• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 18: Fight or Fall

In a metal field, the mobile base was knocked on its side as most of the group was knocked out cold. Outside, both Manny and Gax were thrown back as Helen and Attea check to see if they were all right while Ocellus and her armor crashed next to them. "You all are one sorry site, squared head!" A familiar voice shouted with anger.

"That's Gax to you, and speaking of sorry sites, when's the last time you looked in a mirror Powers?!" He questioned as they all glared at Powers who have come back for payback.

"We knew you managed to survive that fall and that blast, but we didn't think you were dumb enough to actually come after us again." Manny mentioned as he and Ocellus stood up from the crash.

“Diss me all you want, guys.” Powers said as he gave them a glare. “I’m still ten times better than Helix! I got all his powers, plus my own! I’m Powers 11!” HE called as he shot his Diamondhead arm and shards shot out, which Gax caught one of them while some shattered on him on impact while Manny and Ocellus blocked them.

“Too bad each one of those is only a tenth as power as mine!” Gax said while crushing the shard in his hand. Powers then shot some goop right out of his mouth and right onto his face. "Ew! Rarity was right, this stuff is disgusting!" With him blinded by the goop, powers flew in and tackled Gax as he shot lines of web to the other four and pulled them into the air when he flew up.

He then threw them at one of the windmills as they tore it down when they crashed into it. Powers smirked when he thought he got them before he saw both Manny and Gax holding the blades of the windmills before they threw it right at him.

Power got hit as he crashed into the ground as he then glared at Manny, Gax, Helen, Attea, and Ocellus, who glared back as they charged at each other. But before they could fight, a red flash dived over them as the six vanished.

The others got out of their mobile base when they recovered before they saw some smoke. “Helix? Manny? Ocellus? Helen? Attea? Where'd they all go?” Flash asked in concern as they looked for any signs of them and Powers.

The same beam of light that made Gax disappear flashed in some sort of unknown location as he reappeared and was able to move when it vanished. "What the, what just happened?" He asked himself as he looked around. "Manny? Ocellus? Attea? Helen? Where am I?”

Presenting our newest challenger from planet Equis!” A male voice anounced d as the lights turned on to reveal he is surrounded by walls while the audience started cheering.

“Challenger?” Gax questioned as he looked around before a drone came up behind him as he backed away from it. “Easy now. You look upset.” He said as the drone drew its wrist blades and tried to strike him, but Gax dodged as he grabbed the blades.

The drone then drew two more from its shoulder as Gax stepped back and avoided the strikes as the audience kept cheering, which showed three more arenas with Manny, Ocellus, and Powers in each one fighting the same robot. The robot managed to swing its blade right at Gax before he quickly used his right arm to unravel and used tentacles to grab its blade and rip it right off. He blocked another strike with his arms, which pushed him back.

“Time to play can opener.” Gax said as he charged at the robot and ripped its legs, which tilted to the ground as the crowd started cheering again.

In a monitor room, an alien with multiple eyes is watching Gax’s fight as he gets an interesting look. “This one has spirit.” He said.

"Whoa man, if you wanted to play slice and dice, do it in the kitchen!" Manny shouted at the robot he was fighting before jumping back from one of its blades. He the used his four arms to grab the blades and ripped them out. “That’s it! Smile for me!” He called as he then swung the blades around, which chopped the drone down as it collapsed and the crowd cheered.

“This one has brawns.” The alien said after seeing Manny fight.

Meanwhile, Ocellus hovered above the robot that was swinging its blades at her. "For a very high-tech machine, you're not very bright.” She told it before she transformed both her arms into blasters and started rapid firing at it.

“This one is clever and quick.” The alien said again while seeing Ocellus fight off the robot as it exploded after so many shots.

Helen managed to zip around the robot to avoid its blades before coming up to it and kicking It multiple times before jumping back. “Okay, can’t we just go one day without something snatching us?!” Helen questioned as she kept moving fast while avoiding the blades while using her speed to take out the components and screws as the robot broke into many pieces. She then heard the crowd cheered as she rubbed her head with a small blush.

“This one is quite fast.” The alien said after seeing Helen.

Attea was keeping her distance from the robot attacking her while firing at it. It thrusted its blade right at her before she jumped up to avoid it and landed on top of it. She then showed acrobatics as she continued to fire at the robot. "Just like the training simulation back at the base." She said with a smoke smile before firing at one of its legs. Once it was done on one leg, she took aim right towards its head and blew it right off with one blast as the crowd cheered for her success.

"This one is very agile." The alien said after seeing how Attea fights.

"You want a piece of me?!" Powers challenged the robot he was fighting as he used his Diamondhead arm to block an attack before punching it back. "I eat wimps like you for breakfast!” He called as he opened his jaw, which was Spidermonkey’s teeth as he bite down on the robot’s head and tossed it ot the wall as it kept going. “You want some more?!” He yelled as he used XLR8 speed and ripped one of the armblades off and sliced it and break it down as the robot exploded.

The crowd then cheered to Powers as he smirked and waved to the crowd.

“Sadistic, cruel, merciless… true gladiator material.” The alien said after seeing how powerful Powers is while turning towards Gax.

He was holding the robot up with just one arm that was unraveled into tentacles before the Omnitrix on his chest beeped red any time down. When he transformed back into Helix, the robot fell to the floor as the crowd gasped in shock at what they just saw.

The robot then stood up as it advanced towards Helix as he rushed off. “Did I mention that I didn’t wanna fight!?” He called as he tried to avoid the blades. “Should’ve paid more attention at Twilight 22’s notes to find the combination for instant recharge!” He called as he dodged another blade.

“An equine youngling?” The alien questioned in surprise after seeing Helix transformed.

Helix quickly bobbed and weaved to dodge the blades of the robots before the robot tripped and up and he fell to the ground next to the arm blade he ripped off earlier. Helix then saw the robot about to jump on him before he quickly grabbed the blade and stabbed it right through the chest. The robot short circled as it shut down and the crowd started cheering him again as Helix noticed him after taken some breath.

“Resourceful, and a crowd pleaser.” the alien said while seeing how Helix took down the robot without any abilities. “I’ll make a handsome profit for them.” He said with interest.

Soon the walls of the Arena that surrounded each of them went down before they saw one other. “Helix! Guys!” Helen called as they all regrouped.

“Boy, am I glad to know you all are okay.” Manny said in relief.

“Yeah, but uh, I don’t think we’re alone.” Attea said nervously as they pointed behind them as they turned and saw Powers standing tall behind the flames.

“You!” Helix said with a glare as Powers walked up to them.

“What is up with sending me to this freaky place?” Powers questioned as he slammed his fist down, but the heroes jumped to avoid them.

"Why would you think we brought you here?!" Helix questioned.

“We were just as surprise to be here as well!” Manny added.

“If you losers didn’t, then who did?” Powers questioned as he was about to hit them before the same beam of light covered them and they suddenly vanished.

They appeared in an open room as they dodged Powers’ punched as they felt shiver up their spines. “Okay. I definitely do not like that.” Attea said with shudders.

“What was that?” Ocellus asked before some guards with a staff got between the heroes and Powers. “And who are they?”

"I don't know but-Gah!" Attea grunted when one of them stabbed one end of its staff and placed some sort of broach onto her chest. The same happened to Helen, Helix, Manny, and Powers while the tag was placed on Ocellus’ armor.

"Hey, back off!" Powers shouted as he was about to attack one of the guards before they pressed a button on their wrists as the brooch on him lit up and he felt a surge of electricity course through him.

The others felt the same pain as they groaned and fell to the floor as the guards left. “Where are we?” Helen questioned as they looked out the window and saw their home planet in the distance. “Sorry I asked.”

“We’re in space.” Manny said in shock.

"And these things they placed on us are shock collars." Attea mentioned with a worried tone.

"Whatever is going on, we need to find a way to get out of here and back to our home." Helix told the others.

“This is your home now.” A voice said as the group turned and saw a group of aliens sitting down miserably while wearing the same shock collars. “Escape is impossible.”

“We have all been taken from our native worlds and forced to fight for our lives for the entertainment of the galaxy.” The second alien said sadly.

"How long have you all been here?" Ocellus asked them.

“Long enough to know that we don’t wanna fight anymore.” A third alien said sadly before Powers grabbed Helix and pinned him to a wall.

“This is all your fault!” Powers yelled.

“How can this be my fault?!” Helix questioned as Powers used his Diamondhead arm to form a dagger.

“I don’t know. It just is.” Powers growled before the two were shocked again and were pushed away from each other.

"Well, they obviously don't want any fighting in this cell or whatever this is." Manny mentioned before a pole with a light came down that blinks red. "What does that mean?"

“It means it's Meal Time.” One of the aliens answered as some seats behind Helix extended out before a bunch of trays folded out of the walls. Then coming out from the ceiling are purple slop as the aliens begin eating their respective slop while Helix and his friends feel disgust.

“Ugh. Thanks?” Helen said in disgust.

“But, we already had purple slop for lunch.” Helix added while giving a disgusted look at the food.

"You all should eat before both Teknorg and Glna demand their offerings." One of the aliens advised them.

"Who are they?" Attea asked before they heard loud stomping coming their way. The aliens quickly got out of their seats and kneeled down as the others saw what looked to be a female Fourarms with braided black hair and scars on her arms while she was wearing gold and black armor. The other appeared to be a buffer alien with robotic legs while his left arm is replaced with a robotic one and a mace as the aliens gave a bow.

“The region champions.” The alien whispered to them. “It would be wise to show them respect.” He advised.

Helix and the others bow as well as Glna and Tecknorg then start eating the prisoners' food one by one while tossing their trays away after crushing them. Powers decided to pull a prank as he used his XLR8 tail to pick up Helix's tray before throwing it in both of Glna and Tecknorg faces. "Wow, major disrespect here." Powers said before pointing at Helix. "You both really going to take that from him?"

Technorg then grabbed Helix and brought him up. “You shouldn’t have done that, you little worm.” Glna said to Helix with a venomous tone.

“Look, I don’t wanna…” Helix was cut off when steam came out from his robotic limbs.

“Hey! Put him down!” Helen yelled as she, Ocellus, Manny, and Attea stood in front of them.

“If you got a problem with our friend, you got a problem with us.” Manny said as he cracked his knuckles.

“If you say so.” Technorg said before he tossed Helix, who sent him flying across the table and into a wall as the others then turned before Glna delivered a four-handed punch towards their faces that sent them flying back next to Helix. Powers gave an amusing chuckle at that as the two Champions approached the five.

"Okay, she really knows how to throw a punch." Manny groaned as he rubbed his jaw.

"I did tell the females of your species are traditionally stronger." Attea reminded him.

"So if it's a fight they want, then it's a fight they'll get!” Helix declared as he activated his Omnitrix and transformed into Overflow as he blasted the two with a powerful stream of water.

“These younglings are full of surprises.” The alien said after monitoring them. “Bring them to me.” He ordered as a beam washed over Helix and his team.

And then in another room, the heroes and Powers appeared as the guards then pinned them down with their staffs. “Hey!” Powers yelled.

“What’s going on?!” Ocellus cried out as they turned to a shadowy figure.

"Welcome, I am Slix Vigma." The alien introduced himself behind a glowing wall. "This is the Mega Cruiser. Everything that is on this ship belongs to me, including all of you."

"Yeah right, kind of belong to anyone, you sark!" Powers insulted before one of the guards activated his shock collar.

"Heh, maybe he didn't get it right the first time, shock him again!" Manny asked the guard with an amusing chuckle but got no response. "It was worth a shot."

"I speak, you listen." Slix told them. "You see, these eyes see everything on this ship and these hands control everything on this ship and I decide that each of your relationships will make you all an entertaining team in the arena."

"What does he mean by that?" Helen questioned before they saw some energy shackles as the guards as a pair hooked up one to Attea and Helen’s legs, one onto Manny and Ocellus, and one onto Overflow and Powers. “Oh, that.”

“No! I’m not going around tied to this loser!” Powers yelled as he stood up with Overflow.

"Funny, I was going to see the same thing about you, Mister ugly face!" Overflow yelled back before both of them got shocked.

“What just happened?” Attea asked in shock.

“Each of your fates are now linked.” Slix said to them. “If one of either of you should happen to expire, the shackles will ensure the other does as well.” He explained. “Now, your next opponents awaits.” He said as the group was hit by a flash of beam.

The group appeared in the arena again as the crowd was cheering before they turned and saw Technorg and Glna in front of them. “There’s only room for two champions here. Us.” Glna said firmly as she and Technorg then charged at them.

Helen quickly speeds out of the way as she accidentally dragged Attea across the ground while Ocellus flew up with Manny. Powers and Overflow tried to run in different directions, but forgot about the shackles on their legs before Technorg grabbed both of them and tackled them to the ground. Glna jumped high and grabbed Manny by the leg before throwing both him and Ocellus right at Helen.

“Nice move, morons.” Powers complained.

“Will you stop blaming, Powers?” Manny questioned. “These are all our problems.” He said before each group were grabbed by their shackles and were spun around before crashing into the wall as the Omnitrix timed out and Helix transformed back.

"Helix!" Both Helen and Attea called out before Glna grabbed their shackles and spun them around a few times just before she threw them right at Powers and Helix.

“Great, now I’m stuck with a couple of dead weights.” Powers complained as Ocellus and Manny were tossed at them. “But not for long.” He said with a smirk as he grabbed Helix and held him up, but before he could do anything, Powers got shocked as he and Helix fell to the ground.

“Remember the whole ‘your fates are now linked’ speech?” Helix questioned power with a look. “It was only, like, two minutes ago.”

"By the way, warn me next time you decide to run away!" Attea yelled at Helen.

"Sorry, I panicked." Helen said sheepishly.

“Ocellus, try not to fly since I don’t have rocketboots!” Manny stated as Ocellus nodded.

“Sure.” Ocellus said as Technorg and Glna jumped over them with their fists/mace raised as they quickly ducked out of the way as they were sent flying. “Guys, we are so not trained for this.”

“You think?” Powers questioned as the two champions rushed at them, which made Helen hold Attea and Ocellus to grab Manny as the two pairs took off while Powers ran while dragging Helix from the ground as Helix screamed with the two champions chasing them around the arena until they stopped.

“Powers! You’re hurting Helix!” Attea yelled as she and her friends glared at Powers.

“Oh, gee, I’m sorry.” Powers mocked with a teasing smirk. “Did that hurt?” He stopped when Technorg and Glna faced them. Helix quickly grabbed the tether of the shackles as the two Champions charged at them before running around and tripping them up. This caused the two to fall right on top of Powers as he looked up and glared at Helix. "You did that on purpose!"

"Well, duh." Helix replied with a smug smile before the crowd started to boo.

“Boos? No one boos Technorg and Glna.” Technorg said firmly as he raised his arm and more steam came out. “Technorg and Glna are champions!”

“How about we get some distance between us and them while they’re distracted?” Ocellus suggested nervously.

“Agreed.” Her friends, san Powers, said as they rushed off, but Helix tripped and fell to the floor.

“You guys aren’t the boss of me, puke bags.” Powers said with a smirk.

"Now's not the time to be like this…" Manny growled at him. "One of them is very strong."

"So we're going to need to work out a plan to survive." Ocellus told him.

"Which means we're all going to need to work together." Helix added.

“Why would I want to work with you five?” Powers questioned. “Helix’s useless and you guys can’t even work out the balancing act.” He said as he turned to the two champions. “I’ll take care of these goofs myself.” He said as he stood up and shot out goop from his mouth, which hit the two champions on the back and shot Diamondhead shards at them.

“Was that supposed to be a tickle?” Glna questioned as she and Technorg walked up to them as Powers kept shooting shards at them, but they kept being bounced off. “Keep trying.”

"You were saying?" Attea asked with a brow sarcastically before Powers tried shooting more of his powers at the two but didn't slow them down. Helix then saw something when a bit of Heatblast fire hit a puddle of Goop's slime on the floor.

"Hey, that might work." He muttered before he looked at Powers. "Shoot some Goop slime at them then a few Heatblast fireballs."

"Why would I do that?" He questioned him.

“Just do it! Trust me!” Helix called as Powers turned and shot more Goop slime and then shot a fireball as it hit both champions and the combination made an explosion that sent them flying as the crowd cheered.

“Cool.” Powers said with a smirk.

“Wait, I get it!” Attea said with a smile. “If Powers use his powers in combinations, they make up for not being full strength!” She said.

“Which makes sense since each of his powers is only a tenth of their potential.” Ocellus theorizes.

"Okay, what else you got in mind?" Manny asked Helix.

"Well, let's try some XLR8 speed, plus Fourarms strength, Overflow's strong exoskeleton, plus Diamondhead vulnerability would equal…" Helix listed out as he climbed on top of Powers.

“One mean punch!” Powers said with a smirk as Technorg and Glna stood up as Powers sped at them and combined the abilities Helix listed out as the two champions charged at him. Powers then hit them, which they skid to a stop as they turned to each other as Glna yelled as she held her arm in pain while Technorg’s mace arm fell off.

“Ahh! That really hurts!” Glna yelled in pain while holding her arm.

“It’s about to hurt even more.” Powers said as he charged at them again and delivered another punch that sent them flying as they fell to the ground out cold as the crowd cheered loudly.

"Presenting our newest champions!" An announcer declared as Powers flared his arms up.

“Oh, yeah! That’s right! Who’s bad!” Powers bragged.

“Dude, don’t milk it.” Manny said dully before they turned and saw Slix in his hologram form.

“Now, finish them off.” Slix said while gesturing to Technorg and Glna.

“What?!” Attea yelled in shock.

“Gladly.” Powers said with a smirk.

“Powers, no! Don’t do that!” Helen pleaded as she and the others walked in front of Powers to block his path. “You can’t just kill them!”

"Who asked you?" Powers asked sarcastically before he knocked them all away and was about to finish the two. Helix however was not going to let that happen as he tugged on the shackles to make his foot skid back a bit. "That's it! You're dead, again!” He yelled as he grabbed Helix and tossed him aside as he was about to punch him, but he and Helix were both shocked as the guards grabbed them as Slix appeared again.

“Mercy? What a novel concept.” Slix commented. “Prepare for galactic hyper jump to the next galaxy. I need to recruit some new blood worthy of our champions."

Soon the six of them returned to the cell where the aliens kneeled down to them. "Finally, about time I get some respect around here." Powers bragged before they saw both Technorg and Glna standing in front of them.

"Oh boy…" Ocellus muttered nervously.

"Well nice job letting them live, short stack!" Powers told Helix before the two former Champions kneeled down in front of Helix as Technorg offered a tray of food to him.

“You bested the best, then spared our lives.” Technorg said to them.

“Now, you are our master.” Glna finished as Powers took the tray.

“Actually, it was all my idea.” Powers bragged as he enjoyed the slope.

“We don’t wanna be your masters.” Helix said to Technorg and Glna.

“We were just doing the right thing for all of us to survive.” Helen added.

“And we just wanna get back to Equestria.” Manny added.

Technorg and Glna looked at the guards before turning back to the others. “Even if you all could free yourselves from those collars and escape, you all will be too far away from your home planet.” Glna whispered.

“The ship will soon be traveling to a new galaxy soon.” Technorg stated.

"But all we have to do is get to the controls before that happens." Ocellus whispered.

"Yeah, but first we need to get to the guards' collar controls so they don't shock us." Attea pointed out.

"We have all tried but none of us are powerful enough to overtake them." Glna told them.

"Alone, maybe. But not if we all work together." Helix mentioned. "I think I have an idea that might just work." He said with a smirk.

Later, Helix was sitting next to the robo guards before he looked over at Helen and gave a wink. She then used her tail to tap Glna on the shoulder before she pumped her elbow next to Attea. She then used her tongue and tapped Powers by the back. “Ugh! I can’t take it anymore! I gotta get off this ship now!” He yelled as he then started blasting every corner of the room while nearly shooting some of the guards.

“Stop him! He’s out of control!” The guard yelled as the prisoners then charged at Powers as they all tackled him as the guards pressed the buttons, which caused the collars to short circuited as they fell to the ground and burn out.

“The shock collars. They’re disabled.” One of the aliens said in shock as the guards came to them while coming out one of the guards was Greymatter, who was holding two wires.

“All it takes is a short circuit and a little Greymatter.” Greymatter said with a smirk.

"Great plan, Helix." Helen complimented.

"Don't get all mushy, a monkey could have done what he did." Powers told her.

"Then why didn't you do it?" Greymatter joked as Powers frowned at that while Helen and Attea let out a giggle. With the shock collars not working, Glna took this opportunity to smash two of the guards before she held her fist in the air.

"FREEDOM!!" She declared as all the other prisoners were taking on the guards.Greymatter then turned to Helix as the others huddled close.

“Powers, we gotta go.” Attea said.

“Just when I’m starting to have some fun.” Powers whined as he gave one last punch and they walked out of the cell.

The six then climbed up to Slix quarters as they searched around and saw that he was nowhere in sight as the room is dark. “The controls to the emergency escape pods should be somewhere.” Greymatter said to them.

“Well, let’s start looking before we get too far from home.” Ocellus said as they rushed into the room as the guard fell.

“That Slix guys saids he controls everything on this ship from here.” Greymatter said as they look around.

“But I don’t see any controls or buttons here.” Manny said in confusion. “How can he controls a ship in a room with no controls?”

“Actually, I don’t.” Slix said as projections of him appeared around them. “What I said was these hands control everything on this ship, including them, unlike you, they have no problem finishing off their opponents.” He said as guards surrounded them while aiming their weapons at them, ready to end them. “I told you, these eyes sees everything. And so will everybody else, but your demise will not be the opening act. There’s will.”

He showed them the prisoners as the center of the Arena was the only thing that was standing before the rest of it and certainly went down to show some sort of creatures beneath. “If we’re going down…” Greymatter said seriously as he turned the Omnitrix on his back and slammed it as he transformed into Diamondhead.

“We’re going down fighting.” Powers said in agreement as the six then charged at the guards and started punching and fighting them as they were in sync while being shackled they looked around and saw the guars completely down.

“Hey, nice teawwork, gang.” Attea said with as mile.

“You said it." Helen and Ocellus agreed.

"If any of you try to hug me, you're going to get slugged." Powers threatened as the Omnitrix timed out and Helix transformed back just as more guards arrived.

“Here comes more boggies.” Manny said to them.

"Then let's get Slix and make him take us home!" Attea quickly suggested as they saw that Glna had broken free from her shackles and started to fight off the guards. But then she got shocked multiple times as she dangled from the edge.

Just then, Powers, with Helix and the others on his back, jumped down and grabbed SLix. “What do you think of this!?” He called as he held Slix up.

“Ease up, Powers!” Helen called out. “We still need him to release the escape pods to get home.” She reminded him.

“I am done listening to you guys.” Powers growled as he tossed Slix down, which made the crowd cheered louder.

“This is not part of the show.” Slix said as he starting to spark up. “I command you to stop. Stopppp.” He moaned as his guards were sparking as well as they were all shut down and fell to the ground.

Helix then realizes what Slix meant before. “Wait a minute. That’s it!” He said as Powers jumped down as the others followed as Powers walked up to Slix. “Powers, wait!” He called as Powers was about to toss Slix over, but the Omnitrix recharged quickly as Helix transformed into Upgrade and merged with Slix.

“What? How did you--” Powers asked in shock as he put Upgrade down.

“I said wait.” Upgrade said to him as he removed the clothing to reveal Slix as a drone. “All that stuff he said before, he wasn't saying he operates the control console, he is the control console all along.”

“Slix is more than a living being, he’s a robot!” Ocellus exclaimed in amazement. “He was the ship’s navigational AI.”

“And now I control everything on this ship as well.” Upgrade finished.

“Well goody goody for you.” Powers said as Upgrade then used Slix’s tech to unlock the shackles on their legs. “So long as I’m not tied up to your ugly flank anymore.” He said before he rushed off.

"Helix, Technorg and Glna!" Manny pointed out as they were hanging over the edge. Upgrade understood as he flew the pod below and caught them as they went back up.

Initiating intergalactic hyperjump launch.” The computer said.

“Helix?! What are you doing?!” Attea called out.

“I didn’t do that!” Upgrade called as he started typing onto the console. “And I can’t override it!” He exclaimed as his hands broke free from Upgrades control as they were peeling off.

“You don’t have as much control over me as you thought.” Slix said as he started peeling Upgrade off, but Technorg hit him as Upgrade regain control.

“We must get to the escape pods before we blast off to the next galaxy.” Technorg said to them.

Upgrade pressed the button and they all teleported out of the arena.

In the escape pod room, Powers was punching on the door to get it open as the other prisoners appeared behind him. “Need some help, Powers?” Ocellus asked in amusement.

"I can give you a hand, or six of them.” Upgrade said as for tendrils came out and went over to the access panel. He then opened each door to each escape pods before he looked at the prisoners. "Quick, take these pods back to your home planet."

The prisoners then entered the escape pods one by one, but Glna and Technorg stopped as each pods were launched and warped away. “Technorg, Glna, you two should go as well.” Attea said to them.

“No. My life belong to you.” Technorg said to them.

“I want to tell you that you are an honorable warrior, Helix.” Glna told him. "I believe you would be a perfect champion for my niece, Looma Red Wind."

"And you can tell your niece that yourself after I give it back, go!" Helix told him as he pushed the two into the two escape pods and sent them back to their home planets. But then the Omnitrix started timing out as he got out of Slix and transformed back. “No! Not yet!” He cried before Slix grabbed him up.

“You little youngling meat bag.” Slix sneered. “Nobody controls Slix Vigma. Nobody!” He yelled, but before any of his friends was about to help him, Powers stabbed Slix with his Diamondhead arm as it short circuited.

“Powers? You saved my life?” Helix asked in surprise.

"Of course, why did you think I wasted my time helping all those other losers?” Powers growled with a dark look. "I just wanted the chance to finish you off myself." Before the others could stop him, Powers quickly used Spidermonkey's web to web them up before he did the same to Helix against the wall. "I'm not gonna let them stop me, and you shouldn't send your lap dogs away!" Helix got his Hooves free from the web and tried to activate the Omnitrix. "Oh, and thanks again for the tip of combining my powers to make them even more powerful.” He added as he turned his Diamondhead arm into a blade.

"Come on, work….please…" Helix told the watch as he tried to remember the combination.

"Don't bother trying to dial up another alien, I know every single one of them, inside and out." Powers told him before he reeled his arm back and was ready to finish Helix off. But the core of the Omnitrix suddenly popped up before Helix quickly slammed it against the wall when Powers launched forward.

"NO!!" The others cried out while Helen and Attea started to tear up, but then they saw Power struggling to stay forward as the dust settled and they saw Gravattack pushing Powers back.

“You sure about that?” Gravattack questioned as his friends smiled while Powers stepped back in shock. "I believe you haven't been personally introduced to my good friend, Gravattack!" He called as he formed a ball and got free from the webs as he started circling around Powers as the others got free as well as Powers was pulled by Gravattack’s powers.

“Hey! Put me down!” Powers demanded,

“New game. It’s called playing catch!” Gravattack called as he levitated Powers and tossed him to Manny, who punched him, then to Helen, who kicked him, to Ocellus, who blasted him, then to Attea, who whacked him in the face as Gravattack pushed Powers towards him and delivered a punch that sends him crashing to a wall as the countdown to the hyperdrive is near. He went into the last Escape pod as it closed behind them and Attea tried to get it to launch.

"Hurry up, girl!" Manny called out as Powers pride the door open. Just as he stuck his head in, a familiar hand grabbed him and threw him back before the door opened up and they saw Technorg.

"But how, I thought we sent you a way." Ocellus mentioned in surprise.

"I told you that my life belongs to you." He reminded them before he pressed the button to send them off.

"I guess this makes us even." Gravattack said before the door closed and the Escape pod went to the planet below.

Powers got up as he looked and saw Technorg glaring at him. “So, I’m a lapdog, am I?” he questioned while pounding his mach and hand together as Powers gave a nervous smile.

Intergalactic hyperjump launch.” The computer said as the ship took off into deep space far away from Equis with Powers facing the punishment from Technorg.

Meanwhile, the Pod soon landed in the field before a ramp opened up and the team rolled out of it. “Guys! Son!” Delta called as he and the others rushed up to them. “Are you all alright?”

“We’ve been looking all over for you five.” Dust said in concern.

“Where have you five been?” Twilight asked in concern as well.

“Long story.” Helix answered.

“Too long to tell after what we’ve been through.” Manny commented.

“Are you all okay?” Attea asked in concern.

“We’ll live thanks to you guys.” Rainbow said with a smile.

“What happened to Powers?” Smolder asked in wonder.

“Yeah, wasn’t he fighting you five when he attacked us?” Pinkie asked in wonder.

“Well, let’s just say that he found somebody new to play with.” Helix answered.

“And we won’t be seeing him for a while.” Helen said as they looked up in the sky. “And something tells me he will be quite busy out there.” She said as they all stood there while watching the sky, knowing that Powers is out there somewhere in the universe and won't bother them for a long time. "Hey, Attea, what do you think Glna meant when she said Helix would be a champion for her niece?" Helen whispered to her.

"Let's just say if this Looma gal comes here when Glna tells her about him, we're gonna have a very tough competition." Attea whispered back. “And I mean really tough."

Helen's eyes widen from that as she realizes what Attea meant. “If that comes, we’re keeping Helix away from those girls together.” She whispered.

“Agreed.” Attea nodded, knowing that they’ll have to protect Helix from any girls that tried to take him from now on.

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