• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 41: One too Many Helix

It seemed like a very gloomy day as Dr. Test had an evil grin on his face while wearing an orange jumpsuit and his belly looked round. "The time has come." He said as frost was among his breath when he talked. "Soon I, Dr. Animal Test, shall bring about a new world order, and they thought they could lock me up forever." He said to a bunch of seagulls eating bread crumbs on the ground.

Then the guards came from the side of him as they gave amusing looks. “You’re not going anywhere, Dr. Freak-a-Test.” One of them said as they laughed and walked off as Dr. Test was still in prison.

Then a seagull flew in and landed on Dr. Test’s shoulder. “Ignore them, my pet. For you have been exceedingly loyal.” He said as he lifted his hoof and the seagull dropped a microchip from its beak. “Bringing the components I need one piece at a time.” Dr. Test then opened up his jumpsuit, which revealed to be his new mutation helmet as the seagulls flew off. “Now, for your reward.” He said as he fired his helmet at the seagull, which made it mutate into a giant seagull.

A lot of the other prisoners saw this and screamed in fear as Test got on top of the mutant seagull. A bunch of cards quickly ran up to try to stop him before the seagull quickly flew up and grabbed two of the guards as it started to fly away from the prison.

“Hey! Put us down!” A guard yelled.

“With pleasure!” Test said with a smirk as the seagull dropped the guards into the ocean as they watched him fly off. “And the first thing I plan to do is visit those snot-nosed brats… Helix Watch and his friends.” He said with a vengeful look.

The group was on a beach at Mount Ares as some of them were building sandcastles, reading books, or helping Delta with some sort of high tech device. Those who were aliens had their ID masks look like they were wearing swimwear as they were without the masks. "Hey Lolaxx, are you feeling okay?” Helen asked as she noticed she looked a little uneasy.

"It's just, are you sure that coming to the beach is a good idea?” She questioned the others. “I mean, what if some of that water gets on me?"

“So, aren’t you part squid?” Rainbow questioned with a brow.

“Yeah, don’t squids swim underwater?” Spike questioned in confusion.

"Yeah, but salt water is basically my species element and, well let's just say we have a different look whenever we're in saltwater." Lolaxx mentioned as she rubbed the back of her neck.

“What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked.

“Well, when we hit salt water, my species transforms into giant squid versions of ourselves.” Lolaxx said with a nervous look. “And once transformed, it might get hard to transform back, and without clothing or armor for that matter.”

“Well then, just don't get in the water." Misty told while she was reading a book. “Because it’s nice to get on my summer reading for a change.”

“I just love the beach.” Manny said while relaxing on a chair. “Proper way to get a tan for these muscles.”

“Try not to become even redder than before, Manny.” Flash quipped, which caused the group to laugh.

“Haha, very funny.” Manny said with a smirk.

“You know, I can’t help feeling it’s a bit too quiet right now.” Delta said with a concerned look, which they all realized something.

“Where’s Helix?” They all asked.

“I think I saw him go into the water earlier.” Attea said while gesturing to the ocean.

Just then, some of the hippogriffs were coming out of the water in fear before they saw Overflow crying out in excitement as he was riding on a board in the water while giving himself a bit of an extra boost.

Overflow then landed in a sandcastle as he poke up his head. “Hey, where’s everyone going? Surf up, dudes!” He called as he then looked up to the others, who were giving him looks as his Omnitrix timed out. “What?”

Later he was sitting on a lounge chair after getting a little lecture from his parents. "Oh come on, I was just having some fun." He told them.

"So were we." Delta told him with a brow.

“But we’re not the ones using the Omnitrix and scaring innocent creatures half to death, Helix.” Xylene said with her arms crossed. “I mean, most of us are wearing disguises to blend in here.”

“Yeah, well, I was just trying to have a little fun. And seriously, who thinks Overflow is scary?” Helix questioned with a brow. “He’s literally a giant scuba suit.”

"I'm pretty sure they were freaked out by the fact that they had never seen him before." Twilight mentioned. "You kind of learn more self-control when using your aliens."

“As if I had enough self control with past experience with the Omnitrix. Like the self-destruct feature for example.” Helix said with a look as he walked off as the others watched him.

“He still has issues after nearly getting blown up along with the universe.” Lolaxx said.

“Can’t blame him.” Pinkie said with a frown. “I mean, he nearly lost everything just to turn it off.”

"Maybe you girls could keep an eye on him considering you did confess your feelings to him and to make sure he doesn't scare every hippogriff back into the water." Twilight told Helen, Attea, Zs'spoocy, and Lolaxx.

“Yes, Princess.” The girls said as they walked off to follow Helix.

“I still can’t believe my cousin won the hearts of four girls.” Misty said in surprise.

“You seemed surprised.” Dust commented.

“Well, duh, it’s Helix. This is the first time he's even got this many girlfriends.” Misty said as they all chuckled in amusement.

“Reminds me of a certain colt I know.” Twilight said with a smirk while looking at Flash, who blushed as he gave a sheepish smile.

A bit later, Helix was walking on the beach as he sighed. “Doesn’t anypony around his place know how to have fun these days?” Helix questioned before he kicked his hoof on the sand, but cringed when he saw that his hoof hit a boulder as he screamed and got on his back while clutching his leg.

Then he heard giggles as he turned to the side and saw Helen, Attea, Zs’spoocy, and Lolaxx coming up to him with amusing giggles. "Y-You okay?" Helen asked through her giggles.

"I'm f-fine…" Helix groaned before they helped him up.

“Not gonna lie, Helix, that was a little funny.” Attea said with giggles.

“Glad someone finds it funny.” Helix said while rubbing his hoof.

“Helix, we know you’re just trying to have fun, but don’t you think using the Omnitrix to do it is a bit overdone?” Lolaxx asked slowly.

"I know, but it's kind of hard to find something to do when others have other things.” Helix mentioned. “Plus, there's way too many of us and I just want to have fun with all of you at the same time but, that's going to be really impossible." They then noticed a bunch of Seagulls flying away which confused them. "Okay, why did they just do that when we didn't do anything?"

Zs’spoocy then turned as her eye widened. “Uh, perhaps that?” She said as they turned and screamed as they saw the mutant seagull behind them as they managed to avoid it’s beak.

“What is that thing?!” Lolaxx questioned.

“Whatever it is, it's going to have a little air to air combat with Jetray!" Helix declared as he activated his Omnitrix before slamming down on the core. But instead of Jetray, he transformed into an alien that has white skin, a black and white head and face, black shoulders, large hands with four digits and feet which are merely stubs. He also has three fin-like growths on his head, and gem-like extended sensory nodes] on his arms and waist with the Omnitrix symbol on his forehead. "Another new alien?" He asked as he looked himself over and spoke with a familiar cartoonish voice.

“Okay, that was unexpected.” Helen said in surprise. “But let’s see what this alien could do.”

“Oh, just what I was thinking.” Helix said as he cracked his fingers before Lolaxx eyes’ widen.

“Helix, wait!” Lolaxx called as Helix charge at the mutant seagull, but it whacked him away as he slid on the sand.

Helix stood up as he groaned. “I guess he’s not strong.” He muttered.

“Watch out!” Attea called as Helix dodged the seagull and tried to crawl away, but his leg got caught as Helen and Lolaxx quickly grabbed him.

“Or fast.” Helix muttered as he was being pulled.

"Okay, Birdbrain…let go…of…" Helen called out before they saw something unthinkable happening, a duplicate suddenly appeared from behind him as he was being pulled. "Them?!"

"Okay, now that's awesome!" The first Helix said before the mutated pelican pulled again and the second one lost his grip on the first. “Grab the other me!”

“On it!” Lolaxx called as she rushed towards the seagull and grabbed its tail. “Whoa! You’re not taking the second one, feather freak!”

The seagull sees this as it realizes there’s gonna be a fight. With the others, they heard screaming as Applejack sighed. “Now what’s Helix gotten himself into?” She questioned as they turned and saw the two Helixs and four girls fighting the Seagull.

"Is that Helix and the girls, with a mutant seagull and… Helix?" Gallus asked in complete confusion. "What kind of alien, or aliens, did he turn into this time?"

"Whatever he is now, or they, they could use our help right now." Misty mentioned as she activated her Omnitrix.

With Helix-s? and the girls, they are still fighting the seagull with the second Helix dangling as he cried out in pain as the first Helix got on its back as it smashed into a boat house, which a couple of foals took over as it started crumbling.

Eerie expectorium!” Smolder called as she used a wind spell to hold the boat house in place as Misty, who transformed into her version of Fourarms, rushed out and grabbed the foals before the boat house fell as she turned to where Helix and his girlfriends were fighting.

“Ow! This thing is pinching my ankle!” The second Helix dangling with his leg to its beaks cried out.

“Ow! I felt that too!” The first Helix cried out, feeling the same pain as his duplicate. “Well, let’s see if you feel this!” He called as he pulled a feather off the seagull, causing it to shriek in pain as it let go of the duplicate as Helen rushed in and grabbed the first Helix.

They then saw the mutant seagull glaring at them before it let out another shriek and turned around to see the other helix pulled out two feathers from it. "Missing a couple of things?” He teased while using the feathers to cover himself as a joke.

Attea giggled. “Good on, Helix-es?” She said in confusion while looking at the two Helix. “Okay, this is confusing.”

“You really need to come up with a name for this alien quickly before we start getting a headache.” Zs’spoocy said while rubbing her head.

“I’ll think of something.” The first Helix said before they turned and saw the mutant seagull shrieking at them. “After we stop this bird brain!” He called as he and his double laughed as the seagull started chasing him as the girls tried to follow.

The two alien duplicates ran to the volleyball nets as they avoided its beak before turning to one another. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” They both asked with smirks before they both ran under one of the Nets as the mutant seagull got caught up in it. The net got wrapped around it and it struggled to get free as the two alien duplicates high four each other.

The mutant bird shrieked as it struggled to break free before one of the duplicates stepped on its beak. “That’s right, turkey.”

“No one messes with…” The second duplicated continued before he trailed off as he looked at one another before they both grabbed each other's shoulders.

“Ditto!” They both said the name of their new alien.

"Okay, that's a good one." Attea complimented with a smirk before the mutant seagull got itself free from the net and flew off.

“Well, now we’ll never know where that thing came from.” Smolder said with her arms crossed as Misty timed out.

“I have a hunch that I’m pretty sure it’s the work of our old nemesis… Dr. Test.” Dust said with a serious look.

“Well there goes our fun day at the beach." Rainbow complained. "Where do you think he's hiding out this time?"

“Possibly somewhere close by if that mutant bird attacked us.” Flash said.

“Well, we’ll worry about him later.” Ditto #1 said. “Your fun might be over…”

“But ours is just starting.” Ditto #2 said with an arm around his duplicate.

"So, just how many of you can you make of yourself?" Manny asked while pointing to the two duplicates.

“I know his species. He can duplicate into endless copies of himself.” Lolaxx explained. “An exact replica with their own individual selves. Though, the downside, they feel what they feel.”

“Well, looks like the fun just got multiplied!” Ditto #1 said, but then both Omnitrix’s from the Dittos’ foreheads beeped as they timed out as they merged back together and Helix transformed back. “As soon as the watch recharges.” He muttered.

A bit later, Helix had quickly transformed back into Ditto and made at least eight copies of himself. Four of them were hanging out with his alien girls while the other four were playing with his friends. “Whoo-hoo! Hey, Manny! Heads up!” The first Ditto called while holding a ball.

"I got it!" Manny called out as he caught the ball before passing it over to Sandbar.

“Whoa! Got it!” Sandbar called as he turned to the second Ditto. “Heads up other Helix!” He called as he caught it.

“Got it!” The second Ditto called as he threw the ball to his first double as they got into a loop.

They soon started passing the ball right past where Misty was reading and she started getting annoyed by the copies of her cousin. “The only thing more obnoxious than one Helix Watch alien is many more of them!” She yelled in annoyance as she then blocked the ball, which bounced high up.

“I got it!” The first Ditto called as he rushed to the ball, but then he saw his other four copies with the girls as they suddenly bumped into and crashed into each other. The first Ditto looked up and gave a sheepish look as he saw the girls and his copies looking down at him.

“Helix Watches!” Attea said with a look.

“Okay, we’re sorry.” The second Ditto said as he, Sandbar and Manny rushed up to them with Misty behind them.

“Yeah, we’ll try and not bother Misty.” Sandbar added.

“Guess we got too carried away.” Manny said while scratching his head. But then, Misty was hit in the back of the head with a water balloon before they all saw a ninth Ditto with a bucket full of them.

"But we didn't say anything about that guy!" All the other Dittos said before they laughed right before the 9th one made a 10th copy.

"Or that guy!" He said with a smirk.

"Okay that's it, maybe it's time you had a taste of your own medicine.” Misty said as she was completely annoyed while she activated her Omnitrix. But when she slammed it down, she turn into her own version of Ditto, but with blue streaks with dark-blue color and a more femme appearance as she split herself into 10 copies.

“How about we have a clone war with Duplexes?” The ten Duplexes questioned with challenging looks.

“Oh, it is on cous!” The ten copies called as they rushed off to begin their clone war while the others watched them.

“Shouldn’t Misty be better than Helix?” Manny questioned while scratching his head.

"Yeah, but a duplicate battle should be really fun to watch." Smolder said with a smirk.

“Something tells me that both sides will feel the pain.” Helen said with a sigh.

A bit later at some part of the beach, there were two beach walls as on the left one was Duplexe clones while the Dittos are on the right side. They looked at each other before they started throwing water balloons at each other, each side getting splashed before one of the Duplexes pushed a Ditto duplicate away and launched an entire bucket at the Dittos, which they groaned.

“Hey, you took my ammo!” One of the Dittos yelled.

"Did not!" One of the Duplexes argued.

"You're such a liar, I saw it!" Another Ditto told her.

“How can you tell, dufus?! We all look the same!” A second Duplexe pointed out.

“No we’re not! The gender differences can be easily told!” A Ditto exclaimed.

“Oh, wait, wait, wait.” A Duplexe said while walking up. “Who’s bucket did I take?” She questioned before a bucket hit her on the head as she turned to glare at the Ditto who threw it at her.

"Mine, you dipstick!” He told her before she pushed him to the ground.

"You're the dipstick!" She shouted before three of the Dittos tackled her to the ground.

“Hey, break it up!” The three Duplexes called as they tried to get the Dittos off her clone.

“Fine. I’ll go get more ammo.” Ditto said tiredly as he went to the ocean to pick up the bucket before he noticed a Duplexe was sitting on the beach reading a book. "Have you been there the whole time?"

"Yeah, with all my other duplicates handling you, it's giving me the time to catch up on my reading." She told him before they saw giant tentacles come out with Dr. Test in scuba gear while having a chamber on his back.

“Test?!” They asked before they tossed their things away and tried to run, but tentacles grabbed them as they were hanging upside down in front of Test.

“Watch.” Test said, seeing Helix in his new form and his cousin as an alien. “Hmm. Looks like you brought a new partner. And those watches are just chock-full of new alien DNA.” He said as he put Duplexe and Ditto into the chamber as he gave them a smirk. “And I will be extracting all of them from both of you. As painfully as possible.” He finished as Duplexe and Ditto gave horrified expressions.

"Cheaters!" One of the Dittos told one of the Duplexes.

“I know what you are, but what am I?!” One of the Duplexes questioned as another pair of Ditto and Duplexe charged at each other, but their feet hit rocks.

“OW!” All Duplexes and Dittos cried out as they hopped on one leg and held the ones that hurt while the others watched in amusement.

"See, I told you so!” Smolder said to her laughter.

"It's not funny!" All nine of both Dittos and Duplexes told them.

“Yeah, it’s just eighteen times more funnier.” Rainbow said in amusement before Fluttershy noticed something.

“Wait, weren’t there 10 of each of you?” Fluttershy asked.

All the duplicates stopped and realized that one of them was missing. Twilight then saw a familiar figure lowering inside the water. “We got trouble with a capital T for Test." She told the others as they saw him with their missing copies in the containment unit on his back. “And it looks like he's gotten hold of each of your missing Ditto and Duplexe." She said as Test and the two aliens sank into the ocean.

“This is your fault!” The duplicates pointed to each other as their Omnirixes started beeping, but then stopped all of a sudden as they looked down at themselves and saw they were still in alien form.

“Um, shouldn’t ponies turn back to ponies now?” Yona asked in confusion.

“Something must be blocking the DNA transformation process.” Xylene said.

"Maybe all the copies have to be together before they can turn back." Ocellus theorized.

"You mean they're stuck like that until we can rescue the copies that were taken?" Sandbar asked, just to confirm.

“Make sense.” Lolaxx said with a thoughtful look. “I guess since the Omnitrix is scattered into copies, without the clones together, they’re stuck like that until they come together for the Omnitrixes to time out.”

The duplicates look at one another. “We gotta get back the other me!” They all exclaimed as they scattered around the beach.

“Well, this could take a while.” Spike commented with a dry look.

Meanwhile, Test rode his mutated squid out to the ocean until they reached an abandoned oil tanker as they entered what appears to be a lab as he was lowered to the ground while the tentacle held the pot. “Careful, my pet. We don’t want to damage our prizes.” He said as the mutant squid tilted the pot and Duplexe and Ditto were flung out as they crashed into the floor.

The mutated seagull then let out a squawk as it landed down and glared at the two. "What's the matter, buzzard beak, you scared that I’ll pluck out more of your feathers?" Ditto teased the mutated seagull.

“Are you trying to edge it?” Duplexe questioned her cousin as Test got up between them.

“No! We need the specimens alive.” Test said to his mutant seagull as Ditto and Duplexe tried to make a break for it, but a tentacle blocked their path as Test went up to them. “With your DNAs, the things I’ll create will make these creatures look like single-cell amoebas!” He declared with a sinister smile.

A bit later, Test placed Ditto and Duplexe in tubes as he brought out a tool with an electric charge as he placed them against the tanks. “OW!” The two duplicating aliens cried in pain.

The group manage to get a boat to sail out to find the missing duplicates before the other nine screened out in pain as they felt like they were getting electrocuted. “Did you just feel that zap?” They asked each other.

"The other us are in big trouble!" One of the Dittos said with a worried tone.

"But whatever happens to them…" One of the Duplexes started.

“What happens to us?!” Another Ditto questioned as they all looked at each other in horror as they moved Twilight aside. “Can’t you go any faster?!” He questioned as the Dittos and Duplexes started fighting for the wheel.

“No backseat drivers!” Duplexe yelled.

“Driver!” Ditto called.

“No way, dweeb!” Duplexe called as the others watched the two duplicates fight.

“Can’t they ever stop fighting?” Rarity questioned.

“You’re asking the wrong creatures.” Flash sighed as he saw Lolaxx avoiding the ocean. “Lolaxx, it’s okay. You’re safe on the boat.”

"It's not that I'm worried about." She told them. "It's Test, I'm worried about what he's planning after he kidnapped one of the copies."

“Yeah. Since they’re all connected and with Test being after the Omnitrix DNA, with two of them, who knows what he’s doing to them.” Helen said in concern.

In the lab, Test was looking at the two samples of DNA he extracted from Ditto and Duplexe. “It’s better than I ever imagined. With each single strand of your alien's DNAs, I could extrapolate the genetic code for both your entire arsenal of alien creatures.” He said to the two aliens.

"We gotta get out of here." Duplexe whispered to Ditto.

"I already got that covered." Ditto told her before looking over at the mutated seagull. He then banged on the glass to get its attention before he started making faces at it.

The mutated seagull then screech and started hitting its talons on the glass. “I thought I told you not to damage the specimens!” Test yelled as the mutant seagull stopped and flew back up as Test saw the DNA samples duplicating. “Truly amazon. Limitless cloning capabilities.” He said with a smirk.

Back on the boat, one of the Dittos was at the wheel as he was becoming impatient. "Can't this thing go any faster?!" He questioned as Smolder was reading her spell book.

"I'm actually trying to find a spell that could give us a boost for that." She said until she found the right spell. “Vadera expectorimumperpetuon!” She called, but then the wind blow at her face as she fell to the ground.

“Maybe you should work on your aim, Smolder.” Hope said to her.

“Yeah, good call.” Smolder said as Dust finished working on her project, which is a jetpack as she smiled at her work before she saw the ship ahead.

“Lucky for us, we have extra help on deck.” Dust said as she turned to the duplicates. “Now, head for that oil tanker! It’s the only thing off shore!”

The Ditto who is steering the wheel saluted as he spun the wheel, which made the ship change direction as a Ditto and Duplexe tripped and the sail fail on them. “Ow! Cut it out dweep!” A Duplexe yelled.

“You’re the dweep!” Ditto retorted.

“Am not!” Duplexe denied.

“Are too!”

“Oh, man. What is with those two?” Ditto questioned.

“Yeah, they’re driving us crazy.” A Duplexe added with annoyance.

“That’s because they’re all you guys.” Rainbow said in annoyance, which made the Ditto and Duplexe give startled looks before they looked down in shame that they were right.

"Okay, I'm starting to think this is karma for all the times we annoyed each other." Duplexe muttered to Ditto.

"You can say that again." Ditto agreed.

Back inside the oil tanker, both Ditto and Duplexe were trying to get the seagull to come at them as they continued to make funny faces at it. "What's that matter, too scared of your master to even fight us?" Duplexe told the mutant seagull.

"Yeah, we thought you were a seagull, not a great big chicken!" Ditto insulted the mutant seagull.

The mutant seagull looked at Test before looking at the two aliens, who are showing their rear to it while making chicken sounds. The seagull roared as it smashed its head in the tube, which cracked it open as water flooded out as Duplexe and Ditto came out. “Whoo-hoo! Thanks bird-brain!” Ditto called as he and Duplexe jumped away as Test watched them go with a glare.

Back on the boat, each of the Dittos and Duplexes smiled as they can feel their last copies getting closer. “They’re close. I can feel it.” They said in unison before the Omnitrixes started beeping and they were suddenly lifted up into the air. “Not again!” They exclaimed as the others looked in shock as the duplicates screamed as they flung towards the ship.

The Ditto and Duplexe ran on deck as they avoided the tentacles, but they reached the tip of the ship with no way out. When they felt hopeless, their Omnitrixes started beeping as they floated up and flew off before the tentacles could get them.

The duplicates screamed before they merged into their originals as Duplex and Ditto fell to the water as red flashes appeared as Helix and Misty swam back up, now back to normal. “Whoa! We’re us again!” Misty called.

"And sorry if I annoy you all the time." Helix told her. "Whoa, hey I had no idea we also keep copies of our duplicates' memories."

“Well, they were us. So maybe when we merge together, we also get the duplicate memories of the actions we did.” Misty said with a shrug. “And sorry for annoying you all the time too. I guess after seeing ourselves argue, we now understand why the others are annoyed.”

“Now that’s karma.” Helix commented as the mutant seagull squawked and grabbed them by the talons and lifted them up. “And this is worse!”

"This is really big karma for teasing it!" Misty called out as they struggled to get free.

“When our watches recharge, this bird is toast!” Helix called as he and Misty looked down and saw Dust flying up at high speed in her jetpack as she tackled the bird, causing it to release Misty and Helix as they screamed and started falling.

Vadera expectoriumperpetuon!” Smolder called as she and Hope used a wind tunnel to gently place Helix and Misty down with the others.

"You both okay?" Hope asked the two.

"Yeah, and sorry if we annoy you guys with our constant arguing." Helix told them.

“Glad you two finally realized it.” Flash said in amusement. “It’s no fun while you’re on our end of that argument, huh?”

“Yeah, it wasn’t.” Misty said before they heard a screech and saw the mutant seagull flying towards them as it knocked the sail over.

“Oh, this is a rental!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Actually, we could use this.” Helen said with a smirk.

In the air, Dust is fighting the mutant seagull as she tries to outfly it, but it was hot on her tail before it got swept up in some sort of tornado. Dust looked over and saw the young ones riding on the knocked down sail as Smolder was using her magic to keep it up. “Hey, mom! Take a lesson in double-teaming from the experts!” Helix called before he saw the seagull and stuck his tongue out.

The mutant seagull shrieked as it flew after them towards the ship. But they tricked it into hitting a support tower as Dust flew in and drowned the seagull into the ocean as they all landed on the ship’s deck. “Now that’s what I call teamwork.” Dust said with a smile.

But then, the mutant squid shot up its tentacles around the ship. “Uh, oh.” Silverstream said fearfully.

“Don’t worry, I’m on it.” Helix said as he activated his Omnitrix and switched the icons to Ditto, but when he slammed it down, he turned into Upgrade. “Upgrade? Oh, man. I wanted to go to Ditto for extra help.” He groaned.

"Let me try." Misty said as she activated her Omnitrix and programmed Duplexe. But when she slammed down on the core, she transformed into her version of Brainstorm. "Uh, now this is a perplexing dilemma."

Just then, the squid got Upgrade and started stretching him far as Upgrade groaned in pain. “Ah! This is starting to hurt!” He cried out.

“I got you my dear cousin.” Brainstorm said as she fired an electric shock at the squid, which let go one end of Upgrade as Dust flew in and tackled the other. “Now pull yourself together and assist us.”

"Working on it!" Upgrade groaned as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Work faster!" Helen called out as the group was surrounded by tentacles while Twilight used her magic to put up a barrier from getting closer. Upgrade then saw a crane next to him as he quickly emerged with it and started using cables to lash onto each tentacle.

“Fast enough for you?” Upgrade asked before he sent an electrical shock, which electrified the squid as it fell down to the ocean. Around the same time the two Omnitrixes timed out as Misty and Helix transformed back as Helix started falling before his mother caught him. “That was fast.” He said as he looked at the Omnitrix.

“I guess staying alien for too long took a lot out of the watches.” Misty commented while looking at her Omnitrix.

"That's not the only thing that took a lot out of your watches!" Test called out as he suddenly came up out of a hole before a mutated version of Jetray flew out and hovered in the sky. "You see, I have already incorporated its power into my own transmutation technology! Now I will lead this planet in a glorious new phase of evolution!"

"Oh yeah, bucko?!" Rainbow called out with a brow. "You and what army?!"

"This one!" Test replied with an evil grin before the Jetray he was riding on suddenly duplicated itself. They then watched as each one started duplicating after another before there were hundreds of them flying in the sky. “And this is merely the beginning! Soon, I will replicate all of your aliens and populate Equestria with a whole new variety of species! But, first, a show of strength to silence those who dare oppose me! And I think leveling Mount Aris or two will get my point across like how the Storm King once did!” He called as the mutant Jetray clones flew off to Mount Aris.

“He’s gonna attack my home!” Silverstream cried out.

"We have to stop them before they get there and wipe out the entire Mountain!" Delta explained.

"But they're way too many of them!" Manny pointed out.

“Then let’s make some more of us!” Helix declared as both his and Misty’s Omnitrix beeped. “Yes, we’re in the green!” He called as he and Misty activated the Omnitrix.

“Talk about luck!” Misty called as she ready her Omnitrix. “Ready, Helix?”



“Three!” The two cousins called as they slammed their cores down as they transformed into Ditto and Duplexe.

“Haven’t you guys grown tired of this alien?” Gallus questioned.

“No way!” The two duplicate aliens said as they shared a high-four with each other.

Soon both Dittos and Duplexes were riding on the facts of the flyers as they were getting close to the mutated jetrays. "Now!" They called out as they jumped off and started duplicating themselves. “It's all for one and one for all!” they both declared as they made hundreds of themselves.

But then, they were all whacked to the side as they fell into the ocean as all the clones went back to the originals and merge together as Ditto and Duplexe swam up as Flash and Twilight grab them.

“Remember on the beach when one of your clones stubbed your toes?” Flash asked his two cousins. “You all felt the same thing.”

“We still do.” Ditto answered.

“Really hurts though.” Duplexe said.

“So, if we destroy one of those Jetray copies…” Helen started.

“It will be like destroying them all!” Both Duplexe and Ditto finished in unison.

“Now, which Jetray do we attack?” Ditto asked.

“It doesn’t matter, cous! Let’s pick one!” Duplexe called as she and Ditto hopped on each Jetrays and they caught up to Test and wrapped themselves around it’s wings, causing them all to fall.

“What’s going on?!” Test questioned as he turned to see Duplexe and Ditto. “You!”

“Your ride's over!” both Ditto and Duplexes told him as they began to spiral down towards a big rock.

Test screamed as he dived into the water while Duplexe and Ditto jumped off as the Jetray mutant crashed into the rock and exploded. In the sky, the Jetray clones shriek in agony before they all turned into goo as they fell into the ocean, much to Test’s despair. “No! No!” He cried.

"Okay, Testy." Ditto spoke up when he and his cousin emerged from the water. "Time for some two on one!" Another Ditto and Duplexe emerge next to the doctor before he looks behind him and sees that they have duplicated themselves hundreds of times. They all then piled right on top of him as he stood no chance against that number.

“Make that, two a none.” Duplexe said as she and Ditto shared a high-four again.

A bit later, Test was in a police wagon as he was arrested and taken away as the heroes watched. “You think he’ll stay in prison this time?” Manny questioned with his arm crossed.

“Even if he does escape, I took the liberty of deleting all his computer files.” Xylene said with a smile. “So he won’t be able to replicate or mutating any more Omnitrix DNA.”

“Neither are we for a while.” Misty said with a smile.

“We’re all cloned out.” Helix said in agreement. “From now on, we’re having fun the normal way.”

"Okay that's good because I want to race you guys to the beach!" Smolder declared as she prepared to fly off. As she did that, Hope her magic to fly on the piece of sail and brought Venus with her.

The others used their abilities as they took off. “You’re own!” Rainbow called with a challenging smirk as they took off, leaving Misty and Helix alone.

“He-Hey guys! Wait for us!” Misty called as she and Helix tried to activate their Omnitrixes, but they were still timed out. “No fair!”

“Oh, where’s XLR8 when you need them?” Helix questioned as he and Misty rushed off. “Next time, we’re getting jetpacks.”

“Ditto.” Misty said as she and Helix laughed as they rushed off after the group.

Test looked down in frustration as he was being sent to prison again before he felt the Transportation he was in starting to shake. He then heard the guards in the front and back speak out in confusion before they were calling out in pain.

Test was surprised by that as coming out from the side as the door opens was a familiar queen. “Dr. Test. I require your expertise.” She told him.

Test cautiously stepped out as he saw he was in some sort of dining room with a banquet put on a large table. He noticed a few chairs were empty while five others were filled by the Circus Freaks, Mind Melder, and Winvo. “What is the meaning of this?” Test questioned in confusion.

“I thought it would be appropriate to introduce you to our little club.” The mare said while gesturing to a chair. “Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss.

“Like what?” Test asked.

“Like our mutual enemy, the Alien Force, and their main leader, Helix Watch.” The mare said, which made Test perked up as he gave an interesting smile. Looks like Test is in a group the mare is setting up with some old enemies Helix and his friends faced during the summer. "And there's another reason why I brought you along, is so that you can help another reach his fullest potential." She then pressed a button on her gauntlet to pull up a holographic screen of Bug Juice in a lab tube. "Do you think you can do it?"

Test gave an exciting giggle. “Oh, I have plenty ideas for him.” He said gleefully, seeing that he found a group he can be part of something very nefarious.

Author's Note:

What would you do if you had the abilities like Ditto does?

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