• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 28: Identity Crisis

The group are in the middle of town known as Manechusetts while they are waiting outside of a costume shop as most of the girls are wearing costumes that look like something a pilgrim would wear. The only ones that weren't with them were the boys before Twilight looked towards the store door. "All right, enough of this, come out boys!" She called out.

And then, the boys all came out of the store, wearing similar pilgrims like the others. “I feel like a dweeb.” Helix muttered.

“That’s because you are a dweeb.” Misty countered. “Now you’re just a pilgrim dweeb.”

“Okay, that’s it. We’re changing.” Gallus said as he was about to re-enter the store, but Rarity grabbed him and pulled him away.

“None sense, darling. You all look great.” Rarity said with a smile.

“And besides, you can’t visit Maneschusetts without soaking up the local history.” Twilight said to them with a smile. “Now come along.” She said as they all walked off.

"How did we let her talk us into this?" Manny questioned the other boys as they shrugged in response. They soon passed some colts taking pictures of an old statue before they noticed the boys wearing what the statue was wearing. The colts walked up to them and they took pictures of the boys, which caused the girls to giggle at this.

“On the plus side, at least they find us great.” Sandbar said while trying to remain positive as they backed away from the colts.

"Twilight, can we please change now?" Helix asked before they heard a big explosion coming from down the street and they saw a building had lit on fire.

"Okay Helix, you can change now." She responded as she meant a different kind of change. "And that goes for the rest of you."

"Alright!" Helix shouted with excitement before activating the Omnitrix. “Goodbye zero, hello hero!" After pressing the two buttons on the watch and the core popped up, he slammed it down and transformed into Overflow, but still had the hat on. "It feels so good to be cool again!"

“It’s a good thing we kept our suits in these costumes.” Helen said as she and the others took off their ID Masks and their costumes as they rushed towards where the explosion was set off.

At the burning building, Cursed came out of the flames with a smile. “Ahh. I love being a witch.” She said fondly as the others started putting out the flames while Cursed looked around before she noticed them and she threw some more pellets down, creating more flames, which got Overflow’s attention.

“I got it, you guys handled the rest!” Overflow called as he ran towards the flames, not noticing Cursed was in it.

"That's it, come a little closer." Cursed said with an evil grin. "Come into my parlor said the spider to the Overflow."

Meanwhile, the rest of the group was getting ponies out of the burning building while they were putting out the flames. "Smolder, remember the water spell I taught you as a basic?" Hope questioned as she saw an opportunity. "Well, I believe this is the time to use it."

“Sweet!” Smolder said as she raised her hands and moved in motion. “Uh, what was it? Uh, oh, yeah! Aquasit-burst!” She called, which her hands glowed a bit before she shot water from her hand and put out the fire, getting the creatures open as they ran off. “I did it!” However the water did not stop flowing as it was getting bigger. "Okay now how do I stop?!"

"You did practice the cancellation spell in case you can't control it, right? Hope questioned before Smolder took off because of the out-of-control water spell. "I'll take that as a no."

With Overflow, he landed on the ground next to a window as he put out more flames, but then he saw his reflection as he noticed his hat was still there. “Great. Now I look like an alien dweeb.” He muttered before he took off his hat and blasted it to the ground, but then Cursed came out and stepped on it. “Cursed?!” He asked in shock as Cursed then placed herself in a magic bubble.

Transfora-identica, transora-identica…” Cursed started as Overflow does not want to know what she was about to do as he quickly shot up into the sky with his waterblast. “Transfera-identica!” She finished as she shot a magic bubble at Overflow, who tried to get away, but he was caught in it.

“I feel kind of weird.” Overflow said as he felt the magic sensation in the bubble. Soon the bubbles were being drawn closer to each other before they both heard Smolder screaming as she was out of control with her spell. Soon she slammed right into overflow and knocked him out of the bubble but she was trapped inside it instead. "Okay… that felt weird."

Smolder soon composed herself before she noticed she was in a magic bubble being drawn towards Cursed. "No, not you!" Cursed shouted before the two bubbles merged and a flash of light covered the two. Then in a flash, the two were sent flying in opposite directions of the street just as the team was finishing up putting out the flames.

Cursed got up and saw her reflection. “Aah! Cursed!” She yelled before turning and saw that no one was there, but then she looked at herself. “Wait, what happened to my paws? And why am I standing on all fours?” She asked before she wobbled and fell to the ground. “Oof! Okay, what is going on?” She asked as she managed to stood up, a bit wobbly but she looked at her reflection and then made silly faces and weird moves.

Smolder soon got up and saw Cursed doing silly faces and weird moves down the street before she looked at herself. She then noticed she was a dragon before she fainted with shock. As soon as Cursed was done making silly faces and weird moves, she realized something. "Oh my Draco, it's me!" She exclaimed before she ruffled up her mane. "What's going on?!" She then turned and saw the others coming towards some of the ponies they've saved to make sure they were okay. “Guys! Hope!” She said with a smile. "Headmare Twilight! Hope! Something's wrong!" She called out before she raced to them but was having trouble running on for hooves. "Okay seriously! How are ponies able to run like this?!"

"Oh no you don't." Smolder said when she got up but sounded a bit sinister. "You're not going to ruin my plans, little miss good dragon by ratting me out to my sister." She then flapped her wings and took off to the sky as she followed Cursed. Just when she was about to reach the others, Smolder landed right in front of her and surprised her while Smolder wiggled her finger in a 'no, no' gesture.

Smolder then delivered a mighty punch, which send Cursed crashing into the tree as the others noticed her as the Omnitrix timed out and Helix transformed back before they saw Smolder lying on the ground while rubbing her head as they rushed up to her. “Smolder, what is going on?” Applejack asked.

"It's Hope's twin sister, Cursed Sparks!" Smolder replied just as Cursed got up and overheard her. "She must have been the one behind the fire."

"Hey wait, I'm not--" Cursed was going to protest when she walked closer to them before Smolder delivered a kick right to her side and knocked her out with a punch.

The others looked at Smolder in surprise by that punch. “Uh, don’t want her reciting a spell that’ll turn us all into weasels or something.” Smolder said with an innocent shrug. “No telling what could come out of her mouth.”

"You got a good point." Hope agreed before she glared at her unconscious sister. “If I know my sister, she's got a few tricks up her sleeve. Just to be on the safe side before she wakes up…" Her hoof glowed as wrappings suddenly came out of her bag and wrapped around the muzzle of her sister. Soon the cops arrived just as Cursed regained consciousness and arrested her. "Make sure you keep her bag of tricks far away from her, because she might use something in it to escape." Hope informed the cops.

“We will.” The mare cop said as they put Cursed at the back of the chariot. “Okay, jailbird, your home sweet home is going to be juvenile maximum security.” She said as she slammed the door as Cursed tried to speak, but her mouth was muffled before Smolder walked up to her with a smirk as the chariot took off.

“Don’t worry, Smolder. I’ll take care of your friends.” Smolder said sinisterly, revealing to be Cursed inside Smolder’s body as they took the real Smolder in Cursed's body away before Cursed looked at the Omnitrix in Helix’s hoof. "And mostly that watch." She whispered

Soon as they came back to the mobile base just as the young group walked out of it. "...and after you pick the alien you want, you then press the two buttons on it to let the core pop up and slam it back down before you're ready to kick butt?" ‘Smolder’ recapped how the Omnitrix works.

“Yeah, but, you know that, Smolder.” Helix said with a brow.

“What’s up with you, Smolder?” Gallus questioned in confusion.

“Yeah, when are you interested in the Omnitrix?” Spike questioned while scratching his head.

“Yeah, you’ve been with Hope and learning about magic and spells from her after you lost your Mis Drago powers.” Attea added with a brow.

"Oh, I think I'll take a break from that for today." ‘Smolder’ replied innocently. "Right now, I just want to be interested in what my friend is interested in."

"Uh, did you hit your head or something?" Ocellus asked her. "You never sounded like that before."

“Yeah, because if you’re trying to set me up to get me punk somehow, that’s my cousin’s thing.” Helix said while gesturing to Misty. "And she's sometimes bad at it because I'm smart not to fall for it and she's dumb."

“It’s true.” Misty said with a smile before her eyes widened. “Hey!”

“Sorry, Smolder, but Helix got you there.” Helen said with a shrug. “He’s always one step ahead of you.” She said.

“Yep, sorry, but I’m too smart, freak.” Helix said with a smirk, which caused ‘Smolder’ to growl and grab Helix by the hoof, surprising the group.

“Nobody calls me a freak and gets away with it! Nobody!” ‘Smolder’ yelled as she twisted Helix’s back hoof, which caused him to scream in pain.

"Yo, let him go!" Manny called out as he pulled her off of him. "What's the matter with you, girl?!"

"What in tarnation is going on out here?!" Applejack called out as the grown-up ponies and Azmuth came out.

"Smolder just snapped and attacked Helix." Helen answered.

“What?!” Fluttershy asked in shock.

“Smolder, is that true?” Twilight asked with a look towards the dragon.

“Uh, they’re right.” ‘Smolder’ said with a fake apologetic look. “I'm really sorry, please forgive me."

"Uh Azmuth, can you do a brain scan on her because she's acting really weird." Helix asked with a weirded out tone.

“I’m still learning between your primitive mythical speices, but your friend does seem a bit off. But I’m sure it is nothing.” Azmuth said with an assuring wave.

"I know, I'll make it up to you by making you a very famous dragon dish." 'Smolder' told him with a fake bright smile. "But I'm going to need very special ingredients for it. Because it will change you forever once you get a taste."

The others all looked at her strangely while Hope gave a brow at Smolder’s behavior.

In a prison station, Smolder, who is in Cursed’s body, was shoved into a room. “But I’m innocent.” She said before they closed the door on her. “I'm not even a pony, I'm a dragon! You have the wrong creature!”

“Yeah, that’s what they all say.” An officer mare waved off as she walked down the hallway, leaving ‘Cursed’ to look down sadly before sitting in a table with a bunch of other female creatures. She then felt something up her sleeve as she took some out and saw some stone pellets she have.

“So, what are you in for, princess?” A female griffon questioned as she walked up to 'Cursed'. “Wearing your Nighmare Night costume in the summer?” She taunted as her pony friend next to her gave a laugh.

“Good one, Clawer.” She told her with a laugh.

“Shut up!” Clawer snapped, which caused the pony mare to flinch as Clawer walked up to ‘Cursed. “Only two rules in here: Rule one: I’m in charge, so what I say goes.” She said as she tapped ‘Cursed’ cheeks.

“And rule number two?” ‘Cursed’ questioned nervously.

“Obey rule one or else.” The mare pony said with a smirk as she smashed her hoof together.

Meanwhile, the group was in a Marketplace as 'Smolder' placed a bag full of ingredients on a wagon before walking up to a stand with squids on it. The others came up from behind while Dust is looking at the list. “Oh, well, judging from this list of ingredients, whatever you’re cooking up is going to be very exotic.” Dust said with a smile.

“Translation, it’ll taste like barf.” Rainbow whispered as the others muttered in agreement.

"Yeah, but these ingredients look familiar to me for some reason." Hope mentioned after looking at the list. "I just can't put my hoof on it."

“Sea urchin eggs?” The seller asked in surprise. “What do I look like, Mr. Seafood Gourmet?” He asked while giving a small laugh. “What you see is what I got, girlie.”

'Smolder' glared at the seller before she flared up her wings to block the others from seeing her claw glowing. "Latin acause sorensay." She whispered an enchantment which caused the squids to levitate and quickly attack the seller. "Well look at that, bad things can happen to you when you're not nice."

“What the heck was that?!” Sandbar asked as the others started trying to help the man get the squids off him, but then a couple of stallions smirked and rushed up to the wagon and took off, which they noticed.

“Hey! That’s my wagon!” The seller yelled out.

"My ingredients!" 'Smolder' shouted as her bag full of ingredients was on that wagon.

“Looks like Helen and I are on the job.” Helix said as he activated the Omnitrix and slammed it down, but he transformed into Eye-guy. “Eye-guy? Oh, man, Eye have the need for speed.” He complained.

"Now what?" Manny asked before 'Smolder' noticed a couple of fancy scooters.

"We'll take these!" She shouted as she got on one of them while Eye-guy took the other.

“Drats, no key.” Eye-guy said as ‘Smolder’ paw started glowing. “Gonna have to find another way to…” He was cut off when his scooter took off at high speed. “Whoa!”

“Guess we don’t need them!” ‘Smolder’ said with a smirk as she turned to Helen. “Come on, Helen! We got a wagon to catch!” She called as she took off after Helix.

“Sure thing!” Helen nodded as she sped after the two.

Meanwhile the two stallions continued to run with the wagon as one of them let out a chuckle. "What did I tell you?" He asked his partner. "Easy bits."

“Hey, I think we’re being followed by a dragon and some big eye freak with a speed creature.” His partner said after looking at the view mirrors the three rushed through the road while Eye-guy server around and went up to the park.

“Look out! Coming through!” Oh! Oh! Sorry!” Eye-guy called as he crash into some stands and the creatures move out of the way. “Whoa! Whoa!” He called as he tried to catch up with the two girls, but his scooter broke apart as he went flying and crashed into a dumpster as he poke his head out and gave a look. “Eye did not see that coming.” He muttered.

With Helen and ‘Smolder’ they are still chasing the wagon as Eye-guy ran on the rooftop to chase them down. He tried to jump onto another rooftop but didn't make it as he started plummeting down. He quickly used his powers to give himself a boost by blasting a laser from his chest eye. He then continued to follow them by this means as Helen continued to chase down the wagon. "We almost got them Smo--" She said before she noticed 'Smolder' had vanished. "Smolder?!"

“Where’d she go?” The stallion questioned when he noticed ‘Smolder’ was gone too before the two stallions saw that ‘Smolder’ was sitting between them while giving a menacing look.

“You ponies messed with the wrong little dragon.” ‘Smolder said to them. Outside, Eye-guy the wheels, which caused the wagon to tilt and fell as he landed on the ground as Helen rushed up to him.

“Where’s Smolder? Is she alright?” Eye-guy asked Helen.

“She was just here but I don’t know.” Helen said before they heard laughter and saw ‘Smolder’ laughing as they saw the two stallions were being attacked by lobsters.

“We give up! One of them yelled as they were pulling the lobsters off of them.

"Just please get these things off of us!" The other shouted as they kept on getting pinched by the lobsters.

"Shouldn't we help them?" Eye-guy asked.

“Let them suffer.” ‘Smolder’ said with a frown, which got Eye-guy and Helen to look at her in surprise. “That’ll teach them to steal from me.” She added before she shrugged. “Oh, well. I have more shopping to do.” She said as she grabbed her bag and walked off while both Helen and Eye-guy looked at each other, wondering what's gotten into Smolder.

Back where ‘Cursed’ is, it was lunch time as ‘Cursed’ held up her tray and the cafeteria mare gave her a glob of unknown food onto it. “Eh, what an interesting color.” She said, feeling a bit grossed out, even by her standards. “Hey, got anything that is organically grown, right?”

The cafeteria mare frowned before she smirk. “Sure thing. I grew this myself.” She said as she pick her ear to get some ear wax and place it on ‘Cursed’ food as she nearly puked. “Make sure you come back for seconds, sweetie. Plenty more where that came from.” She said as she picked her ear as ‘Cursed’ walked off.

She soon sat at a table before letting out a groan. "If this is how a criminal's life is, I am never committing any crime." She told herself before resting her head on her hooves but felt something in the other sleeve. She sat up and reached into the other sleeve to pull out something she saw before from Hope. "Hey, this is the book of spells their uncle gave them when they were just fillies." She said before she noticed that a page was marked. She opened it and read the spell that had two beings in circles while magical lines were connected to the circles. “A body transference spell? So that’s how she swaps bodies with me. But why would Cursed want to switch bodies with me to begin with?” She asked in confusion.

“Unless it’s not me she wanted to do it to.” 'Cursed' whispered before she remembered that Smolder bumped into Overflow when the real Cursed created that fire. She then pieced it together as her eyes widened with realization and horror. "Helix! She was going to switch bodies with Helix and get control of the Omnitrix. And with both superpowered aliens and her spells combined, there's no stopping her."

“Yo, princess, so what you got there?” The mare and Clawer from earlier came up in front of ‘Cursed’. “You’ve been holding out on us.”

“Seriously, can’t a girl read a book in peace?” 'Cursed' asked sarcastically. "Look, I don't have time for this." She was about to leave before Clawer grabbed hold of her and glared at her.

“No one talk to me! What do you got to say for yourself, princess?” Crawler questioned.

‘Cursed’ glared before looking at her tray before she smirked. “Just this. Food fight!” She called as she threw her tray of food at them, causing the two to crash into each other as a group of mares as one by one, all the girls around the cafeteria started throwing food at each other.

The mare growled and charged at ‘Cursed’, but she moved aside as she crashed into a yak’s mare tray, which got some food on her as the yak growled and roared as she tossed some food. ‘Cursed’ moved side to side to avoid the food projectiles, but she bumped into Clawer as she was grabbed by the shoulders.

"You got guts for a pony, I'll give you that." She said with a glare. "Now quit stalling and give it to me!"

"Uh okay, but I don't know exactly what it is." 'Cursed' mentioned before she pulled out the stone pebbles from her other sleeve. They then hatched into small stone birds before they attacked Clawer.

The other mares came up to her, but the stone birds came to them as they all screamed while they were being chase. ‘Cursed’ then was grabbed by the cafeteria mare and turned to face her. “Troublemaker, huh? Well you’ll be scrummbing pots and pans until those pretty little hooves fall off.” She warned as ‘Cursed’ took out the spell book and quickly flipped through the pages before stopping on one.

Bellum Ocurror Mazzura!” ‘Cursed’ chanted as the spoon the mare was holding came to life and wrapped around her hoof, which caused her to gasp as she quickly took it off and backed away. But then she turned and saw the utensils coming to life as they walked up to her, which caused the mare to fall into a trash can with a scream as she rolled around, but the mares in the cafeteria all cheered.

“Cool.” Crawler said with a smile as she looked at ‘Cursed’, who just smiled and rubbed the back of her head.

"It was nothing." She said with a smile before she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She turned around and saw the police officer that threw her behind bars in the first place.

"Let me guess, you're innocent?” The officer asked with a brow as 'Cursed' realized she was in bigger trouble than she was before.

The group were now in anothe fish shop near the docs. “Uh, guys, have you noticed that Smolder has been kinda weird today?” Ocellus asked them in worry. “She’s really been acting strange lately.”

“She definitely was laughing at those criminals when they were being attacked by lobsters and didn't even bother to help." Helen mentioned.

"And I swear I've seen these ingredients before." Hope spoke up.

‘Smolder’ then came out fo the shop. “Got it. The final ingredient.” She said while holding up a small box, which Delta took and took a look inside.

“Ooh, sea urchin eggs?” Delta asked in surprise. “Wow. Those must’ve been expensive, Smolder.”

"Not really." 'Smolder' replied as she took the box back. "I sweet talked them into giving me a deal, it was no biggie.” As they walked away, they didn't realize that Cursed in Smolder's body tied up the employees in the shop and let them hang upside down with their muzzles taped up.

Back in the prison, 'Cursed' was holding a mop as she, Clawer, and the mare was forced to clean up the mess hall. “And when you finish here, somepony gets to buff my bunions.” She said firmly as she walked off.

"Heh, small price to pay to see the old crow's face when she fell into that trash can." Clawer said with a grin before she looked at 'Cursed'. "You're right, princess. If you ever need anything, just let me know."

"Actually, what I really need is a way out of here." 'Cursed' told them as she continued to mop. "A friend of mine is in trouble out there and I need to warn him."

“Armed guards around every exit?” The mare asked, reminding her of the place they are in. “No way you could ever--”

“Hey, I think I found a way out of here.” ‘Crused’ said while looking at the drain the water is going. “But we’ll need a distraction for me to work on this.”

Crawler and the mare looked at each other with smirks. “No problem.” Crawler said as they nodded to each other and Crawler aimed the hose and shoot water at the cafeteria mare while her partner threw a mop at the guards, causing them to fall.

‘Cursed’ dropped a pellet down she pulled out from her sleeve, which caused the drain cover to explode and smashed into the wall as the two mares and griffin jumped into the drain as the guards chased after them.

Somewhere else in the building, a loud scream was heard as a door opened and Cursed's bag was hopping all on its own down the hallway.

Meanwhile, the three escapees were running through the sewer lines until they were stopped by a large set of bars. "This must spill out into the city's main drainage system." Clawer told the other two after inspecting the bars. "If we can get through these, we're home free."

Then coming up from behind them was Cursed’s bag, which ‘Cursed’ caught as it growled and she opened it up to see more pellets. “Step back.” ‘Cursed' told the girls as she tossed a pellet and the bars exploded into pieces, clearing a way for them as she turned to the two girls. “So, I don’t suppose you guys are going to give up crime and turn over a new leaf, are you?”

The two of them looked at each other for a moment before they let out a laugh of amusement. "Yeah right, we gotta make up for lost time." The mare mentioned with a grin.

"Yeah, I thought you were going to say that." 'Cursed' mentioned. "So, I'm sorry in advance for this." She then took out two pebbles from her bag and tossed it in front of them. The two pebbles then grew in size before they became stone golems and frightened the two.

Crawler and her partner ran off, but the two guards caught them as the golems ran after their ‘master’. “If I ever see you again, princess, I’m going to introduce you to all 10 of my friends here!” Crawler yelled out while ‘Crused’ ran down the tunnel and petted the two golems as she kept going.

Back with the others, a large cauldron was out as Smolder was putting in each of the ingredients they bought. Helix came out of the mobile base and caught a whiff of what was cooking. "Ugh, please tell me that smell isn't coming from what she's cooking." He asked the others.

"Unfortunately, it is." Attea replied. "Let's get some distance from that before my eyeballs melt."

"I'm with you on that." Helen spoke up as she followed Attea with Helix and Zs'spoocy following behind.

"Same here." Misty said as she followed the four. They walked for a bit before they heard a familiar voice coming from the top of some stairs.

"Guys!" They looked up and saw Cursed Sparks walking towards them.

“Cursed!” Helix said with a glare. “This time, we’re putting you away in a deeper cage!” HE said as he was about to activate the Omnitrix, but the two golems tackled him and pinned him down.

“Helix!” The girls yelled as they glared at ‘Cursed’.

"Call them off or I'll blast that face of yours!" Attea threatened as she pulled out her blasters and aimed them right at 'Cursed'.

"Sorry, but I can't let him up just yet." She told them. "Once he goes hero, he'll kick my butt without even listening to what I have to say."

“She got a point, cous.” Misty said with a brow. “You usually do that to bad guys.”

“Hey, who side are you on anyway?” Helix questioned his cousin while struggling to get the golems off him.

“Just listen to me.” ‘Cursed’ said to them. “Smolder’s not Smolder. I am! She used a body transferring spell and we ended up switching bodies."

"Okay, I've heard the stupidest things during the summer, but that really tops it." Helen mentioned. "How dumb do you think we are?"

"I'm telling you the truth!" 'Cursed' told them. "Have any of you noticed Smolder acting really strange all day? Like she's not herself?" That question really got their attention. "You have to believe me, if you don't, the real Cursed Sparks will switch bodies with Helix and get control of the Omnitrix."

"What is she doing here?!" They heard Hope questioned before they saw the rest of the group coming towards them as the Golems got off of Helix.

"She says that Smolder isn't Smolder and she isn't her but you're each other!" Helix told them before he had a baffled look on his face. "At least that's what I think she said. Right?"

"I don't know, even I'm confused by all this." Misty said as she scratched her head.

“Wait? What?” Hope questioned with a look.

“Smolder, is that true?” Twilight questioned.

"She's not Smolder!" 'Cursed' exclaimed.

"Seriously, who are you going to believe?" 'Smolder' questioned the group. "This villainous lair, or your own eyes and hearts?"

"There's only one way to know for sure who is the real Smolder." Ocellus spoke up before she looked at both 'Smolder' and 'Cursed'. "Back at school, when Cozy Glow tricked us into going under the school and the tree of Harmony was testing us. I was trapped looking like Chrysalis but you found me and told me your secret and what the Tree of Harmony was testing you about. What was it?"

"Is that I…like cute things…" 'Cursed' muttered quietly.

"What was that?" Attea asked her.

"I like cute things, okay?!" She exclaimed. “Okay, I admit it! I really like cute things such as dressing up in dresses and pretending that I'm a princess while also having tea parties!" The boys almost let out a chuckle at that answer. "Watch it!"

"Yeah, you're definitely not my sister.” Hope said before she glared at 'Smolder'. "Because Cursed never liked any of those things, especially when we were fillies.” She said with a firm tone as ‘Smolder’ look at her paws with a smirk.

“At least I can stop being all nice and sweet. It was making me sick to my stomach.” ‘Smolder’ said with a smirk.

“If you even know Smolder well as I do, she was never all nice and sweet around in public.” Ocellus said with a glare.

“Yeah, I usually show my tough girl side.” ‘Cursed’ said with a glare.

"Well I was lucky enough that your dragon with a powerful magical aura, otherwise none of my spells would have worked." 'Smolder' told her.

"Then have a taste of your own medicine." 'Cursed' replied as she extended her hoof and magical chains came out of her sleeves as they started to wrap around 'Smolder', who had her eyes closed.

"Unsquiera despariot!" She chanted before opening her eyes as they glowed a dark pink color and a magical shockwave destroyed the chains and sent the group flying back. "I'm the real sorceress, remember? Not even my own little sister can stand a chance against me."

“You won’t get away with this, Cursed.” Hope said with a groan while they were on the ground while the golems went up to ‘Smolder'.

“Oh, but I will, sis. Now I switch bodies with doofus and every spell I cast will be alien super-charged.” ‘Smolder’ said as she turned to the cauldron and some magic came out as ‘Smolder’s waved it in circle formation. “Transfera identica. Transfera identica. Transfera identica!” She chanted as she formed a magic bubble before Helix, ‘Cursed’, Helen, Attea, and Misty got up and charged right at her.

Everyone was then blinded by a bright light before a mist covered the area. Two figures emerged from it as they both held their heads and realized something. "No! This wasn't supposed to happen like this, I'm back to being me!" Cursed exclaimed as she was back in her own body.

"So am I!" Smolder shouted with relief.

"Ha, you screwed up your own spell again!” Helix called out from inside the mist.

"Glad you're you again, Smolder, but why do I feel weird?” Helen questioned from inside the mist.

“I feel strange too.” Attea spoke up in the fog as well.

“Me too. Like, I'm not myself.” Misty finished as the four rushed out of the fog and looked at each other before they looked at one another, Attea and Helen, Misty and Helix.

“Aaah! I’m you! Gross!” All four of them shouted as Attea's voice was coming out Helen, Helen's voice out of Attea, Misty's out of Helix, and Helix's voice was coming out of Misty's.

The others all looked at the four in confusion. “Wait-wait a minute.” Silverstream spoke up. “Now, if you’re Helix, and you’re Misty. And you’re Attea, and you’re Helen, then I’m, uh, really confused.”

“Me too. This is freaky-deaky.” Pinkie said in agreement while scratching her head.

"This is officially the weirdest day ever." Gallus mentioned with a baffled look.

“Wait, uh, Helix…” Smolder spoke up.

“Yes?” Helix, in Misty’s body, spoke up with his own voice.

“Wait a minute hold on, how come their voices switched places when it didn’t happened to me and Cursed?” Smolder asked in confusion. “Our voices were still in our bodies even if we switched places.”

“Apparently, the spell wasn’t meant to change more than two bodies at once!” Cursed yelled out in anger. “You fools! Now I only have enough ingredients to mix up one more transference spell!”

“You’re not gonna get the chance, because I’m going hero!” ‘Misty’ said as she reached for her hoof, only to realizes she don’t have the Omnitrix.

“You’re not wearing the Omnitrix, doofus. I am!” ‘Helix’ reminded her while showing the Omnitrix to her.

“Okay, this is really confusion.” ‘Attea’ said while sticking her tongue out, which she had trouble retracting it back. “Now this is just creepy weird.” She said wiht her tongue out.

"Yeah, and I think I forgot how to use your real things since the fusion accident!" 'Helen' shouted as she struggled to stay up.

The golems then started attacking them, which they dodged. “Let’s get out of here!” Flash called as they all rushed off while Cursed started blasting at them.

“So, what are you waiting for? Go alien andkick her magical flank!” ‘Misty’ yelled at her cousin as ‘Helix’ tried to activate the Omnitrix

“I’m trying! Which way do you turn this thingy?” ‘Helix’ asked.

“You better figure out fast!” Venus called out. “Because I don’t think we can--” He was cut off when a blast exploded near them, creating a flash as they blacked out.

Once the adult group, the Young Six, Manny, Venus, Azmuth, and Hope all woked up and saw that they were all tied to a pole while the magic users have inhibitor rings to block their magic as they saw Cursed brewing another potion. “You won’t get away with this, sis.” Hope said with said with a glare as she struggled to break free.

“Said my little sis and her friends tied up to a pole.” Cursed said in amusement. “By the way, Mrs. Watch, your cooking stinks.” She said with a frown.

“It does?” Dust asked as the others groaned.

“Really, you’re asking that now?” Spike questioned while Cursed went back to work.

Down below deck, the four-body-switched group were in trapped in stools with their front hoofs/hands and head through the holes. “Like being you isn’t punishment enough, cous.” ‘Misty’ said with a groan.

“You think you got it bad?” ‘Attea’ asked while her tongue is still sticking out. “Attea, how do you control your tongue? This feels weird and I don’t know how you can keep something this long in.”

“Hey, I’m just happy that I can stand still without going fast or crashing into something.” ‘Helen’ said with a smile. “But, my tongue you get used to it.”

“How can you three chat normally despite the fact Cursed is gonna switch bodies with Helix’s to get the Omnitrix, and that we’re in the wrong bodies?” ‘Helix’ questioned with a brow.

“Hey, if you been around enough crazy longer than us, you get used to it and find it normal.” ‘Helen’ said as she managed to shrug.

"Wait is that…?" 'Misty' spoke up after tasting her own lips. "Strawberry lip balm?"

“What? You gotta stay fresh.” ‘Helix’ said in defense.

“Okay, this is getting us nowhere.” ‘Helen’ said wiht a frown before she realizes something. “Wait. Helen, think you can use your tongue, I-I mean my tongue, onto Helix’s left hoof?”

“Wait, what?” ‘Helix’ asked while turning to ‘Helen’ with a gross out expression. “That is gross, Attea! You know that, right?!”

“No, Misty. If Helen uses my tongue onto Helix’s right hoof, my slobber will be able to soak up his hoof so you can slip free so you can reach the Omnitrix.” ‘Helen’ explained.

“Great! Gross, but great!” ‘Misty’ said with a smile.

“Gross is more like it.” ‘Helix’ said in disgust.

"Okay, now I just gotta--" 'Attea' struggled to control her own tongue before it smacked her in the face. "Control this thing…"

“Helen, you gotta focus on your reflexes, try and picture something that you’re tongue could be attractive to.” ‘Helen’ explained. “Sorta like how frogs like flies that they used their tongue to catch them, but something that you like.”

"Okay…" 'Attea' said it before she retracted her tongue and breathed in. She then focused as she aimed right for Helix's right hoof just before she shot her tongue right and it wrapped around his hoof. "Ugh, do you ever get used to the taste?" She mouthed.

“What? I’ve tasted weirder things. And besides, you should know who you’re tasting right now.” ‘Helen’ said with a smirk, causing 'Attea' to blush a little.

"Not funny…" She muttered before she managed to get enough saliva on Helix’s hoof before she retracted her tongue and he pulled his hoof free.

"Alright!" 'Misty' cheered before ‘Helix’ reached around and activated the Omnitrix.

"Okay, I can't exactly see the icons, so I'm going to do it randomly." 'Helix' told the others.

"Just make sure you go Humungousaur." 'Misty' told him before he pressed the two buttons and the core popped up. He then pushed it down as they were blinded by a flash of green light and he transformed into an alien that is like multiple building blocks around him while she got free from her trap.

“Whoa! This is kinda cool.” The male alien said in a female voice since Misty’s voice is in it.

“I said Humungousaur, not my new alien Bloxx!” ‘Misty’ retorted.

“Give it a rest, doofus.” Bloxx said to her with a glare. “It’s not like you’re much better working this thing than I am.”

“Enough arguing you two.” ‘Attea’ spoke up to them. “Misty, get us out of these things so we can stop Cursed from finishing the spell.”

Back on deck, Cursed is still finishing the potion. “I think I’ll turn into that fire alien first. With my spells funneled through that alien body, the Crystal Empire is gonna get burned.” She said with a smirk.

"Okay, I hear no evil and see no evil, but she is just evil!" Pinkie shouted before they heard a loud crash coming from below.

Cursed rushed up to the hole below duck and saw that the four switched-body kids were gone. “Watch!” She growled while the others on the pole managed to get free as Hope stood up.

“Hey, big sis!” Hope yelled out as she charged at her sister and delviver a mighty kick to the head, which sends Cursed flying a she rolled across the ground. “That’s for switching places with my apprentice!”

"If you're her master, then she's going to be learning spells for a very long time." Cursed said before she stumped her hoof to make her golems come to life. "Sick them boys!"

The golems then started attacking the group while they tried to fight them off. “You should really respect family, Cursed.” Bloxx spoke up as Cursed turned and saw him and the other three climbing out.

“I don’t respect anybody but me.” Cursed said to them.

"It's over, give up or I'm--" 'Misty' declared before she quickly realized something. "She’s going to swab the deck with your flank!" She said while pointing to Bloxx, since 'Helen' and 'Attea' were having trouble controlling each other’s body while she doesn’t have any abilities.

"Heh, all you've done is save me a trip down to get you.” Cursed pointed out with a grin.

Bloxx charged at Cursed and throw a punch at her, but Cursed simply dodged as Bloxx’s arm got stuck to a pull, which caused him to get pulled as he smashed into it headfirst. “Ow!” He called while rubbing his head. “Gotta give Helix and the others credit. This alien hero stuff is a lot tougher than it looks.”

Cursed then landed on some cannons before her hooves glowed. "Declam Baccura." She chanted as she turned the Cannons around while putting cannonballs into them. "Saduka!" She finished as the cannons then fired.

‘Misty’ flipped over the cannons while ‘Helen’ used her speed to move out of the way while ‘Attea’ juses her tongue to grapple up a pole. “Whoa! Misty’s got some moves.” ‘Misty’ commented in surprise.

'Attea' then latched on to one of the golems with her tongue before she pulled herself in and kicked it back. She then was surprised when she retracted her tongue and leaped high off of it before landing on the top of the pole. “Wow, Attea sure has skills and her tonuge is really useful in combat and escapes.” She commented.

‘Helen’ zoomed around and took out as many golems as she could away from the others. “Whoa! I’m starting to see why Helen likes to run fast. This is pretty impressive.” She said with an impressed tone.

Cursed then went up to her potion and brought the magic out. “Third time the charm.” She said as she aimed it at Bloxx. “Transfera identica. Transfera identica.” She chanted as Bloxx got his bearing and charge at Cursed. “Transfera identica!” She finished as she got herself and Bloxx in a magic bubble.

Bloxx strained as he tried to break free while feeling the magic in the bubble. “Guys! Help!” He called out. 'Misty' saw Bloxx in trouble before she noticed a rope tied down to the deck and got an idea. She held on to it before untying it so that she swung up on the rope before landing on top and grabbing the other rope to swing down.

“Out of the way!” ‘Misty’ yelled as she knocked Cursed out of her bubble and then started closing in onto Bloxx.

Hope sees this as she realizes that they’re gonna change back as she raises her hoof. “Duplexs!” She called, while creating two more magic bubbles and launched them at ‘Attea’ and ‘Helen’ inside, causing the two girls to float towards each other as the two pairs of magical bubbles collided with each other in a flash of light. Once it died down, those who were inside looked at themselves with relief.

"I'm me again!" Misty said as she was back in her own body.

“And I’m Bloxx!” Bloxx cheered with a male tone.

“Now this is more like it!” Helen said with a smile.

“Man, it’s great to be back!” Attea said happily.

“You’re welcome.” Hope said with a smile before giving a teasing smile at her sister. “You think you’re the only one who knows that spell. I can copy it with a duplication spell to make more than one magic transference bubble.”

"I'll just cook up another transference spell then, and I won't let anything stop me!" Cursed declared.

"I wouldn't bet on that." Bloxx told her before he rebuild his arms to become hammers as he charged straight at her and started hammering away.

Cursed tried to dodge the hammering, but Bloxx managed to hit her on her head and then started forming blocks around her. Cursed tried to reach her bag, but it was ripped out and tossed into the ocean. “No!” She yelled out as her bag sank to the bottom while Bloxx secured her with some blocks trapping her.

"Hey, Cursed!" Smolder called out as she marched right up to her. “You want an in and out of body experience? Then try this!" She then delivered a punch right to her face to knock her out before reaching into her sleeve and pulling out her spell book. “And I'll take this, thank you."

"Hey yo, guys!" Manny called as he was struggling with the last two golems. "A little help over here?!"

"Let's build." Bloxx quipped before he went to go help Manny. He charged up and formed two catapults and grabbed the two golems and tossed them away, which they break into pieces as Bloxxs reformed.

“Alright! Way to go, Misty!” Manny cheered, thinking Misty is still in Helix’s body as the Omnirix timed out and Helix transformed back.

“Manny, it's me, Helix." He told him with his own voice.

"Okay, that is it, I'm done!" Manny complained as he rubbed his head.

Back in the mobile base and after taken Cursed into custody, it drove down the street while Smolder looked through Cursed’s spell book while they all relaxed. “Ahh. Nothing like being back in your own hoofshoe.” Helix said in huge relief.

"You said it." Smolder agreed. "I swear, moving on four legs was much harder than walking on two."

“So glad I’m not a creature that goes on all four.” Spike muttered with a small smile.

"I'm just glad I can control my own tongue again." Helen mentioned before she looked at Attea. "How are you able to focus all the time with that sort of tongue?"

"Lots of practice." Attea answered.

“Well, I hope this experience made you appreciate each other a little more.” Twilight said to them with a smile.

They each looked at each other before they gave a shrug. "Nah!" All four of them said at the same time.

"So Smolder, what was prison like?" Ocellus asked her in curiosity.

“Oh, it was terrible and a bit gross, to be honest. And the food is even worse.” Smolder said with a shudder before she smirk. “But, I think Cursed is about to have it worse than it was when I was there.”

“What makes you say that?” Hope asked in wonder.

“Let’s just say that someone has unfinished business with Cursed thanks to me when I escaped.” Smolder said as her smirk is still on her face.

Back in prison, Cursed sat there in the dark hugging each other since she was defeated again as two shadowy figures loomed over her as Crawler and her partner walked up to her as Cursed stood up with a nervous expression. “Welcome back, princess.” Crawler said while cracking her talons and advancing towards Cursed.

Cursed may have lost, but she’s gonna get the worse of it. And without her spellbook and bag, she’s in for a world of pain.

Author's Note:

Now, aside from Bloxx, here the rest of his new aliens: Ball Weevil, Crashoper, Eatle, Pesky Dust, Chromastone, Shocksquatch, Cannonbolt, and Kicken-Hawk. Along with this one:


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