• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 23: Who are you Gonna call about Alien Ghosts?

At night somewhere in the forest, the others are all sitting around the campfire while the younger part of the group gives frightful looks while Rainbow Dash gives a creepy look. “And so, as the group of ponies entered the haunted house, it was dark and run down as some creaking sounds could be heard, and when they investigated the inside, the door slammed up behind them, locking them in the house.” She said in a low tone.

“They were trapped?” Silverstream asked fearfully.

“Yes.” Rainbow nodded as Silverstream cowered behind her wings. “And then they suddenly hurt a voice whispering through the winds, 'Leave now… Leave now…' The group looked around but couldn't find the source of the voice anywhere." Helix just let out a yawn as he was getting even more bored by the second.

"What happened after they heard the voice?" Helen asked as she and Attea hugged tight on Helix's hooves.

“Then after they heard the voices, they ventured further into the house. But then they noticed one of them was missing. So when they were calling out to him while searching, they saw him with his back towards him at the end of a dark hallway.” Rainbow continued. “They tried to get his attention, but it was like he never heard them. So they walked closer to him."

“Don’t walk to pony!! It's bad sign!!” Yona yelled out.

“Yes, Yona. They walked up to him.” Rainbow continued with a smirk. “But once they got close to him, he slowly turned to them and--" Manny, covered in mud and leaves, suddenly jumped out and gave out a loud roar that scared the group, except for Helix.

“Oh, wow! That was priceless!” Manny exclaimed as he and Rainbow laughed at their screaming.

“You all should’ve seen your faces!” Rainbow exclaimed through her laughs.

The group calmed down as they looked at Rainbow. “Oh yeah, you both were so hilarious." Helix told the two sarcastically.

This caught the group’s attention as they turned to Helix. “Wait, don’t you find that scary, Helix?” Ocellus asked in surprise.

“Because it sure was.” Fluttershy said with a mane on her face.

"Look, I don't know if any of you have noticed, but we've dealt with scarier things the whole summer." Helix pointed out. "Like giant Lake monsters, mutated animals, a mutant of all my aliens except for you know Gax, Gravattack, and Swampfire. Hearing a ghost story is just like hearing a bedtime story to me."

"Okay, then maybe you like to hear a ghost story about where we're heading next?" Rainbow asked with a smirk.

"Ugh, if you're talking about that Prep School my cousin wants to go to, thanks but I'll pass." Helix told her before he looked over at his parents. "Why are we even going there to meet her? And why does she want to go to that fancy school anyway? It's filled with nothing but snobs and posers."

"Because her parents are far too busy at work to be with her doing the tour of the campus.” Delta reminded him. "And since we let them know that we were back, they've asked us to look over her."

"I heard that Bancroft Academy was founded over many moons ago." Twilight spoke up. "It used to be just a castle."

"And you want to know what I heard about that place?" Rainbow asked the group. "That it was haunted with many, many ghosts with one purple eye. And the scariest part is, it's true. Long ago, on a night like tonight, the royal family that used to live in that same castle wanted immortality just as Princess Celestia has. They were so obsessed that they would even resort to dark magic."

"Oh let me guess, they ended up turning themselves into ghosts after sacrificing one of their eyes and the others they had turned purple?” Helix asked with an eye roll.

"No, they ended up opening a portal to an unknown realm." Rainbow said which surprised the group, including Helix. "In fact, the world they opened up was unlike anything they've ever seen and it was the biggest mistake of their lives. Once the portal had opened, multiple ghosts came out. Each ghost was covered in patches of skin and what was underneath will haunt your memories for the rest of your life. These ghosts were led by one who carried a scythe and could turn his head all the way around." She stated as the others shivered and shuddered at the thought, san Helix but he was a bit nervous.

“And then, when the ghosts attacked them, they got control of their bodies! They either put them under their control, or became ghost minions, slaves to their hive mind!” Rainbow called while the others flinched. “And so, they’ve spread from one to the next, until off of them and the world was put under their control!”

"Y-You're joking, right?" Helix asked with a nervous smile.

"No… Equestria could have fallen to these ghosts if it weren't for Star Swirl the Bearded." Rainbow continued. "Using all the magic that he had, he gathered all the ghosts and returned them to the realm from when they came, except for their leader. Their leader was the strongest out of all of them and he let out a very horrifying shriek when he used his sight to anchor himself to our realm and was split apart…" She whispered with a very cryptic tone. "Some say that shriek was a cry for help to his people, others say that it was a promise. A promise to one day restore himself and seek revenge on this realm for what Star Swirl had done, for ruining his plans and making all those closest to him suffer with their lives…"

They all shivered at that story before Helix broke the silence by letting out a nervous laugh. "Good one, Rainbow…" He told her. "B-But everyone knows there's no such thing as ghosts so it was obviously just a rumor. Right guys?" He turned to the others as each of them were hanging their heads down, including Rainbow Dash. "Guys?" He was about to reach out for Helen before her head just shot up and there was a single black line across her face and one purple eye with a black pupil in the center staring at him. They all had black markings on their bodies as they suddenly became white and they all started to creep towards him.

“I want to be whole!” The figure said in a creepy and spooky voice from everywhere.

“Ah!” Helix cried out as a claw formed in front of him. “Leave me alone!” He called.

“You won’t get away from me. Always the hero.” The figure said as his possessed friends surrounded him. “What a waste of potential. If you want to be helpful, help me become whole!” The voice called as Helix then screamed before suddenly falling from his bed as he fell to the ground before noticing he was back in his mobile home as he noticed the others were sleeping before seeing Helen and the others close by as he took a breath.

“It was just a dream. A really bad one.” Helix said while rubbing his head. “I guess Rainbow’s ghost story really got me.”

The next morning, the mobile base drove down the road while Helix was looking out the window while deep in thought. “Helix? Helix?” Delta called out to his son, but he didn’t hear him.

“Hey, Helix.” Flash said as he pushed Helix a bit, which got his attention.

“Huh, what?” Helix asked as he looked at the others.

“You okay, son? You seemed distracted.” Dust asked in concern.

"Yeah… I guess I'm just still a little freaked out over that ghost dream I had…" Helix replied with a shiver. "And it felt so real too."

"Well, that's what you get for wolfing down to spicy meals before bed." Smolder mentioned.

“Oh, you think you’re so smart, huh, Smolder?” Helix questioned with a look. “Maybe you should go to my cousin’s school for snobs and posers!”

"They say that Bancroft Academy is one of the top schools in Equestria." Twilight spoke up with a shrug. "But that's just their opinion."

"Again, I say filled with snobs and posers." Helix repeated before he looked at his parents. "I mean seriously, can't we just keep on driving on and let Misty go in herself?"

“No, Helix, you’re cousin wanted to see us since we haven’t see her like how we left you. And it’s only right as family we go and support her in the school.” Delta said firmly.

“So we expect you to be on your best behavior when we arrive.” Dust added.

"Yeah okay, I'll be on my best behavior.” Helix replied with an eye roll as he crossed his front legs. The mobile base soon arrived at a castle that looked larger than they thought it would as a young unicorn filly with a light blue coat and an orange mane was seen casing around the front entrance. She soon stopped when the mobile base parked in front of her and both Delta and Dust were the first to walk out.

"Hi, Uncle Delta and Aunt Dust!" The filly greeted them with a smile.

"Hey Misty, it's great to see you again." Dust mentioned as she pulled her in for a hug. "You really have grown since the last time we saw you."

"Yeah, and it's great to see you both too." Misty replied before she frowned when she saw Helix step out of the mobile base. "Although it would be even better if he didn't come along."

"Oh, so that's the greeting I get after not seeing you for a while?" Helix questioned. “I see you still look like a total dweeb as always."

"And I see you're still a total doofus as always." Misty replied before she saw Twilight stepping out of the mobile base with the others. "Oh my… is that Princess Twilight?! It's such an honor to meet you, your highness!"

“It is nice to meet you too, Misty.” Twilight said with a small smile. “Flash and Helix’s parents have told us about you. How organized you are, like me.” She said with a chuckle.

"Thanks, I made sure that my whole summer was planned out." Misty mentioned as she pulled something out of her saddle bag. "I also had each activity color coded so I didn't do the same thing two days in a row." She showed Twilight a list of activities that was laminated with a bright smile. "And getting into this school would definitely be crossed off my list of things to do during the summer. Although it would be even better if my geekazod always cousin wasn't here."

"Says the geek who laminates her list and plans her birthday six months in advance!" Helix replied.

“At least I planned my birthday on my actual birthday this year, loser.” Misty said with a glare.

“Dweep.” Helix added with the same glare as the two got each other on a standdown while the others looked at them uneasy.

“Oh boy, here we go again.” Flash sighed.

"And I'm warning you, you better not do anything to embarrass me on the tour of the campus." Misty told him.

"Don't blow a brain gasket, cootie queen, I promised to be on my best behavior." Helix replied.

“Oh, why doesn’t that make me feel better?” Misty questioned.

“Okay, enough!” Delta said firmly to the two. “If we don’t wanna keep the tour guide waiting, we should get going.

“Yes, Dad/Uncle.” Both Misty and Helix said before they glared at each other before they walked off.

“I’m starting to see why those two never got along.” Helen said with a concerned look.

“Yeah, they’re like opposites to each other. And Misty is more like Twilight.” Rainbow said as Twilight sighed as they followed after the others.

As they walked around the campus, they followed a unicorn filly wearing the school uniform as she was talking to them. “And recently, Bancroft Academy was awarded the prestigious solid gold Main Kauf Trophy for top rated prep school on the East Coast." She told them as Misty looked excited while she looked around. "So you can see why we're very picky about who we admit. So many delude themselves into thinking they are Bancroft material. It's so sad really."

"Well, I have a 4.2 GPA." Misty told the tour guide. "I'm president of the science Club, treasurer of the science society, volunteer at several local charities, and I'm a member of my school's Jiu-Jitsu team." She listed out as the tour guide only gave her a look.

"How nice for you." She said with a fake smile before frowning and walking forward. Misty however was not expecting that response as Helix let out a small chuckle.

"Leave…" He heard a young female voice whisper in the air which made him look around as he could have sworn he saw something flying through the air. "Get out now…"

"Do you have a question?" The tour guide asked Helix to get his attention.

"Uh, yeah… why are there so many kids here during the summer?” He asked as he noticed a bunch of ponies around.

“Attending our prestigious summer school session.” The filly said with a mocking smirk as they continued on.

“Summer and school, there’s two words that should never be used together.” Helix commented as Misty glared at him. “What?”

"I guess she just doesn't get the joke of yours." Helen whispered as they continued on.

"And you were right about this place, it is filled with snobs and posers." Attea whispered to him.

"I have a question!" Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced around the tour guide filly. "Rainbow Dash told us this really spooky story about this place and how it was haunted by many ghosts many moons ago. Is that true?"

“Oh, those are all just foal tales. Rumors to just scare others away.” The tour filly waved off as they walked down a building. As they continued to walk past some archways, Helix saw his shadow turned into a ghost for a moment, which made him gasped as he turned back and saw it was normal as he rubbed his eyes just to be sure.

“Maybe mom and dad are right. I just need some sleep.” Helix said while looking at his shadow before continuing on as the group entered a science lab.

“And this is our science lab.” The filly said as Misty and Twilight gasped when they saw a huge piece of equipment.

"Oh my Celestia, is that an electron microscope?" Twilight questioned with amazement.

“These things are so amazing and hard to find!” Misty called as she turned to the filly, who raised a brow at her as Misty frowned and looked away.

“Sheesh, can she lighten up?” Rainbow questioned to the others.

“I’m starting to see why Helix would hate it here.” Hope said with a brow.

“Maybe we shouldn't have come here.” Manny whispered to the others as Helix walked over to one of the beakers. It suddenly started to boil before a purple eye was seen inside of it.

"Get out now!" The same voice he heard before spoke from the beaker and freaked him out.

"Go away!" He shouted as he hit the beaker and it shattered onto the floor in front of the tour guide, who looked at him with a brow.

"Hehe, that's my cousin for you!" Misty said before pulling Helix into a headlock. "Always joking around!" She said before all the flames in the science lab lit up, which shocked them as the beakers then began to burst.

“Helix, what are you doing?” Applejack questioned.

“Hey, I’m not doing this! Honest!” Helix said in defense before the sprinklers went off and soaked the tour filly, who was leering at them.

“This is not going to look good on your application.” The filly said naturally. “Bancroft is a no-freak zone.”

“Hey, don’t blame us for something we didn’t do!” Manny yelled as he got in front of the filly. “And who are you calling freaks?” Helen quickly elbowed him in the side, while the other young ones glared at the tour guide.

"It must be that ghost who tried to take over Equestria!" Pinkie shouted.

“Well, one freak is Pinkie, but you get the point.” Attea said with a firm look as the tour guide offed and looked away.

In a gym, the Circus Freaks that the heroes fought with Zombozo a while back are looking at the trophy display. “See what I mean? Easy money.” Acid Breath said with a smirk as they walked towards the display before a security guard entered and saw them.

“Hey, this room is off-limits without an escort.” The guard said while the Circus Freaks smirked at him.

The tour guide was seen leaving the group behind as she was soaking wet before Misty quickly ran up to her. "I'm so sorry about my cousin!" She apologized. "Actually, we're not really even related. I'm pretty sure his parents found him at a zoo or something, honest!"

"At BA, it is as important to who you are as what you've done." She told Misty with a look before glancing over at Helix. "You know, if you're a pony from a quality family." She added as Flash, Helix’s parents and Helix glared at her from that as she walked off.

Misty gave a growl as she marched up to Helix. “Helix Watch, I’m gonna…” She was trailed off when Helen and Attea got in front of her. “Get out of my way! I’m gonna teach my cousin a lesson!”

“Yeah, we don’t think so.” Attea said firmly.

“Helix didn’t even do anything, yet you’re putting the blame for what happened in the lab on him?” Helen questioned with an angryangry look. “That’s not right and uncalled for."

"But he ruined my chance to--" Misty was going to yell before they heard the sound of glass being broken not too far from where they were.

"I'm gonna go check that out!" Helix quickly said before he rushed off with both Helen and Attea following behind.

They soon arrived at the gym and saw that the display case was broken and one of the trophies was missing. "Okay, who could have done this?" Helen questioned before they heard familiar laughing coming from inside the gymnasium.

Once they entered, they saw the three Circus Freaks have the security guard on top of the curtains. “You again?!” Helix called as the freaks turned to the three as Helen and Attea took off their masks.

“It’s the colt and wheel dino who took down Zombozo.” Thumbskull mentioned when he saw them.

"And it looks like they brought a frog with them." Acid mentioned when he noticed Attea.

"It was a sweet gig working for that clown, and you ruined it!" Frightwig told them with a glare.

"Hey, it's not our fault you were working for a zombie clown who was siphoning the happiness out of his audience.” Helen replied as Helix activated his Omnitrix.

“Well, it’s payback time!” Frightwig exclaimed.

“How about a little Heatblast fire to light a lit under you freaks?” Helix suggested as he slammed the core down, but instead of Heatblast, he transformed into Goop. "Or maybe a rematch with Goop?”

“Nice trick kid,” Acid said as Thumbskull threw the benches at them, which Helen grabbed Attea and rushed out of the way as Goop got hit by the rumble as Acid sprayed acid at them. “But we ain’t scared of no slime.”

"You forgot that I beat you before as slime before." Goop mentioned as he emerged unharmed from the acid wreckage as the others entered the gym.

“It’s those circus freaks!” Flash exclaimed in shock.

“Who?” Misty asked in confusion.

“We’ll explain later! Because I want payback for stealing our happiness!” Manny yelled as he smashed his ‘hooves’ together and took off his mask, which revealed his true form which shocked Misty as Ocellus armored up while they, and Venus charged at them.

The team was about to charge at one of them before something very strange happened. The mat underneath Acid Breath suddenly lifted up and slammed him against the wall. "Uh, Hope, did you do that?" Goop asked in confusion before he was suddenly punched by Thumbskull, only for his hoof to go right through his body. “Dude, I’m literally made of slime.”

“Doesn’t stop me from trying to punch--AAAAHHH!” Thumbskull yelled in pain as he felt a surge of pain coursing through him before he fell to the ground in pain.

“Okay, what is going on?” Ocellus asked before Frightwig swung her mane at her, but then it was caught by something else in mid-air as Frightwig was dragged to the ground and was smacked multiple times.

“Okay, something is not right.” Twilight said in concern. “I don’t know how, but it’s like something else is fighting the Circus Freaks.”

“Yeah, but who?” Applejack questioned as Misty ran up to the heroes.

“You all are trashing the whole gym! Are you all trying to ruin my chances of getting accepted here?!” Misty questioned angrily at them.

“Seriously, dweeb!? That’s what you’re conerned about!?” Goop questioned. “Especially we’re not the ones trashing it!”

"Helix, is that really you?" Misty questioned in surprise before Goop quickly grabbed her when Thumbskull threw a sandbag at them.

“Let’s get out of here!” Frightwig called as Thumbskull picked up Acid Breath and they ran toward the exit.

“Oh, we can’t let them get away!” Manny called as he and his team rushed after them as Misty looked in shock before turning to the others.

“W-What just happened?” Misty questioned her aunt and uncle.

“Uh, yeah. There’s something we should tell you.” Dust said as they had a feeling that Misty wanted explanations.

Outside, the Circus Freaks tried to get away from the heroes as they chased them down. But then suddenly, something was tugging on Goop's anti-gravity disc as he was being pulled over to a building. "Whoa hey, what's going on?!" He questioned as he tried to pull away but couldn't.

"I'm trying to get you out of here before he sees you." He heard the voice from before, only this time it was closer.

“W-Who are you?! And who’s he?” Goop questioned before the Omnitrix then timed out as he transformed back, which got the group’s attention.

“Helix!” They all called as they rushed up to him, now back to normal with the Omnitrix timed out.

“What happened?” Venus asked in concern.

“I don’t know. Something grabbed Goop’s anti-gravity projector and pulled me here.” Helix said while rubbing his head.

"What happened?" Helen asked with concern.

"Something is haunting me, that's what's happening." Helix replied. "I heard a voice just outside the courtyard, and then again in the science lab. Just now when something was pulling on Goop's anti-gravity disk. She was saying she was trying to get me out before he saw me."

“He who?” Manny asked.

“And who is she?” Attea questioned with a brow.

“Oh, that would be me.” The voice said again as the others turned and saw something coming out of the walls as coming in the shadows was a ghost that was grey and had black lines, with one purple eye, two long arms with her razor sharp claws, her hair was like her form while her feature is showed to be a female. “It’s so relieved to finally see you, face to face.” She said while the heroes looked freaked out by her appearance.

“That’s a g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g….” Ocellus stammered nervously as her Techno Armor began to shake in fear from seeing the ghost.

“Uh, is she okay?” The ghost asked in concern while the others kept looking at her in fear before she realized why they were looking at her. “Oh, right. You all are freaked out when you see someone like me from out of the blue. Guess I should’ve been more careful before revealing myself.”

"Y-You're a ghost…a real ghost…" Helen spoke up as she pointed towards her. "Th-The Ghost of Bancroft!"

"Th-The same one who tried to take over Equestria!" Manny added in a panic.

“Uh, yeah. I’m surprised that name is still remembered these times.” The ghost said with a shrug.

“W-Why are you so natural?” Manny asked fearfully. “Aren’t you gonna try and possess us and rule Equestria!?”

“Okay first off, I’m not you’re an average ghost.” The ghost said as she waved her arm. “I am known as an Ectoneurite.”

“And Ecto-what’s-it?” Venus asked in confusion.

“She said Ectoneurite.” Attea spoke up. “They are an alien race from another dimension far from any galaxy. They are known to be the most vile and creepiest alien in the universe.”

"You mean, she's not a ghost but an alien and that story about ghosts from another realm was all fake?" Helix asked.

"Well no, it's half true." The ghost told him. "We are ghosts but we're also aliens, and Anathtos holds more than just my kind but I don't have time to explain. We have to get you out of here before Zs'skayr finds out you're here."

“Zs’skayr, who’s Zs’skayr?” Helix asked nervously before coming out of the wall was another Ectoneurite.

“That would be me." They heard a spooky male voice say before they looked up and saw another ghost with a body that was purple/blue and he had whitish-grey nails. His spine was sticking out of his back, his tail was fully exposed with black and white stripes and he had spikes on his elbows with whiter, less sharp rows of teeth. "At last, the one who bears the Omnitrix, that will make me whole again." He said as he floated over to them while his head rotated a bit on his neck before looking at the young female Ectoneurite. "Very well done bringing him here, my little daughter, Zs'spoocy."

"D-Daughter…?" Helix repeated with fear before looking at Zs'spoocy. "You two are related?!"

"And man, is he uglier in person than Rainbow Dash made him out to be." Manny mentioned.

"W-What do you want?" Helen asked Zs’skayr.

"I need the power of the watch to make me whole again, considering that miserable of split my DNA when he returned my army back to Anathtos." Zs’skayr answered. "You see, once the Omnitrix takes my sample, my Consciousness will still exist. But I can't have myself trapped inside it now can i? So now I'll have to take over your body, young one." He told Helix as he slowly approached him before Attea quickly took out her Blaster and tried to shoot him, but the blast only went right through him and hit the wall.

“Uh, Attea, he’s a ghost, remember?” Helen reminded her nervously.

“Oh, right.” Attea said fearfully as they all backed away from him while she and Helen, as well as Manny, Ocellus, and Venus stood in front of Helix.

“Stay away from him!” Ocellus called out but Zs’skayr just only phased through them as he approached Helix. He was about to reach out and grab Helix before his daughter quickly grabbed Helix first and pulled him into the sunlight where Zs’skayr's hand started smoking and burn while he screamed and pain.

“You can’t go into the sunlight, father!” Zs’spoocy exclaimed as she then used her tail and whacked her father away as he phased through the wall. “Phew, that was close.” She said as she turned to Helix. “You okay?” She asked as Helix watched in shock as he slowly nodded his head.

“Uh, what just happened?” Attea asked weirdly. “Because I don’t remember Ectoneurites burning up in the sun.” She said in confusion.

"Let's just get out of here." Helix said as he was about to walk away before he bumped into something and got startled.

"Whoa, Helix calm down." Applejack told him as it was her he bumped into.

“Oh, Applejack is just you.” Helix said in huge relief as he and his team all calmed down as the others came to them.

“Are you okay, darlings?” Rarity asked in concern.

“You al look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Spike commented before they took notice of Zs'spoocy. “AAAHH! GHOST!” He screamed in fright before he then fainted on the ground.

"I-Is that…" Rainbow was going to ask but was too scared to even finish.

"Guys, you're in for a long story." Helix told them with a fearful look.

Meanwhile, Zs’skayr emerged from a different part of the school as he held his hand in pain. "I am going to claim the Omnitrix and restore myself, I'm going to need some help." He said to himself before he looked outside with the sun still shining. "But first, I'm going to need a temporary vessel if I'm going to find those circus freaks that were here." He said as he looked around and saw a colt playing a tuba, which he then snuck on him as the colt screamed before Zs’skayr possessed him as he walked out and raised his hoof as he wasn’t burning. “These frail bodies are such good way to beat the sun.” He said as he walked around the school.

In another part of the school, Helix and his team are searching every door while the others, who managed to come too and were brief and greeted by Zs’spoocy while searching around. “My father gotta be around here somewhere.” Zs’spoocy told them while going through some walls.

"So you are a ghost, but you're also an alien from a place called Anathtos called?" Twilight questioned her as they continued to look.

"Pretty much." Zs'spoocy replied.

"So that means it was an alien invasion Star Swirl stopped many moons ago." Delta theorized. "But how come you're still around? I thought he gathered them all up and sent them back."

"Well the Lord and Lady that used to own this castle had a child which my father used to hide me in when I was born." Zs'spoocy told them. "And considering my species age very differently, I'm pretty much the same age as your son now."

"I still can't believe that my doofus cousin is all those alien heroes I've heard about on the news." Misty mentioned with disbelief.

“Okay, will you quick calling him names, Misty?” Helen quesstioned in anoyance.

“Because that’s just rude to say.” Fluttershy added in ageement.

“What? He is a doofus.” Misty said with a shrug.

“You know, I’m starting to see why Helix never talked about you, you’re more immature and rude than he is.” Gallus said with a brow.

"Besides, you're still a major dweeb yourself." Helix told her before he looked at Zs'spoocy. "But how come you're helping me and not your own dad? Wasn't your species going to take over our world?"

"Well, I was with my dad's plan at first, but after spending so much time on this planet, I've grown to love it." Zs'spoocy told them. "And I know what you're thinking, why would a monster alien such as myself love a place like this when in my homeworld all of you are considered monsters?"

"Whoa wait, on your home planet we're the monsters?" Rainbow questioned her.

"Yup, anything you consider ugly or horrifying is beautiful and amazing on Anathtos." Zs'spoocy told them. "So anything cute or adorable, basically not like us, is considered ugly and terrifying. Sort of like that marshmallow unicorn." She said while gesturing to Rarity.

“Excuse me?!” Rarity questioned with a ticked off offended expression as her right eye twitched.

"Okay, but why does your dad want the omnitrix?" Dust asked her before Rarity could blow up.

"Well you know the Omnitrix can house many DNA from across the universe. It can even rebuild DNA from the smallest of pieces." Zs'spoocy told them. "And you saw what happened when he tried to reach for you out in the sunlight. His DNA is damaged and now he can't go into the sunlight, he has to stay in the shadows to survive."

"Like a vampire?" Venus questioned. "But you don't have that problem when you're out in the sun."

"So if your dad Zs'skayr possesses me, he'll be whole again?" Helix asked as she nodded in response. "And I don't think that's the worst part. With the power of the watch, he'll be unstoppable and take over the entire world. Which means we got to find him before nightfall."

“Well, we might have something from our plumber days that might help even the odds.” Delta said with a thoughtful look. “Do we still have it in the truck?” He asked Dust.

“I think we do, honey. Gotta be prepare.” Dust said with a smile.

In an abandoned building, the Circus Freak are hiding there while Frightwig gives a sarcastic look. “How tough could it be to rob a school? It’ll be easy money.” She sarcastically said to Acid Breath. "That's the last time we let you come up with any plans." The door to the abandoned building suddenly opened as they saw a shadowy figure at the doorway.

"Great, it's that colt with the watch." Acid assumed. "Let's get out of here before we change into something to beat us up."

“Attention, freaks. You are now my minions.” Zs’Skayr said as he stepped forward. “Obey my commands, or feel my wrath.” But when the Freaks saw him, they all laughed at him hysterically as he glared at them. “I don’t think you realize who you’re dealing with.” He said as he then exited the colt’s body as the Freaks stopped laughing when they saw him.

The colt turned when he saw Zs’Skayr and screamed in fright before he exited the room and out the door. “I am not that colt.” He said as he floated towards them. “But serve me, and I promise you’ll never see him again.”

“What if we don’t want to help you?” Thumbskull questioned.

“I was hoping you’d ask.” Zs’Skayr said with a smirk before he flew into Thumbskull as he groaned and grunted as he fell to his knees before his eye color changed to Zs’Skayr’s.

“What’s happening to me?!” Thumbskull questioned before he was flung around the room before Zs’Skayr exited his body before tossing him to a wall as he fell to the floor as Acid Breath and Frightwig looked at him in horror.

"Any other questions you like to ask?!" He questioned them as they both looked nervous.

"W-When do we start, boss?" Acid asked.

"Tonight, and I promise that you'll have your revenge on the one who destroyed your last boss." Zs'Skayr told them.

Soon night fell as the group was out in the courtyard as Delta was holding up some sort of scanner. "We've been at this for like hours!" Misty complained with concern. "If that ghost guy trashes the campus, he'll never get admitted!" They all stopped and looked at her with a brow. "Not that it's not important as saving all of these innocent ponies." She quickly added with a sheepish smile.

"Nice save." Smolder told her sarcastically as they continued on.

Delta looked at his scanner as he picked up something. “I’m picking up some trace of spectral activity from around that corner.” He said.

“That’s my father.” Zs’Scoopy nodded in confirmation.

“Okay, let's get our game faces on." Helix told the others before he activated the Omnitrix and programmed Gax. The moment he pressed the two buttons and the core popped up, he slammed it down and transformed into the alien he wanted while Ocellus armor up, and the three disguised Young aliens took off their masks. "You guys ready to fight a ghost?"

“You know it, Helix.” Helen said with a smirk as she pulled her visor down, Attea ready her blaster, Venus ready his hoof, Hope ready her magic, Manny cracked his knuckles, and Ocellus armored up.

“Great. Let’s go.” Gax said as he walked forward. “Alright, Z-Freak! Let’s settle this!”

“Because Helix isn’t your’s to take you… Band Geek?” Attea said as they just saw one of the students sitting on a bench. The moment he saw them however, he got startled and rolled back out of the bench.

"Ah, more of them!" He screamed before he ran away from them.

“It’s okay! We’re the good guys!” Venus called out. “We swear!” He assured.

“Maybe we should becareful who we charge to.” Hope suggested with a sheepish look.

“Are you sure that tracker is working, Delta?” Sandbar asked with a brow.

“It should be.” Delta said.

"My dad must have possessed him to survive the daytime." Zs'spoocy theorized. "That's why we thought it was him."

“So if that wasn't Zs'Skayr, where is he now?" Manny questioned before they heard screaming coming from behind them. They saw multiple students running out of the building before they saw the Circuit Freaks holding the tour guide filly hostage in Frightwing's mane.

"We don't have time for you freaks, so the party's over!" Gax told them.

“You got it all wrong, tentacle-head.” Frightwig said with a smikr. “It’s just about to really get rolling!” She declared as Acid Breath steps in, with Zs’Skayr possessing him.

“And it’s a surprise party.” Zs’Skayr said as he exited Acid Breath. “Hello, daughter, made new friends?”

“Father.” Zs’Scoopy said with glared at him while the other half of the group cringed back.

"Whoa, you must have gotten your looks for your mom because that is a horror movie come to life.” Flash told her as he pointed to Zs'Skayr.

"He really puts the ‘ug’ in ugly." Misty groaned in disgust.

"You ain't seen nothing yet." Zs'Skayr told them before he flew straight towards Gax to try and possess him. But the moment he made contact, he ended up as slime all over him as Gax was trying to get him off him.

“Will you get off of me!” Gax called as he got a firm grip on Zs’Skayr and tossed him away as he reformed.

“What just happened?” Pinkie asked in surprise.

“It seems I cannot merge with him while he’s in alien forms.” Zs’Skayr theorizes. “No matter, time is on my side. You will be back to your equine form again soon enough.”

“But we have a surprise of our own.” Dust said as she raised a device and fired a beam at Zs’Skayr, which he barely dodged before his arm got hit as it started smoking.

“Daylight at night?!” Zs’Skayr exclaimed in shock and pain from the beam.

"Say hello to our Sungun, it can project a beam as bright as the sun." Dust told him with a smirk.

"Clever." Zs'Skayr mentioned before dodging another beam. "But not clever enough!" He then flew and started possessing Thumbskull again when the beam was being aimed right at him.

“I hate this!” Thumbskull groaned before Zs’Skayr took over.

“As long as I am in a host body, your weapon has no effect.” Zs’Skayr said as he charged at Gax and punched him back before Gax dodged him as he crushed a statue before Gax grabbed Thumbskull and summer-saulted him over his shoulder before knocking him into more pillars and tossed him to the ground.

Frightwing face-hoof herself before Acid Breath quickly jumped in and started breathing acid spit right at Gax. Gax quickly ran to dodge the acid before taking cover behind a statue which melted from the acid. The possessed Thumbskull soon stood up as Acid Breath jumped on top of them before Gax charged at them. Acid Breath continued to spit acid at him but he kept dodging it side to side until he knocked Acid Breath off of Thumbskull before using his tentacles to throw Thumbskull right the steps. Zs'Skayr quickly emerged from him before he possessed Frightwig and threw with the tour guide filly away. She was about to hit a wall if Misty had not caught her as they both crashed onto the ground.

Misty looked at the tour guide filly with a sheepish look. “Ha-ha. So should I turn in my admissions application to the main office, or just give it to you?” She asked.

Gax rushed in as Possessed Frightwig used her mane to toss Gax after catching him to the legs before he stood up and blocked each strikes before he grabbed her mane and pulled her to him as he glared at her before using her mane to tie her up and tossing her to the ground.

“Go ahead and play musical freaks all you want, Mr. Ghosty.” Gax said with a look. “I’ll just kick their flanks.”

Zs’Skayr then got out of Frightwig. “You’re right, maybe I need a new partner.” He said as he looked around and caught eyes at Helen helping Misty with the tour guide filly. "One who will be more interesting for you to battle against." He then flew straight towards them as Gax realized what he was going to do.

"Misty, Helen, look out, he's going for one of you!” He called out as Misty screamed when she saw Zs'Skayr coming at them. Helen quickly pushed both fillies out of the way before Zs'Skayr went into her and she fell to her knees. "Helen!"

Helen cringed as her eyes turned into Zs’Skayr's color eye as he gave a sinister chuckle as she retracted her visor. “Too late. Let’s have some fun.” Zs’Skayr said before he got up and kicked Gax back, who dodged Possessed Helen’s strikes as she used her superspeed around Gax. He kept blocking them before he grabbed her tail and tossed her to the wall as she fell to the floor.

Helen’s eyes returned as she groaned and rubbed her head before Gax towered her. “Helix? What are you doing?” She asked before Zs’Skayr to control again and sweep his legs with her tail. A vine then shot out of the ground before grabbing the possessed Helen and hanging her up as Venus was using his power.

"Helen, if you can hear me, you gotta fight him!” He called out as Possessed Helen gave a smirk.

“She can’t while I’m in control.” Zs’Skayr said before he used Helen’s hand to speed up and broke free, but a cube suddenly formed around her as Hope was using her magic.

"Then we'll just break that control." Hope said before the possessed Helen started running around from within the cube at a very high speed. Hope was surprised as she tried to hold the cube together, but cracks formed before it break completely, sending Hope back.

“Good luck trying.” Zs’Skayr said as he sped off before Manny got in front of her and punched her down.

“I’m gonna say this once, freak. Get out of my friend’s body!” Manny yelled as he was about to give another punch, but Possessed Helen then sped around him and give multiple quick punches as Manny cried out in pain before he was uppercutted to the chin and fell to the floor before he sped up. “I hate superspeed.” He muttered in pain.

Ocellus flew over head and started firing stun blasts at Possessed Helen, but she kept avoiding her shots as she took out some benches and trees. “She is too fast! I can’t get a shot!” She called before a trashcan was tossed at her, sending her falling.

“Can’t hit a moving target!” Zs’Skayr quipped as he kept moving before Attea got in front of her and delivered a strong punch to the face, which knocked Possessed Helen down a bit as she rubbed her head.

“Not gonna lie, that felt good.” Attea said before Possessed Helen stood up and growled before she grabbed Attea’s arm and spun her around very quickly before letting her go as Attea felt dizzy and fell to the floor. “Okay… bad call.” She said before Possessed Helen then sped up the wall and into the roof of a building.

"Oh no you don't!" Gax called out as he leap towards the building rooftop after the possessed Helen. The others followed by flight or by climbing after the two.

Possessed Helen made it to the top just as Gax came as well as the two stare at each other, but then the Omnitrix started beeping, much to Gax’s horror and Zs’Skayr’s delight. “Ah, music to my ears.” He said just as the Omnitrix timed out as Helix backed away while Possessed Helen marched up to him.

“Helix!” Dust called out as she tossed her son the Sungun, which Helix quickly grabbed and aimed it at Possesed Helen.

“Come on out, so I can fry your pale flank!” Helix challenged.

“I have an even better idea. Drop the weapon, and I’ll possess you and take over the world!” Zs’Skayr declared.

“Fat chance!” Helix said before Possessed Helen quickly ran to the edge of the roof.

"Then you better hope she doesn't fall as fast as she runs!" Zs'Skayr told him as he was threatening Helen's life. “Your choice hero, your friend's life or the Omnitrix."

The others all gasped as Possessed Helen stepped back a bit when they got close to her, but then she groaned as her eyes returned to normal. “Helix? Guys? W-What’s happening?” She asked before the Circus Freaks got their bearings and jumped up to the side before Zs’Skayr regained control. “The next sound you hear, will be your girlfriend’s screams as she takes a big dive!” he declared before giving out a sinister laugh.

Helix looked at her for a moment before he gave a sad look and dropped the Sun Gun to the ground before kicking it to the side. "Now let her go." He told Zs'Skayr before she let out a yell when he released her.

“Wised, choice.” Zs’Skayr said as Rainbow quickly caught Helen and put her down and away from the edge as she groaned and looked at Helix.

“Helix… don’t…” Helen pleaded as Zs’Skayr flew between Helix and the Circus Freaks.

“Eliminate them all!” He ordered the freaks as they charged up them.

“We had a deal, you Nightmare Night reject!” Helix yelled angrily.

“You had a deal with me, not them.” Zs’Skayr countered. "After all, I promised them revenge against you and what better way to get revenge than making you watch as they destroy your friends and family?!" Helix then saw the circus freaks grab hold of his friends and family and was about to crush them before he saw the sun gun he tossed away. He tried to grab for it before Zs'Skayr quickly synced his claws into him. Helix then screamed in pain as he could feel Zs'Skayr trying to take over.

"Helix, no!" Helen cried out before they all saw green lightning shooting up from the Omnitrix. Soon the Omnitrix turned green and the core quickly popped up as Helix tried to reach for it while Zs'Skayr was about to possess him. Zs'spoocy clenched her fist as she quickly flew over and slammed down on the core as they were all blinded by a flash of green light. When the light died down, all they saw was Zs'Skayr holding his daughter by the throat.

"Nice try my dear, but you're too--" he was going to say before he started gagging and something in his body started moving like it was trying to push out. Soon an Ectoneurite with green chains around his wrists and neck emerged from him as he had one green eye and the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

“Looking for someone, freak?” The Ectoneurite said while tapping to the Omnitrix on his chest. “And by the way, the name’s Ghostfreak! And also, have you showered at all in your time here in Equestria?!”

“Get him, you fools!” Zs’Skayr yelled as they tried to attack Ghostfreak after letting his friends and family go as Frightwig swung her mane around, but it only went right through him and hit Thumbskull instead.

"Nice shot, but try aiming higher next time. That way he'll get more blood to his head." Ghostfreak joked before dodging some acid spit from Acid Breath. But Thumbskull cringed in pain as he fell down, much to Zs’Skayrs frustration as he saw Ghostfreak and Zs'spoocy phasing through the walls. "Hey freak, come and get me!"

Zs’Skayr was about to follow before turning to the Freaks. “Get them!” He ordered as he pointed to the heroes as they went down stairs and the Freaks followed before Zs’Skayr phased through the wall and saw that he was in the middle of the clock tower. “You can run, but you can’t hide!” He called while searching around for Ghostfreak and Zs’spoocy.

The Circuit Freaks soon arrived in a kitchen as they were looking for the group. "Spread out, they couldn't have gotten far." Acid Breath told the other two as they split up.

Thumbskull searched the fridge as he ate some desert before closing it before he saw a relection of Manny behind him, which he turned and growled as he chased after him. Manny ran to a storage room as he opened it up just as Thumbskull charged at him, but Manny grabbed him and flipped him over as he crashed into the shelves and to the ground.

“That was for draining me and my friends of our happiness.” Manny said with a look before he closed the door.

Misty, Twilight, and Attea looked around just as Acid Breath moved the counter as he looked at them with a smirk. “It’s just you three and me, preciouses.” He said.

“Bring it on, stink-breath!” Misty challenged as Acid was about to breathed out, but Misty quickly grabbed a fire extenguisher and sprayed him directly in his mouth as Acid began coughing to get the taste out before Attea grabbed a frying pan and knocked him out could as he fell to the ground.

“Great thinking, Misty.” Twilight complimented.

"Thanks, that guy needs like a thousand breath mints.” Misty mentioned before Frightwig jump onto the counter and knocked them all down. She then used her mane to squeezed the three girls as they struggled to break free.

But then Helen came in and carried a large jug of cider and dumped it on her as she fell and tripped to the ground as the others regrouped as Helen gave them a thumbs up.

Back in the clocktower room, Zs’Skayr was searching around for his daughter and Ghostfreak as they kept hiding behind some pillars. “It’s not fair that even when you’re invisible, Ectonurites can still see you.” Zs’Scoopy muttered in annoyance.

"No, but that would also mean we can still touch each other." Ghostfreak added before he phased through the floor. Zs'Skayr soon poked his head through a pillar before he was suddenly punched in the face by Ghostfreak when he came up from the floor. "You want my Omnitrix, this one right here?" He taunted as he pointed to the Omnitrix on his chest.

“Sorry, father, but it’s already taken.” Zs’Scooby said as she came up from behind him and whipped her father back as he flew through the walls as each ghosts were punching Zs’Skayr repeatedly as they knocked him to the ground.

“At this rate, we’ll beat him in…” Ghostfreak was cut off when the Omnitrix started beeping. “Oh, poop.” He muttered as Zs’Skayre came to the same conclusion. “Aw, man, not now!” He called out.

"Yes now." Zs'Skayr said with delight. “Just think of it, with the power of the Omnitrix and your DNA, nothing can stop me!" Both Ghostfreak and Zs'spoocy had to think fast before he the Omnitrix time down until Ghostfreak noticed a bit of sunlight on his hand as both of them saw sunlight coming from behind curtains of the tower.

“Well, it’s time for you to see the light, father!” Zs’spoocy said as she and Ghostfreak pulled down the curtains as Zs’Skayr hissed in pain as he tried to escape it, but there was no shade as he screamed in pain and them crumbled into dust in a burst of flame just before the Omnitrix timed out and Helix transformed back as he landed on the railing and sighed in relief.

“So glad it’s finally over.” Helix said in relief before turning to Zs’spoocy. “Hey, thanks for your help. And uh, sorry about your dad.”

“It’s okay. He was already lost in the dark as it is that he couldn’t handle the light.” Zs’spoocy assured as she saw the remains of her father spreading all over the room. “Literally.”

After regrouping and the police arriving, they arrested the circus freaks as the tour guide passed them before looking at Misty. She then gave a huff before walking away as Misty had a sad look on her face. “Something tells me I'm never getting into the school." She muttered.

"Oh come on, you don't need this dumb school to prove you're smart.” Helix told his cousin. “I mean, you saw how they all just ran away from those freaks while you were able to take them on. That's proof enough you're smarter than any of these snobs and posers." Misty looked at him for a moment before pulling him in for a hug.

"That's gotta be the nicest thing you've ever said to me." She mentioned with a smile. “Thanks, Helix.” She said before she broke the hug and walked off.

“Ugh!” Helix criedn ind disgust, but once the others are out of sight, he gave a small smile and chuckled.

“You really meant it to your cousin, huh?” Helen asked, which made Helix startled as he turned and saw her leaning on the wall.

“He-Helen! I-I thought you were with the others.” Helix said nervously.

"Hey, it's okay." Helen said with a smile. “I won't breathe a word of this to anyone."

"Neither will I." They both jumped when they heard Zs'spoocy speak up before they turned to see her. "You won't mind if I come along, will you? I'm kind of getting tired of this place."

"Sure, after the way you handle those freaks back in the gym, we could use someone like you on our team." Helix told her before she quickly hugged him.

"Thank you." She said as Helen could hear a loving tone in her voice. “This is gonna be one wild ride.” She said as she flew off to where the others are going.

“Heheh, that’s another member added to the team.” Helix said as he was about to walk off, but Helen grabbed him by the shoulder. “What?” He asked her in confusion.

She didn't say anything as she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “That's for sacrificing yourself to save me." She told him with a warm smile and blush before she went to join the others.

Helix gave a blush in return as he gave a sheepish smile. “U-Uh, you’re welcome, Helen.” He stuttered while holding his cheek where Helen kissed him as he gave a small smile before walking up to the others. They have stopped the Circus Freaks, defeated an alien ghost, got a new member of the team, and now, looks like something more than friendship is growing. Nothing could ruin this until Helix let out a gasp when he saw Misty unpacking her bags in the mobile base. "What are you doing here?!"

"What's it look like?" She asked rhetorically. "I'm coming with you guys. Seems like your summer is much more fun than what I have planned."

"Oh man…" Helix groaned as he felt the fun part of his summer had just ended.

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