another alien race's shoes. But it would seem that the Universe only sees the Omnitrix as a means of ruling over other planets, such as Vilgax for example."

"Yeah, I kind of saw how he planned to use the Omnitrix when he captured me and tried to literally cut it off my hoof." Helix mentioned before the two of them saw blue sparks coming off the Omnitrix. "What was that?"

“Let me check.” Azmuth said as he inspected the Omnitrix for a brief moment as it gave off another spark, which he recognized as his eyes widen. “This is Fulmini energy. The race I’ve told you about. How did it get on the Omnitrix?”

“I don’t know. The only blue energy I saw was from Prowers and Vilgax when they attacked me.” Helix said in defense. “I think some of that energy must’ve entered the watch.”

“You mean Vilgax and his comrade is using Flumini power to attack you?” Azmuth asked in dread. “That is bad.”

"What do you mean?" Helix asked before the Omnitrix spoke.

"Unknown DNA sample acquired." The holographic ring popped up on its own and showed a new alien icon.

“Wait, I got a new alien?” Helix asked in surprise before he smiled. “That’s awesome!”

“No, it’s not. This is the kinda species I wanted to avoid.” Azmuth said in dread. “This is a Flumini form, the kind I didn’t want to be put in into the Omnitrix.”

“Why not? Oh, right, because of your bad history with them.” Helix said with a cringed look.

"And what's worse, Vilgax has managed to find the artifact they have created." Azmuth added. "That's how you got the DNA sample. If the Fulmini receives the signal from the Omnitrix, your world will be in mortal danger for they can enter through the Omnitrix and invade your planet."

"Well, can't you stop it?" Helix asked him.

"I might be able to go inside Omnitrix and block the signal before it can transmit to the Fulmini home planet." Azmuth told him before the monitors beeped. He quickly went up to it and saw some footage of both Vilgax and Powers riding on the backs of Null-Guardians heading their way. "And it would seem they picked up on the signal as well."

"Okay, you go in the watch and do the whole single block thing while I hold them off." Helix told him. “Uh, two things, one, how do you enter the watch anyway, and two, how can I fight them without the watch?”

“You can still use the Omnitrix to hold them off, I’ll try and block the signal inside.” Azmuth answered before turning to Helix. “And for how am I gonna go in, it’s a simple tap, tap.” He said as he then tapped onto the core twice before he was sucked into the Omnitrix in a flash, which shocked Helix from that. “Well, what are you waiting for? Put on the Omnitrix and defend yourself.” Azmuth spoke through the Omnitrix as it flashes green when he speaks.

"Wow, you seriously need to make a manual for this thing.” Helix mentioned before he quickly put on the watch and stopped for a moment to think. Just then the ceiling of the laboratory was ripped apart as both Vilgax and Powers found him.

“Hah! Found you, you little twerp!” Powers called with a smirk.

"Now surrender the Omnitrix and we might spare your life.” Vilgax told Helix.

“Tempting offer, but I've got a counter proposal for you.” Helix told them as he dialed up the Fulmini icon before pressing the two buttons and slamming down on the corner. As he was transforming, electric blue energy traveled from the Omnitrix and covered his entire body as he felt a surge of power coursing through him. Soon rocks started to form on his arms, legs, and upper body before breaking apart to reveal rock-like armor and a rock-like face helmet. “Whoa! So this is what a Fulmini is like? Neat.” He said.

“Impossible!” Vilgax yelled with a shocked look. “No Fulmini could have its DNA in the Omnitrix!”

“Nah, that’s just the reality of things when you send that energy into the Omnitrix to give it to this new guy.” He said with a smirk before he had an idea. “Maybe I should call this dude, Shockrock!”

"Whatever you're calling yourself, you are still going down!" Powers declared before he leaped off his Null-Guardian and tackled Shockrock. Shockrock clenched his fist before delivering a powerful punch to Powers' face and sent him flying back. “What?!”

“Wow, now that’s a power punch.” Shockrock said as Vilgax glared at him before he drew his sword and charged at him, but Shockrock glared at him as he raised his arm up an created an energy sword, which blocked Vilgax’s. “Yeah, I’ve learned a few things from an old friend.” He said as the two clashed swords with each other before Shockrock punched Vilgax in the gut and sent a few blows that sent him flying as well.

Powers then flew forward and fired diamond shards at Shockrocks, which he deflected with a sword and sent one back at Powers, which hit him in the shoulder as he cried in pain as Shockrock charged at him and sliced his sword at Powers, which electrocuted him before Shockrock then slashed at him a couple of times that send Powers flying.

“I’m starting to see why this alien species tried to rule the universe.” Shockrock said as he then charged at Vilgax and formed a second weapon, which the two arch-enemies clashed Vilgax tried to block, but he kept getting punched back. Vilgax growled as he raised his Fulmini arm and then fired a beam at Shockrock, who absorbed the blast.

Shockrock then noticed some electricity flowing out of him. “Whoa! Too much power!” He called as Vilgax and Powers looked at him with wide eyes. “Here goes nothing!” He called as he then brought his hands close and formed an energy ball. “It’s hero time!” He called as he then shot a big powerful beam at the two enemies.

The two of them got hit with the energy ball as they were sent flying far back. “I'm guessing from the sounds of that explosion, you managed to defeat the two?" Azmuth asked.

"Yeah, and now I'm getting out of here before they have a chance to recover." Shockrock replied. "By the way, when this is all over you're coming with me back to my world."

I can’t. I belong here for causing so much trouble in the universe.” Azmuth reminded him.

“Look, Azmuth, I don’t care what you did. You were only trying to help others. You didn’t know this could happen.” Shockrock told him as he jumped from one stone to another. “Look, I may be a kid, but I have friends and family who would understand you. I mean, you only wanted to bring peace. And what about Zennith? If you think she doesn’t care about you anymore, she wouldn’t have created the Omnitrix in the first place.”

There was a bit of silence for a moment before Azmuth finally replied. “Perhaps you're right, but before we go, do me a favor and destroy my laboratory. We can't have Vilgax recreate his own Omnitrix. Especially with the DNA samples that are in the null void."

“No problem, little buddy.” Shockrock said before he turned and shot a powerful blast at Azmuth’s lab, which destroyed his research and everything in it as it exploded. “There. Now to find a way out of the null void before these guys…” He was cut off when Powers tried to tackle him, but he quickly transformed into Jetray and flew off. “Well, I spoke too soon! Gotta fly!” He called as he flew off at high speed.

In Equestria, the others are all waiting in by the portal while looking uneasy. “I hope the dears get back safe.” Rarity said in concern.

“I’m more concerned about what they’ll see in there.” Gallus commented.

“Let’s hope they make it back okay with Helix.” Hope said before the null void projector started frizzing out.

“What’s happening?!” Yona asked in shock.

“We don’t know! I think it’s overheating!” Dust called as she and Delta worked on the protector as they spoke through their comms to the others. “Kids! Venus! Something’s gone screwy with the projector!”

"We don't know how much longer we can keep the portal open for now!" Delta added as he was able to stabilize the beam. “You have to get out now!"

"Not without Helix!" Helen told them before they heard a loud boom echoing in the distance.

"Did that sound familiar to you?" Attea asked the others before a familiar red flying manta ray crashed into her, Helen, and Zs'spoocy when flew right at them.

“Whoa!” Manny called as he, Venus, and Ocellus looked surprised by the blur before it came back to them, revealing it to be Jetray.

“Guys?!” Jetray asked with a joyful smile. “Am I glad to see you all!” He said as he hugged the girls in joy, which caused them to blush as they returned the hug.

“We’re glad you’re okay, Helix.” Ocellus said as she, Manny, and Venus got into the group hug before they broke it.

“The portal’s closing!” Zs'spoocy called as he showed him the watch of the portal’s location. “We have to get out of here now!” She called as they saw a creature coming out of a crater as they screamed and quickly flew away from it.

“And fast! Because this place is crazy!” Manny exclaimed before Azmuth came out of the Omnitrix.

"If you avoid the rocks with the craters, you should be fine!" He told the group as they were stunned to see him.

"Uh, Helix, Greymatter just jumped out of the watch and he's like super old now." Attea pointed out.

“Long story, right now, we gotta go!” Jetray called as they flew in the direction of the portal while avoiding the rocks with crater but then appearing from the side was a giant serpent-like alien as they quickly scattered to avoid it.

"And that is why I told you to avoid the ones with the craters!" Azmuth told them.

“Well, don’t worry your little head old timer, we’re almost there!” Manny called as they were closer to the portal that was just ahead of them.

“We’re home free now!” Helen called out.

But then suddenly, Powers appeared and grabbed Helen and Attea while the null guardian grabbed. “Going somewhere without your old pal Powers?” Powers taunted as Helen and Attea grabbed their blasters, but Powers used his Spidermonkey arms to block the shots and crush their weapons, which made the girls scream in pain.

“Kids? Venus? What’s going on?!” Delta called out when they heard the girls scream.

“Kids?! Venus!” Hope called out in concern.

“Let them go!” Jetray threatened as he ready his laser eyes while Manny, Venus, Ocellus, and Zs’spoocy ready themselves. “Or we’ll--”

“Or you’ll what?” Vilgax questioned as he came up behind him.

“Or I’ll take control of you!” Zs’spoocy called as she flew straight towards Vilgax, but when she was about to possess him, she was shockingly bounced off when she tried to. “That shouldn’t happen!”

“Fool, you think I wasn’t prepared for your kind?!” Vilgax taunted as his arm glowed and grabbed Zs’spoocy by the throat when she tried to phase out.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to touch me!” Zs’spoocy cried out in shock.

“I am not intimidated.” Vilgax sneered as he started shocking Zs’spoocy, causing her to scream before he stopped as he turned to Jetray. “Now, what is your next move, Helix?” He questioned.

Jetray looked around for a momente between him and Powers as he knew that they were outnumbered with the Null-Guardians backing them up. Jeray soon landed on a floating rock before he transformed back into Helix. "Let them go and you can have this dumb watch!" He called out as he raised his hoof with the Omnitrix on it.

"What are you doing?!" Azmuth questioned with shock.

"Don't do it!" Helen called out.

"Do we have a deal or not? Helen, Attea, and Zs'spoocy for the Omnitrix!" Helix exclaimed.

“Helix, don’t! They’ll rule the universe with the Omnitrix!” Ocellus exclaimed.

“And you can’t trust them!” Manny yelled before a laser beam nearly shot them as the null guardians surrounded him, Ocellus, and Venus.

“Stay out of this!” Vilgax yelled before he looked Powers and nodded.

"Azmuth, do you think you can lock the Omnitrix on my DNA so it only works for me?" Helix whispered quietly to him.

Azmuth realizes what Helix is saying as he nods. “Why, yes. Of course.” He whispered as he quickly went behind Helix just as Powers and Vilgax landed in front of them as Azmuth fiddled with the Omnitrix very quickly before it flashed a bit before he hid in Helix’s wings before the two bad guys came up to him as Helix reached his hoof out as Vilgax and Powers lowered the girls before Vilgax got his claws on the Omnitrix.

Helix and the girls looked at each other for a moment as they all shared warm smiles, but then Powers tossed Helen and Attea away as he punched Helix to the ground before he stepped on his hoof next to the Omnitrix and took out a device and slammed it on top of the Omnitrix.

Security measures engaged.” The Omnitrix said as it generated a feedback field that pushed the device back and knocked Powers back a bit, but he fought against the feedback. He then slammed it on the ground above the Omnitrix as Helix screamed in pain as the Omntrix started switching icons frantically.

The device then shot a port onto the Omnitrix, causing Helix to scream in agony while Vilgax watched while Powers smirked as the device then started removing the Omnitrix from his hoof, which bringing some of his fur and skin with it as Helix had tears of pain coming out. He saw the Omnitrix get completely off his hoof before it was sucked into the device and put into a sphere as Power tossed the device away and took the sphere that contains the Omnitrix.

"Man, are you okay?" Manny asked when the Null Guardians finally let them pass.

“Can't believe you sacrificed your powers to save three of us." Venus mentioned with disbelief.

"Well the Omnitrix will be useless to them now that I locked its DNA with its previous wearer." Azmuth told them before he looked towards Vilgax. "Not even you'll be able to crack that code."

“Cracking the code combination is child’s play.” Vilgax said. “But I have a better use for it if I can’t use it for myself.”

“But who says you’re ever getting it?” Powers questioned as he hopped into his Null-Guardian and took off with Vilgax quickly jumping on his and following behind.

"Helix!" Helen and Attea called out as they flew by and picked them up as the group chased the two down.

"Hey Powers, I thought you wanted revenge on me!" Helix called out with a brow.

“I figure leaving you stuck in here with your arch-enemy is still pretty sweet.” Powers said with a smirk as he looked at the Omnitrix. “And if I can absorb this watch’s power to take over Equestria, even sweeter!” He exclaimed.

Back in Equestria, the null void projector then short-circuited as it started shorting out and the portal started shrinking. “The portal is collasping!” Flash exclaimed.

“Kids, Venus, get out before it’s too late!” Applejack yelled out loud through the portal while Delta and Dust tried to keep the portal together, but failed.

Back inside the Null Void, Vilgax managed to catch up with Powers before jumping and tackling him off his Null-Guardian. "I told you before I take orders from no one!” Powers exclaimed as he beat on Vilgax to get him off before Vilgax tossed him away. He tried to reach for the pod containing Omnitrix before the group flew in and Helix quickly grabbed it.

"Got, now let's get out of here!" He exclaimed as the group flew towards the portal that was slowly shrinking.

"Go where?" Vilgax questioned as he and Powers were back on their Null-Guardians as they blocked the way forward. "Back to your miserable dimension? First, the Omnitrix!"

"Guys, I'm going to toss it so he'll go after it." Helix whispered to the others.

"But what about your powers?" Venus questioned.

"It's nowhere near as important as getting us back home, plus he won't be able to do anything if he's stuck here forever. Trust me." Helix told them.

"His instincts and intuition haven't been wrong so far." Azmuth told the others.

"Okay, do it man." Manny told Helix as he nodded in response before he climbed onto Manny's back.

"Okay Vilgeek, you want the Omnitrix? Then go get it!" Helix exclaimed as he tossed the pod far into the null void. As Vilgax chased after it, Helix looked at Powers with a smirk. "And if you want me, come and get me!" He called out as he dropped down onto a floating piece of rock.

“Helix!” The others cried out.

“Trust me! I know what I’m doing!” Helix called out. “Just go!” He called as Powers came up to him with a laugh as the others quickly entered the portal. Powers was about to stab him with a shard dagger, but Helix dodged it and stepped on his face as he quickly jumped from rock to rock while Powers flew after him. Powers used every power he could use to try and hit Helix as he dodged each blast before he flew straight into the portal before it closed. Powers yelled as he tried to follow, but it closed before he could get through.

Soon Helix came through the portal just before it closed as Pinkie Pie pulled them all in for a group hug. “Group hug! Everyone’s back!” She cheered as the others quickly huddled around the young heroes and gave joyful hugs to them.

“You’re all okay!” Twilight cheered in huge relief.

“We’re so glad you’re all back!” Delta added as they then broke the hug.

“Well, mostly back,” Helen said sadly as Helix looked at his hoof where the Omnitrix was.

"What happened to the watch?" Misty asked him.

"He sacrificed to save me and Helen before he threw it deep into the null void." Attea answered before she and Helen gave him a loving hug.

“Oh, Helix…” Flash said as they all looked at him in sympathy.

“It’s okay, guys. I was cocky and abused my powers instead of being responsible.” Helix said in sorrow. “I should’ve been more mature to only use the Omnitrix if things go wrong. But, at least we got something out of being the null void.” He said with a small smile.

“And what’s that?” Spike asked before Helix brought out Azmuth. “A Greymatter who is old?”

“Everyone, meet Azmuth, the true creator design behind the Omnitrix.” Helix introduced, which shocked them, more so to Delta and Dust.

“Wait, Azmuth?” Delta asked in shock.

“Why hello Delta and Dust. It’s been a long time.” Azmuth greeted.

"Yeah, you still need to explain about that." Manny told Helix.

"Yeah, right after I take this back." Helix mentioned as he reached behind Manny and grabbed a familiar pod from his utility belt.

“Wait, the Omnitrix?!” Rainbow asked in shock as the others are shock by this as well.

“But, we saw you threw it away!” Venus said in shock.

“Oh, please. You think I’m that dump to throw the Omnitrix away in the null void where the worst of the worst would try and take it and abuse it?” Helix questioned with a smirk.

“So, what did you throw away in the null void that Vilgax went after?” Attea asked while Helix kept his smirk.

In the null void, Vilgax jumped after the sphere that Helix threw into a crater before he caught it and landed on a rock. “The Omnitrix is finally mine!” He exclaimed victorious before the sphere started beeping, and looked at it before it opened up to reveal one of Manny’s bombs that Helix threw, shocking Vilgax as it exploded, but he was unfazed by the blast as he stood there. “NOOOOOO!!!!” He yelled in rage that he was tricked and was now trapped in the Null Void as he slouched in defeat as Powers flew in above him.

“Nice job, squid-head. You blew it for both of us!” Powers retorted before they looked down and saw a giant alien creature roaring after them as the two made their escape.

Meanwhile, the pod soon opened up as the Omnitrix came out and glowed brightly. Helix lifted up his hoof as the Omnitrix reattached itself to him while images of his aliens flashed as he felt a power surge coursing through him. After the flash, Helix kept his hoof up as the Omnitrix was now back in place as it gave off a small smoke from the reattachment. “Now that’s more like it.” Helix said with a smile.

“Okay, I gotta admit cous, that was pretty clever.” Misty admitted with an impressive smile.

“I’ll admit, youngling, that was quick thinking on using a grenade to lure Vilgax into thinking you threw away the Omnitrix.” Azmuth said with a proud smile.

"Yeah, that's what a hero does.” Helix said with a proud smile of his own before Azmuth jumped on his hoof.

"But I should let you know that I zeroed out the master control when I programmed the Omnitrix to only be used by you, you're not ready for that kind of power just yet." He told him. "But for finally defeating Vilgax and locking him inside the null void, I believe an award is earned." He then pressed a few buttons before the Omnitrix blinked and a holographic image of his aliens appeared above the faceplate before ten more appeared next to them.

“Sweet! New aliens!” Helix said with a smile. “Thank you, Azmuth.” He said to the galvan.

“Anytime, kid.” Azmuth said before looking at the group. “Though, I must say, this is quite a crowd you have here.”

"Mom, Dad, Azmuth told me about everything that happened in his past, and I think if he came up with the idea for the Omnitrix to bring the universe together, I think his sentence has been long enough." Helix mentioned.

Delta and Dust thought for a moment before they nodded their heads and turned to them. “Well, I think Azmuth has already been through enough.” Dust said.

“As long as he joins us for the road, we’ll consider him a free Galvan.” Delta said.

“Yes!” Helix cheered as Azmuth gave a grateful smile before Helix looked down at him. “Welcome to the club, Azmuth!”

“Heh, this will be an interesting new life.” Azmuth said as they all started cheering, not only did they trapped Vilgax and Powers in the Null Void, but they also freed the creator of the Omnitrix as they have a new friend and member of the team as their summer vaction just got more and more interesting.

Author's Note:

Got the idea for the Fulmini artifact from the fan made video on YouTube:

Now my next question for all of you is which 10 aliens should we give Helix now that he has new ones?

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